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case I
Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.*
-Innovating to Leadership Position

Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd. (GACl) achieved a position abated. Lafargc, a European cement major, in two sepa-
of market dominance as one of India's largest, energy effi- rate deals, had paid Rs 785 crore and Rs 550 crore for the
cient, and technologically advanced cement manufactur- Raymonds and Tiseo cement divisions. respectively. After
ers within 10 years of existence. Its continuous drive for Lafarges foray into the lndian market, it was the turn of
cost efficiency and quality are derived from an emphasis the other European cement major, ltalcementi, to gain an
on replicating global best practices and continuous inno- entry into the Indian market. The Italy-based cement ma-
vation. Global standards of plant maintenance and a con- jor, through its group company Ciments Francais, agreed
stant effort to end bottlenecks have raised productivity and to pay $80 per tonne for acquiring a 50 per cent stake in
capacity use. Energy efficiency has been an important el- the proposed joint venture with K K Birla-promoted Zuari
ement in the strategy. Crucially, GACL's innovations have Industries Ltd. (ZlL). The agreement paved the way for
created major strategic advantages in marketing and dis- the setting up of a separate company, Zuari Cement Ltd.
(ZCl), with 50 per cent stake binding on both parties.
tribution, particularly in areas such as brands and logis-
Though the enterprise value of the deal has been
tics. The company, though just ten years old, has
calculated at Rs 740 crore by both partners, the deal it-
consistently achieved global recognition. Asianioney, a re-
self has been put at around Rs 598 crore. With half the
puted international business magazine, after a worldwide
stake, the multinational would invest about Rs 299 crore
poll of institutional investors, ranked Arnbuja among the
in the new venture for its maiden entry into the Indian
10 best managed companies in India. The criteria for this
market. The price at $80 per tonne was at par with prices
selection included business strategy, financial manage-
paid internationally.
ment, fairness to minority shareholders and investor rela- The deal was brokered through investment bankers,
tions. A survey by Arthur D. Little ranked Gujarat Ambuja ' - Lazard India, which acted as advisors for Ciments Fran-
Cements as one the top 20 most competitive companies in cais. Bank of America acted as the advisors for ZIL in the
Asia. Since inception, the shares of this company have , deal. The proposed joint venture agreement involves hiv-
been the darling of the bourses. The future plans of Am- , ing off Zuaris cement division with a capacity of 1.7
buja Cements are very ambitious. For the student of busi- MTPA plant at Yerraguntla in Andhra Pradesh. ZIL will
ness policy, there would be several insights about transfer all assets and liabilities of its cement division to
capability development and internal resource creations. ZCL. ZIL will initially hold 100 per cent equity in the new
company till all necessary approvals are received by Ci-
THE EMERGING ments Francais.


The war for a foothold in the Indian cement market-the GAeL's main promoter, N. Sekhsaria, was earlier an
second largest in the world-was hatting up un- established cotton trader. As he puts it, there were
• This case was prepared by Professor Arun Kumar Jain.

tt -Gi'G7 ::m cn*Ex

C-3JS Part 3 I Additional Cases

certain key industry characteristics that immediately Focus on Cement

appealed to him. Among the main reasons were:
During the early 19905 to mid-90s, many high 1'1'" 'iI
• Cement is a capital intensive industry. This means companies, flush with funds, overstretched and dl\., ,
that competition is limited to mainly a small group
fied into unrelated areas, thereby running into ''<'' "
of large industrial houses, all ethical players.
liquidity problems. GACL, for a while, also SCII"" 1
• Cement is a relatively stable product not suscepti- considered the idea of moving into shipping, couu» ,
ble to rapid usage declines or obsolescence. The cial power generation, plants construction, real ,",I..,.
processes are also relatively consistent. townships, etc. GACL now says it is sharply lill II " .1
• It is a basic industry, one that is critical to any on cement and all diversification plans haw 11<."
growing country where infrastructure is under shelved. It intends setting up only a captive power 1'1.,",
massive development. of 60 MW. The growth strategy is clear-get volt II !I,
and achieve dominant market shares! GAel. I"
GACL started off in 1986 with a modest 0.7 mil-
tapped new markets and aggressively increased 111;111 , I
lion tonnes per annum (tpa) plant. In the short time
shares in existing markets. Volumes have grown '"
since inception, it has become the third largest player in
percent annually since the 1990s. Over the next I II"
India, with a 5 m tpa capacity. GACL has primary
years, debt-financed expansions will drive volume .~
manufacturing facilities at two locations-Gujarat
percent annually and GACCs volumes will rise II"",
(which gives access to the markets of Gujarat, Kerala,
3.1 million tonnes in 1996 to an estimated 10 mill,,,"
Mumbai and exports) and Himachal Pradesh (which
tonnes by 2002 AD. Exports and foreign operau..»
gives access to the high growth markets of Punjab,
which already account for approximately 15 percent ,01
West UP, and Haryana). It owns a fleet of five ships
sales are expected to contribute upto 25 percent WIIIIIII
used exclusively for transporting cement to west
coastal regions, bringing irt coal from South Africa, next 3 years. The gameplan involves reaching a I""
and exporting clinker and cement. GACL is by far the duction capacity of 10 million tonnes next 3 years. '1'111'
largest exporter of cement in India with major markets would come through creation of new plants, expanduu-
being Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the Middle East. capacity of existing plants, or even, as a cornpany v .
ecutive puts it, 'cajoling others to sell'.

Working on Industry Critical
Success Factors Unit at Himachal Pradesh
Gujarat Ambuja has redefined industry structure allti
Cement is 40 percent capital cost and another 40 per-
competition with its unusual strategies over the P;lsl
cent energy cost and mostly a commodity. If any cqrn-
few years. In 1995, production at the new 1.5 million
pany has to succeed in this business, it would have to
focus primarily on management of these issues. For a tonne kiln at Suli in Himachal Pradesh was stabilized
new entrant competing with older and established com- within three months of commissioning. A task of tlu-,
panies having fully depreciated plants, it is important nature usually takes upto 18 months. Coupled with II,,·
to have the lowest capital cost per ton of cement. For heavy odds faced by GACL in a difficult and remote
achieving this aim, large plant capacities are essential. terrain, this is a feat in itself. Since then the average
To spread out large overheads, capacity utilization production at the plant has been over lOO percent. This
would have to be at least 100 percent in the quickest plant supports three mills at the grinding units at Suh
possible time. Simultaneously, power consumption and Ropar in Punjab.
would have to be amongst the lowest. Finally, to be able In 1996, with rising demand for cement fro II I
to offset the cyclicity of the industry and be able to neighbouring states, another cement mill at Himachal
charge premium, a successful competitor must develop plant was added. To achieve greater flexibility in its
new markets, new products, and establish brand equity. west UP distribution network, the company purchased
Case 5 I Gujarar Arnbuja Cement Ltd.-Innovating to Leadership Position ell"

land at Saharanpur which would SeFVC as another site the process of making it possible began. But it meant
for grinding cement in future. new capital investments and creating infrastructure and
The Himachal Pradesh plant with grinding facility port jetties not only at Kodinar but also at Mumbai and
in Punjab was a master-stroke which has given GACl Surat. More importantly, it called for human endeav-
handsome sustainable advantage over competitors' our, team-work, dedication and intense planning.
plants located in Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh.
While competitors have to transport cement over an av-
erage distanceof 800 kilometers to reach Punjab, Am-
Opening the Sea Route
buja's transport costs are only a fraction of theirs. The new system of bulk transportation entails cement
being carried in sealed tankers from the plant to the
Kodinar terminal, where it is transferred mechanically
Bulk Cement Transportation at to cement silos. From these silos, cement is mechani-
Port Ambuja: Creating an cally loaded into airtight holds in the ships. The vessels
traverse the distance to Bombay and Surat in less than
Industry Inflexion Point a day, and once docked, the cement is unloaded in a
At some point of time, some companies, through a fun- similar manner. At destination, after automatic cxtrac-
damental innovation, change the entire industry struc- tion from the ship's holds, cement is placed in silos,
ture forever. Such inflexion points are rare but are and then pumped into sealed tankers which carry it to
tremendous lessons in human creativity. One such mo- the various construction sites.
ment came in September 1993 in India's cement indus- Customers are provided small storage tanks into
try when Ambuja Shikhar became the country's which bulk cement is pumped from the sealed tankers.
first-ever ship to carry bulk cement as it sailed from By the 'fluidization' process, the cement is made to
GACL's Muldwarka jetty to New Bombay terminal. For flow like liquid due to force of air. It remains un-
a product which has been traditionally transported by touched by human hands, and is available to customers
rail or road and in ready-to-delivery packings, the con- On tap as an when required. For customers who prefer
cept of bulk deliveries was new. For GACl, it meant a to buy bagged cement, the company has arranged for
reduction of 40 percent in transport costs in one stroke. packing facilities at the unloading terminals. This has
Since then the principles of logistics management, ce-
helped GACl deliver cement to virtually every corner
ment packaging and delivery mechanisms have been
of Bombay.
permanently transformed. How did this discontinuity-
By 1995, Port Ambuja was fully operational.
causing innovation come about? What drove it in the
Apart from dealing with the local sea transportation,
first place?
the port also handled the company's entire export trans-
Mumbai is the country's largest market for cement
consuming above 2 lakh tonnes per annum. Competi-, . portation needs. GACL's three ships, Ambuja Vaibhava,
tion, naturally, is intense. The consumers arewell edu- ~Ambuja Gaurava and Ambuja Shikhar, carried 8.24 lac
cated and informed and they look for low-cost as well , tonnes of cement during the year compared to 7.48 lac
as a differentiated product. Selling cement to such a tonnes in 1994-'95, resulting in increase in the com-
clientele therefore is both a challenge and an opportu- pany's share ofMumbai and Surat markets. Bulk trans-
nity. For Gujarat Ambuja, Mumbai was a distance of 'portation by sea slashed costs by over 65 percent for
1060 km. by rail from its plants in Gujarat entailing these markets.
huge transportation and packing costs, not to mention A second landmark occurred when GACl suc-
the delay in reaching the destination. The in-house in- cessfully handled coal imports at Port Ambuja. With
tense debate about capturing this huge but difficult minor modifications, GACL equipped the port to han-
market brought forth the idea: why not ship cement to dle coal imports. In 1996, about 105,000 tonnes of im-
Mumbai through sea, which would bridge the distance ported coal docked at Port Ambuja reducing fuel costs
tojust 315 km? It also dawned that the entire west coast substantially. Earlier, imported coal, though superior in
of India would become nearer for the entire year. Ex- quality and costing 40 percent less for equivalent
ports would become possible to the emerging and calorific value, was an unviable proposition, due to
growing markets of Middle East. Once clarity emerged costs of handling the consignment at public ports, and
on the feasibility of the seemingly preposterous idea, transporting it to the plant.
C-320 Part 3 I Additional Cases

Thus, Port Ambuja~ designed basically for loading consumption was brought down from 761 to 720
bulk cement for coastal markets, now provides Gujarat kcal per kg. of clinker. Power consumption was re-
Ambuja economies of scale and scope by handling ex- duced substantially from the previous year's 92
port of cement and clinker, as well as import of coal. units to 88 units per tonne of cement. In 1994-'95,
The company has further strengthened its port facilities the same people further improved plant productiv-
to handle larger and multiple cargo at an additional ity by 9 percent, and reduced fuel consumption by
capital expenditure of Rs 400 crore. 7 percent, and power consumption by 4 percent.
, In nutshell, the sea movement not only gives flexi-
• One particularly vexing problem faced by GACL
bility but also substantial savings in freight costs over was of protecting sugar cane fields surrounding
rail and road. While the freight cest for Indian cement in- the limestone mines at the factory. A law existed
dustry is rising constantly, Ambuja has been able to re- that prohibited blasting within 500 meters of an
duce them consistently. Moreover, with these strategic inhabited place which meant that limestone de-
investments, Ambuja has achieved the flexibility to tran- posits in the mines were unavailable for commer-
scend geographical boundaries. With over-capacities cial exploitation. Whilc on a visit to Mumbai, a
looming large, the key factors for cement companies in team of engineers was caught in a traffic jam. The
the future will be distribution and marketing, apart from engineers came out to see that the cause was a
production efficiency and superior product quality. large machine that was stripping asphalt on the
road prior to concreting it. This was it. Could they
convert the machine to strip limestone back
Expansion at Ambujanagar home? GACL engineers contacted the machine
manufacturer, Wirtgen, located in Germany. The
The kiln of the second I million tonne cement plant,
German company was delighted with such an en-
called Gajambuja Cement at Ambujanagar was lit on
quiry and readily agreed to help adapt machines
March I, 1993. In line with a tradition for executing
for GACL's needs. If successful, it would mean a
difficult projects in record times, the company's engi-
new business for them too. The engineers began
neers set up this plant in just 13 months which is an
by hiring one machine on a trial basis. The com-
outstanding feat by any standards. Company executives pany now has three such machines working in the
maintain that no plant in the country has been put up in
such a short period of time.
limestone mines leading to increase in usable
limestone depos its by an estimated 10 percent.
The company set up a third I million tonne cement Additionally, the machine scrapes the limestone
~ plant at Ambujanagar in 1996. It further consolidated pieces so fine that the need for heavy crushing is
II GACL's presence in western India markets and took its eliminated saving time and electricity consump-
:t capacity at Ambujanagar alone to 3 million tonnes. tion.

• In India, thermal power plants produce huge quan-
tities of fly ash which are dumped in open areas.
Fly ash makes land infertile and causes air and
AND PRODUCT water pollution. It has been one of the major envi-
ronmental hazards faced by our country. In other
INNOVATIONS countries cement manufacturing companies have
used large quantities of fly ash to produce Poz-
Port Ambuja is an example of large-scale innovation. zolana Portland Cement (PPC). GAeL, in associ-
GACL however, is also a success story of continuous ation with Punjab State Electricity Board put up a
entrepreneurship a can-do approach, constantly work- model grinding plant at Ropar adjacent to Ropar
ing on the critical success factors, innovation and ag- Super Thermal Power Station which consumes fly
gression. ash. The plant produces various grades of cement
and other fly ash based products.
• The company has continuously improved efficien-
cies in one of the most critical areas, energy con- • Some time ago, a mega project was coming up in
sumption. In 1992-'93, the company's engineers Mumbai- The Bharat Diamond Bourse, the
ran the existing plant at 149 percent capacity, as largest bourse in Asia. This was a large and presti-
opposed to the previous year's 143 percent. Coal gious project and many companies were in the

Case 5 I Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.-lnnovallllg 10 Leadership Poxiriun C-321

race for supplying cement. Ambuja too was The maturity price of the shares on conversion of
interested, but there were problems. Ordinary ce- bonds was fixed at Rs 373.45 per share, a pre-
ment would not work because the site was on a mium of7.6 percent to the then prevailing market
soil that was rich in chlorides which attack ordi- price at the Bombay Stock Exchange.
nary cement weakening it over time. The only ap-
propriate cement for such soil conditions is ppe.
The problem with PPC is that it gained strength Employee Involvement
slower than other cements, slowing down the con-
struction speed. For a large project, the delay can Through Empowerment
substantially increase construction costs.
Innovations and improvements are impossible without
A huge opportunity for bagging a big contract and sustained employee commitment, motivation, and en-
in the process developing a new product lay for an en- couragement. The managing philosophy is that the
terprising firm which could develop a cement with the 'I can' culture and an environment of peer pressure (the
durability ofPPC, but one that gained strength quickly. fear of being dubbed mediocre) will make people set
GACL, after extensive tests at its R&D facilities in standards for themselves. If cost control is a critical
Ambujanagar, produced a new cement that fulfilled the success factor, then it would be absurd for junior engi-
Bourse's conditions and bagged the order. After further neers and managers to check back with their seniors for
refinement, the new chloride resistant cement was every little decision. 'The time lost would be far more
launched in Punjab as Ambuja Silicate (using fly ash). expensive than any errors they would make'. The com-
In just six months GACL captured 20 percent cement pany believes that it makes immense sense to listen to
market. people who work day and night on the plant and in the
• As one goes around Ambujanagar, the landscape frontlines.
is full of trees. They are planted across used mines
and line factory roads, providing shade in the
parks and gardens that dot the township. This is a Brand Building
marvel considering the fact that it is an area prone The company realized that in an open economy, the
to frequent droughts, and where village women only way to survive would be to offer a product of con-
have to walk miles to fetch a bucket of water. sistent and higher quality than the markets were used to.
GACL, under such environmentally tough condi- The next-logical step from consistent quality was to
tions set up a water recycling facility which takes
push a commodity into a brand. The approach has paid
waste water from the Ambuja residential township
off. Company's brands are sold at premium and, in con-
and processes it for reuse for watering the planta-
sumer surveys, have been reported to be the first choice
tions. It set up an extensive drainage system con- •
cement. Over time GACL has built a reputation as:
nected to a sewage treatment plant at one of the
mine pits. (i)
a company with better track-record of financial
• Emission levels are well below the international
(ii) a low-cost advantage player (across important pa-
standards. GACL has introduced methods for ,
rameters like power and coal consumption and
minimizing the noise and vibration that occurs '
cost of transportation)
during the conventional drilling, blasting and
crushing process. A new Australian device called (iii) a brand that commands a premium, and,
the Surface Miner is used which, besides eliminat- (iv) a steady company despite the industry's suscepti-
ing noise and vibration, is more energy efficient, bility of prices fluctuations and pressures on
and recovers more material from a given area. profits.

• The company issued Foreign Currency Convert-

ible Bonds for a sum of US $80 million in De- Environment Management
cember, 1993. The total demand for the bonds was and Rural Development
US $1163 million, almost 15 times the issue size.
These bonds, convertible at the option of bond- Over the years, GACL has succeeded in bringing about
holders, carry an interest rate of 3.5 percent p.a. innovations raising the general standard of
C-322 Part 3 t Additional Cases

environmental conditions in and around the plants at dian Rayons' (3.2 mtpa) capacities with year-on-year
Kodinar in Gujarat. The area has been adopted for all- volumes growth to October 99 at 22.1 per cent being
round development by GACL. The company has initi- higher than the industry average of 18.5 per cent for the
ated programmes in health, agriculture, afforestation, same period.
energy conservation and water management. Some ex- Gujarat Ambuja made an open offer to the share-
amples are: holders of DLF Cement mopping up 3.18 crore shares,
aggregating to about 13 per cent of DLF Cement \
• The rehabilitation of mined areas adds a new di- holding. With this, Gujarat Arnbuja's holding in the
mension to the company's efforts towards preserv- company went up to 42.2 percent. Anil Singhvi, execu-
ing the environment. Through effort over years, tive director of GACL, mentioned that the company
GACL has created a large water reservoir at the had initiated the process of changing DLF Cement's
exhausted mine pits. This has been achieved by name. The cement manufactured in DLF Cement's
channeling rain water into six interconnected pits plant was being marketed under the 'Ambuja' brand
resulting in an increase in the water table in name. With DLF Cement's acquisition, Gujarat Am-
nearby areas. Wells in neighbouring villages, pre- bujas capacity in the north has risen to about four mil-
viously dry for at least seven months a year, now lion tonnes. Anil S inghvi justified the acquisition
retain water for practically the whole year.
saying that 'while his company had been active in other
• More and more check dams in the villages are be- parts of the northern region, DLF's takeover would en-
ing repaired or built with the active participation able it to establish a presence in Delhi. We are very ex-
of villagers. This has helped in increasing the wa- cited by the acquisition of DLF Cement. We will
ter table, recharging the wells and increasing the introduce our superior business model and efficiencies
area of irrigation. More than 2000 acres of land in to DLF. The takeover will prove beneficial to DLF
18 villages have become fertile while reclaimed shareholders' .
wasteland produces cattle fodder. DLF had a debt burden of Rs 300 crore and an in-
terest outgo of Rs 52 crore. Mr Singhvi said Gujarat
• Many social development programmes are under- Ambuja would bring down this interest burden to
taken by Ambuja Cement Foundation. So far, this Rs 200 per tonne or Rs 36 crore through a debt restruc-
department has covered II villages under the
turing exercise which was likely to involve retiring old
health care programme through a mobile dispen-
debt and fund infusion. DLF has obtained sharehold-
sary. Three check-dams have been repaired result-
ers' permission for a Rs l50-crore preferential allot-
ing in recharging of 170 wells in eight villages.
ment to Gujarat Arnbuja at Rs 13.85 per share. Mr
100 bio-gas plants have been installed in 12 vil-
Singhvi said it was possible that the entire amount may
lages. Over 1,40,00 saplings have been distributed
in 40 villages, and additionally, 90,000 trees have not be raised and only a part of the preferential allot-
been planted in and around the plant area. ment might take place.
., ~ The master stroke was yet to come. In January
~OOO, GACL had almost acquired a majority stake in
ACC, and with it took a step closer to taking control of
India's largest cement company. GACL.:s managing di-
NEW ACQUISITIONS rector Narotam Sekhsaria became the deputy chairman
of ACe, following the 7.2 percent stake in ACC for
The Indian cement industry is witnessing an intense Rs 445 crore on spot delivery basis from the Tatas-the
phase of consolidation. The battle for volumes was be- promoter group--on December 21, 1999. Sekhsaria
ing fought not only by Indian established players such and A L Kapur were appointed as whole time directors
as Grasim, and GACL, but also by European majors. on the ACC board on December 27, 1999. "The Tatas
Gujarat Ambuja Cement took over DLF Cement, and Ambuja Cement equally hold a 7.2 percent stake in
Grasim Industries is also consolidated its operations in- ACe. Mr Sekhsaria being an important co-promoter,
tegrated with Century Textiles' cement division and the board of ACC felt that he rightly deserved to be
buying out L&T's cement business. Grasim has already deputy chairman at ACe. And Mr Pallonji Mistry con-
benefited from the integration of its (5.2 mtpa) and In- tinues to be the chairman," said ACC officials. "As and
Case 5 I Gujarar Ambuja Cement Ltd.-Innovating to Leadership Position C-323

when the Tatas decide to divest their remaining stake of and a complete infrastructure of bulk cement sea
7.2 percent, it could be picked up by GACL. Until then, movement, the company has access to the richest mar-
Gujarat Ambuja Cement will continue to be a our kets in India, viz., Gujarat, Maharashtra, Kerala, Pun-
strategic partner and both companies will work to- jab, wet UP, and Haryana. The dedicated fleet of ships
gether and mutually benefit each other." added offi- lends tremendous flexibility to select the most lucrative
cials. ACC currently has a capacity of 12 mt while markets along the Indian coast and overseas as well.
GACL has 7.9 rnt. after its acquisition of Dl.F Cement.
l&T (before its dernerger of cement units) was
the largest producer of cement in the country with a ca- New Capacities and Growth
pacity of 12 rntpa and its plants are located in Gujarat, Opportunities
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. It
was looking for further acquisitions in the western and Ambuja was aiming a 10 million tonne capacity in the
southern parts of the country as part of its growth plans next five years. For this the company planned to invest
in the cement sector. "We are open to acquiring mod- Rs 1500 crore during the period. The company hoped
ern cement plants in the western and southern parts to generate Rs 1,000 crore from internal accruals and
only as we have good presence in these regions," ac- the remaining Rs 500 crore from the debt market. The
cording to A Ramakrishna, l&T member of board and optimism about internal accruals was based on the cal-
president (operations). culation that cash earnings will be Rs 200 crore each
l&T had acquired Narmada Cement with a capac- year. This was be the second time the company would
ity of 1.4 million tonnes per allium (mtpa) for Rs 263 be making such massive investments. It had a history
crore in 1999 and if similar opportunities come up, "the and successful track record of continuous expansions.
company was open for it". Ramakrishna felt that since
In the last five years the company had already invested
L&T enjoys good presence in southern and western
Rs 1500 crore, with one third coming from debt, equity
parts of the country, the company may not be interested
and internal accruals each. Turnover had grown at 36.5
in acquiring cement parts in other parts of India. In the
percent compounded annually during the 1990s driven
last few years, the western region has witnessed a
by a 26 percent annual increase in volumes and an 8.6
growth of9.4 percent per annum which was higher than
in northern and southern region, which registered a 8.5 percent annual increase in cement prices.
percent growth. According to industry analysts, western GACLs net profit for the second quarter ended
zone will remain a deficit region in coming years with December J 999, rose 90 percent to Rs 55 crore against
north and east while surplus of around 4 mpts. Rs 29 crore for the corresponding previous period.
Turnover during the period rose from 6.09 percent to
Rs 331 crore from Rs 312 crore. GACL also declared
FURTHER PROGRESS • an interim dividend of 25 percent for 1999-2000 on the
enhanced equity of Rs 147.10 crore (post-bonus issue
Over the next years, GACl intended to push-sales such
v ~ in the ratio of 1: I). All-round cost control was the key
that it continued to grow at 28 percent annually. Vol-
ume increase from a new 1 mtpa plant in Gujarat com- to profitability, according to Mr Sekhsaria. "I expect
missioned in March 1997, and a 33 percent capacity ,prices to be strong in the January-June period, which is
expansion at the Himachal plant (effected in December 'traditionally the case," he said, adding, 'we hope to
1996), and the recent acquisitions would be driving this leverage on our association with ACC for distribution,
growth. Operating margins were, however, expected to especially in areas where we are not. strong.' He took
decline owing to soft cement prices and rising trans- over as ACC deputy chairman on Wednesday following
portation, freight and energy costs. GACLs acquisition of a 7.2 percent stake in the com-
Interest costs during the quarter declined by
Ambuja's Unique Position 21 percent to Rs 22 crore against Rs 28 crore. "Interest
Within a short period, GACL has achieved a unique po- costs have been low due to the large pre-payment of
sition amongst the cement manufacturers in India. loans in the previous financial year," said Mr Anil
With plants in Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab, Singhvi, director at GACL.

C-324 Part 3 I Additional Cases
According to Mr Singhvi, interest costs for The strengths of the company also came to the
FY2000 will continue to be low as the acquisition of fore through its vision. From Gujarat, Gujarat Ambuja
ACC at Rs 455 crore will be reflected in the accounts expanded into Punjab, a rich state with a per capita
of GACL subsidiary-Ambuja Cement Holdings. Ac- consumption of 165 kg compared to all of India which
cording to Mr Singhvi, GACL will need to borrow an- is at an average of 82 kg. Incidentally, Punjab also has
other Rs 100 crore to finance its recent Rs 350-crore higher prices than other major markets like Gujarat and
acquisition of DLF Cement. Sales volume for the quar- Maharashtra. The Modi Cements acquisition has given
ter ended December 1999 declined marginally by two the company the much needed exposure to the east.
percent 10 1.47 million tonne (rnt) against 1.50 mt And despite the problems faced by the company in
while production was 1.49 mt against 1.51 mt. For the Kerala, where the prices are the highest, it managed III
six months ended December 1999, neT profit was up by sell nearly 20,000 tonnes. So even when prices in Gu-
128 percent to Rs 105 crore against Rs 46 crore in the jarat fell to Rs 90, Gujarat Arnbuja could realize prof-
previous quartar. Turnover for the period was up by its from other more lucrative markets. Says Singhvi:
10.5 percent to Rs 612 crore against Rs 554 core. In- "We are geared towards production and sales that arc
terest costs for six months too declined by 20 percent larger than our capacities. Of our total capacity, we arc
to Rs 44 crore against Rs 55 crore and depreciation confident of selling 5.5 million tonnes (excluding
costs were higher by 5 percent to Rs 62 crore against Modi Cement capacity)."
Rs 59 crore. In 2004, GACL embarked upon expanding the
GACL was confident of its position in the indus- captive power capacity at its various plants. Out of till'
try and was looking at various avenues for further total 75 MW addition, 30 MW was to be at Punjab and
growth. The demand impetus, which started during the Gujarat plants and 15 MW for Ambuja Cement Eastern
year, is continuing and it is expected that demand Limited. "We expect the new plants to be set up within
growth during the year will be above 15 percent. "The 12-15 months. This will make power available to OUI
economy is doing very well and it is believed that vari- plants at half the grid cost;' according to GACL execu
ous policy initiatives taken by the government will trig- tive director Anil Singhvi. Such initiative will further
ger the demand further and the surplus situation which strengthen Ambuja's position as one of the lowest cost
prevailed during the last three years is coming to an producers in India. I "We would like to consolidate out
end," a senior executive of the company stated. position in the west and the northern markets," said
Anil Singhvi added the punch to company's per- Mr Singhvi.?
spective 'This year (200 I) the cost of production will Further, to derive economies of scale in the north-
be brought down to the levels of 1986 when the com- ern and western regions of the country GACL an-
nounced in 2004, increase in capacity from the current
pany started' . According to him: 'The cash cost of pro-
15.5 million tonnes to 20 million tonnes over next three
duction will be Rs 750, with current 5-8 percent
years. The decision had been taken keeping in mind thr
inflation rate. The cost will be 30 percent lower in 001-
growth prospects in the housing and infrastructure Sl:C
lar terms, In a competitive market, it is good that peor
tor. Other associated factors such as rising incomes,
pie think we have exhausted all our weapons.' The
low interest rates and realistic real estate rates would
immediate worry for Gujarat Ambuja was obviously
propel the cement demand. This will also lead to
margins, which are under pressure in year 2000, largely -'
firmer prices in the north and west as also in the expoi t
because of the glut in the market.
market. Singhvi said: "We plan to achieve this through
"It is how you position yourself in the market. In
a mix of acquisitions, brown field' projects and capac
Gujarat, we changed the credit period from 90 days to
ity enhancement at existing units."
4-{i days. In the East, 40 percent of our sales are on
cash and carry in less than six months time," according IGACL Increasing Capacity of Captive Power to Save COSh
to Singhvi. Despite the skepticism, analysts maintain http://www.financialexpress.comlfe full story.php?
that Gujarat Ambuja continues to remain a well-man- content id=57631
aged company. According to as analyst, "The manage- 2GujaratAmbuja Earmarks Rs 1,000 Cr for Buyouts
ment is great at utilization of capacities, and logistics
and cash management. They are the best in the sector
and have exploited all the benefits so far."
I ., ~•

Case 5 I Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.--Innovating to Leadership Position C-32S

In 2004, the northern India market which includes What appealed to these foreign giants was the po-
Punjab, Haryana, Himachal, J&K, Delhi and Ra- tential Indian market offered. Compared to the average
jasthan, was the major market for the GACL. It ac- international per capita cement consumption of 250 kg,
counts for around 45% of its cement sales. The western India lagged way behind with just 80 kg. From the
markets including Murnbai, rest of Maharashtra and country's current installed capacity of 120 million
Gujarat contribute 30% of the sales and 10% sales tonnes in 2003, only about 85 million tonnes was pro-
came from the east from Chattisgarh and West BengaL duced. Explains Saumen Karkun of Holtec Consulting,
With respect to the export front, it accounted for the a Delhi based cement advisory: "We have to differenti-
15% of the total sale.' ate between demand and offtake. Latent demand is
huge but liquidity constraints tend to put brakes on pur-
chases. In the long term, this is what makes India at-
MNC Presence tractive. As the economy grows and more finance is
A large number of international players such as La- released into the system, the offtake will get closer to
farge, Cernex and Holderbank had created positions in the real dernand.:"
cement industry in India. In 2000 itself, Cemex had ap- The new developments in 2005-'06 were that
pointed an unnamed investment bank to scout around L&T had demerged its cement unit selling it to Grasim;
for a potential takeover. Holderbank had a stake in while Holcim had taken over management control of
Kalyanpur Cement and was looking to invest more Gujarat Ambuja Cement.
money in the country.

lGujarat Arnbuja bullish on northern, western markets

~Cem('nting its Position
content id=74636 Business War/cillO January 2000/page 48-52

C-324 Part 3 I Additional Cases

A cording to Mr Sipghvi, interest costs for The strengths of the company also came to t lu
FY200 will continue to be low as the acquisition of fore through its vision. From Gujarat, Gujarat Arnbui.i
ACC at 455 crore will be reflected in the accounts expanded into Punjab, a rich state with a per capir..
of GACl ubsidiary-Ambuja Cement Holdings. Ac- consumption of 165 kg compared to all of India whirh
cording to r Singhvi, GACl will need to borrow an- is at an average of 82 kg. Incidentally, Punjab also 11;, -.
other Rs 10 crore to finance its recent Rs 350-crore higher prices than other major markets like Gujarat alld
acquisition 0 LF Cement. Sales volume for the quar- Maharashtra. The Modi Cements acquisition has giv,'"
ter ended Dece ber 1999 declined marginally by two the company the much needed exposure to the east.
percent to 1.47 million tonne (mt) against 1.50 mt And despite the problems faced by the company III
while production as 1.49 mt against 1.51 mt. For the Kerala, where the prices are the highest, it managed I••
six months ended cember 1999, net profit was up by sell nearly 20,000 tonnes. So even when prices in (;1I
128 percent to Rs I crore against Rs 46 crore in the jarat fell to Rs 90, Gujarat Ambuja could realize prof
previous quartar. Tu over for the period was up by its from other more lucrative markets. Says Singhvi
10.5 percent to Rs 612 rore against Rs 554 core. In- "We are geared towards production and sales that arc
terest costs for six mont too declined by 20 percent larger than our capacities. Of our total capacity, we arc
to Rs 44 crore against R 55 crore and depreciation confident of selling 5.5 million tonnes (excluding
costs were higher by 5 perc nt to Rs 62 crore against Modi Cement capacity)."
Rs 59 crore. In 2004, GACl embarked upon expanding the
GACl was confident of it position in the indus- captive power capacity at its various plants. Out of rh«
try and was looking at various venues for further total 75 MW addition, 30 MW was to be at Punjab and
growth. The demand impetus, whic started during the Gujarat plants and 15 MW for Arnbuja Cement Eastern
year, is continuing. and it is expe ed that demand limited. "We expect the new plants to be set up within
growth during the year will be above I percent. "The 12-15 months. This will make power available to our
economy is doing very well and'it is beli ved that vari- plants at half the grid cost," according to GACl execu-
ous policy initiatives taken by the governm t will trig- tive director Anil Singhvi. Such initiative will further
ger the demand further and the surplus situa - n which strengthen Arnbuja's position as one of the lowest cost
prevailed during the last three years is comi to an producers in India. I "We would like to consolidate our
end," a senior executive of the company stated. position in the west and the northern markets," said
Anil Singhvi added the punch to company's er- Mr Singhvi.?
spective 'This year (200 I) the cost of production w I Further, to derive economies of scale in the north-
be brought down to the levels of 1986 when the com- ern and western regions of the country GACl an-
nounced in 2004, increase in capacity from the current
pany started'. According to him: 'The cash cost of pro-
15.5 million tonnes to 20 million tonnes over next three
duction will be Rs 750, with current 5-8 percent
ars. The decision had been taken keeping in mind the
, inflation rate. The cost will be 30 percent lower in'dol-
gr th prospects in the housing and infrastructure sec-
lar terms. In a competitive market, it is good that pea-
tor. her associated factors such as rising incomes,
pie think we have exhausted all our weapons.' The
low int est rates and realistic real estate rates would
immediate worry for Gujarat Ambuja was obviously
propel th cement demand. This will also lead to
margins, which are under pressure in year 2000, largel/
firmer price in the north and west as also in the export
because of the glut in the market.
market. Singh . said: "We plan to achieve this through
"It is how you position yourself in the market. In
a mix of acquisi . ns, brown field projects and capac-
Gujarat, we changed the credit period from 90 days to
ity enhancement at isting units."
4--6 days. In the East, 40 percent of our sales are on
cash and carry in less than six months time," according 'GACL Increasing Capacif of Captive Power to Save Costs
to Singhvi. Despite the skepticism, analysts maintain http://www.financialexpress.c fe full story.php?
that Gujarat Ambuja continues to remain a well-man- content id=5763!
aged company. According to as analyst, "The manage-
2GujaratAmbuja Earmarks Rs 1,00 Cr for Buyouts
ment is great at utilization of capacities, and logistics
http:/www.financialexpress.comlfe_fu story.php?
and cash management. They are the best in the sector
and have exploited all the benefits so far."
C ase 5 I Gujarat Ambuja Cement Ltd.-Innovating to Leadership Position C-32S

In 2004, the northern India market which includes What appealed to these foreign giants was the po-
Punjab, Haryana, Himachal. J&K, Delhi and Ra- tential Indian market offered. Compared to the average
[asthan, was the major market for the GAeL. It ac- international per capita cement consumption of 250 kg,
counts for around 45% of its cement sales. The western India lagged way behind with just 80 kg. From the
markets including Murnbai, rest of Maharashtra and country's current installed capacity of 120 million
Gujarat contribute 30% of the sales and 10% sales tonnes in 2003, only about 85 million tonnes was pro-
came from the east from Chattisgarh and West Bengal. duced. Explains Saumen Karkun of Holtec Consulting,
With respect to the export front, it accounted for the a Delhi based cement advisory: "We have to differenti-
15% of the total sale.' ate between demand and offtake. Latent demand is
huge but liquidity constraints tend to put brakes on pur-
chases. In the long term, this is what makes India at-
MNC Presence tractive. As the economy grows and more finance is
A large number of international players such as La- released into the system, the offtake will get closer to
farge, Cemex and Holderbank had created positions in the real demand.:"
cement industry in India. In 2000 itself, Cernex had ap- The new developments in 2005-'06 were that
pointed an unnamed investment bank to scout around L&T had demerged its cement unit selling it to Grasim;
for a potential takeover. Holderbank had a stake in while Holcirn had taken over management control of
Kalyanpur Cement and was looking to invest more Gujarat Ambuja Cement.
money in the country.

3Gujarat Arnbuja bullish on northern, western markets

http://www.financialexpress.comlfejull_story.php.l "Cementing its Position
content id=74636 Business World/lO January 2000/page 48-52
C-326 Part 3 I Ad ditional
.. C ases

appendix 1~

, ..•.
Case 5 I Gujarat Arnbuja Cement Ltd.-Innovating to Leadership Position C-327

appendix 12
Annual Results from the year 1998 to 2003
Profit & loss account . ~. . 'e '
~ (; .

Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. JJn 1999 Jun 2000 Jun 2001 Jun 2002 Jun 2003 i Jun 2Q04
Rs Crore (Non-Anl'!ualised). . 12 mths . 1~ mths . 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths 12 mths

Sales 1252 '1303 1449 1584 2033 2307
Other income 36 42 17 38 65 72
Change in stocks -16 12 10 -12 6 2
Non-recurring income 13 294 18 7 12 77
Raw materials, stores, etc. 139 169 203 229 310 328
Wages & salaries 34 44 46 53 69 89
Energy (power & fuel) 240 279 296 324 431 464
Indirect taxes (excise, etc.) 193 187 180 201 294 346
Advertising & marketing expenses 20 22 24 29 43 58
Distribution expenses 165 150 153 168 275 313
Others 89' 93 108 121 136 167
less: expenses capitalised 0 0 0 0 0 0
Non-recurring expenses 2 2 6 13 3 30
PBDIT 403 705 478 478 554 664
Financial charges (incl. lease rent) 130 125 142 . 116 129 111
PBDT 274 580 337 362 425 552
Depreciation 123 124" 129 138 171 169
PBT' 151 456- 207 224 254 384
Tax provision 0 28 15 45 32 47
PAT 151 428 193 179 2.22 337
Appropriation of profits
Dividends 68 79 I 85 93 123 160
Retained earnings 83 349 108 86 99 176
C-328 Part 3 I Additional Cases

appendix I3 .
Yearly Sales and Profit Details

" Year • Sales (Rs Crore)' Profit (Rs Crore)

1998-'99 1252 150

1999-'00 1303 456
2000-'01 1448 207
2001-'02 1584 224
2002-'03 2033 253
2003-'04 2306 383

Sales and Profit Details for the year 1998 to 2004


i 2000-r--------------------------------------~~._----__ ·.~--_4
••u 1500-r--------~----------~~----~~'I_----_a

C 500

1998-'99 1999-'2000'(;000-'01
2001- '02 2002- '03 2003-'04
Sales (Rs crares) Profit (Rs crores)
Case 5 I Gujarat Arnbuja Cement Ltd++lnnovating to Leadership Position C-JZ9

appendix 14
Investment indicators (BSE)
.. - ~ ~ ~. •..
Gujarat Ambuja Cements Ltd. . . ,Finance year - •. -. ' : Jun 2004
Share price performapce. ' . Tr~ding date -. . '. : 9-Feb-05
-~ '\
~arket pr;~~(Rs) ~56.05 Face value'(Rs.) Tl0
EPS (Rs) 24.65 Beta 0.65
CPS (Rs) 35.06 PIE (times) 18.5
BV per share (Rs) 122.67 PIB (times) 3.72
Turnover 4.3242 Market capitaiisation 8185.6

(Rs Crore) (Rs Crore) .

Financial indicators (Rs Crore) .
Net worth 2012.85 Total assets
Equity capital 179.45 Sales
Borrowing 1269.68 PAT
GFA 3651.84 PAT/Sales(%}

9.19 28.86 49.75

6.83 3.4 2.79
.f 46.8 >F 468.8 468.f.f
High price date . '31/01/2005 31/0112005 31/01/2005
Low price (Rs.) 398 348.15 302
Low price date 1211/05 16/11/2004 1610812004

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