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The threat of nuclear weapons maintains the world peace.

Nuclear power provides cheap and clean

Energy. The benefits of nuclear technology for outweigh the disadvantages. Do you agree or disagree?

Tremendous development in the field of nuclear science is helping humanity by providing environment
friendly energy source and deterrens of nuclear arms prevent nations to start a war. It is argued that
nuclear technology is more beneficial despite having drawbacks. This essay agrees that the advantage of
radioactive technology as a sustainable energy source and in diagnostic medical sciences far outweigh the
drawbacks pertaining to safety risks of a nuclear accident.

To begin with, nuclear technology is beneficial as it is a renewable source of energy. Marked consumption
of fossil fuels as the energy source can cause depletion of these power resources and can lead to energy
crisis for our future generations, but this is not the case with nuclear chemicals which can replenish
themselves. Moreover, radioactive isotopes have enormously transformed the field of diagnostic medical
sciences by enhancing the capabilities to diagnose various diseases efficiently. For instance, as per recent
article published in Pakistan Medical Journal, seventy percent cases of thyroid cancer were diagnosed by
utilising nuclear scan at Agha Khan Hospital Karachi in 2019. These patients couldn’t have been diagnosed
and managed adequately by using conventional diagnostic tools.

Despite all the benefits, there are concerns about the safety of radioactive chemicals at nuclear centres.
There can be a possibility of nuclear accident without adequate precautionary measures. For instance,
disaster of the nuclear bombs during the second world war in Japan is an unforgettable incident in the
history of mankind. The effects of a nuclear accident can be extremely disastrous and long lasting.
However, safety protochols supervised by international regulatory authority has (have) enabled us to
make use of the nuclear field positively as there has been no incident of nuclear accident recorded since
the second world war, despite having many conflicts amongst nations.

What about chernoybl incident in Russia and tsunami hitting Japan Fukushima causing nuclear leakage?

To summarize, nuclear technology is beneficial than being a safety threat, as it can be a source of
renewable energy and has revolutionized dignostic health sciences. Moreover, the safety concerns can be
overcome by adopting safety protocols and international regulations.

Outstanding work ! 7.5 Bands

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