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IOT Course Input.

What is the name of the course? Learning Internet of Things (IOT) with ESP 8266 Node MCU
and Favoriot (Malaysia IOT Platform service).

When will it be held and where TBA

How long is the course? 2 days (10.00 am to 4.00 pm) – Saturday and Sunday.

Tentative date: 11 – 12 Jan 2020

How much is the course? RM 450.
Is it HRDF claimable?
What is this course about? Course Objectives:
What will I gain from doing this 1. To create awareness of Industrial 4.0 revolution history,
course/after completing this origin and national strategy.
course (basically what can the 2. To have knowledge on Industrial 4.0 market, emerging
student do) technologies and new industrial era.
3. To understand the detailed description of IoT concepts.
4. To understand the role of smart sensors and its scope
covering various modern technologies and multidisciplinary
engineering practices.
5. To understand on other modern technologies like wireless
sensor networks, data analytics and cloud computing.
6. To understand the IoT middleware and hardware platforms
and operating systems commonly used in IoT systems.

What is the schedule? 21st December – 22nd December.

What is included in the course 1. Refer to full details from page no 2 – 3.

module? (need a breakdown of 2. Refer from page no 4 – 7 for the IOT sample snapshots.
what are the topic they will learn
for each day (if it’s a 2-day
Bio information on the 1. Refer to page no 8.
Instructor (previous and also
your experience in field of IOT
including qualification etc)
What is the skill level? Are there 1. Beginner – Intermediate/Advanced
any pre-requirements 2. Any group of people (primary/secondary student, working
professional) whom interested or passionate to become a
“Digital Maker”.
Do they need to prepare any • Free Software will be given during training.
software or tools beforehand? • Hardware components like Node MCU ESP8266 and
sensors will be given during training.

Is lunch provided or meals • No lunch or meals are provided.


Contact information for further • Jegan (016-2055075).


IOT-FAVORIOT Training Course Outline & Deliverable Items

Training mode: 2 days (Saturday and Sunday)
Hardware Components Used in this Training
1. Microcontroller: 1 piece of Node MCU ESP 8266.
2. Sensors: 1 piece of DHT 11 Temperature & Humidity sensor.
3. Other: Jumper wires and USB Cable.
Note: Above components are for the participants to take back home after the 2-day training.
Application to Install.
Participant must bring their own laptop to the training and will be instructed to install few
FREE applications as follows -
1. Arduino IDE.
2. FAVORIOT – Free Account Subscription.
3. Node Red. MQTT Broker installation included.
4. Blynk App (Mobile IOT App for Android and Apple).
Day 1 Training Outline: Syllabus
Morning Session: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
1. Introduction of Industrial 4.0.
2. Key Pillars of 4.0.
3. National Strategy of IR 4.0.
4. Basic of Internet of Trainings (IOT).
5. IOT Fundamental.
6. IOT Architecture.
7. Sensors & Actuators.
8. IOT Industry.
9. IOT & Communications.
Afternoon Session: 1.00 pm – 4.00 pm
1. Brief Introduction to Arduino IDE and the programming used.
2. Installation of Arduino IDE – Setting Up for the practical session.
3. Explanation on the hardware used for the practical session (Microcontroller and sensors).
4. Setting up the hardware and integrate to the Arduino IDE.
5. Explanation on the code to upload to the microcontroller from Arduino IDE.
6. Explanation on the results of the practical session.
7. Bonus demo by trainer on MQ35 (Gas sensor) and DHT 11 sensor monitoring.
8. Wrap up for the day 1 session. (Q & A).

Day 2 Training Outline: Syllabus

Morning Session: 9.00 am – 12.00 pm
1. Introduction to the FAVORIOT, Node Red and Message Queuing Telemetry
Transport (MQTT) concepts.
2. Setting Up the Node Red installation.
3. Explaining on MQTT subscribe and publish on Node Red.
4. Code walkthrough on connecting the hardware components to FAVORIOT & Node Red
via Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT).
5. Put to test by the participant and discuss on the outcome in FAVORIOT data streams,
dashboard and Node Red graph dashboard.
6. Explaining on Blynk – IOT Mobile Application.
7. Installing the Blynk App (free) in participant mobile phone.
Afternoon Session: 1.00 pm – 4.30 pm
1. Code walkthrough on connecting the hardware components with Blynk App.
2. Put to test by the participant and discuss on the outcome in Blynk App.
3. A group activity will be discussed for the participant to present their idea on IOT. This will
be a group-based activity (2 in a group).
4. The group will prepare their discussion points and prepare for presentation.
5. Presentation by the group. Q & A session if required.
6. Wrap Up of Day 2 training session.
7. Certificate presentation to the participation.
Training key takeaways
Participants will take away below items:
1. Training notes in pdf. This is the same material used during the 2 days.
2. Application installers.
3. Hardware components given during the training.
4. Certificate for each participant (training attendance certificate).
Note: Above time schedule may vary based on the breakfast, lunch and tea break allocated time.
Any further inquiries, kindly contact Jegan ( or 016-2055075.

Sample of IOT screenshots.

SAMPLE 1: Favoriot integration dashboard graphs and data stream (REAL TIME)
Below are the snapshots from Favoriot version 2.0 integration, the real time graphs and data streams will be
shown in respective page from the Favoriot version 2.0 site.

SAMPLE 2: Blynk integration with Gauge type charts. (REAL TIME)


SAMPLE 3: ESP 8266 NODE MCU with DHT 11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor

SAMPLE 4: ESP 8266 NODE MCU with DHT 11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor – Sensor Data
Reading in Arduino Serial Monitor.

Summary of Trainer Profile

I’m Jegandran a/l Balakrishnan

• More than 14 years of industry experiences

• Key Strength
o IT
o Oil & Gas
o Training
o Consulting
o Auditing
• Engagement with;
o POWERNODE Solution
o PETROSAR Academy
o Silterra Sdn Bhd
o Media Prima
o P&A Smart Solutions
o PETRONAS Group ICT Sdn Bhd (ex-working place)
• Training focus
o Industry 4.0 – Internet of Things and Big Data
o ISO 20000, 27001, 9001
o Startup
o Strategic Management

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