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I had a short glimpse at these denizens

ENLIGHTENING THE from the underworld there, one night
on our way back from a pilgrimage. My
WORLD recollection was rather vague. He wanted
to know whether there was special
accommodation there for politicians who

T he new Prime Minister is reported

to have expressed his desire and his
plans to spread the word of the Buddha
a person Buddhist ? Out of these three
“requirements” or “standards” only the
second one seems to be ignored by all
fatten themselves with money from the
public or what is meant for public works.
I am still at a loss as to the exact situation.
right round the world. While applauding concerned. The first and then third are
Any way, I hope some kind soul
the pious P.M. for following in the pasted allover. One wonders whether No one can prevent a person consuming
would take action to provide sufficient
footsteps of the pious Buddhist Emperor this has gone so far as to be called an or serving liquor to his guests. However,
accommodation for this special category
Dharmasoka of India, I would like to attractive trade mark to earn a living or in a Buddhist country led by a pious
of sinners.
play the devils advocate and raise a silly to put it more bluntly, to fool the masses. PM at least his colleagues ought to
but simple question – How about putting There were some government
Let us turn our attention to the reality set an example as good Buddhists by
your house in order to start with ? departments where bribery was very
on the ground in Sri Lanka. What world avoiding liquor at functions organized
cleverly regularized. I remember going
Unkind and ungrateful though it sounds, ranking has Sri Lanka earned on its crime or patronized by them. How far are
to Customs Department to clear some
I do think my simple question calls for rate ? Looking inwards, has any one such occasions liquor-free ? Going by
goods I had shipped from London. One
some explanation if not answers. looked at the statistic on murders, theft, reports of such gatherings, one has to
officer initialed some form and asked me
Sri Lanka has, over the centuries, earned rape, embezzlements and compared keep guessing as to the brand of liquor
to give it to the next man, with Rs.25/-
a number of epithets for its Buddhist these according to the religion of the available, and whether foreign or local,
. Instructions were clear. It was money
heritage or tradition or whatever one perpetrators ? Then are all four religions rather than their availability.
paid to that man for doing his routine job.
likes to call it. Dharmadvipa or the Island represented by the Sri Lankan population, Truthfulness is a rare commodity in the
I had no hesitation in parting with them.
of Dhamma or Religion, must be the and my guess is that Buddhists would field of politics even in democracies. Don’t
I would have even paid Rs. 100/= to get
most outstanding. It is also called the score high marks on all areas, beating we have a right to expect truthfulness
out of that place with my goods rather
cradle of Therawada Buddhism. Why a adherents of all other religions. from politicians who sponsor the cause
than wasting another half a day at least if
country like Thailand did not qualify for A friend of mine living in Australia told I refused to pay. of Buddhism both within and without the
that distinction is rather interesting, being me about his experience back home on a house ? How far is truth respected and
This was about thirty years ago, and
a land whose Buddhist monks apparently visit there. He comes from a village close used in dealings and promises made by
hopefully, things would have improved
are not earning a salary for their work, to a provincial city. The road leading to politicians who provide these shows as
by now. However, the talk in the town is
and genuinely enlightened monks are this village was in urgent need of repair Buddhist leaders in front of unsuspecting
that the word “bribe” or even “bribery”
reported to have lived in the very recent and he questioned a man who handled voters ?
has now lost its glamour. It is now
past. (Monks who were Arahants unlike government contracts for road repairs, If the situation at home is not so bad,
apparently been replaced by a more
the crop of Arahants appearing in Sri and the like. The contractor was ready there is a lot more of home-work to be
dignified term “commission”. If this is a
Lanka now and then). The only reason with an answer or an excuse. done by Sri Lankan politicians before
difference it is the amount used. In other
one can think of is that Buddhism was “No one is prepared to do a contract for they set out to spread the word of the
words, it costs much more that the few
introduced to that country much later the Provincial Council. Who wants to do Buddha overseas.
notes surreptitiously handed over these
than to Sri Lanka. a contract by paying 20% commission to days.
Sri Lanka easily beats Thailand on the Minister ?”
another front. Our motherland has the The Minister in question was the
high distinction of possessing a number Provincial Minister in charge of the
of things that either belonged to or were subject.
associated with the Buddha. Namely
the Tooth Relic (this in addition to
innumerable little relic displayed at
This single instance goes to prove
something even the aid-givers from
Mount Waverley Medical Services
various international agencies have been 393 Stephenson’s Road, Mount Waverley 3149
each Buddhist temple in every nook and
corner of the island). The Sacred Bo Tree saying over the years, i.e. aid given
at Anuradhapura and the Foot Print on to developing councils do not flow to
the top of Samanalakanda. It is irrelevant the required level, and good part of it
evaporates in the process. Who are these
Dr. Abey Gunaratne
whether Madane Blavatskey remarked MBBS. DCH. FRACGP. FACEM
that the sacred tooth of the Buddha evaporators ? It is common knowledge in
perhaps belonged to a previous birth of Sri Lanka, good many of the politicians
the Buddha when he was born a tiger, make a profit-making business. Again Family Physician
or the size of the foot print apparently the question of religion comes in. How
covered by a larger replica for protection. many of these embezzlers pose as pious
Even the silly assertion by some infidels Buddhists either kneeling at the feet of Bulk-billing available
that Buddha never visited the island. Mahasangha, or performing religious
functions in front of the innocent masses. Call 8802 8381 for an appointment
Coming back to my original question,
I would like to add another allied Someone asked me whether I have been
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0414 546 833
Free Sri Lankan Community Magazine
December 2010 │Issue # 92

i h our readers
We wish d a Merry
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Christmas andd a Happy
H N Year
New Y


Let Us Move
ixialrKh Editors The Friendship Dinner held
r;ak iqukd tÈßisxy Rathna Sumana Edirisinghe in North Dandenong on
;=Idr rkau,a Èidkdhl Thushara Ranmal Nov. 13th was a modest first
step in a long process. Taken
in good faith, it signaled
ixialdrl uKav,h Editorial Board
an encouraging beginning
ã î l=remamq D B Kuruppu
by Sri Lankan Victorians
tia mshfiak S. Piyasena
belonging to various section
moau l=ud¾ tÈßùr Padma Kumar Ediriweera
s of the Community.
fyauud,d fyar;a Hemamala Herath
ñysß Èidkdhl Mihirie Dissanayake
The two organisers, Sri
Lankan Consul in Victoria,
msgq ieliqu$ Page Layout and Bandu Dissayakake and
.%e*sla ks¾udK Graphic Design
Veterinary Surgeon Dr.
wfrdaYsks fmf¾rd Aroshini Perera Noel Nadesan deserve our
fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv Wellington Molligoda congratulations for a job
well done.
mß.Kl wl=re ieliqu Type Setting
fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv Wellington Molligoda Special mention must be
PdhdrEm iy udOH Photography & Media made of the performers
iïnkaëldrl Co ordinator of Bharata Natyam and
fhdydka chisxy Johann Jayasinha
Kandyan Dance, and in
particular that of Gandhi MacIntyre from Sydney who
kept the crowd entertained
Pahana Light & Life by his trilingual comedy.
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Mt Waverley VIC 3149
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Friendship Dinner in Melbourne -

fia;ka uqo,d,sf.a fm;aiu A Call to Harmony
fn!oaOhka w;r u<jqka ms§ula ke;'
u<jqkag wdydr mdkfhka ix.%y lsÍulao
ke;' tfia kï" ñh .sh {d;Skaf.a
y;a fodfya odkhg l,ska od rd;s%fha
f.j;af;a lvq,a, fyj;a f.aÜgqj
wi,ska ;nk n;a msÕdk flfia mqreÿ
jqfKao @ iuyr úg wfma n,s f;dú,a ñys÷ ysñhka isß,lg jevu
lrkag l,ska mgkau mej; wd isß;l
kIagdjfYaIhla úh yelsh'
iuyr .ïj, fï n;a m; wßg;a
jvd kïnqldr úÈhg fokq ,nkakls'
ta i|ydu wgjk ,o u,a me,l" ri
uijqf,ka hq;a lEu fõ,la ;e;a lrkq
,efí' fï fudkjd l<;a f.aÜgqfjka
we;=`M fkdù" th N=la;s ú| bj;aj hd
hq;= úh'
fldákau" fuh fmf¾; ;gqjls' u< .sh
{d;shd fkd±kqj;aju fm%a; ;;ajhg
zzWiia lrkqZZ ,en we;' fia;ka
uqo,d,sf.a y;a fodfya odkhg l,ska od
nK wikakg wd msßi nK weiSfuka miq"
imamdhï ù msg;aj hk fõ,djh'
fÊñia ldrhd msg;a jQfha ;j;a ;=kay;r
fokl= iu.h' .fï ljqre;a Tyq iu.
.uka ìuka hdug leue;af;ah' md`M
ke;' ri l;d fkdfyd;a úys`Mjg Wmka
iuf;l= jQ fÊñia ldrhd" Tjqka iskd
.iajkafka weÕg;a fkd±kSh' ;udf.a
f.dú;eka jev lrf.k" lsisjl=g
ysßyer fkdlr Ôj;a jk fÊñia
zzTfya,g ±kgu;a wu;l fj,d'
wysxilhl= hhso lsj yel' Tyq wysxil
fia;ka uqo,d,s Ôj;aj bkak ;dla lf<a"
fkdjkafka úys`Mjg .sh ;ekh'
.fï ldg ldg yß úreoaOj fm;aiï
f.aÜgqfjka msg jQ fÊñia miq nisk ,shk tlfka' ±ka b;ska" bvï lvï
mdgla ÿgq i.fhda yeÍ n,kakg jQy' n,d lshd.kag yels yskaod ta jefâg uq`M
fÊñia ldrhd wr u,ame, <Õu wek ld,hu fhdokak neßhe' ug ;sfhk
;' nv;=frka lsisjla .;a Tyq tlu ielh kï" Th fmd; lS ojilska The Honorary Consul for the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in Victoria
ìu ;nd ;snqKq fnda;,h w;g .;af;ah' bjr lr .kshso lshk tl'ZZ Mr Bandu Dissanayake, in association with a prominent member of the Tamil
wfk;a whg tlajk .uka Tyq ;uka community in Melbourne and Co-ordinator for Diaspora Dialogue Dr. Noel Nadesan,
zznK wykak weú,a,;a fÊñiag kslï took the initiative to organise what they were pleased to call a Friendship Dinner in
l< ymkalu úia;r lf<ah' w;g
bkak neß yeá'ZZ Melbourne on Saturday the 13th November 2010.
.;a wrlal= fnda;,h fmkajñka lSfõ
fumuKhs# tfia lSfõ msßfia isá jhiu ukqiaihdh' The event was well co-ordinated and presented by Sirimavo Ediriweera.
fÊñiag W;a;rhla ke;'
zzuu fïl .;af;a uqo,d,sg jqjukd Welcoming the guests, Bandu and Noel explained the objective of the Dinner as a
lrk foa t;k ;sh,hsZZ zzwfka udfï" WUg ;ju f;arefKa collaborative effort by them to bring together the ex-patriate Sri Lankans living in
keoao @ ux lf<a Th wrlal= §u jf.a Melbourne and in particular, the members of the Sinhalese and Tamil communities, as
zzfudllao t;k ;sífí @ZZ
úldrhla fkfuhs' mqoa.,hdg wjYH one people at one place and decidedly with one hope: to foster and promote mutual
zzfldms fmd;l=hs mekai,hl=hsZZ NdKavh imhk tl' Bg jvd fyd| respect, understanding and goodwill as part of the reconciliation and healing process
zzta ulalghe @ZZ odkhla ;sfhkjdo @ uu fï nK following the restoration of peace in our Motherland.
wy, hk .uka okla mskla lr.kakhs
zzwehs ukqiaifhda fia;ka uqo,d,s ne¨fõ'ZZ It was also an occasion to explore the possibilities of joining the Government in its
fmf¾;fhla fj,d weú;a fï fnda;f,au efforts to build a new Sri Lanka where all communities, irrespective of their ethnic,
ysia lf<d;a" lsis flfkl=g jeis,a,la fia;ka uqo,d,s" .fï hula lula ;snqKq" linguistic and religious diversity, can live happily together in peace and freedom and
keye' uu Wkakeyeg wjYHu foa ta ;rul i,a,sldrfhls' wmrdOldrhl= cohesive harmony.
fjkqjg mQcd l<d'ZZ fkdjqj;a" Tyqg tl mqreoaola ;snqfKah'
ta" Tyq úfkdaodx.hla yeáhg l< Among the highlights of the evening was a cultural presentation featuring traditional
i.hka úiaufhka n,d isák ksid" fÊñia fm;aiï ,sùuh' fÊñia w,a,d .;af;a ta Kandyan, Low-country and Sabaragamuwa dances presented by the students of
ldrhdg th ;j;a meyeÈ,s lrkakg ÿn,luhs' Dinesh Epasinghe Abhina Dance Academy and Bharatha Natyam dance performed by
isÿúh' Dinusha Pandithan of Nadanalaya Academy of Dance.
The Celebrity Comedian Gandhi MacIntyre from Sydney kept the guests entertained
mqÉpdkï úisks with the twists and turns of his hilarious Comedy Act.

Beatie MP, Parliamentary Secretary on Multicultural Affairs assisting the Premier and
Convenor of Sri Lanka Friendship Group of Victorian Parliament, Councillor John
For all your Advertising needs Sitec, representing the Victorian Multicultural Commission and Mr Padma Kumar Ediriweera. Humanitarian activist and prominent writer of the Tamil community
Mr.Murugapoopathy spoke in Sinhala. Proceeds of the Dinner will be directed to Eluvaitivu Hospital Project in the North of
Sri Lanka and the Cancer Hospital Children’s Ward Project in Maharagama.
Mihirie Dissanayake All in all, it was a beautiful evening imbued with a feeling of fraternity and camaraderie,
renewing the old friendships long lost, and forging the new.

0414 546 833 Padma Kumar Ediriweera



mrK l;kAor mqÉpdkï úiska 4

Enlightening... Leo Roo 6

Such Is Life Shyamon Jayasinghe 8

ffcj úúO;ajh wdpd¾h úoHdks uk;=x. 9

iujeÿu isisr Èidkdhl 10

wfma mkai,a 12 The Editorial Board of Pahana

mqrkSf; ã’'î’' l=remamq 14 proudly bring to the notice of our readers
the appointment of one of our members,
Yodha Ela... Palitha Manchanayake 16
Mihirie Dissanayake,
;S¾:h 18 as a Honorary Justice of the Peace
My Heavenly Experience Chamara Illeperuma 20 by the Governor in Council,
Professor David De Kretser,
The Atlas Myth... Sirimavo Ediriweera 22
on the recommendation from
fmfoys ri ''' úÿIl 24 the Attorney General in
fld¨ ldf,a risl iQßhwdrÉÑ 26 the state of Victoria,
Chinese Prosperity... Mathu Liyanage 26
jks;d ,;d fyauud,d fyar;a 28

wkka;h lrd''' fyauud,d fyar;a 30

Amazing Healing Power... Gamini Dissanayake 34

Get your Pahana
we;a;u we;a; l;djlA fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv 40 delivered to your
A Buddhist Reply Hemal Jayawickrama 40 home!
uka;S% ;=ud iuka uydkdu osidkdhl 41

Lost in You Dr Noel Nadeson 44 Call Mihiri

Exploring Parks...

Daya de Silva

0414 546 833
ÿlla ke;sj iqukd f;akqjr 52

Is Nuclear Power... Senake Perera 53

whs¡ tï¡ wd¾¡ ta¡ Bßhf.d,a, tiA' Bßhf.d,a, 54 NOTICE!

Who is a Buddhist? P.B.Somasiri 55 To all contributors and
Tales from... Prof. N. Mudiyanse 56
Please forward all material
for the January 2011 issue as
Channel Lanka TV Guide 58
soon as possible.
y;r yskd fj,sxgka fud,a,sf.dv 60 Our closing date for the
<ud msgqj hqIdrd úfÊr;ak 62 January 2011 issue will be,
20.12.2010 due to Christmas
and New Year holidays.


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