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Dear ELANCO Community,

Let me begin by thanking you for the opportunity and great privilege of
serving the students and faculty of this community over the last 10 years. I am
humbled to say that I played a part in helping kids reach their goals and work through
the challenges that life brings.
This being said, I have committed a serious offense that demonstrates a clear
lack of judgment. I am so very sorry for what I have done. Although it does not
change the outcome, nor undo the harm that I have done to the community that I
love, I ask for your forgiveness.
I wish to provide some context by telling you some personal things about
myself. I struggled mightily with drugs & alcohol as a teenager and young adult
until I surrendered my life to Jesus Christ at a place called America’s Keswick
Colony of Mercy more than 20 years ago. Since then I have remained clean and sober
until very recently. With God all things are possible, and I have been blessed both
professionally and personally. Unfortunately, I compromised my walk with the Lord
and neglected my recovery. For someone like me with an addiction, the
consequences are grave.
I am scheduled to re-enter the Colony of Mercy again for six months of
treatment and discipleship in hopes that I can get well and begin the restoration
process with God, my family, and my community.
I would ask one favor from you. Hug your kids and tell them that you love
them. As you do so, use me as an object lesson about the dangerous and
consequences of substance use and abuse. Encourage them to be open about how
they are feeling and about what life is presenting to them. Let them know that there
is help if they need it.


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