Law On Business Organization REVIEWER

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best answer. express purpose of attacking the corporate
1. Is an obligation to pay a definite sum of money at existence.
a future date at a fixed rate of interest. a. Collateral attack
a. Corporate bond b. Direct attack
b. Stock bond c. Quo warranto
c. Property bond d. Habeas Corpus
d. Cash bond 9. By this voting method, every stockholder “may
2. This is the right of existing stockholders to be vote such number of shares for as many persons
offered first for any new issue of shares of stock of as there are directors”
the corporation a. Cumulative voting for one candidate
a. Preferential right b. Straight voting
b. Pre-emptive right c. Cumulative voting by distribution
c. Right of first offer d. Parallel voting
d. Pre-subscription right 10. A director or trustee may be held liable for
3. Persons who have agreed to take and pay for damages, except:
original, unissued shares of a corporation formed or a. He acquires any personal or pecuniary
to be formed. interest in conflict with his duty as such
a. Subscribers director or trustee
b. Underwriter b. He is guilty of gross negligence
c. Promoters c. He willingly discloses adverse interests to
d. Shareholders the corporation
4. Portion of the capital stock which is issued and d. He willfully and knowingly votes or assents
held by persons other than the corporation itself. to patently unlawful acts of the corporation
a. Paid-up capital stock 11. Powers which are reasonably necessary to
b. Legal capital exercise the express powers and to accomplish or
c. Outstanding capital carry out the purposes for which the corporation
d. Subscribed capital was formed.
5. Written acknowledgment by the corporation of a. Incidental powers
the interest, right, and participation of a person in b. Express powers
the management, profits, and assets of a c. Inherent powers
corporation. d. Implied powers
a. Certificate of stock 13. Which of the following is not an inherent power
b. shares of a corporation:
c. par value a. succession
d. Preferred share of stock b. to sue and be sued
6. Entitles the holder thereof not only to the c. to execute promissory notes.
payment of current dividends but also to dividends d. to purchase and hold real and personal
in arrears. property
a. Preferred share as to assets 14. Right of a stockholder in the cases provided by
b. Preferred share as to dividends law to demand payment of the fair value of his
c. Cumulative preferred share shares in case of an extension of corporate term.
d. Participating preferred share a. Pre-emptive right
7. Shares which has been lawfully issued by the b. Appraisal right
corporation and fully paid for and later reacquired c. Right of first refusal
by it either by purchase, redemption, donation, d. Right of pre-emption
forfeiture or other lawful means. 15. This Is the difference between the total present
a. Redeemable shares value of its assets after deducting losses and
b. Treasury shares liabilities and the amount of its capital stock
c. Preferred shares a. Profits
d. Treasury shares b. Capital assets
8. Document prepared by the persons establishing c. Retained earnings
a corporation and filed with the Securities and d. Trust fund
Exchange Commission containing the matters
required by the Code 16. Dividend payable on unissued or increased or
a. Corporate charter additional shares of the corporation instead of in
b. Certificate of stock cash or in property.
c. Articles of incorporation a. Stock dividend
d. By-laws b. Property dividend
17-18. Corporate existence is questioned in some c. Cash dividend
incidental proceeding not provided by law for the d. Bond dividend


17. Dividend which is partly in cash and partly in 25. Involuntary dissolution of a corporation may be
stocks effected by:
a. Optional dividend a. By executive enactment
b. Scrip dividend b. By failure to formally organize and
c. Cumulative dividend commence the transaction of its business
d. Composite dividend within 1 year from date of incorporation
18. Rules of action adopted by the corporation for c. By expiration of term provided for in the
its internal regulations and for the government of its amended articles of incorporation
officers and of its stockholders or members d. By order of the Securities and Exchange
a. Articles of incorporation Commission
b. By-laws 26. An advantage of a business corporation.
c. Corporate contract a. The shareholders have unlimited liability
d. Certificate of incorporation b. The shares of stocks cannot be transferred
19. Which among is not a requisite for a valid without the consent of the other
meeting of stockholders or members stockholders
a. There must be a previous notice c. Its management is centralized in the board
b. There must be a quorum of directors
c. It may be held anywhere d. The corporation has no legal capacity to act
d. It must be called by the proper person as a legal unit
20. The following are the modes by which a 27. One which is limited to selected persons or
corporation may issue shares of stock except: members of a family
a. By making a cash dividend a. Open corporation
b. By subscription before and after b. Close corporation
incorporation, to original, unissued stock c. De jure corporation
c. By sale of treasury stock after incorporation d. De facto corporation
for money, property, or service 28. Those formed or organized for the government
d. By subscription to new stocks, when all the of a portion of the State
original stocks have been issued and the a. Public corporations
amount of the capital stock increased b. Private corporations
21. Failure to register a transfer of shares produces c. Quasi-corporation
the following effects, except: d. True corporation
a. It is valid and binding as between the 29.They lay the groundwork for corporate
transferor and the transferee existence:
b. It is valid insofar as the corporation is a. Underwriter
concerned except when notice is given to b. Subscribers
the corporation for purposes of registration c. Stockholders
c. It is invalid as against corporate creditors, d. Promoters
and the transferor is still liable to the 30.Amount of the capital stock subscribed whether
corporation fully paid or not.
d. It is invalid as against the creditors of the a. Outstanding capital stock
transferor without notice of the transfer b. Subscribed capital stock
22. The following are liabilities of a stockholder c. Authorized capital stock
except: d. Paid-up capital stock
a. Liability for watered stock 31. The articles of incorporation of a stock
b. Liability to the corporation for unpaid corporation under Section 14(8) must state the
subscription following except:
c. Liability for failure to create corporation a. The amount of its authorized capital stock in
d. Liability for dividends lawfully paid pesos
23. Watered stock includes stock which is: b. The number of shares into which it is
a. Issued without consideration divided
b. Issued as cash dividend when there are no c. The par value in pesos of each share
sufficient retained earnings or surplus d. The amount of authorized stock subscribed
c. Issued as fully paid when the corporation and paid by each on his subscription
has received a greater sum of money than 32. An example of defect which will preclude the
its par or issued value creation of even a de facto corporation
d. Issued for a consideration other than actual a. Failure to file articles of incorporation with
cash, the fair valuation of which is greater the Securities and Exchange Commission
than its par or issued value b. Absence of By-Laws
24. The percentage of stockholdings that will be c. Lack of certificate of stock from the
considered as substantial for purposes interlocking Securities and Exchange Commission
directors is a percentage exceeding:: d. The incorporators or a certain number of
a. Fifty (50%0 them are not residents of the Philippines
b. Twenty (20%) 33. Which is not a limitation on proxies
c. Twenty-five (25%) a. Proxies must be in writing signed by the
d. Thirty (30%) stockholder or member and filed before the


scheduled meeting with the corporate c. Administrative power
secretary d. Appraisal power
b. It is valid only for the meeting for which it is
intended 41 -45. The minimum votes required for the
c. Directors or trustees can attend or vote by approval of the following corporate acts:
proxy at board meetings
d. A continuing proxy must be for a period not 41. to adopt by-laws
exceeding 5 years at any one time 42. to elect directors or trustees
34. Which is not an attribute of a corporation 43. to dissolve the corporation
a. It is an artificial being 44. to remove directors or trustees
b. It is created by agreement of stockholders 45. to increase or decrease capital
c. It has the right of succession a. a majority of the board of directors or
d. It has only the powers, attributes and trustees
properties expressly authorized by law or b. 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or of the
incident to its existence members entitled to vote
35. The steps in the creation of a corporation are c. a majority of the outstanding capital stock or
a. Subscription, Incorporation, and Dissolution of the members entitled to vote
b. Promotion, Incorporation, and Liquidation d. a majority vote of the board of directors or
c. Promotion, Incorporation, and Formal trustees and 2/3 of the outstanding capital
organization and commencement of stock or of the members
business operations 46. Which of the following dividends cannot be
d. Promotion, Subscription, and Formal declared without the approval of the stockholders?
organization and commencement of a. Cash dividends only
business operations b. Stock dividends only
36. Who among is disqualified to be elected as a c. Other kinds of dividends
director in a corporation d. All kinds of dividends
a. A person who violated a provision of the 47. The following positions cannot be held by one
Corporation Code, committed within 6 years person at the same time
prior to the date of his election a. President and Secretary
b. A person who was charged with b. Treasurer and President
imprisonment of 12 years c. Secretary and Treasurer
c. A person convicted by final judgment of an d. Both A & B
offense punishable by imprisonment of e. Both B & C
more than 6 years ab. Both A & C
d. All of the above ac. Only A
37. One which is so related to another corporation ad. Only B
that the majority of its directors can be elected
either, directly or indirectly, by such other TRUE OR FALSE.
corporation. 48. .The law governing private corporations in the
a. Parent or holding corporation Philippines is embodied in Batas Pambansa
b. Subsidiary Corporation Blg, 86.
c. Quasi-corporation 49. As a rule, a corporation is not liable for the
d. Corporation by prescription. debts of its stockholders, and the latter are not
38. Those corporators mentioned in the articles of individually liable for the corporate debts.
incorporation as originally forming and composing 50. A corporation is created by mere agreement of
the corporation and who executed and signed the the parties.
articles of incorporation as such.. 51. A partnership has no right of succession, while
a. Corporators a corporation has such right.
b. Stockholders 52. A corporation can only be dissolved with the
c. Members consent of the State.
d. Incorporators 53. Certificate of stock represents the right or
39. This doctrine requires that a director who, by interest of a person in a corporation.
virtue of his office, acquires for himself a business 54. The rule is not “one stockholder, one vote” but
which should belong to the corporation, thereby “one share, one vote” because representation
obtaining profits to the prejudice of the corporation in a corporation is commensurate to extent of
should account to the corporation for all such profits ownership.
by refunding the same. 55. Common share of stock is so-called because it
a. Director disloyalty doctrine is the stock which private corporations ordinarily
b. Corporate opportunity doctrine issue.
c. Mandatory refund doctrine 56. No par value shares are easily sold as the
d. Prejudicial opportunity doctrine public is more attracted to buy this kind of
40. The following power of the board of directors shares.
cannot be delegated to their subordinates: 57. Preferred shares may be issued only with a
a. Ministerial power stated par value.
b. Discretionary power


58. Treasury shares may be issued only when 78. The participation of each stockholder in the
expressly so provided in the articles of earnings of the corporation is based on his total
incorporation. subscription and not the amount paid by him.
59. Notice of any meeting may be waived, 79. Ultra vires acts are acts which are within the
expressly or impliedly by any stockholder or conferred powers of a corporation or the
member. purposes for which it is created.
60. The right to act as a corporation is a natural 80. Until repealed, a by-law is a continuing rule for
right. the government of the corporation and the
61. A corporation can be an incorporator of another individuals composing it.
corporation. 81. Directors or trustees can attend or vote by
62. The 25% subscription and the 25% paid-up proxy at board meetings.
capital is required not only during the 82. In a voting trust agreement, a stockholder of a
incorporation period but also in case of increase stock corporation parts with the voting power
of the authorized capital stock. only but retains the beneficial ownership of the
63. A corporation created by special law has no stock.
articles of incorporation. 83 Honorary membership in a business corporation
64.. A corporation’s right to use its corporate and is allowed by law.
trade name is a right in rem. 84. A stock becomes delinquent upon failure of the
65 .A corporation commences to have juridical holder to pay the unpaid subscription or
personality and legal existence from the balance thereof within 30 days from the date
moment the Securities and Exchange specified in the contract of subscription.
Commission issues to the incorporators a 85. Corporations which are vested with public
certificate of stock under its official seal. interest are not allowed to be incorporated as a
66 .Contracts between a corporation and third close corporation.
persons must be made by or under the 86. A dissolved corporation continues to exist but
authority of its stockholders. only for a limited purpose and for a limited time.
67. Directors or trustees can bind the corporation 87. A corporation may properly pay dividends from
only by action taken at a board meeting. accumulated surplus from previous years
68. In a corporation sole, there is no board of although it did not realize any profit in the
directors or trustees. current year.
69. There is a prohibition in the law against a 88. A corporation can properly pay dividends if it
stockholder being a director or officer of two or realized profit in the current year even if it still
more corporation. has existing deficit from previous years.
70. The Corporation Code prohibits a corporate 89. A delinquent stock of a stock with unpaid
officer from occupying the same position in subscription is not entitled to receive dividends.
another corporation organized for the same 90. A management contract with another
purpose. corporation shall be approved by the board of
71. The per diems granted to directors is included directors and majority of the outstanding capital
in their total yearly compensation for purposes stock of both the managing and the managed
of the 10% limitation. corporations.
72. Certificates of stock issued by corporations are 91 The President, Secretary and Treasurer of a
required to be sealed with the seal of the corporation must be residents of the
corporation. Philippines.
73. The Corporation Code contains no prohibition 92. Ultra vires acts are illegal acts and therefore
for a corporation to increase its authorized cannot be performed by a corporation.
capital stocks even if the same has not yet 93. The power to amend the articles of
been fully subscribed. incorporation is vested on the stockholders or
74. A corporate bond is an obligation to pay a members and cannot be delegated to the board
definite sum of money at a future date at fixed of directors A
rate of interest. 94. A corporation can exist even without a seal.
75.Any disposition which involves all or 95. All members of an executive committee must
substantially all of the corporate assets made in be members of the board of directors.
the ordinary course of business does not 96. Only the stockholders, by a vote of at least a
require the approval of the stockholders or majority of the outstanding capital may grant
members. compensation to the board of directors.
76. Under the trust fund doctrine, the corporation is 97. A stockholder cannot be a director or officer of
not prohibited to use its assets for purpose of its two or more corporations.
business. 98. An example of defect which will preclude the
77. Profits are not dividends until so declared or set creation of even a de facto corporation
aside by the corporation. a. Failure to file articles of incorporation with
77. Earnings of the corporation which have not yet the Securities and Exchange Commission
been received can be included in the profits out b. Absence of By-Laws
of which dividends may be paid. c. Lack of certificate of stock from the
Securities and Exchange Commission


d. The incorporators or a certain number of g. The person or partnership continuing the
them are not residents of the Philippines business
99. There is a prohibition in the law against a h. The limited partner
stockholder being a director or officer of two 5. Is that point in time when all partnership affairs
or more corporation. are completely wound up and finally settled. It
signifies the end of the partnership life
The Corporation Code prohibits a corporate e. Termination
officer from occupying the same position in f. Winding Up
another corporation organized for the same g. Bankruptcy
purpose. h. Dissolution
a. True, True 6. A limited partner (who is not also a general
b. False, True partner), being merely a contributor to the
c. False, False partnership without the right to take part in the
d. True, False management of the business, is not prohibited
100. The articles of incorporation of a from:
stock corporation under Section 14(8) must e. Receiving or holding as collateral security
state the following except: any partnership property
a. The amount of its authorized capital stock f. Receiving a pro rata share of the
in pesos partnership assets with general creditors if
b. The number of shares into which it is he is not also a general partner
divided g. Receiving any payment, conveyance, or
c. The par value in pesos of each share release from liability if it will prejudice the
d. The amount of authorized stock right of third persons
subscribed and paid by each on his h. All of the above
subscription 7. By an agreement of all the members stated in
the certificate, preference may be given to
101. Amount of the capital stock some limited partners over other limited
subscribed whether fully paid or not. partners as to the:
a. Outstanding capital stock e. return of their contributions
b. Subscribed capital stock f. their compensation by way of income
c. Authorized capital stock g. any other matter
d. Paid-up capital stock h. all of the above
8. Is the change in the relation of the partners
caused by any partner ceasing to be associated
MULTIPLE CHOICE. in the carrying on of the business
1. Which among the following is not a e. Dissolution
characteristic of a limited partnership f. Cessation
e. The partnership debts are paid out only g. Termination
from the individual properties of the general h. Winding Up
partners 9. The doctrine of __________ allows a partner to
f. A limited partnership is formed by have the power, although not necessarily the
compliance with the statutory requirements right, to dissolve a partnership, even though his
g. One or more general partners control the co-partners wish to continue the business
business and are personally liable to e. delectus personae
creditors f. limited partnership
h. The limited partners may ask for the return g. estoppel
of their capital contributions under the h. general partnership
conditions prescribed by law 10. The grounds for dissolution of a partnership by
2. Is the process of settling the business or decree of court are as follows except ______.
partnership affairs after the dissolution e. insanity
e. Dissolution f. incapacity
f. Winding Up g. death of any partner
g. Termination h. misconduct and persistent breach of
h. Cessation partnership agreement
3. Is a person admitted to all the rights of a limited 11. A partnership may be dissolved without
partner who has died or has assigned his violation of partnership agreement, except:
interest in a partnership e. By the express will of any partner
e. Substituted general partner f. By withdrawal of a partner
f. Incoming limited partner g. By expulsion of any partner
g. Substituted limited partner h. Termination of the definite term or particular
h. None of the above undertaking
4. The following are the persons liable to render 12. ______ deprives the offender during the time of
an account except ______. his sentence of the right to manage his property
e. The winding up partner and dispose of such property by any act or any
f. The surviving partner conveyance inter vivos.


e. Insanity f. Do any act which would make it possible to
f. Insolvency carry on the ordinary business of the
g. Civil interdiction partnership
h. Death g. All of the above
13. The certificate shall be cancelled, not merely h. None of the above
amended, when: 20. The manner of winding up of the dissolved
e. there is a false or erroneous statement in partnership may be done either:
the certificate e. with the intervention of the court
f. an additional limited partner is admitted f. extrajudicially or by mutual agreement
g. a partner is substituted as a limited partner g. judicially or extrajudicially
h. the partnership is dissolved other than by h. judicially or by decree of court
reason of the expiration of the term of the 21. The specific rights of a limited partner in the
partnership partnership are as follows, except:
14. The following are the requisites in order that the e. To inspect and copy at any hour partnership
assignee may become a substituted limited books or any of them
partner, except: f. To demand true and full information of all
e. Inspection of the partnership books must be things affecting the partnership
done first g. To ask for dissolution and winding up by
f. The certificate must be amended decree of court
g. The certificate as amended must be h. To demand a formal account of partnership
registered in the Securities and Exchange affairs whenever circumstances render it
Commission just and reasonable
h. All the members must consent to the 22. A limited partner is considered as trustee for the
assignee becoming a substituted limited partnership for:
partner e. Money wrongfully paid or conveyed to him
15. The following are the grounds for dissolution of on account of his contribution
a partnership, except: f. Specific property of the partnership which
e. Loss of a specific thing had been wrongfully returned to him
f. Death of any partner g. Specific property stated in the certificate as
g. Insolvency of any creditor contributed by him but which he had not
h. Civil interdiction of any partner contributed
16. The characteristics of a limited partner are as h. All of the above
follows, except: 23. On application by or for a partner, the court
e. A limited partnership is formed by shall decree a dissolution whenever:
compliance with the statutory requirements e. The business of the partnership can only be
f. One or more limited partners control the carried on at a loss
business and are personally liable to f. A partner becomes in any other way
creditors incapable of performing his part of the
g. The limited partners may ask for the return partnership contract
of their capital contributions under the g. All of the above
conditions prescribed by law h. None of the above
h. All of the above 24. The following are the requirements to amend a
17. The certificate of limited partnership must state certificate, except:
the following, except: e. The amendment must be in writing
e. The character of the business f. Approval of the Securities and Exchange
f. The right, if given, of a limited partner to Commission of the amendment
demand and receive property other than g. It must be signed and sworn to by all the
cash in return for his contribution members
g. The right, if given, of the partners to admit h. The certificate, as amended, must be filed
additional limited partners for record in the Securities and Exchange
h. The share of the profits or the other Commission
compensation by way of income which each 25. Which among is a right of a partner who has not
general partner shall receive by reason of caused the dissolution wrongfully
his contribution e. To be released from all existing and future
18. The following are authorized to wind up the liabilities of the partnership
affairs of the partnership: f. To have the surplus, if any, applied to pay in
e. The partners designated by the agreement cash the net amount owing to the respective
f. The legal representative of the last surviving partners
partner, not insolvent g. To possess partnership property should
g. All of the above they decide to continue the business
h. None of the above h. To have the partnership property applied to
19. A general partner or all of the general partners discharge the liabilities of the partnership
have no authority to:
e. Admit a person as a general partner TRUE OR FALSE.


1. Dissolution may be caused involuntarily when a 22. The partnership agreement cannot provide that
supervening event makes the business itself of that the death, withdrawal, or admission of a
the partnership unlawful. partner will not effect a dissolution.
2. If the loss occurred after the delivery of the 23. If the business is continued by the remaining
thing promised, then the partnership is partners under the right given in the certificate
dissolved. or with the consent of all the members, the
3. A limited partner contributes money or property certificate of limited partnership need not be
to the partnership but not services. amended.
4. The creation of a limited partnership is a formal 24. A limited partner may not be an industrial
proceeding and is not a mere voluntary partner without being a general partner.
agreement as in the case of a general 25. Limited partnership is formed where there has
partnership. been substantial compliance in good faith with
5. A strict compliance with the legal requirement the requirements of the law.
for the formation of a limited partnership is not 26. The individual property of a deceased partner
necessary. shall not be liable for obligations of the
6. An insolvent partner has authority to act for the partnership incurred while he was a partner.
partnership. 27. Persons who extended credit to the partnership
7. The dissolution of a partnership does not of prior to its dissolution must have knowledge or
itself discharge the existing liability of a partner. notice of the dissolution to relieve the
8. If one is induced by fraud or misrepresentation partnership from liability.
to become a partner, the contract is void. 28. The liabilities of a limited partner may be
9. Upon liquidation, partners do not have the waived or compromised.
implied authority to sell partnership property 29. The limited partner is not liable for the
and to collect obligations due to the partnership. difference between the amount of his actual
10. The contribution of each limited partner must be contributions and that stated in the certificate of
paid before the formation of the limited limited partnership.
partnership. 30. The substitution of a person as a limited partner
11. After a limited partnership has been formed, in place of an existing limited partner does not
additional limited partners can no longer be necessarily dissolves the partnership.
admitted. 31. The dissolution being by act of any partner, the
12. The individual property of a deceased partner partner acting for the partnership must have
shall be liable for all obligations of the notice of the dissolution.
partnership incurred while he was a partner. 32. Dissolution terminates the partnership.
13. Any change in membership dissolves a 33. Where there are several limited partners the
partnership and creates a new partnership. members may agree that one or more of the
14. No liquidation is necessary when there is limited partners shall have a priority over other
already a settlement or an agreement as to limited partners as to the return of their
what each partner shall receive. contributions.
15. A general partner is personally liable for 34. The interest of the debtor-partner charged with
partnership obligations while a limited partner’s the payment of the unsatisfied amount of the
liability extends only to his capital contribution. judgment debt may be redeemed with
16. In determining the liabilities of the partnership, partnership property without the consent of the
the liabilities to the limited partners for their partners whose interest are not so charged or
contributions and to general partners, whether sold.
for contributions or not, are included. 35. The cancellation of a certificate of partnership
17. Unless otherwise stipulated, every partner is need not be signed by all the members for as
considered the agent of the partnership with long as it is filed with the Securities and
authority to bind the partnership as well as the Exchange Commission.
other partners with respect to the transaction of 36. Even if a limited partner has contributed
its business. property, he has only the right to demand and
18. The general partners have the power to bind receive cash for his contribution.
the limited partners beyond the latter’s 37. The name of the general partner may appear in
investment in the partnership. the firm name, while, as a general rule, that of a
19. Any partner may cause the dissolution of the limited partner must not.
partnership at any time without the consent of 38. The partnership debts are paid out of the
his co-partners at his sole pleasure. common fund and the individual properties of
20. A person has notice of a fact not only when he the general and limited partners.
has actual knowledge thereof, but also when he 39. The rights of a limited partner are greater than
has knowledge of such other facts as in the those of a general partner.
circumstances show bad faith. 40. There is no prohibition against a limited partner
21. A partner may be a general partner and a engaging in business for himself.
limited partner in the same partnership at the
same time even if it is not stated in the
certificate. 26. A limited partner contributes money or property
to the partnership but not services.


j. One or more limited partners control the
The creation of a limited partnership is a formal business and are personally liable to
proceeding and is not a mere voluntary creditors
agreement as in the case of a general k. The limited partners may ask for the return
partnership. of their capital contributions under the
a. True, True conditions prescribed by law
b. False, True l. All of the above
c. False, False 33. A partner may be a general partner and a
d. True, False limited partner in the same partnership at the
27. Is a person admitted to all the rights of a limited same time even if it is not stated in the
partner who has died or has assigned his certificate.
interest in a partnership
i. Substituted general partner A limited partner may not be an industrial
j. Incoming limited partner partner without being a general partner.
k. Substituted limited partner a. True, True
l. None of the above b. False, True
28. After a limited partnership has been formed, c. False, False
additional limited partners can no longer be d. True, False
admitted. 34. The liabilities of a limited partner may be
waived or compromised.
A general partner is personally liable for
partnership obligations while a limited partner’s The limited partner is not liable for the
liability extends only to his capital contribution. difference between the amount of his actual
a. True, True contributions and that stated in the certificate of
b. False, True limited partnership.
c. False, False a. True, True
d. True, False b. False, True
29. A limited partner (who is not also a general c. False, False
partner), being merely a contributor to the d. True, False
partnership without the right to take part in the 35. The certificate of limited partnership must state
management of the business, is not prohibited the following, except:
from: i. The character of the business
i. Receiving or holding as collateral security j. The right, if given, of a limited partner to
any partnership property demand and receive property other than
j. Receiving a pro rata share of the cash in return for his contribution
partnership assets with general creditors if k. The right, if given, of the partners to admit
he is not also a general partner additional limited partners
k. Receiving any payment, conveyance, or l. The share of the profits or the other
release from liability if it will prejudice the compensation by way of income which each
right of third persons general partner shall receive by reason of
l. All of the above his contribution
30. By an agreement of all the members stated in 36. The substitution of a person as a limited partner
the certificate, preference may be given to in place of an existing limited partner does not
some limited partners over other limited necessarily dissolves the partnership.
partners as to the:
i. return of their contributions Where there are several limited partners the
j. their compensation by way of income members may agree that one or more of the
k. any other matter limited partners shall have a priority over other
l. all of the above limited partners as to the return of their
31. The following are the requisites in order that the contributions.
assignee may become a substituted limited a. True, True
partner, except: b. False, True
i. Inspection of the partnership books must be c. False, False
done first d. True, False
j. The certificate must be amended
k. The certificate as amended must be 37. A general partner or all of the general partners
registered in the Securities and Exchange have no authority to:
Commission i. Admit a person as a general partner
l. All the members must consent to the j. Do any act which would make it possible to
assignee becoming a substituted limited carry on the ordinary business of the
partner partnership
32. The characteristics of a limited partner are as k. All of the above
follows, except: l. None of the above
i. A limited partnership is formed by
compliance with the statutory requirements


38. Even if a limited partner has contributed reacquired by it either by purchase, redemption,
property, he has only the right to demand and donation, forfeiture or other lawful means.
receive cash for his contribution. a. Redeemable shares
b. Treasury shares
The name of the general partner may appear in c. Preferred shares
the firm name, while, as a general rule, that of a d. Treasury shares
limited partner must not. 46. Document prepared by the persons establishing
a. True, True a corporation and filed with the Securities and
b. False, True Exchange Commission containing the matters
c. False, False required by the Code
d. True, False i. Corporate charter
j. Certificate of stock
39. The law governing private corporations in the k. Articles of incorporation
Philippines is embodied in Batas Pambansa l. By-laws
Blg, 86. 47. No par value shares are easily sold as the
public is more attracted to buy this kind of
As a rule, a corporation is not liable for the shares.
debts of its stockholders, and the latter are not
individually liable for the corporate debts. Preferred shares may be issued only with a
a. True, True stated par value.
b. False, True a. True, True
c. False, False b. False, True
d. True, False c. False, False
40. One which is so related to another corporation d. True, False
that the majority of its directors can be elected 48. A director or trustee may be held liable for
either, directly or indirectly, by such other damages, except:
corporation. i. He acquires any personal or pecuniary
a. Parent or holding corporation interest in conflict with his duty as such
b. Subsidiary Corporation director or trustee
c. Quasi-corporation j. He is guilty of gross negligence
d. Corporation by prescription. k. He willingly discloses adverse interests to
41. Those corporators mentioned in the articles of the corporation
incorporation as originally forming and l. He willfully and knowingly votes or assents
composing the corporation and who executed to patently unlawful acts of the corporation
and signed the articles of incorporation as 49. Powers which are reasonably necessary to
such.. exercise the express powers and to accomplish
i. Corporators or carry out the purposes for which the
j. Stockholders corporation was formed.
k. Members i. Incidental powers
l. Incorporators j. Express powers
42. A corporation is created by mere agreement of k. Inherent powers
the parties. l. Implied powers

A partnership has no right of succession, while 50. Which of the following is not an inherent power
a corporation has such right. of a corporation:
a. True, True i. succession
b. False, True j. to sue and be sued
c. False, False k. to execute promissory notes.
d. True, False l. to purchase and hold real and personal
43. Persons who have agreed to take and pay for property
original, unissued shares of a corporation 51. A corporation can be an incorporator of another
formed or to be formed. corporation.
a. Subscribers
b. Underwriter The 25% subscription and the 25% paid-up
c. Promoters capital is required is required not only during
d. Shareholders the incorporation period but also in case of
44. Portion of the capital stock which is issued and increase of the authorized capital stock.
held by persons other than the corporation a. True, True
itself. b. False, True
i. Paid-up capital stock c. False, False
j. Legal capital d. True, False
k. Outstanding capital 52. An advantage of a business corporation.
l. Subscribed capital e. The shareholders have unlimited liability
45. Shares which has been lawfully issued by the
corporation and fully paid for and later


f. The shares of stocks cannot be transferred A corporation’s right to use its corporate and
without the consent of the other trade name is a right in rem.
stockholders a. True, True
g. Its management is centralized in the board b. False, True
of directors c. False, False
h. The corporation has no legal capacity to act d. True, False
as a legal unit
53. Treasury shares may be issued only when 61. A corporation commences to have juridical
expressly so provided in the articles of personality and legal existence from the
incorporation. moment the Securities and Exchange
Commission issues to the incorporators a
The right to act as a corporation is a natural certificate of stock under its official seal.
a. True, True Contracts between a corporation and third
b. False, True persons must be made by or under the
c. False, False authority of its stockholders.
d. True, False a. True, True
54. One which is limited to selected persons or b. False, True
members of a family c. False, False
e. Open corporation d. True, False
f. Close corporation
g. De jure corporation
h. De facto corporation 1. Which of the following is not among the
55. Those formed or organized for the government consequences of a partnership formed for an
of a portion of the State unlawful purpose:
e. Public corporations i. The instruments or tools and proceeds of
f. Private corporations the crime shall be forfeited in favor of the
g. Quasi-corporation government.
h. True corporation j. The contract is void ab initio and the
56. They lay the groundwork for corporate partnership never existed in the eyes of the
existence: law.
e. Underwriter k. The profits shall not be confiscated.
f. Subscribers l. The contribution of the partners shall not be
g. Stockholders confiscated unless they are instruments or
h. Promoters tools and proceeds of the crime.
57. Which is not an attribute of a corporation
a. It is an artificial being 2. One whose liability to third persons extends to
b. It is created by mere agreement his separate property.
c. It has the right of succession e. Capitalist partner
d. It has only the powers, attributes and f. Limited partner
properties expressly authorized by law or g. Liquidating partner
incident to its existence h. General partner
58. The steps in the creation of a corporation are
a. Subscription, Incorporation, and Dissolution 3. One who does takes active part and known to
b. Promotion, Incorporation, and Liquidation the public as a partner in the business,
c. Promotion, Incorporation, and Formal whether or not he has an actual interest in the
organization and commencement of firm.
business operations i. Dormant partner
d. Promotion, Subscription, and Formal j. Silent partner
organization and commencement of k. Secret partner
business operations l. Ostensible partner
59. Who among is disqualified to be elected as a
director in a corporation 4. One wherein the existence of certain persons
a. A person who violated a provision of the as partners is not avowed or made known to
Corporation Code, committed within 6 years the public by any of the partners is called:.
prior to the date of his election i. open partnership
b. A person who was charged with j. ostensible partnership
imprisonment of 12 years k. de facto partnership
c. A person convicted by final judgment of an l. secret partnership
offense punishable by imprisonment of 6
years 5. It comprises all that the partners may acquire
d. All of the above by their industry or work during the existence
60. A corporation created by special law has no of the partnership.
articles of incorporation. i. universal partnership of all present


j. limited partnership o. Partnership debts
k. universal partnership of profits p. Partnership credits
l. particular partnership 12. The net income of the partnership for a given
period of time.
6. . A stipulation which excludes one or more i. capital
partners from any share in the profits or losses j. credit
is ______. k. profit
m. valid l. surplus
n. irregular 13. Real property may be registered or owned in
o. correct the name of ______.
p. void i. the partnership
j. all the partners
7. The receipt by a person of a share of the k. one or more but not all the partners
profits of a business is prima facie evidence l. all of the above
that he is a partner in the business, but no 14. Is one in which no time is specified and is not
such inference shall be drawn if such profits formed for a particular undertaking or venture
were received in payment as: and which may be terminated anytime by
mutual agreement of the partners.
i. wages of an employee or rent to a i. Limited Partnership
landlord j. Particular Partnership
j. the consideration for the sale of a k. Partnership at will
goodwill of a business or other property l. General Partnership
by installments or otherwise
k. all of the above 15. The following are the requisites before a
l. none of the above capitalist partner may be obliged to sell his
interest to the others, except:
8. The following are the obligations of the i. There is an agreement that even in case of
partners with respect to the partnership capital, an imminent loss of the business the
except: partners are not obliged to contribute.
m. To reimburse any amount he may have j. There is an imminent loss of the business of
taken from the partnership coffers and the partnership
converted to his own use. k. The majority of the capitalist partners are of
n. To pay the agreed or legal interest, if he the opinion that an additional contribution to
fails to pay his contribution on time or in the common fund would save the business.
case he takes any amount from the l. The capitalist partner refuses to contribute
common fund and converts it to his own an additional share to the capital.
o. To contribute on the date due the amount 16. The following are the typical incidents of a
he has undertaken to contribute to the partnership, except:
partnership. i. A fiduciary relation exists between the
p. To answer for eviction in case the partners.
partnership is deprived of the determinate j. The partners share in profits and losses
property contributed. k. They have unequal rights in the
9. The following are the property rights of a management and conduct of the partnership
partner, except: business
m. His right to participate in the management. l. Every partner is an agent of the partnership,
n. His right to dispose of the goodwill of the and entitled to bind the other partners by his
business. acts, for the purpose of its business.
o. His interest in the partnership.
p. His rights in specific partnership property. 17. The partnership bears the risk of loss of the
10. Any partner shall have the right to a formal things contributed to the partnership in the
account as to partnership affairs: following instances, except:
m. If he is rightfully excluded from the a. Things contributed to be sold
partnership business or possession of its b. Things brought and appraised in the
property by his co-partners inventory
n. If the right does not exists under the terms c. Specific and determinate things which are
of the agreement not fungible where only the use is
o. all of the above contributed
p. none of the above d. Specific and determinate things the
11. Includes not only the original capital ownership of which is transferred to the
contribution of the partners, but all property partnership
subsequently acquired on account of the 18. Remains unchanged as the amount fixed by
partnership or with partnership funds. agreement of the partners, and is not affected
m. Partnership capital by fluctuations in the value of partnership
n. Partnership property property.


a. assets o. Civil interdiction
b. profits p. Death
c. capital 27. The following are the grounds for dissolution of
d. liabilities a partnership, except:
i. Loss of a specific thing
19. Refers to the assets of the partnership after j. Death of any partner
partnership debts and liabilities are paid and k. Insolvency of any creditor
settled and the rights of the partners among l. Civil interdiction of any partner
themselves are adjusted. 28. The following are authorized to wind up the
a. Surplus affairs of the partnership:
b. Profit a. The partners designated by the agreement
c. Interest b. The legal representative of the last surviving
d. Credit partner, not insolvent
20. One of the rights withheld from an assignee of c. All of the above
a partner is his right to: d. None of the above
a. receive in accordance with his contract the
profits accruing to the assigning partner 29. On application by or for a partner, the court
b. interfere in the management shall decree a dissolution whenever:
c. receive the assignor’s interest in case of a. The business of the partnership can only be
dissolution carried on at a loss
d. avail himself of the usual remedies provided b. A partner becomes in any other way
by law in the event of fraud in the incapable of performing his part of the
management partnership contract
21. The following are considered acts of strict c. All of the above
dominion, except: d. None of the above
a. Acts for apparently carrying on in the usual 30. Which among is a right of a partner who has
way the business of the partnership not caused the dissolution wrongfully
b. Confess a judgment a. To be released from all existing and future
c. Renounce a claim of the partnership liabilities of the partnership
d. Dispose of the goodwill of the business b. To have the surplus, if any, applied to pay in
22. The liability of all partners with the partnership cash the net amount owing to the respective
for everything chargeable to the partnership for partners
a partner’s wrongful act or omission. c. To possess partnership property should
a. subsidiary they decide to continue the business
b. solidary d. To have the partnership property applied to
c. pro-rata discharge the liabilities of the partnership
d. jointly
23. The doctrine allows a partner to have the TRUE OR FALSE.
power, although not necessarily the right, to 31. The mere sharing of gross returns alone does
dissolve a partnership, even though his co- not indicate a partnership.
partners wish to continue the business 32. No special form is required for the validity or
a. delectus personae existence of the contract of partnership.
b. limited partnership 33. An industrial partner is exempted from liability
c. estoppel to third persons for the debts of the
d. general partnership partnership.
24. . The grounds for dissolution of a partnership 34. In the absence of any stipulation to the
by decree of court are as follows except:. contrary, every partner is an agent of the
a. insanity partnership for the purpose of its business.
b. incapacity 35. As a general rule, a partner is entitled to
c. death of any partner compensation for his services to the
d. misconduct and persistent breach of partnership.
partnership agreement 36. Subpartnership agreements affect the
25. A partnership may be dissolved without composition, existence or operation of the firm.
violation of partnership agreement, except: 37. A partner is a co-owner with his partner of
m. By the express will of any partner specific partnership property therefore, the
n. By withdrawal of a partner rules on co-ownership shall apply.
o. By expulsion of any partner 38. A partner’s right in specific partnership
p. Termination of the definite term or property is not assignable.
particular undertaking 39. The liability of the partners is subsidiary
26. It deprives the offender during the time of his because the partners become personally liable
sentence of the right to manage his property only after all the partnership assets have been
and dispose of such property by any act or any exhausted.
conveyance inter vivos. 40. An admission made by a partner who was no
m. Insanity longer a partner at the time of the declaration
n. Insolvency


is admissible in evidence against the 61. Any change in membership dissolves a
partnership. partnership and creates a new partnership.
41. If personal property, aside from real property is 62. No liquidation is necessary when there is
contributed, the inventory need not include the already a settlement or an agreement as to
former. what each partner shall receive.
42. Articles of universal partnership, entered into 63. Any partner may cause the dissolution of the
without specification of its nature, only partnership at any time without the consent of
constitute a universal partnership of all present his co-partners at his sole pleasure.
property. 64. Persons who extended credit to the
43. Persons who are prohibited from giving each partnership prior to its dissolution must have
other any donation or advantage can enter into knowledge or notice of the dissolution to
a universal partnership. relieve the partnership from liability.
44. The partners may stipulate some other date for 65. The dissolution being by act of any partner, the
the commencement of the partnership. partner acting for the partnership must have
45. Every partner is a creditor of the partnership notice of the dissolution.
for whatever he may have promised to 66. Dissolution terminates the partnership.
contribute thereto.
46. The designation of losses and profits cannot
be entrusted to one of the partners.
47. Every partner is responsible to the partnership
for damages suffered by it through his fault but
he can compensate them with the profits and
benefits which he may have earned for the
partnership by his industry.
48. A contract of partnership is nominate because
it does not depend for its existence or validity
upon some other contract.
49. The appraisal of the value of the goods
contributed is necessary to determine how
much has been contributed by the partners.
50. A separate creditor of a partner can attach or
levy upon specific partnership property for the
satisfaction of his credit.
51. A partner who makes a secret profit out of the
operation of the partnership is not duty bound
to account such profit or commission with his
52. A partner may assume a separate undertaking
under his name with a third party to perform a
partnership contract or make himself solidarily
liable on a partnership contract.
53. Registration of a partnership is necessary as a
condition for the issuance of license to engage
in business or trade.
54. Partnership is a matter of intention, each party
giving his consent to become a partner.
55. A partnership is essentially a business
enterprise established for profit.
56. Notice to or knowledge of any partner of any
matter relating to partnership affairs operates
as a notice to or knowledge of the partnership
except in case of fraud.
57. A partnership is an organization for production
of income to which each partner contributes
one or both of the ingredients of income which
capital or service
58. The dissolution of a partnership does not of
itself discharge the existing liability of a
59. The individual property of a deceased partner
shall be liable for all obligations of the
partnership incurred while he was a partner.
60. Any change in membership dissolves a
partnership and creates a new partnership.


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