A Suitor Claims Portia

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A Suitor Claims Portia’s Hand in Marriage.

Portia, a wealthy heiress from Belmont, whose father’s will force her to marry
whichever suitor correctly, chooses among three caskets, has finally found the
perfect suitor to claim her hand in marriage. Bassanio, a young Venetian man,
chose the correct casket to win Portia’s love. Each casket, bearing an inscription is
gold, silver or lead. Many persons went through the challenge of reading each
inscription and used their well-formed intelligence to choose which casket they
thought was the right one.

The gold casket has an inscription that says, ‘He who chooses me will get what
many men want.’ The silver caskets inscription says, ‘He who chooses me will get
what he deserves.’ The lead caskets inscription says, ‘He who chooses me must
give and risk all he has.’

A well acquainted source told the Venetian Times that nine princely suitors
stepped up to the challenge. Six of the nine suitors wanted to go back home and
give up on Portia, unless there was another way to win her other than her father’s
pick-the-box test.

The seventh princely suitor was the Prince of Morocco who after some long
thinking about each inscription chose the gold casket. When he opened the casket,
a scroll was revealed to him. It read,
‘All the glitters is not gold, you’ve often heard that said. Many men have sold their
souls, Jus to view my shiny surface. But gilded tombs contain worms. If you’d
been as wise as you were bold. With an old man’s mature judgment, you wouldn’t
have had to read this scroll. So goodbye- you’ve lost your chance.
The Moroccan prince left the scene immediately.
The eighth princely suitor was the Prince of Aragon, who did some profound
thinking on each inscription. At the end of his thinking the prince chose the silver
casket. To his utter surprise, a scroll was also revealed to him. It said,
‘This box was tested in the fire seven times, the person who never makes a wrong
choice, has wisdom that will stand the test, some people kiss shadows, they only
feel the shadow of joy, there are fools out there, with silver hair and silver coins,
this choice was as foolish as they are, take whatever wife you want to bed with
you, you’ll have a fool’s head forever, so go away, you’re done here.
The prince of Aragon felt like a fool after choosing the wrong casket. He said his
good-byes and left immediately.
The ninth princely suitor was a young Venetian man named Bassanio, who was the
only person to be asked to stay for some time before he faced his challenge. It was
said that Bassanio refused the stay because he felt tortured. When asked why he
felt tortured and to confess his crime, Bassanio confessed a treason he was guilty
of which worried him to think that he was never going to get to enjoy Portia. After
this confession, Bassanio tried his luck at the three caskets. Whilst contemplating
on which casket to be chosen, Portia, Gratiano, Nerissa and all their attendants
anxiously awaited.
Sometime later, Bassanio chose the lead casket. When he opened the casket, a
scroll was revealed. It said,
‘You who don’t judge by looks alone, have better luck and make the right choice,
Since this prize is yours, be happy with it, and don’t look for a new one, it you’re
happy with what you’ve won, and accept this prize as your blissful destiny, then
turn to where your lady is, and claim her with a loving kiss.’
The inside source said that Bassanio asked for permission to kiss Portia and she
approved without hesitation. It was also said that Bassanio received a ring from
Portia and that everything she owned now belongs to him, also, that if Bassanio
ever gave their ring away, their love would be doomed and Portia would have all
right to be angry with him.

Women in sexist societies

Sexism is referred to as the belief that a certain gender is inferior or less than the
other. In most societies women are seen as the inferior and their role is seen to be
the stay at home wife and take care of the house and children. Most women are
subjected to live by their society’s or husband’s rules or as time is changing they
can choose to be independent and free. As a woman myself being the writer of
such an article I can relate to being brought up in an environment where men were
the one’s who had jobs and brought home the income at the end of a hard day of
work but I preferred to liberate myself and choose to go down a different path.
Now here I am today working a better job than my husband and I still find the time
to put my family first and I am doing just fine.

As we see the education system revolving girls are on top now and the number of
males being successful in exams at most levels are declining rapidly. This is a
cause to worry but it shows that no one is better than the other especially due to
your gender.

Men sometimes take women for granted as they believe that they can speak to a
women as they wish, treat them how they like and some even resort to physical
abuse which I think should be illegal as we have seen that if a woman tries to
retaliate she may be stoned to death for disrespecting the man. This is absolutely
absurd as there is no reason for a woman to lose her life just because she is
standing up for her right. Proper investigation should be done before a decision is
made on the consequence for her actions. As for the male who treats the woman in
such manner, he too should be punished for his actions but like mentioned before
times are definitely changing as we see results of this unfolding.

Thankfully women now have the independence to say yes or no to men and they
are free to choose to do what they want. They are no longer subjected to live by
male generated rules and live in fear that they will be penalized for minute matters.
Although this is not the case is in all counties around the world I strongly believe
that as the world turns so will the ill thinking and childlike beliefs of people and
men and women worldwide would be able to live in equality and harmony.

Word puzzle

Across Down
1. The heroine of the play –Portia 3.Portia’s lover-Bassanio
2. The most complex character –Shylock 6.Another name for Deiphobe of Cumae
4. Where Portia discusses her many suitors- Belmont -Sibylla
5. Another word for dressed –suited 7.Roman Goddess of hunting-Diana
8. Untrustworthy-Fearful 9. Fool/Clown of the play – Launcelot
10. Portia’s waiting maid – Nerissa 11. Jessica’s lover -Lorenzo
12. Queen of Cathage- Dido 14. In the Venice Court for trial-Antonio
13. Writer of play –Shakespeare

Mercy Court Drama

It was only yesterday that Mercy Court was filled with drama and excitement.
Shylock, the well-known Jewish money lender was ready to take a pound of flesh
from Antonio when a lawyer and doctor stepped in the scene.
The Jew refused thrice the amount of the bond on numerous occasions all to
receive a pound of flesh that the audience found senseless. The doctor made a
convincing speech of Mercy and Justice which moved the entire audience, but
didn’t change Shylock's mind.
Shylock was in position to cut Antonio’s flesh when the doctor bought to his
attention what the bond stated. ‘A pound of flesh,’ nothing else: no blood, no more
or no less than a pound, or all his land and goods would be confiscate. Only then
did the Jew agree to take thrice the bond but it was then too late. The Jew had
already denied it more than three times in front of the court.
In the end, Justice was served. Antonio had his life to take with him and as
Shylocks almost last words were, “I am content.” He may not have gotten his
pound of flesh but what he got was Justice and his best option

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