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ROLL NO :- 19421070

I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my teacher who gave me the golden
opportunity to do this wonderful project on instagram marketing . I came to know about many
new things . I am really thankful to them.

Secondly, I would like to thanks my parents who provided me with all the resources for
completion of the project and friends who have duly helped me in my project.

Also known as IG or INSTA is a photo and video sharing social networking service in form of
application (APP).
It is owned by FACEBOOK, Inc.
It was designed by KEVIN SYSTROM and MIKE KRIEGER.
Formally, it was launched on iOS in October 2010.
After getting recognition, it was released for Android devices in April 2012.
From 2016 it was also made available in form of APP. for windows 10 mobiles and in website form for
windows 10 computers and laptops.
Person can create a personal account or a business account as per their requirements.
Personal account can also be converted to business account and vice-versa.
Users can link their account with other social sites and can share same information as on instagram
Instagram permits users to upload photos and videos on their profiles that can be emended with the
help of many filters , tags , location , stickers , status , etc features present in application.
Users can find others account by their names , location and tags.
Many new features like messaging or DM, facility to add more than one picture or videos in a single
post (max 10) and as well as ‘‘STORIES’’ which are visible for 24 hours each were added.
Later, “Archieve” feature was added for users to hide their posts from public visibility.
In November 2016, Instagram LIVE was launched in which users can share their live videos and can
interact live with other uers through it . Nowdays it is the most widely and likely used feature of
instagram .
Instagram also added EXPLORE label to endorse public stories from nearby locatons and mostly
viewed uers.
IGTV- launched in June 2018 , alloes users to make their own videos of 10 minutes and for certified
users to 60 minutes .

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Following the launch in October, Instagram had about 1 billion+ users in December 2010.

Current Instagram statistics are as follow :-

 No. of users active monthly on instagram = 1 billion+

 No. of users active daily on instagram = 500 million+
 No. of users uploading stories daily = 500 million+
 No. of likes per day on posts of instagram = 4.2 billion+
 No. of videos and photos posted per day = 100 million+
 No. of photos shared to date = 40 billion.


 Out of TEN online adults SIX have IG profile.

 72% TEENS are IG users .

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Download APP Create account PHOTO


INSTAGRAM MARKETING is a type of SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING which further comes under DIGITAL MARKETING. So, let’s

first understand , What is MARKETING? What is DIGITAL MARKETIN? What is SOICALMEDIA MARKETING? Than we will start with main


MARKETING :- Marketing is the study and management of trade relationships. Marketing is the business
procedure of creating associations with and gratifying customers with its spotlight on the customer, marketing is
one of the foremost gears of business management. Marketing is termed by the American Marketing
Association as "the action, set of institutions , and course for creating, conversing , conveying , and trading
offers that have significance for customers, clients, partners, and the public at bulk, The term developed from
the original meaning which exactly means going to market with goods for sale.

DIGITAL MARKETING – It is the concept of promoting products or services through digital

technologies with the help of internet on mobiles or other digital stages .
Digital marketing channels are organization based on the internet that can generate , accelerate , and broadcast
product value from producer to the final consumer by digital networks.
Digital marketing's progress since the 1990s and 2000s has altered the way brands and businesses use
technology for advertising. As digital platforms are all the time more integrated into marketing policies and
everyday life, and as people use digital devices instead of visiting corporeal shops, digital marketing movement
are becoming more widespread and resourceful .


1. Content marketing
2. Search Engine Marketing
3. Search Engine Optimization
4. Social Media Marketing
5. Pay Per Click Advertising
6. Affiliated Marketing
7. Email Marketing
8. Instant Messaging Marketing
9. Radio Advertising
10. Telivision Advertising


It is the technique of advertising services or products through social media . Even though e- and digital
marketing are in excessive use but social media is more trendy in the market.
Which social media network to select will relise on 3 main aspects :
1. Where ones target customers are mainly concentrated.
2. Where ones target customers are the majority accessible.
3. Where ones target customers approximately intensely connect with advertisement.

The best platforms to invest your advertisment money nowdays are as following-.
1. Facebook. 2. Instagram

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3.Twitter. 4. Pinterest.

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5.LinkedIn. 6.Snapchat

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7. Youtube


What is Instagram marketing?

Through IG marketing brands attract the audience on instagram and promote their service and products.. It also
helps in getting recognition , hire new employees, directly interact with customers, and promote their services
or products in an unique way.

Alike Facebook and Twitter whoever construct an Instagram account has a profile and updates. Customer can
interrelate with others via following, being followed, direct messaging, and commenting or liking photos or
videos. The in-APP filters and editing choices Instagram presentation makes the APP more exclusive as it was
the first APP to propose in-APP editing to this degree.

Instagram permits user to upload photos and videos on their account and amend them with a variety of filters..
These fixed filters modify photos by adding light, making the picture warm or cool pitch, growing or
diminishing diffusion, etc . Moreover, person can tidy up images openly in the APP itself rather than using any
other photo editor. If one particular filter is not to their liking than they can utilize Instagram’s editing features,
to separately adjust the dissimilarity, dullness, formation, warmness, diffusion, unevenness, etc.

Instagram Marketing Basic Strategy-

1. Firstly find routine audiences. This could be users produced by pixel track, an email record, a followers
directory or another means. Record of customers who have linked with you previously perform most
2. When your previous custom viewers, similar viewers as previous must be your next target.
Facebook/Instagram’s search router is great at discovering similar viewers that will react liking to your
3. Conventional pictures of users are important as it accumulate photos RATHER than working on
4. Create attractive offers . Instagram’s image character attracts desireable buyers but they might not buy
or view that if you haven’t present something persuasive.
5. Hashtags are mandatory as they motivate users and grandly connect with niche instagramers .

Instagram statistics of Business accounts {}

 Instagram engages with brands TEN TIMES more higher than other social platforms.
 Business profiles = 25 MILLION+
 Instagram is used by 71% U.S marketers.
 Instagram users following business accounts is 80%.
 New products and services are discovered by 85% of users daily.
 Instagram assists 80% of users choose which sevice or product to buy.
 About 30% users by some product or servive(s)on their mobile APP.
 Daily about 200 million users chechk out one business account.
 Instagram is used by about 2 million advertisers all over the world.
 Funded videos get 3 times more comments than funded photos.


If you are not using instagram for you buisnes marketing than here are few good reasons to startup you
business marketing on instagram .Since its foundation, Instagram has established as a influencial digital
marketing platform for businesses. It is beneficial for companies or brands thinking to develop their existence
and for promotion of their products.

1. Millions of Instagram Users- According to the stats of Instagram, there are currently about eight
hundred million active users. Out of these millions users about five hundred million day to day users and thirty
eight percent only surfe the account numerous times a day. With that loads of accessible users, there is no limit
to accomplish a top business with a fanatical Instagram plan.

2. Any size of business can thrive.

Among so many active users to pick from there is no limit for business to get promotion. That goes for
large,well-known MNCs as well as smaller single-manhanded business.Even the well setup MNCs can’t get
well success achievement in a day, but if their promotion team wants to get their business on top, they can
achieve so by being active online and sustain a regular update of at least one post a day.

3. Direct money can be made from instagram.

Instagram has progressed and updated over the years therefore it has better prominence of earning money by
product promotion. The most up-to-date feature is called shopable posts which allow businesses to pin tags to
the products and services in their photos along with links that comprise a product explanation, cost and the
facility to "shop now," which directs the user to retailer’s online store.Due to this new feature, attracting actual
sales has been simplified for business and with seventy two percent of Instagram users admited to buy product
and services through this social media platform.

4. Stories create your business significant.

Instagram is a big platform to demonstrate prospective customers that you are more than just a anonymous firm.
This can be made by numerous app's features, but you can truly build an intuition with live posts and stories.
The relevant method to utilise live stories is to let people see behind-the-scenes snippets of your company and
employs. FOR examples the videos that illustrate how products are prepared, videos of organization workers
intermingle among themselves and live question and answers conference between you and your spectators.

Instagram live posts are also superb mode to construct connection, faith and reliability with followers and
presenting them labor operations of your business. If clients notice you as more than an unit looking to earn
money, then they may get more expectation and hopes from your product.

5. Efficiently connecting with customers.

What is superior way of making your presence known to customers? How regarding chance to connect with
them each day? The reality is that public like to express their opinions and desires something therefore IG is
platform on which users like, comment and share their nearly all wanted posts. Companies promotion and
business marketing all depends upon no of likes and comments they get.

6. Mobility is king.
Contrasting to Facebook and Twitter, that started as browser-based sites, IG was formed primaly to be an APP .
Since 90 percent of time mobile time is spent on APPs, company can be the leader of promotion and make
their products posts reachable to customers wherever they are through IG. Smartphone client lean to Instagram
as it has a cleaner and manageable presentation than the muddled view that Facebook produces, and
with Instagram having TEN times higher active users than on Facebook marketing is more efficiently done.

7. Competitors can be analysed regularly.

Through Instagram , keen eye and regular updates on opposite companies can be kep. You can keep noting how
many followers they have , what are their strategies , what measures they are taking to attract consumers
towards themselves, what they are posting and how often, etc.It will help you or your company to use the
information you assembled to enhance your own personal strategy for marketing.

Drawbacks of Instagram for Business

Most likely the first Instagram drawback is that Instagram is not a medium that just focus on businesses.
Generally, users are using Instagram to surpass their free time and bond with other users. There is only a little
amount of users who have purpose to buy the product or service they spot on their timeline. Due to which, using
Instagram as the only medium to advertise your business directs to the following disadvantages.

1.The Biggest Disadvantage is its Advantage

IMAGES and VIDEOS are main content that is advantage of Instagram which can be turn out to be major
disadvantage instagram. This implies that you have to be very aware of the images or videos you post as it acts
as content and will attract followers. Dull and boring pictures will make audience that follow you to skip your
page in their timeline and not read the messages you want to convey in your status.

2. Everyone Is Not on Instagram

As everyone doesn’t use instagram to socialize it may come out to disadvantage for marketing. Instagram
isworks only on an iPhone and Android app therefore if you are using Blackberry, or Linux it would not install
on it. This problem will inhibit you to reach your target addressees.

3.Limitations on Your Contents

Instagram has 60 seconds long limit of posting the video therefore you have to explain about your product or
service in 60 seconds video only. Therefore it comes as big drawbacks as you won’t be able to further give
explanations of your product in your post. Also, the ultimate length of captions on Instagram is 138-150
characters. For commercial purpose, the ideal length of the caption is 125 Characters which is very less.

ALSO, using too many hashtags threats to get your profile banned therefore you can only use 5-7 hashtags only.

4.Difficulty in advertising

Targeting and attracting local market is really problamativ on Instagram as it has fewer choices to target users .
Also big and financially stable companies or buisness can only afford the commercial on Instagram as it is very
expensive to sponsored by instagram.

In the current world where there are 70 percent of internet users online on social networks, who waste at
slightest of one hour a day regularly on these social networks from which it is concluded that social networks
have turn out to be a kind of truth through which people converse, interrelate, and clearly have belief. We also
have to be aware that more than 60 percent of those users are in contact with social networks through mobile
devices, with well-built sign that this percent will raise with time.
In such world, we have to declare that social networks are a new element of authenticity that has turn out to be a
component of the business world . About 90% marketing companies state that they will make use of social
networks for business, while over 60% of them state to have obtained new customers .The social media can
benefit to conclusion available by business expert , which is why execution of those has turn out to be a part of
business operation. That’s why social media marketing is no longer measured to be on test instead it has
become a vital element of the business world. Its significant to recognize and investigate your digital plan and
conclude whether or not Instagram is a good fit for your marketing. From there plan and execute your ideas.
Instagram is also going overboard to help marketeering and advertising companies to grow their buisness..


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