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• How is subsequent academic achievement affected by previously perceived chronic stress

Title: The correlation study of chronic stress in the academic performance on 1st year college
students of BS Psychology of the University of Caloocan City A.Y. 2019-2020

Objectives: The main objective of this study is to determine the extent, to which stress affects
students’ academic performance, as well as to inquire and bring to light measures to counteract
the effects of existing stress in students.

Statement of the Problem: Considering the findings above, the research is intended to address
the following questions:

1. What is the correlation of chronic stress in the academic performance of the student?
2. What is the biggest cause of stress for a student in the following terms;
2.1 Financial problem
2.2 Family problem
2.3 Overloaded academic work
3. What are the ways to reduce stress?

Research Design/Method: The researchers used descriptive method to know if there is

a correlation between the chronic stress in the academic performance of the student in University
of Caloocan City. The descriptive method of research will be used in this research, because
descriptive research has a three main purposes of research are to describe, explain, and validate
findings that the researcher going to practice in this research

Sampling Techniques: In this study the researcher used convenience Random sampling
technique to survey students at the University of Caloocan City. Random selection of individual
students was preferred, to ensure complete anonymity and protects students from any negative
consequences; a random selection of classes rather than individual students was used.

Instrument: The survey questionnaires were structured carefully to avoid respondents not
getting meaning of questions. Simple and easy words were therefore used so that respondents
will easily understand as well as answer them. Survey can provide this broad capability, which
ensures a more accurate sample to gather targeted results in which to draw conclusions. the
survey questionnaire will be answered by the 1st year college student of the university of
What is Stress?
Stress is the feeling that you are under too much mental or emotional pressure. It is triggered by something in your
life happening that feels too much for you personally to handle, regardless of whether others can or can’t. This might
be a work issue, dealing with relationship conflict, or debt problems.
You might find it harder to function and concentrate at work, lose interest in your social life, and find yourself being
irritable with those you love. Physically perhaps you aren’t sleeping well, are under or overeating, and have signs of
muscle tension including headaches and stomachaches. At worse, it can lead to high blood pressure and other
serious health issues.
What is Depression?
 Just like life challenges and chronic stress are different, low moods and depression are not the same beast.
 While everyone feels down now and then, depression is a serious issue that involves feeling low for several
weeks or longer, even for years in some cases.
 Because of its irrationality, depression can often feel out of control.
 Depression tends to leave you feeling exhausted, even if you are sleeping.
 One if the biggest symptoms of depression are negative thinking, which can spiral into destructive thoughts
if support is not sought.
Stress tends to resolve if life events change vs. depression can last up to years.
Stress tends to have an obvious trigger vs. depression can hit out of nowhere.
Stress is related to life events vs. depression can happen even if life seems fine
Why is it important to know about stress?
Routine stress may be the hardest type of stress to notice at first. ... Over time, continued strain on your body from
routine stress may contribute to serious health problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and
other illnesses, as well as mental disorders like depression or anxiety.
 Chronic can cause depression, so we should be treated before too late or lead to depression. Depression is
severe than stress and difficult to treat.
 Because of its negative health consequences, finding effective ways to prevent chronic stress among
adolescents is of great concern. In order to begin to achieve this goal, it is important to identify which
individuals are at risk. However, with the lack of previous information about the risk factors for chronic
stress among adolescents further study has been needed. In regard to stress in general, previous research
has identified a number of important risk factors for stress.
Given the above information, the aim of the present study was to examine if college students who have been
persistently perceiving stress over a longer period of time (i.e., two years in the present study), differ significantly
with regard to academic achievement from students who experience stress only from time to time periodically or
from students who do not perceive any stress symptoms during their time in high school. In addition, the relative
importance of risk factors, previously associated with stress, were tested among individuals experiencing chronic

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