On Market Street Goods and Services

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Goods and Services: On Market

First Grade Math, Social Studies,

by Sabrina LeBlond September 23, 2015

Kids will enjoy hearing the story On Market Street as they become familiar with goods and services. From apples
to zippers, students will understand how people buy goods, and how others provide services in our lives.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to distinguish between goods and services.

Materials and preparation Key terms

On Market Street by Anita and Arnold Lobel goods

Chart paper or whiteboard services
Goods or Service? #1 worksheet
Goods or Service? #2 worksheet


Goods or Service? #1 (PDF)

Goods or Service? #2 (PDF)

Introduction (5 minutes)

Writing the terms "Goods and Services" on the board, ask students to brainstorm definitions for each.
After student sharing, provide and write a definition for each on the board. Goods are things you can buy
and hold. Services are things that people do for others.
Show students the front cover of the book On Market Street. Tell students that in this story a little boy
goes shopping, and that you want them to pay close attention to the goods he buys on Market Street.

Explicit Instruction/Teacher modeling (10 minutes)

Read On Market Street.

During the read aloud, find a good stopping point and ask the students what some goods the little boy
bought are.
Creating a t-chart on goods and services, write a few of their responses underneath the "Goods"
category. Continue the read aloud.
After you have finished the book ask the students again what some goods the little boy bought on Market
Write a few of these items underneath the "Goods" category.
Next, remind students that all the items listed under the Goods category are things you can buy and hold.
To check for student understanding, ask students to name goods they see in the classroom. Examples
may include: chairs, desks, pencils, paper, etc.

Guided Practice (10 minutes)

Referring to the T-chart on Goods and Services, point to an item under the Goods category. Ask students
to name some of the sellers of goods in the story. For example, the baker sold the donuts.

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Based on student responses, write the title of each type of seller under the "Goods" category.
Explain to students that these are people who provided goods to the main character of the book.
Next, tell students that you notice that each name listed is a job. Tell students that your job is teaching.
Ask students if you provide a good or a service.
Discuss student responses as a class. Provide examples of other jobs that provide services, but not
necessarily one that sells goods. Examples may include: plumber, hairstylist, or police officer.
List these jobs under the "Services" category.
Pass out a Goods or Service? #1 worksheet to each student. Review the directions as a class, and answer
the first two problems together.
Based on student responses, ask students to explain their thinking.

Independent working time (10 minutes)

Ask students to complete the Goods or Service? #1 worksheet.

Provide Goods or Service? #2 to each student, and ask students to complete the worksheets
Monitor students and assist students who need extra support.


Enrichment: For students who need an extra challenge, ask them to explain in a written sentence why
they believe the person is providing a good or service.
Support: For students needing support, have them continue working in a smaller group setting with
teacher support.

Assessment (5 minutes)

To check for understanding, monitor the classroom as students are working.

Check the correctness on students' worksheets to check for understanding of the material.
For an oral assessment, ask students to explain in their own words if a particular job provides a good or

Review and closing (5 minutes)

At the end of the lesson, review and correct each worksheet.

Ask students to share what they learned in today’s lesson.
As a review game, ask students to name a job, and explain if the job provides goods or services.
For a home connection, students can ask a parent or guardian what their job is, and decide if they
provide a good or service.

Get more lesson plans at https://www.education.com/lesson-plans/

s Or S ervice ?

Go o d


A service is something someone does for you.

Goods are things that you buy.
Write “s” if a person provides a service.
Write “g” if a person sells goods.

Construction worker Bookstore


Taxi driver

14 2
13 3

12 4

11 5

10 6
9 7




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s Or S ervice ?

Go o d

A service is something someone does for you.
Goods are things that you buy.
Write “s” if a person provides a service.
Write “g” if a person sells goods.

Hot dog stand


Hair dresser
-- - - - - -

Pet groomer

Sushi Clothing showroom


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