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EVERYDAY ENGLISH | Shopping in the High Street 1 Listen and complete the conversations with the words in the boxes. 1 [toomany sort all enough A. Ti like some batteries, please. B What_sort _ do you want? AAA, please. B Would you like a packet of four or six? A Sixis___. Four is B Anything else? ‘A That’s____, thanks. toobig large else € Can Thave some toothpaste, please? D Small or © The large is. D Anything ___ C No, thanks, How much is that? ‘The small is fine. 3 [toomuch better only Tm looking fora nice pen. What about this one? Its £25 No, that’s ‘Well, this one is £12. ‘That’s___.. And I need some pencils as well. ‘There are ten pencils in this packet. But I____want two! ‘Tm afraid I only have packets of ten. Sorry. amt eo I don't want to spend that much. 2. Work with a partner. Learn two of the conversations. ‘Act them in front of the class. 3. Have similar conversations using other things on the shopping list on ps. Sounding polite 4 GERD Listen, and look at these lines of conversation in café. Which sound more polite? Can have a sandwich? ‘cup of te. ould you bring me a smoothie? (like a coffee, please. want a latte. Give me some cake with that! 5 Complete the conversation in a café. ‘A. Hi! What can I get you? B Udtke A. Sure. Have in or take away? a latte, please. Have in, ‘And what size do you want? Small, medium, or large? + please, >o>o Would you like anything to eat? A croissant? Some toast? some toast, please? some honey with the toast? B A No problem. B A. Sure, Take a seat and I'll bring it over. EEXEB Listen and compare. Practise the conversation. ‘Try to sound polite. 6 Have similar conversations in a café with different things to eat and drink.

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