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NPM : 176310080
Subject : Evaluasi & Teknik Hasil Belajar Siswa



Language is an arbitrary system of speech sounds or sequences of speech sounds which is
used or can be used in interpersonal communication by human. As a part of language components,
vocabulary is really important element of the language that related to learn the four skills like
listening, speaking, reading and writing.
Teaching vocabulary at Junior hight school is not easy task. Actually, teachers should
frequently give example to the students, so that they know the meaning of vocabularies and able
to make other sentences as many as possible. The First year students of SMP 7 Teluk Kuantan
have difficulties in speaking, writing, listening because they still lack of vocabulary. There were
some problems faced by the students in learning English vocabulary. Especially, In class VII B.
The first problem was that some students are not interested in learning This problem makes the
students score are lower that the minimum criteria of achievement (KKM). Secondly, the students
have lack of vocabulary. They are unable to understand the meaning of words in a text.
Based on the researcher observation, First year students of SMP 7 Teluk Kuantan prefer to
watch English movies rather than Indonesian. Actually English movies have been translated in
Indonesian, but the conversation is still spoken in English. Watching English movies can be an
alternative media for teachers to teach and enrich students’ vocabulary. By using English movies
students are expected to be more interested and pay more attention to the teacher.

A. Vocabulary

a) Definition of Vocabulary
 Steven Stahl (2002:18) (as cited by Linda Diamond and Linda Guthlon in Teaching
Vocabulary) explains that “vocabulary is the science of words and word meanings”. The
science of a word does not only include a definition, but also includes how that word
comes into the world.
 Longman (1978:28) defines that “vocabulary is a list of words usually alphabetical order
and with explanations of their meaning, less complete than a dictionary”.
b) The types of vocabulary
 Evelyn Hatch (1995:370) divides vocabulary into two groups. They are:
Receptive vocabulary can be called as passive vocabulary and Productive vocabulary can
be called as active vocabulary.
c) The principle of teaching vocabulary
 Carten (2007:14) states that “There are seven key principles that can follow to help
students of teaching and learning vocabulary to be more effective. They are focus on
vocabulary, offer variety, repeat and recycle, provide opportunities to organize
vocabulary, make vocabulary learning personal, don’t overdo it, and use strategic
vocabulary in class”.
d) Technique in teaching vocabulary
 Ruth Gaims and Stuard Redman mention two techniques of teaching vocabulary. There
are visual technique and verbal technique.
e) Indicators of vocabulary
 Tom Hudson (233:2007), “Depth of word knowledge refers to a learner’s knowledge of
the different aspects of a given word”

B. Movie

a. Definition of movie
 Heinich (1982:94) stated that “why movie or film are such as a rewarding tool in
language classroom? First, students all over the world love watching them. Second,
students are familiar with the plots as well as the actors”.
b. The Advantages of movie
 Sudarwan (1995: 19), Movie has particular value, such as completing basic
experience, provoking new inspiration, attracting attention, showing treatment of real
object, explaining abstract things, etc
c. Disadvantages of Movie
 Heinich (1982:226-227) mentions the disadvantages of movie as follows:
Fixed pace, Still phenomena, Misinterpretation, Logistics
d. Basic Types of movie
 Thompson (1997:42-27) states that there are some basic types of film as follows:
Documentary, Fiction, Animated movie, Experimental movie
e. Movie as a media in teaching vocabulary
 According to Jeremy Harmer (2003:282) there are many reasons why video (movie)
can be a special, extra dimension to the learning experience: Seeing language in use,
Cross culture awareness, The power of creation, Motivation
f. Vocabulary mastery
 John (2000: 16), vocabulary is knowledge of knowing the meanings of words and
therefore the purpose of a vocabulary test is to find out whether the learners can
match each word with a synonym, a dictionary-tape definition, or an equivalent word
in their own language.


This research focused on students’ frequency of watching English movies and students’
achievement on vocabulary. This research was a quantitative approach with correlation method.
Correlation method was most appropriate for this study because it used two variables to find out
the relationship between students’ frequency of watching English movies and students’
achievement on vocabulary and show if they have any positive or negative relationship and
examining hypothesis. This research have been conducted at SMP 7 Teluk Kuantan grade VIIA
and VII B.
Population in this research.
NO CLASS NUMBER of the Students
1 VII A 20
2 VIII B 21

Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher carried out two instruments to collect the data containing questionnaire and
vocabulary test. They are:
1. Questionnaire
The questionnaire in this research is used to measure the students’ frequency in watching
English movie. In this research, the researcher used a rating scale questionnaire. A statement
followed by column indicating never, seldom, sometimes, often, and always.

The outline of measurement to collect the data
NO Variable Indicator Table number Item number
of item

1. The students’ frequency in - frequency 5 1-5

watching English movie
- interest 4 6-9

- media 3 10-12

- correlation 5 13-17

- Expectation 3 18-20

2. Vocabulary Test
Vocabulary test is a series of questions or exercises that are used to measure the skills of
knowledge, intelligence, ability or aptitude of the individual or group.. This test is in the form of
multiple choice tests that consist of alternative answers. The researcher want to know the students
ability in comprehend indicators of vocabulary, knowing and recognizing multiple meanings and
functions of a word, being able to recognize and activate synonyms and antonyms, and the last
recognizing and using the word in an original context.

Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting data, the researcher took some steps in analyzing data. The analysis step is
as follow:
1. Introduction Analysis
Introduction analysis is to simplify the data in order to be able to be read and interpret
easily. There are two data namely:
a. Questioner Data
The researcher categorized the score resulted of questionnaire data or also called
independent variable (X) into the following criteria (Sugiyono ’metode penelitian kualitatif’; 94)

Scoring Questioner of the Research
Frequency of watching English movies Score
Never 1
Seldom 2
Sometimes 3
Often 4
Always 5

b. the score of vocabulary test

Scoring Vocabulary test of the Research
Criterion Score
Excellent 81-100
Good 61-80
Fair 41-60
Poor 21-40
Very poor 0-20



After getting the data which has been analyzed on the previous research, the researcher
concludes about correlation between frequency of watching English movie and Vocabulary
mastery of the second grade students of SMP 7 Teluk Kuantan. We also now about the different
ability between VII A and VII B.

1. Student’ Frequency of watching English movies of First grade students at SMP 7 Teluk
Kuantan in the academic year of 2019/2020 can be classified at strong/fair categorizied. In
class VII B very strong than VII A class.


1) For Teacher: Teacher have to be selective on choosing a suitable media in teaching and
learning process.Teacher have to know what students need in teaching and learning
process, so that it makes students feel comfort during teaching and learning process. The
use of media cannot be separated from teaching and learning process. The use of movie is
very helpful for teacher during teaching and learning process.

2) For Students, the researcher hopes that Students study more and respond in teaching and
learning process.The students more interested in English lesson and can improve their
English ability independently.


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