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The Immediate Effects of Muscle

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Energy Technique on Posterior Shoulder

Tightness: A Randomized Controlled Trial

he glenohumeral joint (GHJ) attains extreme ranges of motion ROM and posterior shoulder tightness
(ROMs),13,19 velocities,13,35 and forces18 throughout the throwing in throwing athletes. Overhead athletes
commonly exhibit significantly greater
motion. GHJ internal rotation reaches peak angular velocities of
GHJ external rotation ROM at 90° of ab-
nearly 7000°/s,13,35 and deceleration during the follow-through duction of the dominant arm compared
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

occurs at 500 000°/s,2 creating a large force for the posterior shoulder to the nondominant arm.4-7,14,15 However,
to counteract as the humerus continues to horizontally adduct and the total arc of motion (sum of maximum
internally rotate.35 It is hypothesized that these substantial speeds GHJ external rotation and internal rota-
and forces occurring at the posterior shoulder result in altered GHJ tion ROM at 90° of abduction)48 often
does not differ bilaterally, suggesting a
corresponding decrease in GHJ internal
TTSTUDY DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. by-time interactions (P<.05).
rotation ROM.5-7,13,14,37 This loss of GHJ
TTOBJECTIVES: To compare a muscle energy TTRESULTS: The group treated with the MET internal rotation ROM at 90° of abduc-
technique (MET) for the glenohumeral joint (GHJ) for the horizontal abductors had a significantly
tion in the dominant shoulder is referred
greater increase in GHJ horizontal adduction
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

horizontal abductors and an MET for the GHJ

external rotators to improve GHJ range of motion ROM postintervention (mean  SD, 6.8°  10.5°) to as glenohumeral internal rotation defi-
(ROM) in baseball players. compared to the control group (–1.1°  6.8°) (P cit (GIRD).
TTBACKGROUND: Overhead athletes often exhibit
= .011) and a greater increase in internal rotation Adaptive changes to bone11,13,34,37,47
ROM postintervention (4.2°  5.3°) compared to and soft tissue4,24,25 believed to occur as a
loss of GHJ ROM in internal rotation, which has
the group treated with the MET for the external result of the repetitive throwing motion
been associated with shoulder pathology. Current
rotators (0.2°  6.3°) (P = .020) and the control
stretching protocols aimed at improving flexibility contribute to the presence of GIRD in
group (–0.2°  4.0°) (P = .029). No significant
of the posterior shoulder have resulted in incon- the overhead athlete. Significantly great-
differences among groups were found for any other
sistent outcomes. Although utilization of MET has er humeral retroversion (the angle of the
variables (P>.05).
been hypothesized to lengthen tissue, there are
limited empirical data describing the effectiveness TTCONCLUSION: A single application of an axis of the humeral head in a medial and
of such stretches for treating posterior shoulder MET for the GHJ horizontal abductors provides posterior direction relative to the axis
tightness. immediate improvements in both GHJ horizontal of the elbow joint34) has been reported
adduction and internal rotation ROM in asymptom-
TTMETHODS: Sixty-one Division I baseball
in the throwing arm of overhead ath-
atic collegiate baseball players. Application of MET letes.11,13,34,36,37 This adaptive increase in
players were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 groups: for the horizontal abductors may be useful to gain
MET for the GHJ horizontal abductors (n = 19), humeral retroversion limits GHJ internal
ROM in overhead athletes.
MET for the GHJ external rotators (n = 22), and rotation ROM and allows for greater GHJ
control (n = 20). We measured preintervention and TTLEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Therapy, level 2b-.
external rotation, which may serve to pro-
postintervention GHJ horizontal adduction and J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2011;41(6):400-407,
Epub 6 April 2011. doi:10.2519/jospt.2011.3292 tect the throwing shoulder from excessive
internal rotation ROM, and conducted analyses of
TTKEY WORDS: baseball, manual therapy, pitch-
strain on the anterior structures.13,34,36,37
covariance, followed by Tukey honestly significant
difference post hoc analysis for significant group- ing, rehabilitation, stretching GIRD greater than 25° has been as-
sociated with injuries such as superior

Graduate Assistant, School of Kinesiology and Recreation, Illinois State University, Normal, IL. 2Associate Professor, School of Kinesiology and Recreation, Illinois State University,
Normal, IL. 3Associate Dean, College of Applied Science and Technology, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 4Coordinator of Sports Rehabilitation, University of Iowa Sports Medicine,
Iowa City, IA. The protocol of this study was approved by The Institutional Review Board at Illinois State University, Normal, IL. Address correspondence to Stephanie D. Moore,
MS, ATC, University of Kentucky, College of Health Sciences, Room 210C, Wethington Building, 900 S Limestone, Lexington, KY 40536-0200. E-mail:

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group would be required to detect chang-
TABLE 1 Participant Characteristics* es between the 2 stretch groups and ob-
tain a power of 0.80 at an alpha of .05.
MET for HAbd MET for ER Control
It should be noted that, while interven-
Pitchers, position players, n 9, 10 8, 14 7, 13
tions were similar, the current study in-
Age, y 19.5  1.0 20.4  1.1 19.8  1.1
vestigated immediate ROM changes, and
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Height, cm 184.4  6.2 183.7  6.5 186.2  6.5

the values used to estimate sample size
Mass, kg 86.9  7.0 88.2  11.2 89.4  7.8
were ROM changes following a 4-week
Dominant GHIR, deg 43.5  10.1 44.5  8.6 50.7  11.3
stretching intervention.
Dominant GHER, deg 118.9  13.1 117.8  8.3 122.4  9.6
Dominant total arc, deg 162.4  16.8 162.4  11.0 173.1  12.9
Nondominant GHIR, deg 55.6  13.2 54.0  10.9 61.4  11.4
We used the Pro 3600 digital inclinom-
Nondominant GHER, deg 117.6  10.3 115.4  10.4 115.3  8.9
eter (SPI-Tronic, Garden Grove, CA) to
Nondominant total arc, deg 173.2  16.1 169.9  10.5 176.8  14.6
measure posterior shoulder flexibility, as
determined by GHJ horizontal adduction
Abbreviations: ER, glenohumeral joint external rotators; GHER, glenohumeral joint external rota-
tion; HAbd, glenohumeral joint horizontal abductors; GHIR, glenohumeral joint internal rotation; ROM and GHJ internal rotation ROM at
MET, muscle energy technique. 90° of abduction. This device provides a
*Values are mean  SD unless otherwise specified.
real-time digital reading of angles with
respect to either a horizontal or vertical
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

labral lesions, subacromial impingement, for 5 seconds each, with a stretch follow- reference and is accurate to 0.1°, as re-
and pathological internal impingement ing each contraction that ranges from 3 ported by the manufacturer. The digital
in the throwing shoulder, 9,24,25,33,44,46 in- to 5 seconds21,22 to 30 to 60 seconds.10 inclinometer was modified with a refer-
dicating a need for investigation of pre- MET has been relatively unex- ence line positioned along the midline
ventative and corrective interventions plored, with only a few published stud- of the device, which was used for proper
to restore GHJ internal rotation ROM. ies1,20,28,38,39,41,51 supporting its use for alignment with anatomic landmarks.
While clinicians cannot address GIRD cervical, lumbar, and thoracic motion
resulting from bony adaptation, soft tis- restrictions.20,28,38,39,51 Only 3 identified Procedures
sue tightness can be treated. studies have investigated the use of MET Testing was conducted at 3 National Col-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Several researchers have identified the for the lower extremity,1,40,41 and none for legiate Athletic Association Division I
importance of posterior shoulder stretch- the upper extremity. The purpose of this universities. Each participant attended
ing in restoring flexibility as part of a study was to compare the immediate ef- 1 testing session and provided informed
prevention program and during reha- fects of an MET applied to the GHJ hori- consent. The protocol was approved by
bilitation.9,33,46,50 However, investigators zontal abductors and an MET applied to The Institutional Review Board of Illinois
have reported conflicting results regard- the GHJ external rotators on improving State University prior to data collection,
ing the effectiveness of current stretching GHJ horizontal adduction and GHJ in- and the rights of all participants were
protocols for GHJ internal rotation and ternal rotation ROM in baseball players protected. A single investigator, blinded
horizontal adduction ROM.26,27,29,31 Ad- without shoulder pathology. to group allocation, positioned all par-
ditional data are needed to validate the ticipants for ROM measurement, and
efficacy of specific stretching interven- METHODS measurements were obtained prior to
tions to increase GHJ internal rotation any throwing activity. A second examin-
and posterior shoulder flexibility. Participants er, who was not blinded to pretreatment

Muscle energy technique (MET) is a ixty-one NCAA Division I base- ROM measures, performed all MET
manual therapy intervention that can be ball players voluntarily participated treatments. Prior to any measurements,
used to stretch or lengthen muscles and in this study (TABLE 1). Exclusion cri- participants were randomly assigned to
fascia that lack flexibility.21,22 MET re- teria included any dominant-side upper 1 of 3 groups, according to a randomiza-
quires the patient to create a force by ac- extremity injury in the previous 6 months tion table set a priori. The groups con-
tivating the targeted musculotendinous or history of previous surgery. Using sisted of a control group, a group treated
unit against a precisely directed counter- previously published changes in GHJ with MET for the GHJ external rotators,
force applied by the clinician, followed by internal rotation ROM31 (cross-body ad- and a group treated with MET for the
relaxation and a passive stretch applied duction, 20.0°  12.9°; sleeper stretch, GHJ horizontal abductors. Dominant-
by the clinician. One application of MET 12.4°  10.4°), an independent sample t arm GHJ internal and external rotation
may consist of 3 to 5 contractions, held test determined a sample size of 29 per ROM and GHJ horizontal adduction

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[ research report ]
ROM were assessed in each participant
preintervention and postintervention.
All postintervention measurements were
taken immediately following the MET
application or approximately 2 minutes
following the pretest measurements. Par-
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ticipants in the control group remained

on the examination table for a 2-minute
interim between measurements.

Range-of-Motion Measurements
To measure passive GHJ horizontal ad-
duction ROM, participants were supine, FIGURE 2. Muscle energy technique for the
with both shoulders flat against the ex- FIGURE 1. Measurement of glenohumeral joint glenohumeral joint horizontal abductors.
amination table. The test shoulder was horizontal adduction range of motion. Angle created
by the end position of the humerus with respect to 0°
placed in 90° of abduction, and the el- as the examiner applied a 30-second ac-
horizontal adduction (vertical dotted line).
bow in 90° of flexion. The blinded ex- tive assisted stretch. The participant was
aminer grasped the lateral border of the ed to group allocation; but potential bias instructed to relax, and a new movement
scapula and applied a posteriorly directed was limited by using definitive bony land- barrier was then engaged by the exam-
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

force to maintain the starting position of marks and an instrument that provides a iner. This protocol was performed for a
the scapula. Grasping the participant’s digital reading. total of 3 repetitions.
proximal forearm, the examiner pas- Intratester reliability of ROM mea- A single application of MET was
sively horizontally adducted the humerus surements was established a priori. applied to the GHJ external rotators
(FIGURE 1). When the first tissue resistance Twenty-four shoulders with no history of (FIGURE 3). The participant was in a su-
was reached, a second examiner aligned injury or surgery were measured and re- pine position on the examination table.
the digital inclinometer along the ventral assessed at a minimum of 48 hours later. With the humerus supported and the
midline of the humerus for measurement. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), participant’s shoulder and elbow in 90°
The angle of the axis of the humerus with standard error of measurement (SEM) of abduction and flexion, respectively, the
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

respect to 0° horizontal adduction (plane with 90% confidence interval (CI), and examiner passively moved the humerus
perpendicular to examination table), as minimal detectable change (MDC) were into internal rotation until the first bar-
determined by the digital inclinometer, calculated for GHJ horizontal adduction rier of motion was reached. The partici-
was then used to assess the total amount ROM (ICC = 0.93; SEM, 2.62°; MDC, pant was then instructed to perform a
of GHJ horizontal adduction ROM. 3.70°) and GHJ internal rotation ROM 5-second isometric contraction of ap-
To measure passive GHJ internal rota- (ICC = 0.98; SEM, 3.28°; MDC, 4.63°). proximately 25% maximal effort in the
tion ROM, participants were supine with direction of external rotation, against an
the shoulder in 90° abduction and the Muscle Energy Technique opposing force provided by the examiner
elbow in 90° flexion. The humerus was A single application of MET was ap- at the distal forearm. Following the con-
supported to maintain a neutral horizon- plied to the GHJ horizontal abductors traction, the participant was instructed
tal position. The examiner used one hand (FIGURE 2). The participant was in a su- to internally rotate the arm toward the
to stabilize the scapula by applying pos- pine position on the examination table. ground as a 30-second active assisted
terior pressure at the anterior acromion. The examiner stabilized the scapula at stretch was applied. The participant was
The opposite hand was used to passively the lateral border, and, with the elbow instructed to relax, and a new movement
internally rotate the humerus. The ROM flexed, the participant’s shoulder was barrier was then engaged by the exam-
measurement was taken at the first point horizontally adducted to the first barrier iner. This protocol was performed for a
of resistance as the digital inclinometer of motion. The participant was instructed total of 3 repetitions.
was aligned with the long axis of the ulna to perform a 5-second isometric contrac-
by the second examiner, indicating the tion at approximately 25% maximal effort Data Analysis
angle between the ulna and a vertical ref- in the direction of horizontal abduction, We conducted 2 separate 1-way analyses
erence point. External rotation ROM was against an opposing force provided by the of covariance (ANCOVAs) for GHJ hori-
measured using the same procedures. It examiner at the distal humerus. Follow- zontal adduction and GHJ internal rota-
should be noted that the examiner who ing the contraction, the participant was tion ROM. The dependent variable was
aligned the inclinometer was not blind- instructed to pull his arm across his body, posttreatment ROM, and the covariate

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41-06 Moore.indd 402 5/18/2011 12:50:26 PM

Assessed, n = 66

Excluded, n = 5, due to
previous surgery or
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Randomized, n = 61

FIGURE 3. Muscle energy technique for the

glenohumeral joint external rotators.

was pretreatment ROM. Alpha level was

set at .05. All data were analyzed using MET for HAbd MET for ER Control group
SPSS Version 19.0 (SPSS Inc, Chicago, preintervention, preintervention, preintervention,
IL). Effect sizes were calculated using n = 19 n = 22 n = 20
Microsoft Excel. To provide an indica-
tion of clinical meaningfulness of the
changes in shoulder ROM, between-
group effect size was calculated as [ex- MET for HAbd MET for ER Control group
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

perimental group mean – control group postintervention, postintervention, postintervention,

mean]/control group SD, and between n = 19 n = 22 n = 20
experimental groups as [MET for hori-
zontal abductors group mean – MET for FIGURE 4. Participant flow diagram. Abbreviations: ER, glenohumeral joint external rotators; HAbd, glenohumeral
external rotators group mean]/pooled joint horizontal abductors; MET, muscle energy technique.
SD. Within-group effect size was calcu-
lated as [postintervention mean – pre- allows for comparison of posttreatment be attributed to soft tissue tightness. The
intervention mean]/preintervention SD. ROM, as if all 3 groups had the same smaller total arc observed in the domi-
Effect sizes were interpreted according to pretreatment mean. No participants nant arm compared to the nondominant
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

Cohen’s guidelines.12 were lost to follow-up (FIGURE 4), and no arm indicates that capsular or muscular
adverse events were reported. tightness may be involved.
RESULTS GIRD has been associated with de-
DISCUSSION creased performance9 and several pathol-

emographics for each group are ogies in the throwing athlete, including

provided in TABLE 1. Descriptive sta- ast research has consistently superior labral lesions, 9,24 pathologic
tistics for each group are provided demonstrated that overhead throw- internal impingement,9,33 and subacro-
in TABLES 2 and 3. The participants treat- ing athletes exhibit a significant mial impingement.44,46 Furthermore,
ed with the MET for the GHJ horizon- decrease in GHJ internal rotation ROM symptom resolution has been correlated
tal abductors had significantly greater in the dominant arm versus the non- with improvement in GHJ horizontal ad-
postintervention GHJ horizontal adduc- dominant arm.4-6,11,13,34,37 This loss of in- duction ROM in patients.43 Preventative
tion compared to the control group (P = ternal rotation ROM in the throwing and rehabilitative interventions, such as
.011). Postintervention, they also demon- arm has been attributed to osseous ad- stretching of the posterior shoulder, are
strated significantly greater GHJ internal aptation,11,13,34,36,37 posterior muscle tight- needed to address GHJ ROM that may be
rotation ROM compared to the control ness,13 and posterior-inferior capsule lost as a result of the contribution of soft
group (P = .029) and those treated with tightness.9,24,25 We observed a significant- tissue tightness. Based on clinical obser-
MET for the GHJ external rotators (P ly smaller total arc of motion (P = .001) vation, a prophylactic stretching program
= .020). No significant differences were in the dominant arm (mean  SD, 165.9° aimed at the posterior-inferior capsule
found for any other group comparisons  14.3°) compared to the nondominant effectively reduced GIRD and prevented
(P>.05). Complete results of the ANCO- arm (173.0°  14.0°) in our participants. associated pathologies over 3 seasons in
VAs are provided in TABLES 4 and 5. These If the alteration is entirely bony, total arc professional baseball players.9 Addition-
tables display the covariate-adjusted should be similar bilaterally. Therefore, ally, professional pitchers who participat-
means, which are adjusted to account for we believe that the deficit in GHJ internal ed in a GHJ internal rotation stretching
the variation in pretreatment ROM. This rotation ROM in our participants may program for 3 or more years were found

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[ research report ]

Descriptive Statistics for Glenohumeral Joint  
Horizontal Adduction Range of Motion*

Group Preintervention Postintervention Difference 95% Confidence Interval Within-Group Effect Size
MET for HAbd –10.0  9.6 –3.2  9.9 6.8  10.5 0.4, 13.2 0.71
MET for ER –13.5  7.7 –8.5  8.9 5.0  8.7 –0.1, 10.1 0.65
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Control –7.8  6.0 –8.9  7.2 –1.1  6.8 –5.3, 3.1 0.18
Abbreviations: ER, glenohumeral joint external rotators; HAbd, glenohumeral joint horizontal abductors; MET, muscle energy technique.
*Values are mean  SD degrees. Negative values indicate that the humerus is positioned further from the midline of the body (0° the humerus is perpendicular
to the examination table).

Descriptive Statistics for Glenohumeral Joint  
Internal Rotation Range of Motion*

Group Preintervention Postintervention Difference 95% Confidence Interval Within-Group Effect Size
MET for HAbd 43.5  10.1 47.7  11.7 4.2  5.3 –5.0, 11.4 0.42
MET for ER 44.5  8.6 44.7  8.6 0.2  6.3 –5.0, 5.4 –0.02
Control 50.7  11.3 50.5  12.1 –0.2  4.0 –7.7, 7.3 0.02
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Abbreviations: ER, glenohumeral joint external rotators; HAbd, glenohumeral joint horizontal abductors; MET, muscle energy technique.
*Values are mean  SD degrees.

to have an average of 19° more GHJ in- (3.28°) but doesn’t quite exceed the MDC compares favorably with the moderate
ternal rotation ROM than those who had for GHJ internal rotation ROM (4.63°). to large effect size between the MET for
been in a program less than 3 years.29 The 6.8° increase observed in GHJ hori- the horizontal abductors group and con-
While stretching has been shown to zontal adduction ROM reflects a moder- trol group in our study (0.72). The MET
effectively regain and maintain GHJ ate to large effect size (0.71) and exceeds for the GHJ horizontal abductors in the
internal rotation ROM in overhead ath- the MDC for this measure (3.70°). These present study was similar to the horizon-
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

letes, investigation of specific techniques within-group effect sizes observed for tal adduction stretch, but we stabilized
currently used to stretch the posterior horizontal adduction and internal rota- the scapula to better isolate the stretch
shoulder has produced inconsistent re- tion ROM indicate that the immediate to the GHJ and our stretch was applied
sults.26,27,29,31 We observed that an appli- changes in ROM following MET appli- by an investigator. However, this tech-
cation of MET for the GHJ horizontal cation to the horizontal abductors may be nique can also be performed without ex-
abductors resulted in greater GHJ hori- clinically significant. ternal assistance in a sidelying position,
zontal adduction improvement in that The use of a shoulder horizontal ad- by pulling the humerus across the body
group compared to a control group who duction stretch has been suggested to with the contralateral arm. As expected,
did not receive any intervention, and improve GHJ internal rotation ROM.9,49 participants who received an MET treat-
greater internal rotation ROM improve- A 4-week program of a self-applied cross- ment for the GHJ horizontal abductors
ment compared to both the control group body stretch produced a significant in- demonstrated significantly greater GHJ
and the group treated with MET for the crease in GHJ internal rotation ROM horizontal adduction ROM compared
GHJ external rotators. Conversely, inter- (mean  SD, 20.0°  12.9°; within- to the control group postintervention.
nal rotation and horizontal adduction group effect size, 1.7) compared to con- These participants also exhibited sig-
improvements following the application trol participants; however, the effect of nificantly greater postintervention GHJ
of MET for the GHJ external rotators the stretch on GHJ horizontal abduction internal rotation ROM compared to the
were not significantly different than the ROM was not measured.31 Participants control group and the group treated with
changes in other groups. In the present were instructed to perform 5 repetitions an MET for the GHJ external rotators.
study, we observed an increase of 4.2° of a 30-second self-stretch once daily Stretching of the GHJ external rota-
in GHJ internal rotation ROM imme- throughout the 4-week trial. In this pre- tors by passively internally rotating the
diately following a single application of vious study,31 the large effect size for dif- humerus with the arm at 90° of shoulder
MET for the horizontal abductors. This ferences in GHJ internal rotation ROM abduction has also been recommended
change reflects a small to moderate effect between the cross-body and control to improve internal rotation ROM.49 An-
size (0.42) and is larger than the SEM groups (between-group effect size, 1.5) other technique, described as the “sleeper

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41-06 Moore.indd 404 5/18/2011 12:50:28 PM

TABLE 4 Covariate-Adjusted Postintervention Means for Shoulder Motion*

Horizontal Adduction ROM Internal Rotation ROM

Group Covariate-Adjusted Mean †

95% Confidence Interval Covariate-Adjusted Mean† 95% Confidence Interval
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MET for HAbd –3.5  7.9 –7.1, 0.1 50.2  5.4 47.8, 52.7
MET for ER –7.0  8.1 –10.5, –3.6 46.2  5.4 44.0, 48.5
Control –10.2  8.0 –13.8, –6.6 46.3  5.5 43.8, 48.7
Abbreviations: ER, glenohumeral joint external rotators; HAbd, glenohumeral joint horizontal abductors; MET, muscle energy technique; ROM, range of motion.
*Values are mean  SD degrees. Posttreatment values adjusted for the effect of the covariate (pretreatment motion).

TABLE 5 Between-Group Covariate-Adjusted Mean Differences and Effect Sizes

Horizontal Adduction ROM Internal Rotation ROM

Group Comparisons Between-Group Mean Difference* Between-Group Effect Size Between-Group Mean Difference* Between-Group Effect Size
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

MET for HAbd and control 6.7 (1.6, 11.8)† 0.83 4.0 (0.4, 7.5)‡ 0.72
MET for ER and control 3.2 (–1.9, 8.3) 0.39 –0.03 (–3.4, 3.4) –0.01
MET for HAbd and MET for ER 3.5 (–1.4, 8.6) 0.44 4.0 (0.7, 7.3)§ 0.75
Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; ER, glenohumeral joint external rotators; HAbd, glenohumeral joint horizontal abductors; MET, muscle energy
technique; ROM, range of motion.
*Values represent differences between covariate-adjusted mean (95% CI) degrees.

Statistically significant difference (P = .011).

Statistically significant difference (P = .029).
Statistically significant difference (P = .020).
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

stretch,” is performed sidelying, with the pared to a control group. One reason the MET on the cervical, thoracic, and lum-
shoulder in varying amounts of shoulder MET for the GHJ external rotators did bar spine,20,28,38,39,51 only 2 studies have in-
flexion up to 90°.9,27,31 The arm is then not improve posterior shoulder flexibility vestigated MET use in the extremities.1,41
passively internally rotated by either the may be due to the emphasis on the in- Following a single application of MET to
clinician or the individual. Clinical obser- fraspinatus and teres minor during this the hamstring muscles, Ballantyne et al1
vation by Burkhart et al9 indicated that stretch, while the other posterior muscles observed a significant increase in passive
sleeper stretches can effectively increase responsible for controlling deceleration knee extension. Smith and Fryer41 report-
GHJ internal rotation ROM in patients during horizontal adduction, such as the ed significant increases in hamstring flex-
with symptomatic GIRD within 2 weeks posterior deltoid, are not stretched. ibility following 2 applications of MET
of use. Furthermore, significant increases As previously discussed, it is unclear performed over a 2-week period.
in GHJ horizontal adduction ROM (2.3°; whether muscular or capsular tightness Several studies have demonstrated
effect size, 0.32) and GHJ internal rota- is a greater contributor to GIRD in over- that contract-relax techniques similar
tion ROM (3.1°; effect size, 0.30) were head athletes. Another explanation for to those used in present study are more
seen following an acute intervention of our findings may be related to stretching effective than static stretching.16,30,32 Im-
the sleeper stretch.27 However, a group of the posterior capsule. If the posterior mediately following the interventions,
receiving 4-week intervention of the capsule is better stretched in a position maximal joint angle,30 ROM,16 and stretch
sleeper stretch, compared to a control of horizontal adduction, rather than in- tolerance32 were significantly greater af-
group, showed no significant difference ternal rotation, all motions (internal ro- ter contract-relax stretching versus static
in GHJ internal rotation ROM.31 In our tation and horizontal adduction ROM) stretching. Furthermore, performance of
study, participants who received an MET restricted by capsular tightness would contract-relax techniques over a 30-day
for the GHJ external rotators did not ex- likely increase. period produced significantly greater
hibit a statistically significant difference Presently, empirical data are limited increases in plantar flexor, hip extensor,
in postintervention GHJ horizontal ad- to validate the use of MET. While im- and hip adductor flexibility, compared
duction or internal rotation ROM com- provements have been reported using to ballistic stretching.45 Consistent with

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[ research report ]
our findings, contract-relax techniques lower percent maximum voluntary iso- izontal adduction range of motion were
have also produced significantly greater metric contraction may still benefit from observed following an acute application
increases in ROM compared to changes the treatment. of MET for the glenohumeral horizontal
observed in control participants.42 Con- We attempted to minimize bias in the abductors in asymptomatic collegiate
versely, other investigators have reported measurements of ROM by blinding the baseball players.
no difference in flexibility gains between examiner who positioned the arm for all IMPLICATION: The use of MET for the gle-
Downloaded from at PSG College of Physiotherapy on January 31, 2020. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

static and hold-relax stretching tech- ROM measures. Additionally, the force nohumeral horizontal abductors may
niques when performed 4 times per week applied by the examiner during the ac- assist in gaining posterior shoulder flex-
during a 6-week intervention.23,53 tive-assisted stretch was not controlled. ibility in baseball players and individu-
Consistent with MET literature,1,28,39,51 All stretches in this study were applied by als prone to tightness of the posterior
our results support the use of a 5-second a single examiner, but standardization of shoulder structures.
isometric contraction, which has been the force applied in future studies might CAUTION: Our study examined the im-
found to be more effective in improving serve to maintain consistency among mediate effects of a single application
cervical ROM than a 20-second isometric participants. of MET on soft tissue lengthening in
contraction.20 Our protocol also involved The participants in the current study the posterior shoulder. The effects of
the application of a postisometric 30-sec- were healthy, asymptomatic overhead chronic application of MET for shoulder
ond active-assisted stretch. A 30-second athletes. Further study is required to flexibility have yet to be examined.
static stretch of the hamstring muscles, determine the effectiveness of MET ap-
performed 5 times per week over 6 weeks, plication in individuals with symptoms ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The authors thank
Copyright © 2011 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

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and no more effective than a 60-second MET on joint ROM. Future investiga- with data collection.
stretch.2,3 Conversely, Smith and Fryer41 tions should study the effects of MET
reported similar increases in hamstring over multiple session applications to
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