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This chapter presents the research design, population of the study and the
sampling design. (Including Size of the Population, The study of Population), the
margin of error and the proportion of the population used, the type & sampling
techniques used and the actual computation of the sample. Data gathering tool,
data procedure, the analysis, the system software development methods used,
instruments and statistical treatment of data present the whole methodology
design of the proponents.

Research Design

The proponents used the descriptive method of research. As the

proponents go beyond the gathering of data, they included the interpretation and
evaluation of the data gathered from their respondents.

The proponents also included the secondary data which were available from
the books and the related studies and research journals found available in the
library and internet.

Pre – test Survey Questionnaires’ were utilized in gathering data from the
respondents. The pre – test survey questionnaires were then evaluated to
determine the need for the proposed system.

Population of the Study/Sampling Design

The proponents used the purposive sampling design which are

characterized by two respondents. The registrar and the faculty who will manage
the whole operation of the said study.

The proponents conducted a survey to determine if the system will serve

with functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, and portability.
The study was evaluated by Thirty (30) respondents from the Philippine Women’s
University – CDCEC, Calamba. Purposive sampling was done by the proponents

to the selected respondents who easily understood the purpose of the study for
use in the system.

Table 1: Distribution of Respondents

Respondents Frequency
Students 24
Registrar 2
Faculty 4
Total 30

Data Gathering Tool

The proponents instrument used in this study were interview and use of
questionnaires. These were the primary source of data for it enabled the
proponents to gather the needed information in a short span of time and to analyse
easily the existing system and to determine what improvement is needed.

Data Gathering Procedure

The respondents were identified by the proponents and were approached

by them for interview. During the interview the proponents asked the schedule of
the respondents and noted their free time because it is only during their free time
that those proponents can distribute the questionnaires and ask questions about
the system.

After knowing the free time of the respondents, the proponents gave the
questionnaires personally to them and discussed with them the questions about
the contents of the questionnaires including each category of ISO/IEC 9126-1
which are: functionability, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability, portability
with corresponding questions per category while simultaneously we demonstrated
the flow of the system, how to get started with and how to use the said system.
The proponents also showed one by one how the system meets each category of
ISO/IEC 9126-1. The proponents also showed how the system operates and let

the respondents experienced it on their own, for them to give their verdict regarding
our system proposal. As the proponents waited, clarifications were made and the
informal interview was conducted at the same time.

When the respondents have finished answering the questionnaires they

were collected and were analysed immediately by the proponents.

Data Analysis Plan

The proponents used as a qualitative description in their study. These

questionnaires were used as the basis of study for better analysis and
understanding. It was formulated to know the different problems encountered by
personnel in the Registrar’s Office. Interviews were also conducted to find out the
respondents’ reaction to the problem.

System Software Development Methods Used

As the system was developed, it was classified under the Waterfall model.
Waterfall model is a software life-cycle or product life cycle model in which
development is supposed to proceed linearly through the phases of requirements
analysis, design phase, coding, implementation, testing and debugging and

Requirement Analysis

Design Phase


Testing and Debugging

Figure 1: Waterfall Model Diagram


In figure 1, the diagram illustrates the system that will be planned for the
requirements of its development. Planning is needed to produce a better result of
the system. After the planning requirement, analysis will come next. Analyzing the
capabilities of the system is very important in the system development. Plans of
the program will be entered on this part after the program was analyzed. Designing
will come next. This will consists of the interface of the program. It will require a lot
of efforts and time. When coding was finished, testing or running the program will
be done. It is needed in making the changes errors are found on the program.

Physical Environment and Resources

Table 2: Recommended Hardware Requirements

Processor Intel Dual Core or Higher
AMD A4 or Higher
Random Access Memory (RAM) 512 MB or Higher
Video Resolution 256 MB
Hard Disk Drive 1 GB or Higher

Table 3: Recommended Software Requirements

Operating System Windows XP or Higher
Wamp Server 32 bit or 64 bit
Google Chrome
Web Browser Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer

Language Used

The researchers used PHP Programming Language for the graphical user
interface of the system. It provides a massive support of easily creating the user
interface applications and My SQL as the database of the system.

Research Instrument

The proponents’ tool used in gathering data for this study was a survey to
update some information’s needed by the proponents.

The proponents stated the questionnaire as a table with written questions

related to a particular topic, with a space provided for indicating their response to
each question, and intent for submission to a number of persons who replied.

The main instrument used in this study is the questionnaire-table.

Proponents made the questionnaires which had been checked by their adviser and
administered to the respondents for the data needed. The questionnaires involved
all the necessary data needed to determine the practices at the Registrar’s office
which are the manual system that contains problems encountered by them and
that which affect their own performance. It also contains possible solutions for the
problems they have encountered.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The responses to questions in the given variables was scaled using the
“Five-point Likert Scale” system and were given weight as follows:

Table 4: The Five-point Likert Scale


Scale Range Interpretation

5 4.51 – 5.00 Strongly Agree

4 3.51 – 4.50 Agree

3 2.51 – 3.50 Undecided

2 1.51 – 2.50 Disagree

1 0.00 – 1.50 Strongly Disagree

Weighted Mean was used to determine the average degree of opinion of

the respondents.

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