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Presenting Business Plan

Every entrepreneur has to present a business plan to outsiders at some point if he or she is seeking a
loan or investment in the company. Obtaining venture capital funding, angel investment, or even bank
loans for a business is increasingly difficult in a tough economy. It's imperative to have a pitch and
presentation that showcases your idea, your potential, your market and your ability to provide investors
with a return on their investment.

Prepare Your Pitch and Presentation

A business pitch consists of an effort to convince others that your idea for a business is a good one. The
pitch involves summing up your business plan -- going over your product/service offerings, your market,
your leadership, and why you will succeed.

A business pitch consists of an effort to convince others that your idea for a business is a good one. The
pitch involves summing up your business plan going over your product/service offerings, your market,
your leadership, and why you will succeed.

Prepare Your Message

A pitch needs to be prepared in a variety of formats to take advantage of not only the formal pitch and
presentation meeting but the informal chance meeting in an airplane or elevator. Here are a few types
of pitches:

 E-mail message and elevator pitch: Every entrepreneur should have a short, concise speech
ready whether they step onto an elevator or prepare to travel on an airplane. You never know
who is going to be sharing the ride with you.
 Summary memo: This is a lengthier treatment of your elevator pitch. It consists of a 2-5 page
memo summarizing the need or want you fill as a business offering, your target market,
differentiation, growth prospects, management team, and your financing plan.
 Pitch presentation: This is your more formal pitch presentation that you make to investors.
Cover the same elements included in your summary memo and in the executive summary of
your business plan.

How to Choose Potential Investors

Research Potential Partners. Potential investors can range from family members and friends to venture
capitalists or angel investors. That's because you are going to be spending a lot of time with your
investors if they become financial partners in your business. There are meetings, reports, and reviews.
They may also seek new management if you don't do a good job meeting your goals.

Here are some tips on finding the right investors to approach:

 Who you target is very important: Pinson advises that you research which investors tend to
know your industry well and invest in companies in your industry. She says you may want to
start by approaching those investors with your plan.
 Seek compatibility: You should want investors who will become partners in building the
business as well as funding it. Do your research and ask the right questions. "Do they know
people who can help you? Are they familiar with your business area?

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