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BS 5499 Safety Signs, Including Fire Safety Signs

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Fire Safety Equipment

BS 5499 Safety Signs, Including Fire
Premises Subject to the Fire
Safety Order Safety Signs
Legislation BS 5499 covers all safety warning sign, including fire safety signs and is compatable with the Health and Safety (Safety Signs
and Signals) Regulations 1996. It is also compatable with the ISO standards relevant to fire signs but in regards to EC Safety
Signs Directive 92/58/EEC – fire exit signs there is some confusion. Some manufacturers interpretation of the directive and
Fire Risk Assessment the Safety Signs and Signal regulations and produced an exit sign (Euro sign) which is in conflict with BS 5499. This is very
likely to be rectified shortly and Europe will fall in line with BS 5499 and the ISO. There are many warning signs but I will
concentrate on the fire warning signs.
Fire Safety Guides

Department of Communities
and Local Government
A sample of BS 5499 fire warning signs
Basic Means of escape from
Fire Prohibition signs Black graphical symbol on
These signs prohibit a white circle within a
Fire Safety check list for actions detrimental to circular red band and
Industry safety behind a red crossbar.
Fire Safety in New, Extended
or Altered Buildings
Staff Fire Safety Training White graphical symbol
on a blue circle. Because
How to combat Arson in Mandatory sign
the “Fire Door keep shut”
Schools Signs that require actions
sign doesn’t have a
or activities that will
How to organise a Fire pictogram it is not in
contribute towards safety
Safety Campaign accordance with EC
Fire Safety for Special directive
Needs Groups
Safe Working with
Flammable Substances Warning signs Black graphical symbol on
A Fire Survival Guide These signs give warning a yellow triangle that has
of potential risks a strong black border.
Wake Up get a Smoke Alarm

Domestic Premises
Safe Condition Signs
These signs indicate exit
Miscellaneous These signs indicate exit
routes in the event of a
routes in the event of a fire
fire or emergency
or emergency

Fire Equipment Signs

These signs are used to White graphical symbol
indicate the location of fire on a red square.

Supplementary Determined by the

Information Signs appropriate sign.

BS 5499 Part 4
BS 5499 part 4 is devoted to escape route signing and while good sign design practice is important, the correct application
and positioning of those signs is of equal significance in ensuring an effective signing system is in place. The size and
positioning of signs within a building should form a major part of the package. It clearly and concisely deals with all aspects of
the design of an effective escape route signing system.

Points to consider are

Sign type, sign size and viewing distance

Construction durability and suitability

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BS 5499 Safety Signs, Including Fire Safety Signs

Servicing and maintenance

Illustrations (use of safety signs)
Use of arrows to indicate direction of travel

It also deals with the issues associated with designing a coordinated system of signing throughout any given building. The
code outlines items that need to be addressed in considering the overall design, including,

Results of any risk assessment

Requirements (if any) of enforcing authorities
Operational needs of the building’s managers
Convenience of the users of the building, both workers and Public

The code stresses that it is only through the consideration of these factors that an effective design system for escape route
signing can be achieved. It provides clear guidance on how to do this.

Examples of BS 5499 Escape route signing

The internationally
Supplementary recognised
Supplementary text
directional arrow. graphical symbol
for emergency exits

Exhaustive testing both comprehension and judgment testing of graphical symbols conforming to BS5499 and ISO 7010,
ISO16069 achieved the highest comprehension credentials. However as it only achieved some 80%, the British Standard
requires supplementary text to aid comprehension. This too was tested and achieved 100% comprehension under ISO 9186.
(Comprehension Testing Standard) Both International and British Standard Technical committee agreed that Escape Route
Location and directional identification should not be left to graphic symbols alone. Consequently escape route signs should
normally consist of three elements, the internationally-recognised graphical symbol for emergency exits, supplementary text
(Exit or Fire exit) and a directional arrow.

Further Information
The British Standard should be available from your local reference library.

Below is the list of all the BS Standards relevant to fire warning signs.

BS 5499-1:2002 Graphical symbols and signs. Safety signs, including fire safety signs. Specification for geometric
shapes, colour’s and layout.
BS 5499-2:1986 Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols. Specification for self-luminous fire safety signs
BS 5499-4:2000 Safety signs, including fire safety signs. Code of practice for escape route signing
BS 5499-5:2002 Graphical symbols and signs. Safety signs, including fire safety signs. Signs with specific safety
meanings and
BS 5499-6:2002 – Graphical symbols and signs. Safety signs, including fire safety signs. Creation and design of
graphical symbols for use in safety signs. Requirements
BS 5499-10:2006 Safety signs, including fire safety signs. Code of practice for the use of safety signs, including fire
safety signs
BS 5378:Part 2:1980 Safety signs and colour’s. Specification for colorimetric and photometric properties of materials
BS EN 60598-2-22:1998+A2:2008 BS EN 60598-2-22:1999 Luminaire’s. Particular requirements. Luminaire’s for
emergency lighting

« Health and Safety (Safety Signs and Signals Regulations) International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) – Fire
1996 Signs »

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