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I always dreamt of being a doctor right from the childhood so that I can
provide medical services to the rural population, free of cost. This
ambition of mine drove me to work hard and crack the entrance exam
to pursue the medical science in India. During the course of my medical
degree, I learnt that having only a medical degree is not enough to
serve my purpose. I brought together some of my fellow students who
share the same passion and realized that a healthy mind is also an
essential element to achieve a healthy body. I came across the art of
mindfulness and realized that this science will help my purpose. I read
many mind technique books in the process to understand this science

I served as a doctor in various departments of medicine

such as general medicine, neurosurgery and pediatrics. I started my
own private practice in a rural community. I served as the medical
officer in remote areas for the Jarwa tribe, the most primitive tribe in
the Andaman and Nicobar islands, under AAJVS department. All of this
happened over a course of six years after my graduation. I also
established my own hospital with facilities accommodating 25 in house
patients at a time and rendered medical services to the rural population
nearby. Simultaneously I started treating diseases in an innovative way
through mental techniques, spiritual science, counseling and yielded
wonderful results. This medical treatment of mine garnered
tremendous popularity and in no time the establishment needed to
upscale because of its singularity and ease of access.

I founded ‘Spiritual Tablet Research Foundation’, a non-profit

company, registered under section 8 of the Indian companies act. I met
and trained several people in various walks of life who later became
directors and co- trustees in the various organizations I have
established. We extended the organization into several other places in
my state. Nearly 300 people were trained on these techniques and
approximately 10000 patients got cured their long term ailments
permanently with no or minimal medication.

I successfully presented my subject at ‘National Congress’ summit

over several years across India and south-east Asia. My approach was
well received and was lauded by the eminent speakers who attended
those summits. I was also invited to present my subject at ‘Global
Congress on Pyramid Energy’, Chicago in 2018.

A combination of Pyramid energy, eating habits, mind techniques &

counseling brought ‘behavioral modification’ which worked very well
and yielded marvelous results. This motivated me to start organizations
at various places. Mentioned below is the list of organizations along
with my responsibilities.

 Dhanvantiri Pyramid Trust, Nellore – Chairman

 Sahaja Aarogya Trust, S.kota – Chairman
 Jaganadha Trust, Pirlakimidi – Chairman
 Anandhobrahma Trust – President
 Indian Federation of Spiritual Scientist – Trustee

In the coming three years, we plan to level up by producing research

papers on the subject we developed and research personnel have been
hired for the same. My actual presence is not essential at this particular
point of time for the organization because my team consisting of senior
directors and spiritual counsellors have been working with me since a
long time and I believe in their firepower to run the organization and
research in my absence. My time is better served if I improve my
existent leadership skills to take this organization across the country. I
decided to pursue a healthcare management course for the same which
helps me expand this holistic center at the national level and fulfill my
dream of providing medical care, free of cost, and a pain free life to all
the people, especially the rural population in India. I believe these skills
will help me collaborate with various government and private
organizations to incorporate this technique and train several other
people in all the states of the country. Your university provides me
with the best exposure to various aspects of healthcare management
and your specialization is exactly what helps me serve my purpose. I
believe interaction with the some of the best minds of the world in
your university will help expand my knowledge base and I am looking
forward for an experience of a lifetime in your hospital administration

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