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1.0 Relay Data:

1.01 ANSI No. = 21

1.02 Description = Distance + Over Voltage Prot.

1.03 Make = SIEMENS

1.04 Model No. = 7SA522

2.0 Input Data:

2.01 System voltage = 220 KV

2.02 Source substation = 400/220KV WARANGAL

2.03 Conductor used = ACSR TWIN MOOSE

2.04 Protected Line length = 12.56 Km

2.05 Positive & Negative Sequence Line Impedance /KM

(R1=R2) = 0.079 Ω/KM

(X1=X2) = 0.403 Ω/KM

2.06 Zero Sequence Line impedance per KM

R0 = 0.255 Ω/KM

X0 = 1.51 Ω/KM

Longest Line length - Ramakundam from

2.07 = 79.6 Km

2.08 Conductor used = ACSR ZEBRA

2.09 Positive & Negative Sequence Line Impedance /KM

(R1=R2) = 0.07487 Ω/KM

(X1=X2) = 0.39925 Ω/KM

2.10 Zero Sequence Line impedance per KM

R0 = 0.21998 Ω/KM

X0 = 1.33923 Ω/KM

Shortest Line length - PURKURTHY from

2.11 = 8.778 Km

2.12 Conductor used = ACSR MOOSE

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2.13 Positive & Negative Sequence Line Impedance /KM

(R1=R2) = 0.158 Ω/KM

(X1=X2) = 0.806 Ω/KM

2.14 Zero Sequence Line impedance per KM

R0 = 0.51 Ω/KM

X0 = 3.02 Ω/KM

2.15 Magnitude Angle

3Ф fault current at 400/220KV WARANGAL 220
KV Substation
= 40000 -79

2.16 Magnitude Angle

1Ф fault current at 400/220KV WARANGAL 220
KV Substation
= 40000 -79

2.17 Tower Footing Resistance = 10 Ω

2.18 Direction - Zone I = Forward

2.19 Direction - Zone II = Forward

2.20 Direction - Zone III = Forward

2.21 Direction - Zone IV = Reverse

2.22 Direction - Zone V = Disabled

2.23 Direction - Zone 1B = Forward

2.24 Time delay - Zone I = INST sec

2.25 Time delay - Zone II = 0.4 sec

2.26 Time delay - Zone III = 1 sec

2.27 Time delay - Zone IV = 1 sec

2.28 Time delay - Zone V = ∞ sec

2.29 Time delay - Zone 1B = INST sec

3.0 220 KV 400/220KV WARANGAL C.T Parameters

3.01 C.T Ratio = 1600-800/1A

3.02 Selected Ratio = 800 / 1

3.03 Class = PS

3.04 KPV = 800 V

3.05 Iex = <=50 ma

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3.06 Rct = 4 Ω

4.0 220 KV 400/220KV WARANGAL P.T Parameters

4.01 P.T Ratio =( 220 KV / √ 3 ) / ( 0.11 KV / √ 3 )

4.02 Class = 3P

4.03 Burden = 50 VA

5.0 Transformer Data at Next 220KV Substation

5.01 Voltage level & Type = 220KV / 132KV Auto transformer

5.02 220KV / 132KV Auto transformer = 2 Nos.

5.03 Rating of Transformer = 100 MVA

5.04 Vector Group = YNa0d11

5.05 Percent Impedances HV-MV

a) Z1 at Principal Tap = 12.50% ± 10%

b) Z0 at Principal Tap = 11.50%

5.06 High Voltage = 220 KV

5.07 Medium Voltage = 132 KV

5.08 Low Voltage = 11 KV


6.1 Protected Line parameters:

6.1.1 Conductor used = ACSR TWIN MOOSE

6.1.2 Line Length = 12.56 KM

6.1.3 Positive & Negative Sequence Line Impedance /KM

(R1=R2) = 0.079 Ω/KM

(X1=X2) = 0.403 Ω/KM

6.1.4 Positive Sequence impedance of the Line Magnitude Angle

Per unit length(Z1) in Ω/KM = √(R12 + X12) tan-1(X1/R1)

= 0.41067 78.91

= 0.41067 < 78.91°

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6.1.5 Zero Sequence Line impedance per KM

R0 = 0.255 Ω/KM

X0 = 1.51 Ω/KM

6.1.6 Zero Sequence impedance of the Line Magnitude Angle

Per Unit Length (Z0) in Ω/KM = √(R02 + X02) tan-1(X0/R0)

= 1.53138 80.41

= 1.53138 < 80.41°

6.2 Longest Line parameters at Next 220KV Substation

6.2.1 Conductor used = ACSR ZEBRA

6.2.2 Line Length = 79.6 KM

6.2.3 Positive & Negative Sequence Line Impedance /KM

(R1=R2) = 0.07487 Ω/KM

(X1=X2) = 0.39925 Ω/KM

6.2.4 Positive Sequence impedance of the Line Magnitude Angle

Per unit length(Z1) in Ω/KM = √(R12 + X12) tan-1(X1/R1)

= 0.40621 79.38

= 0.40621 < 79.38°

6.2.5 Zero Sequence Line impedance per KM

R0 = 0.21998 Ω/KM

X0 = 1.33923 Ω/KM

6.2.6 Zero Sequence impedance of the Line Magnitude Angle

Per Unit Length (Z0) in Ω/KM = √(R02 + X02) tan-1(X0/R0)

= 1.35718 80.67

= 1.35718 < 80.67°

6.3 Shortest Line parameters at Next 220KV Substation

6.3.1 Conductor used = ACSR MOOSE

6.3.2 Line Length Assumed = 8.778 KM

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6.3.3 Positive & Negative Sequence Line Impedance /KM

(R1=R2) = 0.158 Ω/KM

(X1=X2) = 0.806 Ω/KM

6.3.4 Positive Sequence impedance of the Line Magnitude Angle

Per unit length(Z1) in Ω/KM = √(R12 + X12) tan-1(X1/R1)

= 0.82134 79

= 0.82134 < 78.91°

6.3.5 Zero Sequence Line impedance per KM

R0 = 0.51 Ω/KM

X0 = 3.02 Ω/KM

6.3.6 Zero Sequence impedance of the Line Magnitude Angle

Per Unit Length (Z0) in Ω/KM = √(R02 + X02) tan-1(X0/R0)

= 3.06 80

= 3.06276 < 80.41°

6.4 Transformer Rating at Next 220kV Substation

6.4.1 220KV / 132KV Auto transformer = 2 Nos

6.4.2 Rating of Transformer = 100 MVA

6.4.3 Vector Group = YNa0d11

6.4.4 Percent Impedances HV-MV

Z1 at Principal Tap (ASSUMED) = 12.50% ± 10%

Z0 at Principal Tap = 11.50%

6.4.5 Magnetising Inrush Current = 6 times of the rated current

= 6 x 262.44

= 1574.64 A

6.4.6 Line Current(HV) = Rating/(√3 x V)

= 100000 / (1.732 x 220 )

= 262.44 A

6.4.7 Line Current(MV) = Rating/(√3 x V)

= 100000 / (1.732 x 132 )

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= 437.4 A

6.4.8 Line Current(LV) = Rating/(√3 x V)

= 100000 / (1.732 x 11 )

= 5248.79 A

6.5 System Parameter:

6.5.1 3-Phase Fault Level:

a) Maxium 3Ф Fault Current as per Calculation at Magnitude Angle

400/220KV WARANGAL 220 Kv Substation = 40000 -79

= 40000 < -79°

= 40 KA

Therefore, maximum 3 Φ Fault Level = √3 x Isc x V

= √3 x 40x 220

= 15241.6 MVA

b) Minimum 3 Φ Fault current

(assumed-30% of max) = 12000 Amps

= 12 KA

c) X/R Ratio As per Calculations = X1 / R1

= 0.403 / 0.079

= 5.101

6.5.2 1-Phase Fault Level:

a) Maxium 1Ф Fault Current as per Calculation at Magnitude Angle

220KV BUS of Warangal SubStation = 40000 -79

= 40000 < -79°

= 40 KA

Therefore, maximum 1 Φ Fault Level = Isc x V

= 40x 220

= 8800 MVA

b) Minimum 1 Φ Fault current

(assumed-30% of max) = 12000 Amps

6 of 25
= 12 KA

c) X/R Ratio As per Calculations = X1 / R1

0.403 / 0.079


6.6 Conversion of CT & PT Secondary Values:

Zsec = C.T Ratio x Zpri

P.T Ratio

= 800 / 1 x Zpri

( 220/ √3 ) / ( 0.11 / √3 )

= 0.4 X Zpri

6.7 Line Impedances of the Protected Line:

6.7.1 Positive Sequence Impedance of the = Positive sequence impedance x

Protected Line(Z1) Protected line length

= ( 0.41067 < 78.91°) x 12.56

Magnitude Angle

= 5.1580152 78.91 ohms

6.7.2 Positive sequence Impedance of the = Positive sequence impedance x C.F

Line per unit Length (X) refered to sec. in Ω/KM

= ( 0.41067 < 78.91°) x 0.4

Magnitude Angle

= 0.164268 78.91 ohms

6.7.3 Line Angle = 78.91

6.7.4 Distance Angle = 78.91

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(Assumed equal to Line Angle)

6.7.5 Zero Sequence Impedance of the = Zero sequence impedance x

Protected Line(Z0) Protected line length

= 1.53138 x 12.56

Magnitude Angle

= 19.2341328 80.41 ohms

6.7.6 Zero Sequence Compensation Factor RE/RL

= 1/3 * ((R0/R1) - 1)

= 1/3 x (( 0.255 / 0.079 ) -1)

= 0.743

6.7.7 Zero Sequence Compensation Factor XE/XL

= 1/3 * ((X0/X1) - 1)

= 1/3 x (( 1.51 / 0.403 ) -1)

= 0.916

6.7.8 Zero Sequence Compensation Factor Ko

= 1/3 * ((Z0/Z1) - 1)

= 1/3 x ((1.53138 / 0.41067) - 1)

Magnitude Angle

= 0.910 -178

6.8 Apparent Maximum Power:

6.8.1 Apparent Maximum Power: = 150.00 MVA

= 150.00 MVA

6.8.2 Rated full load current = 393.66 Amps

6.8.3 Source Impedance = (2202/Max. 3 ph Fault MVA)

Magnitude Angle

8 of 25
= 3.18 78.91

6.9 Maximum Allowable Reach:

6.9.1 Min. Load Impedance at 0.8 p.f = (KV2 / (MVA)) x CF

= ( 220^2 / ( 150 )) x 0.4 )

= 129.07 Ω

6.9.2 Maximum reach of Load Impedance = 80% of min. Load impedance

= 0.8 x 129.07

= 103.256 Ω

7.0 Computation of Fault Resistance Tolerance for Reach Setting :

7.1 Tower Footing Resistance = 10 Ω

7.2 Arc Resistance (RArc) = = 76KV2/Short ckt. KVA at min. Fault Current

= 1.26 Ω

7.3 For Phase to Phase Fault: Rt-Φ

(Considering 50% of Arc Resistance including a safety margin of 20%)

Resistance Tolerance with respect to Secondary = 0.312 Ω

7.4 For Phase to Earth Fault :- Resistance Tolerance with respect to secondary-Rt-e

= 1.2 x (1+I2/I1*((Rarc+RTF)/(1+RE/RL)) x C.F

= 1.2 x (1+ 3 x ((10 + 1.26 ) / (1 + 0.743 )) x 0.4

= 9.783 Ω


I2/I1 is ratio of current at the opposite end and local end = 3


8.1 Zone I : Reach Setting Proposed at 80% of the protected Line

8.1.1 Direction = Forward

8.1.2 Resistive Reach For Φ to Φ Faults, = (80%x L x R(Z1) x C.F)+(R-TolerenceΦ-Φ)

R(Z1): = ( 0.8 x 12.56 x 0.079 x 0.4 ) + 0.312

= 0.63 Ω

8.1.3 Resistive Reach For Φ to E Faults, = (R(Z1) x Ko)+R-TolerencePh-E

RE(Z1): = ( 0.8 x 12.56 x 0.079 x 0.4 ) x 0.91 ) + 9.783

9 of 25
= 10.072 Ω

10 of 25
8.1.4 Reactance Reach,X(Z1) = 80% ofProtected line * X1 * C.F

= 0.8 x 12.56 x 0.403 x 0.4

= 1.62 Ω

8.1.5 Time Delay: = INST secs

Selected Setting:
Resistive Reach for Ph to Reach for
Reactance Reach, Protected Time
Zone Earth Fault,RE(Z1) Direction Ph to Ph
X(Z1) Length Delay
Zone I 10.072 Forward 0.63 1.62 80% INST

8.2 Zone II: Reach Setting Proposed at (100% of the protected Line +

50% of the shortest line at Next substation)

8.2.1 Direction = Forward

8.2.2 Resistive Reach For Φ to Φ Faults,R(Z2): = (((100% of Prot. line length x R1) +

(50% of short line x R1)) x C.F)+Rt-Φ

= ((1 x 12.56 x 0.079) +

(0.5 x 8.778 x 0.158) x 0.4)+(0.312)

= 0.986 Ω

8.2.3 Resistive Reach For Φ to E Faults,RE(Z2): = (R(Z2) x Ko) + Rt-e

[ { (1 x 12.56 x 0.079) +

(0.5 x 8.778 x 0.158) x 0.4 } x

= 0.91 ] + 9.783

= 10.397 Ω

8.2.4 Reactance Reach,X(Z2) = ((100% of Prot. line length x X1) +

(50% of short line x X1) x C.F

((1 x 12.56 x 0.403) +

(0.5 x 8.778 x 0.806) x 0.4

= 3.44 Ω

8.2.5 Time Delay: = 0.4 secs

Selected Setting:

Resistive Reach for Ph to Reactanc Resistive Reach

Protected Time
Zone Earth Fault,RE(Z2) Direction e Reach, for Ph to Ph
Length Delay
X(Z2) Fault,R(Z2)

11 of 25
Zone II 10.397 Forward 3.44 0.986 100% 0.4

8.3 Zone III: Reach Setting

8.3.1 Base Impedance of the Transformer = KV2 / MVA

= 220^2 / 100

= 484 Ω

8.3.2 Equivelent Transformer Impedance = (KV2 / MVA)*Zo

= (220^2 / 100) x 0.115

= 55.66 Ω

8.3.3 Impedance of two transformers running in Parallel = 28 Ω

8.3.4 Impedance of Protected line at 100% = (Protected line x Z1 x C.F)

= (12.56 x 0.41067 x 0.4)

= 2.06

8.3.5 Total Impedance of both Transformers & = 30.1 Ω

Protected Line At 100%

(Comparing the above value with the reach of prot. line and the longest line at the remote)

8.3.6 Zone-3 impedance = (110% PL+100% OF NEXT)

= 38 Ω

Largest line at the Remote StationPrimary value

As the transformer capacities are variable the reach is as calculted from the above 8.3.8 is

taken for reach setting which is nearer to the calculated value at 8.3.5

8.3.7 Direction = Forward

8.3.8 Resistive Reach For Φ to Φ Faults, = { [(110% of Protected line length x R1) +

R(Z3) (100% of longest line x R1) ] x C.F } + Rt-Φ

[(1.1 x 12.56 x 0.079) + (79.6 x 0.07487) ]

x 0.4)+ 0.312

3.132 Ω

8.3.9 Resistive Reach For Φ to E Faults, = { [(110% of Protected line length x R1) +

RE(Z3) (100% of longest line x R1) ] x C.F } + Rt-e

[(1.1 x 12.56 x 0.079) + (79.6 x 0.07487) ]

12 of 25
x 0.4)+ 9.783

12.603 Ω

8.3.10 Reactance Reach, X(Z3) = { 110% of Protected line length x X1) +

(100% of longest line x X1) ] x C.F }

[(1.1 x 12.56 x 0.403) + (79.6 x 0.39925) ] x 0.4)

14.94 Ω

8.3.11 Time Delay: = 1 secs

Selected Setting: (110% PL+100% O

Resistive Reach for Ph to Reactanc Resistive Reach

Protected Time
Zone Earth Fault,RE(Z2) Direction e Reach, for Ph to Ph
Length Delay
X(Z2) Fault,R(Z2)

Zone III 12.603 Forward 14.94 3.132 110% 1

8.4 Zone IV: Reach Setting Proposed at 25% of Zone1

8.4.1 Direction = Reverse

8.4.2 Resistive Reach For Φ to Φ Faults,R(Z4): = 0.25 x R(Z1)

= 0.25 x 0.63

= 0.16 Ω

8.4.3 Resistive Reach For Φ to E Faults,RE(Z4): = 0.25 x RE(Z1)

= 0.25 x 10.072

= 2.52 Ω

8.4.4 Reactance Reach,X(Z4) = 0.25 * X(Z1)

= 0.25 x 1.62

= 0.41 Ω

8.4.5 Time Delay: = 1 secs

Selected Setting:

Resistive Reach for Ph to Reactanc Resistive Reach

Protected Time
Zone Earth Fault,RE(Z2) Direction e Reach, for Ph to Ph
Length Delay
X(Z2) Fault,R(Z2)

Zone IV 2.518 Reverse 0.405 0.1575 25% 1

8.5 Zone V Relay Setting Disabled

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8.6 Controlled Zone (Z1B) Reach Setting Proposed at 120% of the Protected Line

8.6.1 Direction =1 Forward

8.6.2 Resistive Reach For Φ to Φ Faults,R(ZIB)

at 120% of the Protected Line = (120% of Protd linex R1xC.F)+Rt-Ph

= 1.2 x 0.079 x 12.56 x 0.4) + 0.312

= 0.79 Ω

8.6.3 Resistive Reach For Φ to E Faults,RE(ZIB)

at 120% of the Protected Line = (120% of Protd line x R1 x Ko x C.F)

+ Rt-E

= (1.2 x 12.56 x 0.079 x 0.4 x 0.91)

+ 9.783

= 10.2164 Ω

8.6.4 Reactance Reach, X(ZIB)

at 120% of the Protected Line = 120% of Protected line * X1 * C.F

= 1.2 x 0.403 x 12.56 x 0.4

= 2.430 Ω

8.6.5 Time Delay = 0 secs

Selected Setting:
Resistive Reach for Ph to Reactanc Resistive Reach
Protected Time
Zone Earth Fault,RE(Z2) Direction e Reach, for Ph to Ph
Length Delay
X(Z2) Fault,R(Z2)

Zone IB 10.22 Forward 2.43 0.79 120% 0


9.1 1 Voltage Protection : Enabled

9.2 2 Over Voltage Phase - Earth Protection:

9.3 Uph-e>(>): Phase Voltage Stages = ON

9.4 Uph-e> : Initial Stage for Minor Over voltage 110%of Un= 69.85 Volts

9.5 TUph-e> : Time Delay for Initial Stage Setting = 5 Secs

9.6 Uph-e>> : Stage for Higher Voltage 150%ofUn= 95.25 Volts

9.7 TUph-e>> : Time delay for Longer Setting = 0 Secs

9.8 Uph-e>(>) RESET: Drop out to Pick Up Ratio = 0.95

14 of 25
9.9 CURR.SUP.Uph-e>: = ON


11.1 Zero Sequence Source = 3 x KV2

Impedance (Z0s) √3 x 220 x Min.1ph Fault Current

= 3 x 220^2 / (√3 x 220 x 12)

= 31.7552 Ω

11.2 Line Impedance of the Protected Line = Forward Ω

11.3 Earth Fault Current Pick-up = 20% of rated Full load current / C.T ratio


= (0.2 x MVA / (√3 x KV)) / C.T ratio

= (0.2 x 150000 / (1.732 x 220)) / ( 800 / 1)

= 0.098415 ≈ 0.1 A

11.4 Earth Fault Current Pick-up setting(3I0>>) = Disabled

11.5 Direction = Forward

11.6 Curve = Normal Inverse

11.7 TMS = 0.34

11.8 Zero Sequence Voltage Stage 3U0> = Enabled

11.9 Characteristic Angle = Enabled

11.10 Tele protection Earth Fault: = N/A

Directional Comparison Pick-up

13.0 SOTF O/C

12.1 SOTF OVER CURRENT = Enabled

12.2 The magnitude of the current for picking up of

the switchon to fault I>>> = 2.5 times the FLC

= 2.5 x 150000 / (1.732 x 220)

= 984 A

12.3 Setting adopted = 2.5 times FLC/ CTR I>>> 1.23 A

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