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QB64 Audio Prototype 1.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

-Plays .wav, .mp3, .mid and some other formats
-Can play a sound using only one command
-Can play sounds simultaneously
-Can track, pause, loop, volume change, time limit and 3D position sounds
-Uses handles to identify loaded sounds
-Has strict specifications of what should happen in any given situation
(eg. what happens if you try to pause an already paused sound)
-Doesn't create QB-type errors unless called/used incorrectly
-Checks for required functional capabilities when a file is opened so
all error checking can be performed at this point
-Ignores handles of value 0, so even if opening failed on a particular
computer and this wasn't checked the program simply continues with no sound
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

QB64 Audio uses third-party libraries which imposes some limitations. These
third-party libraries may change in the future. For this reason when opening
a sound the required capabilities MUST be specified. To make it possible for
a QB64 program using QB64 Audio to be compatible with all future changes a
list of minimum capabilities which can be relied upon for certain formats has
been created for 3 file types:
However, the current library actually supports the following:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

Sub/Function Overview:
_SNDPLAYFILE Simple command to play a sound file (with limited options)
_SNDOPEN Returns a handle to a sound file
_SNDCLOSE Unloads a sound file (waits until after it has finished playing)
_SNDPLAY Plays a sound
_SNDSTOP Stops a playing (or paused) sound
_SNDPLAYING Returns whether a sound is being played
_SNDLOOP Like _SNDPLAY but sound is looped
_SNDLIMIT Stops playing a sound after it has been playing for a set number
of seconds
_SNDGETPOS Returns to current playing position in seconds

(Subs/Functions requiring the "SYNC" capability)

_SNDCOPY Copies a sound (so two or more of the same sound can be played at
_SNDPLAYCOPY Copies a sound, plays it and automatically closes the copy

(Subs/Functions requiring the "PAUSE" capability)

_SNDPAUSE Pauses a sound
_SNDPAUSED Checks if a sound is paused

(Subs/Functions requiring the "LEN" capability)

_SNDLEN Returns the length of a sound in seconds

(Subs/Functions requiring the "VOL" capability)

_SNDVOL Sets the volume of a sound
_SNDBAL Sets the balance/3D position of a sound

(Subs/Functions requiring the "SETPOS" capability)

_SNDSETPOS Changes the current/starting playing position of a sound in
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \

Sub/Function Details:

SUB _SNDPLAYFILE (filename$,[sync%],[volume!])

*If sync% is 0 or not used, the sound will be played on the main channel, so
playing multiple copies of this sound at the same time won't be possible.
(see the _SNDOPEN function for more information about the way QB64 manages
*volume! is a value from 0(silence) to 1(full volume). If not used, the sound
will be played at full volume.
*_SNDPLAYFILE never creates an error. If the sound cannot be played it takes
no further action.
*Changing the usage of sync% and volume! can make a difference to whether a
sound can be played or not.
*The sound is closed automatically after it finishes playing
_SNDPLAYFILE "dog.wav",1

FUNCTION _SNDOPEN& (filename$,[capabilities$])

*capabilities$ is a string of words separated by commas. It is case
insensitive. Each capability can only be specified once and must be valid.
The order in which they are specified is unimportant.
Capabilities include: SYNC, PAUSE, LEN, VOL and SETPOS
The required capabilities can make a difference to whether a sound file can
be opened or not.
*The SYNC capability loads the sound onto a unique channel, so it can be
played simultaneously with other sounds. If SYNC is not specified, the sound
is loaded onto the primary channel. Only one sound can exist on the primary
channel, and it must be closed before another non-SYNC sound can be opened.
*The value returned by _SNDOPEN is a handle to the sound or 0. 0 means the
sound couldn't be loaded. Handles can be closed with _SNDCLOSE.
*If you receive an ILLEGAL FUNCTION CALL error message, the most likely cause
is the capabilities$ string was invalid.

SUB _SNDCLOSE (handle&)

*Frees/unloads an open sound.
*If the sound is still playing, it will be freed after it finishes
*When your program QB64 terminates, all sounds are automatically freed
*Closing a looping/paused/etc. sound will mean it is never freed until
the QB64 program terminates.
*Non-SYNC sounds must be closed before another Non-SYNC sound can be opened.

SUB _SNDPLAY (handle&)


SUB _SNDSTOP (handle&)



*Returns 0 if a sound is not playing or -1 if it is.
*If a sound is paused, _SNDPLAYING will return 0.

SUB _SNDLOOP (handle&)

*Plays the sound, looping it.
*SETPOS cannot be called while a looping sound is being played.

SUB _SNDLIMIT (handle&,limit!)

*Sets how long a sound will be played for in seconds.
*Set limit to 0 to remove the limit.
*Cannot be set for playing looping sound.
_SNDLIMIT h&,5.5


*Returns the currently playing position in seconds.
*If a sound isn't playing, it returns 0.
*If a sound is paused, it returns the paused position.
*For a looping sound, the value returned continues to increment and does
not restart at 0 when the sound loops.


*Returns a new handle to the same sound data referred to by the source handle.
*No changes to the source handle (such as a volume change) are inherited.
*The sound data referred to by the handle and its copies is not freed until
all of them are closed.

SUB _SNDPLAYCOPY (handle&,[volume!])

*Performs the following actions:
1. Copies/duplicates the source handle (see _SNDCOPY)
2. Changes the volume of the copy if volume! passed (must have VOL capability)
3. Plays the copy
4. Closes the copy
*Makes coding easier
'effectively... h2&=_SNDCOPY(h&):_SNDVOL h2&,0.5:_SNDPLAY h2&:_SNDCLOSE h2&

SUB _SNDPAUSE (handle&)

*Must be playing or will not do anything
*Continue playing by calling _SNDPLAY
*Calling _SNDPAUSE again will not continue playing!


*Returns -1 if the sound is paused


*Returns the length of a sound in seconds

SUB _SNDVOL (handle&,volume!)

*Volume is a value form 0(silence) to 1(full volume)
_SNDVOL h&,0.5

SUB _SNDBAL (handle&,[x!],[y!],[z!])

*Attempts to position a sound in 3D space, or as close to it as the underlying
software libraries allow. In some cases, this will be true 3D positioning, in
others, a mere volume adjustment based on distance alone.
*x values go from left(negative) to right(positive).
*y values go from below(negative) to above(positive).
*z values go from behind(negative) to in front(positive).
*Sounds at a distance of 1 or less are played at full volume.
*Sounds further than a distance of 1000 cannot be heard.
*The volume decreases linearly (at a constant gradient) over distance.
*Omitted x, y or z values are set to 0.
*By setting the x value to -1 or 1 it plays the sound at full volume from the
appropriate speaker.
_SNDBAL h&,-1 'sound coming from the left

SUB _SNDSETPOS (handle&,position!)

*changes the current/starting playing position of a sound in seconds
*if position! is past the length of the sound the sound will stop playing

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