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Andrés Bello English Department

Talca 4º Básico A-B-C
GUÍA N°1 March, 2019

I.- Completa las oraciones usando presente continuo

1. The teacher ________________________ the door. ( not/ close)

2. ______________ you __________________ the washing – up? ( to do)

3. They ____________________________ the printers. ( to check)

4. ___________________ your grandmother ____________________ at birds? ( to look)

5. We ____________________________ the checkpoint. ( not/ to pass)

6. ______________ they ___________________ to help? ( to try)

7. She ___________________________ to the centre of the town. ( not / to walk)

8. ______________The policeman __________________ into the bank? ( to run)

9. Look !! Steve’s mother_________________________ a cup of coffee. ( to make)

10. You _____________________________ the words correctly. ( not / to link)

II.- Escribe oraciones en presente continuo (+) (-) y (?) con las palabras dadas

1. She /sing/ the shower. 2. They/ watch/ television

(+) ___________________________________ (+) __________________________________

(-) ___________________________________ (-) __________________________________

(?) ___________________________________ (?) __________________________________

III.- Reemplaza los siguientes sustantivos por pronombres en inglés (I – YOU – WE – THEY –
SHE – HE – IT)

1. Marcela: ______________ 6. My cousins: __________________

2. Tomás and Juan: ______________ 7. You and me: __________________

3. My friends: ______________ 8. The animals: __________________

4. The dog: ______________ 9. The table: __________________

5. The man: ______________ 10. The nurse: __________________

IV.- Completa las oraciones con el verbo to be que corresponda y luego traducelas a español (am
– is – are)

1. The teacher ____________________ tall

2. My pets _______________________ in the house

3. I __________________ in the school

4. Peter and Sara ___________________ my best friends

5. My dad ____________________ in the mall

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