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Karawang, 18 October 2017

Dear Mr/Mrs

I heard information from Internet that your company is developing very well and
needs new employees for Staff position. I therefore would like to apply for the
position you may offer. I am 22 years old. I was educated at AMIKOM Sultan
Agung Bekasi for Informatics Management. Department and graduated from it in
2016 with GPA 3.21. In this school of Informatics,

I get my skill in speaking and writing English and operate computer. I have
experience 3 years in PT. Cooking Star Indonesia as Leader Marketing,2 year in
PT. Hankook Tire Indonesia as Operator Bunburry Mixxing, Small and Big
Chemical,1 year in PT. GS Battery Karawang as Operator Produksi, 1 years in PT.
Indonesia Epson Industry as OQC/QA.

For further consideration, here with, I enclose my application letter, transcript and
curriculum vitae. Thank you so much I am looking forward to hearing your reply
for join and grow up together.

I could be contacted by phone number : 0815-9022-443

Yours faithfully,

Andrea Fransilla

I. Personal Data
1. Name : Andrea Fransilla
2. date and place of birth : Bekasi , 11 Maret 1995
3. gender : Man
4. religion : Islam
5. Marital status : married
6. Citizen : Indonesia
: Kp.Kedung Gede Rt.003/Rw.001
7. Address ID Desa, Kedungwaringin
Kec. Kedungwaringin Kab. Bekasi
: Kp.Kedung Gede Rt.003/Rw.001
8. Current address Desa, kedungwaringin
Kec. Kedungwaringin Kab. Bekasi
9. Mobile Phone Number : 08159022443
10. e-mail :
11. Postal code : 17540

II. Formal education :

Period (Year) School / Institution / University Major

2000 - 2006 SDN 03 Kedungwaringin -

2006 - 2009 SMP Plus AL-ITTIHAD -

2009 - 2012 SMAN 1 Kedungwaringin IPA

2013 - 2016 AMIKOM Sultan Agung Bekasi Informatics Management

III. Non Formal Education / Training - Seminar

year Institutions / Agencies Skills

Mengoprasikan Mc Ofice, Excel dan

- -


2016 Internet Of Things (IOT)
2016 Cyber Learning and IT Computer (CLICK)

IV. Work Experience History

Period Agency / Company position

05-Mei-2012 - 24-Mei-2013 PT Cooking Star Indonesia Leader Marketing

Operator Production
18-Mei-2013 - 17-Mei-2015 PT Hankook Tire Indonesia (Bunburry Mixxing)

21-Sep-2015 - 21-Sep-2016 PT GS Battery Karawang Operator Production

19-Nov-2016 - 18-Nov-2017 PT Indonesia Epson Industry OQC/QA

VI. Rincian Pekerjaam :

o Operating System SAP, Oracle And
Wms. o Creating Reporting By Excel.
o Make Planning, take care of inventory.
o Make Form Cycle count, Picking And Putaway Audit.
o Provide materials for boss meetings and make reports for company leaders.
o take care of all production needs

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