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This project was a memorable and learning experience for me.The sole efforts of any
individual are not sufficient enough to complete the project. The completion of a project
involves the effort and interest of many people. I would like to extend my gratitude and
thanks to all those that gave up their time and invaluable knowledge, to make this project
I am indeed very grateful to Prof. Abhay Patil sir for permitting me to do my project
studies, I would like to extend my gratitude to and all staff for their professional guidance
and support.
I would like to thank my project guide for providing me an opportunity to undertake my
I would like to take this opportunity to articulate my sense of gratefulness to ISBMS for
its continuous encouragement and invaluable guidance for the completion of my project.
I wish to express my special thanks to all the faculties of ISBMS for their continuous

Place -Pune

Name-Jayanti Prasad


I do hereby declare that this project work entitled “STUDY OF SEARCH ENGINE
MANAGEMENT STUDIES is a record of my own research work. The report embodies
the findings based on my study and observations and has not been submitted earlier for
the award of any degree or diploma to any Institute or University.

Place -Pune

Name-Jayanti Prasad


Sr no. Content Page no.

1 Introduction 5

2 Objectives 6

3 Search Engine Marketing- 7-8

 Description
 Working of SEM

4 Difference Between SEO & SEM 9-11

5 Benefits of SEM 12-13

6 Google Ad Networks 14-15

7 Terminologies 16-17

8 Concepts of SEM 18-19

9 Learning 20

10 Conclusion 21

11 Bibliography 22

Search engine marketing is a form of Internet marketing that involved the promotion of
websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages (SERPS) through
optimization and advertising.” SEM includes SEO tactics, as well as several other search
marketing tactics.
Search engine marketing, or SEM, is one of the most effective ways to grow your
business in an increasingly competitive marketplace. With millions of businesses out
there all vying for the same eyeballs, it’s never been more important to advertise online,
and search engine marketing is the most effective way to promote your products and
grow your business.

Search engine marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid

advertisements that appear on search engine results pages (or SERPs). Advertisers bid
on keywords that users of services such as Google and Bing might enter when looking
for certain products or services, which gives the advertiser the opportunity for their ads to
appear alongside results for those search queries.
These ads, often known by the term pay-per-click ads, come in a variety of formats.
Some are small, text-based ads, whereas others, such as product listing ads (PLAs, also
known as Shopping ads) are more visual, product-based advertisements that allow
consumers to see important information at-a-glance, such as price and reviews.

Search engine marketing’s greatest strength is that it offers advertisers the

opportunity to put their ads in front of motivated customers who are ready to buy
at the precise moment they’re ready to make a purchase. No other advertising
medium can do this, which is why search engine marketing is so effective and such an
amazingly powerful way to grow your business.

Search engine marketing increases the visibility of websites through search engine
optimization (SEO) or through paid advertising with the intent of increasing traffic to the
website. SEM is a broader term than SEO. SEM refers to all marketing activities that
use search engine technology for marketing purposes.


 To study Search Engine marketing & its terminology

 To study the right way of growing business using Digital marketing.

 To generate potential leads through advertising.

 To increase engagement amongst the audience related to Digital marketing.

 To leverage the new age channels that our target audience uses to consume

Search Engine Marketing

 Description
Search engine marketing (SEM) is the use of paid ads to reach potential leads and
customers on search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo. More specifically, to
reach them the moment they are searching for your service. It is also known as search
engine advertising, paid search advertising, and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising.

Pay-per-click ads appear in prime spots in search engine results page (SERP), across
multiple devices (mobile, tablet, desktop, etc.). Prime spots vary depending upon the
search engine, but typically are on top of and/or on the side of organic results. All PPC
ads are labeled with an “ad” designation.
PPC ads cost the advertiser each time someone takes action on their ad, such as by
clicking through to end up on a designated landing page, or clicking to call or to get
directions. Cost-per-click varies by industry, geography, and competition, and will also
vary regularly throughout a campaign.
Search engine marketing is a form of Internet marketing that involves the promotion of
websites by increasing their visibility in search engine results pages primarily through
paid advertising.

 Working of Search Engine Marketing

With SEM (once again, synonymous with pay-per-click advertising), you pay to have
your ad and business rank on the top of search engine results.
When designing an SEM campaign, the first step is to designate a monthly budget. You’ll
want to base this off of your industry, geography, and the number of products and
services you are trying to advertise for. Your budget will influence how much money you
are able to spend throughout a month on PPC ads, and your spend level may vary day
to day.
Campaigns are broken out into ad groups, which house both ads and keyphrases. This
allows your campaign to focus ad copy specifically on the keyphrases a consumer is
searching. Keyphrases, or keywords, are simply the words or phrases that user’s type
into search boxes in search engines.
When a search engine user in the targeted area searches for the keywords or
keyphrases that you chose, your ad enters an immediate online auction. Your ad is
displayed when it matches bid and relevancy criteria, so you want to make sure that you
have an appropriate budget size, and that you are bidding on keyphrases relevant to
your products/services (such as those indicated on your website or landing page). You
are not charged when your ad is displayed, but rather when someone clicks on your ad
to take further action.

Difference Between SEO and SEM.
The difference between SEO and SEM is simply that Search Engine Optimization is
part of Search Engine Marketing or Search Marketing as it is widely known. Both
processes aim in increasing visibility in search engines.

SEO is about optimizing your website to get higher rankings in the organic search
results while SEM goes beyond SEO. It involves other methods that can get you
search engine traffic like PPC advertising.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the process of optimizing your website for the purpose of getting free traffic
from search engines.

SEO is important because an optimized web site is easily understood by search

engine crawlers and this increases the chances of ranking higher in SERPS (search
engine results pages).There are 3 main pillars of SEO: technical SEO, on-site SEO,
and off-site SEO.


SEM is a digital marketing process with the goal of increasing visibility in search
engines either by getting organic traffic through SEO or paid traffic through PPC

Through paid search advertising you essentially buy advertising space in the search
engine results. So, instead of trying to rank in one of the top positions organically
through SEO and get free traffic, you pay to appear in front of the search results.

The most well-known advertising agency is Google Ads (formally Google Adwords).
Through Google Ads, you can get your ads to appear in the Google search results
and you pay only for the clicks on your ads.

This is also the reason why the whole process is called Pay-per-click or PPC. Bing
and Yahoo have a similar system but it not so successful and widely known as
Google Ads.

Which is better, SEO or SEM?

Despite the fact that SEO is one of the two components of search engine marketing,
many marketers when they refer to SEM they mean PPC advertising.

Basically they consider Paid Search Advertising as being the only component of
SEM. In this case, you can do a comparison between the two.


Organic SEO is generally the best marketing tactic for long-lasting results. Websites
that rank high in the organic results for their target keywords, can get free traffic 24/7,
industry recognition and enjoy all the benefits of SEO.

Websites that use PPC can still get targeted traffic from search engines but they
have to pay for it. Once they stop the paid campaigns, the traffic disappears.

Another major difference between SEO and SEM is that it takes a lot of time for SEO
to work and generate results while PPC is almost instant.

So, which is better depends on your overall digital marketing goals. If you want to get
traffic fast then you can start with SEM (paid search advertising) and in parallel work
on your SEO. If you want to create a long-lasting online business without relying on
paid traffic, then SEO is your answer.

Does SEM help SEO?

Despite what many people think, SEM does not help SEO. If you use PPC to target
specific keywords and get search engine traffic, that does not positively or negatively
affect your SEO efforts.

SEO rankings are decided after taking into account hundreds of factors and SEM or
PPC campaigns are NOT one of them.

Importance of SEM Traffic

Search Engine Marketing traffic (either through organic SEO or Paid Search
Advertising) is considered the most important source of Internet traffic because it
is targeted. It is widely accepted that people use search engines to find a solution to
a problem, an answer to a question or to learn how to do something.

So, when searchers click on a website from the search results or click on an ad, they
are more likely to convert. The relevancy of the displayed web sites and ads makes
SEM traffic more valuable than any other source of traffic.

Facebook and Twitter are trying to optimize their advertising platforms to utilize
targeted traffic but still, traffic coming directly from search engines has a better ROI.

Benefits of Search Engine Marketing

1: Results
You may be wondering, why pay to show up in search engines and have people click on
your website pages? Can’t you just improve your website’s SEO and get online visibility
and organic clicks for free? The answer is that organic search isn’t actually free. SEO
strategies are very beneficial to your business, but SEO takes time to take effect, (up to
6 months) and the tactics involve a lot of work toward producing quality content. With
SEM/pay-per-click advertising, you see results right away, in the form of your business
name on page one of a search.

2: Rank
There is limited real estate for the top positions in organic search results. With the
amount of content on the web today and the number of competitors you have, it can be
hard to get in a top position, even despite your best efforts. If you’re a new business or
an existing one trying to build your online presence, SEM/PPC advertising can get you in
front of highly targeted customers.

3: Conversions
Another one of the benefits of SEM is that people who see your PPC ads are those most
likely to want to buy your product or service. PPC ads require you to choose a
geographic location and specific search queries to target. As a result, you can be sure
that anyone who clicks on your ad is not arbitrarily surfing the web, but rather, is looking
for your product or service and in a position to do so.Keep in mind that if you’re going to
be driving more qualified traffic to your business website, you should make sure that it is
optimized for conversions. A good business website is not just one that attracts visitors,
but gets them to stay and convert.
4: Tracking & Analytics
Once again, SEM works by putting your site in front of people who are searching for your
services in search engines. If a potential customer reaches your website, pay per click
ad services (such as through Google, Yahoo, and Bing) enable you to collect data on
each click, such as
 Where that person is located
 How much time they spent on your site
 What pages they visited on your site
 What type of device they were using (mobile, tablet, laptop)

5: Local Search
SEM is not just for businesses trying to reach a national scale. Due to its targeting
features, Search Engine Marketing works great for small businesses that want to reach
local customers conducting research or interest searches via the internet. Local search
is on the rise, and SEM can help you take advantage of it.
SEM, PPC advertising, paid search—call it what you want!—is a great way to boost your
online exposure, increase traffic to your website, and gain more customers. Take a look
at your budget and the keywords that relate to your services and start an SEM campaign
Search engine marketing is considered by many to be the most efficient way to
spend marketing dollars. The two primary search networks that SEM professionals target
are Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords) and the Bing Ads

Google AdWords networks
Google Search Network and Google Display Network.
When to Use the Google Search Network
Running ads on the Search Network is the most common, well-known form of PPC
advertising. With this network selection, your ads will be eligible to appear on Google
SERPs. If you want to expand your reach, you can extend your targeting to include
“search partners,” a group comprised of smaller search engines.

This advertising format is incredibly effective because it targets an active searcher, who
is on a mission to find something. As you can see in the example above, the searcher is
looking for a plumber in Pune. Upon submitting the query, both paid ads (highlighted in
the red boxes) and organic listings appear. Sure, the plumbers could rely on their
organic (read: free) listings, but chance are, they will be more successful if they run ads
on the Search Network. Not only are paid ads more robust, but they allow the plumbers
to include extensions with additional links, phone numbers and addresses. Since the
Search Network connects advertisers to people actively looking for their products,
search campaigns typically drive more conversions than display campaigns.

You should be running a Search Network campaign if:

 You’re working with a limited budget: In general, when clients are restricted to a
small budget, we recommend starting with the Search Network. This format is
more likely to drive direct conversions, making it easier to measure and justify
your PPC efforts. Once you’ve mastered Search, it may be advisable to expand
to the Display Network, which can boost visibility, leading to an uptick in search
volume for your business.

 You sell an “emergency” product: If your product or service offering is something

that users look for on a when-needed basis (plumbers, locksmiths, electricians,
etc.), you should be advertising on the Search Network. For these industries, it is
imperative that your ad appears when the searcher is in need of your services.

When to Use the Google Display Network (GDN)

In addition to traditional search advertising, Google also gives advertisers the opportunity
to place their ads on a variety of sites across the internet. This collection of websites,
which ranges from blogs to news sites and even YouTube, is referred to as the Google
Display Network (GDN). According to Google, the GDN includes over 2 million sites that
reach over 90% of global internet users. Given the expansiveness of this network, it is
incredibly appealing to advertisers who are looking to expand their online presence.
When users are on the GDN, they may not necessarily be in “shopping mode.” Instead,
they are going about their daily internet activities—catching up on news, reading blog

posts, watching video clips, etc. In order to gain traction on the GDN, your ads must
attract the users’ attention and entice them enough to click through to your site, leaving
the content that they were originally engaged with. Accomplishing this is no easy feat—
even with top-notch ad creative, it’s tough to draw users to click on ads while they are
perusing the Display Network.
But don’t write the GDN off yet—while clicks may be scarce, ad space on the network is
plentiful. It is the ideal space to promote brand awareness and its vast reach is appealing
to advertisers who are looking to broaden their fan bases. By increasing your brand’s
visibility, you may reap more clicks on organic listings or see an uptick in brand-specific
searches. These clicks are also less costly than clicks on the search network.

Terminologies used in SEM
Click-through Rate The percentage of those clicking on a link out of the total
number who view the link or text ad.

Cost-per-Click System where an advertiser pays an agreed amount for each click
someone makes on a link leading to their web site. Also known as PPC or paid
Cost-per-mile System where an advertiser pays an agreed amount for the
number of times their ad is seen by a consumer, regardless of the consumer’s
subsequent action. This term is heavily used in print, broadcasting and direct
marketing, as well as with online banner ad sales. CPM stands for “cost per
thousand,” since ad views are often sold in blocks of 1,000.
Pay-per-Click ,a model of internet marketing in which advertisers
pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.
A word that a user enters in search. Each web page should be optimized with
the goal of drawing in visitors who have searched specific keywords.
SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page)
The page that you are sent to after you run a query in a search engine. It typically
has 10 results on it, but this may vary depending on the query and search engine
in question.
Traffic –
The visitors to your site.
ROAS: A Cost, Not An Investment
The ROAS model can increase advertising expenses across all channels if
marketers treat advertising as a cost while seeking additional market share
without the discipline of a defined profit margin target that would keep bids and
spending in check.
Product Listing Ads (PLAs) on Google Shopping present a way for
eCommerce marketers to reach targeted, specific, and ready-to-purchase

consumers. PLAs are the images people see when searching for a particular
product in a search engine
Effective cost per click in online advertising. While CPC is the actual price for
each click when buying clicks, eCPC is a calculated metric that tells you what the
CPC would have been if you bought clicks instead of impressions, actions etc.
Cost per action” (CPA)
It is an online advertising digital marketing strategy that allows an advertiser to
pay for a particular action from a potential customer. Carrying out
a CPA campaign is relatively low risk for the advertiser. This is because payment
only has to be made when a specific action takes place

Concepts of SEM or search engine marketing you should be
aware of.
1. Understanding search engines

Search engines play a pivotal role in making an online business successful. Therefore,
you have to develop an understanding how search engines rank a website. Online
marketers also have to consider the fact that search engines continuously change their
trends. One thing work today does not necessarily work tomorrow. So it is important to
follow the trends and make changes accordingly.

2. Keyword selection

The incorporation of keywords is an important concept when it comes to optimizing a

website. It is also called content optimization. A keyword is something we type in the
search box in order to access desired information. If your website is not fully optimized
for keywords, you will probably lose the race. Further, you have to understand what
phrases your customers are typing in search boxes while looking for the products and
services that you offer.

3. Selection of a URL

Be careful while creating a URL. Search engine friendly URL’s are of great help in the
process of optimizing a website. Include words in a URL which best represents your
products and services, especially when you are running an online store and your
business is largely depends on the website.

4. Organic results and Pay-per-click (PPC)

Pay-per-click and organic search results are the two ways you can effectively use to put
your online presence in a decent position. PPC allows you to pay search engines for
displaying your ads. On the other hand, organic results are to influence the way search
engines rank websites.

5. Back-links

Back-links play a crucial role in improving the repute of your website. It is when other
websites endorse your website. However, it is important that your website gets
endorsements from reputable websites. Search engines pay close attention to backlinks.
Therefore, make sure that you have quality content on your website.

6. Use of Google tools

Coupons, Analytics, Sitemaps and Product Research are some of the important tools
that you can use to monitor the performance of your website and get valuable
information. Moreover, you can list your online business with search engines. There is
no denying the fact that the success of your business depends greatly on how you
promote and present your business to the online world. Search engine marketing is
surely a great way to stay relevant in the competition

While doing this project I learnt about:

 Importance of Digital marketing in today’s scenario.

 Growth of Search Engine Marketing.
 Benefits of Search Engine Marketing.
 Achieve ranking through Search Engine Marketing.
 Concept of Search Engine Marketing in detail.

This project helped me to understand Search Engine Marketing.The various fields of
Digital Marketing and how all are interrelated to each other.SEM is a process of gaining
websites traffic by purchasing ads on search engines.This project had made me
understand the various key points which are necessary to improve business and earn
revenue and how to deal with different concepts.

This project helped me to learn more about SEM and to implement it into real situations
and understand business.


 ankuragarwallSearchenginemarketing


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