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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and

Material Manufacturers

Operating Environment: Floating & Fixed Platform, FPSO Marine & Hull, LNG,
Onshore, Pipelines, Subsea, Topsides

This document is the confidential property of Chevron U.S.A. Inc. and its affiliates. When made available to
any contractor providing services to Chevron U.S.A. Inc. or its affiliates, the contractor’s use of this
document shall be governed by the confidentiality provisions of the applicable contract or bid package.
Without limiting the foregoing, neither the whole nor any part of this document may be disclosed by the
contractor to any third party, other than an affiliate of the contractor that requires this information for
purposes of the contract with the Chevron entity, without the prior written consent of the Chevron entity that
has disclosed this document to the contractor. When requested by Chevron U.S.A. Inc. or its disclosing
affiliate, the contractor must return all copies of this document to the Chevron entity requesting such return
and delete any electronic copies from the contractor’s systems.

Any and all modifications (changes, amendments, etc.) to this document must follow approved
Chevron Engineering Standards governance processes.

Rev. Date Description Author Technology Leader

06/14 Initial release. J. Morton J. Pesonen

A 12/17 Minor revision. B. Gearhart J. Pesonen

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

Summary of Changes
Revised technical content may be marked with change bars in the right margin as directed by Author.
The Author denotes the following technical changes to this revision as detailed below:

Author notations regarding this revision

Added Subsea to operating environment (cover page)

Section 2.3, clarified that any conflicts with references are to be recorded, maintained, and accessible
(see Section 8.0)
Clarified that Purchaser has sole authority for waiving hold/witness points (Section 5.2 and Section 6.4)
Clarified content requirements for Manufacturing Record Book (Section 8.0)
Updated Section 9.0 and Section 10.0, referencing QAM-PU-6197 for guidance on fabrication criticality rating
Added Section 11.0, Supplemental Requirements for Prototype/Equipment Qualification
Updated Appendix A, Example Quality Control/Inspection and Test Plan

Safety Critical Changes (if applicable) are noted below


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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

1.0 Scope............................................................................................................................................... 5
2.0 References ...................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Owner Documents .............................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Industry Codes and Standards ........................................................................................... 5
2.3 Conflict Resolution .............................................................................................................. 6
3.0 Terminology .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Acronyms ............................................................................................................................ 7
3.2 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 7
4.0 Quality Management System ...................................................................................................... 10
5.0 Quality Assurance Requirements .............................................................................................. 10
5.1 Meetings ............................................................................................................................ 10
5.2 Quality Control/Inspection and Test Plan.......................................................................... 10
5.3 Manufacturing and Testing Procedures ............................................................................ 12
6.0 Quality Control Requirements .................................................................................................... 12
6.1 Document Control ............................................................................................................. 12
6.2 Design Control .................................................................................................................. 13
6.3 Sub-Supplier Control ......................................................................................................... 13
6.4 Concession Requests ....................................................................................................... 14
6.5 Material Control ................................................................................................................. 14
6.6 Fabrication Control ............................................................................................................ 15
7.0 Inspection Requirements ............................................................................................................ 16
7.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 16
7.2 Inspection by Supplier ....................................................................................................... 17
7.3 Inspection by Purchaser ................................................................................................... 17
7.4 Inspection by Independent Authority................................................................................. 18
7.5 Audit and Verification ........................................................................................................ 18
7.6 Final Inspection Activities .................................................................................................. 18
8.0 Manufacturing Record Book ....................................................................................................... 18
9.0 Supplemental Requirements for Medium Criticality Materials and Equipment (Fabrication
Criticality Rating 2) ...................................................................................................................... 19
9.1 Quality Manual .................................................................................................................. 19
9.2 Sub-Supplier Control ......................................................................................................... 20
9.3 Material Control ................................................................................................................. 20
10.0 Supplemental Requirements for High Criticality Materials and Equipment (Fabrication
Criticality Rating 1) ...................................................................................................................... 20
11.0 Requirements for Prototype/Equipment Qualification ............................................................. 21
11.1 General ............................................................................................................................. 21
11.2 Qualification Test Facilities ............................................................................................... 21
11.3 Qualification Test Procedures ........................................................................................... 22

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

Appendix A Example Quality Control/Inspection and Test Plan..................................................... 23

Appendix B Example Concession Request ....................................................................................... 30
Appendix C Example Nonconformance Report ................................................................................ 31
Appendix D Example Inspection Release .......................................................................................... 32

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

1.0 Scope
1. This specification defines the minimum requirements for quality assurance (QA), quality
control (QC), and inspection and record keeping activities to be performed by equipment
and material manufacturers (hereinafter referred to as “Suppliers”).
2. Also included in this specification are supplemental requirements for medium and high
criticality materials and equipment, and requirements for prototype/equipment
3. This specification applies to all purchased equipment and materials provided to the
Purchaser by the Supplier.

2.0 References
1. The following documents are referenced herein and are considered an integral part of this
2. Unless otherwise specified in Section 2.1 or Section 2.2, use the latest edition of the
referenced documents.

2.1 Owner Documents

COM-SU-4743 External Coatings
COM-SU-5191 Coating Systems
CPM-PU-5074 Material Verification Program
CPM-SU-5244 Preservation of New Equipment
PMV-SU-1322 Pressure Vessels with High-Alloy Cladding and Overlay
PMV-SU-4750 Carbon Steel Pressure Vessels
QAM-PU-6168 Material Marking and Traceability – Piping and Vessels
QAM-PU-6197 Fabrication Complexity Rating Assessment and Assurance
Requirements for Engineered Equipment

2.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute (API)
Spec Q1 Specification for Quality Management System Requirements for
Manufacturing Organization for the Petroleum and Natural Gas

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ASME International (ASME)

B16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings NPS ½ through NPS 24 Metric/Inch
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code (BPVC)
Section II, Materials
Section V, Nondestructive Examination, Article 9, Visual Examination
Section VIII Division 1, Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels:
Appendix 2, Rules for Bolted Flange Connection with Ring Type
Appendix 6, Methods for Magnetic Particle Examination
Appendix 7, Examination of Steel Castings
Appendix 8, Methods for Liquid Penetrant Examination
Appendix 9, Jacketed Vessels
Appendix 10, Quality Control System
Appendix 12, Ultrasonic Examination of Welds
Section IX, Welding, Brazing, and Fusing Qualifications,
Article II, Welding Procedure Qualifications

American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT)

SNT-TC-1A Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive

European Standards (EN)

10204 Metallic Products – Types of Inspection Documents

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

9001 Quality Management Systems – Requirements

10005 Quality Management Systems – Guidelines for Quality Plans
10012 Measurement management systems – Requirements for
measurement processes and measurement equipment
TS 29001 Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries –
Sector-Specific Quality Management Systems – Requirements
for Products and Service Supply Organizations

2.3 Conflict Resolution

1. Supplier shall submit any conflicts among the inquiry documents in writing to Purchaser
for resolution. A record of these items shall be maintained and accessible for review, and
will become part of the final Manufacturing Record Book (see Section 8.0)
2. Subject to Purchaser review and acceptance, equivalent national or international standards
may be used in lieu of those listed in this specification. Work shall not commence until the
proposed alternative standards have been reviewed and accepted by the Purchaser.

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

3.0 Terminology
3.1 Acronyms
AI Authorized Inspector
CMTR Certified Material Test Report
CPAR Corrective/Preventive Action Request
CR Concession Request
DFT Dry Film Thickness
FEED Front End Engineering and Design
IIA Independent Inspection Authority
ITP Inspection and Test Plan
MRB Manufacturing Record Book
MPT Magnetic Particle Test
MTR Material Test Report
NCR Nonconformance Report
NDE Nondestructive Examination
OES Optical Emission Spectrometry
PFM Pre-Fabrication Meeting
PMI Positive Material Identification
PO Purchase Order
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QMS Quality Management System
QP Quality Plan
RT Radiography Test
UT Ultrasonic Testing
WFMPT Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Test

3.2 Definitions
Concession Request (CR) A standard document issued by the Supplier to request
Purchaser acceptance of any deviation from purchase order
(PO) requirements.

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

Corrective/Preventive Action Request (CPAR)

A standard document issued by the Purchaser to the Supplier
to request resolution of a condition that may result in a
significant Supplier nonconformance, a nonconformance not
covered by a Supplier nonconformance report, repeated
Supplier nonconformances, or significant Supplier
Independent Inspection Authority (IIA)
An authority that performs inspection, typically on behalf of a
governmental organization, to verify that equipment or
materials meet statutory requirements.
Inspection Points (defined as follows):
Hold (H): Mandatory witness of inspection or testing
activities. In cases where a hold point is indicated for
Purchaser or Purchaser inspector(s), notification by the
Supplier shall be required. The designated participant(s) shall
be present during the specified activity. Work shall not
proceed past a hold point.
Witness (W): Witness of fabrication, inspection, or testing
activities. In cases where a witness point is indicated for
Purchaser or Purchaser inspector(s), notification by the
Supplier shall be required. If proper notification is given and
the designated Purchaser participant(s) do not arrive for the
witness point within 24 hours of the date and time requested in
the notification or the Purchaser waives the witness point,
work may proceed provided test reports are compiled and
made available for Purchaser or Purchaser inspector review at
a later date.
In-process (I): Random witnessing of the fabrication,
inspection, or testing activities. Notification by the Supplier
shall not be required.
Review (R): Review of documentation such as reports, testing
records, procedures, and qualification records. Notification by
the Supplier shall not be required.
Kickoff Meeting A meeting held by the Supplier and the Purchaser to confirm
that the PO requirements are understood and agreed by all
Manufacturing Record Book (MRB)
A compilation of documents that provides a record of quality-
related activities performed by the Supplier throughout the
design, fabrication, and testing of the equipment
and/or materials provided.

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

Material Test Report (MTR) A document that identifies each component according to the
original heat of material from which it was produced. The
MTR certifies a material’s compliance with industry standards,
physical and chemical properties, applicable dimensions, etc.
Nonconformance Report (NCR)
A standard document initiated by the Supplier to record a
deficiency in a deliverable, procedure, or document that
renders the quality of equipment or materials unacceptable or
indeterminate with respect to conformance with purchase order
Origin The physical location, facility, and entity at which material
or equipment is initially processed and offered as a product
for use.
Pre-Fabrication Meeting (PFM) A meeting held by the Supplier and the Purchaser to confirm
that the Supplier’s plans for producing equipment or materials
in conformance with purchase order requirements are
understood and agreed by all parties prior to fabrication.
Purchase Order (PO) A document issued by the Purchaser containing all technical
and commercial requirements for the provision of equipment
or materials by the Supplier.
Quality Assurance (QA) The planned or systematic actions necessary to provide
sufficient confidence that a product or service will satisfy the
given requirements.
Quality Control (QC) The ongoing effort to maintain the integrity of a process in
order to maintain the reliability of achieving an acceptable
Quality Control/Inspection and Test Plan (QC/ITP)
A document listing all design, fabrication, inspection, testing,
and final acceptance activities for a given PO, and identifying
activities during which the Supplier, Purchaser, Purchaser
inspector(s), or independent inspection authorities are
involved. The QC/ITP documents the Supplier’s performance
of quality control activities and the quality control activities
conducted by others.
Quality Management System (QMS)
The organizational structure, procedures, process, and
resources used by the Supplier to consistently provide
equipment or materials that meet all PO and statutory
requirements. The QMS is the Supplier’s basis for achieving
quality across all aspects of its business, thus ensuring
Purchaser’s satisfaction with the product. It also provides a
means for continual improvement of the Supplier’s output.

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Quality Assurance Requirements for Equipment and Material Manufacturers QAM-SU-6053-A

Quality Manual A document that details the scope of the Supplier’s QMS,
including associated procedures (or reference to them) and
their interaction.
Quality Plan (QP) A document that details how the Supplier implements the
QMS for a given purchase order. The QP is the basis for
assuring the quality of the equipment or materials being
purchased. The QP includes both QA and QC steps.
Verification Document A document completed by the Supplier to record the result of
an inspection or test.

4.0 Quality Management System

1. Supplier shall have a quality management system (QMS) aligned and implemented in
accordance with ISO 9001, ISO TS 29001, or API Q1. Upon request by the Purchaser,
Supplier shall provide a copy of the current national or international registration document
or code stamp.
a. Supplier’s registration document shall cover the manufacturing facility supplying the
material or equipment.
b. Supplier shall immediately notify Purchaser of any renewals or changes to national or
international registrations, including changes of QMS registrar.
2. In accordance with ISO 10012, Supplier shall implement and maintain a calibration and
accuracy-checking system for all inspection and measuring and test equipment. Records
shall be available and traceable to a national or international standard.

5.0 Quality Assurance Requirements

5.1 Meetings
1. Unless waived in writing by Purchaser, a kickoff meeting and a pre-fabrication meeting
(PFM) shall be held.
2. Supplier shall ensure that critical Sub-Suppliers are present at the kickoff meeting and
the PFM.
3. Detailed design or procurement of raw materials shall not commence prior to completion of
the kickoff meeting.
4. Fabrication shall not commence prior to completion of the PFM.

5.2 Quality Control/Inspection and Test Plan

1. Supplier shall submit a detailed quality control/inspection and test plan (QC/ITP) for
Purchaser review and acceptance that is specific to the purchase order. An example QC/ITP
is included in Appendix A.
a. QC/ITP shall be submitted for Purchaser review prior to the PFM.

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b. All Supplier and Sub-Supplier documents referenced in the QC/ITP shall be submitted
for Purchaser review and acceptance.
c. Fabrication shall not commence until the QC/ITP and all referenced Supplier and
Sub-Supplier documents have been reviewed and accepted by the Purchaser.
d. Supplier shall submit revisions of the QC/ITP or any referenced Supplier or
Sub-Supplier documents for Purchaser review and acceptance prior to implementing
any changes described therein.
2. QC/ITP shall list all relevant activities (e.g., procedure development steps,
procurement/material receipt steps, manufacturing steps, nondestructive examination
[NDE] and testing steps) in chronological order.
3. When activities are to be performed in multiple Supplier locations or at Sub-Supplier
facilities, the Supplier QC/ITP shall list the specific location of each activity listed.
4. When activities are to be performed for multiple components or assemblies, the Supplier
QC/ITP shall list identifying information (e.g., part number, assembly name) for each
5. Activities associated with critical Sub-Suppliers that conform to the requirements of this
specification shall be incorporated into the Supplier QC/ITP or Sub-Supplier QC/ITP, and
shall be submitted for Purchaser review and acceptance.
6. For each activity shown, the QC/ITP shall include (as precisely as possible) the following:
a. Description of the activity to be performed.
b. References to applicable codes, standards, specifications, and procedures governing
the activity.
c. Applicable acceptance criteria, including types and sizes of test samples and testing
Note: With the exception of NDE interpretation criteria, reference to a separate
document containing acceptance criteria is not permitted unless accepted by
d. Applicable verification document(s).
7. For each activity shown, the QC/ITP shall indicate all inspection activities (inspection
points) to be attended by the following personnel:
a. Supplier’s QC personnel.
b. Purchaser’s designated inspector.
c. Purchaser.
d. Independent inspection authority (IIA) (if any).
Note: Supplier’s inspection points shall be equal to or more stringent than Purchaser
8. Space shall be provided to permit signing and dating by each party at each manufacturing

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9. Inspection points shall be as follows:

a. Hold
b. Witness
c. In-process inspection
d. Review
Note: Alternate inspection point terminology may be used subject to Purchaser review
and acceptance.
10. When notification by Supplier is required, such notification shall be received at least
10 working days in advance unless agreed to otherwise by Purchaser at the PFM.
Notification shall be considered complete when Purchaser inspector has acknowledged
receipt in writing to Supplier.
11. Purchaser shall have sole authority to waive hold or witness points.
a. Purchaser inspector shall not waive hold or witness points.
b. Any hold or witness point waived by Purchaser shall be done in writing in advance of
the inspections, and the responses shall be recorded, supported by a procedure,
maintained throughout the project, subject to audit, and submitted as part of the final
manufacturing record book (MRB).
12. IIA inspection points shall not be waived.

5.3 Manufacturing and Testing Procedures

1. Supplier shall submit all applicable manufacturing, welding, heat treatment, NDE, and
testing procedures to Purchaser for review and acceptance, along with any other procedures
requiring acceptance as described in the purchase order (PO) documents.
2. Supplier NDE procedures shall be reviewed and endorsed by Supplier or Supplier-
contracted personnel bearing ASNT SNT-TC-1A Level III certification in the relevant
NDE discipline. Level III certifications shall be available for review by Purchaser at any

6.0 Quality Control Requirements

6.1 Document Control
1. Supplier shall maintain a document control system, supported by written procedures, to
control Purchaser, Supplier, and Sub-Supplier documents related to the PO.
2. Document control system shall ensure that the latest accepted versions of all applicable
documents are available at points of use, and that obsolete documents are removed or duly
marked “Void” or “Superseded.”
3. Supplier shall maintain a master document register listing all Purchaser, Supplier, and
Sub-Supplier documents related to the PO.

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4. Master register shall list the current revision and Purchaser acceptance status of each
a. The master register shall be submitted to Purchaser at an interval agreed between
Purchaser and Supplier.
b. The master register shall be available for review by Purchaser at all times.

6.2 Design Control

1. Supplier shall be responsible for ensuring that the design of materials or equipment meets
all PO requirements as well as any applicable statutory regulations.
2. Supplier shall review all PO documents to ensure that the requirements are clearly defined
and can be met on a consistent basis. Any conflicts or proposed deviations shall be
submitted as a concession request (CR) to Purchaser for review and acceptance.
3. Supplier shall perform design control, including establishing design requirements,
reviewing design inputs, and reviewing and approving design outputs. Supplier design
documents shall be reviewed by qualified and experienced Supplier personnel for accuracy,
completeness, and fulfillment of all PO design criteria.
4. Supplier shall develop drawings, reports, specifications, registers, design calculations, and
other associated documents as required by the PO. Unless waived by Purchaser, all such
documents shall be subject to Purchaser review and acceptance at times agreed to by
Purchaser and Supplier.

6.3 Sub-Supplier Control

1. Supplier shall maintain a process, supported by written procedures, for the management of
Sub-Suppliers providing materials or equipment to the Purchaser. The process shall include
the following:
a. Comprehensive capability assessment and qualification of Sub-Suppliers.
b. Evaluation criteria for selection and acceptance of Sub-Suppliers.
c. Audit and periodic evaluation of Sub-Suppliers.
d. Performance rating and continuous improvement of Sub-Suppliers.
2. Supplier shall submit with their bid to Purchaser a list of proposed Supplier POs to Sub-
Suppliers for Purchaser review and acceptance. The list shall include:
a. Proposed or potential Sub-Suppliers for each Supplier PO.
b. An indication of which Supplier POs are considered critical for the scope of work.
3. Sub-Suppliers of elements that are deemed critical are considered “critical
Sub-Suppliers” under this specification. Critical Sub-Suppliers are subject to additional
requirements as described herein.

Note: Purchaser may exclude a Sub-Supplier proposed by the Supplier at any time.

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4. All PO requirements, without exception, shall apply to all Sub-Suppliers. The Supplier
shall ensure that all PO requirements (including quality assurance [QA] requirements) are
known, understood, and applied by its Sub-Suppliers for their respective scope of work.
5. Supplier shall submit un-priced copies of its Sub-Supplier POs (cover sheet or summary
level information showing scope of supply) to Purchaser for review.
6. Unless waived by Purchaser, all Sub-Supplier documentation subject to Purchaser
acceptance shall be reviewed by the Supplier to ensure compliance with PO requirements
prior to submission to Purchaser for review and acceptance.

6.4 Concession Requests

1. Supplier shall maintain a process, supported by written procedures, for managing
concession requests. Procedures shall include the following at a minimum:
a. Methodology for requesting Purchaser acceptance of any deviation from PO
b. Tracking of CRs, including status. Supplier shall assign a unique identifier to all CRs.
2. Supplier shall submit all CRs for Purchaser review and acceptance. An example CR is
included in Appendix B.
3. CRs shall be considered by Purchaser based on business justification, such as cost
reduction or schedule improvement.

Note: Compliance with regulatory requirements is mandatory.

4. Purchaser shall have sole authority to accept CRs and Purchaser inspector shall not have
authority to accept CRs.
5. All Supplier documents affected by a Purchaser-accepted CR shall be annotated with the
unique identifier of the impacting CR including drawings, specifications, procedures, and

6.5 Material Control

1. Supplier and all Sub-Suppliers shall maintain a process, supported by written procedures, to
establish material origin and traceability of materials, welding consumables, parts, and
components, including partially fabricated assemblies.
2. Supplier shall ensure that all material test reports (MTRs) state the origin and point of
manufacture of the corresponding materials.
3. Supplier shall ensure that materials are identified and traceable to their related original
records (e.g., MTRs) at any stage of production.
a. Items shall be identified using tags, stamps, stencils, or labels as required by PO
documents, applicable industry or governing standards, or as accepted by Purchaser.
b. Traceability of piping and pressure vessels shall be maintained in accordance with

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c. MTRs conforming to EN 10204 Type 2.2, at a minimum, shall be required for

structural members, equipment supports, and pipe supports. Traceability shall not be
required for miscellaneous steel items (e.g., handrail, ladders, stair treads, grating,
d. Supplier shall ensure that all MTRs and supporting documentation are legible and
e. Purchaser shall reserve the right to reject materials that cannot be clearly traced to their
origin and point of manufacture.
4. Supplier shall maintain a process, supported by written procedures, to verify material
properties in accordance with CPM-PU-5074.

6.6 Fabrication Control

6.6.1 Welding
1. Supplier shall maintain a process, supported by written procedures, for the control of its
welding operations, including training and qualifications, consumable control, process
control, calibration of welding equipment, traceability of welds to welders, control of weld
repairs, and tracking of welder performance.
2. This requirement shall apply to any Sub-Suppliers that perform welding, regardless of the
location where Sub-Supplier work is performed.

6.6.2 Non-Destructive Examination

1. Supplier shall maintain a process in accordance with ASNT SNT-TC-1A, supported by
written procedures for the control of its NDE operations including the following:
a. Training and qualifications.
b. Process control.
c. Calibration of NDE equipment.
d. Traceability of the NDE operation to the equipment or material characteristic being
e. Tracking of NDE technician performance.
2. Supplier NDE operators shall maintain ASNT Level II certification or higher in the relevant
NDE discipline.
3. These requirements shall apply to any Sub-Suppliers whose products require NDE as well
as any sub-contracted NDE operations.

6.6.3 Non-Conformances
1. Supplier shall maintain a nonconformance management system, supported by written
procedures, to prevent the unintended use or delivery of nonconforming product.

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2. System shall address the identification, segregation, evaluation, disposition, and

re-verification of nonconforming materials or equipment at all stages of the PO as well as
the identification of trends for the purposes of continuous improvement.
3. Supplier shall submit copies of all nonconformance reports (NCRs) proposing repair,
regrading, or acceptance of nonconforming material or equipment for Purchaser review and
acceptance prior to execution of the proposed corrective action.
4. All NCRs shall include the following:
a. Details of the nonconformance.
b. Supporting documents, if any.
c. Proposed corrective action, including any related procedures.
d. Estimated time to perform the corrective action.
5. An example NCR is included in Appendix C.

6.6.4 Corrective/Preventive Actions

1. Purchaser may issue a corrective/preventive action request (CPAR) to address a condition
that may result in a significant Supplier nonconformance, any nonconformance not covered
by a Supplier NCR, repeated Supplier NCRs, or a Supplier NCR deemed significant by
2. Upon receipt of the CPAR, Supplier shall identify the following:
a. Possible root causes.
b. Action(s) necessary to prevent recurrence of the nonconformance(s).
3. Supplier shall modify the QC/ITP as necessary to prevent recurrence of any
nonconformances identified by a CPAR.

7.0 Inspection Requirements

7.1 General
1. Each party listed on the QC/ITP as a participant in an inspection or a test shall sign and
date the corresponding line on the QC/ITP and the verification document as soon as the
activity is accepted.
2. For POs with multiple pieces of equipment or batches of material governed by identical
QC/ITPs, a unique copy of the QC/ITP shall be maintained for each piece of equipment or
batch of material.

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7.2 Inspection by Supplier

1. Supplier shall assess the competency of Supplier and Sub-Supplier personnel performing
inspection, NDE, and quality-related activities. Sub-Supplier shall be subject to the same
requirements included in the Supplier PO, and procedures or addenda furnished to Supplier.
a. Supplier shall make the competency assessment data available to Purchaser upon
b. Purchaser shall reserve the right to stop personnel from performing inspection, NDE, or
quality-related activities.
2. Supplier shall perform and record the results of inspections and tests in accordance with the
QC/ITP and referenced procedures.
3. Supplier shall identify the inspection and test status of materials, equipment, or
prefabricated items by using markings, labels, inspection records, or any other suitable
means to indicate the conformance or nonconformance of the materials.
4. Supplier shall maintain the inspection and test status identification system throughout
fabrication, inspection, testing, and final acceptance of the PO.
5. Material shall be deemed ready for a hold or witness point by Purchaser or Purchaser
inspector when the following requirements have been satisfied by the Supplier:
a. Supplier and IIA (if applicable) have carried out their activities at the step identified
in the QC/ITP and are satisfied that materials or equipment meet the specified
b. Supplier has demonstrated to Purchaser or Purchaser inspector that all Purchaser
comments to Supplier submittals, CRs, NCRs, and CPARs associated with the
characteristic being evaluated in the QC/ITP step have been addressed.

7.3 Inspection by Purchaser

1. Purchaser shall have unrestricted access to inspect any item, process, procedure, or part of
the Supplier’s or Sub-Supplier’s facilities associated with the scope of work, including
documenting inspection observations via reporting and photography of material applicable
to the PO.
2. Supplier shall ensure that all documentation related to the PO (including applicable codes
and standards), calibrated instruments, and measuring tools are readily available to the
Purchaser or Purchaser inspector(s) at Supplier and Sub-Supplier facilities at all times.
3. Purchaser and Purchaser inspector(s) shall reserve the right to communicate with any
Supplier inspector to make arrangements for joint visits to Sub-Supplier facilities for
inspection, witnessing tests, and evaluation of the Supplier inspector’s performance.
4. Inspection by Purchaser shall neither relieve the Supplier of complying with the PO
requirements nor affect Supplier’s warranty of the equipment or materials being provided.
5. No change arising from inspection shall be made on the PO until such change has been
reviewed and accepted by Purchaser.

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7.4 Inspection by Independent Authority

Note: If the materials or equipment are subject to certification by an IIA, it is the Supplier’s
responsibility to ensure that such requirements are fully understood and that IIA
inspections and documentation are completed accordingly.
1. Supplier shall provide all documentation required by the IIA.
2. Supplier shall maintain records of documentation required by the IIA and shall make these
records available to Purchaser or Purchaser inspector at any time.

7.5 Audit and Verification

1. Purchaser shall reserve the right to perform quality audits and verification of Suppliers and
Sub-Suppliers at any time, including participation in Supplier audits of its Sub-Suppliers.
2. All requirements stated in this specification and the PO shall be subject to audit.

7.6 Final Inspection Activities

1. Inspection activities shall be considered final when the following have occurred:
a. All Supplier submittals have been accepted by the Purchaser.
b. All activities on the QC/ITP have been completed, signed, and dated by all inspecting
c. All verification documents referenced on the QC/ITP have been completed, signed, and
dated by all inspecting parties.
d. Manufacturing record book is complete and has been accepted by all inspecting parties.
e. All NCRs, CPARs, and CRs are closed.
f. All Supplier activities required to render the material or equipment ready for shipment
are complete.
2. Upon successful completion of the inspection activities, the Purchaser inspector shall issue
an inspection release to the Supplier. An example inspection release is included in
Appendix D.
3. After the inspection release is issued, the Supplier shall contact the Purchaser to obtain a
shipping release. Purchaser inspector shall not issue a shipping release.
4. Equipment or materials shall not be shipped until the Supplier has received an inspection
release and shipping release.

8.0 Manufacturing Record Book

1. Supplier shall submit a detailed description of the content of the MRB to Purchaser for
review and acceptance prior to fabrication.
2. MRB content shall include the following at a minimum:
a. As-built design documents (drawings, data sheets, calculations, etc.).

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b. MTRs and any related traceability records.

c. Welding procedures used during fabrication.
d. Qualifications of welders used during fabrication.
e. Qualifications of NDE personnel used during fabrication.
f. Completed weld and NDE maps.
g. Heat treatment records.
h. Calibration records for instruments and testing devices used during fabrication.
i. Completed QC/ITP and all verification documents referenced therein.
j. All NCRs, CPARs, and CRs.
k. Documents recording compliance with statutory requirements.
l. Weld tracking log listing (for each weld number) the following:
1) Weld map drawing number (if more than one).
2) Welding procedure(s) used.
3) Welder(s) identification.
4) NDE completed.
5) The fabrication specification (pipe spec, etc.).
6) Traceability for accepted repair and associated tracers (if required per specification)
for any weld that was rejected.
m. All applicable NDE reports (hydrostatic test reports, radiography test (RT) reports,
positive material identification (PMI) reports, etc.)
n. Documents recording conflict resolution(s) (refer to Section 2.3, item 1).
o. Any other documents required by the PO.
3. MRB shall be progressively compiled and available for Purchaser or Purchaser inspector
review at all times.
4. Supplier shall retain copies of all MRB records and radiographic film for at least seven
years after the date of work completion.

9.0 Supplemental Requirements for Medium Criticality Materials

and Equipment (Fabrication Criticality Rating 2)
The requirements in this section shall apply only if indicated in the PO.

Note: Refer to QAM-PU-6197 for guidance on fabrication criticality ratings.

9.1 Quality Manual

1. Supplier shall submit its Quality Manual for Purchaser review prior to the kickoff meeting.
2. All Supplier and Sub-Supplier documents referenced in the Quality Manual shall be
submitted for Purchaser review.

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3. Fabrication shall not commence until all Supplier and Sub-Supplier documents referenced
in the Quality Manual have been submitted to the Purchaser.
4. Supplier shall submit revisions of the Quality Manual or any referenced Supplier or
Sub-Supplier documents for Purchaser review prior to implementing any changes described

9.2 Sub-Supplier Control

Supplier shall progressively submit complete, un-priced copies of its POs issued to critical
Sub-Suppliers, POs for pressure-containing materials, and POs for structural members to
Purchaser for review.

9.3 Material Control

Supplier shall progressively submit MTRs to Purchaser for review.

10.0 Supplemental Requirements for High Criticality Materials and

Equipment (Fabrication Criticality Rating 1)
Note: Refer to QAM-PU-6197 for guidance on fabrication criticality ratings.
The requirements in this section shall apply only if indicated in the PO.

1. Supplier shall submit a quality plan (QP) specific to the scope of work established in the
PO for Purchaser review and acceptance prior to the kickoff meeting.
a. All procedures, work instructions, etc., applicable to the scope of work shall be
referenced in the QP.
b. All Supplier and Sub-Supplier documents referenced in the QP shall be submitted for
Purchaser review and acceptance.
c. Fabrication shall not commence until the QP and all referenced Supplier and
Sub-Supplier documents have been reviewed and accepted by the Purchaser.
d. Supplier shall submit revisions of the QP or any referenced Supplier or Sub-Supplier
documents for Purchaser review and acceptance prior to implementing any changes
described therein.
2. QP shall conform to ISO 10005 and the quality requirements of this document for the
application of work, including controls and verifications, to ensure quality during stages of
design, procurement, fabrication, inspection, testing, packaging, preservation, and
3. QP shall be based on the Supplier’s QMS and the QMS of any Sub-Suppliers.

4. Supplier shall list all Sub-Suppliers in the QP.

5. Supplier shall ensure that all requirements established by the accepted QP are implemented
by Supplier personnel and its Sub-Suppliers.
6. Supplier shall modify the QP as necessary to prevent recurrence of any nonconformances
identified by an NCR or CPAR.

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11.0 Requirements for Prototype/Equipment Qualification

In addition to the other requirements in this specification, the following requirements shall
apply to Suppliers with a focus on prototype development/equipment qualification (front end
engineering and design [FEED] and beyond).

11.1 General
1. The quality requirements established in this specification shall apply to project equipment,
and shall cover all phases of work from engineering development through fabrication,
assembly, testing, and commissioning. These requirements shall be fully understood and
planned for during FEED work (i.e., cost, schedule, and resources).
2. Supplier performing prototype development/equipment qualification work (FEED and
beyond) for a project shall thoroughly review quality requirements and convey to Purchaser
any quality requirements that are not applicable to the scope of work. Supplier shall detail
why such quality requirements are not considered applicable.
3. Supplier shall ensure that Sub-Suppliers fully comply with the requirements set forth in
other parts of this specification and with this section.

11.2 Qualification Test Facilities

1. Testing parameters and deliverables shall be as detailed in the scope of work document.
2. If responsible for the physical qualification testing of equipment, or for specifying and
nominating test facilities that will be responsible for the physical qualification testing of the
equipment, Supplier shall perform the following activities:
a. Inform Purchaser as early as practical of proposed testing facilities. This includes
Supplier’s facilities and any Sub-Supplier/third-party test facilities.
b. Provide Purchaser with test facility history on successfully completed testing of similar
c. Provide Purchaser with details of proposed test facility capabilities, including pressures
(internal and external), pressure sources (hydraulic, gas, etc.), temperatures,
temperature response times, simultaneous pressure/temperature application, size of
component to be tested, flow testing/monitoring, electrical testing, and capabilities
related to other unique test parameters specified in the scope of work document.
d. Detail new test equipment or modifications to existing test equipment that will be
required to carry out the qualification testing. Provide a high-level schedule detailing
when new facilities will be complete if new or modified equipment is required.
e. Ensure that Purchaser or its representative has full access to test facilities during all
phases of testing.

3. Purchaser shall reserve the right to conduct and participate in quality and capability audits
of any proposed test facility.
4. Concerns or issues identified during an audit shall be corrected and submitted to Purchaser.

5. Testing shall not commence until corrective actions are accepted by Purchaser.

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11.3 Qualification Test Procedures

1. Equipment shall be tested to demonstrate operability and functionality over the complete
range of operating conditions outlined in the scope of work and basis of design.
2. Test procedures shall be submitted to Purchaser for review and acceptance prior to the start
of testing.

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Appendix A Example Quality Control/Inspection and Test Plan

Purchaser QC/ITP No.
Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
1 Prefab meeting PO docs H H H Minutes
Review supplier PO docs
2 Sub-Supplier QC R R Inspector reports
3 Drawing submittal Email PO docs H R H Email transmittal
Submit NDE procedures – PO docs
4 Email R R R Return comments
flatness, hydrotest
5 Calculation submittal Email PO docs H R H Email transmittal
6 Submit ITP Email PO docs H H H —
7 Submit WPS Email ASME BPVC IX H R H
Provide welder In progress and
qualifications at completion
Material as-received Verify MTRs/PMI Certified material
inspection upon receipt test report CMTR)
PVM-SU-4750, par. 14.3;
10 Review CMTR Email 100% R R R CMTR

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Purchaser QC/ITP No.

Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
Inspection report/
11 Review clad plate Visual I/R I/R R Sub-Supplier
Section 5.4
PMI/optical emission
CPM-PU-5074, Inspector report,
spectrometry (OES) all
12 XXX-VII-A, PMI X% to Total Sections 7.0, 9.0, & 11.2; I/R I/R R PMI test results,
alloy material. plate, filler
PVM-SU-1322 final data package
metal, & weld seams
PMI/OES filler metal weld
13 Niton® 1-2 1 Every Lot CPM-PU-5074 I/R I/R R PMI/OES report
Ultrasonic test (UT) XXX-II-A, B, C, Appendix 2; Agency
14 100% I R R
Clad Plate UT plate PVM-SU-1322; certification
Strap, depth, & ASME BPVC VIII UG-81
15 Inspect formed heads I R R Inspector report
UT shape/thickness
Copper sulfate strip back Copper sulfate
16 Visual Copper color I R R
areas certificate

Niton is a registered trademark of Thermo Scientific Portable Analytical Instruments, Tewksbury, Massachusetts.

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Purchaser QC/ITP No.

Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
UT base material at strip XXX=II-A, B, C, Appendix 12; Agency
17 I R R
back locations and record UT plate PVM-SU-1322; certification
Check rolled cylinder for
Visual/tape Approved
18 straightness/roundness UG-96 I I R
measure drawings
per code
Verify thickness of as Tape measure/
19 UG-96 I I R Inspector report
rolled plate cylinder calipers
Cylinder fit-up/backgouge/ ASME BPVC VIII-I
Inspector report,
WFMPT of prep after Visual. XXX-IV-C, UW-31 & UW-33
20 I I I agency
backgouge Category A & Mt Yoke Dimensions. ASME
B joints BPVC VIII-I Appendix 6
Copper sulfate strip back ASME BPVC VIII-I
Inspector report,
areas before overlay Visual. XXX-IV-C, UW-31 & UW-33
21 I R R agency
restoration Category A & B Mt Yoke Dimensions. ASME
joints BPVC VIII-I Appendix 6
Nozzle fit-up/backgouge/ Inspector report,
Visual. XXX-IV-C, UW-31 & UW-33
22 WFMPT of prep after 100% I I I agency
Mt Yoke Dimensions. ASME
backgouge certification
Copper sulfate strip back ASME BPVC VIII-I
Inspector report,
areas before overlay Visual. XXX-IV-C, UW-31 & UW-33
23 I R R agency
restoration Category C & Mt Yoke Dimensions. ASME
D joints BPVC VIII-I Appendix 6

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Purchaser QC/ITP No.

Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
Inspect flange finish & Visual/Finish MTRs/inspection
24 100% ASME B16.5 I R R
rating Gauge report
XXX-Appendix A,
RT Technique,
PVM (Use 14" LG
Radiography (submit RT Kodak® 2 M-100 UW-51, approved RT Agency
25 I I R
map for review) Fine Grain or map certification
Better Film) Re-
Shoot If Correct
Film Not Used
26 Category A, B, C & D Appendix 7; I I R
Procedure, Rev. 0 certification
welds PVM-SU-4750
WFMPT temporary XXX-IV-C, Agency
27 100% Appendix 8; I I R
attachments MT Yoke certification
28 WFMPT lifting lugs 100% I I R
MT Yoke Appendix 9; PVM-SU-4750 certification
MPT all Category A, B, C, ASME BPVC VIII-I Agency
29 & D welds before weld Appendix 10; I I R certification
MT Yoke
overlay PVM-SU-4750
30 Hardness Test I R R
Brinell Hardness PVM-SU-4750 certification

Kodak is a registered trademark of Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New York.

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Purchaser QC/ITP No.

Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
Paint finish overlay; ASME BPVC VIII-I
31 10% first pass; XXX-PT-1 REV. X Appendix 6; I R R XXX PT cert
100% final pass PVM-SU-1322
UT finish overlay; ASME BPVC VIII-I
32 10% first pass; XXX-PT-1 Rev. X Appendix 12; I R R XXX PT cert
100% final pass PVM-SU-1322
33 Visual inspection of welds XXX-VT-1 Rev. X ASME BPVC V Article 9 I R R XXX VT cert
Ferrite scope
Ferrite testing all pressure (check one spot
34 3/11/4; AWS A4.2; I I R XXX cert
boundary welds per seam on weld
surfaces) PVM-SU-1322 (3-10 FN)

15 PSI air w/soap

35 Pneumatic test re-pads No bubbles I R R XXX cert
Inspector report,
CPM-PU-5074, Sections
PMI/OES overlay 1/16" PMI/OES test
36 XXX-VII-A, PMI 7.0, 9.0, & 11.2; I/R I/R R
below top surface results, final data
See drawing Approved Drawings;
37 Hydro water requirements H H H H XXX cert
notes PVM-SU-1322
XXX Hydro Proc.
38 Hydrostatic test UG-80; PVM-SU-4750 H H H H XXX cert
Rev X
Section 10
XXX Hydro Proc.
39 Dryout after hydro PVM-SU-1322 I I R Inspector report
Rev X

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Purchaser QC/ITP No.

Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
40 Verify cleanliness Visual PO Docs I I R Inspector report
Chlortest before abrasive COM-SU-4743,
41 Test Kit W W R Supplier report
blasting Section 6.1.5
Verify paint coating record COM-SU-5191, Coating record
42 Visual I W R
form in use by Supplier System 3.1 form
Approved Drawings;
Surface preparation and
43 Visual COM-SU-5191 Sys 3.1; I W R Supplier report
abrasive blasting
COM-SU-4743 Sec. 6.0
Verify primer application, Approved Drawings;
44 dry film thickness (DFT), Visual COM-SU-5191, I W R Supplier report
and absence of defects System 3.1
Verify top coat application, Approved Drawings;
45 DFT, and absence of Visual COM-SU-5191, I W R Supplier report
defects System 3.1
Stencils placed in unit and
Approved Drawings;
display correct information. Inspector report.
46 Visual PVM-SU-4750, I H R
Stamping to be visible rubbing or photo
Section 13.7
after painting
Approved Drawings;
47 Prep for shipment Visual I H R Photos, final docs
CPM-SU-5244; PO Docs
48 Code data package PO Docs R R R Final documents
Third-party inspection
49 R H R Release form
Company Shipping
50 Email R H Engineer email

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Purchaser QC/ITP No.

Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name
Tag/Item No.

Type of Inspection Point

Test/Method/ (Initial and Date as Completed)
Item Activity Record
Activity Description Size/Type/ Acceptance Criteria Supplier
Requirements Purchaser Document
Frequency /Sub- Company AI
Inspection Point Legend: H = Hold; W = Witness; I = In-Process Inspection; R = Review
(H) Hold, Mandatory witness of inspection or testing activities. In cases where a hold point is indicated for Purchaser or Purchaser inspector(s), notification by the
Supplier shall be required. The designated participant(s) shall be present during the specified activity. Work shall not proceed past a hold point.
(I) In-Process, Random witnessing of the fabrication, inspection, or testing activities. Notification by the Supplier shall not be required.
(R) Review, Review of documentation such as reports, testing records, procedures, and qualification records. Notification by the Supplier shall not be required.
(W) Witness, Witness of fabrication, inspection, or testing activities. In cases where a witness point is indicated for Purchaser or Purchaser inspector(s), notification
by the Supplier shall be required. If proper notification is given and the designated Purchaser participant(s) do not arrive for the witness point within 24 hours of the
date and time requested in the notification, or the Purchaser waives the witness point, work may proceed provided test reports are compiled and made available
for Purchaser or Purchaser inspector review at a later date.
MPT, Magnetic Particle Test
WFMPT, Wet Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Test

Inspection Point Contacts (Name and Title) Endorsement of QC/ITP Completion (Sign and Date)

Purchaser Inspector

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Appendix B Example Concession Request

Purchaser CR No.
Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name

Tag/Item No.

Description of
Proposed Concession

Reason for
Concession Request

Impact on Delivery

Purchaser Disposition Amend Purchase Order: Yes No

Concession Request Contacts (Name and Title) Endorsement of Concession Request (Sign and Date)

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Appendix C Example Nonconformance Report

Purchaser NCR No.
Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name

Tag/Item No.

Description of
Proposed Corrective Rework without repair to meet requirements Notes:
Action Repair and rework to meet requirements
Accept without rework or repair
Regrade for alternative application

Verification Process for

Purchaser Disposition
Corrective Action

Nonconformance Report Contacts (Name and Title) Endorsement of Nonconformance Report (Sign and Date)

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Appendix D Example Inspection Release

Purchaser IR No.
Purchaser Order No. Revision
Supplier Order No. Date
Project Name

Tag/Item Quantity Quantity

Description Location Balance Notes
No. Ordered Released

Outstanding Work to Complete Release:

be Performed Partial Release:

Endorsement of this Inspection Release confirms that, as far as can be verified by the Purchaser Inspector, the items conform to the contractual requirements
and that the inspection requirements as specified in the QC/ITP for all parties have been completed and signed off as accepted by the appropriate representatives.
Endorsement of this Inspection Release does not relieve the Supplier of responsibility to ensure that the material or equipment meets all contractual requirements,
nor does it relieve the Supplier of responsibility to comply with the contractual requirements regarding shipping release.

Inspection Release Contacts (Name and Title) Endorsement of Inspection Release (Sign and Date)
Purchaser Inspector

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