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HTML (Front end)

Hypertext Markup Language

Hypertext is basically text that contains links to other texts. You can click on these links to jump to
other pages or sections of text. The Markup part refers to HTML tags and the text inside them. We’ll
talk more about tags later, but here’s a quick example:

<b>This text should be bold.</b>

In this case, <b> and </b> are the HTML tags. They are marking the enclosed text as “bold” - hence,
the “markup” element of HTML. Finally, HTML is a language.

computer language used for the creation of websites / You can see it directly in your browser, so you
can see the output of what you’re doing straight away / HTML describes how a document should be
displayed by an internet browser / You can understand it because it uses English

The front-end code is your web page and everything that your user sees. It includes the HTML that
gives your web page its structure, the CSS that makes that page look great and the JavaScript, or in
our case the JQuery, code that gives it functionality.

PSD & HTML designs of all frontend web pages

For the languages & framework web design for the best appearance, functionality & performance,
we prefer custom development using Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, JQuery etc.

6+ year Exp in Web development(PHP,Mageto .NET, Firebase,JAVA,HTML5).

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript etc with testing all Ipads and Tablets

Once you’ve practiced with a little bit of HTML, you will realise quite quickly that you’ll need to learn
to code CSS to style it; this means using colours, fonts, choosing the placement of icons on the page
and so on. If you don’t have CSS, your webpage will look very dull with the default HTML styling, so
CSS is always the next step.

I chose to write a mobile-responsive site in vanilla CSS/JavaScript. Usually, I would have downloaded
the latest version of Bootstrap but I wanted this to be a learning experience as much of an attempt
to show off my current skills.

For the languages & framework for the best appearance, functionality & performance, we prefer
custom development using Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS etc.

Native Android with Java SDK, Native iOS with Objective C SDK, Swift, React Native, Flutter, PHP,
MySQL,Angular, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, etc.

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript etc with testing all Ipads and Tablets

-Website design,HTML,CSS,jquery

4. Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Blazor, Angular, React, Vue

Front end – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Typical web applications can be thought of as having two parts. The server-side and the front-end.

The server-side code is code your users never see. It’s the code that is responsible for the logic of
your application, the code that saves data to a database, etc.

The front-end code is your web page and everything that your user sees. It includes the HTML that
gives your web page its structure, the CSS that makes that page look great and the JavaScript, or in
our case the JQuery, code that gives it functionality.


Once you’re au fait with HTML and CSS, JavaScript comes next which will be your first real coding
language. JavaScript is involved with anything that changes the way the page looks — like if the page
moves or there is general movement anywhere on the page.

JQuery is a library, written in JavaScript, that is used to simplify front-end code that manipulates

Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime to build fast, scalable network
applications easily.

Languages: Python, Lua, JavaScript, PHP

2. Python/PHP/JavaScript/CSS/HTML Fixes

I chose to write a mobile-responsive site in vanilla CSS/JavaScript. Usually, I would have downloaded
the latest version of Bootstrap but I wanted this to be a learning experience as much of an attempt
to show off my current skills.

For the languages & framework for the best appearance, functionality & performance, we prefer
custom development using Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS etc.

PHP, PHP Frameworks, CMS, Javascript, Mobile ( Native and Cross Platform)

React, Ionic, Angular, JavaScript, MySQL, Hydrid mobile application, front & back-end web and
mobile development services

Angular. j's, Bootstrap, React, JavaScript, Python, Laravel, Java, Word Press, PHP, and its frameworks

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript etc with testing all Ipads and Tablets

I have been creating high quality and excellent iOS and Android apps for 6+ years using Swift,
Objectiv-C, Java, Javascript

and using javascript, reactjs, angularjs, vuejs, php, c# for frontend

4. Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Blazor, Angular, React, Vue

I understood that you want a software developed which will run on PC, Mobile devices. JavaScript is
the perfect technology for this. Software developed using Electron.js can be install and run on PC. On
the other hand React Native is for developing IOS and Android apps. Both of this is based on
JavaScript language
The MVC, or model-view-controller, framework is an architectural pattern used to create web and
desktop applications. Many other web frameworks use this pattern, such as AngularJS (Javascript),
Django (Python) and CakePHP (PHP). It structures code by separating the logic of the application into
three interconnected parts. The Model represents the logic of the application, the data objects and
high-level classes associated with them. The View is essentially the visual representation of the data
(the template files, in other words), and the Controller is the piece which connects the other two,
responding to user input and gathering data from the Model to render in the View. This pattern
cleans up the application logic and makes Ruby on Rails applications very flexible.

JavaScript (frontend frameworks – Angular, React and Vue)

Most people would consider Angular and Vue as frameworks, but there’s a lot of debate on whether
React is a framework or library. All semantics aside, whether you want to call them libraries or
frameworks, these three technologies are ultimately a bunch of JavaScript code written by others
that helps make web development easier for us. All we have to do is bring in the code to our
applications and we can start utilizing all the pre-written features!

Front end – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Back end – Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript (node JS), .NET (C#, VB), SQL, Perl

Ruby On Rails

Ruby on Rails is a backend language, which means it takes care of everything that’s happening on
the server (so all of the calculations that need to be made before you even see a webpage). It
became a very popular programming language because it is easy to create something quickly with it.
Before Ruby, a coder would have to do a lot of coding on the server, but with RoR a lot of things are
taken care of automatically because of the systematic way that it’s built. The thing about Ruby on
Rails is that it’s a very structured language, so you can’t really make mistakes. After learning RoR I
thought I would have to delete all of the code I’d written as a beginner, assuming it was unusable,
but actually even the code I wrote from the very beginning wasn’t so bad.

If you’re looking to set up your own company, or work for a startup, then Ruby on Rails is definitely
the language to learn. However, if you’re thinking about working for a larger, more established firm,
it might be an idea to learn PHP as that is a common language among conglomerates and larger
organisations, even though it is 20 years old. The reason they’re still using this language is because
that is how they’ve built everything in the first place.

Ultimately you will need to be able to read, understand, maintain and update their current code in
the same language, so it retains its relevancy.

Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework which runs via the Ruby programming

(Currently the hottest of the hot among startups worldwide!)

Python, Ruby on Rails, Perl, PHP, Java, C#, C++ and Qt

“Ruby on Rails – or more accurately the Ruby language and the Rails framework – provides a
complete set of application development tools. The benefit is that much of the heavy lifting of web
application development is done for you. Ruby programmers tend to be very satisfied with the
language, syntax and related suite of tools.”

Put simply, Ruby is a programming language, while Ruby on Rails is a framework that is built in Ruby.
In developer circles “Ruby on Rails” is usually just referred to as “Rails”.

Ruby on Rails aims to simplify the creation of web applications. It does so by creating default
structures for your code, your application’s database and the web pages your application will serve
up to the client. Seeing as Ruby on Rails runs on a web server and serves up information to client
programs (web browsers), it’s said to be a server-side or back-end application.

David Heinemeier Hanson, the creator of the Ruby on Rails framework, said in an interview on the
“This Developer’s Life” podcast that he chose Ruby as the programming language because it was
concise, easy to use and supported high-level software engineering patterns he needed, unlike PHP
which he had experimented with.

Ruby On Rails Is An MVC Framework

The MVC, or model-view-controller, framework is an architectural pattern used to create web and
desktop applications. Many other web frameworks use this pattern, such as AngularJS (Javascript),
Django (Python) and CakePHP (PHP). It structures code by separating the logic of the application into
three interconnected parts. The Model represents the logic of the application, the data objects and
high-level classes associated with them. The View is essentially the visual representation of the data
(the template files, in other words), and the Controller is the piece which connects the other two,
responding to user input and gathering data from the Model to render in the View. This pattern
cleans up the application logic and makes Ruby on Rails applications very flexible.

Back end – Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript (node JS), .NET (C#, VB), SQL, Perl
Typical web applications can be thought of as having two parts. The server-side and the front-end.

The server-side code is code your users never see. It’s the code that is responsible for the logic of
your application, the code that saves data to a database, etc.

The front-end code is your web page and everything that your user sees. It includes the HTML that
gives your web page its structure, the CSS that makes that page look great and the JavaScript, or in
our case the JQuery, code that gives it functionality.

JQuery is a library, written in JavaScript, that is used to simplify front-end code that manipulates

App's front-end development

• Coding-Functionality Development-(integration of frontend with backend)

PSD & HTMl designs of all frontend web pages

Frontend and backend developers, project manager and a designer

React, Ionic, Angular, JavaScript, MySQL, Hydrid mobile application, front & back-end web and
mobile development services

Front-end: Angular (Using angular framework is the most effective language. We can share many
components between web/mobile/desktop application).

and using javascript, reactjs, angularjs, vuejs, php, c# for frontend

Initially, we'll provide two different and dynamic options for your desktop application's layout design
out of which you will be having the option to select anyone so that we can start the designing
process of the inner screens according to the chosen design style. When the initial concept has been
finalized then we will start designing remaining inner screens of your desktop application and one by
one we'll finalize each screen which is required in our app to finalize the compete front-end of your
desktop application. When the complete design of your desktop app has been approved from your
side by going back and forth to implement changes and other amendment that are required from
your side then after that we'll move on towards the next phase of your project.

Phase 2: (Desktop Application)

When we have our front-end design ready then we'll start encoding process to create the tables,
charts, fields, all of the front-end features, functions, and even navigation completely functional for
testing. When the front-end of the app is completely coded then we'll send a file over to you that
you can install to test all of the front-end stuff of your application and if there are any changes,
amendments, etc provided from your side then we'll implement them in order to move towards the
final functionality part.

Pen testing can involve the attempted breaching of any number of application systems, (e.g.,
application protocol interfaces (APIs), frontend/backend servers) to uncover vulnerabilities, such as
unsanitized inputs that are susceptible to code injection attacks.

JavaScript (frontend frameworks – Angular, React and Vue)

Front end – HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Ruby on Rails is a backend language, which means it takes care of everything that’s happening on
the server (so all of the calculations that need to be made before you even see a webpage). It
became a very popular programming language because it is easy to create something quickly with it.
Before Ruby, a coder would have to do a lot of coding on the server, but with RoR a lot of things are
taken care of automatically because of the systematic way that it’s built. The thing about Ruby on
Rails is that it’s a very structured language, so you can’t really make mistakes. After learning RoR I
thought I would have to delete all of the code I’d written as a beginner, assuming it was unusable,
but actually even the code I wrote from the very beginning wasn’t so bad.

My professional experience has almost entirely been dedicated to implementing and maintaing
backend infastructure in PHP and Python. I've used many frameworks but I'm most familiar with
Laravel (which this site uses) and Flask. I'm very familiar with WordPress and have written several
plugins and themes from scratch for clients.

2. Create Backend structures that integrate with Android applications and web interfaces.

• Coding-Functionality Development-(integration of frontend with backend)

backend developer sometimes is used to develop backend and admin in 3days.

Frontend and backend developers, project manager and a designer

● Web based Admin/Super Admin backend

React, Ionic, Angular, JavaScript, MySQL, Hydrid mobile application, front & back-end web and
mobile development services

we are using nodejs, golang, php, C# for backend.

- Angular.js, React.js, Vue.js, Ember.js, Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Knockout.js and Node

Phase 3: (Desktop Application and Super Admin)

Development of the back-end database will be done in the third phase to make all of the features
and functionality of the desktop application completely live and once the database is developed
then we'll send over a file to you which you can install on your desktop to completely test
everything. When the application is completely functional then we'll move towards the designing
and development of the back office/super admin panel which will allow you to add data or make the
changes on your platform.

Phase 4: (Mobile Application)

Designing of all mobile application screens will be done in this phase and when the design is ready
then we'll share an APK with you so you can install it on your Android phone for testing purpose and
when you're satisfied with the design and it's navigation then we'll connect the database of the
desktop application and super admin with mobile application's back-end in order to make it
completely functional. When you're satisfied with everything then we'll share the source code and
all of the files with you so you can keep a backup of your entire platform with you and if you would
like us to upload your mobile applications on the store then we'll require developer accounts from
your side to upload them besides that in the same way we'll require details of a domain and hosting
to upload your super admin.

We are leading IT company in India having 5+ years of experience and mastery in App and Web
development, App and Web designing, backend, SEO/SMM cloud services, and enterprise solutions.
Pen testing can involve the attempted breaching of any number of application systems, (e.g.,
application protocol interfaces (APIs), frontend/backend servers) to uncover vulnerabilities, such as
unsanitized inputs that are susceptible to code injection attacks.

This stage uses web application attacks, such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection and backdoors, to
uncover a target’s vulnerabilities. Testers then try and exploit these vulnerabilities, typically by
escalating privileges, stealing data, intercepting traffic, etc., to understand the damage they can

Ruby on Rails aims to simplify the creation of web applications. It does so by creating default
structures for your code, your application’s database and the web pages your application will serve
up to the client. Seeing as Ruby on Rails runs on a web server and serves up information to client
programs (web browsers), it’s said to be a server-side or back-end application.

Back end – Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript (node JS), .NET (C#, VB), SQL, Perl

Backend programming can either be Object Oriented (OOP) or Functional.


JQuery is a library, written in JavaScript, that is used to simplify front-end code that manipulates

● JQuery/Javascript

Native Android with Java SDK, Native iOS with Objective C SDK, Swift, React Native, Flutter, PHP,
MySQL,Angular, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, etc.

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript etc with testing all Ipads and Tablets

-Website design,HTML,CSS,jquery

I have strong work experience in Nopcommerce, Umbraco, Kentico, Salesforce, Office365,

Sharepoint, React, Redux, PowerBI, React Native, PHP,Adobe Air, Delphi, VB6, Xamarin,WPF, HTML5,
JQuery, MVC 4,Sitecore, ,Web API,SQL, Server, BootStrap, AngularJS, JMeter, Apache,Performance
Testing,Penetrating testing, KnockoutJs,Windows Azure , Ionic, React, Redux etc.

4. Javascript, JQuery, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Blazor, Angular, React, Vue

The front-end code is your web page and everything that your user sees. It includes the HTML that
gives your web page its structure, the CSS that makes that page look great and the JavaScript, or in
our case the JQuery, code that gives it functionality.

Swift is Apple’s new innovative programming language for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch.

Structured for iOS development, syntax is concise yet expressive, and apps run lightning-fast.


- Xcode, Objective-C, Swift for iPhone/iPad app developmen

Native (Java, Kotlin, Swift, Objective-C), Hybrid (Ionic & React Native), Cross-platform (Xamarin).

Native Android with Java SDK, Native iOS with Objective C SDK, Swift, React Native, Flutter, PHP,
MySQL,Angular, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, etc.

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5

Android and iOS platform using kotlin, objective-c, React Native , swift programming language and
SQLite database

We have knowledge of Xcode IDE(Objective-C), Swift, Eclipse IDE, Android SDK, ADT Plugin, Java
Programming, JSON, XML, Utility APIs, MySQL and SQL server database, super level UI design and
much more.

I have rich experience in Native(Objective-C, Swift, Java, Kotlin) and Hybrid(Flutter, React-Native)
app development.

 Mobile development – Swift, Java, C#


Node.js is a platform built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime to build fast, scalable network
applications easily.

- ElectronJS, node.js

Server-side: node.js

we are using nodejs, golang, php, C# for backend.

I have also more than 5 year's great experience in app development on Web(Node.js, Angular.js,
React.js, Vue.js, Laravel, WordPress).

- Angular.js, React.js, Vue.js, Ember.js, Backbone.js, Marionette.js, Knockout.js and Node

We have gone through the details and can do the website in Node.js and Apps in React Native for

Back end – Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript (node JS), .NET (C#, VB), SQL, Perl

If you’re looking to set up your own company, or work for a startup, then Ruby on Rails is definitely
the language to learn. However, if you’re thinking about working for a larger, more established firm,
it might be an idea to learn PHP as that is a common language among conglomerates and larger
organisations, even though it is 20 years old. The reason they’re still using this language is because
that is how they’ve built everything in the first place.

My professional experience has almost entirely been dedicated to implementing and maintaing
backend infastructure in PHP and Python. I've used many frameworks but I'm most familiar with
Laravel (which this site uses) and Flask. I'm very familiar with WordPress and have written several
plugins and themes from scratch for clients.

Languages: Python, Lua, JavaScript, PHP

2. Python/PHP/JavaScript/CSS/HTML Fixes

PHP, PHP Frameworks, CMS, Javascript, Mobile ( Native and Cross Platform)

Native Android with Java SDK, Native iOS with Objective C SDK, Swift, React Native, Flutter, PHP,
MySQL,Angular, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, etc.

Angular. j's, Bootstrap, React, JavaScript, Python, Laravel, Java, Word Press, PHP, and its frameworks

We are expert & experienced in Website & Mobile(iOS & Android) App Development, We've
pursued projects on technologies including ASP.NET, PHP, WordPress, AngularJS, ReactJS, Objective-
C, Xcode, Android, IONIC, Flutter, React Native & have provided excellent output from our end to
make our client satisfied

have 6+ years of experience in Mobile (iOS/Android/Kotlin) app development and 6+ year Exp in
Web development(PHP,Mageto .NET, Firebase,JAVA,HTML5).

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript etc with testing all Ipads and Tablets

-PHP related framework and CMS.

I have strong work experience in Nopcommerce, Umbraco, Kentico, Salesforce, Office365,

Sharepoint, React, Redux, PowerBI, React Native, PHP,Adobe Air, Delphi, VB6, Xamarin,WPF, HTML5,
JQuery, MVC 4,Sitecore, ,Web API,SQL, Server, BootStrap, AngularJS, JMeter, Apache,Performance
Testing,Penetrating testing, KnockoutJs,Windows Azure , Ionic, React, Redux etc.

we are using nodejs, golang, php, C# for backend.

and using javascript, reactjs, angularjs, vuejs, php, c# for frontend

We have a team of Web and Mobile app developers who have 10+ and 7+ years of experience
respectively, on PHP, .NET, Java, Python, Wordpress, Android and iOS platform.

- Python, Ruby on Rails, Perl, PHP, Java, C#, C++ and Qt

David Heinemeier Hanson, the creator of the Ruby on Rails framework, said in an interview on the
“This Developer’s Life” podcast that he chose Ruby as the programming language because it was
concise, easy to use and supported high-level software engineering patterns he needed, unlike PHP
which he had experimented with.

The MVC, or model-view-controller, framework is an architectural pattern used to create web and
desktop applications. Many other web frameworks use this pattern, such as AngularJS (Javascript),
Django (Python) and CakePHP (PHP). It structures code by separating the logic of the application into
three interconnected parts. The Model represents the logic of the application, the data objects and
high-level classes associated with them. The View is essentially the visual representation of the data
(the template files, in other words), and the Controller is the piece which connects the other two,
responding to user input and gathering data from the Model to render in the View. This pattern
cleans up the application logic and makes Ruby on Rails applications very flexible.

Back-end web development – JavaScript, Python, Java, PHP, Ruby, C#

Back end – Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript (node JS), .NET (C#, VB), SQL, Perl

Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, PostgreSQL

5. Extensive experience using the Android framework, developing applications with SQLite, bitmap
manipulations, RESTful API connections, advanced caching and custom drawing on Canvas.

All functionality which works in offline(SQlite)

● Offline mode(SQlite)

● SQlite

● mySQL

- SQLyog, MySQL

- SSMS, SQL Server

- SQL Programming

Native Android with Java SDK, Native iOS with Objective C SDK, Swift, React Native, Flutter, PHP,
MySQL,Angular, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, JavaScript, etc.

React, Ionic, Angular, JavaScript, MySQL, Hydrid mobile application, front & back-end web and
mobile development services

Mobile apps for (Android & IOS) development & design using plate-from Native Android with SDK,
Native iOS with Objective C, Xcode, Android Studio, React JS, SDK, Swift, React Native, Redux,
Firebase, Flutter, PHP, MySQL, HTML5, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript etc with testing all Ipads and Tablets

I have strong work experience in Nopcommerce, Umbraco, Kentico, Salesforce, Office365,

Sharepoint, React, Redux, PowerBI, React Native, PHP,Adobe Air, Delphi, VB6, Xamarin,WPF, HTML5,
JQuery, MVC 4,Sitecore, ,Web API,SQL, Server, BootStrap, AngularJS, JMeter, Apache,Performance
Testing,Penetrating testing, KnockoutJs,Windows Azure , Ionic, React, Redux etc.

Android and iOS platform using kotlin, objective-c, React Native , swift programming language and
SQLite database

We have knowledge of Xcode IDE(Objective-C), Swift, Eclipse IDE, Android SDK, ADT Plugin, Java
Programming, JSON, XML, Utility APIs, MySQL and SQL server database, super level UI design and
much more.

- Oracle, MySQL, IBM DB2, MSSQL, PostgreSQL

2. MSSQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL

3. SQL, Entity Framework, Linq, Lambda Expression, Dapper

Once the pen tester has gained a complete understanding of the scope and components to be
tested, they will attack in a simulated and controlled environment. Mimicking an actual cyberattack,
the tester may take control of a device to extract data; perform a web application attack, such as
cross-site scripting or SQL injection; or perform a physical attack, as mentioned previously. The goal
of this phase is to see how far the tester can get into an IT environment without detection. The
scope of the project should determine where the limits of the test should end to protect PI and
other sensitive data.
SQL Injection.

SQL Injection.

This stage uses web application attacks, such as cross-site scripting, SQL injection and backdoors, to
uncover a target’s vulnerabilities. Testers then try and exploit these vulnerabilities, typically by
escalating privileges, stealing data, intercepting traffic, etc., to understand the damage they can

Back end – Ruby, PHP, Java, Python, JavaScript (node JS), .NET (C#, VB), SQL, Perl

My professional experience has almost entirely been dedicated to implementing and maintaing
backend infastructure in PHP and Python. I've used many frameworks but I'm most familiar with
Laravel (which this site uses) and Flask. I'm very familiar with WordPress and have written several
plugins and themes from scratch for clients.

Content Management Systems: WordPress

3. WordPress Installation, Plugin Development, Theme Development

Developer hired by Binary Cocoa on several WordPress and Laravel projects for their clients

We are expert & experienced in Website & Mobile(iOS & Android) App Development, We've
pursued projects on technologies including ASP.NET, PHP, WordPress, AngularJS, ReactJS, Objective-
C, Xcode, Android, IONIC, Flutter, React Native & have provided excellent output from our end to
make our client satisfied

We have a team of Web and Mobile app developers who have 10+ and 7+ years of experience
respectively, on PHP, .NET, Java, Python, Wordpress, Android and iOS platform.

I have also more than 5 year's great experience in app development on Web(Node.js, Angular.js,
React.js, Vue.js, Laravel, WordPress).

- Django, Flask, Pyramid, Spring MVC, Codeigniter, Wordpress, Woocommerce, Shopify and Laravel

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