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': III
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Met:topolis 6
The Illusion Shatters

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The Illusion Coming Jndone l~

Places and Incidents 14
Objects and Artifacts 30
Charactersand Episodes 3~
l\iethods 36
Permanent Portals 38

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The Living City 4~
The :?uins 47
The Jnde:cg:.:'ound 55
The Laby:cinth 6~
The l\lachine City

InL."oduc t ion ~

The Demiu:cge 75
Hod/Samael 83
Yetzach 87
:::;'ebu:.:'ah 92
Kethe:c 97
lIlalkuth 101
Tipha:teth 107
The Dead Palaces

l';on-playe:.." Cha:..'acte:..'.:,

~p.-e..~ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0 0 0 0 0 .~
Towards Metropolis 158
In lIlet:copolis 166
Out of Metropolis 174


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d6 Speldesign :M.:e-t;:ropolis:
Andre Gottfridsson For Product Information:
Torgil Hellman Metropolis Ltd
Henrik Nilsson
C/O Heartbreaker
Henrik Persson
P.O. Box 105
Jerker Sojdelius
Folsom, PA 19033
Cover Art Voice/FAX 610.544.9052
Peter Andrew Jones
• For general information you can contact us
Illustrations through America Online. Check out the
Peter Bergting Metropolis Board in Gaming Company
Torgil Hellman Support under Keyword: Gaming.
Jerker Sojdelius • You can subscribe to the Kult listserv by send-
Stefan Thunberg ing Email to
Page Layout & Production LISTSERV@ORACLE.WIZARDS.COM with the
Terry Kevin Amthor message being "Subscribe Kult-L <your first
name Your last name>
• Ther are a couple of Web sites under construc-
Nils Guliksson
tion at httpJ/
Jerker Sojdelius
nies/metropolis.html and httpJ/uptown.turn-
Terry Kevin Amthor • Finally, you can E-mail us through the Internet
Sinclair Andersen at:
Jens Anderssen
Peter Bergting
per Bjorklund
Lars Bjorklund
Susanna Ekstom
Andreas Marklund
UoIopho. .
Special thanks... Metropolis was typeset and designed on a
to the Metropolis Editing Staff PowerMac 7100 using Word 5.1 and QuarkXPress
Reserves 3.31. The headers are set in Madrone, footers in
Rubino, and the text is set in the Adobe version of ITC
Garamond. Other typefaces include Regular joe,
Trixie, Shelley, Helvetica Compressed and others.
Interior art was scanned and adjusted using Adobe
Photoshop' 3. The cover was created using Photoshop
and Quark.

EdI."t;or's N o-te:
This book is a translation of the Swedish original manuscript. The writers have seen fit
to alter some aspects of Metropolis (e.g., ,the Demiurge's palace); as a result a few items
are not entirely consistent with the original Kult rulesbook. The English editor, rather than
make a judgement call as to which version is superior, has left the descriptions here as
they were translated. Individual GMs should decide which version they prefer.

Metropolis is copyright © 1995 Target Games AB; English edition copyright © 1995 Metropolis Ltd.
Reprint without wlitten permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. No reproductions in any form,
whether electronic, photomechanical, or any other. Produced by Metropolis Ltd. P.O. Box 57083, Washington,
DC 20037. Printed in USA. First US Edition, January 1995. ISBN 1-883716-07-1. Stock # 5007
Glt etroPolis is a cam-
paign module for
the roleplaying
game Kult. This book recreates
Metropolis, the original city of true
reality beyond the eternal lie, con-
ceived by the Demiurge to keep the
world in slavery It will describe
when, where, and how a person
can break through the great
Illusion and wind up in Metropolis,
and what happens then.
Metropolis is not a textbook.
These covers do not contain every est in Kult. It is designed to thrill
detail or a definitive description of and inspire as much as to inform.
the far side of the Illusion. You will This book shouldprovide the read-
find no absolute answers, no final er with the feel ofMetropolis, which
explanations. he can then translate into cam-
paigns ofhis own. It should not
Metropolis' primary function is
bury you with clinical descriptions
to be a source of inspiration. It is a
and dry-as-dust information.
guide book for every Game Master
Metropolis cannot be described in
on how to create a Metropolis
any particular way, though
adventure ofhis own, or it can
Metropolis is a story which
simply be readfor enjoyment by
demands to be told.
anyone who takes an active inter-



T:I1e UrD-Cks and the Mirror Halls. Playable incidents
. . . -t;b..e .......e are added to these descriptions.
This chapter provides you with sug- T:I1e Da.,~ed-
gested situations in which the Illusion is
Wherein we learn about the weird
torn open, admitting entrance to the
and most dangerous creatures wllich
other side. Here the Game Master finds
inhabit the Original City, about people
the tools with which to dramatize such
of our own world who have seen the
occurances, adding a touch of atmos-
truth and been profoundly changed.
phere to the game.
Once again, these descriptions may
T:I1e ~-t;:r-..e~e serve chiefly as raw material to be
o:I~~~ applied in your game or elaborated
This chapter contains campaign upon into adventures or campaigns of
materials which recreate Metropolis, as their own. This chapter also contains
well as a number of incidents which descriptions of Metropolis' residents,
you, in your capacity of Game Master, whose multi-layered personalities can-
can easily fit into your game. The situa- not be touched on except in the broad-
tions are presented either in the form of est of terms.
incidents (short sequences of suspense -Ap.-eI1dIx:
with which to spice up your adven- A Game Master must not only know
ture), or as episodes (longer, fleshed-out how to bring a party of characters to
ideas that can easily be developed into Metropolis and then to anticipate what
an adventure or an entire campaign of happens, but also how to maximize the
its own).
potential drama, how to attach a visit to
~:i:rs o:I Po~er Metropolis to a campaign, how to adapt
This describes the dwellings of information to a role-playing context,
Metropolis' potentates: the palaces of and how to follow up on the characters'
the Archons and the closed citadel of new experiences.
the Demiurge. It also provides some eas- IIa.,I1do-..-ts
ily adaptable situations, and brief expla- Each chapter is generously supple-
nations of the palaces' inherent powers mented with excerpts and illustrations,
and how these powers affect their sur- which can be copied and distributed
roundings and the creatures who dwell among tile players. This is to help
within. Metropolis seem more alive. There are
T:I1e Uogs . . . excerpts from diaries, magazines, news-
-t;b..e ~D-Cb..:Ln-e papers and dictionaries, police cross-
Tllis chapter is dedicated to places examination reports, etc. A gold-mine of
of particular function, or of singular visual and literary accessories which
importance to the Original City. It cov- will add to the excitement of every
ers the Memory Banks, the Primal Sea, gaming session.
the Clockworks, the City of the Dead,
Our reality is a prisonI- a very clev- ers and murky catacombs connect the
erly designed and well organized one, four worlds with each other, and at the
but a prison nevertheless. It is an illu- same time hold them effectively apart.
sion which has robbed us of our divine Few have conquered this maze, as it
wisdom and godly powers, and which takes extraordinary methods and gifts of
blinds us to the true reality of the perception even to find and enter it.
abysmal conspiracy. Only by journeying Furthermore, the Labyrinth is inhabited
into Metropolis to confront our mistak- by the degenerate heirs of the guards
en assumptions and master our fears, whom the Demiurge posted before his
can we awake and reclaim our place as departure. To travel the Labyrinth is to
the equals of the Demiurge. wager one's life and one's sanity.
The prisons of mankind are called The veil of deception which
Elysium, Inferno and Limbo. Elysium shrouds Elysium is slowly coming
represents the world as we know it, undone. The Labyrinth is crumbling,
while Inferno is like hell, and Limbo is and can no longer properly fulfill its
the domain of our dreams. All three purpose of keeping us locked out. In
prisons border on Metropolis. certain areas it has already completely
Between Metropolis and the three vanished, while in others it could
prisons, separating Elysium, Inferno and momentarily crack, causing part of our
Limbo from the Original City, lies the world to merge into Metropolis, pre-
Labyrinth. This is a chaotic maze of senting horrifying glimpse of the truth
buildings and ruins, spanning all times our senses are unable to grasp.
and architectural styles, piled helter-
skelter onto each other. It is virtually
impossible to cross at will. Any conven- Metropolis represents what we
tional sense of direction is absolutely would see if the Illusion ever broke
lost in the Labyrinth, which exists for down. It is a never-ending city of chaos
the sole purpose of confusing us and and destruction; a city composed of the
leading us astray, keeping us prisoners most deplorable features of our own
in Elysium. cities' slums and back alleys, concealing
Part of the Labyrinth overlaps with secrets far more shocking than we
Metropolis, as well as all three prisons. could ever conceive from watching the
Its zig-zagging alleyways, stinking sew- world we call our own. As humans, we
have been denied the gifts to compre-

,... . •
hend this city, or to sustain our exis- ingly immovable mass. In Metropolis
tence within it. things are seldom what they seem. This
In Metropolis, time is not linear; too, is a volatile feature in a Game
there is no connection between time in Master's campaign, which must be
the world as we know it and time in approached with caution.
The GM should also bear in mind
that the players are captives of their
own perceptions and assumptions.
They are unable to perceive or perform
extraordinary things largely because
they assume they cannot.
Metropolis is constantly changing,
as if it were a giant jigsaw-puzzle, which
could fit together in a million different
ways. Buildings are never in the same
place, nor of the same shape, from one
day to the next. You cannot possibly
navigate Metropolis by maps or land-
marks; the geography is metamorphic.
Consequently, it is inlpossible to give an
accurate description of Metropolis in its
entirety. It has been divided into differ-
( ent types of milieus: The Living City,
" ~l"""" The Ruins, The Underground, The
Labyrinth. The Machine City.
Metropolis. Thus, an excursion through From these the GM can recreate
Metropolis would uncover traces from Metropolis for his players. These 'milieu
mankind's past, as well as hints of our archetypes' exist merely to simplify a
future. And, consequently, you might description of the city, and they appear
discover, on returning from Metropolis, absolutely independently of geography,
that time has passed either faster or merging into each other to form a patch-
slower in the Original City than here. In work of constant architectural change.
an extreme case you might even find The GM has a free hand to move the
yourself transported to an altogether dif- players from one sort of milieu to anotll-
ferent age on your return to Elysium. er, but, however, should never refer to
This relativity of time is a very powerful them as 'types'; this division exists only
tool for the Game Master, but a tool to aid the Game Master and only for the
only to be used with the greatest of purpose of story-telling.
care. The Game Master must carefully But Metropolis also contains some
consider how much tampering with less ephemeral places, although sur-
tinle his campaign will withstand. rounded by the previously described
In Metropolis, the physical laws are architectural chaos, they appear never
largely void. Distance, mass, and to be in the same place. The Archons'
momentum may fluctuate, confusing palaces are among this number, as are a
the disciplined structures of our human few independent sites: the Primal Sea,
faculties. For instance, we may some- • the Memory Banks, the City of the
tinles be able to move objects of seem- Dead, and the Mirrored Halls.

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@ he snow came down in

large, raggedflakes,
adding piece by piece
cracked his skull on the concrete
floor. Its,contents had leaked out
looking retflarkably like dirty egg-
to a rapidly filling white pattern. yolk, which had had Andrews
The chill kept the whores and the laughing for hours, basking in his
pushers in check. They stood hud- pink mist. The damp, peeling walls
dled together, shivering, making the of the condemned bUilding
best of their little ashcan fires. watched in silence. This was the
The room pulsed with psychedel- way he preferred to remember
ic music. Fires of unimaginable Wam: the hedonistic orgies in cele-
color burned in Andrews' head. bration of victory, with the short,
This was powerful acid. Curt had squint-eyed Villagers as anxious by-
At long last Andrews focused his An alien smell drifted in through
blurred senses. Heatseeker had the crumbling walls. Outside, the
carefully explained the ritual to Chicago slum was gone, as was the
him. God knew why. Andrews motley crowd standing in the snow
didn't exactly trust him, but he He was now in Metropolis.
badly wanted a way into the city. He dressed his wounds and pre-
Then he could start looking for his pared to plunge into the city. The
friends - Harry Shepard and acid vapours had badly stained his
Rebecca Martinique. He unrolled uniform. A dull pain throbbed in
the thin, crisp piece ofparchment, his left hand. The pain was a
slowly revealing the pattern. The staunch friend, a guiding light
gold burst into thick bubbles in the through the drugged chaos ofhis
flame ofhis bunsen blfrner. He mind, through the city in which
poured the viscous fluid r;Jnto the madness knew no bounds.
floor, carefully trying to copy the Carrying the heavy, fully-
pattern from the piece of human loadedflame thrower on his back,
skin. arrayed in rags he emergedfrom
Andrews sat in the middle of the the room to meet the city's chal-
still-hot golden emblem, placing the lenge. Violent odours assailed his
chalice of burning acid in front of nose, causing his stomach to
him. He cut deep into his abdomen, protest. He heard a boys' choir
using his worn combat knife, and from afar, but the singing was cut
pulled out a wet, glistening strand short by crackling gunfire. A sea of
of entrails. He held it, feeling it pul- stinking debris opened on the near-
sate slowly in his hand. The pain est building, a burnt-out syna-
was of no consequence. It was, in gogue. He squatted down next to a
fact, his only ally in fighting off the pile of trashed TV-sets. The city
misting influence of the LSD. With could only be trusted never to
a silver bolt and a hammer, he remain the same, but he was pre-
nailed his intestine to the grimy paredfor anything. Sitting
floor. With a decisive cut, he absolutely motionless, he waited,
chopped the ring finger offhis left listening for the monstrous crea-
hand, dropping it into the chalice. tures to whom discretion was
The acid, hissing viciously, unnecessary. From behind the
devoured his separatedflesh. friendly heap of TV-sets came the
Andrews' shrill voice, insensitive to harsh sounds ofheavy jaws grind-
all musical harmony, chanted the ing on bone. All Andrews' senses
strange, ominous words. Here, in flashed into full alert He lit the
their true context, they seemed flamethrower and held it, the flame
almost obvious. He toppled the still merely an ominous whisper.
chalice ofacid andflesh and was 'It's party time,' he thought...
shrouded in a cloud of corrosion.

.n _
~e III-..sIo. .
UOIIl1I1g; IJ. . . .o . .e
lie which passes undetected and causes
extreme consequences could momen-
tarily damage the veil. This was the case
The Illusion may shatter at any time, when, for instance, the Watergate scan-
such is its volatile, unpredictable whim. dal unfolded and President Nixon was
There are, however, certain places forced to resign. Part of the Democrats'
where the Illusion is particularly weak, party headquarters was relocated to
where the truth is more easily revealed Metropolis for seven minutes, and four
and appears more frequently, such people vanished without a trace. A simi-
places as crime scenes, big city slums, lar incident occurred in 1985, during
jails or prison camps, war zones and dis- the Senate's hearing on Oliver North.
aster areas. But the curtain may also Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment in
shred in less desperate parts, due to Milwaukee, rooms beneath the
actions or incidents of destruction, vio- Pentagon, the Vatican catacombs, a
lence and mental abuse. Thus, a gross mobile home in the Texas panhandle
are locations which have opened to
The Archons were born Metropolis at various times.
of the Demiurge's need Some 'rips' are the indirect result of
incidents in Metropolis beyond our
'for servants. These
realm of perception. If, for example, a
images of the Lord strove
building collapses in Metropolis, the
side by side, but after
Illusion at a construction site in our
~ons of wO+k they'came to
world may tear. Other rips are created
see that they were
in places where, for instance, the
unequal to the task. They Archons' influence has been strong of
humbly approached their late. Although the Archons essentially
Lord and bade him create are ideas, concepts, or principles, they
more servants so that the may assume different forms whose influ-
glory of Creation could ence can be concrete and can be felt
be further added to. physically. Research in fractal geometry
has long been under the influence of
[Extract from Aguirre's Genesis Malkuth, and, consequently many uni-
(Inner Cosmos Publications, 1971)] versities and 'think-tanks' now teeter in
the balance.
The Illusion may be torn at any
time, day or night, spring or fall. The
factors which cause a tear need not take
immediate effect In certain cases a year
or two will pass until the veil is worn
through and yields. Some rips become
more or less permanent gates to
Metropolis, while others open by
• I I chance.
• •
1"1 •

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The Illusion can be torn in any So, instead of a definite explanation,
way. It adheres neither to principles nor this supplement is dedicated to a host
laws of nature - at least none which we of ideas as to the Where, When, and
can perceive and understand. Rips How the Illusion comes undone. It is
could manifest themselves as vague then up to the GM to review the materi-
phenomena of light, almost impercepti- • aI, and to make the most of it. In the
ble; or with loud, unbearable noises. Kult game, the Illusion's rupture is an
Smoke or dust might erupt. But it could end of itself, and, consequently, the best
just as well happen in a desolate place answer as to 'Why?' is - simply
of perfect silence. Have you ever seen "Because!'
the Northern Lights? Let the circum-
II.cIde. .-ts
stance guide your choice of phenomena
A main feature of Kult is that the
accompanying a rip.
world isn't what it appears to be.
~yr Behind the fa«;:ade of 'normality', swept
We have already established the fact under the rug of our collective con-
that the Illusion is torn due to a chaotic sciousness, hide unbearable horrors
and unpredictable process - and so we which are materialized from our own
can form no logical conclusions or fears and anxieties. These horrors lie in
name any legitimate reasons as to why wait for us, ready to attack when we
the veil breaks. Nor would there be least expect it. When they do, as our
much point to do so. view of the world is brutally abused and
The object of this book is to enable the lie that we live shatters, we con-
the GM to recreate the special atmos- front Metropolis, the Original City, and
phere which has become associated see the world as it really is.
with Kult; where horror lurks at every These cracks in the Lie, these rips in
corner, and where there is no escape the Illusion, present us with a unique
from the unfathomable madness of the role playing potential, in which the
true reality. Your primary tools are the characters can experience all the trade-
mystique of the unknown and the mark qualities of KuIt. Below are sug-
unpredictable. Since your first object is gested a number of ideas with which to
to surprise and shock the players, it enhance the feeling essential to Kult of
would be counterproductive for the your role playing sessions, using fresh,
tearing process to be fixed to any par- unanticipated solutions for actions and
ticular reasons or logical explanations. situations typical to a gaming context.
The less aware the players are of any
preconditions, the greater the chance to
scare them.

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Tra,-ve.~ • The driver is a pale, sickly man whose

Tra,IIS:JJOr-t8 upper lip is a constant nervous trem-
A golden opportunity for the GM to ble of greasy sweat. He wears a mock-
strike fear into the players, is when ing grin, bouncing strange sinister
their characters must travel between glances off the rear-view mirror. All
two places in a city. Leaving point A, attempts at conversation will be met
who knows whether they will ever with a rattling guffaw. If the characters
reach point B, or wind up in Metropolis achieve a normal effect PER roll, they
instead ... discover that the name on his taxi
license, sitting on the short-wave
Taxi radio, is written in a strange, unread-
The cabbie, an anonymous person- able script. The license carries a pic-
age dressed in sweaty, tobacco-reeking ture of his face as well, in which the
polyester: from behind the wheel of his color and complexion of his skin
nomad vehicle, travelling the city seem- seems to be constantly changing. The
ingly without aim, he sees it all. The elu- atmosphere in the taxi cab grows
sive, ever-present cab which covers increasingly tense. The cabbie makes
every inch of municipal asphalt, from an incomprehensible call over the
desolate slums to the depraved short-wave, which the characters, if
dwellings of the filthy rich. He rides his they score a normal effect for EDU,
worn tires over rainy night streets glis- can understand to mean: 'The ship-
tening from the cold city lights on a ment's on its way,' although they
never-ending odyssey of modern-day haven't the faintest idea of the lan-
decadence and despair. Who is he work- guage. The cabbie makes a sharp turn,
ing for? What dubious orders does he splashing into a wet alley. He stops,
receive over his short-wave? How do shoots the characters a quick conde-
you know that he's really taking you scending glance, and promptly leaves
where you want to go? Whether it's a the car. The characters can open nei-
legitimate taxi, or a moonlighting ther the doors nor windows; and
unmarked car, any cab ride could end unless they smash a pane (at cost of a
up as a nightmare ...
serious wound), they fall victims to a dows, they do not recognize their sur-
gas (similar to ether) which seeps in roundings. The temperature is con-
through the air conditioner. Roll for stantly rising inside the car, in spite
END every combat round. Eventually, the driver's desperate efforts to check
within IOCR, a cadre of gluttonous it . At last, he stops to find the cause
Zeloths emerge from the sewers to • for this unexpected heat. He has no
scavenge the car. .. sooner opened the door when the
• The reassuring purr of the taxi's car's tires, one by one, explode with
engine suddenly sounds strained, and an ear~splitting sound. Those charac-
then the motor starts to cough. The ters who fail to cover the ears follow-
driver sighs, stops, and goes out for a ing the first explosion (EGO roll) will
look at the engine. Shrugging his have their eardrums burst, with blood
shoulders, he slams the hood down. coming out of their ears in a slow
But, catching sight of a gas station a trickle. Their hearing is badly impaired
couple of hundreds of yards away, he for ID20 hours (halved PER for any
asks the characters to wait in the cab, sound-related rolls). If the D20 roll
and goes for help. He does not return. exceeds the character's END, the dam-
After a while, a light flickers on at the age is permanent. The first one out of
gas station (pER roll, normal effect). If the taxi will step into burning hot,
the characters explore, they uncover melted tarmac (corresponding to Oil
nothing: the gas station's little conve- in the Kult rules for Accidents). His
nience store is abandoned, as is the shoes are ruined, and the burns will
workshop, where a broken light bulb make any travel on foot extremely
swings from a cord. There is the faint painful. The fact that the characters
echo of a dripping sound, but no visi- have now entered Metropolis, is, of
ble source. Then a bright flashing light course, no consolation ...
appears outside the oil-spattered work- • There is a thud on the car-roof. The
shop window. The light pulses and driver lowers his window and sticks
falls in intensity. It seems to come his head out. It is instantly torn off. His
from the workshop's backyard. If the headless body collapses on the wheel,
characters seek it out, they find that it and the cab swerves, crashing head on
belongs to a burning beacon in which into a building. The wolven, on the
dances a woman of superhuman beau- prowl, is still sitting on the car-roof,
ty, her raven black hair burning with and will attack unless the characters
perpetual fire. The characters are do something. There are more wol-
under the powerful mental influence vens close by, all with the same object:
of an Ignytide ... to chase their prey into Metropolis
• Riding through rush-hour city traffic, where, later, they will divide the
the taxi's windows suddenly cloud up food ...
with a thick coating of condensed • Their driver is a quite ordinary cab dri-
smoke. The driver switches on the fan, ver who, for some reason, mistrusts
but the obscuring smoke soon returns. the characters' faces and is mortally
Finally, he is forced to drop his speed afraid of being robbed. He will misin-
down to a crawl. He curses madly, at terpret anything the characters say to
the same time wiping the windshield him. Finally, he pulls out a gun, and
with his jacket sleeve. Should the char- tells them not to try any tricks and
acters do the same to their side win- calls the police over the short-wave.

Then, waving the gun in his panicky their vulture's instincts. Suddenly, two
hand, he keeps the characters in hand grenades explode in the crowd,
check until the police arrive. They are, followed by the harsh staccato of sev-
however, no real policemen answering eral machine-guns. The scene is
his call, but a troop of brutal turned into a field of panic where the
Einsatzers ... wounded fight tooth and nail to
escape the line of fire. The characters
must duck for cover behind the sooty
Big city traffic is a brutal affair
exterior of an exploded house, as a
which pities no one. Haunted drivers,
Kalashnikov automatic rifle opens fire
desperately trying to escape their own
on them. They are stranded in the war-
shadows, crash blindly head-on into
plagued ruins of Metropolis ...
each other causing multiple collisions.
Suicidal madmen, taxing their engines THE ROAD TUNNEL
to the limit, race each other down one- You are coming down an endless
way streets in the wrong direction. river of anonymous cars going nowhere
Metal monsters, greedily grinning in an into a concrete intestine linking one
inferno of burning gasoline, have once end of the city to another. Finally the
again proven the superiority of a car's road returns to the surface, bringing
construction over a man's. you into the unknown. Who knows for
• The characters are riding through a sure that the tunnel will really resurface
dilapidated big city slum that rapidly where it says it will? Who can even
takes on a semblance to the City of guarantee that you will ever see the
Beirut or Sarajevo. They have growing light of day again?
difficulty telling where they are, or • After several minutes in the tunnel
even in which direction they are with the monotonous whirr of the
going. Strange sounds, unlike anything tires and the flickering tunnel lights as
of this world, mix with those of the their only company, the characters
engine. Something scrapes at the car's find that they are driving through a
chassis. The driver is at a loss. thickening smog. Their field of vision
Suddenly, a giant creature appears in grows increasingly short. Have the
the headlights (the driver must pass a characters roll for PER: if they achieve
Drive Car roll of good effect to main- a normal effect they will discover the
tain control over the vehicle). The tail-lights of fifty-odd cars stopped in
characters have abruptly entered front of them, just in time to hit the
Metropolis and are in big trouble with brakes. The tunnel is hopelessly
the giant Ferocco which their car has clogged ,and there's no way to get
just barely missed ... through. The standing cars have
• • The characters helplessly witness a turned it into a virtual gas chamber of
semi crash head-on into a school bus exhaust fumes. If the characters try to
in rush-hour traffic. Instantly, the busy switch on their radio, it picks up only
crossing has turned into an inferno of aggravating static. If the characters get
burning gasoline, twisted metal, and out to check on the obstructing vehi-
broken glass. The wails of ambulances cles, they will find them all empty,
mix with the screams of the injured, with the engines running. They must
roll END for carbon monoxide poison-

and soon a chattering crowd of the •
terminally curious arrives, drawn by ing, should they remain outside the

U;·I,! ~.--.'

D :.. •
car for more than a few minutes (see landing, tin crumpling, and glass shat-
chapter 'Accidents,' in the Kult rule tering, are replaced by a heavy; monot-
book). Through the unceasing din of onous hammering as if from a nearby
the cars' engines come occasional sin- factory. When the characters crawl out
ister rumbling sounds as from some from under the car, they discover that
large distant industrial plant. If the the tunnel is sealed off in both direc-
characters turn and drive back, they tions. But through the crumbling
have no trouble leaving the tunnel. If, remains of the tunnel's ceiling, which
however, they decide to proceed by resembles the naked rib cage of a
foot, past the blocking cars, after giant beast, they make out the falter-
about a half-hour's walk, they reach a ing skies of a falling dusk. They could
vast and hostile wasteland of old ruins. climb out from the tunnel, but only at
There is no use in turning back into their own great peril, as that might
the tunnel now. They have entered easily start another cave-in. Once out
Metropolis ... of the tunnel, they realize that their
• A faint drumming sound from the car- troubles have just begun: they are in
roof tells the characters that there is the Machine City of Metropolis.
something strange about the tunnel
they are driving through. Looking up,
they see a fine black sand ominously
falling from the tunnel's ceiling.
Presently their suspicions are con- Mysterious Disappearance
firmed: the tunnel is caving in! The Algernon Brexler, 43, disappeared on
fine sand is followed by small pebbles, Saturday night, apparently on the street ele-
then by rocks, and then huge chunks ,vator at the Metro Center subway station;
of rock start to fall on the black all traces end there.
asphalt. Unless the characters find After the notice on TV; several people
contacted the police to relate their observa-
cover under their car (throw EGO to tions of the missing man. According to the
figure this out), or turn around to evidence, Brexler was upset and talked
drive out of the tunnel, they will be loudly about how he was being followed as
buried in a massive cave-in. For each he exited the metro car on the Red Line.
There was a ruckus at the gate when
CR the characters spend under the Brexler pushed his way through without a
falling rocks, the chance of being hit is farecard and ran to the elevator. Following
increased by one (starting from 0; scr that·, there is no trace of him. 'Despite the
1-10, lw 11-15, sw 16-20, fw 21+). The man's loud and violent behavior, no one
saw him exit the elevator at the street' , says
cave-in escalates dramatically, growing
Terence Eagleton of the Washington DC
constantly louder and filling the air police. Brexler is slightly above average
with rock dust and flying slivers of height and at the time of his disappearance
stone The characters need to cover was dressed in a white poplin jacket, black
their faces. Their only cover - the car trousers and brown loafers. Information
concerning the missing person sh0l!ld be
- is badly shaken and almost flat- transmitted to the District of Columbia or
tened, but unless they have forgotten D~ Metro poli,ce.
to put on the handbrake (roll EGO to
remember), the chassis will remain
intact to protect them. After what
feels like an eternity the cave-in sud-
denly stops, and the sounds of rocks

4[\ ~~.'~~._.'.~._
~ .._... _.~~~ Q:1$it~

~~~~~~~-------------------- .•
NIGHT BUS the bus driver suddenly brakes. For
• The night bus travels the dark, deso- very good reason, too, for there is no
late streets, through a thickening fog. longer any street in front of his bus. A
Having just passed over a crossing giant crack, a hundred of yards in
street, the characters catch sight of the width and about thirty feet deep, has
orange traffic cones and the black-and- effectively cancelled his route. Beyond
yellow ribbons of an upcoming road- the crack a strange, unlit and very
menacing city skyline appears. A roll
for PER will inform the characterS that
the hammering sounds of the road-
block have ceased, and a quick back-
'Rats str~med o~t of ,. the side ward glance reveals that the 'workers',
who suddenly seem to have grown
tunnei:s- by the m-iJ.lion)!, their
larger and hunchbacked, are slowly
combined ~eight derail~d t e approaching the bus. They are actually
train ••• tho~e who t~ied to esc~pe Destructates, under the command of a
were overtaken by ra-t's as· bi-g a.s "- remorseless Nepharite, whose task is
...dachshund , hanging i l?
es on ~ to widen the crack and tear down all
their'tiacks .•.•• I fle~ ~o he tun- the surrounding buildings. The charac-
ters have two choices: either defend
nels, but no matte; where I'ran it
themselves, or run. The only possible
always led back to the earnage by escape leads over the rough ground of
the train ••• they bit off my left the crack, and, naturally, into
f~t at the ankle •• 1 ~naged to Metropolis ...
crawl up to the poW~r eables on THE SUBWAY
the roof and cling on to them. As The subway is one of the best
if o~ command t~e rats disap- places to stage an unexpected event in
~ared. I telt an eyil pres#hce a KnIt scenario. After all, who knows
what hides in the darkness behind the
I ~ouldn t see the creature but I
tunnels' gaping mouths? Where do they
could hear i~ tearing chu~s of go, those shiny, bright tracks of unfeel-
meat from th~ ~odies ~at laJ ing steel, creeping down into the
moaning ar u~a e train wr c • underground world of darkness ... ?
In each underground system of a
major city there is a subway train which
forms a portal to Metropolis. It is
known by many names: in Berlin they
call it die Gotterdammerung, in London
block. Apparently, the street is under- the Meat Wagon, in Paris le Cercueil, in
going some sort of repair; they make Washington DC, the Old Red Line, and
out vague shapes of moving bodies in in Stockholm they call it the Silver
the fog. These are the probable source Train. Its passengers seem uncommonly
of the sharp metallic sounds of impact apathetic; they sit staring out into thin
which reach them, vibrating through air, and seldom answer when spoken to.
the bus. After a slow, eerie ride, tak-. If the characters take this train, one of
ing them past the roadblock where all the following things may happen:
workers remain featureless in the fog,

rJ • • ;g I
• A sweet-looking white-haired little old - or they can fight. No matter What,
lady sits across from the characters. the train has already passed the point
With her amiable smile, you wouldn't of no return into Metropolis, and the
suspect her of swatting a fly. Suddenly, next station is, irrevocably, the last
between two stations, the lights grow one.
dim, and, right in front of the charac- •-The train suddenly stops, and remains
ter's eyes, the little old lady starts to standing between two stations. The
change into something from their light falters, turning into a spasmodic
worst nightmares. She grows a short flicker. A voice from the speakers
coat which could easily be mistaken announces that there is something the
for chainmail armor, but on closer matter with one of the cars. Then,
inspection it proves to be a multitude absolute silence, as the characters see
of closely-fitted enamel pins stuck that their fellow passengers are gradu-
through her naked skin. Her long, sag- ally transformed into hideous mon-
ging breasts are uncovered,' but they sters. The train has started to move
are pierced by metal rings to which a again but the characters' car is still
number of small babbling heads are standing motionless, and the mon-
attached. Her black leather boots strous passengers are grouping to
reach well over the thigh, and each of attack them. If the characters make
the needle-point heels are run through use of their weapons,
ten-odd severed human hands. they will nevertheless
Nobody but the characters seem to soon be overpowered.
have noticed her change. The demon The only way to save
hag throws her head back and lets out their skins is to leave ... q;ztb714~lfft!
a chilling cackle of a laugh. Then, all the subway car and w.wncleel onty Mnw/ety kk a
of a sudden, the train has stopped and run for it through the 6td.aJa;/ tJ.cain. .Yt wao In()/)<€} (r/ce
the characters-the only passengers tunnels - in which
subjected to the laws of inertia-fly
a ?~rttic}l
they soon discover the
head over heels forward, crashing train driver's dead
maolu#te 1collin? Jlototy (J/lJ#IC

through their fellow travellers and the body in a puddle of ti;JlttlY -bciU1u:l:;,(am» witl& di;.
door of the cars, to land on the tunnel blood. No matter ~~ r/r.o/)wlael r..uIteeIJ.. seine!
floor, far beneath Metropolis ... which way they tlu?/)z, Yoaw d. §rxxf-ffocl!
• A gang of young hooligans enters the choose, the tunnel
train. As soon as the doors are closed, will end in under- ~ '\'
-From 'My (
they each produce a three foot long ground Metropolis - and it's anyone's .. Metropolis' by
iron pipe and proceed to break the guess what happens next ... Stanislaus Krause ~
knee-caps of an elderly gentleman. • At the platform: The echo of clanging
Nobody in the train seems in the least bells comes from one of the tunnels, ...... I :)J
upset. The other passengers just go on

growing louder and sharper. A strange

.~.- ~-
staring out the black windows. The procession comes marching into the
young thugs move on, and, unless the station. There are thirty-odd cloaked .
characters interfere, they will work
their way through the train car, beat-
figures (1D20+20), slowly marching
and ringing their hollow-sounding
. ~ ~
ing up on everyone, until it is the char- verdigris copper bells. Some of them
acters' turn. The characters can either carry torches, while others have rustic
escape at the next station - which, of old wooden buckets from which a
course, isn't where it's supposed to be dark thick fluid occasionally spills. •
• • l '"

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IIIIiiiIII_~. .

They make a sudden turn up onto the sustain light facial wounds. Ten of the
platform, and stop, blocking the exit. cloak-bearers slowly approach the
If the players achieve a PER roll of characters' car, monotonously chanti-
good effect, they will notice that the ng in some alien tongue: three of them
bellringers' uncloaked parts - their with torches, the other seven with the
hands and the lower part of their faces brim-full buckets. They empty their
- are puffy and decomposing. Some buckets' contents, which proves to be
of them lack two or three of their fin- oil, through the smashed windows,
gers, and blood is trickling from their and then the torch-bearers toss in their
eyes. They spread out on the platform, torches. For the procession are
ringing their bells faster and faster. Chaotics who have suddenly seen fit
Then, an approaching train is heard. It to punish the characters for their exis-
comes slowly in to the platform and tence. The rest is up to the charac-
stops to let passengers off. The charac- tel's ...
ters enter and the train closes its • The characters are down in the sub-
doors. But it does not depart from the way tunnels of a major city (the GM
station, and the hollow bells keep will decide which). They are walking
tolling louder and more sharply, finally along the tracks when suddenly the
forcing the characters to cover their harsh smell of burnt flesh disturbs
Foreman Karl ears. Then, as if on command, the their nostrils, growing disgustingly
Krunac's report to cloaked figures strike a final note, strong as they proceed. Reaching a sta-
management on bursting the windows, spraying both tion, they see that a dozen bodies have
the progress of the the platform and the train's interior been chained to the tiled pillars, some
Underground train with shattered glass. Unless the char- of which are still burning brightly
construction. acters score on a Dodge roll, they will while others have been reduced to
smouldering ashes. The platform is
patrolled by seven lictors in blue uni-
forms, who are just about to make an
example of a fare dodger. They chain
an elderly woman to one of the pillars,
then pour gasoline on her, screaming,
Dear Sir, 'Bitch! What will the world come to if
'Work on the southbound tunnel has run into even a simple rule can't be obeyed!
unusual technical problems. The rock cannot be Burn, you cheapskate, you!' After
cut away at the desired rate, and natural caves which one of the lictors turns his
create s Eious obstructions. The risk of a col- blowt<;>rch on her soaked body. Then
lapse 's h·gh. Since yesterday, three men have the seven lictors board a waiting train,
gone missing (, None returned home after work. We yelling, 'Tickets, please!' The doors
fear they may have lost their way in the tun- immediately close, and the train rattles
nels. No cave-in~ h v been observed, but the off. The characters have come too late
number of mentally impaire homeless we to interfere. They may at the very best
encounter in the tunnels is a matter for con- be able to save the woman, but the lic-
cern. Workers refuse to ope a groups of tors can't be stopped. Following the
less than five. incident, new passengers arrive to
The rats in the tunnels are as big as wait for the next train. But they do not
piglets, and some 3rd shift reports describe seem to notice either the burnt bodies
man-sized animals_ The air in the tunnels has or the terrible stench.
been tested (with negative results) and we
shall soon have the men tested for drugs. Some
workers report hallucinations during night

shifts and speak of strange, old stations that "'-.C-' :-t.

can't be found on any maps. They have either ""_.~- -- - -

had their contracts terminated or been given

leave of absence.'
TRAIN STATION roll) that the train is going backwards,
At a desolate train station where coming to a sudden stop at the back
thunderous monsters made of steel platform buffers. The engine heaves
flash by, anything could happen. What and rocks, but its wheels keep spin-
secrets are hidden by the tremendous ning, round and round, shooting
constructs of steel and concrete, erect- sparks from the tracks. The whole
ed for the dubious comfort of the wait- train is shaking and jumping, sending
ing passengers? What greedy nightmare all loose objects off shelves and
creatures could not hide in the dark, tables, "and a brutal, screeching sound
deep shadows of a lonely boxcar? announces that it is about to break
• With a mighty rumbling sound, as if of apart. Then, to the cacophonous sym-
Fate approaching, the heavy train rolls phony of glass breaking, metal tearing,
up to the windswept platform, where and concrete cracking, the train leaps
the only passengers waiting are the from its tracks, breaking the platform
characters. The last straining stage of foundation, and then goes crashing
the train's seemingly endless braking is through the walls of the waiting-room,
accompanied by a screeching that where it crushes a few resting trav-
seems to be trying to wake the dead. ellers and concrete pillars, finally tear-
Then, absolute silence. Nobody gets ing on through the station-house and
off. Nobody climbs on. Then comes a out into Metropolis. Here, in a hail of
sound from within the wagons: a splintered wood, dented tin, and
squeaking, screaming sound; growing lumps of concrete, it comes to rest,
louder, and louder, then louder still. and an ominous silence ensues.
Then, at a final violent screeching • A faint whistle sound from far off tells
pitch, it shatters the train's windows, the characters at a little train station
and hundreds, even thousands of fren- out in the suburbs that the train is
zied rats burst out onto the platform. coming. The biting chill has all the
Each character is hit by 2D20 desper- waiting travellers covering their faces,
ate rats (Bite 5; scr 1-15, lw 16-19, sw and a dense fog makes the wait feel
20). Following a combat round of wild like standing in a white void. The
chaos, the rats run off down the lights of the incoming train cut sharply
tracks, flowing like a furry river of liv- through the mist, shooting crazy
ing flesh. If the characters try to board beams at those waiting and creating
the train, they find that its doors do sudden shadows which seem to jump
not lead into the compartments, but at the unexpected light. Then the train
out into a dark, dystopian landscape: it comes into view, bursting out of the
is a portal from the platform to fog. But it doesn't slow down at the
Metropolis. And once behind it, station; the relentless engine keeps
there's no turning back; for in pumping its powerful action to spin-
Metropoli~ neither the train nor the ning steel. Like a bat out of hell, it
portal exist... thunders past the platform, and the
• The characters have leaned back in a characters must brace themselves so
warm, comfortable compartment, and as not to be toppled by the force of
sit waiting for the train to leave. With a the wind. Through the train windows
discreet tug, the engine sets itself and they barely make out the vague fea-
the three cars in motion. But the char- tures of hideous faces attached to bod-
acters soon discover (scoring a PER ies of inhuman shape. A harsh, mock-

ing laughter flutters in the wind. The wavelengths, words of a not-altogether
train seems to be without end, going mainstream character come through ...
faster and faster until you no longer • In between the chatty disc jockey and
can make out the separate cars. The the latest hits come catchy slogans
thunderous roar grows into a violent inviting the listeners to a political
crescendo of slamming, hammering, event in the downtown area. The com-
crashing sounds, making the charac- mercials are at first innocent enough,
ters' heads throb with pain - and with a reporter broadcasting live from
there is still no end to the train. In a the meeting, enthusiastically describ-
final explosive uproar all standing in ing the atmosphere. But, gradually, the
wait are knocked over (END roll of tone is changed: the music grows bru-
good effect to avoid loosing conscious- tal, the jingles incorporate sounds
ness for 010 minutes) and lost, along which might have come from a slaugh-
with the train, to the sparkling rays of terhouse. The commercials' speaker
the cascading light. When the charac- rattles and gnarls, and the live reporter
ters come to, they find themselves in is openly insulting his interviewees.
the badlands of Metropolis ... Finally, the station is broadcasting only
UO:IIIUI-.IIl.IC8JUO" news about slasher murders, physical
The ether waves transmit messages and psychological abuse, and how
of unholy madness. The underground best to degrade the innocent and
optic cables carry signals of evil perver- weak. The music is replaced by
sity. Our very bodies are imprinted with unearthly screams, clashing metal,
this, as if we were secretly being tat- thick meaty inlpact sounds, and crazed
tooed. Our senses of perception are laughter: all growing to hysterical,
Clue found in the tent: cacophonous heights. At last, the
Membership card of weaker than we would like to admit,
but shouldn't we be grateful to our eyes radio set itself is fuming, as a frightful
the New Christian
and ears for sparing us from certain sen- voice cuts in over the rest of the noise,
Legion (NCC)
sations? .. screaming crazily about 'the puny,
faithless souls of humanity,' and
promising the listeners that 'your
New Christian Parish (NPC) pathetic bodies shall be ground down
Morals-Ethics-Conscience-Righteousness to build a monument to the meaning-
lessness of life.' If the characters visit
the location of the alleged political
Member No. 601252
James Eldredge Doe
mee,ting (a large park in the down-
104 Ash Lane town area) they will find it empty
Milwaukee, WI except 'for a large, dirty circus tent
erected on the lawn. The tent proves
to be uninllabited, but when they
leave it, the characters are no longer in
the peaceful park .. ,

RADIO • 'And now, ladies and gentlemen, as the

The characters could switch on the hand approaches five o'clock, it's time
radio simply to catch the news, but • to play "switch the frequency." We
while the tuner leisurely travels the soon start broadcasting on 107.5 FM,
and we hope that you will all come
with us. In the meantime, here's gears, or direction. The
'Regret,' with New Order. See you in a car makes a sudden The Demiurge saw
couple of minutes on 107.5!' If the right turn, heading the wisdom of this
characters pick up the new frequency, down through the open and created a new
the car radio's speakers will start to doors of an under- race o± servants. And
squeal as if they were receiving from a ground garage. The so we Humans came to
fax machine run amuck. The shrill, motor shuts down, and see the light of day,
ruthless frequencies climb higher and the car rolls on silently and from then on we
higher, tearing at the characters' sani- into the darkness, final- worked to increase
ty. Then, suddenly, they fall and cease. ly stopping against a the glol'y of
Then, silence. The radio is dead. But cement curb. The Creation. But as the
the first one to touch it will receive a garage is part of Archons considered
violent shock (corresponding to 220 Metropolis, and the themselves superior
volts; see chapter, 'Accidents,' in the characters can hear dis-
to Man they soon came
Kult rules) as the set blows up in his tant footsteps approach-
to redirect his work
face. Everyone inside the car is tem- ing in the back-
fl'om bUilding
porarily blinded (20-END minutes), ground ...
Creation, the glori-
and when they regain the power of
sight, their surroundings will have
TV ous Metropolis, to
The parabolic roof- adding to the ele-
changed. They have passed through a
top dishes pick up more gance and beauty of
tear in the Illusion, into Metropolis.
than just the latest silly their own palaces.
• 'Calling Alpha Charlie. Calling Alpha

game-shows, children's
Charlie. This is Quentin Baker. The vic-
cartoons, or rock videos.
tims have just turned northwest, tak-
And beyond Monday night football and .Extra.ttmm Aguirre's .
ing the turnpike for the downtown
the Tuesday night debate on the immi-
area.' An anonymous, metallic voice of Genesis (Inner Cosmos ~ri '"
gration issue lurk programs of such
unpleasant pitch is transmitting Publications, 1971)
nature as would shatter our fragile psy- • .t, ,,,~ 'tw::9
incomprehensible coordinates. The
... , l \
ches were we ever to watch. The lic- ." t'" ""1I ..l".. ···~t'·,
voice will break in over the normal ....' ...It tM'\"
'1.1 '"
tors' cable network lackeys spy on us ~ ':' \.

,.\.~ ..OM·

... '.

programming at irregular intervals,

via our sets, and macabre subliminal -\..oi ~;.. " t...... ....... r ..
and the characters can't get rid of it,
messages turn our children into fren-
.. (.;:r'~t"', \...~"
.. r. '..... ~ \. ~
r. "" I
no matter what frequencies they ... ~
zied killers ...
choose. Let the characters make a
• Atmospheric disturbances disturb the
.. 't.l~.'
........:., ,'\'\ "A
halved EGO roll (cumulative modifica- \ So \~

reception, turning sound and vision ""

tion + 1 for each attempt) each time
into a sharp crackle of flickering snow
they hear the coordinates. If they are
impossible to watch. But before the
successful, it slowly dawns on them ,f,
characters have had time to switch to
that the voice is reading their own
another channel, the crackling noises
position; that someone is watching
fade, and a sharp chugging sound -
them and secretly reporting their
not unlike a moped starting - takes
movements. With each report that
its place. The new sound travels up
they hear, the driver will increasingly
and down, but it is at last drowned out
lose control over the vehicle (roll
again by static. A voice fades on and

Drive Car of accumulative effect -3 for
off sounding like that of a badly shak- ~
each report). He has increasing trou-
ble controlling the wheel, and is at last
en and upset man. Whispering, his lips ... ,.

obviously too close to the micro- R:

totally unable to affect either speed,
phone, the man pleads for somebody

..tzr ....._IIIIIIiiI_

to help him. His face; shmy with per- at their breakfast table intermingle
spiration, occasionally flashes onto the with fast-paced glamour from the fash-
screen, which is then immediately ion world. Plump, smiling housewives
blurred again. Then starts an odd jum- swear to the infallible qualities of a
ble mixing images of the man's desper- brand of diapers or the effectiveness
ate face, the optic snow, and short of a detergent in a flashy box. A single
gruesome sequences from a dimly lit word, 'PAIN,' flashes momentarily onto
cellar that looks like a torture cham- the screen. Then cheeky children sing
ber. The one distinguishable sound is their praise to a pre-cooked dessert.
the roaring motor of a chainsaw. The The word flashes by again: 'PAIN.'
last time the man's face appears, he Yuppies in striped shirts and flowery
manages to blurt out an address and ties display diagrams explaining the
finally cries: 'if there's anybody out unmatched abilities of their cellular
there, for God's sake help us!' Then phones. And yet again the word,
his voice is drowned out by the buzz 'PAIN.' Pickled cucwnbers. 'PAIN.'
of the chainsaw and the screen goes Shampoo of unique restoring powers.
blank. If the characters visit the 'PAIN.' Suddenly the characters are
address, they will find the street but seized with unbearable, unrelenting
there is no such number on it. Should headaches. A glowing pain surges
they ask around in the neighborhood, through their brains and, temples
they are told that that house was torn throbbing, they fall from their chairs
down during the fifties. A somewhat to their knees. All players should roll
absent-minded but friendly elderly for END. Those who fail will pass out,
gentleman of the same street claims while those who succeed lose control
ownership of an outdated city plan in over their bodies and, violently con-
which the house was still included. He vulsing, throw themselves around in
offers to show it to the characters, and the room. They start to bleed at their
if they accept he will take them down hairlines, and their eyes flash with a
into his basement. The basement is an sharp painful light which seems to be
exact replica of the torture chamber emitted from their brains. In a last bru-
from the TV screen, but the old man tal vision, before they faint, they see
seems absolutely at ease with its long sharp, roses' thorns emerge from
appearance. He opens up a rusty iron their frontal lobes, growing in spirals
maiden as if it was an ordinary cup- down their cheeks, accompanied by
board, and removes an old map from trickling blood. Then, they lie uncon-
it. It's the old city plan. If the charac- scious for 20-END hours. When they

ters study it long enough, they find awake, the thorns and the blood are
that the map is slowly changing: the gone, as is the room in which they had
cc • streets are twisting, tangling up into found themselves. They have been
each other, as the blocks take on transported to Metropolis.
strange, irregular shapes. When the
characters leave the cellar, they will
What protection is a mere phone
also leave this world - for"
booth against the chaos and perils of
Metropolis ...
the outside world? Its clear glass will
• The old, moody, black-and-white permit visions which make your eye-
movie is interrupted by commercials. balls wish that they could quit the
• Sugar-sweet images of families seated unsafe residence of your head. Its

-".'"··- . -
-. , .-- =- :-- . ~
receiver can translate sounds and mes- • The character picks up the receiver
sages that would make your ears shrivel. and inserts a few coins. Over the ear-
Your mouth would struggle in protest piece comes a distant hissing sound
while you watched, helplessly, as the which changes in tone and intensity
receiver transformed itself into a giant depending on how the character holds
earwig, reaching for your face ... • the receiver. There's no getting rid of
• The character enters a phone booth the sound. Then the meter goes crazy,
and falls straight into a hole where the counting numbers totally at random.
floor used to be. Roll for AGL to see if Over the constant hiss, comes a
the character manages to hang on to hoarse whisper: '(Name of character)'
the ledge. If not, he or she will fall The name is repeated until the charac-
some ten feet to collapse in a sewer of ter answers. Then the cold, steei
underground Metropolis. armored telephone cable starts swing-
ing to and fro: 'Come to us ... ' the
• The character, just about to pick up
anonymous whispering voice drones
the receiver to make a call, is sur-
on, the cable now twisting itself,
prised by a shrill ringing signal. If the
wilder and wilder, ' ...we're waiting for
character chooses to answer it, an out-
you ... ' and a thick greenish-yellow
of-breath, slightly panicky voice will
smokes comes oozing out of the
say, 'Hello, who is it? Is anybody there?
mouthpiece. 'What took you so long?'
Please, whoever it is, just say some-
the muffled voice asks, while at the
thing! You must answer! They're after
same time the cable is twisting itself
me, all afternoon they've been follow-
around the character's forearm, and
ing me. I've kept to crowds, so they
the smoke is clouding up, stinging the
haven't been able to get at me, but I
character's eyes and throat. The whis-
can't run any longer. I'm standing at
per perseveres: 'You know that you
the corner of X Street and Y Road (the
belong here. Come to us.' The smoke
GM decides). One of them is standing
is now almost impenetrable, blocking
across the street, staring at me with
out most of the booth itself and all of
his cold eyes - but where's the other
its surroundings, and the cable is
one? I can't see ... ' The voice is cut
clutching tighter to the character's
short in a surprised gurgle, by a dull
arm, tighter and tighter, and then
crunching sound. Then silence -
tighter still. The character, who can't
long silence. Then, suddenly, a heavy,
pry it loose, has the circulation cut off
very harsh voice cuts in, sputtering
from the lower arm and hand. 'join
out an unholy curse of strained, gut-
us Live with us ... Become one with
tural sounds. This voice sounds much
us ' The hard segments of the cable
closer than the one before, and its
dig deep into the character's flesh, and
curses are followed by distinct ripping
the receiver seems to merge with his
sounds as if something is tearing the
hand. The character writhes in pain.
skin off a quartered pig. Another short
Suddenly, five vaguely human shapes
silence follows. Then, as if on com-
loom out of the smog, pressing their
mand, all four windows of the phone
hideous features to the glass and star-
booth explode, shattering the view of
ing with wild, mad eyes at the charac-
an ordinary street into just so many
ter. Their faces are barely human,
pieces of glass, and revealing an alto-
twisted and deformed by slimy tubes
gether different, terrible cityscape.
jutting in and out of their skin, thick,
The character is now in Metropolis ... • 0

sharp iron instruments penetrating • The ten commandments have been
their skulls, gross oculars replacing the scribbled on the wall, to which some
eyes, and a grid of metal wire straining unknown wit has added comments in
their features. They are the form of strange, occult associa-
Prototechrones, and once more their tions. When one reads them out loud ,
beckoning, gurgling voices echo, hyp- one by one, the wall comes undone in
notically, in the character's head, as one large chunk after another, giving
the 'living' telephone disintegrates: ' ... the characters a frightful view of
die with us ... die with us ... die with Metropolis' wasted grounds.
us ... ' The smoke dissolves, drifting • On closer inspection, a graffiti-covered
awa~ from the booth like a thin misty wall is found to conceal an incredibly
veil over the coarse texture of a rough detailed construction plan of a house,
and uninviting land. The curtain has squeezed in among the loudly colored
lifted on another scene, another place: tags. The plan is executed in sepia
Metropolis ... color, except for a single red dot mark-
GRAFFITI ing out a skylight in a top-floor closet.
They face you from the cracked sur- There is no indication of where the
face of the city's concrete: corrupt, liv- skylight will lead. Later, when the GM
ing messages that will hypnotize and sees fit, the characters discover the
mentally rape you. house, so to speak, 'in the flesh' (a
halved EGO roll will help them to rec-
• A spray-painted tag on a decrepit
ognize the house and remember the
housefront suddenly comes alive
skylight). If they seek out and open
before the characters' eyes, slowly
the skylight, it will lead out of a sewer
turning into an intricate pattern of red-
hole up into a filthy Metropolis alley.
black-and-white. Hateful, organic
arabesques intertwine, forming around • On a largely unmolested wall in an off-
a fixed abstract symbol of blood which side, dimly lit alley, the characters see
seems to be drawn out of the wall a strange message slowly materialize,
itself, where it immediately coagulates. letter by letter, as though painstakingly
If a character touches the symbol, an crafted by an invisible hand. The
icy pain will shoot up his hand, travel- words are written backwards and
ling up the veins until finally pricking inverted, which will take some time to
the very heart. The chest will then figure out. Soon the characters realize
start to ache with a dull, even pain as if the meaning: 'LET ME OUT!' The last
a rib was pressed up against a nerve. letter comes very slowly, and the
The character's nipples grow very ten- exclamation mark dot is drawn out
der and are rubbed to a bloody pulp by into a long line until it finally touches
the touch of the shirt-cloth. If the char- the ground. If the characters touch the
acter strips to examine the WOlUlds, he letters, which are in a clumsy, childish
will find that a strange mark, identical hand, the wall is magically trans-
in all aspects to the one on the wall , formed into a giant pane of dirty glass,
has formed on his chest, right above with the words imprinted on its
the heart. Should the character touch reverse side. Behind the glass , a vast ,
it, with a loud bang a crack will open . dreadful city expands to view:
in the wall, offering entrance to • Metropolis. The characters' eyes fol-
Metropolis. low the extended dot to the ground
and see the bloody little hand of a frail,

: ,., .- . - , -
malnourished young boy. His face is an some of the barred windows they
ashen grey, vacantly turned to the glimpse freakish features of mocking
sooty, yellowish sky. Then the glass contortion. Venturing deeper, knotty
pane topples over, and they, too, are hands reach out of the cells trying to
received into Metropolis. scratch the characters in the face with
long, sharp nails. Finally, the charac-
P . .blicP.~ ters are shoved into a small rectangu-
~ II:Isti~tiOIIS
lar cell, which, however, has only
POLICE STATION three walls. In place of the fourth wall
Every city is fortified by at least one there is a gaping hole, opening up on
police station. These massive buildings a tunnel of uncertain depth. A chilling
suggest power and restrained force, as wind sweeps in from the open tunnel,
the very architecture of a police station the cold breath of the coldest of cities:
seems to demand submission. You think Metropolis.
that the police enforce law and order? UNIVERSITY
Whose law? And how? And at what Knowledge is dangerous. At the old
cost? Your innocent ignorance will universities with fine, old traditions, as
dawn on you, as they chain you to the at the latest ultra-equipped modern
cell wall in rusty, razor-sharp fetters, research centers, the sharpest intellects
pour ice-cold water on your naked of our age are gathered. But for what
body, and anin1ate it with 10,000 purpose, and on whose behalf?
Volts ... Scientists are led astray by false clues
• Riding in their car, the characters are which our evil keepers have planted, to
stopped by a motorcycle cop, all black keep the true knowledge to themselves.
leather, reflecting sunglasses, and an Gross experiments on human beings are
ironic smirk. In a coarse drawl he instigated by the dark powers from
explains that they were speeding, asks beyond. Mad scientists, blind to all con-
to see the driver's license, and then sequences, push their research to the
tells them that they must go to the sta- frontline of scientific inquiry and
tion for a blood test. The presumably beyond, stirring up fearful forces which
short visit at the precinct gradually would otherwise have remained dor-
turns into a nightmare: they are heck- mant for eons. The echoing stone corri-
led, debased, and finally booked by dors of our foremost faculties are haunt-
the cynically laughing desk officers, ed by the memories of knowledge gone
and then taken to a cell to await their astray.
arraignment. But first they must pass • The characters, along with the fifty-odd
through seemingly endless hallways of others gathered in the large, porten-
clinically cold whiteness, lined with tous lecture-hall, are listening to a con-
massive steel doors with barred wid- fused mathematician clain1ing father-
ows. These doors look a little worse hood of equations to be used for mea-
for the wear, some of them scratched suring time in dimensions other than
and dented while others have been just backwards and forwards. The
soiled with blood. Coming down the small rW1t of a man has soon worked
halls, the characters can hear inmates himself up to almost ecstatic levels,
howling like crazed animals inside - pouring forth an endless stream of
or throwing themselves and loudly intricate calculations in a coarse voice
crashing into the cell door. Through

.... iIIIII
with an unsettling pitch. His auditors sity looking for a certain Dr. Schelling,
are beginning to turn wlcomfortably in whose erudite expertise is of conse-
their seats, casting back nervous quence to a more or less serious prob-
glances over their shoulders. The char- lem of theirs. The university building,
acters feel a grinding pain in their however, proves too large and confus-
heads, and they start imagining things ing in its layout, and asking their way,
moving in the dark corners of the tall they are given increasingly complicat-
walls from which dead professors, ed directions to the professor's office.
stern of face and accusing of eye, vivid- At long last, they do find a door bear-
ly captured in oil, look down. The audi- ing his name, but a flashing red light
toriwn grows dark, as if something had indicates that Dr. Schelling is busy.
blocked the high, lead-mounted wid- Inside, a blaring radio is turned up
ows from the sun. A brutal squeal, as if loud, and nobody will answer the door
of some large, unoiled machine, soon if the characters venture to knock. If
takes precedence over any other they remain waiting outside, the char-
sounds. Then, suddenly, the head of a acters eventually will see a small
student sitting next to the characters stream of blood rurming out through
explodes, and its contents of bone, the crack under the door. The door is
blood and brains are scattered wide. locked, but can easily be picked, or,
People jump from their seats to run for for that matter, forced open. Inside
the doors, but few ever make it before the room, two techrones are busy wip-
they suffer the same horrible fate, and ing every trace of Dr. Schelling and his
fall, decapitated, to the floor. The char- all-tao-successful research off the face
acters will make it out of the room if of the planet. The smell of burning
they hurry. Outside the lecture-hall, gasoline greets the characters when
however, the university is gone; they enter; the small office is utterly
replaced by a room of seemingly destroyed and dripping with blood.
unlintited space which is taken up by a Scribbled papers, smashed diskettes
giant clockwork of cog-wheels, struts and torn laboratory whites have been
and driving chains. The clockwork is gathered in a heap on the floor and set
turned by hundreds of dirty, starved fire with gasoline. The badly tortured
men, bleeding from the cruel whips of Dr. Schelling sits tied to his desk chair,
ruthless Chronites. The hot, humid air steel wires cutting deep into his bleed-
reeks with blood, sweat and oil. The ing flesh. The techrones stand
panicking students rush blindly into htillched over their victim, and, when
the bizarre machinery, where they are aware of the intruders, one of the half-
captured or pushed in tillder the mechanical creatures exhales a scorch-
inlmense cog-wheels by nimble-legged ing flame to the floor, which is spat-
Chronites. The characters can see the tered with gasoline and instantly
lecturer disappear up a narrow iron catches fire, turning the room into a
ladder into the high shadows of a wall burning inferno. The characters back
covered in thick pipes and rusty dri- out of the office, but, instead of the
ving chains. The lecture-hall no longer dreary old hallway, they emerge on
exists. Neither does the university. the roof of a tall building. They look
They are trapped inside the giant out over a wide landscape of thunder-
Clockwork of Metropolis ... ing machines, sizzling power lines and
• The characters have come to a univer- power plants with fluorescent cooling
dams, all glimpsed through the yel-
lowish smoke emitted from giant Sleeping Bear
smokestacks three thousand feet high During Stalin's last years, a lictor named Beria was among the
or more. The roof on which they most powerful in Russia. He was in charge of internal security for
stand is cluttered with an odd collec- the entire Soviet Union.
tion of tangled cables connecting huge The year Stalin died, a conspiracy to take over from the dying
dictator was plotted by a man called Boris Tjukov. Tjukov was born
radar and radio-masts erected in vari- a man but later acquired knowledge and abilities that expanded his
ous irrational places. Dr. Schelling's powers beyond the scope of mere humanity. He and his supporters
office is gone, but the characters can manipulated groups of lictors to fight each other. As Stalin lay
still hear his desperate calls for help. If dying, Tjukov made a vain attempt for his throne, which was
quashed by force by a group of potent lictors. Beria issued orders on
they follow the screams to the edge of his customary grand scale: 'The Commandant, Kiev: Execute 3,500
the roof, they will see the techrones Tjukov supporters.' The order followed with ruthless precision. A
dragging him down a rickety fire- total of 23,357 people were executed on Beria's orders, including
escape, also the only way down off Tjukov's schoolmistress. Beria had candles made from Tjukov's
subcutaneous fat. Six months later, Beria himself was in prison.
the roof. The characters 'have ended
The candles Beria had made were charged with peculiar pow-
up in Machine City ... ers. When they illuminated a painting, the picture would change. An
Azghoul devouring human flesh would appear in a beautiful and
HOSPITAL bucolic landscape. The transformed paintings showed images from
At the hospital we are at mercy of a Metropolis, Inferno or Limbo. Did all hand-painted pictures have
band of total strangers. Who knows secret images which need only the light from Tjukov' s candles to
what evil masters they might serve? Are appear?
Twenty candles still exist, mostly in eastern Europe. They cir-
they even human, behind their masks of
culate among adepts of the occult. The candles' powers vary. A few
smiling pleasantry? Their drugs will are portals to other worlds, others create vague images of strange
pacify and bend us to their wills. We are realities in paintings, and some just modify the existing motif. A
all prisoners to our bodily shortcom- candle sells for $1,000 to $3,000, and are available from former
ings. Controversial citizens have disap- members of the eastern European secret police: GRU, STASI, KGB,
peared, strapped to "their bloodied hos-
pital sheets, never to return from the
long rows of private rooms in which
hungry monsters are waiting to be removes a hypodermic syringe of
fed ... astonishing dimensions, the needle
• One or more injured characters have alone at least nine inches long. When
been hospitalized, and, for an lillspeci- he tries to move, the character can't
fied amount of time, they inhabit a hal- even raise his head. The nurse hisses a
lucinatory world of drugs, pricking grim, 'Good night,' forcing the needle
needles, leaking N's, bleeping into one of the character's temples.

machines, and stressed-out nurses. "\'

The process is then repeated for each
Presently, the characters wake up of the hospitalized characters. When
when a strange, sharp-faced nurse the thick needle enters their heads,
wearing oval glasses enters their room. they pass out from the pain, only to
She scans the names listed on the wake up in an oily puddle of water on
short ends of the beds lining two sides a dark back street of Metropolis. They
of the room, finally fixing her blank are freeZing and in terrible pain, and
face on the characters. She then
approaches one of their beds, placing
from out of the shadows a number of
hunched-up shapes bear down on
... -.-


a small case of stainless steel on his . ...

them ...
bedside table. Opening the case, she •
• •
l '"

~ n~~~~.~~~C<$l1.
.Jpp .......lllllllliilllllll
~~~~~~~-------------------- ..

«»bjee-ts ~ ~~~-ts
CAMERAS &. BINOCULARS into greedy demons with mocking
It is said that beauty is in the eye of grins, well-known city views have
the beholder - but what about the eye been enrichened with hostile architec-
of a camera? What unearthly visions tlUoe, and bestial crimes are committed
might come creeping in through the in the background of innocent holiday
lenses? Your finger on the shutter, with snapshots. And, leaVing the photo lab,
the seeker closing in on the decrepit they set foot on the damned earth of
dirt of true reality, you may ask yourself Metropolis, and there'll be no putting
whether there ever was such a thing as a protective camera lens between
beauty at all ... themselves and reality, now...
• Some primitive people would rather • The characters find that their binocu-
not be photographed, as they believe lars let through a far more brutal
that their souls will be stolen by the vision of the big city, than what is visi-
strange box with the evil eye. And ble to the naked eye. With the binocu-
wisely so, for some of the sophisticat- lars as their one trustworthy sense,
ed photo booths which are found in they must spend 50 PER-minutes slow-
railway or subway stations are secretly ly 'weaning' their brains from the
used as portals to strange and sinister shocking images which their eyes
worlds ... While still blinded by the have thus far refused to register.
flash bulb's light, and with the feeder
ticking away, the characters may dis-
Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The
cover that the world outside the dirty
wheels and anns, forced on by an
C( • drapes has been radically changed -
uncoiling spring or an unfeeling battery,
or could it be that the camera was
are inexorably approaching the fateful
doing something to them ... ?
second when the Illusion will be ripped
• When the pictures start to appear on to let the truth come crashing through.
the photographic paper, bathing in the The bell is tolling for you. You can't
developer and in the blood red labora- turn back time, and when your alarm
tory light, the characters discover that clock goes off you will wake up to a
the camera has seen things differently • world of sulphurous smog and scorch-
than they did themselves: friendly
• faces saying 'cheese' have changed
ing pain, which goes by the name of

,..,• • Metropolis ...

~:-:.. ~~~

-~ -
."" .
•=-----. ,. : .
'~ .-- -
- .

tjl • a
• Some very large clocks, as for instance COMPUTER PROGRAMS
those of church towers, city halls, or The main printed circuit card is
department stores, border on the bUZZing with pent-up pain. The hard-
Clockworks of Metropolis. If the char- disc goes through its rotating motions,
acters visit such a place, the Illusion but with every lap some new binary
could suddenly turn inside-out and qigits turn into deadly nervous impuls-
send them off to Metropolis' es, sizzling with contempt for man,
Clockworks ... their creator. The computer screen pre-
• Wristwatches may be deceptively pares to tlnleash brutal visions of vio-
innocent-looking, even handsome lit- lent death, as the keyboard gets ready to
tle things. But their diminutive work- reveal its true form and to start eating
ings in reality take the form of fist- your fingers. Beyond the screen, the
sized parasites, the so-called Chronite true, non-virtual reality is loading up
Symbiotes, which infect the watch- visual information to fry your brain. You
wearer with a fluid correcting his are under the computer's spell, and it
sense of time following an experience will have more than just 'Ooops!' to say
of mental stress. The intention is, of the next time you foul up ...
course, that the person in question
shouldn't be allowed to awaken.

The program is canceled due to

insufficient substance, uerify supply.

( Cancel J I~(iiiiiiiiiiOiiiiiiiiii
K ;;;;;;;;j;jJ


Systems error code 566 ""

The System is not uery happy with this
software. I t has been deleted.

[ OK

" '.""" ~.$
. .,".
_ :..c~-~ ..~ . _~ "."~"""
~~~~~~~~-------------------- ..

Bob Kulinski owns NeoLaser Ltd, a
curious company addressing us from
posters in the subway, the colors of
which might bring on an epileptic
seizure, if studied too closely. The
posters ask if we suffer from insufficient
impulse conductivity of the motor ner-
vous system, superfluous consumption
of energy, or disruptions to the dendric
synapse developmel1t. NeoLaser offers
help for said ailments, stating the cure
as syncronistic, electro-caustic, or quan-
tum chemical laser treatments.
Whatever that is supposed to mean ...
Bob Kulinski is a cracked genius
---~ -,-,--~",~-(_ _.- - - -

Are You a Seeker?

Feel out of touch with your surroundings? Do yo~ 'reject the fetters of physical exis-
tence and the absurdity of your own fate? Dr. L. F. Horvath, Lie. Parapsychologist
at the Macro Mental Institute of Switzerland, will help you discover the true mean-
I ing of life. Astral Seances: $150/ hour, Macro Mental Therapy: $50/ hour, Classes·
~ 8IlUM~I4,.
. and ~ectures: by agreement.
i1trtl,.,tI L.F. Horvath Tel. 08-332066

Ir~li=' •
"1 .


~ I

who on several occasions has lived in

the Machine City, returning with amaz- 'On the Rudimentary Astronomy
ing innovations in laser technology. of Astral Bodies and the
Kulinski has made a pact with a cadre of
techrones, by which he will provide
Sexual Potential of Auras'
them with humans - for their never-
ending bio-technical experiments- in
By Mischa Pterzhen, Doctor of Parapsychology
return for titillating laser gadgets ...

LASZLO HORVATH, 'In Paris in 1963, I had a rendezvous with a

PARAPSYCHOLOGIST hairy dwarf in a dirty hotel room with
Every now and then the GM might unwashed sheets. Longtime heroin use had
I endowed the dwarf with an attractive yellow-
have the characters come across a
small, very peculiar advertisement in white aura. During this golden weekend, which
one of the evening papers:, 'Are You a unfortunately cost the dwarf his life, I
seeker? Do You feel out of touch with learned the basics of controlling the move-
your surroundings? Do You refuse the ments of astral bodies between ~ealities and
fetters of physical existence and the of the magnificent charts constituted by our
absurdity of Your own fate? Dr. 1. F most fundamental desires. The attraction
Horvath, Lic. Parapsychologist of the between auras is a requisite for the submis-.
Macro Mental Institute of Switzerland, sion of desire to the intellect, in accord
, '
will help you to discover the true side with the principles posited by De Sade.
of life. Astral Seances: $ ISO/hour, Guidance of perception, popularly known as
Macro Mental Therapy: $ SO/hour, astral body guidance, is a simple operation
Classes and Lectures: by arrangement.' as long as the receiver is willing and has an
Try to tease the characters' curiosity by open and tolerant 'mind. After my escape to
introducing this little ad at different Tangiers I sought new means to crack the lusty
times and for no apparent reason. secrets of the aura and find the cause of the
When, at last, they decide to answer the dwarf's death, which cost me several years in
ad, you will introduce them Dr. Laszlo exile. '
Filemon Horvath, an insane Hungarian
parapsychologist. He is man with a off independent free-thinkers to the
vaguely defined body, shaved head, a Excerpt from 'On the rudi-
other side. Their victims will pass
moist upper lip, and eyes staring in mentary astronomy of
through a painting (usually depicting
celestial bliss behind round horn- astral bodies and the sexu-
lazy crows in a dreary, grey landscape)
rimmed spectacles. Horvath is truly al potential of auras, ' by
into Metropolis when the picture ven-
deranged, but his methods work. He Or. Misha Pterzhen,
dor utters a guttural curse: 'Dhiss Parapsychologist.
can take the characters' astral forms on baythun fehru britt-uh tcech' (which is
a guided tour of the way to Metropolis. easily mistaken for, 'This painting very
He can even enter into their bodies and pretty, yes?' a phrase of ingenious sales-
bring them there in the flesh. The only manship which has been known to con-
catch is that that he will desert them vince many a skeptic). In Metropolis,
there and disappear with their money. the victim is fettered inside the
THE PICTURE VENDORS grotesque original of the painting's land-
A strange, ancient sect originating in scape, where soon the servants of Binah
medieval Romania, which, to the glory will find him.
of Binah, carries out a mission to send

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VIDEODROME the right set of circumstances to be sud-
Kuan Yin is a deranged chinese film denly transported to Tiphareth's
producer working for Takeo Oshima, a Metropolis palace.
hired hand of the Tiphareth incarnate,
Nakamura. Yin produces snuff movies
During the 70's, before he became
in a little village in North Vietnam,
completely unhinged, this psychotic
which are given world wide distribution
mass murderer was a captain in the
by the London media mogul Rex
Special Police Force of South Mrica's
Tenebray III. The films have been clev-
Civil Ministry. He was leader of a ruth-
erly manipulated to meet certain diabol-
less death squad, known and feared as
ical ends.
Breukel's Blood Brothers. On a mission
During the Vietnam war, the North
to the scorching deserts of Namibia,
Vietnamese army performed genetic
which was to prove his last, he had
experiments on human beings, trying to
experiences which plunged him into
develop a race of super soldiers. But the
the abysmal depths. Now he is not even
Americans bombed their research
human, but an immortal demon who
camp, and the whole scientific crew
can pass between Elysium and
fled into the jungle. Many died, but
Metropolis at will. He keeps himself
some were never accounted for. Among
occupied with sadistic games of singu-
the latter number were a few of the
lar brutality, which he usually ends by
human guinea pigs, who survived and
flaying and quartering his victims with
later reproduced, resulting in a second
careful deliberation. But when he takes
generation of mutant battle-machines.
particular interest in a case, he will first
Tiphareth has come into possession of
bring it to Metropolis for a little cat-and-
much of the 1973 research project's
mouse game. His passage between
results, which she hopes will enable her
Metropolis and Elysium can only be
to 'activate' the unwitting super soldiers
achieved under meteorological condi-
who live normal lives and are totally
tions of extreme heat; where Dust Devil
unaware of their powers. She thinks
'comes and goes' through the shimmer-
this can be achieved through the media.
ing air, fading out of this world to
The proper stimuli will yield the desired
appear in the other. His activities are
reaction; the skills to kill, to destroy and
therefore mainly limited to the southern
to survive have been crafted straight
hemisphere, and have been document-
into the gene pools of the mutant sol-
ed in several reports on acts of extreme
diers, and they need only be reminded
cruelty,. allegedly performed by UNITA,
of their true potential. So Tiphareth is
Sendero Lllminosa, or the private
trying to reach them via Kuan Yin's
armies of certain Colombian drug lords.
movies, to activate their dormant pow-
ers, which would create a tear in the TODD
Illusion. The films have, in fact, activat- The characters have been taking
ed a few of the 'sleeping soldiers', care of an autistic six- or seven-year-old
resulting in a few random acts of may- boy. His name is Todd, and they found
hem; but they have affected others, as him, alone and crying, somewhere in
well. Their audiences will develop their current scenario (for instance, liv-
latent aggressions, and once exposed ,to ing in the headquarters of some cult, or
'Street Soldier,' 'Son of Sado,' or as the prisoner of a cult). Todd's father
'Chainsaw Mayhem III,' you need only was brutally kidnapped by techrones

'."."_ '-.~,
_.. ..
from his sophisticated basement work- me down!' 'Bitch!' 'Meat!' 'Gnfk!' etc.
shop, and taken to the Machine City in Then he attacks the characters with
Metropolis where the machinery still their own drilling-machine, and he and
suffered from his previous visits. Todd the characters are suddenly transported
and his mother had witnessed the ruth- to Machine City. It will take a serious
less assault; she was badly traumatized wound to stop Todd; the machine per-
by the experience, and the world col- sonality then dissolves into a crying lit-
lapsed around Todd, who was then only tle boy who is tangled up in a mass of
four years old. His mother could no technical gadgetry. A deadly wound to
longer give him the loving care he need- the machine personality would serious-
ed, and as a result the child withdrew ly wound the child. The characters will
into himself. Half a year later, Todd of course not know that Todd and his
rebuilt himself into kind of a proto- machine personality are one and the
techrone, using his father's sophisticat- same. When exposed to the latter, they
ed instruments and some ordinary perceive him simply as an electronic
kitchen appliances. Then he killed his monster. When the machine personality
mother, who was by now constantly is reduced to the child, Todd and the
strung out on Valium, but, resuming his characters return to Elysium - but the
child's identity, he was able to fool the portal remains open until they have dis-
police ... entangled the boy. And the characters
He is now drifting, looking for a may unwittingly bring creatures from
new mother and father to give him the the Machine City into Elysium.
love and attention he so desperately
needs; in his machine personality, Todd
has killed eleven single women to date.
Disharmony of the Spheres is a loud
Whenever he feels emotionally denied,
underground rock group from London
his body becomes a living portal to
with three moderately successful CD's
Metropolis, and this ability has attracted
to their name. Although they are gener-
several cults to the boy. When the char-
ally ignored by MTV and the major radio
acters stumble on Todd, the GM must
stations, their decadent image, dismal
make up a pretext which discourages
harmonies and obnoxious lyrics have
them from dumping him at the nearest
built them a loyal following throughout
police station: for instance, imply that
Europe, predominately of class cutting
the officers on duty are lictors by hav-
teenagers and coffee house pseudo-
ing them act in a strange and unsettling
way. At the characters' place, Todd is
The band's charismatic singer, Chris
calm and quiet, but he will not answer
Wolverine, is actually one of Samael's
when spoken to. But when the charac-
razides, using music to spread the
ters leave him alone he rebuilds himself
words of the Angel of Death to the
again, using up all their household elec-
youth of Europe. Soul-trashing death
tronics, into a weird, complicated con-
drugs and sexual ultra-Violence are stan-
struction which serves as a portal to
dard features of their touring life, and
Metropolis. When the characters return
the band's beat-up bus is a permanent
home, they are faced with his machine
portal to Metropolis and the ongoing
personality. Todd is now hateful,
banquet at the Steel Heart palace of
screaming at the characters in his
Samael. Groupies and autograph collec-
vocoder voice: 'You whore - you let
tors, as well as other young people who

.Jppp ..._ ...1IIIIIIIii

are attracted to, or forced into the bus, delivered to the demon's lair, she dou-
will disappear into this part of ble-crossed the priest and instead made
Metropolis, where twisted creatures rav- the boys her servants. The demon takes
age and feast on their bodies. A chosen an interest in all the worst aspects of
few are spared, to return to Elysium and big city life, encouraging and protecting
spread the perverse gospel and addic- lowlife crimes, such as prostitution,
tive drugs of Samael to their friends and drug dealing and street violence. The
families. Riot Boys execute her plans by initiating
gang wars, selling drugs and firearms to
school children, and by forcing the pen-
Riot Boys is a name that is feared
niless into robbery or prostitution. At
throughout many American and
first glance, you would think that they
Western European big city slums. In
look like an average street gang, in their
1959, the Riot Boys were just another
short leather jackets and outrageous
Midwestern American car-riding gang
hair-dos. But they smell like corpses,
from the sleepy town of Coulton Creek.
their T-shirts are spattered with blood,
By listening to rock'n'roll, growing long
and their cheap sun-glasses hide decay-
hair and assuming an attitude of general
ing sockets in which the eyes have long
disdain, they managed to shock the
since rotted. Through the big city ceme-
adults in their hometown. In fact, they
teries, the Riot Boys find free passage
succeeded so well that the town priest
between Elysium and their Queen's
made a pact with a demon to kill the
crypt in the City of the Dead.
boys. But when the Riot Boys were

Contact with Metropolis should not BY SUMMONING AN AZGHOUL

always be made at random. The GM After some careful research, and a
may let the players find an object, or good deal of luck, the characters could
meet a creature, which enables them to come into possession of some old, bare-
tear through the Illusion and pass into ly decipherable parchments and books
Metropolis at will. The players must in which ancient ceremonies and rituals
not, however, be allowed to believe. are described. These were used to sum-
they have mastered Metropolis. There is mon a fearful azghoul creature to
no such thing as a fool-proof method ... Elysium, which would then guide its

--'- . . -'--I

- .. :..- itl- _. - - _.. _ _

bviously weak-minded conjurer to
Metropo I'IS,, and , if the GM so pleases,
s h ceremonies could still be empow-
ted The scriptures state that in order
g ere ' mon and control an azghoul you
to sum h Id
t first know its name, and teo
muS b en
h i's name has, of course, e
g azg ou Id lant
long los t to humanity. You cou P
hints arid clues throughout the cam-
, which would at least give the
~~~::~ters a sporting chance to di~~over
. name. But don't indulge them, if
r they mispronounce its name, the
azghoul will surely take the~ to .
Metropol's 1 - bllt it won't be under theIr

sp e ll , and it will most likely be hun-

Age-old mysterious, half mcompre-
henSI'ble wrI'tten works of different. early
cultures will sometimes mention bIzarre
d painful rituals by which a person
~:n travel to 'the other Side.', In ~hort,
by mortification and stigmatiZatIon o.f

I his own flesh, in certain ways and WIth

certain instruments, the subject c~n
turn into a 'living tear' in the Ill~slOn,
The GM, however should exerCIse great
care with these methods, and should Excerpt from Diary
I perhaps even limit the effective-
ness to once in a lifetime, After all,
a severely handicapped character
is harder to play, and this method
should really only appeal to very
desperate players."
~~~~~~~-------------------- ..
(Text in the CD book-
let of the Subhuman E L o c H E L


Hundreds of young peo-
ple from allover the world Most doors into Metropolis are only please. If Metropolis was to become too
are drawn daily by London's
vain promises. Many have temporary, as when event causes the easy to reach, it would diminish the sus-
neither jobs,_nor money, nor Illusion's veil to tear. There are, howev- pense and rob the Original City of its
a place to live. They end up er, places where the border between nimbus of mystique.
on the street, among thou-
sands of others. Most will Metropolis and Elysium has been so
eventually succeed in estab- weakened that the Illusion is constantly
lishing a normal working and torn. These places are hardly to be trust-
family life. Some few will Gelocheli, London's mythical self-
ed. The intensity, the circumference,
even realize the big dreams proclaimed Messiah, controls a private
which brought them to the duration, and the destination within
portal into Metropolis. The characters
London. Fewer still end up Metropolis of the opening are prone to
as borderliners. will find him by talking to the homeless
such frequent changes that they neither
The Underground sys- of London and those who live on the
tem is aconvoluted tapestry can nor should be taken for granted.
borderline. A follower of Gelocheli will
of intricately intertwined tun- Nevertheless, throughout the game,
nels and vast stations of point them to an Underground tunnel.
the GM can favourably confront the
unplanned chaos and smog- Gelocheli himself is a melodramatic
characters with various dubious groups
like colors. The system man of many whims He always places
extends into atomic shelters - cults, as well as organizations run by
himself in the shadow. He is dressed in
built during the Gold War, lictors - which, by incantation or pow-
and to older brick vaults and colorful rags, and his long hair and
erful artifacts, try to open permanent
cavities from the days of the beard clearly suggest a messianic com-
Blitz (when 60,000 portals into Metropolis. In the course of
plex. He takes great pleasure in his own
Londoners were killed in an adventure, an attempt may even be
their homes). Even older tun- myth, and is extremely self-conscious. If
allowed to succeed. But caution must
nels open on medieval cel- the characters try to joke with him, or if
be used: the characters should never be
lars, Roman ruins, and age; they get off on the wrong foot, he
old caves of unknown origin. permitted to come and go as they
I immediately orders them killed by his
loyal Gelochelis. If, however, they This immense tunnel system
humbly beg for his help, he will bring Table: Gelocheli's wounds leads from Elysium out into
them, blindfolded, to the portal. 1 The wound heals normally different worlds. But only the
2-5 The wound heals, but leaves a scar Ghelochelis dare to visit its
The portal consists of a room lined deepest levels. Not even the
that looks like an insect is hidden
by memorial stones and illuminated by under the skin. most demented homeless
flickering torches. The ceiling is people travel beyond acer-
6-9 The wound never heals, but tain point.
inscribed with occult runes. remains open, shedding pus for The Gelochelis are bor-
Before the characters are allowed to the rest of the character's life. But derliners as described in the
pass through the portal, they must pay it will soon stop bleeding. rule book, but their collective
tribute to Gelocheli.This takes the form 10-15 As above; the character gains +1 consciousness, through
for all physical activities. which they are controlled by
of a wound which he inflicts on them Gelocheli, sets them apart as
16-18 As above; gains +2 for all physical
with a not overly-clean carving knife a group. Their instincts have
activities. been much impaired, even by
(see table below). 19 The wound mutates, leaving a sec- borderliner standards. They
The portal is controlled by the Dark ond mouth. If unattended to, the lack even the instinct of self
Art (see the Kult rule book, 2nd edi- mouth will later develop teeth, and preservation, and they are
tion). If the characters have brought an then a windpipe. If it is still not unable to learn from their
ally with these abilities, they can try to attended, the mouth will start to mistakes. They number
speak, and the character gains somewhere between 50 and
control where the portal opens within 150. They can perform sim-
Metropolis. This should be done accord- +10 for every roll when something ple duties, such as fetching
is trying to possess him. The things, attacking on com-
ing to the skill rules, but the Game
mouth can be surgically removed. mand, or guarding atunnel.
Master, if he so pleases, can screen the It takes 6-8 weeks to fully devel- In spite of their collective
roll and then modify the result at will. If op. consciousness, they only
the characters have come unaided, 20 The character dies. No further rolls. coordinate their actions on
Gelocheli will steer the portal any way Gelocheli's command. They
If a character makes use of the portal on are his eyes and ears
he, (i. e. the GM), sees fit. several occasions, he will gain +3 each throughout the underground
extra time. This is cumulative, i e the sec- system.
ond attempt would gain the character +3 at Gelocheli himself is a
character of mythical stature
1020, the third 3+3=6, etc... in London. His name some-
times appears in song lyrics
glorifying the use of drugs,
Statistical Analysis of D" where he takes on meaning
" ~sappearances
~n the London Underground as a symbol of the unknown
'T or as a mystical messenger.
he number of disappearan . At the mere mention of
London Area unde ces ~n the Greater
. rground train syst . Gelocheli, the eyes of hard-
~ngly to noticeable ch . em var~es accord- ened alcoholics and drug-
. anges ~n the 04 ( abusers pop open with fear.
prom~nent group of d
re 1 group the most
The official police story has
The number of SUbset icts). (See Appendix 4)
ance abusers d discarded him as mere fic-
unemployed homeless d an permanently tion, but a secret report is
. ecreased drasti
w~thout satiSfactory ca Y 10-15% rumored to exist, in whicn
t ' reason. Dr we t the disappearances of ordi-
he Ursus' caSe provides • r report on
nary people, and scores of
parts of the Undergro Suggests that homeless, is compiled to
d ~sturbed un n d b
individual ~e Y seriOUsly form a clear and frightening
have had a st . ~",,_:l: them, Ursus seems to pattern.
, ~ ~mp c on thei d . .
The pa . . r ec~s~ons, I quote'
s no w~ll f h' • Excerpt from secret police
tions ~ red t . 0 ~s Own. Brain func-
. • e 0 a pr~mitive 1 ( report, by police candidate
vO~ces gi.e perempto . evel ••• ) Inner
anxiety( ••• )'
ry orders whi h
, c causes extreme Mark Fullerton, of London:
'Statistical analysis of disap·
The name Gelocheli is .
the homeless and ment~oned respectfully by all pearances in the London under-
appears to verify D ' , ground. "
elUSion of the f' 1 '. r. Webster s con-
~na el~m~nation f f' .
Rumours among add' t '" 0 ree w~ll.
~c s conf~rm int .
Lewisham where rock '. erV~ew excerpts from
. mus~c~ans tell of h
~n dark tunnels ' uman sacrifice
.-.- ----------------------------EJI

arry felt that he had been coming if his enemies had the sense to stick
wandering the green tunnels close to the walls.
for days, but he was far The Geiger counter strapped to his hip
from certain. His infra-red glasses provided a began to chatterfrantically. Contact!
sort of vision in the eternal darkness of the Something separated itselffrom the under-
swampy tunnels, a vision ofshimmering, growth and Harry fired. He couldn't make
dreamlike shades ofgreen. The vaulted sewer- out the individual limbs ofhis attackers, but
like walls and ceiling were covered in a dense perceived them as perverse and grossly
mat of repulsive vegetation and organic swollen vessels. Both his shots and the inhu-
waste, and the air, in which their stenches man shrieks of the genetides rang out, vibrat-
had mingled, was as dense. A few days of ing tlJrough the tunnel. The creatures tried
aimless roaming had him quite convinced desperately to snare him with their cancerous
that his clothes -a linen suit and ordinary growths. His special hollow-point bullets tore
shoes - weren't up to this sort of thing. His chunks from their abhorrent bodies. After a
festering feet were soaked in foul, sticky flu- short, stifffight, they had been reduced to
ids. He knew there was no way to see danger pieces ofreeking warm meat. The price, how-
ever, was the last ofhis bullets. He carefully the infra-red lenses over his eyes, and through
scraped the genetides' radioactive secretions the now familiar shades ofgreen, the vicious
from his suit. Would there ever be an end to machinery appeared. He felt as if he was
all this? he asked himself in despair. about to dive into a frozen lake. There was
Harry stumbled on, empty gun in hf:lnd. no way back, and no way to make up for a
suddenly, he was blinded by the green flash mistake. Still foolishly brave from the influ-
ofdaylight penetrating his IR glasses. He ence of the cocaine, he started his downward
pushed the glasses away from his eyes and climb. Whatever he saw from the ladder was
gazed anxiously out through the tunnel's exit. of no use to him. There were thunderous
He had thought that he was at least a thou- machines, emitting poisonous smoke; some
sandfeet below ground. The city still eluded of which was of an almost organic quality,
him. In front ofhim lay a huge stretch of thick veins traversing their hulls in which
burning ruins, and the pungent smell of moist cavities opened and closed. Others
napalm and scorchedflesh hung over the looked as if they might claim seniority to a
grounds. steam-engine: puffing, creaking: obvious
death-traps. Despite the odd assemblage,
The search for Rebecca was no longer of
everything adhered to a single working prin-
importance. His only concern was to keep
ciple, which seemed strikingly simple but at
himself alive just one more hour, one more
the same time impossible to fathom.
minute, one more second... His hope had
vanished with the last of his ammunition, Suddenly, he felt an icy metallic grip
and the sight of the remains of the genetides around one ofhis ankles. He was violently
from the recent slaughter didn't exactly cheer hurledfrom the ladder and landed hard on
him up. He feared that there were more to the steelfloor. Harry turned his throbbing
come, which would surely mean the end of head to one side and spotted the techrone
him. from the corner ofhis eye. The taste of blood
and metal was in his mouth. The techrone's
Harry had kicked cocaine a couple of
machinery was ofperverse ingenuity - sport-
years back, but now he was grateful for the
ing sharp hooks and spinning saw-wheels,
few grams he carried in his pockets. The fields
smeared in oil and dried blood, and the
ofMetropolis were hardly tempting to him,
shrieking mechanism was now positioning
but to remain where he was could only mean
itself to go to work on his writhing limbs. It
certain death. Some fifty yards off was a fox-
was the metal insect's duty to eliminate any-
hole, .obviously ofsound construction as it
thing that interfered with the Machine. The
was still intact. He decided to use its shelter
steel arms reached hungrily for his frail
for the coming hour and inhaled a line of the
human body The grip around his ankle tight-
white powder to fortify himselffor the dash.
ened. Harry kicked out desperately and
The short sprint over the urban debris made
struck the creature's compact chest area. The
his body feel as though it were about to
impact had a staggering effect on the
techrone. It started spraying him with small
To his surprise he found that he was sud-
bits of chippedplastic, and he felt the grip
denly sitting perched close under the ceiling
around his ankle weaken. Sparks started to
ofa vast, damp and noisy industrial hall,
fly from the monster, and then it began to
chemical vapours pricking his nose. A steel spew heavy smoke. Today's dissection was off,
ladder descended to the floor, which wasn't
and Harry fled towards the strange, thunder-
quite visible from up here. He pushed back
ing machines.
troPolis, mother ofall cities. A the Living City, then sneaking around in the
never-ending throng where Ruins, and, three steps later, stumbling
time and space are of no conse- through the Underground. Then take them
quence; where the individual is reduced to back to the Living City, turn them in the
Nothing but also grows into Everything. To same direction, and take them on an com-
us, snatchedfrom our Elysium prison and pletely different tour...
suddenly confronted by these fragmentary, Ifyou find some of the following incidents
incoherent, absurd surroundings, there is no a little too much to stomach, as most of them
way to form an idea ofMetropolis as a focus on death and destruction, we suggest
whole. Maybe there is no i~ea, or maybe it's that you let the resulting pain and anxiety of
an idea which our human faculties are the characters form the pretextfor a tear in
unable to comprehend. The prime object, the Illusion through which they can return to
however, is to present this vision ofabsolute our own world. Or, at the last possible
chaos to the players. moment, suddenly change the scene: for
They mustn't think that anything here example, from the Underground where the
could be reduced to a map. Their visit to characters are ten seconds away from death
Metropolis should be a disconnected turmoil, at the hands of a razide, to the Living City
where they are rushed between conflicting where the greatest threatfacing them is the
locations. One moment they are standing in rush-hour traffic...

TII.e~ . . . . . . bombs and police attacks of ferocious

The slum of the Living City is the brutality are everyday occurances, but
part of Metropolis which is the easiest the average citizen, wasting his life in
to reach, since it borders on the slums the dismal mists of the Living City
of every city in the world. The Living doesn't even know that he should
City is a mix of South Central Los bemoan his own lot.
Angeles, the Belfast ghetto, and the Though neither streets nor side-
Kreuzenberg of Berlin, where rats, of walks are very busy, they resound with
every size and on four or two legs, have
• honking cars, cursing pedestrians and
free reign. Violent gang fights, car crying children - sounds that bounce
between the dreary housefronts, adding

to the general atmosphere of despair. beggars. They live in pathetic tene-
The few humanoid shapes, which now ments where rats feed on their children.
and then appear from the deep shad- They work at stupid and degrading jobs,
ows of the houses and the ever-present live lives of absolute hopelessness and
sulphurous yellow smog, seem dull of drop dead in droves every morning at
soul and spirit, as if they were always , over-crowded bus stops and subway sta-
performing some oppressive duty. Soon tions. They have hardly anything of
the characters will find that any sounds, interest to tell the characters. The heavy
smells or actions always seem to be on traffic of the main thoroughfares, which
the other side of the street or just look like the German Autobahns, is
around the corner. Their immediate wrapped in a thick blanket of suffocat-
proximity is expressionless and dull, as ing exhaust fumes. The dark alleys and
if they were caught in the eye of a dreary back streets stink from garbage
storm where only certain sounds can be piled up everywhere. The back street
perceived, which then take on an inhabitants at first seem a little more
almost painful clarity. The gross crunch- accommodating than those on the main
ing sounds coming from one end of the streets. This is merely because you're
street, of casual passers-by stepping on not standing close enough - after all,
a beggar can suddenly block out the the average character represents at least
opposing sounds of two rival gangs a couple of day's worth of food ...
shooting it out with automatic "rI1e :Hft;za-a.,r
weapons. The eye of the storm also
The Living City isn't strictly limited
reveals glimpses of the true form of
to a mix of western cities' seedy parts.
Metropolis and its inhabitants. What in
It also contains numerous dubious
Elysium would seem to be two young
bazaars, lending an eastern air to the
lovers locked in a passionate embrace,
place. There, with a little luck, the char-
here, in the Living City, are momentarily
acters may pick up strange artifacts or
turned into two cannibals greedily
useful information. The bazaars are very
munching on each others faces. The
different from the rest of the Living City.
merchandise of our world's fruit stalls
Wailing police sirens and crackling Uzis
here are changed to severed babies'
slowly fade, giving into the eager shouts
heads dripping with blood. The
of a market crier or the anticipating
hideously transformed appearance of a
buzz of a crowd gathering around a
traffic policeman will sometimes sud-
street juggler or mime. Every now and
denly cause multiple collisions.
then you even catch people smiling,
After a while, the conditions are
although it is probably from falsehood
reversed, and the characters are unable
or greed. The characters hardly need to
to register anything out of their closest
worry about how to make connections,
surroundings. A mass killing across the
the problem is rather how to meet
street seems distant and irrelevant to
someone undisturbed. At the bazaar,
them, and the police helicopter's threat
anything and anyone can be bought.
to machine-gun a traffic jam unless it
The most valuable item is information,
clears up is hardly noteworthy.
which they desperately need, and will
The average inhabitants of the
soon be hearing offers right and left.
Living City compare to a harrowed,
There is no trouble finding well-main-
weary-eyed flock of lemmings pushing
tained weapons of every kind and age,
along endless streets of dead or dying
--~~~~----------------- ....
even future ones, The weapons are all its hammering machines, seems strange-
modified with organic features: the trig- ly desolate. The more humanoid inhabi-
ger may be a tongue, or when you look tants can be seen slinking into the tall
down the barrel, the barrel's eye may be factories in the early morning, to creep
looking back at you! back from their long shadows in the late
Most merchandise is weapons or afternoons. But you won't see much of
drugs, but the bazaar also trades in sex them during a tour of the premises,
and slaves. where most workers are lost in the
smoke and darkness. Deals which can't
Yasivar looks
like a twelve-year- T r e. .c h T o ~ bear the light of day go down in the
old Arabian boy, friendly shadow of a towering crane.
but in truth is 180
The slum gradually merges into
Stolen property is loaded or unloaded at
years old. He has Trench Town, part of the living City
the orders of brutal men with Uzi's.
escaped death by that can be reached from most cities of
changing bodies
Many deals involve the Mafia, and are
the Southern hemisphere. If possible,
every time it was often settled with gunfire. The charac-
life is even harder here. Death squads
his turn to be ters' safety could profit greatly from the
eradicated. He has and infectious disease both come to call
following spoils.
f'ound a hiding- at the small corrugated metal and card-
place in the bazaar board shacks, and the physically trans- I:I:I-cIde. .-.-s
to avoid the dread formed, almost savage inhabitants give
Chronites of the
literal meaning to the expression 'eat or THE HOMELESS
Clockworks, who are
be eaten.' A harsh, sickly-sweet smell The Bag Lady, who knows her place
constantly nipping
at his heels. He emanates from the garbage, the excre- in Elysium and does not bother people
tries to sell ciga- ment and body parts mixing with the of substance, here is a terrible pest who
rettes and offers
mud in the streets to breed fat, glisten- will fight the characters over a couple
his services as a of recyclable beer cans which she
guide to the char- ing green flies.
acters. He is an
trunks they have cheated her on. She
excellent guide,
Tl1e G-8J:r~e grows openly hostile, grumbling about,
but demands payment ~. . . . .p 'The youth of today My cans... no
in living flesh. If On the outskirts of tlllS capital city proper upbringing have to EAT, don't
he is tricked, he
of slavery and degradation lies the I?!?!' Suddenly, she grabs a lead pipe
will not hesitate
to lead the charac- garbage dump. Here, the grossly from the junk in her shopping cart and
ters into a trap. deformed inhabitants - kicking, fight- attacks the characters. The characters
ing, even eating each other - look only can:
vaguely human. The children born to - flee, followed by curses, bricks, and
this place compare more to animals non-recyclable beer bottles.
than humans, ruru1ing on all fours and - try to bargain with her; fail, and be
making pig-like noises over the vast attacked by the old woman along with
expanse of trash. Every now and then a howling mob of her fellow sufferers,
the visiting characters will also confront who, despite their frailty, can inflict
the compostats: creatures of garbage serious injuries on the characters with
who dwell deep within the mountain of their crutches, broken bottles, and
waste. sharpened screwdrivers.
- take the easy, violent way out, and sim-
ply shoot the unruly old lady. Then,
The industrial site is a vast flatland her brethren ( statistics according to
of steel and concrete, wruch in spite of weak Metropolis standards) rush out

44 ~
- -
screaming, drag her body to one side will later take them to the infernal
and divide the meat. If the characters chaos which they call their station for
misinterpret their screams and shoot cross-examination. The characters
into the mob, it only means more food know nothing about the incident they
for the survivors. are being questioned about, and are
therefore assumed to be guilty. But,
THE POLICE finally, they are cleared of the charge
As the characters dig deeper into and set free - the police, however,
the slum of the Living City, they are keeping all their money and valuables.
increasingly aware of the fact that every- If the characters were carrying
thing is very wrong. Grotesque gar- weapons, these will, oddly enough, be
goyles seem to be sitting uncommonly returned: probably because they are
low on the housefronts, and in strangely infinitely inferior to the police's own
casual positions. They have pieces of weapons. The long wait for their
cloth and meat stuck between the teeth
I cross-examination will be spent in a
of their gaping jaws. Some of the drain- foul-smelling cell where the characters
pipes are gushing blood, and an iron might possibly pick up some interest-
gate is crowned with rotting human ing information.
heads: 'Beware!' Shop signs have been
subtly changed to look anything but THE PUB
inviting. People move in fits and starts, The characters find a pub which in
hunched-up and nervous, terrified of spite of its decrepit exterior seems to be
any coming vehicle that might be the open, and they enter it for a drink and a
omnipotent, well-armed and paranoid bite to eat. If they have any cause for
police force. Soon enough, the charac- suspicion (i. e. they know that they are
ters hear wailing sirens, accompanied in a strange world) the characters will
by sporadic gunfire which they had pre- notice that all the other guests look ner-
viously discounted as a stick-up or drug vous and peculiar, though not alarming-
deal gone sour. Even if they duck into ly so. They feel no more threatened
the nearest alley, the characters will still than they might by any locals who mis-
be picked out by the enormous police trust strangers. Then, the menu
van's search lights. They hear a number comes ...
of safetys click off and a frenzied voice
comes through a loudspeaker crackling
The characters have entered one of
with distortion. It tells them to drop all
Metropolis' seedy, stinking back streets,
weapons immediately, while the red
where people regard them with poorly
dots of laser-sights play on the charac-
disguised hunger in their eyes.
ters bodies. Then:
Toothless oldtimers lick their gums,
- the policemen (statistics according to starving street people finger their carv-
strong Metropolis standards) try to ing knives, and the street quickly takes
force the characters into the van, on an atmosphere of complete hostility.
where they proceed to manhandle, At last, a wall of malnourished peo-
rob and strip them. The characters are ple armed with simple weapons forms
finally left for dead in a ditch outside between the characters and the com-
Trench Town. parative safety of the wider streets. The
- the policemen approach the charac- grey-faced cannibals are just about to
ters with handcuffs and leg-irons, and tear and devour the characters, when a


mother compostat noisily approaches. against her EGO to withstand the order
Instantly, the man-eating derelicts flee in to throw themselves into the grinding
blind terror of the insatiable semi-organ- teeth of her incinerator.
ic creature, knowing that the grossly
deformed compostats following in the
The characters have ended up in
wake of their mother creature will clean
Trench Town. There is very little traffic
the street of everything - including the
in the filthy mess of the streets - main-
pedestrians. The compostats are trigger-
ly because of the heavily armed terror-
happy, extremely aggressive, and
ists, pushers, and sex offenders who
absolutely death-defying in battle as
rule the territory. Most shacks wear
they know that the mother compostat
traces of recent gunfire or arson, and
will provide them with a safe home in
from within them come screams of pain
the event of death. If the characters
and shouts of lust as well as a few spine-
manage to gun them down, the mother
chilling death howls. If the shacks have
compostat will try to entice them tele-
windows, their panes are almost cer-
pathically to become her new sym-
tainly broken, and the few still intact are
biotes, and the characters must roll
spattered brown with coagulated blood.
against her EGO to withstand it. If they
Passing a comparatively unharmed
fail, the characters will have free trans-
house, the characters hear a chainsaw
portation on board the mother compo-
start. Then comes a terrible drawn-out
stat, but they must constantly feed her.
shriek and the window is splattered
Failing this, they must once again roll
with blood. Garbage cans as well as
buildings are frequently set on fire,
and suddenly the characters must
dive out of the street to avoid con-
tact with a thundering armored
police vehicle. Should the charac-
ters choose to delve into the chain-
saw incident, they will confront a
frightening, macabre sight in the
above-mentioned house: four men
grinning mockingly, covered in
blood from head to foot, stand
around the mangled remains of
their victim. He was chained to the
wall, where his arms still hang,
while their severed owner writhes ,
screaming silently, in a growing
pool of blood. Just as the charac-
ters enter the shack, the man with
the chainsaw is expertly plowing a
furrow in his victim's thigh.
Hearing the intruders enter, he
spins around and severs the entire
leg. The four men waste no time
on words; the characters must kill
them or run, that is all. The victim
may, if the GM wishes, have something he will tell them that there is only one
of interest to tell. way and that he has a map of it, which
he is willing to give away in return for a
THE FATEFUL MAP favor. The favor consists of putting an
The characters enter a cellar which
end to the miserable life he is forced to
is dimly lit by candles and reeks of
l,ead with his servilians. He explains that
incense and mold. An elderly man with
those loathsome apish creatures have
friendly features is comfortably seated
kept him a prisoner in the cellar for
behind a old rusty steel table. Along the
ages, and that they will never leave him
walls, barely visible in the flickering
unless he dies. The characters can:
candle light, sit some apelike creatures,
- shoot the man; who will collapse with
the so-called servilians. The old man
a cackling laugh, saying that there is
kindly invites the characters to share his
no map. Then, the apish creatures will
meal, and magnanimously offers to help
attack without mercy.
them solve their problems. The food is
excellent, and their host ass~res them - politely refuse; in which case their
that he knows just the way to get wher- host, purple with anger, starts scream-
ever the characters might want to go. If ing profanities, telling them to get out
the characters press for an explanation, before he kills them.

The Ruins are a desolate wilderness site, while the canvas of the scaffolds
which includes wrecking yards, indus- flaps like broken sails in the moaning
trial and construction sites, harbors and wind.
a vast expanse of ruins. The impression Parts of the area look like the war-
of emptiness is exaggerated by the fact torn cityscape of Beirut or Sarajevo,
that everything seems to have been where some buildings have collapsed
abandoned in a hurry. The light is still completely, while vain attempts have
on in the little office building at the car been made to rebuild others. Exploding
dump, a large container still swings grenades and the dry rattle of machine-
creakingly from a tall harbour crane. guns are commonly heard, but always at
The fluorescent tube is sputtering its a distance. Scattered remnants of
last over the half-drunk cups of coffee ancient buildings and old city walls sug-
in one of the shacks on a construction gest that there were once prouder and

. . . ~'$
-. . ~.
... "',: .~. '~d'VN .,' .~,!- ._.~ .
. ~.- '+-- ".

Juha crouched in the better times. Far inside the colonnades bombs, falling ruins and collapsing
shallow ditch across the you might spot some threadbare bums buildings.
street. A machine gun by the flickering light of their camp- Other areas are connected by
coughed from the tallest fires, but this is probably as close as the bombed-out highways and falling
building in the vicinity.
characters will ever get to the inhabi- bridges, or divided by barbed wire,
Fresh bodies lay strewn
around the street, but he
tants of these parts. Other humans (for mine fields and stretches of no man's
couldn't reach them. example failed adventurers) have left land, where battles rage from muddy
When he reached the safe- plenty of traces - from which the char- trenches. Apart from creatures of
ty of the concrete wall, he acters might make useful additions to Metropolis origin, such as the wolven
sat down. Juha knew he their equipment. Scavengers search the and the ferocco, the characters will also
would have to wait out the ruins, alone or in small groups, hoping encounter twisted versions of soldiers
sniper or die. He dug out to find a profitable corpse, but as a rule of every war known to mankind. All
three pills, swallowed
they will refrain from attacking the have the same ambition: to conquer or
them, and washed them
down with a shot of characters. The creatures in this part of die. These troops are accompanied by
Yugoslavian vodka. the Ruins are usually perceived as fleet- savage Einsatzers, the sworn enemies of
He thought about the ing shadows, a rustle on the gravel, and all living things. The Ruins also accom-
video with the rape scene, then, sudden deadly attack! modate Salvadorian death squads, the
the one Matts and he used The characters may also be exposed private legions of Colombian drug lords,
to watch in slow motion all to ruins like Berlin in 1945, in which the Sicilian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, all
day long. Four blond, the whole city has been ground down in different states of derangement.
Nordic men in UN uni-
over stinking corpses into undulating Having arrived in Metropolis by one
forms sadistically defiled
young, brittle, Moslem
fields of stone and concrete. Streets are means or another, these soldiers imme-
girls. But Juha didn't need no more, and travel is made more diffi- diately staked out a territory, which
to see the video. It was cult by frequent cave-ins, giant bomb they have been defending and viciously
enough to close his eyes craters, and most of all by still frequent trying to expand ever since. They are
to feel and hear it all again. battles. In certain places the landscape organized into autonomous warring
He'd had the leading role. changes from heaped rubble to a sooty enclaves with feudal or utopian-socialis-
Juha read a book he black desert in which the occasional tic structures focused exclusively on
had found: Laterna carbonized house points its accusing combat. These groups care little for
Magica. 'If I had given the
City shape in my dreams, timbers at the leaden sky. On the out- land itself. War is its own reward to
the Town that does not skirts of the stone ruins lie huge them. The other inhabitants live like
exist and yet manifests garbage dumps where gargantuan com- urban hunter-gatherers to whom every
itself in sight, sound and postats hide beneath the deep trash, stranger poses a deadly threat. No one
smell, if I had given it and where the other inhabitants are wants to share what little can be found,
shape I would have moved often seen fighting over what little that and the best defense is offense.
through it with impunity can still be used or eaten. The charac-
and domiciliary rights, and ters could also visit car graveyards
brought the viewer to a
foreign yet secretly famil-
where lost souls fight tooth and nail to THE MONOLITHS
iar world'. You're almost defend a makeshift home in a wrecked Randomly scattered in the wilder-
there, thought Juha. Buick. They see radioactive zones, and ness of ruins, about a mile apart, are
Almost. .. desolate salt deserts where the inhabi- sculptured monoliths, which are dull
tants are engaged in inexplicable tribal black and about 35 feet tall. A peculiar
wars which date back to the days of sweet smell emanates from them. If the
their long forgotten civilizations. In characters look closely enough (scoring
these parts of the Ruins, where aggr~s­ a PER roll) they can make out human
sion is ever-present, death cries pierce forms with agonized faces in the intri-
the constant rumble of exploding cately carved relief. The monoliths

seem to have grown up out of a sticky tures are very protective of their territo-
black material in the ground, rather like ry ...
carbonized wood. They are stickiest
near the top, and grow less so further
The characters feel tremors in the
down. The sweet smell is slightly anaes-
earth, like a rhythmical series of minor
thetic and will cause unconsciousness
earthquakes. If any of them scores on a
in about an hour's time (throw END,
PER roll, he will hear a faint chanting
END -1, END -2, etc. every twenty min-
coming from a small open space up
utes). When put to sleep, the character
ahead. If the PER throw has been
is grasped by 1D6 outgrowths (STR
uncommonly successful, the character
2D6+6) and slowly hauled into the
in question will also understand that the
monolith (lD4 meters / hour) to be
tremors emanate from this place.
merged with it (an extremely painful
(The characters have no way of
process which lasts about 24 hours).
knOWing it, but some of the natural dis-
The characters who are lucky with their
asters of Elysium are created in the
PER rolls can help their afflicted friends
Ruins of Metropolis. In the open space
by matching STR with the monolith.
in front of them a ragamuffin crowd is
MELTING STREET at work whipping up an earthquake in
Walking down a street the charac- the part of Elysium which we know as
ters feel the ground getting hotter and southeast Turkey. The faint tremors that
hotter under their feet. Finally, it the characters perceived were the faint
becomes unbearable and they must find echoes of the preliminary quakes in our
refuge. They see that the melting tar- own world. By their strange rituals
mac is mixed with streams of lava ooz- these creatures can create an earth-
ing from deep within the earth. The quake which brings them human beings
melting process spreads and gradually to eat. These people are later believed
extends over an entire block. The char- to have been swallowed up by the earth
acters must act accordingly, moving in the Elysium catastrophe.)
through the ruins without touching the Twenty-four shaggy derelicts are lost
ground. Eventually, several buildings are in a trance, dancing around a stone altar
undermined and cave in, but the melt- in the square's center. They each carry a
ing process continues. The melted ten-foot shaft that looks like stone
streets assume a dull black color and which is covered from top to bottom
will never be entirely stable again, and
the softened street surface now has
with magical symbols and intricate
runes. The same runes and symbols are
~ ...

spots which are like bottomless pits of recreated in larger characters on the ::'.
quicksand. four wooden pillars supporting a roof ,<

over the stone altar. The dancers are cir-

THERAZOTHS cling the altar, chanting in rhythm while
Sooner or later the characters must driving their stone shafts with uncanny
duck for cover from a deadly troop of
precision into twenty-four holes in the
soldiers. They will find that they have
ground. This explains the earlier
just jumped out of the frying pan and tremors. The altar is shrouded with a
into the fire. It so happens that the rela-
cloud of images showing terrible visions
tively intact cellar that they sheltered in of the Elysium disaster area. Behind the
is inhabited by a colony of razoths fluttering screen of rags hanging from
(numbers: PC+D6) - and these crea-
the altar's roof sits a creature which at a

-Eit\ n~J?l=.~ . ... ~-&ff~ ~ ----->- }f.-~~_

.~-~~~~ -~;7
quick glance resembles a tree. But, isolated as they are, they sud-
As the building of fireman with a smoke hel- denly hear the rattle of weapons, troops
Metropolis neared met. Scoring a PER roll, assembling and tanks being deployed.
completion, their however, the characters Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. Artillery
hate had grown so will see that the helmet is fire mixes with the swish of arrow vol-
strong that they did really an armored skull, and leys; then comes a thunderous stam-
not hesitate to seek the gas mask is the crea- pede of infantry. The characters find
Astaroth, the Dark ture's fanged snout. themselves caught in an infernal chaos
twin of their Lord. Characters who can see the of fighting men. Gradually becoming
In his cold kingdom, creature's true features will visible through the smoke, they appear
Inferno, Astaroth also perceive its powerful to have come from all wars in military
performed a bloody magical aura, and must con- history. The soldiers can neither see nor
and unholy rite, sac- sequently throw for EGO. hurt the characters, at least not physi-
rificing his left The shaman creature, cally. However, they are all perfect
ring finger, from duplicates of the characters themselves.
which is chanting some-
which the Temptress
thing in an odd and incom- They keep killing each other in the
sprang. The Archons
prehensible language, sud- most frightful, protracted ways, scream-
returned to
denly reaches its clawed fin- ing, whining, moaning, cursing, over
Metropolis to bide
gers down into the altar and over again. All troops are under the
their time, but no
which seems to be a large, command of callous Einsatzers. The
longer dared to face
the eyes of their elevated tub. As the twenty- characters could:
Lord. four dancers drive their - take active part in the battle, in which
shafts into the ground one case they must kill their own dupli-
So the Temptress last time, it quickly empties cates and will be badly traumatized
ensnared the Demiurge the tub of D4+4 screaming (the characters receive a new disad-
in her web and
and bleeding human beings. vantage) with, for instance, necropho-
obscured his senses
The creature proceeds to bia or death wish, or according to the
with pretty speech
cut their throats and then GM's choice.
and sweet lies. Soon
throw the dying, jerking - kill the Einsatzers, in which case their
he was entirely in
bodies back into the altar, shadow replicas will be liberated and
her power and fol-
lowed her slightest which quickly fills with dissolve.
whim, and no longer their blood. The shaman
and the dancers jump at EINSATZER
did he have eyes for
this food like starving ani- The characters are suddenly trans-
his Creation. This
mals, shredding the warm ported from the ruins to a wide open
was the beginning of
the end for Mankind. quivering bodies with their space where they are met by a group of
claws and teeth - and the Einsatzers.' These are forcing hundreds
characters must each score of innocents, threatening them with
on an EGO roll to refrain automatic weapons, to walk side by
Extract from Aguirre's
from crying out in terror or exposing side across the field, which is mined.
Genesis (Inner Cosmos
Publications, 1971) themselves otherwise. The Einsatzers then see the characters,
ALL-OUT WAR - force them to join the people in the
The characters are in the scorched
minefield, which will mean certain
wastelands. No matter which way they
turn, they can't see a living thing: only
- receive them as brothers, offering the
the desolate black desert, peppered
characters ten or so prisoners to 'play'
here and there with a lonely carbonized


-_ ~-t·-
~ ~_cc - --
. .r. . . • ...- - -• -'-
_.- " -~.'-
with (Le. to mow down). If the charac- ARTILLERY BARRAGE
ters refuse, the ruthless creatures will A chilling chorus of shrieks wails
insist, until they finally give up on the overhead, and suddenly the ground is
characters' suitability and court-mar- exploding all around the characters,
tial them instead. throwing up giant cascades of dirt,
- ignore the characters. stone and blood. The characters have
not yet figured out that they have been
THE HUNTER caught in ~he middle of an artillery bar-
One of the characters suddenly
rage. The characters who fail to throw
hears rapid footsteps in the gravel
PER in time to cover their ears will only
behind him. Turning, he finds nobody
hear the first explosions. Then, their
there. This is repeated a couple of
ear-drums burst, and they can only feel 'I have drunk a wine of
times, until the characters have had
the shock waves. Blood comes trickling snow / II love a woman
enough. They sneak back to settle it
from their ears, and they may have their of snow... You spew!
once and for all. And then:
hearing permanently impaired. Looking file sweat under the
- they are attacked by the Hunter, who down the avenue of destruction, they tits of a soldier's whore
captures and questions them. see straight lines of bomb craters run- iS,more manly than
- they manage to take the Hunter by sur- ning on either side of them, stretching you! Wretch! Give me
prise. out towards the horizon in a series of one good reason I
- the Hunter strikes from a concealed new explosions. Close in their wake shouldn',t use you as a
vantage point. comes the infantry, driven on the by the whore for my pit bull!
- the Hunter has already lost interest in ever bloodthirsty Einsatzers, wearing a The strokes o[ love
the characters and left. stink of death and decay like a nimbus have abated and they
The Hunter is a former soldier of of contempt for all living things. now sleep / but their
the French Foreign Legion (statistics of The infantry men are armed with secrets meet / as when
strong Metropolis standards) who Mauser rifles, but make up for their old, two colorsmeet and
ended up in Metropolis while on a mis- clumsy weapons with ferocious aggres- , flow togethe{,.'- In
sion in Tchad. He has wandered the siveness. They will strike when within ~
., Algeria,
at night,we'd
"'I __ .....

Ruins as a lone survivalist ever since. He ten yards of the characters. .. slaughter Arab swine
For a denouement, the GM could with, our knives to save
talks very fast, intensely, almost as if
choose to have it all fade away, like a ammuriilion and time,
possessed, mixing angered outbursts of
obscene profanities with disassociated bad dream, the characters having sus- ,
heh-heh. ....
F--ing c-t!
fragments of gloom-and-doom poetry tained no worse injuries than the burst
The Hunter's Monologue
and even a few scattered lines about eardrums. Or, if the GM would rather ~.\

blissful love. He is at his most eloquent
while fighting. He is extremely para-
noid, and whatever the characters say,
play out the incident, the characters
could take refuge in a bomb crater.
Blood will start to seep from the bot-

there is always a 30% chance that he tom. Soon there is a spurting fountain
will interpret it as hostility. If the char- of blood filling the crater. Unless the
acters understand this, and act accord- characters leave it quickly, they must
ingly, the Hunter could become an start treading the blood as if it were

invaluable ally in the deadly Ruins. water. Then, one of them feels some-
Otherwise he himself becomes as dead- thing grabbing his leg ...
ly. The hunter under no circumstances

may be made to leave the Ruins. (I

Suddenly, the players are seized , '. ~

with unquenchable hunger or thirst. ~

• •
l "'\

I II • "
Unless they score on an EGO roll, they SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE
are soon unable to think of anything but The houses of the street which the
how to satisfy it. Alas, it can not be characters are walking down suddenly
sated by any food or drink available, and burst into flame. The characters are
the characters are driven away, half caught in a burning inferno from which
crazy, to look for more water or an edi- there is only one way out. They must
ble creature. If the players have been score an AGL roll to avoid being sucked
stuck with a problem or a situation for into the blazing inferno, and an END
too long, this could be a good way to roll to keep from suffocating.
get them moving again. After some aim-
less roving to satisfy their hunger, the
The characters stand at the foot of a
GM can get them off to a fresh start in
tall pillar that supports a cable. A few
the scenario.
hundred yards away, the cable disap-
PERSECUTED pears into a mysterious mist. If the char-
The characters have made it to the acters climb the pillar, an old tarnished
outskirts of an hellish war zone. They cable car comes creaking down the line
are just starting to unwind, thinking to stop at their feet. Inside the car, the
about their next step, when they dis- characters face a terrible sight: the walls
cover a group of Einsatzers, stalking the are covered with blood and excrement,
grounds and killing all survivors. In true and the seats and floor are littered with
predator fashion, they begin with the pieces of torn clothing and tufts of hair.
easiest prey, and if any of the characters The stainless steel exterior and plexi-
is wounded these savage creatures can glass windows are clawed and scraped
instantly pick up the scent of his with ominous occult symbols, and there
blood ... seems to have been abortive attempts to
write something in blood. If the charac-
ters can brave the sight and smell, the
cableway car will take them back to
Elysium, to a long abandoned and
defunct elevator in the Oslobodenje
building in Sarajevo. Intense suffering in
the war-torn city has torn a rip in the
, Illusion, paradoxically enough at the
Oslobodenje, the newspaper which has
beco'me a worldwide symbol of hope.
The teat is a one-way street, leading
only from Metropolis to Sarajevo.
The characters have ended up in
the civil war of the former Yugoslavia.
Roll a D20 every five minutes, and if
.. .. numbers 1 or 2 come up, a sniper, using
a Dragonov Sniper's rifle FV 12, has dis-
covered them. The atmosphere in
Sarajevo is tense with fear. The GM
should use any convenient crisis (as for
instance, the bombing of a bread line)

52 ~~~
to send the characters back to the Ruins THE TARMAC SWAMP
of Metropolis. If you think that the char- The street grows soft under the
acters have stayed there long enough, characters' feet, and a nauseating stench
you could continue the adventure in like rotten eggs overwhelms them.
our world by having the characters Gently rocking, the street slowly dis-
grease some palms to bribe their way solves into a stinking swamp, leaving
onto a UN flight out of Sarajevo. only a few patches of intact tarmac to
walk on. Circles appear on the swamp's
surface, followed by a cluster of bub-
The tarmac road on which the char-
bles, which, bursting in a leisurely fash-
acters are travelling suddenly opens up
ion, prove to be filled with gas. A path
onto a vast, even surface as slippery as
of spinning cogwheels appears, rising
ice. It turns out to be a giant disc of
out of the marsh, only to sink back
green marble. If they have been riding
again. Then the street gradually resumes
in any kind of vehicle, the driver must
its old form, and the characters may
score Drive Car with a +5 modification
travel on.
to avoid a skidding and crashing. If not,
the characters must achieve an AGL roll THE FAIRY RING
every ten yards to keep on their feet. If Ahead of the characters on the cob-
the characters examine the surface, bled street is a macabre ring of human
they will discover a subtle yellow heads. The heads, which look as if
pattern of queer, interweav- they have been scorched by
ing spirals, converging (-1'\-
a blowtorch, alternately
at the disc's centre. tf..,e t.e~-1'\--1'\-~&, tf..-e
beg for mercy and
D~ ~ Me4cjo-Ow.
The detail of the pray for help. If the
AM ~ WM- ~ ~ J.M-
pattern is so fine e.f..ate, wtJ.. ~ ~ eve-!. tf..-e characters try to
that the charac- ~, wtJ.. tf..-e ~ et tf..-e D~ dig one of the
ters must use a tf.,oc.1d at.ove 4. AM tf..-e D~ uU.J: heads of the
magnifying glass {...J So tf..-e D~ p.4 M<M-.- Vh M ~ street, they dis- The text on the
to determine te t.MU ~ <:aM: ~ tf..-e Ci4 ~ ~. (... J marble disc.
AM Ma+.- WM- M- tf..-e D~, wtJ.. tf..-e cover that it
that it is actually D~ WM- M- Ma+.-, ~ all. WM- &C0J... grows from a
a written text. (.. .) B..t tf..-e D~ WM- ~ Vh tf..-e green, foul-
Any character wet.. et tf..-e T~ ~ ~ te ~ smelling, pulsating
who studies the M<M-.- -imtc ~ ~ M~, pupae. The pupae
text (and scores on te ~, tf..-e ~ 1Mt bursts, spilling a
an EGO roll), will filthy mess of
make out some or all of gore,white worms, and a
its meaning. If he achieves a darkish pulsating mass onto the
Very Good or better EGO effect, the GM street. There it settles in small stinking
reads them all of the text; in case of a puddles in between the cobbled stones.
Good or Normal effect every second The other heads instantly stop talking.
word is skipped, and of an Acceptable They shoot their long, split bluish
effect every third word. In case of a Bad tongues out into the mess. The tongues
effect, the GM reads them every third clash and twist around each other,
word. (If the GM thinks that the players eagerly trying to get the best parts. All
should not be informed about the world this time the mouths are squealing inar-
in which their characters live, he should ticulately. From the now almost empty
skip this part altogether.)

... "--cev-~. .. ~".$ ..
. I"'~
'. . . '. .
--' - .. --=' .. _.,
- -
pupae emerges a pair of chubby baby's from their rations. They are always
limbs, followed by its body. The head is grateful for news or gossip from home,
malformed, having neither nose nor in exchange for which they will pass on
mouth. Instead of a throat, it has an helpful hints on how to survive in the
open hole through which it breathes, Ruins. But there is very little to eat in
and behind the gory eye-sockets you this part of the world, and the platoon
glimpse a cluster of brain fibre with has already had to sacrifice several men
lumps of tissue jerking spasmodically. to feed the others. A careless stranger
always runs the risk of ending up on the
LIEUTENANT DIDEROT mess-table, although Lieutenant Diderot
Lieutenant Diderot commands a is trying desperately to keep up the
1916 French platoon of seveteen shattered morale of his men.
infantry soldiers which were lost in the
trenches of Verdun, following a German PIER 38
artillery attack, and ended up in Pier 38 is a mile-long structure of
Metropolis. Ever since, they have been cracked concrete, jutting out into the
fighting to survive in this even grimmer desolate harbour of a dark and oily sea.
world. The constant battle and danger A thick fog blurs the silhouettes of giant
have hardened the men into callous tankers, tall cranes and towering steel
killing machines, who have long given constructions creaking in the cold wind
up hope of ever seeing their families from the open sea. The sharp smell of
again. The slightly deranged Lieutenant noxious chemicals combines with rot-
Diderot, however, is working on a plan ting algae and the smoke of sputtering
to bring his men back home from this fires. Sometimes the silence is broken
hostile wasteland. His plan involves a by a wailing foghorn, a bird's coarse cry,
sudden attack on the giant black palace or the brief, sharp rattle of gunfire.
which looms on the horizon whenever At the far end of the pier stands a
the battle is at its fiercest. The platoon tall lighthouse. There lives the grue-
Excerpt of volun-
teer LSD experi- " I
is always on the alert and is most suspi- some creature known to the dock
men! cross-exam- cious of strangers. The soldiers can, dwellers as 'the Watchman.' From the
ination report, however, be won over with liquor, lighthouse this creature sends out false
CDC,1969 • chocolate, cigarettes, or other such signals which attracts ships to run
things which have long been absent aground on the harbour's shallow reef
Ui £ ( hidden by the dark waters. When it suc-
ceeds, the Watchman invites the surviv-
Cross-examination Report
ing crew to the lighthouse, where they
'I stood in a smoldering landscape of are killed 'for use either as food or
ruins. I saw whole blocks on fire, but undead slaves, or as sacrifices to the
COUldn't hear a sound. It was like a silent Black Madonna. The lighthouse is
movie. Then came the sound. Roaring blazes, equipped with sophisticated technolo-
machine-gun fire, explosions. There was not gy, and the Watchman's signals can
only noise, but a stench. It stank terri- reach Elysium, Inferno and Limbo, and,
bly. The stench of dead bodies. Then I saw perhaps, a score of other alternate reali-
them little children laughing My God, ties which we have yet to discover. The
they laughed, laughed and danced around the sea beyond the harbor borders on many
poor crucified bastards, who burned and worlds, and a ship whose planned desti-
howled And Oh God, they tore them to nation is the Persian Gulf may well end
, 0
shreds fought for the pieces like animals up in the Primal Sea of Metropolis.
They at e them up ,

Volunteer soldier following LSD experi-

ment, U.S. Medical Corps.
Excerpt from Arcanum Metropolii. ing waves, swim in the foul oils of the
The characters are feeling their way slowly floating water. Where squatting
through dilapidated subway tunnels, forms sit around small campfires, their
sparsely lit by a few flickering lamps malformed bodies never seen closely - 'A maze of tun-
and the occasional sparks which fly or if they were, it would be the last nels, holes and
from short-circuited couplings and thing the characters ever saw in their huge caverns,
loose cables. Without warning, the tun- lives. These waters, thick with excre- both natural and
nel fills with blinding lights and spine- ment and floating body parts, is the artificial. An
chilling wails, as a Metromorte comes Fekkiizers' mating place: a place which abode of
thundering down the warped tracks. no one in his right mind would willingly death -living
Tunnel dwellers struck by the vicious enter. death'
jaws or whipping tail of a Metromorte The Underground also contains vast
train are unceremoniously dragged into echoing caves where towering stacks of Extract from Arcanum Metropoli
side tunnels or other hidden recesses to leaking canisters of radioactive waste
be devoured by their surviving neigh- stand dripping with poisonous liquids,
bors. The inevitable fight over leftovers reaching for a ceiling which would
is sometimes carried on for so long that escape even the strongest beacon. The
the combatants fall prey to the next creatures of these caves have been so
Metromorte. At the most irregular inter- radically transformed that it would be a
vals, the tunnels open onto seemingly lie to call them human - although they
endless platforms, where the walls, cov- were probably born as such. These
ered by a disgusting sludge of fungus genetides, hateful and aggressive will
and sewer water, seem just about ready attack anything that moves. Catching a
to cave in. The stale, unventilated air trespasser, the genetides will wrap their
carries the atonal, arythmic sounds of a sticky tentacles around their victim,
deranged symphony performed by a who will then experience incredible
creature of mocking mien - a pain while the creature dissolves his
Harmonide - the Metropolis equiva- insides and drains him of all bodily flu-
lent of a busker. ids. The genetides, which do not eat but
The tunnels at any moment may sustain themselves on radiation, analyze
unexpectedly change into sewers drip- the prisoner's DNA, which they hope
ping with dampness, where strange elu- will help them mutate back into their
sive creatures, easily mistaken for surg- original human form. In Elysium, people
of sufficiently low mental balance can their brothers-in-arms. The Military Base
spot genetides in places of high back- - a space which they grudgingly share -
ground radiation, such as Three Mile is an immense complex of service and
Island, Sellafield, Tchernobyl, and some logistic tunnels converging at a missile
of the Pacific Islands. The genetides also silo. The five main tunnels interconnect
flay and dissect cancer patients, looking through a series of sub-tunnels, show-
for clues to their genetic heritage. ing the tell-tale signs of violent battle. In
The genetides have long been some places, the walls and floor have
involved in a bitter war against a race of holes dug out, opening on yet another
burnt-out, physically transformed sol- sub-system of tunnels, which is used for
diers from the American, Russian, ambushes. Scattered throughout the
French, Chinese and Indian armies. In tunnel system, seemingly at random, are
the 1950's and 60's, these soldiers were guard posts. Machineguns are triggered
used as guinea pigs to determine how by motion sensors, surveillance cam-
the human body is affected by the radia- eras, and surrounded by more or less
tion from atomic explosions. The pain automated minefields. Everything is tar-
and anxiety those men experienced nished, broken, or badly repaired, dirty,
many years later, when they lay dying of sooty, bloody, and in a state of decay.
cancer, threw them back in time to the The soldiers themselves, in spite of the
radioactive Underground of Metropolis. cadaverous discipline of the dreaded
There, they were transformed into the Commander-in-Chief, are little more
radiakks. Since then, some have started than a loose bunch of paranoid killers in
to transform into genetides. This has blood-covered rags. Discipline means
probably contributed to their bitter only that a large number of soldiers are
hatred of that race, representing to shot in the neck or crucified every day.
them their own fate. Soldiers from an Sporadic gunfire, death cries and deto-
American unit which contaminated the nations are heard from far off. The
countryside of Vietnam with Agent moans of a crucified soldier echo
Orange are the most transformed. Their through the dark tunnels. Here and
heads and arms have sprouted such a there lies a smouldering body caught by
rich vegetation of branching flesh that it a flamethrower. Then a motion sensor is
covers their helmets and weapons, activated, firing a round of bullets into a
which are now an integral part of their section of the tunnel.
bodies. These so-called agentii will Dreary, dark, narrow catacombs
attack the characters out of hateful envy where the unventilated air is pungent
for their normal bodies. with the smell of dirt and mold and rot-
The Metropolis Underground is a ting death: on such a land the City of
battlefield for all the subhuman soldiers the Dead was built. Most of the cata-
who have organized into rival clans combs are narrow passages between
fighting each other in riotous wars the grave chambers' niches, which
where yesterday's ally is today's enemy. seem to lead nowhere but deeper into
Sometimes they are united against the the catacombs. The tunnels are divided
genetides, in spite of their different and redivided into a hopeless tangling
interests and nationalities, under the chaos which could never be mapped.
leadership of their terrible Commander- But here and there, up the dusty stones
in-Chief. Even when fighting the com- of a narrow, winding staircase, you will
mon enemy, these men may turn against find the way to the City of the Dead.


,--~' '" - ,"- -
In the darkest depths are abandoned characters reach the crossing they still
tunnels, which could be of either feel the warmth from the campfire.
ancient or modern date. Mine shafts, Before they have time for further dis-
cold as ice, slowly turn into tunnels of coveries, they are attacked by D20 seek-
almost organic matter, bringing intesti- ers ...
nal canals uncomfortably close to mind. 'THE FEKKUZERS' LAIR
The slowly pulsating, swamp-like halls Far down in the stinking sewers of
open on the hatching nest of the the Underground, two tunnels converge
razides, its walls and ceiling of a gently in a lake of human waste. The thick liq-
flowing fluorescent leathery texture.
uid sludge is ringed by piles of rotting
Iu.-eIde. .-.s body parts and pale yellow bones:· This
is the Fekkiizers' mating place.
THE GENETIDES ATTACK These loathsome parasites can pos-
The characters are ambushed by D6
I sess individual parts of a human body
genetides, which try to snare ~hem in - arms, legs or head - and summon
their long, sticky tentacles. The gene- them down into this pool of sludge,
tides will fight to the death, or until where they begin their mating game.
they have caught D3 characters. In this The center of the lake becomes a stink-
case the fortunate ones will withdraw ing turmoil of frantically shaking limbs,
with their prey, while the other gene- sending out ripples in circles over the
tides delay the remaining characters. unclean surface to the shores. Here and
The only chance to save the captured there float body parts which have been
characters is to kill the genetide rear- discarded, and which will later merge
guard and free the prisoners within D6 with the growing embankments.
minutes before their captors have time The stench is so utterly abominable
to dissolve and drain their bodies. The even a hundred yards off that the char-
genetides who have snared their victims acters must score on an END roll to be
are too engrossed in this process to put able to continue. The END effect must
up resistance, but they must be killed then be upgraded by 1 for every twenti-
before the characters can be freed. eth step they take. If the GM scores 1-
THE TEMPLE OF 10 with a D20, a throw to be modified
with -1 for every twenty steps, the char-
The characters hear a monotonous acters are attacked by PC's numbers +
ID6 fekkiizers.
mumbling sound coming from around a .-..

corner of the winding sewers. The THE RAZIDES' NESTS ••

sound rises and falls with no correlation The characters have reached the far-
to the characters' progress, as if it came thest, darkest and most lifeless region of
from everywhere at once. Every now the Underground, which borders on
and then the characters glimpse a light Inferno. In this icy world of shadows
shining from the end of a tunnel, but it you might stumble into the hatching
has always gone out when they get nests of the razides. These are low-
there. Then, at a tunnel crossing about ceilinged, bare rooms, the floors knee-
twenty yards off, a group of ragamuffm deep with cloudy water, where the
shapes appears slowly circling a fire and black leathery eggs, glowing fluores-
chanting in rythym. The vision just as cently, lend the nests a spooky blueish
suddenly disappears, but when the tint. The eggs are faintly pulsing, the •
• • l '"

~ """'IIIIIIiII_
translucent shells each revealing a mov- darkness behind the dangling shreds of
ing embryo inside. The embryos will what was once a dirt wall. If the remain-
develop into larvae, a kind of black, ing characters wish to save their unfor-
wormlike creature which hunts in the tunate friends, they must match their
earth between our world and STR with that of the skeleton arms',
Metropolis. These will later develop which is 3D6+8. If the rescue succeeds,
into full-grown razides. the characters must fight their way
When the characters enter the nest, back. If it fails, the desperate screams of
D8 embryos react by bursting from their friends suddenly stop. There fol-
their shells to fly at the characters, and lows a sick, wet, smacking sound which
these ~re assisted by D6 larvae which is soon explained when the victims are
are hiding in the dirty water. Squealing thrown back, bone by bone, into the
high-pitched sounds pierce the charac- dark tunnel.
ters' ears, while mouths with razor-
sharp teeth lunge for their throats. The OPERATION OVUM
creatures will attack until the characters The characters find themselves in a
have been devoured, after which they giant cave, surrounded by hundreds of
turn on the weakest of their own soldiers who take no notice of them,
species, then finally stream out of the but continue to talk together in small
nest to hunt for new prey. If the charac- groups in low murmuring voices. Before
ters try to run, the creatures will follow the characters have time to examine
for D4 minutes and then give up. Please their strange surroundings or the pecu-
note that the larvae can pass straight liar disinterest of their new neighbors, a
through dead matter: only living organ- bald man, in his mid-fifties with a scro-
isms, such as the characters, will stop fulous face, marches swiftly up in front
them ... of the lounging troops, who leap to
their feet in stiff and breathless atten-
FUMBLING CORPSES tion. The last soldier on his feet receives
The dull mutter of distant voices a sharp blow from the newcomer's rid-
grows stronger as the characters make ing crop, drawing blood from his face.
their way through the catacombs. Still, not a word has been uttered. The
Finally, they are surrounded by a buzz bald man is a living parody of military
of conflicting voices in different lan- decoration. Except for numerous dark
guages spoken with increasing agita- stains, his uniform would fit right into
tion, and no visible source. Without any cheap operetta. His disfigured face
warning, 3D6+4 knotty skeleton hands and the l111disguised pleasure he takes
reach out for the characters from in meting o'ut punishment lends the
behind the surface of the suddenly pli- showy pomp of his uniform an air of
able dirt walls. ID6+6 grinning skulls singular repulsiveness.
press up against the membranous sur- The fearsome man delivers a short,
face, quickly withdraw and then reap- thunderous speech about the coming
pear, as if they were looking for some- glory on the battle field, and then dis-
thing. Suddenly, the surface bursts and, misses his troops with a contemptuous
fast as lightning, a multitude of skeleton wave of his hand, Within ten seconds
arms crash through grabbing for the every soldier is gone, and the characters

nearest character (D6 skeletons per PC). are left in the discomforting presence of
Those who cannot escape their chilly the Commander-in-Chief and a few
grip are brutally hauled back into the heavily armed members of his private

: ..•.....
. .
_..o*t'.'-.· ..1..... >

Guard. The Commander orders the If the characters accept, or pretend
characters to be at ease, and, in a to accept the mission, the psychotic
breathtakingly rapid gush of words, Commander-in-Chief will go through his
starts to brief them about an upcoming rambling incoherent briefing once
mission. His mental faculties - and his more:
mental balance - are extremely low, as 'Far below lie the remains of a
is evident not only because he mistakes dead civilization, the city of Ktonor.
the characters for his soldiers but from Your mission is to scout the terrain. If
the detached way in which he views his pOSSible, avoid all contact with any life
surroundings. During the briefing, he forms. Mission's object: to establish the
points to a bare stone wall, obviously military strength of such life forms, if
convinced that he is pointing at a map. any exist. Group leader to sign for nec-
The characters have no trouble recog- essary equipment from cache 14.
nizing the 'map' as scattered bits of Repeat!'
brain from a soldier at the Commander's .flny questions? Excellent.
feet - a soldier whose head has been Dismissed!'
blown to pieces. His tone of voice makes clear that
The Commander will not take no the Commander not only expects no
for an answer, and he will describe in questions from the characters, but
great detail the punishment should the would be furious should they really
characters refuse his mission. If the have the nerve to ask any. The place he
characters persist, in spite of his threats, speaks of is not really Ktonor. Unknown
their memories of the crucified soldiers to him or the characters, it is the hatch-
in the tunnels, and the four gun-laden, ing nest of the razides.
psychotic, smiling guards - all hell Having received their orders, the
breaks loose! His mouth becomes a characters are whisked away to the
fountain of splattering saliva, his sounds cache where they are equipped with
of his voice range from the snorts of a weapons and ammunition As soon as
raging bull to a hysterical falsetto, and they have signed for it, they are brought
he tears into the characters with his rid- to the tunnel wllich leads to the 'city of
ing-crop. Tllis is the last chance for the Ktonor.' The characters are given no
characters to change their nlinds, before time for questions or preparations. They
they make a lifelong enemy of the receive a curt 'Good luck' from the
Commander. If they still refuse the mis- Commander-in-Chief, before they are
sion, they are better off running, rather pushed into a gaping hole into the deep
than facing a fire-fight which they have unknown.
virtually no chance to survive. The They go down through a rough, nar-
Commander will send his men after row tunnel dug out during the clan
them, and they will pin the characters wars, which ends after a couple of hun-
between their ranks in a narrow section dred yards. A man-sized hole leads
of tunnel. An average PER roll will downward. Squeezing themselves
reveal a secret sub-tunnel hidden through the hole, the characters enter
behind a pile of oil drums. If they an altogether different kind of tunnel.
choose to make their escape through it, The walls, floor and ceiling are extreme- ...~}
they will unwittingly have just started
on the very mission they were trying to
ly clean and all surfaces meet at
absolute right angles. A chilly breeze

avoid. blows past the characters, up the slanti-

ng tunnel, sending a shiver down their The farther down the tunnel they
spines. If they try escaping the mission go, the colder it gets. Finally, the cold is
by taking the way upwards, they will almost unbearable. Whatever life they
reach a giant locked door, which they may have encountered on their way
can neither pick nor break, since it was down is gone now. The characters have
designed to thwart far greater powers an uneasy impression that nothing ever
than theirs. They have no choice but to changes down here. It is the end - utter
return back down, When they reach the death.
place where they entered, they find the Moving on, the characters become
man-sized hole blocked by an oil drum. aware that they must be approaching
Attempts to remove it will be unavail- some sort of life again. Still, the feeling
ing. There is only one way out. .. of a crushing fate pressing down on
their minds persists. They are approach-
Grail [gre'il] or [gra'al], of uncertain origin (poss.late latin ing organisms so rigidly controlled that
cratulis, drinking vessel), first appears in literature in Chretien they defy the very concept of life. They
de Troyes (q.v.) Conte Del Graal (ca. 1180). The tale concerns are approaching the hatching nests of
a precious if mysterious bowl, the G., to which many wonder- the razides.
ful qualities are attributed. It is uncertain whether Chretien If the characters are careful, they
himself invented the tale or if he culled the subject elsewhere may be able to sneak up undetected and
(possibly from an Oriental story). Robert de Baron's (early peek into a low, square room knee-deep
13th c., probably English) interpretation of the G. was decisive in muddy water. The room is full of
for all subsequent poets_ To his mind, the G. was the vessel in black eggs, 5-10 inches in diameter,
which Christ and his disciples had taken communion, and in which emit a strange light which lends
which Joseph of Aramathea caught the Savior's blood. the walls and ceiling a chilly blue hue
Joseph's brother-in-law Bron brought it to England. The hero
which is reflected in the water. The
Percival, who was designated as the keeper of the G. and in
black, leathery, semi-transparent shells
some poems ended up as Grail King, descended from the tribe
contain the vague moving forms of
of Bron. The G. was said to be kept on Monsalvat where it
embryos. At the far end of the room
was guarded as a miracle-working relic. The Grail novels were
gradually endowed with a new quality. The chivalrous spirit of stands a lone razide, its back to the
Chretien de Troyes was abandoned for a more ascetic direc- door, nursing the eggs. From a hole in
tion. Love was perceived as a temptation, and knights errant the center of the floor comes a pale
now sought the G., which only the most chaste and severe was light. To anyone who scores with a PER
worthy to have under his protection. In the Middle Ages, a roll, it also emits a faint, monotonous
whole series of poems to this effect appeared, notably the roaring sound, as if from distant motors.
prose novel La Queste du Graal (13th c.) and Wolfram, von The souO;d seems familiar, but the char-
Eschenbach's (q.v.) great symbolic/romantic epic Parsifal. acters can't quite place it. Any character
The story was most popular in England and even reached who hears it must succeed with an EGO
Iceland. A renowned adaptation to musical drama is Richard roll to resist being lulled by these
Wagner's Parsifal and Lohengrin. Familiar too is Tel1l1yson's domestic sounds.
Holy Grail (in Idylls of the King, 1869). In Sweden, Fl-oding's The eggs just inside the door have
poem Sagan om Gral is notable. Q.v. article on Briton novels; already been hatched. They look like
A. Nutt Studies on the Legend of the Holy Grail (1888); basketballs of black flesh which have
Newell The Legend of the Holy Grail (1902); L.E. Iselin Der burst from within: perhaps some recent
Morgenlandische Ursprung der Grallegende (1909); L. von visitor posed an irresistible temptation,
Schroeder Die Wurzeln der Sage vom Heiligen Gral (1910) which was promptly yielded to. A
and W. GoIther Parzifal in der Dichtung des Mittelalters und
stripped skeleton, barely discernible
der Neuzeit (1925). J.M.
through the foul water, would suggest
so. If the characters awaken the other
06 embryos, these will burst out of According to Christian tradition, the Grail
their shells to attack, assisted by 03 lar- was the chalice used by Christ at the last supper
vae which lurk beneath the water, and and in which Joseph of Aramathea collected his
finally also by the fully grown razide blood from the cross. The Greeks spoke of
nurse (see chapter 'Inferno' in Kult for a crater, the cup in which the matter of Creation
closer description of razides). If the was formed. The Sufi Moslems saw the chalice
characters lacked the foresight to requi-
as the. cup of Jarnshi, containing divine knowl-
sition a flamethrower from the
edge and inspiration. All these are exact and
Commander-in-Chief's cache, they had
better run. If they are discovered by the refer to the same chalice: The Holy Grail. In an
fully grown razide first, this increases incunabula that I stole from the Vatican library,
their chance of making a getaway. I found the following fragment: ' Grail was
Should they try to kill this creature sought by many a valiant man at the court of...
instead, it will bring the embryos and All were slain. Without this key to ... one of the
larvae into action within 06 C.R. seven... secrets not meant for mortals ... clam-
If the characters manage to destroy my womb under. .. the age-old city ... ' The sec-
all their foes, they may examine the
tion quoted in the book is Bliheris' now lost
nest. But they will experience severe
manuscript on the Grail. The text clearly indi-
unease: feelings both claustrophobic
and agoraphobic. While in inside the cates that the Grail is in the catacombs under
nest they must roll for EGO every other Rome. The authorities do not admit visitors due

minute to keep their nerve. to the risk of cave-ins, but hundreds of men
A staircase leads down from the work secretly underground for nights on end. I ....
,.. . ...,,"\-"
~ ~
hole in the floor's center. The feelings have myself been subjected to pressure, and ... ' ~ .. A.\n
of unease will yield to the light and : t:;~A. ~ ~~~.
, ..q~- \c•.~\~~I.
sounds coming from it, and the charac-
ters will feel a strange attraction to the
hole. A small triangular room awaits
effect can keep him from taking the
plunge. The third egg beats with a faint
and regular pulse.
:. Excerpt fr~m A·ndrej.
Dworkin's book 'The
- 1 .,l,'''oI't!/
~ L"
them at the bottom of the stairs. Here, The eggs are actually portals, but Holy Grail and the r ~
in each corner, stand three man-sized the one with the cup will not lead to Jewish·Bolshevik r: :-;
versions of the razides' eggs. One of the Elysium, but rather to Inferno! The puls- -Conspiracy. I
eggs emits the familiar sounds that can ing egg leads back to the Underground
now be identified as the noise of city of Metropolis, although to a higher
traffic. The room is illuminated by a level. Through the remaining egg, that .......
light which emanates from a golden cup of the traffic sounds, the characters will ,"\..
next to one of the silent eggs. enter a grave-vault beneath a church in
Approaching the cup, the characters a city of the GM's choice. All portals are • J:J
will experience a growing feeling of one-way streets.
security. Any character who lifts the If the characters decide to return to
cup will have a vision of the Last the cave and the Commander-in-Chief,
Communion. This ought to be food for the oil drum will still be blocking the
thought. The vision will also suggest hole leading upward. This time the
q.j~". ·.
that the three eggs are portals to other
worlds, and the character will be
strongly inclined to try the egg next to
the cup. Only an EGO roll of normal
characters can pierce the barrel, which
will soon drain and can be easily
moved. Returning to the base, they find
it deserted.


..,, ....iiiiiiiiii
The Labyrinth of Metropolis is a thing else of value to the characters.
crazy quilt of steel, glass and concrete The Labyrinth is a scary, unpredictable
buildings, merging into each other like place, in which the advantage of
a giant architectural game of pick-up Empathy is absolutely wasted.
sticks. The concepts of up and down Daylight is seldom seen in the
are wasted in the Labyrinth, where you Labyrinth, and then only indirectly, as
walk down the cellar stairs of one through a window opening onto an atri-
house into the attic of another. The area um. The characters must make their
is not just a labyrinth in a physical way through conflicting or never-ending
sense, but a mental maze of constant hallways with the impersonal decrepi-
change. The characters move through a tude of a deserted civil service depart-
nightmarish landscape where nothing ment. There are elevators which open
remains the same for long. A narrow far down in the Underground, cellars
hallway leading through an attic ten where long badly lit hallways, damaged
steps later has turned into a vast fur- by damp, run between storerooms and
nace-like chamber and a never-ending odd nooks; over-sized furnace rooms;
staircase. Then abruptly it resumes its endless staircases and defunct elevators;
original shape. The characters don't service passages; ventilator shafts; and
need to be moving to experience these immense underground parking garages;
changes. not to mention fire escapes to nowhere
The Labyrinth dwellers exhibit the and endless expanses of roofs. Along
same chameleon personalities, which the way, they, see evidence of confused
may account for the wars between battles between various factions of
cc • clashing factions of almost interchange- Labyrinth dwellers: dead bodies, pud-
able friends and enemies. The charac- dles of blood, and abandoned, useless
ters may confront a seemingly friendly weapons.
person, who sincerely offers them his The Labyrinth proper of Metropolis
help, Ten seconds later, he may attack is only an extension of the infinite maze
them with murderous intent. A raging which encompasses the whole city,
beast suddenly turns into the personifi- sealing its borders to Elysium, Inferno
cation of peace and volunteers a pass- and Limbo. In past ages, when the

word, a missing piece of map, or some- Illusion was still intact, the Labyrinth

..., ,.,• •

.~ ~

-' ' .. ' ',~ ----- -.,---. -

III. ... I 't!1

was the only way through to now resounding with agonized screams
Metropolis. Its enigmatic structure from the burning children - and reach-
would only allow passage to the most es for the key. If the key is still there, it
powerful creatures. Now the Machine is goes to the cage and opens it, pulling
falling to pieces, the Demiurge is gone out two more children. If not, the crea-
and the Illusion is coming undone, and ture screams with anger and starts to
more and more of the uninitiated or search for it through the vast chamber.
previously incapable are coming If it finds the characters within D20 CR,
through. it will still be so angry that it gets two
extra attacks, but it also totally lacks its
....c:i.deI1--ts defense.
THEAZGHOUL If the characters can open the cage,
Absolutely without warning, the free the children and take them away in
room around the characters dissolves, less than D20 CR, they will stay
and they find themselves inside an enor- absolutely clear of the azghoul.
mous furnace chamber with three roar- Otherwise, they must kill the azghoul to
ing incinerators. In one corner stands a free the children. If the azghoul wins, it
steel cage with peeling black paint. It is will chain the characters to the wall and
shut with a giant padlock. Inside the make them watch, while, one by one, it
cage sit D20 terrified children, skinny, slowly beats the children to death, then
pathetic, and extremely dirty. The chil- throws them into the incinerator. Then
dren are so dazed with fear and exhaus- it is the characters turn ... The azghoul
tion that the characters have less than a has barely started on the first one, when
20% chance of getting their attention. If a sudden change comes over it. Politely
they actually manage to convince any of bowing, it backs out of the furnace
the children of their good intentions, chamber.
they will get little else from them but a THE CIVIL SERVICE
few whimpering sounds and shaky fin- DEPARTMENT
gers indicating the center incinerator. If The characters have entered the
the characters examine this furnace seemingly endless halls and corridors of
closely, they will find a large black key a civil service department. At first noth-
on top of it - apparently the key to ing seems unusual, except perhaps the
the padlock. vastly exaggerated proportions of the
D20 CR after the characters have rooms. But they soon become aware of
entered the furnace room, they hear far stranger things than 300 foot-ceilings
crying, wailing sounds coming through and twenty-mile long hallways. In the
the open door. An azghoul enters, carry- cold flickering light of the fluorescent
ing a desperately struggling child under tubes, the receptionists and passing
each arm. The azghoul is too preoccu- administrators momentarily seem to
pied with its burden to notice the char- change: a smiling female secretary is
acters, providing that they keep quiet. transformed suddenly to a razide who
The azghoul throws the two children laughs mockingly, and the Head of
into the central incinerator, then shoots
a quick glance at the cage. If the charac-
Department sits rotting at his desk, an
undead corpse ...
'\0-•• t",
ters haven't hidden by then, the crea- ••
ture attacks viciously. If they have, the SCHUTZENPANZERWAGEN ~
azghoul turns back to the incinerator - The characters enter an even shab-

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'.. ' =-:' ~- ' '- './' . - ~
.o~·."' :....' . . ' .
bier portion of the Labyrinth, consisting impact, and dive into the water. If not,
of strangely folded brick walls, which the following applies: 1D20 1-4
are impossible to navigate. In places, scratch, 5-10 light wound, 11-17 seri-
behind heaps of collapsed bricks, the ous wound, 18 + deadly wound. The
walls open into dark holes leading to bridge is located wherever the GM
strange worlds. The air is hard to sees fit.
breathe, and the apparent lack of
progress should greatly frustrate the
The characters suddenly find them-
characters. Suddenly they reach a room,
selves on a ledge skirting the wall of a
the first open space they have seen for a
square shaft about 100 feet on a side.
while. In the middle stands a German
Above and below them are several iden-
armored vehicle. In the tank sit four
tical ledges made of a low steel rail tra-
dried-up corpses, wearing German uni-
versing the cracked concrete, Some
forms of WWII. Each body has sustained
connect to a door: the characters' ledge
a deadly wound in the head. One face is
does not. The shaft seems endless: they
half blown away, the eyeball dangling
can make out neither top nor bottom. A
from the socket like a worm from a bad
stale, unbearable stench rises from the
apple. A shrunken brain rests on the
bottomless pit. The walls bristle with a
armor plates. If the characters enter the
rusty stubble of iron footholds, but scal-
room, the dead bodies will come to life
ing the walls is still fraught with danger.
and attack them. They function accord-
If the characters try to reach the next
ing to the Kult rules for the living dead.
ledge without making preparations,
If they overcome the soldiers, the char-
they must score a successful EGO roll ,
acters can use the tank to punch
or one of the footholds will break. If
through the brick walls. They will
they check each foothold in advance
they must roll for PER. Failing this, s~t­
emerge into a strange and unexpected
situation. The GM may use any of the fol-
tle for the above-mentioned EGO thrOw.
lowing suggestions, but if the characters
If they try to secure themselves with
don't catch' on to the use of the tank , we
ropes or cables, they will be successful.
suggest he nudge them in that direction.
A character who falls will not rejoin the
- The characters. force through the wall
party. We have listed a couple of possi-
and end up outside the Demiurge's
ble scenarios:
palace, which is just starting to sink.
- The characters are scaling the wall
- They burst through the wall into a
when the shaft suddenly fills with hor-
large city in Elysium. The area is one
rible screams. About ten badly burnt
of the worst slums, inhabited by the
bodies come tumbling down, bounc-
homeless and the dispossessed, who
ing off the walls, each trailing a yard-
are not at all prepared for the visit. It
c • long tail of torn skin. The characters
may be awhile before the characters
should make a horror throw, followed

L__=~J are aware they have changed worlds.

- They break through, only to find them-
by an EGO-check. Any character scor-
ing 20 on the EGO roll will be struck

~ selves teetering on the edge of a

bridge, then they go crashing down
by a falling body and fall.

- The characters reach a new ledge, but
towards the cold waters some hun-
~t~ ~ 01 • the door they saw before has disap-
dred feet below. They should roll for,
ij" • peared.
. '.
:.1 AGL, and if they achieve +3, they are
- With a screeching sound, the ledge on
• able to get out of their vehicle before
,.,• •

~ b :. ~
""" :.
. .
-!- .
, . ' ,-
which the characters stand gives way the Archons and of the Angels of Death
and goes crashing down the shaft. The anxiously look through the never-end-
characters must make a +5 AGL throw ing hallways, the cellar corridors, and
to grab onto a handhold in time, or to the civil service departments of the
try to jump off for the next ledge as Labyrinth, in search of the Central
they fall past it. Desperate characters Archives, where they hope to find the
are allowed both options. truth about the Demiurge's disappear-
ance and the mystery of the Seven Keys.
THE CENTRAL ARCHIVES There are those who claim that the
The Central Archives is an almost Central Archives can be reached
mythical place of uncertain location. (through the crowding personal acts?)
Some claim it is at the very heart of the of the Stasi or CIA. It is said that the
Labyrinth. Myth has it that everything Keeper of All Knowledge, the Archival
that has ever happened to the Machine Head, has left the Archives to search for
_ or will ever happen - has been filed the keys, and to take the place of the
away in the Central Archives. Agents of Demiurge.

The Machine City is a technological dripping consistency of a leaking pipe.

anthill, a multitude of machinery in A crowd of techrones make haste to
which untiring techrones ceaselessly repair it. Machines start up and halt sud-
improve and expand, disassemble and denly in a strangely suggestive sympho-
reassemble their environment. Ancient ny of industrial equipment. Any charac-
and futuristic technology mix indiscrim- ter suffering from technophobia has a -5
inately. A digital control system is found modification for all skill related throws.
on a medieval treadmill, while assembly The Machine City is the engine
lines are powered by roaring diesel block of the Demiurge's creation, but it
engines. The floors are crowded every- has - as has the Machine itself - fallen
where with cables, spinning transmis- into decay. Machines and electronics
sion shafts, serial pistons-and-cog- break down with regularity, keeping the
wheels, and pipes of alternately steam- techrones always busy with repair jobs.
ing or cooling water. Now and then an Despite the swarming worker
electrical coupling explodes in a techrones, the characters will be able to
sparkling fireworks, celebrating the move freely in the vast transformer
halls. The air crackles with electricity, must pass a horror throw to avoid
making their hair stand on end and panic.
causing unpleasant shocks from contact
with metal objects. Equipment like sys-
tems cameras, short-wave radios or THE MAGISTRATES
pacemakers will be affected by strong The characters encounter a
disruptions. Magistrate on the outskirts of Machine
In the mechanical workshops, the City, who orders them to drop their
steel works and rolling-mills, and the weapons and give themselves up. Two
construction halls, sparks fly from weld- CR's later the command will be fol-
ing machines, molds, and steam ham- lowed by a well-aimed round of fire at
mers. The terrible roar limits the charac- the characters' feet. If the characters
ters' ability to discern individual don't surrender within two CR's, the
sounds. Five minutes' exposure gives an next round will be meant to incapaci-
almost hypnotic power to the constant tate them, regardless of whether the
din, making all skills relating to PER or characters have run for cover, or are still
EGO be modified by + 2 due to the ring- trying to talk themselves out of the situ-
ing in the characters' ears. ation. The Magistrate seldom shoots to
The Machine City is also home to a kill, as its techrone masters have a use
strange construction known as the for living human bodies. If the charac-
Queen: - a techno-organic assembly line ters fail to escape, they will be dragged
where new worker and soldier off to the central laboratory where sci-
techrones are produced under the entist techrones perform gruesome
watchful eyes of D20+ 10 soldier experiments to determine the compOSi-
techrones armed with sophisticated tion of DNA for a new race of senli-
weapons. Connected to the Queen lies organic techrones. Their object is to
a research center where the techrones create the ultimate warrior techrone, a
make ground-breaking discoveries in project which the Archons' spies
cybergenetic science, where hundreds observe and try to sabotage to prevent
of human bodies and organs are stored other Archons from gaining an advan-
in cryogen canisters in a giant freezer tage. The frequent sabotage has given
room. 3D6 techrones, guarded by the laboratory the look of a technologi-
another 2D6 soldier techrones, are cal Armageddon. Sooty, damaged, tech-
always at work, dissecting human speci- nical equipment is cobbled back togeth-
mens, or hooking up detached organs er under the flickering light of fluores-
to meters or mechanical contraptions. cent tubes.
On a stainless steel examination table If the cHaracters enter the laborato-
lies a pale blue corpse with wide-open ry of their own will, one of the 3D6 sci-
eyes and a gaping mouth. The top of its entist techrones will immediately sum-
head has been cut off, and around thirty mon the guards. 2D6 soldier techrones
electrodes connect the exposed brain arrive within D6 CR. The characters will
to kind of an ECG. Suddenly the be locked into cages, like monkeys or
machine starts a clattering print-out, rabbits in the laboratories of our own
while the body jerks spasmodically in a world. Hours there seem like an eterni-
danse macabre on the table, the blue ty, watching the techrone scientists
lips babbling wordlessly and the dead coldly shoot low-voltage currents
eyes blaZing with fear. The characters through the cerebral cortex of a human

--- 1":;-

-*. . -
.- ---:, , -.-. .
specimen recently removed from the striking the ground with a thudding
cryogenic tanks. When the scr~ams impact. The other three youngsters
have died down and the blood IS panic, dropping their guns, and are easi-
washed away, it is the characters' ly caught by the techrone. This happens
turn ... in a place filled with vast tanks, marked
with symbols for poison, which have
VIVARIUM VIVISECTION been riddled with bullets and are
The characters enter a place like a spilling liquids and heavy, eye-smarting
vivarium, except that there are no fumes. The teenagers are wrapped up
snakes. Instead, there are rooms upon tightly by the techrones' steel tentacles
rooms of glass display cases filled with and will soon suffer the same fate as
human body parts connected by dirty their friend. If the characters decide to
tubes, oily pipes and bare wires, formed help, the rescued boys and girl will be
in gross, distasteful combinations. A very grateful and show them the way
male torso is hooked to a fem~le head out of what they apparently think is an
and a baby's arm, and mounted b,ehind ordinary factory. If the characters follow
a speckled window in cold, blue light. their directions, they will be arrested by
Each case is equipped with a lever. If police just outside the factory doors.
the characters push down on it, it will They are then accused of malicious
crank up the light to almost blinding damage and manslaughter. There are
intensity and jerk the mounted limbs in ambulances waiting outside: several
a spasmodic dance. Mouths open in oily workers have been killed in the inci-
shouts, splattering the glass, orifices dent.
leak blood, oil and other fluids. Limbs The poisonous fumes require a
and muscles contort, jerking violently, throw for PER to keep the characters
until they break into useless pieces bar- from passing out. If successful, they
ing the naked bone. The glass of the nevertheless suffer + 2 in all actions for
case is soiled further and some limbs the coming hour. If they fail and loose
start to scorch. Have the characters consciousness, they are +5 for all
make a +5 horror throw. The incident actions for the next three hours. If they
will alert the techrone guards, and the remain in the fumes, they will eventual-
characters may have to beat a hasty ly die.
The characters can hear gunfire The vast complex referred to in
ahead, through the brutal roar of the some obscure books on the occult as
machines. A group of teenagers dressed the Central Laboratory, rates as one of
in dark clothes and ski masks are the most dangerous areas of the
engaged in a desperate fight against a Machine City. Here the artificial evolu-
techrone, which has seized one of tion of the techrone race is advanced,
them, a girl, in its iron grip. One of its which has given birth to groundbreak-
steel claws pushes a buzzing blade ing bio-technological inventions. The
against her throat. Her ski mask has Archons' agents regularly sabotage the
been torn off and rests on the steel floor work, to keep important discoveries
in a puddle of blood. Her face is con- from ending up in the wrong hands.
torted in terrible pain, blood shoots Other groups make raids into these
from her neck and her head comes off, parts, fanatically combatted by the
techrones. These outbursts of sabotage out with brutal perfection. The lictors,
and retaliation have covered the steel however, seldom take an active part in
walls with soot and left their mark on it themselves, as they consider the area
the machines in the form of make-shift: too dangerous.
repairs. If the characters choose to visit A second type are lone scientists
the Central Laboratory, they will be in who may be seen stalking the grounds,
constant danger of attack by the carrying frightful weapons and tools,
techrones, and from machines which dressed in blood-spattered laboratory
may suddenly explode, sending out a whites. They are usually alone, and
deadly spray of scrap metal. never more than three. Their excur-
The techrones have cryogen cham- sions into the Machine City may be
bers in which they store their organic quite involuntary, as a result of weeks of
samples, including specimens of the overwork and no sleep. They are in a
human race. The chambers are kept at a state of trance and react to no stimuli
temperature of between -50 and -80
0 0
except the 'great discovery'. Techrones
C, and the frozen bodies rest in canis- and characters alike are mere obstacles
ters of green cryogel. The stainless steel which must be eliminated.
walls are so cold, they will freeze onto The raids focus on inventions which
bare skin. The techrones may well can be applied to already existing
decide to lock a captured character in Elysium technology. The most sophisti-
the cryogen chambers ... cated bio-technical inventions are
Experiments in the Central incomprehensible to a human mind and
Laboratory are performed exclusively will therefore be discarded as irrelevant.
on living matter. If the characters visit Scientists, researchers, and inventors
its innermost parts they will see are logical people who can not grasp
humans with uncapped skulls, writhing irrational occurances beyond a certain
and twitching in pain, while techrone point.
scientists curiously poke their instru- Other groups that visit the Machine
ments and electrodes down into their City are the heliers, and occultists who
brains. The walls are smeared with seldom have any preconception of what
organic by-products or waste, while the they are going to see.
floor and benches of stainless steel are
scattered with greasy, blood-stained
The characters encounter an expe-
tools and discarded human limbs. The
dition sponsored by a lictor to steal a
techrones are always looking for new
revolutionary new battery from the
experimental material. ..
Machine City. The group is led by an
MAD SCIENTISTS seasoned mercenary named Leon
A common occurrence in the Schneider, who plans to push his men
Machine City that has contributed to its to the limit and beyond with his iron
decay are raids by scientists from hand of discipline, then he will aban-
Elysium. These are carried out by differ- don them to die in the Machine City. If
ent groups for different reasons, the necessary, he will execute them him-
common denominator being a desire to self. The group has seven members, two
possess the arcane inventions hidden in of whom are scientists. They are
the fragmentary techno-puzzle of equipped with kevlar vests, machine
Metropolis. Some of these expeditions guns and plastic helmets. However, they
are organized by lictors and are carried are surrounded by the techrones, who

" .
capture them, one by one, and then go gy and biology. They try to improve
to work on them. The thick, meaty their own bodies, adding mechanical
sounds of techrones dissecting their parts and electronic components, the
first victims are discouraging to the usual result being infections, hampered
other men. The GM may let the charac- mobility, physical handicaps, and in
ters take an active part in the expedi- s~me cases even death. The proto-
tion, or they could discover the group techrones' aim is not to become
when the dreadful battle begins. Or the techrones, but to develop into
characters could meet one of the surviv- enhanced humans. They truly believe
ing members, who has been shot by they represent a giant step in the
Schneider himself and begs the charac- advancement of mankind. They are dif-
ters to avenge him. The lictor's name is ferent than most other groups in the
Marcus Rosencreutz, Head of Research Machine City, being are much less
at ABB, a major Swedish industrial con- aggressive, and not primarily set on
cern. He will be waiting in hi's laborato- stealing technology. On the contrary,
ry with a group of servilians... . they are inclined to mysticism. The
additions to their bodies are the clumsy
work of dilettante engineers of substan-
The characters stumble on a man
dard skill and insufficient insight. They
clumsily using a pair of tongs to tug at a
are accepted by the real techrones, as
strange piece of machinery, which is
long as they don't bother the machines
spraying him with boiling hot oil. The
or try to steal anything. Proto-techrones
man is bald, middle-aged, and very
may know the way into the Machine
much out of shape. When he discovers
City, and they could be of use to the
the characters, he drops his tongs, and
characters - if the GM wishes.
peers at them through his oil-streaked
glasses. His face is badly damaged by THE MACHINERY OF DEATH
the boiling oil. After a moment of hesi- The Machine City is a dangerous
tation, he falls to his knees, frantically place, as is the entire city of Metropolis.
searching through the heap of junk at Some areas are almost unpopulated, but
his feet. Finally producing a Magnum hold other dangers. These are often
revolver, he fires it rapidly to no effect. referred to as sleeping or dead areas.
After wasting all of the bullets, he This is a misleading term, as they may
throws the gun at the characters and be fully functional. We will list some
attacks them with his bare fists. He will incidents which could take place in
fight until they kill him. He wears a plas- these areas. --

tic tag on his coat, identifying him as, - The characters enter a vast steel-coat-
'Martin Sanden, Head of Research, 3th ed hall. From the cracked ceiling cop-
floor. Pharmacia.' The machine which per wires dangle all the way down
he was trying to pry open is a kind of into the cloudy surface of a large pool
plastic box containing some transparent lined with tin in the center of the hall.
pistons. The pool contains a saline solution,
PROTO-TECHRONES and the wires are electrified. To get
The proto-techrones dwell in all safely through the hall, the characters
parts of the Machine City. They worship must achieve an AGL roll, or else they
the real techrones as the end of cre- will slip in the sludge beside the pool
ation: the perfect symbiosis of technolo- and suffer serious damage from the

• l"'\

I, •
electrified water. Repeated failures on effects, he can speed up the diZzy
could prove fatal. If the characters spells and vomiting later on. The char-
wish to protect themselves, they acters may also start losing their hair.
should use rubber materials. - The characters have travelled for hours
- The characters must walk across a through seemingly endless dead areas.
leaden courtyard, partly melted, partly Suddenly, they must pass through a
corroded, revealing underground hot, humid factory hall with large con-
machinery making a dull buzzing tainers of melted metals. These can be
sound. Signs in Cyrillic letters are post- emptied by activating the machinery.
ed all around - apparently warning This could be an opportunity to block
signs, as one of them is standing next pursuers. The GM should give a quick
to a pale, hairless corpse in a pair of description of a large industrial hall
scorched overalls. If the characters and then focus on the levers which
stay for 3 CR's, they will sustain a operate the containers, a hint to the
scratch; 5 CR's cause a light wound; characters to make use them. Or the
10 CR's produce a serious wound, containers could suddenly start empty-
diZZy spells, and the characters will ing themselves, flooding the entire hall
begin to vomit. After 15+ CR's they with incandescent liquid metal and
have sustained deadly wounds. The forcing the characters up rusty ladders
machine is a Soviet nuclear reactor to escape death.
from the 1950's ... If the GM is keen

711 '"
, " - -~ - -- .-- _:....-

came the crowd's ecstatic cry
A heavy gridiron net kept him
separatedfrom the mutant
human trash in the spectators'
seats. 'Animals,' he thought. The
spiked club had made him
king in the Arena. He had
killed more men than he cared
to remember and the losers lay
sprawled out on the uneven
concrete floor. Spotlights swept
the Arena., and the air was
charged with adrenaline and
the sweatfrom hundreds of
unwashed bodies. There was
but one of them that remained
to him now - but he didn't
look like much ofa fight. The
haphazard terrain of the 'Who do you think I am,' Andrews growled,
Arena, in which the concrete floor was lit- 'Mother f--ing Theresa?' A vicious kick in the
tered with steel obstacles of different sizes, spine settled the question. Catching him with
would sometimes turn the testosterone rush an iron grip by the throat, Andrews prepared
of battle into a frustrating huntfor scared to let out a jerky sp'urt ofhis enemy's blood.
opponents. Andrews hadn't sleptfor days, The spotlights stopped dead on the two fight-
and he was angry, so angry - he hadn't been ers. Then came the strained, hissing voice of
this angry since the Tet Offensive, but that his victim: 'Andrews, we mustfind Rebecca,
time he had constantly been on pills ... we have to stop her. His face unflinching,
Andrews slung Harry over his shoulder. The
Harry, his last opponent lay panting with
crowd buzzed in anticipation, hoping for
exhaustion behind a tank obstacle. The
somf? cat-and-mouse play before the kill. But
pathetic sight of his business suit, torn and
with a few quick leaps, the victor and his vic-
bedraggled, forced a smile to Andrews' lips.
tim were both out of the Arena. Andrews
He dropped his battle club; it would be
used a splinter grenade to clear the elevator.
absolutely superfluous here. Harry looked at
A siren struck up an angry wail. The blood-
him imploringly with his large dog's eyes.
spattered steel cage was ascending with or. Then, the truth hit Harry with final force:
Andrews and Harry before the seated crowd It wasn't a hallucination. He passed out.
had time to react. The infernal shrieking from the caterpillar
Andrews grabbed a machine-gun from treads penetrating the armored cage of their
under a ripped-open body. Harry told him T 72 was a welcome distraction to the terrify-

that he had tried to contact him, but Andrews ing exterior ofNetzach's palace. The constant
hadfailed to recognize him. They were still use of the cannon had made the tank's interi-
far down below Netzach's palace, and or a hot and humid space which had created
Andrews was beside himself with rage. Harry the feeling of riding in an armored womb.
was very, very frightened. He recalled the end- They hadforced the last encasements now,
less maze ofguarded tunnels, every soldier but still the palace masked the entire horizon
screaming for a password, when they had from their eyes; it would take them hours
brought him down to tl:Je Arena. He was now and many miles until they had a full view of
convinced that the groun4floor building the building. They kept on, rolling slowly
must have been a hallucination - there away from the palace through its macabre
could be no house of that size in the material surroundings. From his claustrophobic pit,
world, nor of that terrible exterior, looking operating the controls, Harry's eyes fell on rot-
like a perverse manifestation of all the most ting corpses piled-up in heaps, with surviving
obscene fictions of war. 'It must have been the brothers-in-arms sitting beside them, crying
cocaine,' he thought. :Always did make me or staring vacantly out into the air. He drew
paranoid... I shouldn't have tried it again.' past complex systems of interconnecting
Andrews fired from the hip, the other man trenches in which men were savagely fighting
still slung over his shoulder. They had reached each other. Swinging their last remaining
the highest sub-palace levels. The tunnel-sys- weapons, the sharpened spades, in blind rage
tem's defense had been planned with only an and giving themselves as little mercy as their
outside aggressor in mind; the thought of enemies, death and dismemberment was the
rebellion had not even occurred to them. The only possible outcome. Behind triple lines of
militaries, stiff and stiffly uniformed, reacted electrified barbed-wire fences stood the end-
like all soldiers when their Pavlovian think- less rows ofprisoners of war, awaiting death.
ing collapses: they panicked and ran. Guards The cordite gunpowder had cranked up
were blown to a bloody pulp when they the tank's inside temperature to respectable
turned their unarmored backs and were hit sauna level, and Andrews, face was glowing
by the solid beams of tracking light. Andrews' red. A patrol ofhearty Home Guards had
face had locked into a hard smile of con- made a brave attempt to stop them with an
tempt. He let the thunderous rhythm ofhis outdated anti-tank cannon. Andrews'savage-
machine-gun numb him to any idea of what ly grinning, chose leisurely among the run-
might be waiting for them around the next ning targets: 'The Grim Reaper sees you... ' he
corner. The slack bodies of the dead and the hissed. Harry managed a faint smile; he felt
twisting limbs of the living made the way to slightly embarrassed about the mess he had
the palace's outer bastions a treacherous path made during their escape. He stillfelt it inside
to walk. Moving out of the palace, he slowly his pants.
started to gain a perspective on its vast exteri-

The palaces, the Archons' lairs, domi- were built from a single plan. Each
nate Metropolis. Of the original eleven, palace has large parts no longer in use.
only seven remain intact and active Where lictors once sat plotting and
today. They are the palaces of the scheming, a forlorn azghoul now
Demiurge, Kether, Binah, Geburah, prowls for stray visitors. Most parts are
Netzach, Tiphareth and Malkuth. Also, a not so desolate. Hungry cannibals hunt
new palace has been built next to the with their sleuth-hounds. Battles are
former lair of Hod, which belongs to fought and death sentences are carried
Samael, the Death Angel, who is trying out by the still loyal subjects of the
to take over the lictors and cults that reigning Archon, whose physical pres-
formerly adhered to Hod. Of the remain- ence is usually confined to the core or
ing three Archons - Chokmah, Chesed the top floors of the palace. The
and Yesod - only the skyscraper build- Archons are organically integrated with
ing of Yesod is still use: the Death their palaces, which are continually
Angels Nehemoth, Gamichicoth and changing according to the state of mind
Sathariel have moved in to take over of their master. They are waited on by
some of his Metropolis action - in droves of lictors and acrotides, and a
Samael-like fashion, although as yet with score of human servants, as well. The
far less success. The palaces of palaces are steeped in the presence of
Chokmah and Chesod are absolute their Arc;hons, whose mental powers
ruins: desolate, deserted and overshad- will affect anything and anyone around

• owed by the other palaces. or inside them. Thus, power of mind is

The palaces are more like entire city as important as firepower when
districts than actual buildings. The approaching one of the palaces.
adjoining land, comprising anything The palaces are scattered over the
from a few blocks of streets to vast chaotic map of Metropolis. You might
stone deserts, take on the character of catch a glimpse of one over the cracked

their respective Archon. At the center roof-tops in the Living City, or from
~ifJ;;"\.~\e:;,a 'L' of each area, usually a towering con-
• 10 .. ·..t."
beyond the mountains of trash which
struction, is the palace itself. Their crown the Ruins. But you can never
A: appearances vary. Some consist of many take the same route to them twice. The
•. . 0
buildings strung together, wIllie others distance is always illusory, as is time.
• •

. -':- -=
,- ~ .--. ~ - - - -
ence. First we describe the feeling
which the characters experience from
Once the characters have made their
the place. The players can either ignore
way to Metropolis, they are unavoidably
or react to this feeling. The GM should
under the influence of the different
try to make the players aware of how
powers which rule in the Original City.
, the particular set of circumstances
The strongest and most pronounced
affects the game as far as possible. Then
powers emanate from the palaces,
follows a description of how the Non-
which are the physical representations
Player"Characters behave in general.
of the persons and principles of their
This is also only a suggestion. However,
Archons. As soon as the Game Master
if properly handled, it will add-an extra
has placed the characters in Metropolis,
din1ension to a Metropolis adventure.
he must decide which palace is closest
Finally, we will discuss some aspects
by. That Archon will affect all in that
of how the Archons' presence affects
vicinity: people, creatures, even the
the rules and Technical Gaming
characters themselves. It 'is probably
Solutions. The players cannot ignore
impossible to force a player to play his
this Their characters will unavoidably
character in a particular way. We have
be governed by the idiosyncrasies of the
therefore suggested different ways in
which each Archon manifests his influ- palace they visit.

dIhe f('j'ievzt f/1tfj"

hey came walking in on the Natasha was reaching for something. He tight-
cff muddy cobbled stones. The
pungent smell ofrot and
ened his grip on his rifle, and suddenly he felt
that his coverall underwear was soaking wet
with perspiration. He looked back to his left,
decay was nauseating to the little group
which was making its way through the ruins and saw that the woman was holding the gun
towards the open fields ahead. Mikhail con- in her right hand and locking it - or was
stantly thumbed the safety catch of his auto- she? He spun around, and caught Kratov fum-
matic rifle - 'on,' 'oft and back 'on' again. He bling for something inside his coat.
stole a sideways glance at Kratov, his boyhood 'So - it was you all the time!' Mikhail's
companion who was now suffering from mal- voice broke into a cracked falsetto. 'You scum!
nutrition and lack ofsleep, as he was himself Well, you're not taking me alive! Die, you
They had also both sufferedfrom horrible scum! Die!'
nightmares, and when they met Natasha, Natasha's surprisedface gave way to a
another childhoodfriend who shared the strange, choking non-expression as the high
same recent dream experience, they under- velocity bullet tore into herfrail body, shred-
stood that it was more than a mere coinci- ding it Kratov tried to say something as he
dence. They did not know why, or even how stood hunched over the woman's writhing
they had ended up here, but something drove body as she died. In that position, he was exe-
them onward, ever onward, towards that dis- cuted by the wild-eyed, insanely grinning
tant silhouette up ahead. Suddenly Mikhail Mikhail. Kratov fell to the ground. His arm
felt a chill down his spine. What was that sign slipped out of the coat, the bloody fingers still
that Kratov hadjust made to the woman? shaking until, at last, they released their hold
WJ.ry wouldn't he look him in the eye any on his old Bible, which fell on the ground
longer? A glance at his left revealed that where his blood was blending with the mud.
T:h-eUI~eI rises from the bottom of the Primal Sea.
The Demiurge is biding his time. He Breaking the surface, its walls washed in
is waiting for the Archons and Death the black stinking sludge, its tall grid-
Angels to destroy each other and them- iron fences catch corpses on their
selves, to return to a world in which spikes to spill their contents on the
mankind has seen through the Illusion. reappearing island soil. Where once
Then he will create a new Metropolis in was a foggy expanse of never-ending
Elysium. But that time is yet to come, water, now stands the Citadel, blocking
and meanwhile the Archons search in out everything else under the yellowish-
vain for the Seven Seals and the Citadel brown skies with its crumbling houses,
foils their attempts by sinking to the its bombed-out streets and its caved-in
bottom of the Primal Sea, from which it sewers.
only rises occasionally. After the Demiurge departed, the
The Primal Sea, stretching over the Citadel was torn by frequent battles
core of Metropolis, is a wide, solitary between Archons and Angels of Death,
space. It covers what was once a part of some of who wanted to break into the
the city. Its oily, translucent surface Citadel to establish themselves in place
washes quietly over city buildings, and of the Demiurge, while others defended
its perfect mirror is broken in places by its gates. Finally, greed and deceit
roof-tops and other pieces of architec- proved the downfall of them all, and the
ture. Sometimes, a shoal of floating foe- Citadel was never taken, but has
tuses appears in the dark waters, only remained closed to this day, Hundreds
to inlmediately disappear leaving only of thousands of lives were wasted in the
the faint trace of a memory. Tankers lie surrounding ruins, and even more were
leaking side by side in mutual abandon, slain in the wide-open square in front of
dousing the waters with their oil and the Citadel. Each time the Citadel sinks,
chemical waste. The stench is some- dead bodies and battle equipment are
times suffocating, when foul gases rise washed a little closer to the island's
from the innermost depths in gurgling shore. In some places things have stuck,
bubbles which burst at the surface. virtual hills of rotting flesh are seen,
Further out, the open sea clouds over formed from countless bodies which
with a thick, yellow fog which sticks to have merged into one, courtesy of the
anything or anyone traveling on its sur- polluting powers of the Prinlal Sea. In
face. Where once you could see an odd other places, single bodies are pierced
movement of something in the water or by reinforcement rods protruding from
a flaring fire on one of the shipwrecks, the ground. The bodies are in various
here you see absolutely nothing. conditions: some are reduced to bare
Suddenly, even the queasy deep sound skeletons, while others still have a trans-
from the rumbling ocean stops, and all parent skin of sorts, through which
/I is silent. their decomposed innards can be seen
The Primal Sea hides a secret, but it clearly. Suddenly, a rattling yell rings out
is a secret which now and then gives over the deserted square where the
itself away, uncovering its mighty walls, reflection of the Citadel can be seen in
its mighty black towers and its vast the steel-plated coating on the ground.
open courtyards: it is the Demiurge's Then comes another yell, and then the
Citadel. At irregular intervals the slow, creaking noise of metal being
o Citadel, in its mind-boggling immensity, twisted until it breaks. The ruins are
more than a graveyard for fallen sol- ing further and further undone. And the
diers: they are the prowling-ground for hunt goes on: the keys to creation are
mutant predators who live to hunt and sougbt desperately by the Archons who
kill. These beasts were originally legion- must stop the Demiurge's plan to shat-
naires, lictors, human beings or other ter the Illusion and commence an apoc-
loyal subjects who survived the wars. • alyptic liberation, which would mean
They wandered the ruins, looking for the dawning of a new life ...
their lost regiments and masters, until .-ts
the Citadel suddenly went down and
they followed it into the sea. Instead of MUTANT LICTOR
dying, they were preserved and mutat- The characters suddenly hear a faint
ed by the polluted water and evolved voice crying for help (pER throw, nor-
into ultimate predators. Since then, they mal effect). The cries come from the
have lived off the floating foetuses and deep shaft of an old caved-in sewer.
the occasional creatures which still visit Someone is stuck somewhere down
the Citadel. Whether by the Demiurge's there in the darkness. If the characters
intent or not, these monsters now answer the plea, a whimpering man's
viciously guard the Citadel from tres- voice explains in English that he was
passers in a fashion very much their just trying to find his car keys which he
own. The walls of the Citadel still stand had dropped into an open sewer when
true. Tall and devoid of any form of leaving a bookshop in Charlotte Street.
exterior decoration, they look rather He claims that he had just found the
like a giant version of the Berlin wall. keys when suddenly the shaft caved in
Far overhead you can see an occasional and he got stuck. He is actually a mutant
tower looming above it, with a few lictor trying to fool the characters down
other structures which seem to scale into his hole.
the sky and disappear into the odorous - If the characters climb down to help
smog. The seven doors still stand him, they will be attacked by a many-
strong, guarding the Hall of Tears with armed creature with long, shiny claws
the Demiurge's greatest secret: the for- which will cut through anything but
mula to his creation. Ever since the steel. The mutant lictor will try to
Demiurge left, the hunt has been on for knock its victims unconscious, then
the Seven Keys which unlock the doors drag them down the winding sewers
to the Citadel. These keys, however, are to his slaughter chamber a couple of
not easily found, because they are less a hundred yards away.
physical reality than a manifestation of - If the characters ignore him, or refuse
the Demiurge's person, and are not a to descend into the shaft, the ground
function of time or space. In the darkest will start to shake. Then it cracks open
depths of the Citadel lies the Hall of in wide fissures, devouring the pave-
Tears, where the stern faces of the ment and the decaying ruins close by.
stone angels keep watch over an iron The characters must achieve a normal
book in which the secret of creation has effect for AGL/CR for three consecu-
been recorded. From their stone eyes, tive Combat Rounds to keep from
tears of blood drip onto the floor, falling down into a hole. There the
where they slowly clot. Nobody has yet hungry lictor awaits them, who will
been able to find the keys, but the final try to drag them to his pantry. The lic-
circle has begun and the Illusion is com- tor's slaughter chamber is a broad
sewage pipe whose moldy walls are hall (acceptable Seek/PER roll) (nor-
hung with the remains of previous vic- mal STR). The fetid water also hides a
tims: mutilated men who have been functional though dirty Colt M16 A2,
partially eaten and then left to rot. If loaded with grenades (normal PER). If
the characters are knocked out, they the character are not free within twen-
will wake up hanging from the wall by ty Combat Rounds, the mutant lictor
their manacled hands. Beside them will return to consume his food.
hang mutilated pieces of their prede- Picking out one of the characters at
cessors, and down in the brown, filthy random, he cuts off a large chunk of
water swim cat-sized rats. It is possible flesh with a blunt butcher's knife. If
to wriggle out of the fetters, but it the characters are able to escape, they
isn't easy (AGL roll, good effect). A must flee through the sewers until
crowbar with which the fetters could they find another exit. The GM might
be broken is hidden further down the choose to lead them into the sewers of
another palace, for instance Yesod's,
or perhaps into the Labyrinth.
There is a small tremor, followed by a
stronger one. Houses collapse as the
streets bulge inwards, bending, break-
ing, caving in. The violent earthquake is
followed by absolute silence. The
Citadel is sinking. Slowly but surely the
large island disappears into the depths
of the Primal Sea, the shoreline cutting
deeper and deeper into the ruins and
then flooding the open square in front
of the Citadel. Unless the characters can
find their boat or some other form of
waterborne transportation, they will be
caught in the maelstroms resulting from
the giant construct's descent into the
abysmal depths. They might drown in
the ocean and then be reborn. Or they
could be preserved for centuries by the
Primal Sea, slowly evolving into a race
of skinless'predators who hunt the
grounds around the Citadel.

The atmosphere is very tense. As the

Citadel is underwater most of the time,
it has no population in the normal. Most
of its creatures suffer from hysterical
schizophrenia, showing violent hostility
towards all strangers. The characters
can sense memories of past betrayals


and unspeakable deeds permeating the haven't written anything. In addition,
air. They lose faith even in their close the GM will make screened EGO rolls The Demiurge
friends and refuse to trust each other. for each of the characters until some- saw the wisdom of
this and created
For every ten minutes the characters
spend on the Citadel island, the GM
body fails (less than a normal effect).
The GM should then give this player a
a new race of ;~
servants. And so
should hand out note paper to the char- note describing how another character we Humans came to
• see the light of
acters. He should ask them to write is behaving in a threatening manner,
day, and from
down if there's anything they want to maybe even pointing a gun at his own
then on we worked
do which they would not like the other character. The object is to make the to increase the
characters to find out about. Everybody players insecure. They should be driven glory of
must return their notes, even if they to the edge of paranoid hysteria. Creation. But as
the Archons con-
si_dered them-
selves superior
to an they l:joon
came to redirect tklrd
hi&"'wprk from -V'
Creat-ion, the
Their half-track broke down, the cor- pained cries as the wire tore into her
rosive sewer sludge having finally pen- young flesh found its way to their ears. Metropolis, to ~
etrated its steering system. They would They would save their sister, at any adding to the
now have to continue on foot. Hertz, cost. Little did they know that all their e eganc'e and
their gUide, who had so far kept on his fates had already been sealed. beauty- of their palaces.
toes, skillfully taking them through the Binah controls all of Eastern Europe,
dangerous marshlands, was taken actively counteracting the Demiurge's
totally unawares by the vicious tenta- plan by meddling in politics and reli-
cle of the suddenly mutated vehicle. gion. She is allied to Geburah, and
The half-track sat down, with slow together they hope to become sole
creaking motions, settling itself in the rulers of both Elysium and Metropolis. -r'"•
sewage waters while chewing on
Hertz' shredded head. Claudio killed
~~h~s"~.~ ..
the spastic monster, using an anti-tank Binah's palace is marked by the fiery
launcher, while Vicente and Bertrand red smog which derives its glow from
wakhedinhorrorasHenz'waswd constantly burning bonfires. Spires of ...
body spilled its blood on the muddy gross proportions shoot from its black
ground. The three set out again with base, climbing into the skies and com-
great resolve for the red glow of the municating with each other by means
high-towered bUilding. Led telepathi- of bridges which span thousands of
cally by their no longer living guide, feet. Soaked in dripping humidity and
they finally made it to an enormous cluttered with gargoyles in black stone,
open space. The dusty concrete was lit- the palace twinkles like a starlit sky,
tered with papers which were now and reflecting the lights of thousands of fires
then stirred up by a fleeting wind. lit by true believers to the greater glory
Huge pillars scaled the skies, and a far- of Binah. From around its base, which is
off vague chanting sound reached washed in the glowing red light, stretch-
them. Beyond the horizon lay the es the wide expanse of the marshlands.
round temple in which the sufferer Muddy waters mixed with oil and
hung suspended from the ceiling Her sludge from the palace sewers pass
under curious bridges built by loyal sub-

,.,• .1
.... : .. ~-... ~<D

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Jrn ;g
IIIIiIiIIII........_Illllllliii_ _
jects from iron junk. The remains of of pain, to accept the proper faith, and
ancient churches, sepulchral monu- are taken into the congregation of the
ments and elevated walkways form Black Madonna. Those who refuse are
occasional islands in water that reflects burnt alive on a rusty iron cross. Side by
no light. The dull surface is infrequently side, along the slowly slanting ramps
disturbed, as one of the Black leading from the center palace, lie fami-
Madonna's watchmen rises to eliminate ly graves. A faintly illuminated crawling
a trespasser. Close to the palace, the cloud makes the tombstones and scat-
ground is firmer, and many of the tered mausoleums look like wrecked
Archon's subjects reside here. Endless ships in a sea of smoke. Inside the tar-
rows of tin shacks line dark, narrow nished, battered walls of the palace
alleyways, which are never disturbed blood oaths are sworn by the light of
apart from occasional crouching figures trash can fires. Guards in brown uni-
slinking silently by. In other areas there forms adorned with stars and stripes
are city blocks or entire districts where check the identity of every visitor. Every
light never shines, whose residents have now and then, somebody is stopped,
grown to regard eternal darkness as and hauled off kicking and screaming to
their normal way of life. The citizens of choose between death and conversion.
Binah live in blissful ignorance that they
are little more than guinea pigs to a
gross social experiment, They live hap- THE INTESTINAL MASS
pily off their faith in the Black Madonna. Hundreds of ragged barefoot people
Binah's many subjects hold masses form a murmuring congregation gazing
at the feet of the garbage shafts which up at the end of one of the garbage
hug the palace walls. These verdigrised shafts. The shaft opens its hatch, and
metal pipes are thirty feet across, and with a loud swishing sound, it exhales
resound with swishes which are now hundreds of pounds of rotting flesh and
and then drowned out by spine-chilling guts on the waiting worshippers. Some
screams. The worshippers, clad in rags, of the believers are buried in the stink-
bleary-eyed and often barefoot, stand ing mess, but the others keep on chanti-
near the openings, chanting a monoto- ng. A man dressed in white and armed
nous prayer, while gargantuan lumps of with a gleaming meat hook approaches
rotting meat fall from the shafts. the steaming heap. Faithful church
Complicated rituals and strange proces- members offer him their bodies to
sions follow. Between the shafts rise climb on, and he laboriously makes his
giant pillars which, along with a few way to the top of the pile. Then comes
major structures of the building, sup- a heart-rending scream, and some of the
port the entire palace. The cracked con- worshippers stop their mumbling to
crete pillars are hung with poster-like turn and look, as a young woman of
icons of a perverse Christ or visions of heavenly beauty is carried up to the
the Black Madonna. Torn pieces of com- flesh heap, Her perfect white skin has
munist manifestos are blown about by been pawed by filthy hands, and a thin
the conflicting winds, while still-persist- white veil covers her sleek naked body
ing communist supporters are chased from the hungering eyes of the religious
screaming over the desolate open fanatics. The priest performs a short rit-
• ual, and then cries out in a powerful
spaces which separate the palace's legs.
They will later be made, by arguments voice:



" ,- ',.' ,
'Receive our sacrifice - a female ters. Slowly swinging his tub of incense,
child as guilty as only a female can be. he indicates one of the characters, call-
Take her; and grant us in return a ing the player by his or her real name:
moment of blissful insight. Reveal 'Confess, 0 wretched sinner! What
your wisdom to our souls, through this foul deeds hast thou committed? Fear
gUilty flesh!' nrt the punishment, for it shall be thy
He is going to kill the woman, then opportunity for redemption and cleans-
throw her mutilated body on top of the ing thy soul from
heaped flesh and read the future from the wicked work of NOTICE
the pattern her white limbs form on its the Enemy. Confess
The Italian police have issued
gory surface. Then the faithful believers and repent, thou the following description via
will feast on her body. sinful creature!' INTERPOL:
- If the characters choose to stand by pas- If the character CARLA MARIA STAGLIERI, 19, from
sively, all will proceed according to the ignores the accusa- Milan.
ritual. The characters are then invited tion, the chaotic On her disappearance 10/4/93,
to partake of the holy feast. If any of the will press for an was dressed in blue jeans,
believers discovers that the characters answer. The charac- white shirt, white sneakers.
ter's actual sins are Information concerning Carla
aren't initiated, i e that they have no Maria Staglieri should be sent
wounds on their hands, they will try to never stated, only to nearest police station.
have the characters inducted. the fact that he or
- The characters could also try to save she has committed
the woman, in which case they must shameful acts. Meanwhile, other mem-
fight the religious fanatics. These are bers of the procession have
all unarmed, but they are driven by a approached, surrounding the charac-
holy rage and would gladly die for ters. They hold their curved daggers
their faith. The woman is actually a vir- with a menacing glint inside the dark
gin, from a catholic school for girls in folds of their cloaks. Others are erecting
Italy. Her name is Carla and she speaks a gallows pole from which the unfortu-
only Italian. She was brought beyond nate character will hang. The leader
the Illusion by a borderliner from the also demands that the other characters
Congregation of the Black Madonna. testify in the case, and anyone who
refuses or testifies in favor of the
THE INQUISITION accused will be considered a partner to
A group of chaotics passes slowly
his crime.
down the dirty street. They wear their
- Unless something is done, the sinner is
black capes with the hoods up, shadow-
ing their faces. The leader of the proces- promptly hanged.
sion carries a tub of incense, which - The characters could fight their way
reeks with the harsh smell of burnt out of it. The chaotics will not engage
flesh. The others carry copper bells in battle willingly, and will not pursue
which they slowly ring to the rhythm of the characters themselves. Instead, the
their feet. Behind them stand ram- characters are chased by a posse
shackle wooden crosses hung with cru- which the chaoties will gather from
cified sinners who are bleeding from nearby deformed mutant loafers (nor-
their pierced wrists and ankles, Others mal citizens).
are stoned by the brawling mob. The THE REVOLVER
first of the chaoties walks up slowly, A shiny revolver has been left on a
and stops at the very feet of the charac- sooty black beam overgrown with algae
(pER throw, normal effect). The beam duces himself, in German or broken
stretches across the open sewer of a English, as lloyd Kaufmarm. If the
steaming, stinking stream. If the charac- characters treat him kindly, he soon
ters try to reach it by stepping out on the becomes talkative and starts cursing
beam (AGL roll of good effect not to fall the religious fanatics. He produces a
in), the gun will drop into the stream. It bundle of pamphlets which he distrib-
can still seen gleaming on the bottom. If utes to the characters, and then starts
anyone tries to reach it through the spouting communist doctrine, proudly
water or falls into the stream, he will be showing them his old party book,
attacked by ID3 fekkiizers. creased and soiled with blood, but still
. SALVATION intact. lloyd offers to show the charac-
ters around the area. He could be very
lU~i~~~~~~W~~~~~~i A fog covers the open space between
helpful, but only for as long as he
the castle's huge pillars. Hurried foot-
- steps can be heard running over the thinks that there is still a chance of
vacant surface, followed by hoarse, winning them for the COffiffitmiSt resis-
angry shouts. A raging mob streams tance. If he decides that they are hope-
through the square, carrying blunt axes less, he instead tries to lure the charac-
and knives in their wounded hands, and ters into a rotting, fleshy mass.
screaming in an unknown language. EHee""t8
- Unless the characters manage to hide
(Hide roll of acceptable effect), they
The characters share a strong feeling
are discovered by the angry mob,
of community with each other, and
which then surrOlmds them. A fat man
with everyone they meet. They do not
with a scrofulous face gleaming with
wish to excel and become increasingly
sweat orders them to fall on their
knees to swear the blood oath and be
taken up into the Congregation of the NPC
Black Madonna. If they refuse, the mob People will very seldom be seen
will attack and try to crucify the char- alone, but the down-and-out loafers sit
acters on iron crosses, then they will around in small groups under the dilapi-
pour gasoline on them and set them on dated tin-shack roofs, staring apatheti-
fire to the glory of Binah. If any of the cally at nothing and awaiting the orders
characters have second thoughts after from their superiors.
seeing one or more of their number TECHNICAL GAMING
perish in the flames, he or she is still SOL~ION
welcome to go through with the rite, The characters must succeed with a
after which the character is taken into CRA tW:ow, modified according to the
the congregation. During the ritual, the table below, or else they will involuntar-
characters is cut on the hand, and the ily submit to an imposed group hierar-
wOlmd will never heal. (This detracts - chy. The oldest character will become
1 from all physical actions which 'head of family,' and the rest will do
involve the cut hand.) If the characters exactly as he does. In order to break the
manage to hide and escape the mob, pattern and act individually again, the
they soon discover that they are not characters must score a better CRA
alone in their hiding-place. Next te effect than that of their leader. The
them sits a small trembling man with a leader will have a + 10 bonus to his
black beard and dark glasses. He intro- effect.

I .•

• " a,". II


.'. '

Their footsteps were gaining on her, stood in motionless terror, watching
and she decided that her high heels him raise the gun yet another time.
had slowed her down too much. Ever since Hod disappeared, the
Kicking the expensive Chanel shoes Death Angel, Samael, has tried to infil-
into the gutter, she ran on barefoot trate Metropolis with his loyal subjects.
through the heavy rain-jilled air of the He has erected a new palace, the Steel
New York night. Heart, next to the ruins of Hod's, and he
'You whore! You'll get yours - just is now trying to win over the confused
you wait and see!' former followers and cults dedicated to
The echo of their shouts bounced his predecessor, and to bend them to
between the unlit housefronts which his will. He has taken these measures to
refused to witness the chase. She secure his own position, as he feels that
jumped a fence, landing in the under- Inferno is disintegrating.
growth, hoping for a place to hide.
There she lay, her heart beating like a
Po,Ia,ces - ~he
drum, watching her pursuers search
through the bushes, their panting li!!!!i-teeI "eo,:r~
breaths coming closer and closer to the A weeder stands crashed against a
spot in the dirt to which she clung. 'I giant heap of junked iron. Some of its
see her!' She started up in panic, but dented metal has been torn off and now
was at once knocked over by a man lies motionless, a small trickle of brown
whose whiskey breath almost made sludge running from the broken vehicle.
her throw up on the spot. His thick fin- Following the small runnel down-
gers tore her skirt apart, and, accom- stream, the eye strays to the wide
panied by the appreciative laughter of expanse of stone ruins, where other
his brothers-in-crime, he forced her abandoned weeders sit caught by col-
head back to the wet tarmac. Then, lapsed power lines. The once proud
suddenly, his grinning face turned into houses are now a pitiful sight: roofless,
an exploding ball of blood and gore. fallen in, and covered in black soot.
His dead body sagged on top of hers, Bitter battles have buried crushed bod-
and she finally did throw up. She ies under the caved-in walls, or left
heard two more shots, and then at last them hanging from the now slack high-
she stood up, partly naked and cov- tension cables. Cartridges from firearms
ered in mud, and saw the police officer of a hundred makes are strewn over the
bending over the dead bodies of the ground. An almost skeletal man, his hair
other men. a greasy black tangle and his nails
As he turned around and grown long and hard, appears suddenly
approached her, through her tearful from out of nowhere. His barely human
eyes, crying from both shock and relief, face is pierced by several metal tubes,
she was suddenly aware of his hideous and needle-point teeth glint menacingly
features: his red eyes were burning like from his mouth as it opens to emit an
beacons and his grossly distorted incomprehensible hiss. Then he disap-
mouth revealed a jaw-bone in which pears into the maze of junk, just as sud-
decaying tusks gleamed yellow in the denly as he had come. Sounds of paws
light of the street-lamp. She froze, and treading on metal are all around, and

• • .:.-../;~~~~~s
the shattered housefronts seem to lean shabby police uniforms and squeezing
inward as if to close out the sun. well used brass knuckles, stand on
Through narrow paths and alleys allow- guard at the many entrances. Suddenly a
ing almost no passage, you push further gong is struck, drawing a jubilant cheer
into the ruins of Hod's palace. A chanti- from hundreds of throats:
ng sound, interrupted now and again by The banquet has begun.
sharp blows, comes from somewhere
inside the chaotic waste. The ruins are
getting lower. A lone weeder, still run- THE BANQUET
ning but now useless, goes round and The famous Banquet is held in the
round in a perpetual circle. The field is vast inner halls of the Steel Heart
cleared as far as a building which reach- palace. In these halls, under baroquely
. es almost a full mile into the grayish stylish steel railings, razides from
.~ skies: a palace still, but a palace in Inferno sit side by side with lictors, to
ruins. Magnificent pillars of massive feast on living human flesh. The ceilings
steel, thousands of feet high, have top- are lost beneath extravagant decora-
pled and squashed everything which tions, and the entire hall is brightly lit
stood where they fell. Through these by immense melting-pots in which
massive forms shines a faint light. The screaming humans are washed in gaso-
hardiest buildings support passageways line and burnt alive. Every now and
under the fallen pillars, which had once then one of Samael's servants appears
held up the top tiers of this temple of with a freshly caught victim, who is first
ruthlessness. Mutilated bodies arranged brought to the table of the highest ones
in strange patterns form a bloody path where everyone gets his pick of a spe-
which the cannibal tribes take to see a cial part from the new addition to the
steam-driven mass guillotine at work. menu. The rusty steel tables are placed
This terrifying machine is made of black in a circle around a wide circular pit.
metal, now turned red from putting on There, in a cloud of flying steel dust,
a fine performance to please the gath- malformed Satanists engage in brutal
ered crowd, kept in breathless attention orgies, molesting the already mutilated
by the watchful eyes of the well-armed bodies of naked men and women.
bounty hunters. Beyond the relentlessly Other sadistic games, always ending in
chopping giant blade reclines a huge death, are played out in a hempen net
shiny body of stainless steel - the Steel above the pit. A sweaty scent mixes
Heart, a virtual heart of darkness and with the harsh smells of blood, pain and
evil. Its outward appearance is that of a sufferirig, which are carried away by the
human heart which seems to pulsate in dry, warm'wind of a dozen fans, fifty
rhythm with the ghastly cries of the feet high, which stand at the far end of
condemned and the blood-choked gur- each hall. If the characters are captured
gles of those already executed. Droves outside the palace, they will very likely
of bloodthirsty cannibals are driven on be brought here, where they are first
by fanatical officers to search the area displayed to the guests and then hung
by their feet to witness the gross specta-

for fresh victims. Lowered from the
• '-
".~".. ,a~\ '~I.. 'Cl; I.
moist steel surface, of the same cold
material themselves, a number of draw-
- If the characters can reach the knots at
~., .. bridges lead up to the palace's perverse- their ankles (STR roll of good effect)
•. . 0 ly ornate portals. Wiry old men wearing and untie them (AGL, good effect),
• .. . I'"
l "\ ~

." ...,
I' •

i' ,.. ~
: :

. . .-

•. ~ a~·.11
they could then climb the rope (Climb 'You have the right to remain silent ...
roll, normal effect) up to the ventilator (etc.)' while at the same time rubbing
shafts which form a complicated web the blood from his truncheon onto his
in the hall's ceiling. Several of these right trouser leg and taking a step
shafts lead to the slippery exterior of towards the characters.
the palace, and are consequently a - If the characters decide to run, the
possible route to escape. Other shafts policeman will follow on his motorcy-
end at the giant fan blades, which are cle. He will never give up. He is a one-
already colored red with blood. man judge-jury-and-executioner
- If the characters don't succeed or even appointed to enforce the law in the
attempt to escape, they will be dark alleys of Metropolis. He is
unbound, one by one, and tied to an absolutely unconcerned whether a
iron cross and carried around to be person is guilty or not. Punishment is
offered to the misshapen but delighted an end to itself.
subjects seated in the halls. Every now THE BOUNTY HUNTER
and then, a razide or a lictor will reach Having wandered for a long time
out to rip off a limb from the unfortu- under caved-in houses, through ground-
nate character, while others settle for a level tunnels where the wet floors are
chunk of meat. strewn with debris and the cold left-
THE ARREST overs of unspeakable meals, the charac-
A fast vehicle comes skidding around ters see a blazing light up ahead, A
a corner, and then rolls over. It catches swishing sound comes every three min-
fire, and the driver struggles frantically utes, which is followed by hundreds of
to free himself from the seat belt. In less thick, meaty thuds (pER roll of accept-
than a minute, he is free and crawling able effect). Suddenly, something comes
away from the wreck, when the vehicle tumbling from the tunnel, which could
explodes. Then there is a sOlmd of an be mistaken in the darkness for a large
approaching heavy motorcycle, which rat but is actually a chopped-off human
materializes seconds later in the form of head (pER roll of good effect). When
an awesome machine carrying a police- the characters reach the light at the tun-
man. He is dressed in the uniform of the nel's end, they find that they are stand-
highway patrol, wearing metal-plated ing inside a giant crater in which the
leather boots and gloves of spit-and-pol- floor and walls are covered by human
ish. Casually toying with the badge that skulls and rotting heads. Above the
twinkles on his chest, he draws his trun- crater, silhouetted against the blazing
cheon and walks up to the man who sky, hovers the mass guillotine, its giant
has now stopped crawling. The man blade sending hundreds upon hundreds
turns his pleading eyes to the charac- of human heads down into the already
ters, begging in a whimpering voice for half-full cavity. Here and there in the
help. unsteady shadows walk crouching can-
- If the characters refrain from helping nibals looking for heads with flesh still
the man, they will witness a two-sec- fresh. The bounty hunters, however, are
ond trial, followed by a ruthless execu- guarding the crater, and shoot the scav-
tion. Then, the six-foot-plus policeman engers on sight.
(considered a strong Metropolis inhab- If the characters emerge from the
itant) turns to the characters, and, tunnel, they might be spotted by the
parting his burnt, bleeding lips, hisses, bounty hunters (1-5 on a D20), in

~n~~ ~4ff~~
which case they will certainly be shot increases that the bounty hunter will
at, and may even be chased by a flock of explode, splattering the characters with
hungry cannibals (see below). A glitter- his putrid entrails.
ing prize, however, is hidden in this sea THE CANNIBALS
of decapitation (pER roll of good Suddenly, with loud crashing sounds,
effect): it is a chainsaw equipped with a a huge heap of metal scrap is, dropped
shoulder prop with a flame-thrower on into the almost impenetrable alley. The
the side. The weapon's former owner, a way ahead is now totally blocked. When
dead bounty hunter in black leathers, the dust settles, a score of hairy shad-
his dried-up skin barely able to contain ows emerge from the broken frame-
his swelling abdomen, still holds it in a works of the collapsed houses, A back-
fum grip. It will take three Combat wards glance up the alley reveals a pow-
Rounds to force the saw from his stiff erful silhouette slowly turning a club in
fingers, and with each round the chance his hand, its spiked head suggesting
unbearable pain. At a signal from the
dark shadow, the cannibals spring for-
ward with drooling mouths, exposing
yellow cracked teeth sharpened to nee-
dle points.
The cannibals' object is to capture
the characters alive. The battle which
ensues could develop as follows:
- Despite the fact that several cannibals
have already fallen with a last rattling
breath, both their aggressiveness and
number seem to be growing. The char-
acters, pressed back into a corner
formed by a couple of collapsed walls,
prepare for a last stand. Three cables
hang down from one of the walls (pER
roll of acceptable effect). Alas, they are
standing on what seems to be metal
scraps, and all three of the cables look
conspicuously like live wires. Only one
of them is, however. The others may
be climbed (Electronics / Climb, of
good effect). A wild chase follows over
crumbling rooftops, with leaps over
abysmal depths and futile attempts to
hide behind riddled beams. Maybe
they merely have to find a way back to
ground-level. The possibilities are end-
- Overpowered by the cannibals, the
characters are tied by their hands and
feet and taken through the rubble to
the great Ritual Site. Thousands of rat-

•• r.r'
j 1IJ,,1I
tling voices greet them, and the char- characters experience a coldness of
acters are bmtally hurled into a wood- heart, and they no longer see any point
en cart which no doubt is bound for in shirking from violence. They feel
the top of the blood-soaked hill. There great relief when meting out punish-
the cold, dripping steel of the mass ment, and become emotionally depen- .
guillotine awaits, its giant blade having • dent on it.
long since lost its edge and gleam. The NPC
characters are to be ritually decapitat- People are wild and aggressive. They
ed. However, they share the wagon turn to violence rather than anything
with the remains of a quartered canni- else, and they show absolutely no
bal, induding his msty old carving mercy. They live by the law that punish-
knife. A little deft fingerwork will ment is an end in itself, and are always
sever their bonds (difficult AGL), and looking for criminals to sacrifice to their
then they are off with a few thousand lord.
angry cannibals at their heels. A well-
armed but careless bounty hunter
might also supply them with some
The characters experience relief from
much-needed fire-power.
hurting other people or creatures, and
- As before, the characters are overpow- it earns them an extra point of
ered. This time something a little more Endurance. This enhancement is only
elaborate than the blunt edge of a temporary, and they will then return to
mass guillotine awaits them: namely, their original values. If a character kills
the Banquet (see above). another person or creature, he scores
Efi~-ts ten extra points for Endurance, or may
remove a scratch that has been previ-
PC ously sustained.
It is right to punish. It feels good too.
Everyone deserves what they get. The

The maneuvers had grown into less with fresh, bleeding wounds. The dark
of a game, or so it seemed to Robert, fluid trickling into the sand gave them
who was examining his bruises. He an eerie look which was frightfully
belonged to the B patrol, and their close to the real thing - the officers in
mission was to take an enemy bunker. charge had spared no effort to give a
Right now, the rest of its members realistic feel to this maneuver. Spurred
were strangely missing. He became by his success, Robert headed down
aware of that something was stirring into the maze of trenches, feeling his
amidst the tear-gas of a foxhole up way forward until, finally, he found it:
ahead. He decided he wasn't going to the bunker. The door stood ajar, reveal-
waitfor the others, undid the safety ing that there were no lights on inside.
catch to his AK 47 and opened fire.
Enemy fire came back at him, which
was soon snuffed out. Robert stormed
the foxhole. Three soldiers lay there
Summoning his raw voice behind the
old battle cry, he burst into the dark-
ness and emptied his automatic rifle.
As the last shells lay smoldering on the


I. (;~~

I:l\.tJ •

••• #

.0 ..

..,. .. •
• ,~ ,."

~~ ~

. . "c·~.-.-.':.l.·:'-
-- -
- - -

rotted floor-boards, the lights were sud- of the Demiurge, to keep the other
denly switched on, Robert saw the Archons - as he believes in his paranoid
Major, disemboweled and swinging fantasies - from using the present situa-
from the ceiling by his own entrails. A tion to bring about the awakening of
stooping creature with thick veins mankind. His hatred is focused particu-
embossed on its skin stepped from the larly on Malkuth, who openly tries to
shadows, covered in blood and steam- enlighten the mortals.
ing bowels. To his own great amaze- Old battered houses line the streets.
ment, Robert wasn't the least bit The bullets and grenades have not
afraid of the repulsive creature; on the spared a single building. The windows
contrary, it inspired him with a crazy gape wide open, showing their sharp
lust for blood. He felt he was moving teeth of broken glass. Sooty skeletons of
in slow motion, picking up another burned-out cars have found permanent
gun from the floor, undoing the safety parking spaces measured out by sacks
catch and then, his frothing mouth of sand and barbed wire fences. Stray
grinning hysterically, he followed the gusts of wind travel the lonesome
monster out into the trenches... alleys, rustling the torn curtains and
Netzach, the paranoid General, has swinging the creaking doors. Moving
found his calling in a war against the on, the houses grow more and more
Legions of Darkness, in Elysium as in like proper ruins, where still reeking
Metropolis. A former ally of Kether's in tear-gas grenades, leaking oil drums and
the never-ending war for power in half-rotted bodies lie scattered in the
Metropolis, Netzach is convinced that bombed-out streets. Dull explosions and
I he himself must now assume the power chattering machine-guns now become
an unavoidable part of the setting. A
sharp smell sweeps in from the endless
sea of stones beyond the ruins, reeking
with the gasoline smell of napalm, com-
bined with the acrid stink of burning
flesh. Far off in the distance appears the
sleek surface of Netzach's palace, shoot-
ing up out of the scarred landscape
which is littered with wrecked armored
vehicles. The closer one approaches the
hexagonal building, the shorter grows
the distance petween the trenches,
some filled to overflowing with dead
bodies. Smoke from anti-tank weapons
drifts by like low-flying clouds.
Suddenly an infantry company emerges
from the mists for a crazy attack on an
objective which isn't even in sight. The
heavy clatter of the caterpillar treads
drowns out their battle cries, and then
volleys from a trusty old T 34 rips their
bodies to shreds. Stern-faced, deter-
mined soldiers sharpen their bayonets

l~ :t ~
. . . - - ..
in bunkers of welded concrete with II1ei-de:n.-.s
barbed-wire reinforcements. A harsh THE MASS GRAVE
sergeant is executing his own wounded, Suddenly the ground gives way at the
then once again shoulders his heavy characters feet, and they slide down a
flame-thrower and, with a hysterical steep slope (pER + AGL rolls of normal
laugh, charges through the oil-filled effect, or they will receive a light
smoke of a burning tracked vehicle, fir- wound for each failure), to land among
ing as he goes. Close to the palace are a multitude of corpses. They have fallen
concentration camps, where a forlorn into a mass grave where soldiers lie,
execution patrol searches the grounds shot to pieces or burnt to a crisp, side
for a prospective victim. Well-armed by side with innocent civilian victims,
bastions keep watch over the roads including women and children.
leading into the palace, roads which Equipment finds can be made from the
must frequently be cleared of dead bod- soldiers (pER throw of good effect will
ies and vehicle wrecks. The massive uncover different weapons) by charac-
palace walls are alternately of 'Stone and ters inclined to dig into the cadaverous
armored plate, and have thick protrud- mess.
ing spears of steel. Minor towers sup-
port machine-gun platforms where men
All around Netzach's palace, constant
of the well-armed guards are engaged in
battles are being fought, although the
guard duty. Highways turn into multi-
reasons have long since been forgotten.
lane tunnels leading straight into the
Stray officers search the grounds trying
central palace. Suddenly, four or five
to recruit new outfits or reinforcements
rugged individuals appear at the palace.
for the old, decimated ones.
Their torn leathers reveal swatches of
A heavily decorated Major riding in a
dirty blood-clotted skin. They march
tracked armored vehicle stops and tries
briskly over the concrete, their partly
to recruit the characters. He doesn't
organic weapons shiny with moisture
persuade, but rather commands them to
and smelling of fresh blood. They are
come with him. If the characters refuse,
received by men of their own kind,
he will become aggressive and threaten
armed with heavy chainsaws, who force
to court-martial them. If they persist, he
them down into a tunnel. They are
tries to kidnap the characters with the
pushed through tarmac tunnels coated
help of his few remaining soldiers (ID5
with thick plumbing, led over steel
+ 3 men), and they will then be
bridges and brought down elevator
equipped and used for a frontal assault
shafts until, finally, they approach the
on a well-armed bunker.
growing noises which greet all the
unfortunate new arrivals to the Arena. D-DAY
Here, the odors of fear mix with those This incident includes a means to get
of sweat and burning oil. Shrieks of ter- the characters into Metropolis, which
ror announce that the games have start- may be edited out if necessary. They are
ed at the Arena. These games feature traveling by boat in a heavy sea, and the
characters are all very sea-sick. The cap-

fights to the death, man vs. man, man
vs. machine, or free-for-alls. It is a never-
ending battle against time and deadly
tain offers them some pills which he
claims are the perfect remedy. Having
~ tI .

enemies who live but for the pleasure taken them, the characters experience a . . .
violent shaking of the ship, and then all :.1
of a slow kill. o ..
,., . .,
• .


lights go out. From the darkness, a stern cutters in their packs, but it takes
American voice shouts at them: 'Move three Combat Rounds during which
it, move it, move it! Get your butt out, they are shot at from the German
soldier, or I'll kick your f--ing ass all bunkers.
the way to Germany!' , - They could overpower their officer
The characters discover that they and the captain, and desert with the
are dressed in the uniforms of the u.s. landing craft. Leaving the beach, they
Army. They each carry an automatic will instantly come under heavy fire
rifle and other military equipment, such from German guns. For every combat
as ropes, grapnels, hand grenades, etc. round the GM should roll a DlO, and,
. The stern of their small landing craft scoring a 1 or 2, the boat is hit and
opens 'up into a hatchet door, and the sinks. The characters must score EGO
faint light of dawn comes gleaming in. A rolls of good effect, or else they
.~ cliff hovers in front of them, about 150
[ot1Q);t~~ feet high. The waves come crashing
receive light wounds. Once in the
water, the characters must either swim
into the small boat which is violently for shore or be picked up by the allied
rocked, and the characters are passed forces. The GM may use this extreme
.' by soldiers running out of the craft, If peril to create a tear in the Illusion
the characters remain on board, the offi- which brings the characters back to
cer will force them out at the point of reality, or he can leave them stranded
his gun. on the French coast.
Grenade and shellfire explosions
- They might be captured by German
blossom in the sandy soil of the beach,
troops, following a failed attempt to
and the loud crashes are amplified by
blow up the bunkers. They are then
the surrounding cliffs, Heavy machine-
brought back through German lines.
gun chatter from the background mixes
and wind up in a damp cellar, where a
with the dying screams of Darby's
skinless humanoid will torture them
Rangers dropping from the cliffs.
with his steel whip to make them
Others, who have made it all the way
reveal the purpose of the attack, and
up the knotted ropes, struggle with the
what code words are used for commu-
barbed wire which separates them from
nicating with the command ship in
a German bunker.
the bay. If they invent a quick answer,
The officer shoves the characters
they are left alone for a while, but
towards a grappling-rope. His once reas-
soon the torture is resumed. During
suring face has now cracked into a
one of these reprieves, the GM may let
twisted mocking grin, Yellow tusks pro-
them escape, and finish the incident
trude from his pierced, bloody cheeks.
with a wild hunt through the endless
His weapon has merged into his body
bunker tunnels.
and is lined with pulsating veins. This
incident could develop in different THE ARENA
ways: Six starved, barely human figures sud-
denly appear. Their tangled hair sticks
- The characters could climb the ropes J

out wildly in all directions and their

and take part in the attack on the
dilapidated leather jackets and torn
German cannon fort at Pointe-du-Hoc.
army trousers barely cover their repul-
It will take three Climb rolls of normal ..
sive bodies. They are circling the char-
effect to scale the ropes successfully.
acters, waving chainsaws and trying to
The barbed wire can be cut by wire-
force them into a side tunnel, leading in
under the palace. If the characters either each other or some of the oppo-
resist, they are attacked by these lost nents listed later on. If they win, they
souls who will not relent until they are will be brought to stone prison cells
killed or knocked unconscious. If, how- with floors covered with clotted blood.
ever, the characters comply, they will There they will await their next fight.
be brought through damp tunnels and 'EHee--t8
over slippery steel beams (AGL throw of
normal effect not to fall into a shaft). PC
After ten minutes' progress, the tunnels The characters experience a creepy
start to resound with exited shouts (pER feeling of unpleasantness. They feel per-
roll of normal effect will identify them secuted and instantly mistrust anybody
as, 'Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!') which they meet. Everyone is their enemy
come from the Arena. who must be defeated at any cost.
They enter the wide open space of Paranoia and anxiety make them ques-
an amphitheater, whose walls are a tion everything, and they will challenge
loose-knit metal mesh. The Arena floor everyone with their views.
is encumbered with constructions of NPC
steel and concrete, some erected almost People behave aggressively towards
like a city block, while others are scat- each other. They are as paranoid as the
tered helter-skelter. Chains hang from characters themselves and as alienated
the ceiling, and the floor is ceaselessly from trust. Prone to violence and utterly
swept by search lights. In the center of selfish, they will go any lengths to pro-
the space hangs a platform on which an tect their own interests.
overweight subhuman character is TECHNICAL GAMING
perched, commenting continuously on SOLUTION
what takes place in the Arena. The The negative effects from a wound
other side of the net is crowded by (Le. inferior aim, fewer actions and defi-
drooling, mutilated beings, who bestow cient stamina), will not be felt by the
their loud cheers on the fighters locked characters when in the vicinity of
in deadly combat against either each Netzach's palace. But they will suffer
other or the vile killing machines which the consequences retroactively. When,
lurk in the shadows. leaving the area, each light wound they
The mutants try to force the charac- have sustained is supplemented by a
ters into the Arena. Unless they refuse scratch, and each serious wound by a
and try to escape, they will be made to light one.
fight. The GM could let them fight

... -;-:; . ~'-<$
. . . . . .....
- .
-. . . .

- .,.
The door slammed shut with a Geburah once had tried to keep
harsh clanging noise. Behind the echo mankind in check with rules and regula-
of the collision between the hardened- tions. But now his influence in Elysium
steel door and the mottled concrete is slowly fading, usurped by his collabo-
wall rang the last word of the judge: rator, Binah, who employs religious
"Guilty!" jordan was overcome by ethics as her means of control. This has
shivers, the cell walls were bitterly freed Geburah to focus his powers on
cold. "Guilty of what", he asked him- Metropolis, where he is in open feud
, self It was he who had reported the with both Netzach and Tiphareth.
theft of his car to the police. Then he
remembered how the prosecutor had
G-eb. . . .~h~s
brought in the little boy.
John, wasn't that his name?john The desolate concrete flatland sur-
Epswood, the kid from second grade. rounding the gray fa<;;ade of Geburah's
Why was he smiling in that malicious palace is swept by hot winds carrying
way, and what had he been talking dry clouds of pulverized concrete and
about? Sure, we used to hassle him a stone dust. Sinister constructions in
little but we didn't mean any harm. rusty metal shoot out of the ground like
Broken back, well, he'd fallen out of a giant claws. Parts of these torturous
tree. Was that our fault? We were only machines, which have long since gone
kidding, he could have told us that he out of use, are jostled by the breeze,
was scared'. making piercing squeals. The sweeping
The anguish came suddenly, the wind resounds in the cracked concrete
guilty admission, the shameful confes- pipelines and old drained conduits with
sion. The darkness around jordan a dull swishing whisper, and the
seemed to dissolve. The red-hot iron palace's square-angled features seem
was pressed against his lips. Bloody almost as if alive, shimmering in the
hands forced him down to the floor; scorching heat. With only a few doors
the pain seemed unreal but the sud- and windows, which are small and
den din of the chainsaw gave no room placed far apart, the massive building
for doubt: this was not a dream. • bears a strong resemblance to a cube-
like mountain. Closer to its sparse,



majestic form, streets are discernible on with the sparse portals dispose the
the flat ground, as are huge piles of scat- results of the conscientiously executed
tered metal junk. The streets cross at punishments. The steaming, bloody
right angles, skirting the lesser buildings sludge creeps slowly down the wall,
which now are in ruins, or the vast piles where it sticks and clots or finally
of metal junk which take a proud part n;J.akes contact with the stinking fly-cov-
in the plain's topography. Viaducts and ered heaps which ring the palace.
tunnels pass over and under the no Inside the building, the screams of
longer functional pipelines. Gallows the condemned ring even louder in the
poles shoot from huge cadaverous high palace vaults. Torture chambers
heaps of rotting bodies. Still closer to and prison cells share the same iron
the palace, bodies hang from the poles, bars, lining endless labyrinthine corri-
slowly swinging in the hot wind. The dors lighted by fluorescent tubes. A
decomposing process is quickened by monstrous judge's pulpit is prominently
the ever-scorching heat, and 'the unbear- placed beneath an unsupported, hover-
able stench of decay is inhaled with ing black club of iron. Fettered prison-
every breath. Next to the gallows which ers are brought to the blazing mass pun-
line the roads where they are already ishment halls, by ruthless guards with
overshadowed by the anonymous bare, gleaming torsos. Even here, judges
palace, stand metal cages welded shut. and executioners hold summary trials,
Atrophied limbs of mummified bodies the light supplied by glowing hot steel
stick out through the iron grillwork, used for punishment. Bounty hunters
clearly stating that this is a place where lurk in the shadows looking for lucra-
all hope has fled, and where judgment tive prey to be brought back before the
and punishment are now the only ruling judges and given their proper judg-
factors. The creaking snares and the ments. The court-room walls are lined
swishing of the dust lend a finishing with sinners, standing in wait under
touch to the feeling of absolute unreali- embossed stone symbols of judgment
ty, until, at last, a few living figures and arcane instruments of punishment,
appear. Dressed in clothes which have the use of which have long been forgot-
long since lost their colors, and accom- ten. This is a place of uncompromised
panied by a group of strict, knotted despair, where repentance is of no use.
men, the judges patrol the desert. The
unfortunate souls they catch will be
judged and sentenced without remorse, THE PSYCHOPATH
their old henchmen carrying out the From the deep shadows behind damp
punishment with evil instruments and dripping bars come despairing moans.
unfeeling hands. Nobody is innocent in The ordinary corridor through which
their eyes: everybody has committed at the characters were walking has sud-
least one little crime. And, although the denly turned into a prison ward. The
punishment may vary, the condemned illusionary wall of prison bars is occa-
will be lost to pain and suffering for the sionally solidified by the reinforced steel
rest of their lives. A few despairing cries of the isolation cells' doors. The cells
come from sporadic window rectangles, are all dark, and mostly empty. But
and soon the sounds of gross ritual pun- every now and then something will be
ishment ring out all around the palace's heard moving in the shadows. One larg-
vicinity. Pipes ending at an even level er cell is even lit by a naked light bulb,
which swings on a cord from the ceiling psychopath as the man from the
and makes the shadows of the few Metropolis cell. The story also says
~.~~ Mysterious pieces of furniture move in a hallucina- that the man had miraculously
escape of the tory pattern. In one of the chairs sits a escaped the police.
Dresden .~ man who frantically chews on the torn - If the characters leave him in the cell,
Cannibal! ~ armcloth of his leather jacket. When the and later return to ElYSium, they will
'e-'lUR.: ~ characters appear, he starts up, clutch- read a newspaper story about a man
, VIENNA (Reuters) jS!
• .~. ~ Werner Krawietz, the -~" ing desperately to the bars: 'I'm inno- who was falsely convicted of murder,
l! 'Dresden Cannibal',
1escaped custody yester-
~'.,. cent! Get me out of here!'
He pleads with the characters that
and later died in his cell. By scoring a
PER roll of acceptable effect, they rec-
day in Vienna. The cir- they must let him out, stating that he ognize the man from the cell. They
cumstances of the ~
has been falsely condemned under the will later suffer nightmares (lD6
R!lQ;~ escape are not clear. "
most irregular circumstances. His
JUI:J'1tI:'tf.Ll How could Europe's ! lawyer had promised to appeal the sen-
times) in which they see themselves
JlIU If\.1l. most demented child ~ decapitating the innocent man in front
rr . ! killer escape from a tence, but now he has been sitting in of a giant judge with leering lizard's
police Headquarters iso- ~ this cell for months without seeing a eyes. (If they fail an EGO roll of nor-
lation cell? Bribery and
negligence are suggest- _
single person. He shows the characters mal effect, they will also meet with a -
ed, and a scandal seems a small box full of cockroaches, his only 2 mental balance deduction per bad
unavoidable. The minis- food during his imprisonment. dream.)
ter of Justice is holding - The characters could help him in two
~'(1l~N+ a press conference this
, evening. different ways: one, by shooting the Behind the rusty corpse of an old exe-
Krawietz was arrest- lock out with a gun (the lock yields cution machine a fleeting shadow sud-
ed last week after having with a serious damage), or two, by denly appears, and then just as suddenly
:~) ~ been the subject of a two overpowering the sleeping guard
I',• ..nolt: year manhunt. He was
is gone. There follows a long suspense-
'~~'t 001 (strong Metropolis standards, armed ful silence broken by (pER roll, accept-
•,"" ~ ~ captured as he held a
, .' kindergarten class in an with truncheon and revolver) who able effect) the cold clicking sound of
',' ·C.:~ isolated cabin in the keeps all keys. The guard sits a little the bolt of an automatic rifle being
,~ ... Alps. He had murdered further down the hall, but he is hid- pulled back. Next round, a man jumps
'\~ ;"~.II several children and den by shadows. If the characters lib-
" •••, eaten their flesh before out and opens fire on the characters
1~.t::"".:I the police could inter- erate the prisoner, he will be extreme- with a Kalashnikov. He is dressed in a
(f'i'\..~. vene. ly grateful but also very much afraid business suit which has seen better
. -..
1,1',.", \ .
and anxious to stay in the characters' days, as have his striped tie and
company. After a while, however, his scratched glasses. He is desperately try-
features twist into an expression of ing to kill the characters, who, howev-
sick hysteria. He starts shaking violent- er, are surrounded by plenty of debris
ly and coughing up blood Then, sud- to take cov~r from (average AGL). When
denly he darts into a side corridor, the man, whose name is Rudolf
screaming. Later, if the characters Arnstadt, has emptied his rifle, he
return to Elysium, the GM could attacks with a letter-knife. He will not
expose them to a short newspaper give up until he has received a deadly
story about a gruesome mass murder wound. Then he starts he whimper,
of little children: a psychopath while his life's blood spills into the

. . '" hijacked a school bus, and having dri- desert sand. If the characters ask him
• Ie
.... ~\'~l, '.
. t"
,(1 •
ven it to a mountain cabin, killed and
ate all the children in less than a week.
any questions, he immediately starts to
tell them his life story.
..... ' ' ~ ~
If the characters score a PER roll of
A:. He, Rudolf Arnstadt, formerly Morris
.. . normal effect they will recognize the Cohen, Jerry Bronson, Claire Goulart,
• t '"
.. . ' f'"

~ •
. . .

' . ~ J~" - . - . '

:' -'- -. . - ~-
Frederico Vasari ... he will go on and on The Game Master must appoint one or
until the characters stop him. He then at most a few of the characters to the
shoots a contemptuous stare at the leading part/parts, i.e. accused of a
character who gave him the final, dead- crime (henceforth called 'the Guilty
ly blow. Party'). The crime should have been
'So, you've murdered me again. I bet cqmmitted during a previous gaming
you thought you'd never see me again session and it must be a murder. Those
after the last time. You slime - you of the characters who are innocent of
lousy creep! But I just couldn't escape this particil1ar crime will participate as
from you with your sharp nose locked witnesses.
on the scent of my blood. You, a puny One morning comes a knock on the
mortal who can barely see the world Guilty Party's door: it is the police,
around you, the true world. Few people arresting him for murder. A couple of
have grasped the bitter truth of the days later, the other characters receive a
never-ending cycles, the sentence, the summons to the trial as witnesses. The
prison, the curse. The curse which is Guilty Party is taken in a well-guarded
cast on us all. But by your ceaseless acts police wagon to a unusually shabby
of murder, I finally understand. I know. police station. Following an endless
You have taken me across the border. cross-examination about the time and T'Wrongly
Ant yet I shall never know freedom. You circumstances of the crime, the Guilty Convicted
have transported me to an even grim- Party is thrown into a damp cell which Man found
mer hell. Haaha, haarrrr... I had just is shared by a an elderly drunkard Dead in Cell
barely started to be reborn, and who do whose clothes are becoming increasing-
VIENNA (Reuters)
I meet? Yes, who - if not Dr. Victor ly hard to tell apart from his skin. The Werner Krawietz was
Zuckerkandl, who 'never committed old-timer hardly answers when spoken found dead in his cell
malpractice on a single patient in his to, and never more than a curt, barely this morning. His head
life' - Herman Whitman, using a meat audible, hoarse whisper, such as: was almost torn off.
According to the
hook, unless I am mistaken - or Adrian 'To live is to sin, and dying is just the
Medical Examiner, Dr.
Villaert, who was drunk and drove up beginning of another crime: Meier, the injury could
onto a crowded sidewalk on Christmas If the Guilty Party wishes to contact not possibly have been
Eve in 1932. Many, many others, but his friends or a lawyer, he will be given self-inflicted.
always the same. The evil is in your a telephone, but as the overweight Werner Krawietz
was convicted despite
eyes, you cannot hide from me. And prison guard informs him, it can be his denials of a series of
now, (name of character) you did it used for one call only. The telephone is sensational child mur-
again! How does it feel? My only hope is unreliable, and whatever number the ders in a scandalous trial
that you, here in this the land of Guilty Party punches, he is disconnect- last year. Much of the
evidence was fabricated
judge... Haaha haaaahh ... of judgment, ed. The day after the arrest, the Guilty by the police, and the
I say, shall get your proper punishment. Party is visited by a lanky man of nonde- chief witness perjured
Aaaaaaaaarrrgghhh! It's starting all over script eye-color. His hands are ice-cold, himself on several cc
again. Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggh!' his skin is all dried-up and his cheeks counts to get Krawietz
convicted. With the
He dies with an inscrutable smile on display the multitude of scars of a care-
proof of a solid alibi last
his lips. No further explanations are less shaver. He introduces himself as week, it was only a mat-
needed. The GM may move on to an Ralph Lister, lawyer of the Guilty Party. ter of days before a
incident involving a trial (see the Trial). In spite of his strange appearance, he release was ordered. An
makes a very reassuring impression, internal investigation of
THETRIAL • the prison's personnel is
This incident is also a bridging repeatedly saying things like ' ... this will ~ ongoing.
sequence from Elysium to Metropolis. work itself out - just you wait and

,.,• •

' -~'
'. ~-,<p
~ ,'.= -;- '~_.-, -
. . .
~ .-:--,~
- - ~
see ... ' The next day the Guilty Party is tor must draw a piece of paper. A lot-
taken to the court-house. With chains tery number is drawn, and whoever has
rattling from his ankles, he enters a the lucky number has won the great
courtroom where bums in dark ragged honor of executing the law of Geburah.
coats and muttering old hags fill the The characters must each draw a ticket,
spectators' seats. Strange diagrams and and the next winning number will, of
ancient symbols decorate the dusty, course, correspond to that of a charac-
dark walls Its tall windows admit dark- ter. The one about to be hanged is a
ness rather than light. small frightened boy who keeps calling
The Gamemaster may draw out the for his mother.
trial for as long as it pleases him. - If the character obediently walks up to
Endless pieces of evidence are brought the gallows and pulls the worn lever
in: fingerprints, the murder weapon, a to activate the drop mechanism, the
video-tape recording made by a passer- crowd will cheer but the character is
by, photos, the doubtful social position given a new disadvantage, for instance
of the Guilty Party, his previous criminal Depression.
record, his neighbors' testimony to his - If the character refuses, the crowd is
strange behavior, etc. The other charac- enraged and calls out for vengeance. A
ters are forced to testify and will be group (lD6+4 people) of half-rotten
heard by a lictor, who hides most of his zombie-like people attack the charac-
hideous physiognomy under a footlong ter and drag him up to the bridge to
cape. Every now and then the burnt be hanged. If the character tries to
skin or the lashing snakelike tongue will pretend that he does not hold the win-
peep out from under the black hood ning ticket, an old hag peeking over
covering his bald scalp. his shoulder cries out her heartfelt
Unless the other characters inter- congratulations, attracting the crowd's
fere, the Guilty Party will be locked into attention to the character's stroke of
a dark, dripping prison cell which luck.
proves to have a parallel existence in
both Elysium and Metropolis (see Efiee-t8
'Police Station' in the chapter 'Cracks in PC
the Lie'). The Guilty Party may later be The characters feel that someone is
able to escape from the cell, only to find watching them. They imagine that pry-
himself in Metropolis. The Game Master ing eyes are everywhere, waiting for
might prefer to build this into an them to make a mistake. They feel the
episode where the other characters presence of something standing in judg-
must go to Metropolis to rescue their ment over them. They are frightened
imprisoned friend. and very careful.
People are gathered near a stony hill A wide variety of savage types can be
to watch a mass hanging. The twenty or found around Geburah's palace. They
so unfortunates are hooded with a cloth all fall into either of two categories: the
bag, One by one they are taken down a sinners and the punishers. The punish-
low wooden bridge which ends at a gal- ers stage summary trials in which there
lows. A man wearing a showy spanglesl is no use to plead for justice. The sin-
suit passes through the audience offer- ners repeatedly proclaim their inno-
ing a large urn from which each specta- cence and shamelessly beg for mercy.
TECHNICAL GAMING tive cumulative bonus to the effect of all i~;;j;~~;t;~~tt:ttjjj
SOLUTION their CHA related skills. The bonus
The characters find it increasingly depends on the distance from the
hard to lie or to keep their secrets. With palace, which leaves the judgment of its
every passing hour they receive a nega- extent to the Game Master.

It was dark when they woke up. The headgear. His horrid death-marked face
palace gardens weren't lit at night, so was badly ravaged by acid, and then it
Joshua and Adele had to feel their way split into a blood-stained smile.
out. The large hedge which had been Hours later, the coach approached
their playground as well as their love- the palace, which was surrounded by a
nest, now seemed like an endless maze crowd of many thousands, although no
forever turning in new and unpre- one seemed to pay any attention to the
dictable directions. The rain-heavy injured young man pinned down and
leaves blocked away the sky and the icy writhing in agony on top of it. Joshua
chill went right through their light sum- fought a lonely battle against the pain,
mer clothes. Adele was already shiver- driven mad by the cracked voice of his
ing, and was afraid that they might beloved fiancee whose agonized shrieks
neverfind their way out. Suddenly they penetrated to the roof
were caught in the blinding light ofa He was just as alone two years later,
search beacon. A large old{ashioned sitting on his small cot in the dark dor-
horse-coach drove up, the hunchbacked mitory. The moldy mattress reeked of
coachman climbed down to open its rotting death, and, in front ofhim, sev-
creaking door to them, and, rather eral mutilated slaves were locked in
than stay in the cold outside, they combat on the floor, fighting over the
accepted the invitation. Inside the fresh meat of a dying cell-mate. Unable
coach, it was decidedly warmer, but to cope any longer, he closed his eyes
there was hardly any light. A tall, thin and was instantly haunted by the
man wearing a felt-brimmed hat sat recurring vision ofAdele, the last time
facing them. His eyes were hidden by he had seen her: ravaged and defiled,
the hat-brim, and his feeble lips let out with the skinless man poking his shiny
a hissing breath. The man raised his white skull around inside her
chalk-white fingers, which were pierced abdomen, looking for the choicest bits.
by rusty nails, to remove his unsociable
Kether's activities in Elysium are limit- selves completely from our race by
ed. His servants, who can be found virtue of their tentacles, exposed spinal
among the Royal families of Europe, are columns and amorphous bodies. Some
more observers than active participants. of these sculptures are mechanically
Metropolis is the main concern of articulated and execute jerky motions to
Kether's ambitions. Kether is the the sound of rusted machinery. Here, in
Archon who strives most actively to the gloom of the palace, processions
gain control of the Citadel of the occasionally appear from the shadows.
Demiurge and form a seat of power. His Dirty slaves, their backs slashed by
elaborate plans are executed by loyal whips, slowly drag great metal wagons
generals and well-disciplined lackeys loaded with building materials or
who all have their place in the hierar- corpses. Steam engines, puffing and
chy. blowing, pull the wagons that transport
Kether's higher servants, mainly lictors,
who must be revered by all in their pas-
sage. Offenders run the risk of swift
Kether's palace consists of an enor- punishment at the hands of the Lictor's
mous obelisk shaped building, its sur- bodyguard. These stately men with
face covered in wet, verdigrised copper. razor-sharp teeth and piercing eyes
Its base is broad and massive and dress in oilskin coats branded with the
stretches upwards until it is lost in the marks of Kether and their respective
fog and darkness above. Along the slip- masters. Their arms are a ritual sword,
pery, steep walls, electric cables cling, along the blade of which runs a gun-bar-
until they crawl snakelike into the build- rel. Buckshot is their most convincing
ing through some of the many open- argument to get a sinner down on his
ings, gaping maws which let out hot, knees. Here and there, large throngs of
stale smoke from the nether regions of loyalists have gathered to honor their
the palace. Rusty ladders, whose ends lord Kether and listen to speeches. The
cannot even be divined, compete with speeches consist of meticulously
the cables for space on the walls, and phrased tape recordings that now are
rare fan vents, their propeller blades worn through overuse and are practical-
gleaming with neon light from within. ly unbearable to listen to. The stained
Growths of stone and metal, black and loudspeakers that are placed along the
sleek, form alleyways and mazes in the base of the palace emit long, jarring sig-
parks of seemingly endless proportions nals on occasion, upon which the
that surround the palace. Here and numerous' slaves shuffle their way
there, this 'flora' is broken by enormous towards some of the many gaping doors
ponds of oily, smooth water. Tracks and openings in the palace. Once there,
have been made in the muddy soil at they divide and plod up the numberless
the water's edge, the tracks of clawed stairs that constitute the greater part of
feet, of slithering scaled bodies and oth- the palace's base. Some disappear into
ers quite beyond identification. Statues great elevators with iron gates, designed
and busts of leaders and rulers grow to carry hundreds. The elevators sink
more and more common as one deep towards the nether regions. The
approaches the palace. Some represent walls are decorated with low reliefs in
human leaders, some are vaguely • black marble, depicting different impor-
humanoid, yet others distance them- tant individuals in the palace hierarchy.

. . . . _-t-_
- -

- - .
. .
Others are shaped as intricate symbols one or all of the characters lacking in
of Kether's power. Even inside it is reverence. Three of them step for-
damp, and running water has worn fur- ward, and try to bring the offenders to
rowS along the broad stairs. Fans of their knees to lick their boots. They
huge dimension hang suspended by do not hesitate to use their swords or
cables from the darkness above, slowly , the shotguns affixed along the blades.
whipping the warm damp air. The shuf- - Should the characters try to rush the
fling noise of the slaves that seems to wagon in order to save the screaming
come from every corner is the respira- children, they must face the assembled
tion of the palace. A stifled, warm and bodyguards.
fateful pulse. WORKERS
:I:I1eIdeIl--t8 The characters find themselves in an
elevator together with a hundred or so
slaves and workers. The immense eleva-
A large wagon pulled by a' hundred
tor does not stop till after a downward
slaves approaches. The slaves are
journey of ten minutes. From afar, a
thrashed by sweating, naked foremen
constant hammering can be heard, and
whose arms end in long whips of
the air is filled with an amber mist.
twined skin. The wagon is flanked by
Huge halls spread out and the many
the bodyguards of the lictor within.
workers obediently walk away in single
People step aside and respectfully bow
file to the various cement-gray buildings
their heads. From the wagon, the
that serve as their homes. Agentii make
screams of tortured children can be
sure that they do not stray from their
heard, mixed with a gurgling, evil
allotted cement path. The characters
are brusquely shoved towards one of
The Game Master has several choices.
the large houses.
-The wagon passes and people return to
- Should they resist, tlle Agentii attack,
their chores.
simultaneously attracting some radi-
- Suddenly one of the foremen akks nearby with their piercing shrieks
approaches and signals to the charac- (another IDlO will appear in a round).
ters to join the ranks which have If the characters are able to defeat their
become thinner as some of the much- adversaries, they can try to get back to
abused slaves have fallen to the the surface again. The elevators are
ground, never to rise again. If the char- operated by a central command
acters join, they must pull the wagon according to a time table. The next will
around the outer walls of the palace depart upwards in five hours.
for hours before they are driven down
- Whether they allow themselves to be
to the workers' quarters in one of the
pushed towards the house, or should
great elevators (See Workers). Every
the Agentii and the radiakks defeat
hour they pull the wagon they must
them, they will sooner or later be
make a CON throw or be whipped by
thrown into the building. The door is
the foreman. Should they try to
locked behind them and the darkness
escape, the foreman will follow, but
seems solid. Sobbing can be heard,
will not pursue them very far.
and muted, fleshy sounds echo over
However, the bodyguard will open fire
the wet floor. A toothless man with
with his shotgun, aiming to kill.
bloodshot eyes and hair all over his
- The bodyguards find the behavior of
body suddenly lights a candle in front honored by his presence!'
of them. He gestures for them to fol- The ragged individuals who have
low him. If they follow they will be gathered kneel in the dust. Some are
led between many-layered wooden too exhausted or too handicapped to do
bunks that stretch up into the dark- so, but are assisted by their comrades.
ness. In them lie exhausted slaves and 'The time is near, a great leader shall
mutilated bodies that serve as food for be born! A failure in Hell shall be made
the others. Yet others are empty, but into our success, here in our Paradise.'
the blood-stained wood, yellowed by A procession makes its way through
human skin, testify to their having the crowd. A number of men with
been recently occupied. The man hiss- chalk-white limbs, clad in long coats,
es illegible things, and soon arrives at carry a large slab of concrete on their
a dank corner of the single room in shoulders. The concrete bears the
the large building. He points excitedly inscription 'BIut und Ehre' (pER throw
at a number of unoccupied beds to good effect). Other men carry tat-
meant for the characters. This is their tered banners decorated with swastikas.
new home. Suddenly a tremendously Last comes a wagon upon which a lictor
strong light from the ceiling is turned preens himself. In his hands he holds a
on and a sharp report rings through strange glass jar. Through the yellow liq-
the hall. The man rushes away in hor- uid that fills the jar, a human brain can
ror and all in sight cower in their beds, be clearly distinguished. The wagon is
shuddering with fear. A PER roll with flanked by attentive bodyguards.
normal effect reveals a group of radi-
akks (lD5+5) who appear to be
patrolling the hall. They stop here and PC
there to torment some poor wretch The characters' faith in loyalty
who has drawn attention to himself. towards a guiding ideal or a person of
Sooner or later, they will approach the higher rank becomes more apparent in
characters. Instead of fighting, the them.
characters can lie low in order to NPC
explore the large, damp dormitory in Humans all have some form of rank
search of a way out. The doors are within a social system of strict hierar-
equipped with a time lock but there is chy. Whether these are military grades
a fan vent. Either they try to slip or unspoken ranks, they keep to their
through the huge fan blades (AGL/PER statiop. and are loyal to their superiors.
throw with good effect or ID3 serious Nor will they tolerate that one of lower
wounds) or they destroy the fan. rank (a ~haracter, for instance) breaks
Should they start shooting or blowing the social code. Then they may use vio-
things up, they will attract more radi- lence to cow the 'freethinkers'.
The loudspeaker on the wall starts to All deeds performed by a character
roar and shriek. Finally the cacophony that have a directly detrimental effect
ends but is soon followed by a cracked on Kether's power are punished by -5
voice: on the effect. For instance, should the
'Bow to the Lord, our ruler and characters try to shoot a servant of
father! Kiss the ground that has been Kether in order to pass through a door,
they get -5 deducted from the effect. hand, receive a positive bonus of +5, as
However, if they try to climb a wall in in the case of a character shooting a
order to avoid being run over by an malefactor, a rebel, or a still-freethinking
armored car, there is no negative affect. comrade.
Actions that favor Kether, on the other

Slowly Susan awoke as the sun's it away: she really had a rewarding
rays jiltered in through the blinds. job, and she just couldn't allow a sin-
Tiger was asleep on her belly, when all gle night's folly to ruin her entire
of a sudden she was seized with vio- career. And then the pains were back,
lent cramps and had to shoo the cat even stronger than before, and she fell
away as she doubled over in pain. from the chair to cringe on the kitchen
Thoughts wentflashing through her floor. Images from the operation
barely conscious brain: Was this the invaded her mind: men and women
labor pains already? What about the dressed in white smiling and putting a
abortion? Had it failed? Was she still cool cloth on her forehead; the doctor
pregnant after all? Then, as suddenly speaking soothingly all through the
as they had started, the pains stopped. operation. There was something that
Shocked but relieved, she made her didn't quite match: she remembered a
way to the kitchen and poured a cup sudden sideways glance, the small
of cold, stale coffee from the night quivering creature which fought des-
before. She sat down at the kitchen perately to break free from the doctor's
table, gazing out at the still-wet streets. hands. Susan's eyes turned inside out
It was then that she saw the paper, and her convulsed body relaxed, as
which had somehow gotten stuck her recently implanted womb burst, cc
under the toaster. She disengaged it her stomach erupted with blood and
without particular interest, and gore, and something oozed out onto
unfolding it, turned her eyes to the the kitchen floor, eagerly lapping at the
blue, typed words. There was such a mess.
cold, impersonal feeling to a hospital Malkuth, the rebel, acts entirely
report, and feelings of unease traveled according to the plan of the Demiurge
down her spine and settled like a lump in helping humans to awake from cap-
of ice in her belly. Susan tried to argue tivity by means of science, technology
..,• •
.... • •
• •

and magic. She has abandoned all aspi- sided street. A look back offers no clue
rations to a leading position in to the high wall that seems to have dis-
Metropolis and wishes to establish her- appeared as well. Old newspapers flut-
self in Elysium, which once she created, ter like ghosts blown by a capriciOUS
as soon as the occasion arises. There wind. The lights of a huge bulldozer are
she will await the return of the suddenly turned on, and soo~ the muti-
Demiurge. Her enemies are legion. But lated bodies are being pushed towards
now and then, she cooperates with the dirty-gray factory buildings whose
Tipareth. smoke-belching chimneys stand out
against the sky. The damaged road leads
T.I1e :Pft;Ia-ee
past strange spools of copper wire.
. O:r ~ft;~-t;h Transformer stations stand humming
A strong bluish light illuminates the quietly, and a net of cables and wires of
distant sky. The ground is level and various kinds form a roof hung from the
clean-swept. No buildings can be distin- poles that support the tumble-down
guished in the darkness beyond, which houses. A sudden ridge reveals a mile-
is why the wall that suddenly springs wide depression. Around its edge lie
into view gives an impression of the hundreds of factories and other industri-
supernatural with its perfectly-shaped al buildings, most of which bustle with
blocks of stone and spotless surface. As activity. The large truck empties its con-
unexpected as its appearance is its tents into a shaft welded to one of the
entrance, a small archway, beyond nearest buildings. Through greasy win-
which the silence is almost numbingly dows one can see men in white per-
painful. A cement path leads past win- forming surgical operations of dubious
dowless fac;ades. The light from a green- nature. Half-dead patients squirm in
ish searchlight comes from high above, vain and their anguish is abruptly ended
and the buzz of surveillance cameras as the scalpel cuts deeper. Organs from
grows louder as one progresses further. a variety of known and unknown crea-
Suddenly, one of the fac;ades is seen to tures are preserved in glass jars on
be in pieces. Blocks of stone and metal shelves. The post-mortems of
cement, carbonized cloth rags and melt- bodies hanging from the roof on
ed plastic litter the ground. Bullet holes, meathooks have gathered onlookers
claw-marks and soot-stains on adjacent who nod in agreement and jot complex
walls lead the viewer's gaze to the piles notes in their notebooks. A roar cap-
of corpses that lie further down the tures their attention and draws it to the
wide open street. Disemboweled center ~f the depression where a mag-
humans lie bleeding next to the stinking nificent bllilding suddenly materializes.
bodies of hairless creatures whose With its framework of polished steel
chests, torn open, reveal an impossible that bears sections of glass and crystal,
anatomy. The battle seems to have been it resembles a jeweled crown. Its roof is
quick and just recently ended, as the dotted with antennae and radar dishes
blood that has trickled down onto the that reflect the bluish-white light that
paving-stones is not yet congealed. The occasionally flashes from the opening in
fac;ades are now quite different. Gone is its vaulted roof. It raises itself slowly on
the impression of perfection. Dirty, ram- great hydraulic arms that extend from
~iaIiiii;iii"'" shackle huts of tin and the ruins of • the blackness beneath. Suddenly,
I~l'. stone buildings border the now lop- searchlights dance in the sky and one
lie •



can distinguish flying creatures high perverse accompaniment to the flayed,
above the grolmd that plunge earth- torn and bubbling bodies of the servil-
wards with terrifying shrieks. Steel ians. On shelves inside the ambulance
claws glimmer in the evening sky. The are jars containing drugs. These are of
fleeing figures on the ground are easy similar nature: they accelerate an awak
prey for the attacking razoths who tear • ening, they serve to pierce the illusion.
them apart and scatter their remains to The man has just been pumped to the
the four winds. A powerful alarm rings gills with them by the servilians. His
out and Malkuth's palace sinks down- development progressed too rapidly
wards again. Huge armor plates of sooty and with new-found powers beyond his
steel slide from the sides to seal off the control he tore them to shreds without
shimmering building. Crude, old-fash- using his hands.
ioned gun turrets appear and fire deaf- The man starts to babble:
ening salvos up towards the unseen 'Everything ... So obvious. Of course
enemy. A sickly smoke emanates from the pain is necessary. No freedom with-
the burning factories and people run out it. Want more of the blue ... give me
like human torches, only to trip and be the blue ... aargh... '
burned to death, screaming horribly, Jerking with cramps, he writhes and
before the eyes of their comrades. tries to make the characters give him
Mutant trackers comb the area. With the blue pills. Things start to fly around
their evolved olfactory senses and infra- in the ambulance and the straps that
red vision, they are more efficient than bind him start to untie themselves.
most machines. One of them approach- - Should the characters give him the
es and sniffs the air before suddenly blue pills, he will pretend to calm
bending its upper body and leaping for- down in order to invade their minds.
wards with a blood-curdling scream. The pills give him strong telepathic
Excited shouts mingle with the sound powers and he tries to guide the char-
of steel-shod feet. In the other direction, acters to set him free. Then he tries to
rows of factories stretch out into infini- enslave them to make them soldiers in
ty. The wall with the little gate has dis- his war of vengeance against the
appeared and the painful silence has Archons. The Game Master rolls ID20
been replaced by the hoarse cry of the + the man's EGO, 30 (increases by 1
crowd: 'Intruder! Intruder!' with every roll), and the characters do
II:I-eIde. .-.s the same. If the man rolls the higher
value, his influence on the characters
BLUE DREAMS increases. With one higher roll he can
An ambulance, its blue lights still stop a character from acting against
spinning, stands parked by a ware- him. Two rolls of superior effect give
house. No one is seen in the vicinity, him the power to make the character c
and the back door stands open. Blood to help him with less important
trickles from the vehicle (pER throw things, for instance freeing himself.
with normal effect) and a quiet hum- After three superior results he can
ming can be heard (pER throw with decide what the character does, even ,.,
normal effect). Inside the ambulance, if it involves attacking his friends. The
now drenched in blood, a man lies man can try to take control of several •I IS\. ~ tJ •
strapped to a stretcher. A vacant look characters at the same time but he
.. ..

shines in his eyes and his humming is a must divide his EGO-value between :A
o ...
"'" .
~ . ,.,•

...:...- ... - .--. . - _--
. _.,----_:
-= -
the different victims. with holes, as though caused by shrap-
- Should the characters refuse to give nel.
him the pills he will become aggres- - If the characters stay where they are
sive and will try to use his mental they must fight off the creatures from
powers to tear the characters apart, as the sky.
he did with the servilians. In this - If the characters rush for the factory
instance, he is also using his EGO they can avoid the attack (AGL roll,
though it is only considered to be 20, good effect). It is quiet inside, but for
and decreases by 1 with each round. If the sound of heavy raindrops falling
he succeeds with the attack, the char- on the oil-stained cement floor. Soon,
acters will only be scratched. however, a groaning can be heard
- Should the characters take the drugs (pER roll, good effect). The sounds
themselves, they run the risk of dying. come from large containers on the
The drugs are strong and have a detri- ground further on in the shadows.
mental effect to a person's psyche and There is a padlocked door (serious
external perceptions. Things seem to damage is required to open it) on each
change and those near you may sud- container. Should the characters open
denly appear as enemies. First a CON any of the doors, ten or so women,
throw (with good effect) is necessary limping and with skin scratched to
to avoid going mad and running amok. pieces, stream out. They are in their
Then an EGO throw (also with good fifties and their naked bodies are
effect) is needed to accept the effects swollen, as if they had spent several
of the drug. If it is not accepted, mad- hours lying in the water. These experi-
ness is the result, and the newly- mental subjects from the transplanting
acquired abilities will distort every- theaters have been placed in these
thing negatively. Everyone will be per- containers, where they are kept pris-
ceived as an enemy, and death will be oner until they are needed for some
the only way out. If one succeeds the new experiment.
drug will engender abilities that will THE OPERATION
help to perceive the world as it really A factory building can be distin-
is. The Game Master can choose guished through the fog a hundred
between the advantages and disadvan- yards further on. Its windows, which sit
tages listed in the rules on character twelve feet up on the gray cement
creation. walls, are misty, but a flickering green-
REMAINS OF ish-white'light nevertheless finds its way
THE EXPERIMENT to the darkness outside. The sounds of
Something glimmers in the black sky metal objects rattling on a tray mingle
(pER roll, good effect). A sudden alarm with hoarse screams and high-frequen-
rings out and searchlights start to comb cy bleeps from the EKG (pER roll, good
the sky. Black razoths dive with out- effect). A small door swings in the
stretched talons. They have been sent wind, and within its frame there is only
by Geburah to spy and to terrorize darkness.
Malkuth. Some of the Razoths (lD6) Should the players enter to investi-
spot the characters and attack. A hun- gate, the door will slam shut and lock
dred yards from the characters stands behind them. They may try to push it
an abandoned factory building. The open, in which case they risk attracting
front of the building is gray and mottled the attention of a guard patrol that will

try to arrest them (see The Autopsy).
Behind the door, a creaky iron staircase
leads downwards. After ten yards there
is a slightly-swaying masonite board. It
is the back part of a closet and is easy to
pass through. On the other side is a
locker-room, all barren walls and metal
benches upon which a lab coat lies,
stained with blood and other bodily flu-
ids. The closet contains others similar
except that the human remains have
dried upon them and they no longer
smell like a freshly-butchered corpse.
Suddenly, the characters can hear (pER
roll, good effect) steps approaching
from behind the door that is the only
exit from the room. It is a team of doc-
tors returning from an autopsy. The
doctors are not fanatical fighters and
will try instead to alert their colleagues
should the characters attack them.
Outside the door, a corridor stretches,
its wet metal floor gleaming with the
reflection of the lamps that swing from
the ceiling. The corridor ends in a
gigantic operating theater that resem- roll for EGO (good effect) in order to
bles a factory hall. An advanced but avoid vomiting when the smells of rot-
badly maintained medical apparatus ting flesh and disinfectant reach them. If
stands side by side with steel lathes and they become sick, they will of course
rollers. Cooling water drips from the draw attention to themselves and must
ceiling onto the tables that have long pass an Etiquette throw with normal
since rusted and are colored with blood results to avoid exposure.
from previous operations. Feverish - Should they be exposed, they will
activity prevails. Medical teams relieve be attacked as described above. If they
each other, operations are performed in do not succeed in escaping they will
the flickering light of old neon tubes, each be strapped to an operating-table.
autopsies on living as well as dead peo- One by one they are wheeled out and
ple are performed by hysterical drooling hung up by their legs. A doctor whose ('
men in stained coats. In order to escape skin is alternately replaced by electron-
the characters must either retreat, fight ics and animal skin dangles a blunt carv-
their way through the hall (lDlOO + 25 ing-knife from his hand, while he lec-
normal standards attack together with a tures to a number of other men in white
couple of tracker dogs) or try to sneak who closely observe his demonstration.

out in disguise. The doctor then proceeds to cut up his
If they put on the lab coats from the unfortunate victim, presenting the
closet and enter the hall, no one will organs to the viewers one by one. He
notice them at first. However, they must then replaces the organs with others o
... ~
.., . ,.,•

made of a black, shiny material that doned factory buildings spread near
seems partly made of living tissue. If the Malkuth's palace. If the characters suc-
characters survive the operation (a CON ceed in slaying their opponents, they
roll, acceptable effect), they will be will find all kinds of advanced equip-
only slightly handicapped by the ment on the soldiers' persons.
surgery. However, within ID5+5 days Weapons, infra-red goggles, hand-held
the living organism that is a part of the radar, distance gauges, etc.
implant (see Fekklizers, chapter "the
Damned") will try to make its way out,
folloWing the line of least resistance. PC
- If they succeed in evading expo- The characters start to consider them-
sure, they may instead be involved in an selves more important. Their self-
operation. An extremely soiled medical assuredness and trust in themselves
team calls them and one of the men increases. They start to realize the
hands one of the characters a scalpel, grandeur in their own creation. They
telling him to continue the operation. become unafraid and possibly less than
On the table lies a terrified woman, her careful.
abdomen open in several places. She NPC
has not been put to sleep, but is only Either hysterical or catatonic. People
sufficiently drugged to keep her from who have been scarred by operations,
thrashing about. Twenty onlookers or who have realized their own great-
stand around the table taking notes. The ness but not managed to cope with this
character is forced to perform an intesti- insight and broken down. Those who
nal compression and a lung exchange. have braved the shock and become illu-
Moreover, the woman's eyes are to be minated have long since left the palace
replaced by electronics. If the charac- of Malkuth.
ters play along and perform the opera- TECHNICAL GAMING
tion, they will not be exposed even if SOLUTION
they cannot operate and the woman For each hour spent in the vicinity of
dies. If they hesitate, they must pass an the palace, the characters' mental bal-
Etiquette-roll with normal effect or suf- ance either increases or decreases. If
fer organ transplants themselves (See their balance is negative, it sinks and if
above). it is positive, its value is augmented.
THE AUTOPSY How much is subject to the proximity
A patrol (lD4+ ID6 soldiers) with of the pal",ce itself. Since distances are
trackers discovers the characters. They most difficUlt, to measure in Metropolis,
attack and fight to the death. If they suc- the Game Master must decide how
ceed in capturing the characters, they close he judges the characters to be.
conduct them to one of the many The following chart is meant as a guide-
autopsy-rooms that lie in the old aban- line.

-t .
.- -
- . .- .
let another day, ten more hours of Haberman was surrounded by lean,
paralyzing impotence. The heavy wiry creatures smeared with half-
metal door folded open like an accor- digested vomit steaming from their
dion bellows, and some light found its uncapped skulls. The last thing he
way inside, but you couldn't tell from remembered was a pricking pain in
where. Anyway, it seemed like a gray his left temple.
day, and their first visitor, a middle- Now, here he was, stuck to a
aged man, wore the telltale signs of twelveJoot metal canvas, sharing the
rain on his trenchcoat. fate of a yellow bicycle, its spokes stick-
How had it all begun? Haberman ing through his head, its other wrecked
tried slowly to collect his memories of parts randomly scattered, intermin-
that first, fateful day. That party was gled with those of his own body. The
absolutely out of control: they were gallery visitor in the trenchcoat was
drinking, smoking and snorting like regarding this work of art with great
crazy. There were impromptu strip acts skepticism. 'Could anybody actually
and couples fornicating in the most spend money on that sort of thing?' he
unlikely places. They all belonged to thought, bending down to read the lit-
that damned 'trendy' set: advertising tle nameplate: 'Bicycle Accident III,
people, film producers, ubiquitous Max Freedom, 1995.'
aspiring but inept 'artistes'. Pop art - Tiphareth keeps a low profile in
of all the stupidf--ing things! Metropolis. This is only a cover for her
Especially that dweeb Freedom. Max thirst for power. She strives to awaken
Freedom, a perverted little upstart humanity through art so she can bury
whose pathetic attempts at what he the Demiurge forever and obtain unlim-
thought was .ltrt' was stunningly ited power in Elysium. Netzach and
devoid of the faintest trace of talent. Geburah suspect her treason and
While clumsily trying to persuade denounce her violently in Metropolis. To
Haberman to write a rave review of defend her position, she has made pacts
his Human Collages, Freedom slipped with the generals of Astaroth as well as
him something in his drink which sent creatures from beyond our reality.
everything spinning. Suddenly,

ill I

_.~ ~.-c-- -.- .~._~._ I
........ ~ ._--~~.~: ~
.. ~
Tl1e :P~I.a-ee o~ half-finished sculptures support the
TI~:re-t;h sedum plants that crawl forth from the
Massive crumbling pillars and now firmer ground. Curious diagrams
columns are arranged in the pattern of and geometric calculations cover the
the radiating sun, at whose center walls that sometime join the columns
stands the palace of Tiphareth. Some of together to form small rooms. Suddenly,
the columns are joined by high arches the roofed colonnades come to an end.
or vaults. In other places the upward The stifling air, laden with centuries of
view is entirely obscured by pipe-laden unabated vegetation, is now replaced
stone or metal roofs. From the dark by a cool breeze that bears a murmur-
recesses overhead you can hear scrap- ing sound. Within the great sun pattern,
ing sounds and moist groans which the palace of Tiphareth stands. It is a
echo between the pillars, and are only work of great imagination and creativity,
softened by the slimy, intestine-like a medley of styles and disturbing simi-
vines that droop towards the ground. A larity to buildings of our world. The
cold haze wends its way through the nether regions are deserted, but large
pillars, obstructing vision. Here and escalators convey you upwards to the
there, you can spot a flickering light like jumble of great halls that constitute the
a campfire. The ground has crumbled palace. The halls are cold and damp.
between the high colonnades, maimed Spotlights flash their columns of light
by gaping abysses from which a thick down onto bizarre creations set in the
and impenetrable darkness rises. floor or hanging on walls: paintings, col-
Bulging power cables run across the lages, mosaics, mobiles, sculptures.
ground, intermittently snaking up a pil- Some are complex and bear a likeness
lar, turning downwards again to end in to famous pieces from art history, oth-
a bunch of wires that spit sparks as they ers are incredibly simple and yet so
are struck by the corrosive liquid drip- obvious. A treacherous quiet lulls you
ping from above. A small mosaic-laden on towards ever greater discoveries.
square seems a place of rest. Classical Here and there lie sobbing shapes that
statues stand moldering in niches col- hold the remains of their eyes in their
ored a yellow-green hue by water and bloodied hands. Beyond a corner and
acid. Moss covers the iron fountain, its up a ladder, a blood-curdling scream
stagnating water giving off a cloying, rings out, followed by shuffling sounds
musty smell. Earthy paths lead inwards that slowly but surely fade away. A rank
to an uncertain destination. The vaults odor sudd~nly bursts from an adjacent
grow higher and even darker. Blind bat- hall and the calm is replaced by an
like creatures dangle upside down from increasing sense of unease and claustro-
iron bars in the ceiling. They hide their phobia. The walls lean at a disquieting
human faces, covered with a fine net of angle. Perspectives are distorted. Colors
sensitive nerves, behind many-fingered heretofore undreamed dance chaotical-
wings. They hang in the dark, ostensibly ly. Time seems to stop or flow back-
uninterested in the visitors Further in wards. Suddenly, you feel a cold grip on
towards the middle, the high-frequency your shoulder and your body is whirled
t. ~\,
around in a mad somersault. Or is the

• \0 .;,(1 tones and hissing sounds by which they
communicate become clearer. A man room moving? There is no pain, but the
sudden realization of haVing been cheat-
suffering hallucinations staggers from
o between stone pedestals upon which ed sends waves of shivers through your
nervous system. The shuffling noise paintings of Hell. People crucified,
reappears as your body is brutally burning, mutilated, damned. Then a
dragged off into the darkness. series of anatomical studies by
Yet another awakening divinity has Leonardo da Vinci, depicting the human
been shackled by Tiphareth. body exposed in the most precise
d~tail. If attentive (pER roll with good
In.-cIde:D--ts effect), one can spot a small growth at
INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA the base of the forehead in a cranial
A flickering light strikes the naked study, much like a tick nailed to the
concrete wall. It comes from an enor- frontal lobe of the brain. Further on in
mous hall where different films are the hall hang the 'black paintings' of
being projected onto every possible flat Francisco de Goya: scenes of war, degra-
surface. Even the floor occasionally dation, morbid tableaux of cannibalism,
opens to reveal buried projectors. The holocaust and human cruelty. The
flow of images never ceases, ,a series of themes get even more brutally direct
quick cuts and fades and rapid montage. and it becomes harder and harder to
If the characters enter, their senses attribute them to any famous artist. A
are subjected to severe duress and they forty-foot canvas depicting some sort of
run the risk of losing their grip in this Last Supper hangs by itself from the
inferno of images. Every other minute ceiling in the middle of the hall. The dis-
they must succeed with an EGO roll or ciples are distorted shapes with tattered
their consciousness will merge into one skin that complements the maniacal
of the films, thinking that they act with- looks in their eyes. They feast on
in its scope. They can,talk to the charac- maimed bodies and dissected babies.
ters in the film and participate in its The hall is one of Tiphareth's traps.
action. The Game Master can choose a The more one sees, the more his mental
relatively quiet film that characters find balance is distorted. For every five
themselves immersed in, e.g. Blade minute period, the Game Master secret-
Runner, Jacob's Ladder or Alien. For ly makes an EGO roll for each of the
more action and stress, The Evil Dead, characters. If they fail, their mental bal-
Platoon, Hellraiser, the Nightmare on ance is increased or decreased by ten
Elm Street series, or a WWlI film involv- according to their current balance. All
ing Nazi death camps are recommended. are driven towards the awakening.
THE INSTALLATION When one of the characters has
A conveyor belt carries the characters changed his balance by 50 points, he
up into a large hall. Spotlights suspend- experiences a moment of clear-sighted-
ed high above on the ceiling send com- ness. Perspectives are distorted and all
pact beams down to higWight the things adopt their true shape and color.
works of art that hang on the walls. Time no longer matters. Then one of
These are oases of light in a black and Tipareth's mutated servilians attacks the
opaque abyss. The concrete floor is dry half-awakened one to drag him to a cell
as bone, and dust puffs up with the for a life of submission to Tipareth's
slightest movement. Occasionally a will. These servilians are cautious, and
scraping noise, like small claws on
metal, can be heard from above (pER
roll with good effect). Closest to the
entrance hang Hieronymus Bosch's
skulk in the shadows before pouncing.
Around Tipareth's palace are the
remains of the great libraries that once
J. .

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were filled with human patrons before libraries together, to suddenly attack
the intervention of the Demiurge. They each other, in the mistaken belief that
were not like our libraries. True, they they are acting in self-defense. In the
were filled with wisdom and thoughts, halls are the dead bodies of visitors who
but these were not written down. They killed each other, rather than having fall-
were made available on a spiritual level. en prey to wolven or other dwellers in
The libraries were enormous con- the dark. The characters may find a
structs, technological wonders, that library subjected to the evil of the
allowed all within to communicate with guardians.
each other simultaneously and without INCUBATION HALLS
limit. Since humanity's recall was then An escalator, sparsely lit by flickering
total, there was no need to write down neon tubes, reaches down several hun-
experience: one could always go dred yards. Oily water drips from the
straight to the source with a minimum darkness above, dissolving the dark
of distortion of the original message. patches of dried blood that cover the
The libraries that now exist in Elysium rusty steps. Down below, violent thuds
are mirror images of these age-old stone and loud hissing noises mix with the
• halls. But not only good springs from sound of meaty steps on a clattering
modern libraries. Nostagor, the keeper metal floor. The escalator ends at a little
of the Memory Bank, spreads wrong corridor that leads to the incubation
and inaccurate information through halls. Captive humans are kept there
books. Some of our libraries are portals who are on the verge of waking up.
to Metropolis and its libraries, which Their awakening is controlled by
are mainly in ruins and visited by Tiphareth's servants (corresponding to
azghouls and wolven. Their busic con- genetides), whose muddy skin is in con-
struction is of red stone, but behind the stant flux. The unconscious humans are
sleek walls lies enormous machinery placed in refrigerator-like coffins with a
made of metal and crystal, now dor- small round window above the face and
mant workings that once powered the a hatch in the back. Squeaky robots
libraries. In the desolate halls one can stick shining bunches of long syringe
experience a sense of tangible pres- needles through the hatches, penetrat-
ence. A group of people can communi- ing the bowed backs of the occupants.
cate without words and without seeing Blood and pus mingle on the corrugat-
each other. The Archons have posted ed metal floor. The situation may devel-
guards, to prevent visitors from under- op in many ways. The characters can be
standing the meaning of their discovery. captured and placed in an incubator
These guards are spiritual entities who themselves, or perhaps they may try to
are only visible under infra-red light, as free one of the captives, who is half-
their swirling shapes resemble mirror awakened.
images on billowing waters. They move
very slowly and very rarely and feed on E:Uee~
the life-force they steal as they distort PC
\lI\ messages between people who have The characters experience the con-

~§t' CJ;,a. entered the libraries. They attempt to

• Ie stant shifting of the surrounding world,
make their victims distrust each other

4' .. fraught with hallucinations that break
, •
by spreading false information It is not
I •
up visual impressions to create an unsta-
I • ~
.. . rare for old friends, who have found the ble reality. They are worried, and feel
• . 1'"
t"" ~
I •

'""\ ~

iii •••
- -


- _ ~- -
insecure about their surroundings and The characters can also acquire new
those they encounter. advantages and disadvantages depend-
NPC ing on their situation and what they are
The people around the palace of doing. If someone manages to stay con-
Tiphareth are often talkative and seem- scious after suffering a serious wound,
ingly open. They blather on for hours t1;J.e Game Master can give him the
about their discoveries or try to con- Endure Pain advantage. In the same
vince the characters to accept their manner, if someone is standing on the
help and guidance. edge of a cliff, the Game Master may
inflict acrophobia, the fear of heights,
on the character. The Game Master can
The characters' advantages and disad-
also increase or decrease the mental bal-
vantages become more pronounced.
ance of a character who has just used or
For instance, a character with a slight
experienced an advantage or disadvan-
phobia will suddenly experience his
fear as a greater, debilitating phobia.

This was the last straw. Flushed with 1 can at least give that pathetic little
anger, Michael stormed into the eleva~ opportunist a piece of my mind!' A
tor. The little brown-nosing bastard freshly laid carpet led the way to the
had beaten him to it! He had never office glass doors on which a new
trusted Strauss, but he would never name, 'E. Strauss,' had been painted.
have guessed that the little shit would Michael kicked the doors open and
threaten his upcoming appointment as prepared to let loose a storm of wild
department head of Foreign Affairs. profanities on his enemy. But the room c('
That lizard must have gotten his split was empty. The far wall was concealed
tongue so far up the board members' by a cloud ofsmoke from which you
asses that he could have licked their could hear someone coughing. The
lips for them in the bargain. The eleva- floor was washed with a thick, moist
tor seemed to take no heed of humidity which made his shoes sticky.
Michael's hurry, climbing wearily up Disappointed and confused, Michael
to the 76th floor. 'All right,' Michael pushed into the room. Finding another
thought, '1 might have lost the job, but open door, he stepped in and discov- e'
,.,• •

~"~; ~~~~

ered an iron frame supporting a net of ers of the palace, one can see fires rag-
burning barbed-wire. The gasoline fire ing in the upper stories. The howls
emitted sooty, dark smoke. Suddenly, grow louder and suddenly, with a crash-
Strauss appeared, but it wasn't quite ing noise, a burning human body smash-
him. The little man seemed taller, and es through a window and plummets to
his bland face was a decaying mask of the ground where it is smashed on the
blood and rotting flesh. Rusty nails concrete. Shining swinging doors lead
protruded from his hands, which held into the skyscrapers. Elevators lead
remains of the meal he had just made upwards from reception desks long
of his secretary's plump body. Michael since abandoned. Their panels are cov-
just wanted to scream, which he ered with incomprehensible symbols.
presently did, as he felt the glowing Some floors lie empty and abandoned,
spikes driven into his back. thickly carpeted with dust. Others form
After the disappearance of the a limitless labyrinthine office-scape. Not
Demiurge, the three Archons Yesod, all are so desolate, however. The evil
Chokmah and Chesed became victims henchmen of the Angels of Death,
of the battle that broke out among the Nahemoth, Gamichicoth and Sathariel,
inheritors of his creation. Their palaces occupy large sections of the old palace.
were devastated and their power desert- Horrifying scenes of torture are perpe-
ed their old residences. But the three trated in makeshift purgatories.
complexes do not lie entirely aban- Intricate machines keep mutilated
doned. Other creatures have found their humans alive so that they may taste
way there and now hunt for damned immortal pain. Other victims sit hud-
souls among the aging ruins. dling in rusty cages, freezing and aban-
doned. Without hope of salvation they
Y~~8 :Pft;I~
quietly await their turn on the burning
Its smooth walls made entirely of net of barbed wire. Gone are Yesod's
glass, Yesod's old palace reflects the dra- corrupt businessmen, gone also are his
matic red bloom of the sky. Perfect steel lictors. Now there is degradation and
bows form triumphal arches which pain instead.
straddle huge motorways. Pyramids of
compact glass send roving reflections UI10~ft;h~8

out into marble marketplaces. But some- :Pft;I~

thing is missing. Deserted streets run Like a huge haunted castle, its fac;ades
straight as arrows in towards the shin- exploded from within, Chokmah's aban-
ing skyscrapers. A few demolished vehi- doned palace sits brooding above dark
cles disturb the otherwise perfect order. and muddy ,waters. Low black clouds
The stinging smell of burnt flesh and circle the remaining spires. From a
the hysterical howls that echo between deserted clock tower, sporadic chimes
the glass walls are just some of the are heard, their irregularity testifying to
symptoms. Mad laughter and splashing the total desolation. Ramps with tiled
sounds from panic-stricken flight roofs lead across the marsh to the
emanate from beneath the sewer grat- palace. Large empty halls stand quietly,

ings. Gaping wounds mar the immacu- their walls decorated with religious
10 . t
c;" ,CS
, I
late glass fac;ades, spewing thick brown symbols: crucifixes, stars of David,
cI . .,
.... 6 ..
steams down into the street. Further in' Indian demons and Nordic runes, the
• ~.
•• . 0
towards the great complex of skyscrap- darkness only broken by intermittent
• •
. I""
( "\

• .;
• ~~~.
rays of light from above, whirling with not been disturbed for years. Suddenly a
dust. Traces of wild gunfights abound: light drizzle begins to fall. Fleeting,
chipped statues and shattered panes of silent drops once again pelt the ruins,
glass. Here and there, the mummified and if any life survived among the heaps
remains of Chokmah's former servants of rubble, it would be suffocated by the
lie in the dust. Maimed and defiled, they lethal chemical rain.

testify to the power and finality with
which Kether crushed his greatest rival
after the disappearance of the HUNTERS IN THE SEWERS
Demiurge. Despite its violent history, (YESOD)
small rooms with peace and quiet A manhole cover to the sewers under
remain in the palace. Eternally burning Yesod's palace lifts up in front of the
candles dissipate the darkness around characters. A terrified man with cracked
golden icons of the suffering Christ spectacles and a grimy face appears. He
bearing his cross. As they disperse the has just enough time to spot the charac-
darkness, so do ~h~y d!~olve doubt and ters and try to hand them a shiny object
lack of faith. Our dreams of evading that he produces from his pocket. Then
responsibility for our own lives and our he loses his foot-hold and falls down the
desire to entrust ourselves to a higher hole. They hear a blood-curdling scream
power are awakened by the slumbering and then the echo of his fleeing steps
forces that still rest within the palace vanishing down the tunnel, followed by
walls. a dreadful grunting sound. If the charac-
ters decide to find out what he wished
Uhese.I·s to give them, they find there is no lad-
:Po,Ia,ce der down. (A normal AGL check or an
Heaps of crushed concrete and chips acceptable Acrobatics roll will be neces-
of stone obscure the view of the place sary so as to avoid injury; 1 scratch.) A
where Chesed's palace once stood. The Normal Search reveals the direction of
air, starved of oxygen, hangs still the man's path. After that they must fol-
between twisted reinforcement rods low. The tunnels are damp, and sticky
and crumbled fa<;:ades. Now and then wires hang from the ceiling that seem
the silence is broken by a whining to grab for the characters. Loud screams
sound, like the quiet sobbing of a thou- and shots fired in panic echo through
sand women. A flag stands drilled into the tunnels from far away. Soon the
the ground. Its sullied and torn cloth characters reach a large room, which is
has lost almost all its design but one can completely dark but for a vague light
vaguely distinguish the UN symbol on admitted by a grate in the ceiling. Two
the tattered rag, as faded as the memory large pipes on opposite sides of the
of Chesed, its former champion. From room spew out an evil-smelling paste c
atop a pile of gravel the scenery is clear- that pools on the floor and then disap-
er. The surroundings spread out like an pears down a drain. In the center, four
enormous wasteland of concrete and Zeloths sit on a concrete platform feast-
steel and disappear into a haze at the ing on the tattered remains of the man.

J;~~.".. i,~
horizon. Here and there a few floors of If the characters attack and defeat

the palace still stand, but their puny the Zeloths, they won't find the shiny I
Ii... ~.
tJ •
bombed out remains are deserted and object easily. With a good Search roll .. . . . . ...
- ..
the thick coat of dust in their halls has they will locate the polished little case :.1
o ..
.., -

under the sticky surface. Inside is a pho- lined by office doors. In the ceiling are
tograph of a young girl. The back- neon lamps, some flickering, but most
ground indicates some sort of gradua- smashed. Behind the doors are little
tion party. The man's wallet is empty office spaces covered in dust. Some
except for a slip of paper with a dental have gaping holes in the walls, exposing
appointment dated four years in the dilapidated elevator shafts or the exteri-
future. There is also a newspaper article or of the building and a fall of several
about the vanished girl who was hundred feet to the pavement below. If
abducted and murdered while returning the characters start to walk down a cor-
home from her graduation party'. The ridor, they soon hear anguished screams
man is not from our time, but from a and rattling howls. The corridor turns
future reality. He is seeking his daugh- into a ramp that runs along a wall and
ter, whom he has been able to track to overlooks a gigantic office landscape
Yesod's palace. In one of his pockets is where the small cells together form
a small tape recorder with a recording something resembling a painting by
of his daughter's voice. She makes curi- Mondrian. The smoke is thick every-
ous references to her surroundings. where and it gets harder and harder to
'Glass walls everywhere ... I think it says breathe. A door further on reflects the
716 on the door... Please help me ... light of a fire. In the far corner of a large
Someone's coming, perhaps I. .. room with a panoramic window, a
Aaaaah!' The daughter, Simone, is being Desparite and some (lD4) legionnaries
tortured by Desparites and their legion- are torturing victims hooked to large
naries in the palace above, in a chamber nets of glowing barbed wire. If the char-
numbered 716. If the characters wish to acters peer into the room, they will be
save her, the Game Master may use the discovered by the legionnary posted by
following events as a hint. the door. The Desparite orders his
THE BURNING BARBED WIRE legionnaries to attack, and a wild chase
(YESOD) begins, unless the characters decide to
The characters find themselves in fight. The characters can try to escape
Yesod's palace, standing in one of the into the vast office landscape they have
many halls that serve as platforms for just passed, or flee into one of the many
the countless elevators that ascend into elevators. Their flight may also lead
the palace. If they board an elevator it them to makeshift prisons, rebuilt
will rise at breakneck speed. Floor num- offices where dejected wretches sit sob-
bers flash past on the digital screen bing in the corners.
which also shows the temperature, the THE SERMON (CHOKMAH)
altitude above sea level, and stock mar- In the da~kness, the characters catch
ket quotations. The elevator stops with a glimpse (Normal PER) of a figure
a jerk and the doors open. Smoke behind a statue long since shot to
streams in from the corridor outside. It pieces. Shuffling steps hastily disappear
is considerably warmer here, and a into the shadows. If the characters fol-
muted thudding can be heard through low through the darkened halls and

the fog. The elevator does not move abandoned crypts will take them short-
10 ~\
fl;,l:l -,-1-" I until the characters exit, then its doors ly to a church. Here, the darkness is
., slam shut and it departs for its next de~­ foiled by countless candles. A calm
Il= tination. Long, endless corridors lead in atmosphere and soothing music fill the
.. . 0
all possible directions. The corridors are church with a feeling of comfort. From
. !""

I ..

. . . . .

~ :"'~~.'
.' _. -
the pulpit, a monotonous voice is dron- Those branded can become the victims
ing a mass in an unknown language. of Chokmah's will at any time. The
The characters can also distinguish Game Master can decide what the for-
rows of pews filling the space up to the mer Archon's wishes are. To resist it,
pulpit. Here and there individuals sit the character must make Good EGO
hunched, their heads bowed. The char- rflll. He may be commanded to sacrifice
acters feel an increasing urge to sit his life for another, to kill his friends in
down and if they don't wish to, they the name.of Chokmah, to commit ritual
must roll a Good EGO check to fight the murder or to immolate himself in a pub-
compulsion. The mass drones on end- lic place.
lessly and gradually all those present are
subdued into mindless slaves of
During the first act, the char-
acters must make three Good
EGO rolls or lose 1 EGO point .
for each failure. If a character
succeeds with one of his rolls he
is free to act for 6 rounds. The
character must strike again. The
first act is ended with a kind of
communion in which the priest
lays stinking bits of intestines
plucked from a silver tray on the
tongue, instead of sacramental
wafers. These are washed down
with a black liquid with flies'
eggs floating on top. If the char-
acters fail their EGO rolls they
must undergo this ritual and lose
6 EGO points. The mass can be
stopped by slaying the priest.
This will free the mesmerized
characters, but the parishioners
will attack, armed with broken
The priest raises his arms to
summon Chokmah's wisdom
and will. He produces a red-hot
iron and brands a mark on each
of those who mindlessly kneel
before him. The brand repre-
sents Chokmah and its wearer is
now his slave. The priest disap-
pears and the anonymous wor-
shippers are gone, the candles
are extinguished and all is quiet.
ACID RAIN (CHESED) words in an African dialect. If the char-
Suddenly a light rain begins to fall. acters go into the ruins they will be
The concrete dust turns to slushy por- attacked by the men (lD6+5) and those
ridge on the ground. The rain feels of the women who do not have chil-
warm and muggy, but soon it starts dren to watch (lD6). The desperate
stinging the eyes and those who have people think that the characters are the
no shelter will soon find it hard to enemies who caused the rain, and can-
breathe. not be mollified.
(The rain has a cumulative effect of
ID6 per round. Following the first three The Archons overthrown since the
rounds, every round that a character Demiurge's disappearance no longer
stands unsheltered in the rain ID6 is exercise great influence in Metropolis.
deducted from his CON value. CON is When the characters find themselves
~ recovered as with other poisons: see
close to these abandoned palaces, they
the Accidents chapter in the rule-book. do not feel the same intense influences
The more CON that is lost, the worse as near the other palaces. These areas
the damage and its consequences: are anything but harmless precisely
1/3 CON: powerful blushing, -2 COM because of the absence of central
1/2 CON: slight skin damage, blisters, -4 power. The strong survive and the weak
COM die. Anarchy prevails, and no form of
2/3 CON: serious skin damage, open organized group is found among the
sores and scars, -8 COM ruins. Mutations develop to adapt to the
, All CON: Victim dies, -16 COM) circumstances; the best adapted survive
There are houses nearby where the the longest. Inside the palaces the situa-
characters may seek shelter. In these tion is somewhat different. Small groups
ruins, however, there are others who live together, as in Chesed's demolished
have also sought shelter. Burned, hair- palace. There is food for thought in
less women whose skin has become a Chokmah's ruins, and Angels of Death
blistered shell. Open sores spill pus that spread horror in Yesod's towers. What
mixes with blood and tears. A man hys- the characters experience is a sense of
terically grabs his twitching and corrod- loss, of emptiness and desolation in the
ed foot, which is attached to his leg wake of the Archon's demise. The
only by a few sinews, slack and yel- Game Master must remember that the
lowed. Others slowly move to and fro players have no idea where they are.
to evade the droplets that seep in They do not know that the palace has
through the ceiling. All are of African been abandoned by its former residents.
origin and occasionally utter a few


• .'-~-- _. , - 0'

• _ flla
PJi I'
ebecca woke up with a start:.
There was someone sitting
on the edge ofher bed. The
bedside lamp shone on a naked man
whose skin seemed to be made ofglass.
were shredding, and blood spurted
through the cracks. He jerked convul-
sively and crumpled to the floor.
Rebecca saw the sharp shards cutting
into his body and a large puddle of
She could see his blood-filled organs pul- blood quickly formed under the strug-
sating through the transparent surface. gling form. Avoiding the bloodied
'Help me... ' the man moaned. She did sheets, she climbed out of bed and put
not know how, but the next moment on her slippers to protect herfeet. She
her alarm clock was in her hand, and felt slivers crack under the soles as she
she hurled it at the glass man's chest. It walked around the bed to look down at
shattered with a cracking sound. His the glass man. Then she aimed a kick
shell burst open and he cried out in ter- at his skull, which shattered and split in
rible pain. Inside the glass his muscles two. His brains were exposed and he
stopped screaming. 'Oh no,' Rebecca graced her skin. She couldn't imagine a
thought, 'not that same dream again.' less appealing low-budget travel agency
Her watch seemed inexplicably to than Happiest Moments - it hadn't
have skipped several hours, and she been her style at all. Her memories
, was late for work already. 'I'll have to from the trip were unclear but not at
,\ wash the blood out of those sheets in all pleasant. She thought that she must
the bath-tub. I don't dare bring them have blocked out the worst experiences.
down to the laundry room.' She would The nightmares had started right after
blame the screams and havoc on the the vacation and her whole life had
schizophrenic who lived on the fifth just gone to pieces when she came
floor. It had workedfor her the other home: 'I really ought to get rid of that
times. stupid sombreroI' she said to herself.
Picking up the telephone to call a There was no use going to the photo
cab, she got a chanting church choir session now. They must have called in a
instead. She put the receiver down and substitute model hours ago. She leafed
pulled up the blinds. Before her eyes the through the morning paper, stopping at
view ofa maroon sea opened up ooz- the movie ads. Using a ballpointpen,
ing with toxic waste and filled with flot- she circled an adfor a matinee show-
sam. A few forlorn houses still kept ing of 'The Jungle Book': at three
about thirty feet above the foaming sur- o'clock. Then she turned to the iron
face. The stink was unbearable, like scraps, plastic explosive, and the deto-
stale meat left lying in the sun. She nators, losing herself completely in the
knew that below the surface the red- task of bomb-making. There was plenty
dish-brown slush was full ofdead of time until three o'clock...
Fetuses, and this reminded her of the Later, she sat in the cafe opposite the
abortion she had when she was four- cinema, grinding her teeth. On the
teen, and the probing fingers of the small table in front ofher was a cup of
alcoholic veterinarian's large coarse cappuccino and a ticket stub for 'The
hands... She would never be able to Jungle Book'. The waitress favored her
have a child again. Her house was part table with frequent nervous glances:
of a ship graveyard where large aban- 'W'ho caresI' thought Rebecca. The the-
doned hulls lay rocking and creaking ater had thick walls which had mu./fled
against its walls. Below her window the explosion.' Blood-spatteredparents
was an old tanker disgorging itself of stumbled out screaming and crying,
its deadly cargo. The wreck was sur- carrying their maimed children in their
rounded by giant rats, swimming with arms. A four-year-old boy was crying
bits ofhuman babies in their teeth. She for his mommy, his face a bloody pulp.
was feeling very sick... Smoke gathered in the street outside, as
I should never have gone on that the sirens' wail grew louder. Rebecca
drug binge to Italy,' she thought. The was no longer at the cafe. There was
one redeeming quality of that vacation • only darkness. She bit her cheek. Her
had been the perfect tan which still hatred made her scream...
The Memory Banks are the,dreadful buildings of Metropolis have dared to
terminal point of a life in Elysium. rise, lies covered with piles of human
Memories are destroyed; bodies are corpses awaiting a burial that will never
annihilated; personalities are erased; all be. Short men in white coats circle the
must begin again with an immortal soul area looking for victims to chop to
as completely bare as an unwritten pieces, bodies to defile, or intruders to
page. Oberons mechanically and capri- catch. The ground sloping down to the
ciously bind the soul to a small helpless Sea has no trace of construction whatso-
fcetus that is subsequently obliged to ever.
languish in the repulsive sludge of the The stream and the shore are infest-
Primal Sea before it is allowed to be ed by oberons. These clumsy leech-like
reborn. creatures, about three feet tall, direct
The Memory Banks are a large steel- the flow to the stinking mutation stew
gray concrete complex that has risen to of the sea with small, simple dams that
a great height in Metropolis and looms they erect in ritual, instinctive and hor-
threateningly above the surrounding rible patterns. Oberons are effectively
ruins with its cold, damp bulk. The armored with thick shields of a hard,
buildings are topped by a huge black dark-green material, that appears to be
iron spiral, its colossal framework twist- coagulated or hardened. The number of
ing miles into the dirty yellow sky. At legs varies considerably between speci-
the foot of the spiral, gigantic, dull con- mens. Some seem to have difficulty
crete giants lie, spewing out a reddish moving at all.
meaty sludge that flows down to the
Tl1e UeI11:r:ifiIge
Primal Sea. A few large gates lead to the
abysmal handling section within the
complex. The slope down to the Sea is The forty-foot high gates to the huge
covered with the liquid that pours from concrete buildings at the foot of the
the Memory Banks, Someone has razed iron spiral lead to the Centrifuge Halls.
everything to ruins two feet high in a The halls are damp and pungent with
wide circle around the Memory Banks, the sweet scent of blood, Endless rows
perhaps from respect, perhaps in rage. of apathetic people are driven forward
The area, up to the point where the by Servilians in grimy white coats,
shoved up spiral ramps and rammed


into enormous steel cylinders. ter from a respectful distance. In the

Anguished cries of infernally tortured Memory Banks, the servilians are more
humans fill the halls when the cylinders independent and evil than if managed
start to spin counter-clockwise. The by a lictor. They are well-equipped with
whirling grows faster and faster. The absurd and horrible surgical instru-
KGB C~"t"AI A.. c~iv~s,
II ear-splitting screams cease and are ments of stainless steel, always ready to
L)lIII.IA"kA P..iso",
I,\(U Moscow replaced with a repulsive slushing lobotomize a visitor, cut a victim apart,
l~ sound when the cylinders stop. Then or to tear out his lungs or torture him
, P~te"1' MA)I 15 1922
1] the next line is pushed in. The cylinders for days on end in an operating theater.
~ Wo..k, wo..k, wo.. k... I are 60 feet high and 120 across, cover- An involuntary visitor may try to
wo..k AI""ost tw~"t)l ~OIl"S . ing most of the dark surface of the halls escape to the tunnels beneath the
AdA)I, SO """C~ to do, All
n~S~ J>~tit-l.olI"1~ois
The light flickers coldly on the naked, Memory Banks, but he risks being
..~flls~ to
A..tists humid concrete of the walls and floors. washed onto the slope above the sea
I~ . J>IAc~ t~~i .. A..t
i" t~~ s~ ..- i The walls are cluttered with a curious when a cylinder is emptied, and being
~U vic~ of t~~ PARTY A"d network of steel ladders and catwalks attacked by oberons. The entrances to
that reaches to the roof seventy yards these tunnels can be reached by raising
T~~" t~~)1 wo,,'t ~At,
~it~~ .. ! iI....
overhead. The floor around the cylin- the grating next to a cylinder and flee-
Com"Ad~ L~"i" cAm~ , ders consists of raised steel gratings that ing into the moist darkness. Most tun-
to visit todA)I. Look~d wdl • display the macabre contents of the nels lead to the slope, but some to
i" sJ>it~ of ..II""o..S. cylinders as they empty. The remains Inferno and others to the most toxic
WA"t~d so""d~i"11"A"d
• fo.. t~~ fift~ A""iv~"SAry
disappear with a slurping noise down a industrial sites of Elysium: factory sew-
of t~~ G.. ~At R~voilltio" dark stone tunnel towards the sea. ers, poison tanks or chemical works.
nis Alltll""". How s~AII I Under the center of the spiral sits
,) fi"d t~~ tim~? How s~AII ~~:1 TI1e "'"~.ttII.g
Nostagor, the lord, demon, or god of the
\~.." I fi"d t~~ st"~"1n? I ~IIIS
~ Memory Banks. His shapeless bulk
I~ \ (~AV~ "oid~AS. All t~~s~ If you follow the line of humans away
si,,,s, All t~~s~ J>0ste ..s! almost touches the roof. His flesh is
C.:~ Sv~tIA"A comJ>IAiMd made up of countless human bodies, from the cylinders, you will come to the
~ ... nAt I ,,~v~ .. s~~ ~~ ... Hit obscenely welded or stuck to each Waiting Rooms: endless, unfurnished


~~ .. lI"til s~~ I.I~d. W~)I?
A mo""",,~,,t, nAt's
other, a true abomination. Strange rooms, like concrete oceans. The floors
are covered with naked crowds who sit
:.t:':'":. W~At I'll ""Ak~! Bllt w~~ .. ~ , machine parts, tubes and pipes join
body to machine, body to body at ran- staring listlessly down. Some are pale
~.~", lOA" I fi"d tim~ fo.. ihSJ>i-
J\ • .. botio", id~l>S? rJ, dom. Nostagor's body has several differ- and emaciated, some bear open
I .... ,
r~ ~\ rIll ent sized orifices that open and shut in wounds, others display amputated
Y~ste ..dbo)l n~
~ ..
'.\\~ st"A"1~st
ni"1 ocCII.... ~d: unison, emitting an otherworldly roar. limbs, but none bleed. They are already
I fdt fboi"t bo"d J>Ass~d \ Nasty smelling liquids run from each dead.
Ollt, I.llt w~~" I Awok~ By the gates to the Centrifuge Halls,
orifice into a large puddle beneath him.
A1boi", dAz~d, I fOIl"d the servilians form the lines to be sent
~ "")lsdf i" A st.. bo"1~ Nostagor's body-parts, tubes, pipes,
I::> ,,"i "OilS IA"dscboJ>~' T~~ chains or machine arms will snatch a to the steel cylinders. Those who are
1Ai .. wAS hOt n~ cobol f01 single human or several, or sometimes active, or even alive are dragged off by
I of P~te"1' bo"d I cOllld J just a bit or a piece, such as an arm, an servilians, their white coats bristling
su "0 Sll", I.llt 0,,1)1 A )ld- with bizarre instruments of mutilation.
eye or a liver, to join to the gigantic
(G1i~ lowis~ ~l>Z~. I" f..o"t of ~
""~, mil~s AwA)I, I could
1 patchwork. One who beholds Nostagor Beside the great gateways to the
SU A,i,A"tic i..o" SJ>i..AI must make an EGO throw with a modifi- Centrifuge Halls are several doors
tow~ .. j "1 AS ~i1~ boS A er of +15. which lead outwards. Beyond them lie
mOIl"tAi,,! T~is b.. illiA"t clusters of damp concrete corridors
- St,,"et",,~ stood lih A
Nostagor commands his servilians
telepathically. They stand in small bordered with cold, blood drenched
tho,,~ Al.ov~ bo ~1I1~
i"dllst..iAI comJ>I~)<. groups, reverently looking at their mas- operating-rooms where servilians dis-
• FboSci"Ated, I AJ>J>"OAc~~d,

"r- ~ '.'-
- - -
. . -
. . .' ,
.:...- """
. - - . --

j.L ..
sect the living who have blundered into rush of anger. Stinking faggots! Your tnovi",/ t~ ...ou,/~ tl.t II>"d-
the Memory Banks. This sorry fate will car bumper hits them at about knee scl>l't. T~is tnust I.t tny
also befall any lost character if he can level, breaking their legs, so they can't I>...tistic visio,,! I ~I>Vt
run for it, and they fall to the street, "tVt ... tltl'"ctd its
not escape without being detected. The
t'lul>l i" si,/"ificl>"ct I>"d
endless, oppressive corridors also lead screaming for help. You and your"t>uty!
to dismal morgues and autopsy rooms •friends pile out of the car, grabbing A doo... stood I>JI>... i"
in prisons or hospitals in Elysium. Some your bats and tire-irons and run for- tl.t I.u'/t i">l I.uild-
ward shouting threats and cursing. i",/, I>rd tnl>cl.iMS I>t
doors lead to the horrors of Inferno,
wo...k. Tl.t ...ootn wl>S
where Nepharites circle in the dim One of them is dead and the other lies I.utnid I>"d tl.t Sickly-
light, seeking a victim to torture. Other bleeding and broken when you all SWttt Stnt II of I.lood I.u",/
doors lead up into the spiral, to narrow jump back into the car and roar off i" tl.t I>ir. T!.t li'/I.ts
steel ladders and catwalks which enig- into the night, looking for fresh vic- flickt, "I>ktd I't0l'lt
wt...t sl.ovtd I.tll'ltssly
matically wriggle their way up into the tims ...
i"to stul d...utnS I.y sl.o...t,
framework, mile on mile of hazards - A warm, pulsating tunnel of soft, I.l>i...ltss>tu...tS i"
between platforms resting over meaty tissue. A bright light. A hard fist w~ih cOl>ts. Tl.t drutnS

precipices. Shoddy ladders, raised when grabs your ankles and drags you out sb...ttd to ...obh I>t I.i'/I.
sl'ttd I>"d tl.t>tnS
Elysium was still young, and crackling into the freeZing cold. A grotesquely Soo" I ~I>d fo",,/ot-
electric wires draped on iron bridges fat creature in a white coat, its eyes h" to ~idt I.tfo...t
are lethal traps Sharp metal blocks pre- glittering like a snake, tongue wrig- ~o Sct"t, I>"d o"t of
cariously balanced await the clumsy gling, skull cracked. It laughs as it cuts tl.t c ...ta.tu...tS sl'0kt to tnt:
'You tnust I.t t ...a.dicl>ttd,
intruder. The view of Metropolis from pieces from you with a blunt and rusty
w...ttcl.!' It I'...oductd 1>"
the spiral has no counterpart in the pair of iron scissors. You start to i"st utnt"t tl.l>t
other palaces, which are perceived as scream ... silvt a."d cut tnt i" t~t
dark, regular mountains in the yellow - The chainsaw in your hands gives a a. tn. I fltd t~t I.uildi",/
haze on the horizon. The spiral is sc tl>tni",/I>"d lost £00"-
devilish roar. The body rattles and SciOUSMSS. I a.wokt 0" tl.t
almost deserted save for a few servilians twitches even though you just floo ... of tny studio, a. dttl'
or Wandering Memories. chopped it up. You and your friends flts~ wou"d i" tny ri'/~t • .t'" •

WANDERING MEMORIES are covered with blood and tissue I> lIya. told tnt I ~I>d" tnissi",/ fo ...

ll" ~
In or near the Memory Banks the hap- Their greedy eyes speak clearly. You ,. f I"
less visitor may encounter a Wandering
Memory. A Wandering Memory is a rec-
turn off the saw, flushed with joy.
Then you hear the sirens in the dis-
My visio" will ,/ivt tl.t
Rtvolutio" a. tno"utnt"t! I ,

ollection so traumatic that it has leaked tance ... s~a.1I ca.1I it 'MohUtnt"t
to t~t T!.i ...d
,l .. n,
from annihilation in the Memory Banks - When they turned the lights out you (i". {, I
I"h"'''1>tio"a.I'! 4# ~
by virtue of the intensity of its experi- knew it wasn't a shower-room like ";11
I s~owtd tny skdc~ts ,.,.. .
ence. It is impossible to erase and wan- your mother said. The gas stung your
to tl.t Pl>rty Lta.dt s~il'
ders off. A Wandering Memory is like a eyes and nose, and you were over- ytsh...dI>Y, a."d t~ti tytS
war veteran's flashback, but the memo- whelmed by a choking sensation. The a.ltnost 1'0l'l'td out. T~t
ry belongs to another. It is an experi- air seemed cleaner higher up, so you thO...tnouS sl'i ...1>1 tl.a.t
ence like a mind-twisting hallucination. fo ...tns t~t tno"utnt"t tna.dt
tried to climb onto the fallen just to
A weak character may have difficulty rn t~ttn susl'icious. T~ty
distinguishing it from his own memo-
get closer to the ceiling. Your father ill wl>"hd to k"ow tnt wl.trt
and the others, coughing and choking I ~a.d stolt" t~t idta..
ries. Here are some examples to scare on the gas, trampled you down as they • Stolt,,! T~ty t~ ...oh"td
the players: climbed higher themselves. You could L I to I'u"is~ tnt if I did "ot
td I tl.ttn t~t t ...utl., I.ut
- You accelerate as you and your bud- feel yourself being broken and W~t" I told tl.ttn of tny
dies see two more of them in your crushed under the growing pile of the
headlights. Holding hands just as if dead as consciousness faded. The last
they were normal people. You feel a thing you remember is feeling your
visioh tl-~)' loohd dubious! legs wet with your own excrement. .. bucket of water over you. The sound
It wlioS 1Io11 v~'7 uhl'l~lIoS­ - They wouldn't admit anything, but of Wagner's music has reached a
lIoht. Ih 1<-)' w~lIok. ov~ ...- when you strapped the young assis- crescendo when he produces the elec-
- wo... k~d cOhditioh. I stll....t-
tant's body to 'the scavenger's daugh- trodes and fastens them to your wet
~d to I-lIoJlucihllok lIohd tl-~
1'1Io...t)' l~lIod~ ...s s~~I<-~d to ter' they paled and wept. The inge- body. Pain from the electric shocks
I-lIoV~ sudd~hl)' ,"'OWh nious metal rack pulled at all the poor dissipates the drug-induced haze. You
, ...ot~s'lu~l)' fllot lIohd sl'ok~ girl's limbs. All you had to do was see smoke from your forehead rise
ih I-iss~s wit!- Shllok~s' above your eyes and flames erupt from
tighten it. You felt sorry for her, but it
tOh'U~S. TI-~i ... 1'1Io1~ hc~s
cllost tl-"'~lIotS lIohd lIoccUSllo- wasn't your fault. She let out a heart- your groin. Someone screams. You
tiohS lIot I<-~. lIohd I flloihhd rending scream when she started to realize it is yourself...
1Io,lIoih. Is tl-is t!-~ ~hd? blee~ from the fingers and toenails As If you have scared the players with
Wht I-lIov~ I dOh~? Wandering Memories a few times, or if
you increased the tension, she began
COI<-...lIod~ L~hih cllol<-~
to bleed from the mouth and loins. you want to let them experience direct-
to visit lIohd lIodvis~d I<-~ to
'0 to 1Io sllohitllo...iul<-. H~
wouldh't I-~1Io'" of 1<-)' I<-Oh-
The others cried and begged to speak, ly rather than suffer Incidents passively,
you can allow the Wandering Memory
but it was too late. When her rib-cage
Ul<-~ht! burst you had to vomit. .. to continue for a longer period of time.
- It seems like forever since you have Take the example of the chainsaw mur-
(In different writing) der above. The character has been
had a full night's sleep. And that
damned baby won't stop crying. You shocked by a terrifying recollection, but
V~T~ fed it, and changed it, and walked with it need not end there. Sirens are heard
~HCiAf27, it and now your legs are trembling and in the distance. The police, summoned
1'122,~~ by a neighbor, will come and surround
you can't see straight and still it won't
stop. Finally, you can't take it anymore. the house. What does the player charac-
' H ~ :to tfce Tf.AM..
t~'~. You drop the baby onto the bed and ter do? He must act it out, and it may
T~~~:to start screaming yourself, while pound- end with him being shot by the police
~woW..,W~- or tortured in his cell for hours by sadis-
ing the mattress, 'Shut up! Shut up!
.( ...~. l.u.t~~·
Shut the f-- up!' The baby keeps cry- tic officers. It can be overdone, but sub-

\ .t
~' ..
I 1 ,~.\ ..

" .
ing and before you can stop yourself,
you're hitting the baby instead of the
mattress. After a while, there is
ject the character to real stress once
you have put him in an impossible situa-
tion where he does not know whether
, \.'"'"\
... ,-..- ...
,\ J\. \- •
f.. k) I silence ... it is real or not, or even if there is a way
out. This is very effective. Here is a
- You all wear white hoods. The black
'1 ~ ...\\ longer example, a Wandering Memory
',I ~ .. family kneels in the mud before the

\ ..... ,
burning cross. One of the men hands
in which the player needs to react.
" - You are ~ lieutenant on peacekeeping
you a .357. 'Go ahead, son, kill the
damned little nigger!' Your hand duty for the U.N. in Bosnia. You come
shakes a little as you hold the gun to from an aristocratic background, and
the boy's head. The bang seems too are not very good at practical things. A
loud to be real. The boy's brains stain month after your arrival, during your
your once-white robes. The others first skirmish, you wet your pants.
roar with laughter... Since you got here, your men have
mocked your squeaky falsetto voice
- You no longer remember what you
. "'" and despised everything you tried to

found so interesting about this disgust-
do. Every moment in the field you
ing man you met at the bar. It's all a bit
expect the inevitable shot in the back
hazy, but now he has strapped you
from the riff-raff of the lower ranks.
naked to a steel bed without a mat-
But you have anticipated them as they
'l'" tress. Expressionless, he empties a

~~..-~ ·~t._- -r-r
lie in wait by the edge of a field to tele, specialiZing in bus trips in
storm a clump of trees The first salvo Southern Europe with lots of sun and
from the artillery falls short of the partying. It is typical of low-budget
grove and punishes the proles! From packages but for one feature: the travel-
your shelter you see the first rounds ers go nowhere. When they board the
tear the filthy peasants to pieces as • bus, they are gassed and taken to a
they mill around, calling for their warehouse in an industrial slum where
mothers and filling their tmderwear they are kept unconscious for a week.
with yesterday's lunch. A direct hit on In the warehouse they are brainwashed
Corporal Jones turns him to a shower with false memories of the most ordi-
of blood that sprays the whole platoon. nary kind: sun, swimming, drunken-
Wharton crawls towards your rock out- ness. They are tanned under sun-lamps
crop. He throws up on himself. You hit and fake postcards are sent to their
him between the eyes with the butt of friends and families. They are sent back
your gun. A strange exultation flutters with cheap souvenirs from their
in your stomach as you see the men planned destination. The souvenirs con-
you have feared for six weeks reduced tain Wandering Memories from the
to vegetables and corpses. The salvo Memory Banks focused and bound to
ends. No one rushes the grove. From the objects. These memories are
the edge of the field you hear weak unpleasant, where the hapless passen-
groans: pathetic and unmanly. You ger remembers committing the most
walk among the bodies and put a bul- inImman crimes. In proximity to the
let in the head of each survivor. They souvenirs, the victim's false memories
beg for mercy, offer you everything resurface again and again, causing him
their puny lives can offer. It enhances to believe that they are his own. If the
the pleasure. You thank Astaroth. traveler loses or gets rid of the souvenir,
Suddenly you hear a voice: 'What the the memory will slowly fade, but if he
hell are you doing, soldier?' Another keeps it, his mental balance will steadily
platoon of U.N soldiers appears in the erode by one point a week. All memo-
hollow, prepared for action. ries of the trip are dim and dreamlike.
Now the character can play the part Many try to suppress the whole experi-
as long as the Gamemaster wishes. To ence.
shoot his way out is impossible, to talk Happiest Moments is run by a lictor
not much easier. In all likelihood the named Xetorte, who sends his loyal
character will be imprisoned, humiliat- underlings to the Memory Banks in
ed, spat upon and lynched from the Metropolis to bind memories to the sou-
nearest tree by popular acclaim. The venirs. Xetorte commands a dozen
lieutenant carries only a revolver. One young men with pale, scarred bodies
way lies dishonor, disgrace, and degra- bearing primitive tattoos in occult pat-
dation, the alternative is a desperate terns, who follow him blindly. Their
escape and a nerve wrenching chase. mental balance is -50 to -100. They act
as travel agents and manage the agency.
I:.1c:ide. .-t:s The customers presume they are par-

THE HAPPIEST MOMENTS tied out. Xetorte's 'office' is located on
TRAVEL AGENCY the premises but he does not accept vis- ZSt ~ tJ
Happiest Moments is a low-budget itors. In Elysium, he goes by the name ,

travel agency aimed at a youthful clien- Adam Kelno. His office is a portal to :.,
o .
. ,.,•
• • .1
Metropolis, The Game Master can place in a fight, and if they capture a prisoner,
the offices on a side street in any major he may explain the Wandering
city he wishes, along with the ware- Memories and perhaps also the Memory
house where the sleeping tourists are banks to the characters. Or the players
kept. Xetorte's henchmen carry uzis. could have acquired a souvenir, be sub-
The true nature of the 'souvenirs' can jected to the evil memory, and begin
be revealed by magical intuition or investigating. One of the characters
other magical knowledge. The artifacts could have a friend who commits sui-
are covered with runes that suggest cide following a trip with Happiest
their alien origin. Moments, or they could be approached
A Gamemaster may use Happiest by a friend or relation of the suicide's.
Moments in several different ways: the This can be strung out into a long
characters can meet Xetorte's disciples episode with action in Metropolis and
outside a Memory Bank conducting a detective work in Elysium, or be limited
ritual to bind the Wandering Memory to to a short incident.
the souvenirs. This will probably result

~ ~ I
~ "-

'I r\


The Primal Sea is a large lake or float under the surface by the hundreds
inland sea that, subsequent to the cre- in shoals. The Primal Sea itself seems to
ation of Elysium, filled an enormous create them, but the oberons ignite a
crater in Metropolis with its mushy, 'light at the center of the shoal, which
pulsing and oily organic liquid. Hacked seems to animate the f~tuses in antici-
and butchered human remains flows pation of what awaits them: Rebirth.
down the moist slope from the Memory The surface is covered with lumber, fur-
Banks and the fluid has long since sub- niture, and the remains of houses. Some
merged former quarters of the city and of the buildings that stick up out of the
their residents. Old buildings and tow- sea are inhabited. These creatures travel
ers stick out of the stinking muck like the sea by means of rafts lashed to oil
atolls or reefs. Some look intact, while drums or similar craft that are hard to
others are crumbling ruins from age-old sink. In some of the houses one can
civilizations. Oberons, who direct the • descend beneath the surface. Others
flow with their dams, swim around in emanate lights as though equipped with
the Primal Sea seeking the f~tuses that electricity. It is possible to drift on the

.. .-
.-- _ .

. .- ' . .-' . '",

Primal Sea for years without seeing any-
thing but the peaked roofs of houses
A light glows beneath the surface
some distance away. It comes from the
ft 'I sat down at the bar
and then I had this idea.
deep, just beneath where a shoal of I'd pu~~er into the piran-
that break the surface. Parts of the ha pool. .. I'l.Ie been to the
Primal Sea are floating cemeteries of fcetuses floats. There are three or four AmalOn and I knew pira-
ships, large cracked tankers pouring out hundred of them. They start to attach nhas·Qon't attack unle
radioactive toxins, old steamers half • themselves to the vessel, weigh it . 'they taste blood''':r
sunk, embers still glowing in their boil- down, and threaten to capSize it. The 'We'll have to check on
that... '
ers, spewing coal-black poisonous fcetuses can be scraped off with oars or
'Yeah, go ahead, do! ~
smoke and threatening to burst in a killed with weapons. One hit is suffi- Anyway, I shove Eve into
nightmare of rusty steel. Old sailing- cient to dispose of a fcetus. If the char- the pool. She screams in
ships menace passers-by with endless acters pull a fcetus aboard the vessel, it panic and I'm just about to
tell her when something
fathoms of capsized rigging. Grossly fat seems normal in all respects, but lies
goes wrong Tbe whole
rats three feet long swim in currents of gasping for air. pool starts to boil and
nerve toxin from rusty battleships, seek- BIRTH bloody cloud is bubbling
ing raw flesh to devour or bodies to The characters witness how an arouo9 her! LtHve in,' I'm "'"
smasJlect, and I try to get
infect. From the depths of the Primal oberon swims into a shoal of lifeless her to the surface but...
Sea, a continuous symphony of pulsing, fcetuses, dives under it and lights a light. when I resurface with her
thundering noises springs, as well as The fcetuses begin to move. The oberon head under my arm, the
bubbles of foul-smelling organic gases, resurfaces amid a few small, sharp party IS gone ... 'The pool
testifying to the strange chemical is gone and we're not
smelling gas bubbles and swims away. swimming in water any
processes far beneath the surface, as if The fcetuses are now alive and ready to more ... A viscous stew of
the sea itself was alive. attack passers-by. rotting meat is bubbling
If a character is so unfortunate as to around us ... Eve is staring
REBIRTH at me, crazed ... beside us,
fall into the sea, then fails to swim and One of the characters (or an NPC) a sky-scraper is sticking
misses an EGO throw at +5 modifica- falls into the Primal Sea. He tries to uR, it seelT,ls to grow from
tion, he has no chance to be retrieved, grasp an oar but disappears beneath the far beneath the surface. In
even if he has a rope tied about his the windows are people ~
surface, out of sight. If the others do
waist. The Primal Sea has its grip on dressed i forties fash- -
not haul him out quickly, he will be ions, cneering. They're ,. if"
him. He will be reborn as a baby with tugged away by the strong suction of throwing confeli' on us, I .. /.~
his personality and memories intact. As the Primal Sea. The character must scream for help, but the
an infant wise beyond its years, he can attempt to swim before this happens, cheers drown my voice.,.
try to contact his former comrades, There are babies floating
and if this fails must make an EGO
unless his mother has destroyed him as \ \uPI~nd clinging to us .
throw at a +5 modification. If this fails, hun reds of tiny ones I
a thing of evil.. the character disappears beneath the II10se Eve .. Then I'm sit- . .-ts surface and cannot be saved, He will be 1III~ihg onJhejloolside with a
towel around me: .. '
reborn as a baby with all his memories
intact. He can later try to contact the
The characters are adrift on the Primal
characters. (
Sea in a small boat or a raft. The sea is
warm and has a pronounced, rhythmic OBERONS
and regular pulse. They feel that the The characters are trying to reach the
Primal Sea is alive. Large, foul-smelling shore in their vessel when they are
gas bubbles rise from the deep, products attacked by a group of swimming
of a chemical process far beneath the oberons, who try to pull them down
surface. The bubbles shake the boat into the sludge.
about, but are harmless. Alternatively, TELEPHONE
they might make the characters sick. The characters reach a building that
• ,..,•

sticks several hundred feet up out of the They attack the characters with rusty
Primal Sea. They can step inside axes and spades. Outside is a raft made
through a window. Then, they hear a of oil drums tied together.
telephone ringing somewhere below PORT
them, beneath the surface of the sea. Having drifted on the Primal Sea for
They find themselves in an ordinary what seems like an eternity, the charac-
office building, somehow insulated ters reach a large urban cityscape. They
from the sea. A stairwell leads down, have drifted into the docks of New
with three doors on each landing. There York, or some other large port in
are a few alternatives for the Game Elysium.
- When the characters open one of the
The Primal Sea is broken suddenly by
doors, the foul sludge of the Primal
a violent backwash, and a gigantic,
Sea comes crashing in over them and
much-rusted steel ship soundlessly
they must fight for their lives, flee
plows past through the stinking sludge.
upwards, or be washed down the stair-
Its hull is pierced by man-sized holes.
Pale bodies can be spotted moaning
• - The characters climb open a door at sadly. The deck is soiled with dried
the bottom of the stairwell. It leads to blood and excrement, as if thousands of
the Razides' Egg Chamber (see The people had been slaughtered and their
Underground). fluids poured over the flaking, rust-
- They enter a normal office of a typical infested paint. The ship is a phantom
government civil service department. vessel without a crew, its cargo hatches
The head of the office examines them sealed. In the hold stand naked people,
and questions them carefully. He is of tightly huddled together, pale bodies
course a lictor, and may cause trouble covered in sores. Some are horribly
for them in the future. wounded, others have each leg twisted
DESECRATION the wrong way, bones sticking out from
The characters risk entering an inhab- white flesh. They are all in the throes of
ited building on a reef in the Primal Sea. agony and jointly can only manage an
It is occupied by three naked, bearded, eerie, hollow moan.
long-haired men, their bodies painted in The ship carries the dead from life to
ritual patterns with the liquid of the the Memory Banks, a last cruelty to the
Primal Sea. When they discover the captive souls. The ship neither sails nor
characters they cry excitedly: calls at any.port, but comes to a painful
'Chmetlialiah', which is their name for halt before the humans are eradicated in
the Primal Sea, which they worship as the Memory Banks. Doors beneath the
the origin of everything. The arrival of decks lead to the Memory Banks and
the strangers is an act of defilement. Elysium.


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The Clockworks, an impo~tant part of bewildered children wander every-
the Machinery, govern human percep- where, some are caught in the works
tion of time in Elysium. When the cogs
lose speed or twitch, the same thing
and are crushed to death. No one pays
them any attention.
happens to Elysian time, and to all who Imposing humanoid beasts circle the
are bound by this the illusory time-flow. bizarre scene, their sunken faces replete
This occurs through a stutter in time, with metallic teeth. The beasts are
backwards or forwards, which no Chronites who ensure that the wheel is
human perceives but for a slight sensa- turned at a certain cadence. If it is too
tion of bewilderment ('Is it lunch time fast, the regulators throw some hapless
already?'), or an lillcommonly strong slaves into the cogs and gears. If it is too
sense of deja vu. Since the disappear- slow, they force the pace of the slaves
ance of the Demiurge, the cogs have with cuts and blows. The Chronites'
functioned with diminishing regularity. height ranges from twelve to fifteen )''
In the immediate vicinity of the feet. They visibly enjoy their work. On
Clockworks, chronal displacement their backs are two large humps, per-
,. -..r"
) ..-
occurs regularly to humans bound by haps indicating an origin as angels.
illusory time. Past the black gates, forty feet high, f" 'ilo
The tortured sound of tens of thou-
sands of emaciated people fills the air,
which lead towards the center of the
drive-gear, lost children wander. It is

(~ 1tt.
forced to work as hard and as fast as
they can, drowning the squeak of
impossible to communicate with them.
Along the walls are great alcoves where

unoiled machinery. Humans are fettered hordes of small gray-green parasites are
to the Clockworks. Its drive-gear spans a tended to by horribly twisted, hunch-
thousand yards across. The wheel is backed creatures called the cc
shining blood-black, pierced with dark- Watchmakers (weak Metropolis stan-
er cavities that appear to gaze at the dards). Their arms are covered with the
toiling slaves, and with passages that parasites which they carry around in
lead to the center where a light glim- large wheel-barrows. Their faces are
mers. A chaotic network of struts, contorted beyond human limits. Their
wires, pipes and drive-chains form a mouths have contracted into small
roof above the slaves. It stretches its openings, their eyes are shining red-
limbs out to various mechanical towers white sores, and their noses have col-
of chaotically designed machines. Small lapsed. The Watchmakers have a symbi- •
,.,• •

.... ~'cb
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otic relationship with the parasitic crea- names like Tissot, Timex, Swatch,
tures. The parasites are wristwatches in Rolex. The Watchmakers do not consid-
our reality and control our perception er themselves humans, a race for which
of time. they have the utmost contempt, and
At the core of the Clockworks is a enjoy spreading Mehdemnon's parasites
marble pool filled with corrosive slime, in Elysium. They convey the parasites in
where Mehdemnon, a creature 36 feet wheelbarrows to Elysian warehouses,
high, gives birth to the parasites. The whence they are shipped to watch fac-
Watchmakers wander around the drive- tories to be marked with brand-names.
wheel, gathering children that they These names in reality are invocations
throw into the pool as offerings to that govern the cemented unity of time:
Mehdemnon. The children do not Tisotena, timexana Meheamnonio, Rol
protest. ex sil urd, Svo-atsjit drigh, etc.
The children in the Clockworks are
II1eIde. .-ts
autistic, afflicted with a warped percep-
tion of time that makes communication PARASITE
between them and ordinary people The characters discover that some-
impossible. This defect has two causes: thing tightly grips their arms, and find a
their perception is very slow, and all slimy greenish creature that has fas-
around them happens at an accelerated tened itself around the wrist where
pace, like a rock video played at high their wristwatch once was. The Parasite
speed, or it is very fast and everything has several insemination tubes stuck in
seems to move with glacial slowness, the character's arm, and pulsates to the
producing an incomprehensible static rhythm of his heart. The parasite can
world. None of these children has ever only withstand light damage, but this
managed to communicate with their will also affect the character.
surroundings. Eventually, they end up in TIME RIFI'
the Clockworks where they become The characters approach the drive-
food for Mehdemnon. gear of the Clockworks. When a group
Mehdemnon, the mother beast, has of slaves is thrown in and perishes, the
soft feminine forms, calluses upon cal- wheel jumps slightly in either direction.
luses, and large dangling glands. Her The characters may be flung backward
huge face is vaguely human and she sits or forward in their perception of time.
in a pool of her own corrosive body (This is true for all of Elysium's inhabi-
juices, where she gives birth to new tants, but they suppress or rationalize
parasites. The beast is served by the event.) For example, the characters
Watchmakers, who are so receptive to are flung forward in time and find them-
the parasites' influence that they have selves inside the wheel in front of
formed a symbiotic relationship with Mehdemnon, where they are attacked
them. If their watches are removed, the by Watchmakers covered with parasites.
Watchmaker may die. Their task is to Or, the characters are flung backwards
collect the parasites and bring them to in time and return to the comforting
Elysium to foist them onto unsuspecting world of Elysium. They can also be
people as wristwatches. The parasites flung far back in time, to deal once
enslave their bearers to Elysium's more with a situation they have already

absolute perception of time. The vic- faced. Or, they could see several occur-
tims wear them proudly under brand rences simultaneously: an attack by
Chronites, panicked flight, entering the mentioned above. Time may seem to
drive-gear, sneaking about at an earlier flow slower, faster or even to be frozen.
juncture, all simultaneously. Besides bewildering the characters, this
CHRONITES may attract Chronites, who attack them
In the proximity of the Clockworks with twisted time perceptions (not to
the characters' time perception can be mention ripe fruit). It's a good thing I
disturbed in more ways than the one have a pistol.

The City of the Dead is an extensive wrapped in a white shroud. This

hill covered by mausoleums thirty feet guardian neither confirms nor denies
high, bombastic marble statues and any theory and allows none to pass.
other monuments of curious design, The Square of the Black Monoliths
totems or focal points for magical rites. attracts serial killers from Elysium. The
The hill stretches widely, and a persis- black monoliths that border the square
tent fog emanates from the ground. are five in number and stand as high as
Flickering lights shine from within the tenement buildings. They are square,
graves and monuments, and a rhythmic but their contours are vague as they
mumbling can be heard, as though reflect so little light, and can only be dis-
someone were praying fervently or cast- tinguished at arm's length. Close inspec-
ing a curse. Mysterious creatures amble tion also reveals the steps and passages
about in the narrow lanes and alleys, that lead into the dark interiors of the
seeking the secret or freedom of Death. monoliths. Serial killers performing their
Some are human, some partly human, ritual acts are transported to the mono-
others not human at all. In the center of liths whenever they commit a murder,
the City of the Dead stands a marble and remain until such a time as Elysium
building, a monument to vulgarity some can tolerate their rage without spoiling
300 feet high. This is the White Chapel, the Illusion. The immortal souls of the
a mausoleum said to be the final resting- killers are so deranged by their captivity
place of the Demiurge. Those who that they try to destroy all human life
claim the Demiurge is dead think him according to their own bizarre patterns.
there already. Before its doors stands a The urge is not conscious, or even sub-
black and mummified humanoid figure conscious. This transports them again

and again to the abode of final death, than half a yard ahead. The interior of
the City of the Dead. the Monolith is a reservoir of evil with
Should one in ignorance enter a mau- many taps into Elysium, Inferno and
soleum or chapel after seeing lights or other parts of Metropolis. The charac-
hearing noises, the creatures are hostile ters can wander in the darkness for
and will attack with all the physical or weeks, battle raving killers, or chance
magical power at their disposal. Some upon the torture chambers of Inferno.
creatures like to delude lost humans An example follows:
and can inspire them with terrible - The characters stumble up the stairs
insights, either false or genuine, about into a kitchen in Elysium. They have
the true nature of being. entered it through the back door. The
The City of the Dead is one of the floor is drenched with blood, and on
most holy places in Metropolis both to the kitchen counters are flayed and
the most ignorant serial killer and to the mutilated bodies. Powerful teeth have
self-proclaimed immortals, and even to gnawed open a torso, and beside it lies
the true immortals, who shun the place a warm, wet heart that appears to have
but are always subconsciously drawn been chewed on. Flaps of skin sewed
there. together are spread over th~ entire
room. Body parts are arranged in
groups of five: it seems to have been a
FEKKUZERS family. The butchering was done with
The characters have just been trans- saws and meat-axes. The refrigerator is
ported to the City of the Dead and wan- filled with eyes, brains and genitalia.
der down its dark alleys. The fog is The doorbell rings persistently. A
thick, and from the somber openings of neighbor? The police? An accomplice?
the sepulchers, obscure smells and Perhaps a door-to-door salesman?
muted noises escape. The ground and
walls seem suddenly soft and moist: the
The characters meet a group of peo-
characters are treading in a swarm of
ple on a pilgrimage to the City of the
thousands of Fekkiizers - small para-
Dead to kill a small boy and bind his
sites with horrific effects on humans.
soul to his own corpse in an empty
MONOLITH mausoleum. Such operations are sim-
The characters have been transported pler to perform in the City of the Dead.
from the illusory safety of Elysium to They conceal their foul intentions and
the Square of the Black Monoliths. A await a judicious moment to attack the
few people wander aimlessly, mum- characters, if they don't believe they
bling, screaming, or simply staring with have delllded them. The group consists
burning, unseeing eyes. One of them of three men with low mental balance.
passes close to the characters, clad in All three are bare-chested, and their
bloodied rags of human skin, inexpertly bodies are covered with open wounds
flayed and sewn with crude stitches. dripping pus and numerous prinlitive
(An EGO throw may not be out of place tattoos. They say the boy is possessed

here.) The man disappears into one of by a demon and they must perform a
the monoliths. If the characters follow particularly potent form of exorcism.


t" ~\

. .

him, they will find a portal that
becomes visible at half a meter's dis-
tance, which leads into the ebon block:
A staircase winds upward into a dark-
The boy is clad in white, bound by a
heavy silver chain and seems drugged.
Their leader, who has unusually large
biceps and a deep bass voice, calls him-
ness that no light can disperse for more self David Nelson. He seems desperate
c ""

' -

:." '. . -". .... -

to convince the characters of his right- door leads to a concrete Elysian parking
eousness. The men, however, are poor garage. If all fail PER throws, they will
fighters (values of weak Metropolis stan- wake up wherever the Game Master
dards) and have a skill score of 10 with sees fit, unsure of what was dreamed or
their daggers. what was real. They may suffer from
VICTIM tl,~sh wounds and flayed skin and vague

A woman's desperate cries for help memories of torture.

are heard from deep inside a sepulchral JOSEPH
monument. The only access is through Somewhere among the inIlospitable
a small door framed by marble. Deep alleys, the characters meet a human
inside is flickering light. The female who speaks to them in friendly tones.
voice cries in the throes of agony. If the 'Call me Joseph', he says, and relates his
characters enter, the door will immedi- own experience of the illusion of reality,
ately close, and the room, which mea- and others besides. Joseph is dead, and
sures fifteen feet square, will. suddenly after a short time spent near him, the
be lit. An massive Razide appears and characters discover that he stinks and
attacks without mercy. The door has difficulty moving. Joseph has tried to
remains closed until the characters slay hide the stench by all possible means,
the Razide, or he them ... but he has been dead for months and
ABSOLUTE ZERO nothing suffices. Under his coat, a rot-
The road ahead is blocked by a large ting flesh wound crawling with white
gate that seems to lead to another district worms is accidentally exposed: Joseph's
of the City of the Dead. When the play- fatal wound. Before they see the wound,
ers try to open it, the handle is ice-cold. the characters could mistake him for an
A bare hand will stick to it, and will have unusually unkempt homeless person.
to be torn lose, suffering a scratch. If Joseph has managed to inllabit his
they open the door, cold so deep it corpse to avoid eradication and rebirth
freezes the air streanlS out with a hiss. so he can find his lost daughter Lia,
The characters can avoid it by making a abducted by the fanatical followers of an
Dodge roll and then climbing up on a Angel of Death or Archon. He has
vault nearby. If they fail, roll a dlO: 1-2 sought her fruitlessly in Elysium. Now
scr., 3-4l.w., 5-6, S.w., 7-10 fatal wound: he wanders the alleys of the City of the
the character is frozen into an ice sculp- Dead without knowing how he got
ture on the spot. The Game Master may there. He is nearing the end as his body
modify this at his discretion and perhaps has decayed to the point where he can
only frighten the characters with minor no longer use it. Joseph is not aggres-
chills, or let an NPC be deep-frozen. sive, but they may wish to slay him as a
monster. A fatal or serious wound turns
Joseph into a Living Dead, with no real
The characters seek shelter in an
consciousness, every body part indepen-
empty vault, and suddenly find them-
dent until it is destroyed. All wounds
selves in one of the black palaces of
inflicted on a Living Dead make a dis-
Inferno. Along the walls hang flayed
gusting, decaying hole that spews rot-
bodies, wrapped in barbed wire A
ting fluid and clusters of white worms.
Nepharite emerges from the dark,
intent on tormenting these new PATH OF THE DEAD
damned souls. If the characters pass a One of the characters misses a step
PER throw, they discover a half-rotted and falls into an open grave, landing
door and quickly flee through it. The with a soft thud on the earthen bottom.

,.,• •
• •
When the character tries to climb out of choose to intervene, the same proce-
the grave, he is no longer in the City of dure will be repeated with the other
the Dead, but in an Elysian churchyard. youths, who yield without resistance.
This can be done in reverse, as a way Finally they all lie dying, skewered to the
into the City of the Dead. ground, and the woman disappears. If
THE MISTRESS the characters decide to attack the
The characters meet four young men woman, the disciples will flee, leaving
sitting in a small depression surrounded their mistress to defend herself. The
by thousands of lit candles. The men are men are incapable of explaining any-
all of striking beauty. In the center of the thing, and the woman will not do so,
circle stands a gorgeous amazon clad in spitting on the characters by way of
scanty tights, chanting something in answer to any question.
Swahili in a dark voice. The men gaze at CONSEQUENCES
_ the woman, riveted. All four are bare If the characters spend more than a
chested. The monotonous chanting couple of days in the City of the Dead,
stops and the amazon steps towards one they will lose ten pound or more. They
of the half-dressed men and presses a suffer from festering sores that refuse to
large steel ring into his pale breast. heal. Ears, fingers, toes and noses start
Blood spurts from the wound in an to rot. If, despite the symptoms, they
abundant shower. He is dying, but still decide to spend one more night, a body
he only groans with pleasure. After part will fester with worms and the
scrawling mysterious signs and symbols character will eventually die. The Game
with his blood, the black woman pushes Master should let each character make
him flat and nails him to the ground an EGO throw for each stage of bodily
with a large stake through the breast- decay. The GM should also decide how
ring. The others watch the macabre fast the decay progresses. If he wants to
scene as though hypnotized, while the leave an especially horrible impression
woman kicks and insults the body with of the City of the Dead, the whole
obvious disdain. Unless the characters process of rotting lasts less than an hour.

The Mirror Halls is an awakened sur- many entrances to the Mirror Halls:
realistic setting that lacks respect for shady nightclubs, galleries, gambling
natural laws and human limitations, a dens, and cinemas. Bewildered visitors
dangerous environment for people wander through them who do not
o caught in the web of Elysium. There are know where they are, or what horrid

• ft ,II
secrets they may stumble upon. bition. People snort coke in the lavato-
Azghouls abound, who wish to stop the ries and engage in amorous seduction,
awakening of humans for fear of becom- none pay attention to the bizarre revela-
ing slaves once more. Creatures of the tions of the paintings. The artist is pale,
netherworld sometimes appear seeking hollow-eyed and nervous. An ominous
victims for Inferno. Those who seek the appearing gallery-owner watches over
truth also find their way to the Mirror the whole affair, an awakened human
Halls, stumbling across valuable but who on further investigation can be
incomprehensible pieces of the puzzle identified as the long deceased
and dangers without end. Bulgarian art dealer Demlik Draal.
Clinically white corridors wind in
I:I1cIde. .-.s
bends for miles on end, the walls
reflecting the flickering of a badly-tuned AWAKENED MUSIC
TV Sheet-metal doors lead to dark clubs Unsettling and alien music - awak-
filled with sweaty bodies where the ened music - roars under the vaulted
time is always late at night. the place ceilings from an invisible source. The
could be Hamburg, New York or sounds are foreign to the human ear
Inferno. A high-ceilinged shining white and the combination of frequencies is
hall is covered with shapeless pieces of painful. The players should make EGO
meat that twitch with cramps, spastical- rolls (the authors recommend to the
ly smearing the clean, open surfaces. A ambitious Game Master a record by the
room is furnished with functional elec- 'singer' Diamanda Galas for added
tric chairs, and small hallucinogenic effect)
mushrooms grow in neat rows, ready to FRAGMENT
bestow permanent insanity. Sudden The characters find a heap of shred-
rains of silver forks impale the floor or ded fragments of handwritten text. The
any hapless visitor. The corridor makes stack is two feet high and just as broad.
a complete turn and suddenly you are The text is rife with gold and silver illu-
on the ceiling, unable to reach the minations, the ink is a dark brown
doors. Hands stretch from the unpleas- color, possibly blood. The language is a
antly elastic walls to embrace a visitor hodge-podge of Ancient Greek, Latin,
forever. A vacuum cleaner as large as a Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, etc. The heap
truck explodes after sucking in a library. weighs thirty pounds. It is a fragment of
Splinters of wood and occult manu- an outline about how to recognize an
scripts shoot down the bare corridors Azghoul, with suggestions on how to
in a shock wave, knocking over every- bind it, compiled in the Middle Ages by
thing in their path. Paintings on the a Dominican monk, Rafael de Morais.
walls become increasingly suggestive The monk was burned at the stake for
and unpleasant, and an EGO throw is heresy, but his book survived, reduced
required to avoid vomiting at their per- to indecipherable, garbled fragments
verse insinuations. Well-dressed humans under the industrious influence of lic-
walk around, small catalogues in hand, tors. The book is an occult item of ines-
coldly eyeing the repulsive pictures. timable value and has long been sought
'Interesting', 'a trifle banal' are their by demonologists. The characters do
comments before they pass through a not know this. To them it is only a
glass door to a buffet where sober waste of space. If they try to sell the
muzak plays from loudspeakers. On the fragments or conduct further research,
street outside, the traffic flows as usual they will attract the attention of lictors,
in Paris. This is the opening of an exhi- demonologists, Satanists, and thieves.
The papers may disappear or be unpleasant childhood memories:
destroyed at the discretion of the - The character sees himself as a
Gamemaster. To know the name of an child, standing in a circle of other chil-
Azghoul is to be able to bind it, but all dren around a boy, spitting on him. The
available information is cryptic, indeed next day the boy is not in school: he has
incomprehensible ... hanged himself.
MEETING WITH THE SELF - The character and his best friend
A small child runs away from the force a dog to swallow some gasoline
approaching characters. If they chase it, and tie a firecracker to its stomach. It
the character who catches up with it goes off, splitting the belly of the animal
discovers that it is himself as a child. and releasing its entrails, which it drags
The child accuses him in a whiny voice behind it. It suffers for hours before it
of all the failures and illusions about life dies. They silently bury the tattered
that the character carries. 'I wanted to mutt in a deserted spot.
be a stuntman', 'you got married' Even The players may eventually be
recent misdeeds are dredged up, such allowed to roll for EGO.
as 'why did you shoot the witness, he Letter
hadn't done anything?'. The character THE DARK SHADOW
should make an EGO throw every time The characters meet the undeveloped
the child hits the mark. Then the child shadow of one of their number. It
disappears with a giggle. belongs to the one who has the highest
THE PAST or lowest mental balance. The shadow
A large mirror in a golden frame dis- relentlessly pursues the character until
plays horrible Incidents from the char- it is slain or until the character flees the
acters' past. The Game Master can Mirror Halls. If the shadow is slain, the
reveal Dark Secrets or just unpleasant character's mental balance is doubled,
childhood memories. More recent inci- becoming even more extreme, whether
dents can be reflected. All the charac- high or low. The shadow is half the size
ters see things personal to them- of the character, but in exact propor-
selves. Examples of tions, and has the same abilities and
A door leads into a room with a low
ceiling. Beautiful, scantily-clad young
women sit drinking expensive wines
with m~n in dark suits. Huge crystal
chandeliers and indecent works of art
suggest a nouveau-riche atmosphere. Its
tastefulness is not improved by the red
drapes. No one pays any attention to
the arrival of the characters. They are in
a brothel at the Reeperbahn in
Hamburg (or in another city of the
Gamemaster's choice). They have just
left the Mirror Halls and stepped out
of a cleaning closet. Aggressive behav-
ior from the characters will cause the
owner to call the police.


- -- . -
, .
-:.-, -

, school .. ~ -

ndrews had caught a giant bal- Rebecca. Harry had long since given up. He
loon-like creature. It had taken was simply content not to be shot at or bit-
all the strength, energy, and ten...
foolhardy courage he had. The zeppelin was a Eventually, Harry and Andrews found
huge floating, pale, densely veined bladder, Rebecca. She was screaming, quite insane, on
chains hanging from every part of its inflated top ofa black monolith in the City of the
body, almost covering its underside. The Dead. Her features were grossly contorted
chains had sharp meat hooks attached. from the many hours ofemotional torture,
Harry strapped himself to one of the chains. and they were barely able to recognize her
He hoped at least the lesser beasts would stay face. Harry stepped into an open trap-door,
clear of them. Two hundred and fifty feet and sprained his right ankle. The door
above the ground, the two of them settled opened onto a staircase descending into the
into a deceptive and agreeable feeling of monolith. They couldn't even make out the
safety. Andrews' contemptfor death had no hole while standing directly above it. The
limits, but so far it had served them well. He monolith reflected almost no light, and the
was striking a bold, new course out over edge was nearly invisible. They fastened
Metropolis, as if they had any such thing as a Rebecca to the netted chains, pinions and
sense ofdirection. They were still looking for hooks on the zeppelin's underside. She hung

~ . ~ ~~~~amt
limply, her open mouth drooling and her He tried to collect his thoughts and get
eyes staring vacantly out into thin air. his bearings. Without warning, his
Andrews thought she might be possessed. aching body was grabbed by clawlike
Metropolis' repulsive assemblage of hands, attached to hairy, festering arms,
bizarre architectural dreams opened up and he was dragged down beneath the
to their high vantage. The cityscape's garbage dumps. 'Intruder! Intruder!'
only steady features were the weird scat- came the cries of the primitive trash
tered palaces, reaching into the clouds dwellers. They had gathered inside a
like mountains. The zeppelin flew over a damp, foul cave where the walls, floor
vast demolition area. At its fringes huge and ceiling looked and smelled like
machines were grinding down yet anoth- soggy diapers. Behind an old cardboard
er chunk ofMetropolis' buildings. As they box, turned upside down and bearing
got closer they saw that the machines theJack Daniels logo, sat a grotesque,
were huge gray monsters, attacking the leprous humanoid creature. A single can-
houses with iron heads. They watched in dle shed its feeble light in the room.
fascination, sailing past this poweiful 'Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!' the mob pro-
spectacle ofdestruction. Then they spot- claimed. Harry found the stench unbear-
ted the nepharite directing the machine able...
monsters. As he lurched towards the crashed
Razoths suddenly attacked the zep- zeppelin, Andrews was distracted by
pelin's veined skin with razor-sharp monotonous, captivating music. A fire
Wings. Elongated scraps covered with burned brightly on the flatlands between
green slime dangled from their wounded the old ruins. Disregarding the danger, he
mount's body, and they were losing alti- drew closer to it. A beautiful naked
tude fast. Rebecca had neither moved woman was peiforming a slow sensu-
nor spoken for hours, but now she cried ous dance in the flames, and his steps
out in sheer terror. The eyeless metal were taking him straight on into the flar-
lizards tore at her chains, lashing at her ing pyre. The ignityde gave him an invit-
eyes with sharp tongues. Harry and ing smile. Soon, he would go up in
Andrews tried desperately to get a clear flames as he embraced her.
shot at the beasts, but the razoths dodged Rebecca fought desperately to free
behind the vast zeppelin body between herselffrom the tangle of thick, rusty
attacks, leaving no target but their split chains. When the 'Zeppelin crashed, one
tails. Out ofpure frustration, Andrews ofher thighs was pierced by a meat-
emptied halfa clip into the zeppelin. hook, and the shock pulled her out ofher
Leaking a huge trail ofgreen slime, it stupor. The burst bladder beside her, the
took a steep dive. Harry and Andrews, size ofa small cruise ship, gushed out its
unfastening their chains, jumpedfree green slime. She was drowning in it. She
before it crashed. twisted, spat, and gasped for air. 'I know
Following the impact, Harry found where you belong!' came a bronze voice
himselflying in an open field ofdecom- from inside her head. Her eyes, wild with
posing garbage. It smelled a lot like shit. anxiety, met those of the nepharite.
AGL:75 Damage Capac' : Endurance: Unlimited
PER: 75 eight: 175 cm. 18 scr = llw Skills: Climb 30, all
Projectile Weapons 40,
EGO: 100 Weight: 120 kg 17lw=lsw Sneak 50, all Melee and
END: 90 Movement: 37 mI CR 15sw= 1dw Throwing Weapons 55,
Interrogation B5, Hide Bo,
COM: 4 Actions: 7 II takes ten deadly wounds Seek 70, Night Combat 50
to kill him; he then immedi-
sm: 105 Initiative Bonus: + B3 ately starts to rllJlenerale The Dark Art 42
EDU:12D Damage Bonus: + 19 and will be in perlect
health ten hours later.
CHA:l Mental Balance: +- 0

Demiik Draal was once a Londqn art dealer of Halls. In ElYSium, he is thought dead, although
Bulgarian extraction. From his Argyll Street his body has never been found.
gallery, he conducted studies into the occult Personality: Demiik is arrogant and cynically
with a zeal that bordered on the obsessive. His superior. He speaks in a slow drawl with a
collections of artifacts, paintings, photographs, heavy Slavic accent. His eyes are cold and pen-
writings and occult curiosities are still almost etrating. His face is inanimate, like stone. He
intact, but his ne'er-do-well playboy son Bela, is regards unawakened people as contaminated
selling them off bit by bit. This has resulted in and carefully avoids touching them.
several outbreaks of incurable insanity among Gamemastering hints: Pretend not to hear what
the buyers. the characters say. Cut them short as soon as
Demiik's researches have made him an they try to speak. Avoid looking the players in
awakened human being, and he has left this the eyes, but fix your gaze a yard or two behind
world for a permanent residence in the Mirror them.

AGL: 12 amage Capaci : Advantages: Inlluenlial

pm:1B eight: 185 cm. 5scr=1lw
Disadvantages: Selfish,
EGO: 9 Weight: 89 kg 4lw=lsw Intolerant, Aliar.
END: 15 Movement: 8mI CR 3sw=ldw Skills: Projectile Weapons
COM: 9 Actions: 3 Endurance: 90 7, Impact Weapons 10,
Unarmed Combat 12, Sneak
Sm:ll Initiative: + 4 Dark Secret: Inheritor, 14, Dodge 9, Hide 14, Seek
Occult Experiences. 13, Climb 14. Contact Net:
EDU: 15 Damage Bonus: + 1
jet set of England.
CHA:1B Mental Balance: - 5

Demiik Draal's only son, Bela Winthrop, is a bined with his expensive jet-set lifestyle and
seriously disturbed man. Although he has never cocaine habit, has forced him to sell off
actually met his father, Bela has been in contact Demiik's collections. The side effect is that
with him: while tripping on cocaine, dreaming, many of the purchasers have gone insane. The
or blundering into Metropolis. But Bela has Temptress has noticed Bela's ability to experi-
never grasped the true significance of these ence things that normal men can't endure, and
impressions. To him the Metropolis incidents she has vague plans to make use of him in her
are just far-out trips. His inability to work, com- future intrigues. In the meanwhile, she controls
him through one of her Incarnates, Lea, while also tried to contact Bela himself, but as of yet
she ponders what to do with him. Lea supplies all attempts have been foiled by Lea.
Bela with drugs and whores, and she has sys- Personality: Insufferable and flamboyant, he
tematically manipulated his active social life to shows utter disregard for money and for his fel-
the point where he no longer exercises the lowman.
least control over his own existence. During Gamemastering hints: Make showy, careless
the wildest orgies, Bela's estate outside London gestures, use a loud voice and laugh loudly at
is lost in Metropolis for days. The Seekers, a your own jokes. Never agree with anyone
sect led by the cultist Aguirre, have examined about anything. Make up a theory or express an
the victims who have gone mad following a opinion of your own and stick to it with cock-
purchase from Demiik's collections. They have sure self-assurance.

GL:40 Damage Capacity: Skills: all Weapons 50,

Height: 188 cm. Sneak 54, Dodge B3, Hide
PER: 55 14scr = lIw 59, Seek 70, Climb 42,
EGO: 48 Weight: B5 kg 131w= 1sw Seduce B8.
END:B9 Movement: 20 mI CR llsw=ldw The Dark Art: 40
COM: 72 AcUons:9 II lakes five deadlv wounds
10 kill her.
S1R:54 Initialive: 28
EDU:44 Damage Bonus: + 11
COA: Endurance: 345

Somewhere inside that illusive vortex of emo- forged photographs of her husband in incrimi-
tion and thought known as Limbo, an enigmat- nating situations, and the ensuing divorce made
ic entity called the Temptress is said to reside. her one of the richest women in the United
Very little is actually known about her, as she States. She first encountered the Temptress in
never reveals herself directly to human beings. her dreams while still living in an orphanage in
Information about her existence and influence Puerto Rico. The Temptress recognized her
can only be derived second-hand from age-old potential, and quickly educated her in the art
works on occultism where she is referred to in of ensnaring men. By her seventeenth birthday,
connection with the ancient Dream Princes when she made the cover of Vogue's French
and Astaroth's Incarnate, the Tempter. There edition, she was already a full-fledged seduc-
are theories that she might be a twin Incarnate tress in the service of the Temptress. Eleven
of the Tempter, or even Astaroth's concubine. years later, she has put her claws deep into Bela
Other sources claim that the Temptress is a Winthrop, S011 of Demiik Draal, whom she con-
Sixth, passive Dream Prince, while yet others tinually degrades. always obedient to the wish-
hint that she is a metaphor for vortex, or at es to the Temptress.
least for its elements of passion. It is said that Personality: Ruthless, ambitious, calculating,
only Astaroth knows who she really is, and he and very intelligent.
has refused even to mention her name ever Gamemastering hints: Act helpless with male
since the Demiurge disappeared. characters, catering to their protective
LEA instincts. Pretend to be a bit dim, and smile
One of the Temptress' Incarnates, Lea is seductively. Take female characters into your
seductively beautiful and absolutely ruthless. confidence, saying how much you envy them
She will stop at nothing to further her own their female strength and that you would gladly
ends. She has been married three times, and • give up all your beauty, if, one morning you
her first two husbands died, leaving her could wake up, look yourself in the mirror and
immense legacies. In her last marriage, she say, 'I'm a woman and not an object!'

' -_. - ".---
• .+ • ' -
AGt: 25 Damage Capacity: Armor: 3
PER: 25 Height: 400 cm. 9scr=1lw Skills: Climb 15, Sneak 5,
Hide 5, Seek 25, Nighl
EGO: 10 Weight: 500 kg 8lw=lsw Combal3o.
END: 40 Movement: 12 mI CR 8sw= 1dw ARack modes: 2xRazor
STR:45 Actions: 4 II lakes two deadly wounds blade aRack 18 (scr 1-4, I
10 kill him, and he will slarl w5-9, sw10-14, dw
Initialive Bonus: + 13 10 regenerale as soon his 15+).
Modificalion 10 Horror Damage Bonus: + 8 body sinks into Ihe Primal
Ihrow: + 5 Sea.
Endurance: 230

Beria was once a subject of Netzach, a mighty embossed with a tight grid of thick veins, are
lictor who faithfully served his master, the last heavy steel bracelets where Beria fastens yard-
time at one of the many battles outside the long razor blades that he uses for weapons. His
Demiurge's Citadel. He was seriously wounded jaw has grown out of all proportion and pro-
there and was trapped on the Citadel island tmdes, revealing multiple rows of teeth which
when it sank into the Primal Sea. In the polluted seem to be animated by muscles of their own.
depths, Beria mutated and was transformed into He has long since lost both of his eyes, and the
a frightful beast, twelve feet tall, who stalks the empty dark sockets ooze a bloody pus. Beria
mins of the Citadel on pale gray legs, largely dis- navigates like a bat by broadcasting noises and
solved due to the many years of constant expo- sensing his location with his hyper-sensitive
sure to water. His torso is curved forwards and ears. He is a terrible enemy in the darkness
its bursting, translucent skin reveals his pulsat- which covers the Citadel. He is absolutely filth-
ing entrails. Around his arms" which are less and his sole instincts are to hunt and kill.

AGt: 28 amage Bonus: +

Geloeheli PER: 31 ight: 192 cm. Damage Capacity:
EGO: 38 Weight: 79 kg 8scr=1lw
END: 24 Modification 10 Horror 5lw=lsw
Ihrow: +- 0
COM: 41 3sw=ldw
Movement: 13 mI CR
STR:34 II lakes two deadly wounds
Actions: 4 10 kill him.
Initiative Bonus: + 14 Endurance: 120

Gelocheli is a character of myth in London. His Metropolis. The characters will find him by ask-
name sometimes appears in the lyrics of songs ing their way from London homeless and bor-
glorifying the use of dmgs, where he is a sym- derliners. Finally, a follower of Gelocheli's will
bol of the unknown or a messenger of the mys- point them to the right Underground tunnel.
tical. At the mere mention of Gelocheli, the Gelocheli always places himself in the shad-
eyes of hardened dmg users and alcoholics pop ows, dressed in colorful rags. His long hair and
open with fear. The official police line dismiss- beard clearly suggest a messianic complex. If
es him as fiction, but a secret report is mmored the characters fail to treat him with the proper
to exist, which shows a clear and very frighten- respect, he will immediately order them killed
ing pattern to the disappearances of several by his loyal followers. But if the characters •
l '"

ordinary people, and scores of the homeless. humbly beg his help, he will take them, blind-
Gelocheli controls a private portal to folded, to the portal.

. -
. - -
- -
. -
Gelochelis The Gelochelis are borderliners as
Hundreds of young people from all over the described in the rule book, but they possess a
world are drawn daily by London's empty collective consciousness, through which they
promises. Many have neither jobs, money, nor a are controlled by Gelocheli. Their instincts are
place to live. They end up on the street, along attenuated, even by borderliner standards.
with thousands of others like them. Most of They lack the instinct of self preservation, and
them eventually succeed in establishing a nor- are unable to learn from their mistakes. They
mal family and working life. A few even realize number somewhere between 50 and 150. The
the big dreams which brought them to London. Gelochelis can perform very simple duties,
Fewer still end up as borderliners. such as fetching things, attacking on command,
The Underground system is a mixed-up or guarding a tunnel. In spite of their collective
tapestry of intricately interwoven tunnels and consciousness, they only coordinate their
vast stations of chaos and smoggy colors. The actions on Gelocheli's command. They are his
system extends to bomb shelters of the Cold eyes and ears.
War, and old brick vaults and cavities from the Personality: Gelocheli is a melodramatic man of
days of the Blitz. Even older tunnels open into many whims. He takes great pleasure from his
medieval cellars, Roman ruins, and age-old mythical renown, and he is extremely self-con-
caves of unknown origin. This immense tunnel scious.
system leads from Elysium out into different Gamemastering hints: Speak in a melodramatic
worlds, but only the Gelochelis dare to visit its tone of voice, as if the fate of the entire world
deepest sections. No ordinary homeless person depended on your words. Make slow gestures
in his right mind travels it beyond a certain of elaborate grandeur.

AGL: 10
PER: 10 Height: 185 em. Damage Capacity: Skills: Projectile Weapons
15, Unarmed Combat 16,
EGO: 18 Weight: 89 kg 5scr=1lw Sneak 13, Dodge 7, Hide
END: 16 Movement: 5mI CR 4lw=lsw 15, Seek 11, Climb 14.
. COM:5 Actions: 2 3sw=ldw
m:12 Initiative: +- 0 Endurance: 60
EDU: 10 Damage Bonus: + 1
CHA:20 Mental Balance: - 50

The man known as Aguirre was originally from portal closed and he found himself standing in
Iran but emigrated at the age of thirteen to the isolated mine s~aft once more. Aguirre
Sweden in 1958. He worked in the Loussavara- took it as a sign from God. He was the envoy of
Kirunavaara mines, where, thanks to his pow- Our Lord and had been chosen to prepare His
erful charisma, he rose quickly in the ranks of glorious return to the earth. He formed a con-
the trade union. He was set for an excellent gregation, the Seekers, which soon numbered a
career in La, Sweden's central labor organiza- thousand members in the north of Sweden
tion, when one day, high on LSD down in one alone, and hundreds of thousands more around
of the deepest shafts, he had an experience. the world. His instant success was largely due
which was to change his life. He found himself to the church's creative use of drugs to achieve
standing in the halls of the Citadel, watching a harmony with God and oneself. Aguirre's quest
child being born. The child's head was imprint- for God eventually rendered most cult follow-
ed with an intricate tattoo, but before Aguirre ers psychotic from constant drug use and the
had time to examine its strange pattern, the resulting horrible experiences in Metropolis,
Inferno and Limbo. But Aguirre and his handful The Seekers are represented in all major
of loyal followers are still convinced that they cities throughout the world, but they no longer
will some day find God and reinstate Him in advertise their activities. The players run a
His rightful position as Our Lord. The Seekers major risk of confronting them if they visit
purchased the Loussavaara-Kirunavaara mines areas in Elysium where the Illusion is thin and
when they were abandoned and created a tem- prone to shatter.
ple in the spot where Aguirre had his mystical Personality: Charismatic, a religious fanatic dis-
experience. The Seekers are an anti-social lot, playing clear symptoms of schizophrenia.
living alone but for trips to Metropolis where Gamemastering hints: Use a monotonous voice,
they go seeking clues to the Demiurge. They make exaggerated gestures. Stare deeply into
abuse themselves brutally with alternative the players' eyes, asking if they are ready to
drugs to counteract the limitations imposed by meet their maker. Make frequent use of pathet-
the normal human mind. Aguirre himself regu- ic sounding metaphors (as, for instance, 'Our
larly injects silicon into his head to simulate lives are as safe as a snail slowly crawling down
brain tumors. The Seekers will stop at nothing the edge of a newly sharpened razor... '). Be
to further their own ends, including kidnap- ambiguous and always try to convert them to
ping people suffering from incurable insanity the 'True Faith'. Ask the characters for their
to study and imitate their symptoms. They views on life. Assume an expression of great
search everywhere for the Boy with the understanding, and then explain that they are
Tattooed Head. According to legend, he will totally wrong.
reveal the way into the Citadel.

AGL: 2010 (ll) Hei t: 180 cm. Damage Capacity AdVantages: NDne.
PER: 2010 (11) Weight: 80 kg 4scr=1lw Disad: 10 + 5010 pots (37)
EGO: 2010 (11) MDvement: 5mI CR 3lw=lsw Skills: AutDmatic WeapD s
11, Hand-gun 12, Daggers
END: 10 + 1010 (15) ActiDns:2 3sw=ldw 15, Impact WeapDns 15
COM: 2010 (ll) Initiative: 0 Dark secrets: ChDse IrDm Whips and Chains 15,
Family Secrets, Crime Unarmed CDmbat 15, First
m: 10 + 1010 (15) Damage BDnus: + 2 Victim, Occult Experiences, Aid 11, Foreign Language
EDU: 1010 (5) Endurance: 105 Pact with Dark PDwers, 11, Burglary 11, Drive Car I
Guilty DI Crime. Motorcycle 13.
CHA: 1010 MU Bal: -25 - 5010 (-52)

Personality: A yes-man, fanatically devoted to parrots his exact words (as, for instance: 'In the
Aguirre. words of our great leader, 'Hark not to the false
Gamemastering hints: The worship of Aguirre prophets, but follow in the path of enlighten-
has wiped out every trace of the former per- menL .. ').
sonality, leaving only a copy of Aguirre who
AGL: 8 Heig~t· 88 em. Disadvantages: Phobia to
PER: 18 eight: 87 kg Damage Capacity: Light, Curse, Nighbnares.
EGO: 18 Movement: 3mI CR 4scr=1lw Skills: Natural Science
(Datology) 22, Computers
END: 7 AcUons:2 3lw=lsw 20, Information Retrieval
20, Electronics 13, Climb
COM: 9 InhiaUve: - 2 2sw=ldw 5, Sneak 11, Throw 12,
STH:7 Damage Bonus: -1 Dark Secrets: Chosen. Unarmed Combat 8, Swim
2, Hide 18, Seek 15,
EoU:15 Endurance: 85 Advantages: Mathematical Language (English) 8.
CHA:9 Mental Balance: - 5 Talent, Honesty.

According to prophecy, the Demiurge has left a Cyberspace really exists. There, he can create
coded map showing the way into the Citadel, an identity which isn't limited by his physical
tattooed on the head of a boy who has had shortcomings but defined by his knowledge of
many incarnations. The Boy himself isn't aware computers. He owns a powerful computer
of his tattoo, which can only be perceived by which he uses to tap into databases all over the
people with severe mental disorders. The tat- world, using 'Akira' for his hacker's tag. It is his
too can only be explained through the personal extraordinary ability to break codes that has
experiences of its bearer. It is immortal, and if made him an important pawn in the
the present bearer dies it will soon reappear on Demiurge's plan.
another boy. Personality: Divorced from reality, introverted,
KATSUO spoiled. He perceives Cyberspace as the true
Katsuo, the present Tattooed Boy, is an reality.
autistic seventeen-year-old who lives surround- Gamemastering hints: Act as if scared out of
ed by servants in his father's central Tokyo villa. your wits if the characters raise their voices or
Katsuo's father, a top executive of the Sony cor- suggest that you leave your secure, dimly-lit
poration, is mostly away on business. Katsuo's parlor. Start to cry if forced to leave your dar-
mother died in childbirth. He has withdrawn ling - the computer.
from the world and lives in the belief that

AGL: 28 Heigh' 89 em.

PER: 37 Weight: 87.5 kg Damage Capacity: Skills: ProjecUle Weapons
EGO: 54 Movement: 13 mI CR 15, Climb 12, Sneak 11,
5scr=1lw Throw 12, Unarmed
END: 20 Actions: 4 4lw=lsw Combat 8, Swim 14, Hide
14, Seek 11.
COM: 8 Initiative Bonus: + 14 3sw=ldw
The Dark Art: 10
STH:12 Damage Bonus: + 4 It takes two deadly' wounds
EDU:78 Endurance: 130 to kill him.
CHA:25 Mental Balance: 130

Kreboos is one of the Archons' false prophets. lined with the bodies of trespassers hanging by
When mankind long ago denied him, he was their necks. Leaving the tracks, you step into a
left high and dry by his creators. Now he per- land of minefields, multiple barbed wire fences,
forms genetic experiments in his steel bunker and trap-doors leading straight down into the
on victims kidnapped from subway systems in ; Metropolis Underground. The bottom floor of
Elysium by his trained Metromortes. His bunker the bunker is occupied by freezer rooms,
is encased within a vast system of train tracks, where sedated humans hang from meat-hooks.

I ~ 'f,;t~

.· .... ·_ ...
.- -

It also contains Kreboos' experimental cham- Personality: Energetic and enthusiastic, but
ber. His original purpose is either forgotten or completely intolerant. A ceaseless talker who
blocked out. He now devotes himself entirely never finishes his sentences or waits for an
to wild experiments with human DNA, trying answer.
to create aberrations of the race. He takes pride Gamemastering hints: Keep your eyes in a
in his few successful mutations, whom he wild, excited stare. Rush your words at a break-
releases in Elysium to spread horror and dis- • neck pace. Grab the characters note papers
ease. and start scribbling technical sketches on them.

~a.,:i.I1-ts bitter fate, and now the character must relive

the incident. The character is endowed with
Edmond felt at ease, in spite of the bullet
the physical appearance of the saint, but keeps
lodged under his left knee-cap, which burned
his original skills. If the stigmatized character is
like fire. The verse in blood on the laboratory
able to change the saint's fate, his soul is
wall indicated that he would find refuge at
returned to its own body, and the saint, fully
the end of the heat conductor. He felt the wel-
vindicated, dies. But if the character fails, his
come numbness spread through his body.
soul must wander the Labyrinth forever.
Soon there would be no feeling from his waist
We recommend that the Gamemaster keep
down. But he didn't mind, because here he
the score of the characters' points, so that the
could die and the scientists would have no
players will not be able to analyze their own
more opportunities to perform their terrible
experiments on him... '
Finally, a saint can be contacted only at the
Saints are people who have died a martyr's
price of IDlOO points of one own's endurance.
death. Their spirits inhabit the Labyrinth
The Gamemaster makes the roll.
between Elysium and Metropolis. They are not
enlightened and care only for the vindication of
Effect Result
their own deaths. Anyone who vindicates a
Miss leads character to utter ruin.
saint will have gained a hold on him and can
demand help from this saint. Keep in mind that
a No contact.
1-5 Helps the character, but difficult
saints are very bitter by nature and are most
to interpret.
reluctant to render help. They will use any
6-15 Helps the character, and easy to
opportunity to mislead the characters, but any-
thing the characters do in the name of a saint
16 + As above, 6-15, but the saint feels
will make it more difficult for the saint to
threatened and tries to kill the
refuse them (provided, of course, that they
demand something which is within the saint's
capabilities). Saints express themselves ambigu-
There are many saints in Metropolis, and
ously and like to make every answer into a rid-
those mentioned below are only a few repre-
dle. You collect points for each time you vindi-
sentative examples. The GM should create
cate a saint and each time you find an artifact
saints for his own adventures. That way, the
which is bound to a saint. Every point increases
saints' fates can be tailored to what the GM has
the chance that the saint will be unable to
in store for the characters.
refuse your request. This means that saints
Example: If the GM has decided on an adven-
regard persons with high scores as major
ture where the characters frequently
threats to their freedom and will waste no time
encounter the Catholic church and the lic-
in trying to kill them. A high score also increas-
tors of Binah, he could let Claudia help them
es a character's risk of stigmatization, which
when in need.
means that the character is removed to the
time and place where the saint underwent its

DESCRIPTION OF A SAINT Poetry'; an ivory comb; the crucifix from her
History: Who the saint was, and what his life in confirmation (all artifacts can be found in the
Elysium was like. Santa Monica convent).
Vindication: What the characters must do to Stigmatization: 22
vindicate the saint. BARBERIO
Abilities: What the saints' abilities are which 'You dare accuse these fine policemen,
can be used to help the characters. with perfect records, oflying under oath! You
Communication: How the saint communicates cowardly ape! You just couldn't live with her
with the characters. rejection ofyou, and slaughtered her as if by
Artifacts: Objects which are closely bound to some tribaljustice, showing absolute disre-
the saint. gard of the free will of civilized people... '
Modification to prayer History: Barberio, a black man from New York
+ 5 for every vindication. City, passed by an alleyway late at night on
+ 1 to + 3 for every artifact (the value may vary April 28th, 1984. A group of policemen were
according to its symbolic value). beating and raping his ex-wife, Jessica, a
white woman. In his efforts to save her, he
Example: By manhandling two rapists, Matt has was arrested and indicted for her murder,
come into possession of Claudia's crucifix. instead of the policemen. The trial was a pure
He already has her ivory comb. He prays to farce, led by the District Attorney, Gerard
Claudia: 2 vindications 5 + 5, the ivory comb Washington, a racist of ill repute (and also
+ 1, and the crucifix + 3 = 14 for Matt's skill one of Geburah's lictors), who built his case
to pray successfully for Claudia's assistance. on the theory that Barberio was jealous and
CLAUDIA had been unable to accept Jessica leaving
'Take offher crucifix, Pablo, and shove it him. In order to avoid suspicion, he had post-
up her... Damn it!Just look at her bleed! Far poned his revenge for more than three years!
out, she likes it rough!. .. Hey, let me... YOU The guilty policemen were lauded for trying
SLUT! Stop praying to your damn Savior - to save the white woman from the this raging
here: this is your maker!. .. Hey, Marco - do beast, but, alas, in vain. The jury, all middle
something to stop her from looking at me like class whites, fOlmd Barberio guilty as
that... How? How the hell should I know - charged, and he was sentenced to death. His
just do something!... ' appeals for a pardon were denied, and at
History: Claudia was a pious mm in Los 07:22 AM, December 22nd, 1991, Barberio
Angeles working to help parents in the slums to was executed by lethal injection.
provide their children with a decent upbring- Vindication: To torture the prosecutor, judge,
ing. On the night of March 17th, 1977, while jury, jailers, executioners, and especially the
saying her evening prayers, five of her Sunday guilty policemen.
school pupils broke into her room and raped Abilities: To reveal and expel Geburah's lictors
her brutally. The ravaged her with a crucifix, (although not the ones who sentenced him),
drank the blood of her maidenhead, and and to halt tim~ for several minutes (during
maimed her breasts. Claudia forgave them on which the characters will still be easily
her deathbed, and did not even report them to detectable by illusionary creatures, such as
the police, but died in the blissful belief that the aspectii).
her meekness would grant her a place in heav- Communication: By use of a ouija board.
en. She was embittered when the lies of Artifacts: A pen case containing expensive foun-
Elysium dawned upon her, and is now vengeful tain pens, a Rolex watch, a Polaroid snapshot
and will assist anybody who punishes rapists. ofJessica, a battered law book, a soiled
Vindication: The punishing of rapists. American flag.
Abilities: To reveallictors within the church, Stigmatization: 18
and to expel Binah's agents. "The Guardian
Communication: Speaks in Latin. (See the Kult rule book.)
Artifacts: Her diary; a book: 'Children Write

Mod to Horror U1row: + 5 o eCapacity: Weapons 12, Impact Weap n
Movement 5mI SR Hscr=llw 14, Whips and Chains 8,
Unarmed Combat 1H, Dodge H,
AGL: 2010 (11) Actions: 2 51w=1 sw
Sneak H, Hide 14, Seek H,
PER: 1010 (5) Initiative Bonus: 0 3sw=ldw Swim 8,
EGO: 1010 (5) Damage Bonus: + 1 Skills: Climb 9, Projectile AUack modes: Tentacles I
END: 10 + 2010 (21) Endurance: 135 Weapons 1H, Automatic grods lH (gripwise), and
Weapons 1H, Rifle and oUlerwise according to
Sm: 10 + 2010 (21) Mental Balance: +- 500
Crossbow 14, Heavy weapons.
CHA:1Dl0 Armor: 2 Weapons 1H, Throwing
The Dark Art: 0

The agentii are renegade berserkers of the equipment within their already
Kether who have been chemically and bio- gross, distorted physiognomies. The
logically mutated. They drool at the mere agentii will attack all human tres-
chance of harming another being. Their passers without hesitation, as they '... the gross tumors seem
bark-like skin is covered with rotting tissue don't like to be reminded of what monsters
to have grown with excep-
and bulges with cancerous tumors. Their they have become.
tional speed, while some of
heads and arms are overgrown with the
thick vegetation of a branchlike flesh, and Azg-ho-...Is the equipment is pat'tially
(See the Kult rule book.) or fully encased in the
their helmets and weapons, indicating their
freakish tissue.'
military origin, are covered with dull, :HorderI.:i.I:l.-ers
gleaming tissue which seems to incorporate
(See the Kult rule book.)
, I

Modification to Horror amage CapacitY: Anack modes: sne (Scr -

Utrow: + 3 4scr=1lw 4, Iw5-10, sw14-1S, d
Movement: 11 mI CR w19+); membrane (grip-
AGL: 4010 (22) 3lw=lsw
like: drain 1year I CR
pm: 4010 (22) Actions: 4 3sw=ldw from the character's lite);
EGO: 2010 (11) InniaDve Bonus: + 10 Skills: Impact Weapons 15, and oUterwise according
END: 10 + 1010 (15) Damage Bonus: + 4 Unarmed Combat 18, Climb to weapons.
lo,Seek 8, Sneak 8, Hide 8,
sm: 3010 (18) Endurance: 105
11Ie Dark Art: 42
CHA: 1010 (5) Armor: 5

These are tall creatures with scaly armored humps on their backs hint at a possi-
skin of a dull, pale red color. They have ble angelic origin. The Chronoites
powerful metallic arm poles which they sometimes leave the Clockworks to
use to shove people into the Clockworks. seek people in ElysitUll who possess
They are unable to move their lidless dangerous information about their
Cyclops' eye, but must turn their entire Metropolis home. The Chronoites 'Groups of these shock
long, thin head in order to keep a moving encase such an individual in a membrane of troops from the
object in their lifeless sights. Their immo- jellylike, porous tissue, which drains time Clockworks have already
bile gaping mouths are £till of irregular, nee- from the victim, causing him or her to age been sent after me... '
dle-pointed metallic teeth which they move prematurely.
in a sideways grinding motion. Two small

ChrODO" odification 10 Horror Damage Cilllacjfy: Attack modes: The insemi-

~biote8 Ihrow: 0 5scr=1lw nation lJJbe never fails, and
AGL:l Movement: 0.5 mI CR will erase 1010 minutes
Actions: 1
from memory 01 incidents
EGO: 1010 (5) 3sw=ldw which have affected the
END: 3010 (16) Initiative Bonus: - 7 hlakes two deadly wounds menial balance.
m: 10 + 1010 (15) Damage Bonus: 0 10 kill h. The Dark Art 0
Endurance: 110 Skills: None.
Armor: 1

The chrono-symbiotes are a product a slimy, green, buglike creature with no

of the giant Metropolis Clockworks eyes. Its glistening belly merges with the
which assume the form of wristwatch- watch wearer's wrist, then it inserts a thin
es and clocks in Elysium. As watches, insemination tube, injecting impulses
the symbiotes steal time from the which travel to the victim's brain. Larger
wearer in cases where they have clockwork symbiotes, for instance Big Ben,
'The symbiotes recently experienced something affecting emit a shroudlike, invisible electric field,
crawl off the dial their mental balance. They can also sum- sending nerve impulses into passers-by,
to twist around mon the Chronoites when in need of rein- causing deja-vu or sensations that time has
the afflicted forcements. inexplicably slipped.
wrist... ' In its true form, the chrono-symbiote is

Uonerietii EGO: 2010 (11) Attack modes: Uhrasounds The Dark Art: 0
ModifEBtion 10 horror according 10 EGO (if the vic-
Ihrow:-5 lim tails the roll, he is given
the disadvantage
Mov_nf: 5mI CR
ClaustroPhobia, which then
Actions: 2 brings on the nelll attack).
Initiative Bonus: + 4 The shattering 01 walls never
Damage Bonus: 0 lails (shatters 1010 times
EGO score I CR 01 walls).

These live in the The concuetii are the most intricate crea- walls, seconds before they come crashing
walls ofhouses, ture from Inferno to carve out a niche for down, accompanied by the piercing wails
andfeed off their themselves in Metropolis. They are predato- of the spirit creatures, burying anyone still
victim's claustro- ry spirits with a taste for destruction which inside the building. They cannot be physi-
phobia: live in the stones and mortar of the Original cally harmed, but can be expelled by men-
City. The concuetii emit ultrasounds which tal force. When expelled, the concr<etii
are irksome to human eardrums, causing shed blood which will be seen oozing out
feelings of violence, paranoia and claustro- through the mortar cracks. To drive them
phobia. They feed off this primal human out, the exorcist must make a series of EGO
fear of being caged and never again seeing rolls and match the effect against that of the
the light of day. The concuetii can be concuetii. Scoring on five rolls over their
glimpsed as spiritual projections within the EGO will expel the concr<etii.
])e8truetates Modification to Horror
AGL: 2010 (11) throw: 0 Oam8lle Capacity: Attack modes: Ram 18 (scr
PER: 1010 (5) Movement: 5mI CR 8scr=1lw 1-5, I w8-10, sw11-14,
Aetions:2 dw15+); and Fists (scr
EGO: 1010 (5) 5lw=lsw
1-8, Iw7-11, sw12-15,
END: 4010 (22) Initiative Bonus: 0 3sw=1'l1w dw18 +).
STR: 4010 (22) Damage Bonus: + 4 Skills: Impact Weapons 17, 11Ie Dark Art: 0
CRA: 1010 (5) Endurance: 140 Unarmed Combat 14, Climb
Armor: 3 18,00dge 8, Seek 10,
Sneak 3, Hide 14.

The destructates are slaves that the buildings. The destructates are
nepharites have brought from Inferno to incredibly strong, but not that
Metropolis to tear down and restructure aggressive. They are humble before
the architectural chaos of the Original City. their nepharite masters, whose orders .11 troop ofsoulless crea-
They are clumsy, crouching creatures with they blindly obey, and they will not hesi- tures, known as the
rough and porous sldn, and they have long tate to kill at the nepharites' command. Destructii, who tear
arms with shovel like hands. Their heads They work in pairs, always sticldng to the down and devour
are featureless and reinforced with black same routines, as they are totally incapable buildings, clearing the
steel, and they use it for brealdng down of any improvisation. way for a new order.'
, -.

Oam8lle capacity 14, I P. ct eapons 14, Unarmed

Modification to Horror U1row: 0 8scratches = 1light wound Combat 15, Climb 14, Dodge 12,
Search 10, Sneak 10, Hide 14,
AGL: 10 + 3010 (21) Movement: 10m I CR 5light wounds = 1serious wound
Swim 14
PER: 10 + 3010 (21) Actions: 4 3serious wounds = 1fatal
Attack mode: Claws 17 (SeR 1-7,
EGO: 2010 (11) InWative Bonus: + 9 wound
LW 8-13, SW 14-18, FW 19+.11Ie
END: 10 + 3010 (21) Oam8lle Bonus: + 5 Dies only after 2tatal wounds claws are doused in acurare-like
m: 10 + 3010 (21) Endurance: 135 Skills: Automatic Weapons 17, poison). Otherwise according to
Rifles and Crossbows 15, Heavy weapon.
CHA: 5010 (27) Armor: 1
Weapons 17, 11Irowing Weapons 11Ie Dark Art: 0

The Einsatzers. They are found on both of his wrists are excellent melee weapons. 'The black beasts of
sides of a conflict, urging their respective His face resembles a gas-mask and his hel- war follow behind their
soldiers to ravage, torture and degrade met-like head shines as if made out of troops, cutting down
those on the other side. Any soldier who armament iron. His body is covered with anyone or anything
has once served under an Einsatzer is blisters of adrenaline and testosterone which gets in their way.'
marked for life. He is haunted by dreadful which can be pierced and emptied onto
memories of his deeds, and finally driven unwilling soldiers.
to suicide to escape a similar fate at the
hands of some future enemy. Errr.Ya:Je
The Einsatzer is a tall man, black like (See Kult Rule Book)
carbonized wood. The razor sharp claws
Fekkiizers AcUons:l Armor: 0 ~ As abody part: 11Iis depends on the
part in quesdon. As abody part, the
AGLl Initiadve Bonus: -7 Skills: 0
fekkiizer avoids battle as much as
pml Damage Bonus: -3 AU8ck Mode: Possession (see above) possible, but if nmust fight use SC
EGO 3 Damage capacity As aparasne: Bne scn (1-9), lW 1-9, lW 10-15, SW 18-20 and OS
3Scratches =1Light Wound (10+). scn means that nhas fas- 21 +, for body interior organs (they
CON 1 tened nself to the skin and will try wriggle, corrode, and strangle) and
STRl =
2Light Wounds 1Serious Wound again wnh -5 to the strike. With an lW scn 1-8, lW 9-14, SW 15-19 and OS
Horror throw modification: 0 =
2Serious Wounds 1Fatal Wound or more, the fekkiizer has managed to 20+ for limbs (they hn, jump and
Movement: 2.5 nI cn Endurance: 35 penetrate the skin and proceeds to grab).
possess abody part.

'The trailer shook, and a heart- sess a body part, it causes no end of trouble
rending scream resounded. The for the character. Every 666 minutes the
.'\ , " .. door was flung open and Klaus body part tries to revolt against the body, to
~,-p,,~ ~ ":-1.,. stumbled out screaming, holding leave it and make its way to the fekkiizer's
" . ~...- .?f fIi::::~-.: his severed arm in his remaining playground. The victim may roll for EGO
'. ' :. '.. ~ ~ ) hand. The dealer followed, hold- every time the body part stages a revolt,
- ing a bloody knife. 'You were which it does without concern for the rest
marked and I saved you', he said, wiping of the body.
the blood from the sharp blade, and disap- Following are some examples of how a
peared back into the trailer. Klaus col- fekkiizer behaves in different parts of the
lapsed, shaking and dropped the cut-off body, and how it leaves it:
'... horrid red leeches, limb. The arm twisted itself and tried to KIDNEY:
who place their off wriggle its way across the parking lot like a Occasionally ceases to function, which
spring under the skin snake. The dealer, armed with a flame causes terrible cramps and blood in the
of their unfortunate thrower this time, came out of the trailer urine. Tries to shake itself free and creep
hosts.' again, looked down at the bloody tracks out through the navel.
and burned the arm to a crisp.' HAND:
The fekklizer is a red parasite with a Loses objects, hits people. Tries to get
segmented body, measuring about three itself severed.
inches long, that lives in the sewers of STOMACH:
Metropolis. Human beings are fair prey for Regurgitates everything swallowed, cre-
the fekkiizer, as their thin skin is easy to ates acute ulcers by digesting itself.
penetrate. Progressing under the skin, the Corrodes the intestines that bind it and
fekkiizer resembles a pulsating blood ves- creeps out through the mouth.
sel. The fekkiizer soon implants its cells, BRAIN:
which it carries between its segments, in a Creates violent headaches, impairs
random part of the body. Then it dies. The sight and hearing. Forces the victim to hack
dead fekkiizer leaves a tattoo-like mark on out the brain with a hammer and chisel.
the afflicted body part. The implanted
fekkiizer cell tries to possess the afflicted The fekkiizers playground is located in
region every 666 minutes, or until the char- the underworld of Metropolis, a place
acter manages to get rid of it through exor- where a great many sewer tunnels meet to
cism or by amputating or removing the form a lake of human waste. There, the pos-
body part. The victim can resist as sessed body parts engage in grotesque acts
described in the Possessed chapter of the of mating.
rule book. If the fekkiizer manages to pos-

. . .

-. -
. .
Fe:r~:i Length: 8n8in Damage capacitY:
AGL 2D+2dlD (31) Height: 5n 8Scratches =1Light Wound Attack Mode: Bne 20 (SCR 1-4, IW
pm lD+3dlO (28) Weight: 420 Ibs =
7Light Wounds 1Serious Wound 5-8, SW 9-15, FW 18+), 2Claws
15 (SCR 1-8, IW 7-12, SW 13-17,
EGO 5+1dl0(10) Movement: 50 nI CR =
5Serious Wounds 1Fatal Wound
FW 18+)
CON 20+2dl0 (31) AcUons: 15 Endurance: 185
TIle Dark Arts: 5
m 20+3dl0 (38) InitiaUve Bonus: +19 Armor: 3

Horror throw Damage Bonus' +8 Skills: Climb 3D, Sneak 30, Dodge
modnicauon: 0 ~ ~ . _ 20, Swim 25, Hide 40, Search 25,
Ferocci are large and deceptively clumsy-
looking four-legged animals. They are remi-
AcrobaUcs 20
set black eyes and long, razor-sharp teeth.
Their long tail enables them to jump and
- 'Whole cavalry detach-
ments have been
niscent of tigers in their movements, but climb with great precision. They can climb destroyed in battle by
are hairless and covered in a c,amouflage vertical walls if they can find purchase for these catlike, but
pattern that constantly adapts to their sur- their five-inch retractable claws, and even extremely and intelli-
roundings. The head is compact with deep- hang upside down. gent animals'.

Genetides Movement: 21 I CR Armor: 0 aUon conunues and reads the eRecl

AGL 1O+1dl0 (15) Actions: 2 Skills:AutomaUc Weapons 12, Rifles in the following chart SCR 5+, LW 3-
and Crossbows 12, Heavy Weapons 4, SW 2, FW 1. TIle wounds resem-
pm5dlO (27) IniUaUve Bonus: +3
8, TIlrowing Weapons 8, Impacl ble burns and may even cause loss of
EGO 4dl0 (22) Damage Bonus: +3 hair and radiaUon sickness. TIle vic- I
Weapons 14, Unarmed Cornbal18,
CON 3dlO (5) Damage capacitY: Climb 12, Dodge 10, Search 18, Um musl pass aCON-throw once a
m3dl0(18) =
3Scratches 1Light Wound Sneak 12, Hide 8, SWim 8 year in order to avoid cancer).
Otherwise according 10 weapon.
CHAR 3dl0 (18) 2Light Wounds =1Serious Wound Attack mode: RadioacUve RadiaDon
TIle Dark Art: 0
Horror throw modifICation: +5 2Serious Wounds =1Fatal Wound (automaUcally succeeds. TIle viCUm
rolls for CON every CR that the radi-
I' Endurance: 105 ....-
One of the grotesque by-products of the mutated into grotesque shapes that ..._.....----'Il
experiments performed in the name of bear only vague resemblance to the
Malkuth are the transgenetic genetides, humans they once were. Constantly
who seek desperately to find a way to dividing pieces of threadlike flesh
regain their lost human shape. The gene- hang in bunches from their translu-
tides have a consummate way of analyzing cent bodies. It is not unusual for a
the DNA structure of the bodies they Genetide to have several useless
acquire. They hang the bodies in an elastic, limbs that sporadically drop off and
slimy, web-like device, where they expose are left to rot.
them to extreme doses of radiation and There are signs indicating that the gene-
'Creatures that have
slow bloodletting. Then they inoculate the tides were once radiakks, and that it is
long since left the
genes with new DNA codes, with cata- through this heritage that they divine their
human form behind,
strophic results for the victims. As a result former human qualities.
and now seek to regain
of intense radiation, the genetides have
it by consuming
Endurance: 85 Anack mode: Deafening Noise (acts
Horror throw modi IClIUon: 0 Armor: 0 like Possession; see Possession chap-
ter in the rule book. The viCUm loses
Movement: 2nI cn Skills:None
AGL 2dlo (11) Will-power, loses one acUon per
AcUons:2 and all Score points in PER-base
PER 2dlO (11)
IniUatlve Bonus: 0 skills are halved. AHarmonide can p
EGO 3dlO (1 B)
Damage Bonus: 0 up to ten people to sleep simultane-
CON 2dlO (11) o~~y.)
Damage capacity: Harmonides can
sm ldlo (5) only be exorcised. Physical weapons The Dark Art: 5
CHAR 3dlo (1 B) have no enecl on them.

These obscure crea- The harmonides are spiritual entities that tion, so that he thinks he is experiencing
tures that dull the possess the minds of musicians, or create something unique. When musicians per-
senses in their sur- and stimulate the musicians of Elysium. Few form live, mass hypnosis results, and the
roundings... ' musicians are not controlled by har- harmonides tap the life energy from the
monides. Harmonides create light euphoric audience. Harmonides keep an
sequences and atonal sounds beyond the eye on upstarts in the music business and
range of human perception that fasten to see to it that anyone who could disturb
humans' brains. These tunes grind on human apathy is ground down and induced
monotonously and make the listener apa- to produce bubblegum-mainstream music.
thetic and receptive to telepathic sugges-

~~ ytide8 Damage capacity: ttackmode:

AGL 2dlO (11) Horror throw modi !CaDon: -10 4Scratches =1Light Wound
PER 2dlO (11) Movement: 15 nI cn =
3Light Wounds 1Serious Wound The Dark Arts: 10
EGO 10+3dl0(2B) AcUons:2 =
3Serious Wounds 1Fatal Wound
CON 2dlo (11) IniUaUve Bonus: 0 Skills: Throwing Weapons B, Impact
COM lo+3dlo (2B) Damage Bonus: +1 Weapons B, Whips and chains 8,
Sm2dlo (1 B) Endurance: 85 Unarmed Combat 8, Climb 10, Dodge
10, Search 10, Sneak 14, Hide 14,
CHAR 1O+3dlo (2B) Armor: 0 Swim 10

'Fiery sirens with the Here and there in the Hunting Grounds of Ignytides are endowed with strong
faces of angels to the Ruins of Metropolis, great beacons burn mental powers and a possessed person
tempt men to perdi- and cast a ghostly glow on their surrOlmd- finds them very hard to resist. The Ignytides
tion'. ings. On approaching, one can hear a sharp move through the air in the shape of a
whistling noise and dimly perceive a shape glowing ball of fire. In this form, they can-
in the fire. The shapes look like nude, dark- not possess anyone. They are bound to the
haired women who are slowly burning. Temptress and are her most aggressive
They reach out in a gesture of appeal. agents in Metropolis.
____.__._.o,oties Horror throw.modification. -5 Endurance: 80 A {k mode: Bell-ringing (The vic-
AGL2dlO (11) Movement: 15 nI Cft Armor: 0 Ums roll for PER. Those who pass
are deafened during the Cft and
PER ldlO (5) AcUons:2 Skills: Crossbows 10, Throwing
unable to act). Otherwise according
EGO 3dlO (16) IniUative Bonus: 0 Weapons 8, Impact Weapons 1D,
Whips and Chains 10, Unarmed
CON 5+1dl0 (10) Damage Bonus: +1 The Dark Art: 5
Combat 10, Climb 10, Dodge 8,
COM ld5 (3) Damage capacitY: Search 8, Sneak 12, Hide 12, Swim
sm2dl0 (11) =
4Scratches 1Ught Wound 10
mu 2dl0 (11) 3Light Wounds =1Serious Wound
1lAJr1dlO (5) 2Serious Wounds =1Fatal Wound

The chaotics, htillched creatures in dark the goal of the chaotics is to judge and 'Like an unholy
hoods, wander in long processions punish the inhabitants of Metropolis, but Inquisition the
through the Ruins and the City of the their motives are incomprehensible. prophets of horror go
Dead, chanting in a monotone ~d ringing Common to all Chaotics is that they forth, passing judg-
verdigrised copper bells. Where they pass have their eyes or tongues cut out, or ears ment on those
the images of time are confused. Medieval and limbs that are gangrenous. Most of are already damned..,'
witch burnings mix with crucifixions, col- emaciated because of the diseases they
lections of corpses from the Black Death, carry.
hangings, beheadings, etc. It seems that

UOIllpostate8 Horror throw modificaUon: 0 Damage capacitY: Attack mode: According to weapon.
AGL 2dl 0(11) Movement: 15 nI Cft =
7Scratches 1Light Wound Any wounds sustained risk infection:
+5 on the CON-roll.
PER 3dl0 (16) AcUons:2 =
6Light Wounds 1Serious Wound
The Dark Art: 0
EGO ldl0 (5) IniUative Bonus: 0 =
4Serious Wounds 1Fatal Wound
CON 5dl0 (27) Damage Bonus: +1 Skills: Throwing Weapons 12, Impact
sm 1O+2dl0 (21) Endurance: 165 Weapons 14, Axe 14, Unarmed Combat
14, Climb 18, Dodge 12, Search 12,
CHAR ld5 (3) Armor: 1
Sneak 12, Hide 16, Swim 10

Compostates conduct an eternal search Their slack bodies are riddled with sick- 'Human in form, in
through the garbage dumps of Metropolis ness; blood and pus runs from their pores. appearance all rot-
and the stinking remains of our own civi- The most decrepit are envoys of Baal ting skin and excre-
lization in the waste heaps of Elysium. Reshef. ment, these crea-
They dig and sort, but whether they are Compostates are relatively harmless tures offer the spec-
looking for food or for something they creatures and seldom attack, but they dis- tator nothing but
have lost is not known. They are carrion- like intruders, which explains the half- Death',
eating parasites, repulsive human crea- ripped bodies of brutally executed people
tures of rotting flesh and stinking waste. found in garbage dumps.

'.' '-- _~-
. -
, -
- _..
- - - . - -
. - - -' .
--.. ;r-v~
Horror thro lDodific8Uon:-5 Damage capacity: Armor:
AGL 7+1dl0 (12) Movement 18 III CR, floating =
4Scratches 1Light Wound Anack mode: Bhe 10 (SCR. 1-8, IW 9
PER 10+ldlO (15) Actions: 2 =
3Light Wounds 1Serious Wound 14, SW 15-25, FW 28+)
EGO ld5 (3) Inhiative Bonus: 2Serious Wounds =1Fatal WOund 11Ie Dark Art: 0
CON 2dl0 (10) Damage Bonus: Endurance: 80
sm3+1dl0 (8)

Larv;e are black, wormlike creatures that forcing them to dig their way through or go
'Worms with teeth
hunt underground on our world and in around. They float through the ground in
that can chew
Metropolis, which they pass between with- packs, hunting for prey.
through the impene-
out hindrance. They are three feet long and Larv;e eat all organic matter. They feel
trable. They hunt in
attack with round mouths bordered with the heat and movement of a living body
packs and consume
small, sharp teeth. They are the Razides' hundreds of yards distant, no matter how
first state of development, and fully evolve much rubble separates them from their
after a few centuries. Larv;e are born in potential victim. When they have found a
huge egg chambers in the Underground victim they summon other larv;e and attack
where black, leathery eggs the size of foot- in packs. When they hlillt, they emit a
balls cover the ground. grinding sound.
Larv;e have a unique ability to move
freely through dead matter as if it were not
there. They float through the grOlilld, their (See Kult rule book)
progression unimpeded by stone or earth. I..ti.~Dead
Only organic matter obstructs their path,
(See Kult rule book)

Damage capacity: Anack mode: Jaws 18 (SCR. 1-4, IW

Horror throw modificaUon: +5 =
8Scratches 1Light Wound 5-8, SW 9-15, FW 18+. Whoever is
bitten by aMagistrate is the vicUm 0
AGL 5+1dl0 (10) Movement 15 III CR 7Light Wounds =1Serious Wound
apoison like nerve gas; See the r e
PER 20+2dlO (31) AcUons:2 5Serious Wounds =1Falal Wound book). Otherwise according to
EGO 5+1dl0 (10) IniUaUve Bonus: 0 Skills: AuIomaUc Weapons 18, RnleS weapon.
CON 20+2dlO (31) Damage Bonus: +5 and Crossbows 14, 11Irowing 11Ie Dark Art: 0
sm 20+2dl0 (31) weapons 10, Impact Weapons
Endurance: 185
1O,Unarmed Combat 8, Climb 8, Dodge
CHAR 5+1dlO (10) Armor: 3 4, Search 18, Sneak 8, Hide 10

An elite force developed by techrones for razor-sharp teeth that move back and forth
'The huge warden security and defense, based in the Machine like saw blades, making a hellish sound.
monsters who guard City, Magistrates are techno-organic panzer Even creatures far superior to Man are dis-
the Machine City tanks that resemble huge, black beetles. solved by the neurotoxins that glitter mali-
show no mercy'. Their organic armor seems metallic ill ciously on the barbed outgrowths that pro-
appearance and their natural arsenal makes trude from the outer sides of the jaws. The
them very dangerous. Many intruders have • only sound they are able to make is a jar-
met death in the powerful jaws of the ring howl. They communicate with each
Magistrates, with their double rows of other by waving their antenn;e like insects.
ltI trolllorte Aetions:G FataJ..Wound Attack mode: Jaws 10
AGL 30+3dlO (48) Initiative Bonus: +34 Dies only aner 3Fatal (SCR. 1-4, IW 5-8, SW 9-
Wounds 13, FW 14+). Gas (suc-
pm2dlo (11) Damage Bonus: +11 ceeds automatically, span
Endurance: 2Go
EGO ld5 (3) Damage capacity: 0115 n. Acts like tear
CON 30+3dlo (48) 11 Scratches = Armor: 10 gas). Gore 8(SCR 1-3, IW
sm 30+3dlo (48) 1Light Wound Skills:'None 4-7, SW8-12, FW 13+).
Horrorll1l'ow 10 Light Wounds= 1IIe Dark Art: 0
modnication: +10 1Serious Wound
ovement: 70 nI CR =
BSerious Wounds 1

The Metromorte is a huge train-like reptil- end in tumorous cartilage. On the

ian creature with the narrow head of a very edge of the jaw is a powerful
predator. It hunts its prey hungrily in the and solid tooth, bent upwards,
subway systems of Elysium. The body of a which is meant to rend anything in
Metromorte is sleek and soft and. sectioned the way of the Metromorte as it
travels. The Metromorte cannot completely 'The sections of the city
like a centipede, covered with rough scales
close its jaws and seems to be built to take are interlinked by a
that slowly expand and contract in rhythm
to its movements. Its jaws are a series of in food constantly. It has small glands gigantic network of
around its mouth that emit a poisonous gas. subterranean tunnels
long, vertical, razor-sharp plates that contin-
ue far into the terrifying maw, where they in which huge and
predatory reptiles lurk'.

AGL G, 10, 15 Movement: 10, 15, 20 nI CR =

2, 3, 3Serious Wounds 1Fatal
pmG, 10, 15 Actions: 2 Wound
EGO 4, B, 12 InitiatiVe Bonus: -2, 0, +3 Endurance: 70, 90, 120
CON 8, 12, 18 Damage Bonus: -1, +1, +3 Skills: Basic skills G, 10, 14 TI1e GM
may decide what their weaponry is
COM 5 Damage Capacity:
unless otherwise indicated.
S1B G, 11, lG =
4, 4, 5Scratches 1Light Wound
EDU 5, G, 7 =
3, 3, 4Light Wounds 1Serious
CHAR 4, 8, 12 Wound

Metropolis is inhabited by people of many mon as far as appearance is concerned: the

worlds. Creatures from Inferno mingle with guideline is only a measure of their strength
Archons' lackeys, mutated experiments and cunning. There are "strong" sewer
from Malkuth's laboratories, spiritual enti- inhabitants around Chesed's palace as well
ties, even humans. Most of the inhabitants as "weak" war veterans in the bunkers adja-
of Metropolis are dangerous. Throughout cent to Netzach's. Below, three values are
this book, such inhabitants are referred to indicated, each corresponding to a category
as specific monsters or as inhabitants. The (weak, normal, strong). The values are
latter are human or almost so, and are divid- given so that the GM may use them on
ed into three categories: weak, normal and short notice during the course of a game. If
strong. This division serves as a guideline there is more time, the GM may use them
indicating how tough they are as oppo- more as a starting point for his own ideas.
nents in battle. They have nothing in com-

ittz ...... ~~~ _ __....IIiI1

~o"t;li~'-'''' Horror throw modification: ·5 6Serious WoundS =1Fatal taneously, see the rules in the
Com.postates Movement: 10 nI CR Wound Possessed chapter of the rul
Aclions:2 Dies only after 3fatal wounds book). Crush 10 (SCR. 1-5,
Endurance: 210 LW 6-11, SW 12-16, FW 17+.
Initiative Bonus: -3 The Mother Composta can
AGL 1d1o (5)
Damage Bonus: +5 Armor: 5 only try to crush already po -
pm 1d5 (3)
Damage Capacity: Skills: None sessed creatures, which h
EGO 1O+3dlO (26) does by rollilJll over them).
CON 2o+3d1o (36)
9Scratches 1Light Wound AUBck mode: Possession (The
8Light Wounds =1Serious Mother Compostate can pos- The Dark Art: 5
~ •.• ",,,,,,,,,,,,,.-=II sm 2o+3dlO (36) sess up to 5creatures simul-

Mother Compostates are omnivorous in tion in exchange for procuring nourish-

~_~-'=bIl the most extreme sense of the word. ment. The symbiotes feed the Mother
'Enormous metallic Anything that is poured into their cease- Compostate with offerings and in exchange
creatures that look lessly rotating grinders is broken apart and enjoy protection from the dangers of
like garbage wagons disappears into their metallic gullets. At a Metropolis.
consume the waste of hasty glance, they can be compared to the The Compostates are like drones and
the City. The wagons, garbage tmcks of Elysium, except that the the Mother Compostate is a mentally strong
which cannot acquire Mother Compostates ride on caterpillar and telepathic queen. The symbiotes are
nourishment by their treads. The streaks of dirt and chips in the obsessed with the idea of procuring food
own agency, offer shel- paint are really semi-translucent intestines for their regent and will sacrifice their lives
ter within themselves and veins that entwine the whole body and without hesitation in a crisis. When the
for human helpers... ) slowly convulse. Each Mother Compostate Mother-creature journeys, the Compostates
is accompanied by two or three symbiotes, lie dormant in the driver's cab, which con-
possessed Compostates, who obtain protec- sists of a slimy gelatinous pupa.

O"'berOIll!!i Horror throw mo . alion: +5 8Scratches =1Light Wound Skills: Climb 6, Search 14, Sneak 14,
AGLld5 (3) Movement: 6nI CR 7Light Wounds =1Serious Wound Hide 14, Swim 20
pm 1d10 (5) Actions: 2 5Serious Wounds =1Fatal Wound AUBck mode: None
EGO 2dlO (11) Initiative Bonus: -5 Endurance: 135 The Dark Arts: 5
CON 2o+2d1o (31) Damage Bonus: +4 Armor: 3(on top)
lL-t:2d1o (31) Damage Capacity:

The Oberons, clumsily like beached dying humans, they slide over them with a
'By the beaches of the
walruses, use their numerous chubby fin- low hissing sO\Jnd and a foul black sub-
viscous sea, leech-like
like growths, slowly digging new channels stance is pressed out from the cracks
creatures create com-
to the rivers and streams that lead to the between their body and its armor plates.
plicated patterns... '
Primal Sea. Oberons never use their fins for This substance slowly corrodes the body at
locomotion, but slowly crawl along the a rate of 1 CON-point per hour.
sandbanks like snails. In the sludge of the Oberons have no reason to fight and
Primal Sea they are agile and fast, swim- are left alone by all inhabitants except for
ming in shoals beneath the surface. The humans. They are incapable of defending
upper part of their leech-like bodies are themselves.
powerfully armored, but their bellies are
soft and swollen. They have no organs of · .-M.Ios:i1:e8
Sight or smell, and orient themselves with a (See Kult Rule Book)
sonar echo like bats. When they locate


. . .~ : ' . .
Horror throw mod: 0 12, Heavy Weapons 12,
Movement: 25 nI cn Damage Capacity: Throwing weapons 8,
Impact Weapons
AGL 3dlO (18) Actions: 3 4Scratches =
12,Unarmed Combat 18,
pm3dl0 (18) Initiative Bonus: +4 1Light Wound
Climb 12, Dodge 10, Search
EGO 5+1dlO (10) Damage Bonus: ++3 3Light Wounds = 12, Sneak 12, Hide 12,
1serious Wound SWim 12
ON 5+1dlO (10) Endurance: ao
2Serious Wounds =1Fatal Attack mode: According to
m3dl0 (18) Armor: comparable to riot
Wound weapon.
CHAR 5+1dl0 (10) armor
Skills: Automatic Weapons The Dark Arts: 0
18, Rifles and Crossbo

These mass soldiers of Kether move in bereft of morale. The greatest fear
hordes through Metropolis, commanded by of a Radiakk is to be transformed
aristocrats of Kether's court. Most are into a genetide. In their quest for
hybrids of soldiers who were subjected to methods to bring down the
atomic testing in the 50s and .60s in France, Illusion, the lackeys of Malkuth
the United States and China. Their burned have produced a DNA code that repro- .tis though burned by
skin carries painful oozing sores, cancerous grams Radiakks into Genetides. This has the rays oj a merciless
growths and rough skin tumors which intensified the battles between Radiakks sun, these men hunt
spread radioactive spores. Their intellect is and Genetides. through the under-
not brilliant and without a leader they are world, their limbs half
charred, seeking God
knows what'.

Attack mode: Claws 10 (Scn. 1-7, IW

Horror throw modification: -5 Damage Capacity: a-15, SW 18-22, FW 23+. If the
attack is successful the razoth ma
Movement: 45 nI cn 3Scratches =1Light Wound
AGL 20+2dl0 (31) try again. If it succeeds asecon
Actions: 5 2Light Wounds =1Serious Wound time, it has gouged out an eye. Halv
PER ldl0 (5)
EGO ldl0 (5)
Initiative Bonus: +19 =
2Serious Wounds 1Fatal Wound PER for all sight-related rolls. If both
Damage Bonus: +3 Skills: None eyes are lost the victim is of course
CON ldlO (5) blind).
Endurance: 55
sm ldlO(5) The Dark Art: 0
Armor: 1point

At a distance, razoths look like bats. They attack in steep swoops, attack the victim's 'Winged metal mon-
fly around Metropolis in great flocks. Their face and dig out the eyes with the gripping sters swoop down over
cocoon-like nests are in the cavities of the claws that lie on each side of their head. their victims and
Machine City. They are only vaguely organ- The razoths themselves have no eyes. They devour their eyes'.
ic, with razor-sharp wings, rough, uneven originate in the palace of Geburah and fill a
black talons and black earwig bodies of a small but key role in Geburah's plan to
metallic material. They hunt constantly and blind as many creatures as possible, so that
have one favorite delicacy: eyes. They everyone may stand equal before the law.


.. ....iiliiiiiilliii...._ _

Movement 70 nI CR

BSerious Wounds =1Fatal Weeder achieves higher

Actions: 8 Wound scores ncan anempl or con
- AGL30+3dl0 (46) Initiative Bonus: +34 Endurance: 260 tinue aBone Marrow
Suction), Bone Marrow
PER ldl0 (5) Damage Bonus: +11 Armor: 5
Suction 8(takes 1CON per
EGO ld5 (3) Damage ClIIIacity: Skills: Climb 18, Dodge 8, CR), Gore 10 (SCR. 1-4, LW
Search 4, Sneak 8, Hide 8
, CON 30+3dl0 (46) 11 Scratches =1Light 5-9, SW 10-15, FW 16+).
S1R 30+3dl0 (46) Wound Anack mode: Grip 10(If the 11Ie Dark Arl: 0
Weeder gelS agrip, both n
Horror throw modification: 10 Light Wounds =1Serious
and the victim throw for sm
+5 Wound
every CR. As long as the

These huge arachnoid creatures crawl legs and sucking out the contents with
around the citadels on ten ivory-like legs, their tubular mouths. They have horns
itrmored spider-crea- in flaming red armor equipped with coarse made of the same material as their legs and
tures travel the wide hair and poisonous spikes. They remove can gore two or even three people to
marketplaces. They stones and the remnants of skeletons from death in one attack.
topple their victims the enormous marketplaces that surround
and suck out their the palaces and drag them to their great
bone marrow'. concrete nests resembling beehives spread (See Kult Rule Book)
here and there on the walls of the lower Teel1:rOI1e8
sections of the citadel. Weeders are territo-
(See Kult Rule Book)
rial and aggressive. They love to feed on
human bone marrow, which they find by ~ft,1::e~ft,ke:rs
puncturing bones with their needle-sharp (See Weak Metropolis Standards)

Ho:or thrO~odinCati Damage Bonus: +~ ~ode: Bne (SCR. 1-4, LW 5-9,

Length: 4n Damage Capacity: SW 10-15, FW 16+), Tongue
AGLlO+2dl0 (21) Height: 3n8 =
4Scratches 1Light Wound (extends aboUllhree feel; SCR. 1-5,
. . LW6-11, SW 12-17,FW 18+).
PER 10+31110 (28) Weight 110 =
3Light Wounds 1Serious Wound 11Ie Dark Art: 0
EGO ldl0 (5) Movement: 30 nI CR 2Serious Wounds =1Fatal Wound

( ~ON 5+1dl0 (10)
5+1dl0 (10)
Actions: 4
Inniative Bonus: +9
Endurance: 80
Armor: 1

'These jour-legged The Wolven are four feet high, four-legged jaws. The tongue is bluish-black, long and
hunters seek their vic- creatures with coarse red-black skin that is sharp and can drill through a victim.
tims in our world, then partially covered with coarse black hair.
drive them across the Their heads are triangular and reminiscent
divide to the Machine of an alligator's. Their eyes are deeply set (See Kult Rule Book)
where they make short and bloodshot. Their teeth, similar to
work ojthem'. those of an alligator, are set outside the

~~-~'­. .

~"~~ ~~~~

68J..-e..-ast:e:r- capacity as GM, you must be prepared for

:bIg; ..-:u.~ anything and always keep an ace up your
Although Metropolis provides you sleeve.
with a setting which defies logic, you must Always prepare by thinking through
not overindulge your own imagination. No the entire episode. What are the charac-
player will accept having his character ters' reasons for coming to Metropolis, and
treated as a mere plaything by a despotic what can you do to turn it into an exciting
Gamemaster. You must accept the internal adventure? You must always balance your
logic of the story, rather than turn every- own plans with the characters' motivation.
thing topsy-turvy just to drive the players You should keep enough obstacles in
to distraction. Stay flexible and let the reserve to give the characters a run for
story flow. When your players start to feel their money, because easy victories make a
in control, when they believe they have dull game, But to work obstinately against
mastered the workings of Metropolis, then them, to never allow them to obtain their
is the time to spook them with an unex- goals, ultimately turns the game into pure
pected turn. Use shock effects sparingly, frustration.
saving them for the moment when they You must always be one step ahead of
will have maximum impact. Metropolis the players. For instance, when the charac-
should serve your purposes: to shock and ters have just escaped a hoard of hungry
throw the players off-balance. zeloths and are catching their breath in a
When the characters arrive in makeshift hiding place, spring a fresh dan-
Metropolis, you must decide what kind of ger to keep t.he game from stagnating.
setting they are in and give the players a When the ground gives way beneath their
short description. Then you must decide feet and thirty c'ompostates come slither-
which of the palaces is closest, as the char- ing out, you must know how they can
acters' minds will be affected by this par- make another narrow escape to catch the
ticular Archon's powers. Then the real next breather.
adventure can begin: where should the CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE
characters go and how will they get there? OF HORROR
What will happen to them on the way, and Horror is a psychological genre, and
how long will it take them to reach their effective horror requires a complicated
goal, if, indeed, they ever reach it at all? .. dramaturgy which depends on a certain
STAY ONE STEP AHEAD • flair from the Gamemaster. Always going
• The players' inventiveness and for effect, piling up action sequences in a
resourcefulness can be immense. In your relentless tempo, may not be the best way

to get the players involved. Variation is the to meddle with their abilities and skills, if
key: constantly hinting at upcoming dan- it seems justified. Metropolis is not a place
gers, making occasional rolls, leafing you are likely to leave unscarred.
through the rule book with an intent face, This book wasn't written to make you
you can keep the players on the edge of relocate all your adventures to Metropolis.
their seats. Now and then you can work in The players would soon tire of it. On the
deceptively calm sequences, just to make contrary, make sure that most of your cam-
the players drop their guards before the paign stays in our (illusory) reality. Use
upcoming shock effect. As a Gamemaster Metropolis sparingly, as a spice.
in a horror roleplaying game you must be
ruthless and false, and at the same time
playful and susceptible to the players' Arehe~
moods. A problem that may arise when play-
KEEP UP THE TEMPO ing KuIt (or any roleplaying game) is that
Metropolis is not a place of contempla- the characters lack the required knowl-
tion. The characters should be allowed edge to carry out the adventure you have
time to collect themselves and think in store for them. For instance, how do
things over, but you must not allow the you take the players in and out of
players' talking and planning to take over Metropolis without strained 'explanations,
the game. Metropolis is a place of extreme or making the players feel their characters
danger which does not allow for plans and lack the motivation to risk their lives in an
deductions. There is always a monster unknown world? This can be helped by
lurking in the shadows. giving one characters some extra insight
BE UNPREDICTABLE or a stronger connection to Metropolis.
It is in your interest, as the GM, to This should not be allowed to get out of
keep Metropolis as unpredictable as possi- hand, making the passage to Metropolis an
ble. The day your players begin to grasp everyday event like catching the bus. Here
the Original City and see the structure and are four new archetypes with a little more
logic behind the madness, you have lost knowledge of Metropolis and different
your ability to shock and surprise them. realities than the average character. They
Never make the players fully aware of are: the Lictor Servant, the Heller, the
what is going on. Even if you want to Proto-techrone, and the Living Dead.
establish a relationship for cause-and-effect THE LICTOR SERVANT
in your own mind, it's not exciting for the The Lictor Servant is a man or woman
players to have everything laid out for who has reached a plateau in his or her
them. career. A person probably past thirty, who
ROUNDOFF may be a colonel or a major in the armed
When one Metropolis adventure is at forces, a parson or a priest in the clerical
an end, it's time to round it off. To carry profession, a police captain or even a
on a gaming session after a wild ride can Commissioner, a business executive or the
make Metropolis seem mundane. president of a small company, a lecturer or
Metropolis is not a place to sit back into a professor at a small college, or anything
your favorite armchair and pick up your at all. The Lictor Servant has realized that
knitting. No - it takes a well-measured his superiors are lictors, but his insight
pause for effect to put Metropolis experi- into their nature and motives may vary and
ences into perspective and realize their is entirely at the GM's discretion. This
shocking extent. character type, like most workaholics, has
Let time elapse before the characters neglected his family, friends, and ethics. A
encounter the supernatural again. Feel free Lictor Servant shows blind obedience to
to give them a few new disadvantages or his masters, if only for a higher salary,
more power, or a company car. As a char-
acter, the Lictor Servant reaches a pOint and high weapons skills with an odd vari-
where he has had enough and breaks with ety of weapons, makes him a dangerous
the old ways. Perhaps the character opponent. He might have taken part in rit-
screws up an important assignment and is uals including passage to both Metropolis
forced to make a break. He is on the run and Inferno. If the Gamemaster wishes, it
with no prospects and only vague hope of could be a Heller who brings the charac-
revenge on the lictors. Meanwhile, the lic- ters to Metropolis. The scope of the
tors search for their renegade servant, out Heller's understanding is entirely up to the
for his blood. Or maybe they have already GM. A Heller might have summoned crea-
written him off for dead. tures from Metropolis or Inferno; and he
A Lictor Servant should be adept at could be guilty of unfathomable evils,
handling lictors, and he already knows our which now cause the character terrible
reality is an illusion ruled by lictors. He feelings of guilt and anxiety. A Heller
hates lictors because they oppress humani- should be well versed in trash- and sub-cul-
ty and because they ruined his career. He hIres.
may have helped to silence people who THE PROTO-TECHRONE
knew too much, and performed other mis- A Proto-techrone is someone who
deeds on behalf of lictors. He can recog- once met or learned of the real techrones,
nize a lictor at first sight. The trials of his and admires their perfect symbiosis of man
life may have brought him to Metropolis and machine. He is usually a nerd, a loner
more than once. The character may also with technical inclinations, sometimes a
have carried out missions for the lictors trained engineer but more likely self-
within Metropolis, visiting the palace of taught, who now tries to improve his own
his lictor's Archon, or meeting an incar- body with technical enhancements. He
nate. usually starts by reinforcing his joints with
steel pins, adding infra-red glasses and
THE HELLER miniature microphones to improve his
A Heller is a young person who is sight and hearing. His object is to achieve
ruled by an Angel of Death by means of a symbiosis of flesh and machine where
strange cults and sick rituals. He combines both parts are interdependent. With his
an unwholesome interest in the occult and crude technology, this can lead to death or
Astaroth's motley crew with a self-destruc- self-mutilation. A Proto-techrone is manic-
tive rock'n'rolllifestyle of drugs, booze depressive. During the manic periods, he
and violence. A Heller has no real ambi- can become a liVing portal to the Machine
tion, no emotional ties, and lives strictly City. He may be a small-time entrepreneur
for the moment. He has been ensnared in working in his basement, who fears to
the net of an Angel of Death, and his men- show himself in the daytime, due to his
tal balance has plunged into the depths. freakish qlechanical features. Proto-
Vile rituals, intended to break down the techrones socialize with each other over
last remains of the Heller's resistance to computer bulletin boards and fax
the Angel's power, took place in machines, exchanging mysterious plans
Metropolis or Inferno or in the borderland and cryptic information about Metropolis.
between. These disgusting rites have back- The Proto-teChrones are accomplished
fired, and instead have caused the Heller mechanics, but have no sense of the
to revolt and openly oppose the Death occult. A Proto-techrone finds Elysium's
Angels and their influence in Elysium. illusory nature puzzling and will gladly
A Heller is a boy or girl ranging in age accompany expeditions into Metropolis or
from early teens to the late twenties. He is other realities. He is matter-of-fact and sel-
dependent on drugs or alcohol, or at least" dom violent.
was in the past. The Heller's low mental THE LIVING DEAD
balance, combined with a short temper This is a character who might already
be dead when the game begins, whose than through the Labyrinth. The collapse
consciousness remains alive inside his rot- caused constant collisions between differ-
ting body. Or it could be a character who ent realities, which are thus brought into
died earlier in the game, and returns as a frequent communication with each other.
Living Dead. The GM should chose the The lictors discovered this and soon made
solution that best fits his plans. The reason use of the advantages to be had from free
a Living Dead hangs on to his deteriorating passage between worlds. The Archons,
body is that he has left something undone however, are displeased, and some lictors
which must be accomplished before his have fallen out of grace with their masters.
mortal frame can find its final rest. This When a lictor goes to Metropolis, he
distinguishes this character from all other never travels unaccompanied. His
forms of the undead, which have no con- entourage is composed of servilians and
sciousness. A Living Dead lives on bor- lictor servants, Their numbers vary
rowed time. Its body decomposes and its depending on the personal power of the
sight, hearing, speech and thought lictor. The passage, or portal, is hard to
processes deteriorate. Not to mention the perceive. If the characters are following
smell... This character type seeks,out the lictor's train, for example, they might
cemeteries, where he will get lost, only to find themselves suddenly in Metropolis.
emerge suddenly in the City of the Dead. They might also find an open portal in a
As the dead body grows older, he experi- lictor's lair.
ences growing difficulties in returning to Lictors are always plotting intrigues
ElysilUn. A Living Dead might try to hide against each other, and are most reluctant
his predicament behind deodorants, per- to share information with any but the clos-
nune, and stories about a strange skin dis- est allies. As their passages are prone to
ease. He might mistakenly bring a whole constant change in both form and loca-
group of characters to the City of the Dead tion, they are very hard to find, but lictors
or other parts of Metropolis. The GM must can use their dark powers to discover por-
chose the most playable solution. The tals and where they lead. There are many
Living Dead archetype follows the Kult groups, led by lictors, who can control of
rules for the undead. If the character's their passage to and from Metropolis. Here
head is smashed in, he loses consciousness is a short list of places you might
but the body goes on fighting in blind fury. encounter lictors who possess knowledge
The player must roll often to determine about the passage to Metropolis. The list is
how rapidly the body and its functions far from complete.
deteriorate, with a maximum lifetime of ENVIRONMENTAL
half a year. MOVEMENTS
No......I8Jyer Environmental movements are made
up of small cells, controlled by omnipo-
u::!18Jra.e1:ers tent lictors, and supported by huge masses
~i.-t;hA~ cC
of passive members. The members have
-t;o ~e-t;:ro:POlis no influence over their organization, they
These categories can control their pas- just provide it with money. They are force-
sage to and from Metropolis. fed propaganda aimed at maintaining the
LICTORS Illusion: anti-technological tracts (to keep
The lictors once were prisoners in humanity from making dangerous discov- lill '/;~~_
_I;~ ..

PJ. .
... ~~ ~ ti .
Elysium just like humanity, unable to travel
to the other worlds. Only the most power-
fullictors could travel to Metropolis, and
eries), reports on industrial pollution
(which damages the veil of deception),
protests against the armament race (more
~ ... ~,'

only with their Archons' permission. Now, weapons would increase mankind's ..,. .. ,.,•
the Machine has broken down, and chance of defending itself). The environ- ,..;-
Metropolis can be reached in other ways mental movements maintain archives of
information about where the Illusion is tors. Natural disasters and famines open
weakest. These archives are the corner- huge portals to Metropolis, and must be
stones of their activities, which are aimed closed before too much damage is done to
at keeping the Illusion intact. They are the Illusion. Relief organizations are always
controlled by Binah, and are a powerful the first to arrive in a disaster area, where
tool for her in the west, where otherwise they ll1ill1ediately start to clean up by clos-
her position is weak. Each cell is led by a ing the portal and killing the surviving wit-
rutWess lictor, who makes skillful use of nesses. If there isn't enough time to kill
Metropolis in his schemes. One example: the survivors, they are herded through the
So much poisonous waste was escap- portal to Metropolis, where they must
ing from the XeNoTox factory in spend the rest of tlleir lives. The lictors
Pittsburgh that people in the surrotmding who want to destroy the Illusion are at
suburb were beginning to mutate, war with the relief organizations.
enabling them to see through the Illusion. THE AUTHORITIES
The factory was run by a protolictor serv- The authorities have strong Metropolis
ing Malkuth, whose plan was to make peo- connections, which they use to dispose of
ple aware of their imprisonment. The troublesome citizens, or just to expand
death of a few htmdred people from IWlg their office space. The police and law
cancer and leukemia was a matter of indif- courts are usually controlled by Geburah.
ference to Malkuth. Binah had little influ- Many prison cells are portals to
ence in the United States, but she formed Metropolis, straight into Geburah's palace.
a Greenpeace cell in Pittsburgh. Malkulth Larger hospitals have portals leading to the
tried to have the activists killed, but the Memory Banks or other parts of
Greenpeace lictor opened a portal to Metropolis. Fire brigades sometimes close
Metropolis, letting through a dozen passages by using flame-throwers on curi-
azghouls who took over the factory, and ous people who have strayed into
the environmental activists climbed the Metropolis. The carbonized bodies are
smokestack with their flag to wave on then returned to Elysium, where a fire is
prime time TV The azghouls dragged a staged. The object is to silence annoying
couple of workers with them when they witnesses.
returned to Metropolis, and this was later RESEARCH COMPANIES
used in Greenpeace propaganda, blaming Companies that specialize in research
it on a labor accident, and was one of the have lictors directing the scientists. This is
contributing factors when the factory was always a conflict of interest for the lictors.
closed down. On one hand, they want to stifle scientific
SECURITY SERVICES progress to keep the Illusion intact, on the
Security services are mainly controlled other, they want technical ll1Ventions to
by lictors. They are shut off from outside increase theU: personal power. The compa-
scrutiny, and many of have almost cultlike nies send armed expeditions into the
aspects, such as initiation rites and sacri- Machine City to hunt for new technology.
fices. If one is employed directly by an Sometimes their own plants are attacked
Archon, it could have contact with by desperate techrones trying to retrieve
Metropolis. They can fetch creatures for parts stolen from a machine. Such attacks
special missions in Elysium or put a prison- often result in explosions or gas leaks. One

'" er beyond their enemies' reach. But the
• 10-.\." ~\411
ca;'CS_ Archons' influence over security services
of the worst examples is the Chernobyl
disaster, which has raised the level of can-
. '
. . .... is a little unclear. The lictors in charge cer all over Europe. Another is the Union
t A: often have designs of their own, even if
., , 0 Carbide leak in Bhopal, which caused the
It • roo they formally serve an Archon. death of thousands. The GM could allow
t" ~,
t .... • RELIEF ORGANIZATIONS the characters accompany a lictor expedi-
'iii tl: All relief organizations are run by lic- tion into Metropolis.
THE MEDIA thing real or just a drug-induced hallucina-
The media is a tool of the lictors. tion. They are visited by hideous creatures
Whenever a disaster strikes, the media is from Inferno, but find them nothing out of
on the scene. Sometimes it discovers huge the ordinary. The creatures of Inferno
portals, or parts of Metropolis that have sometimes haul off fans who were in the
passed into our world. Lictors themselves • wrong place at the wrong time.
are seldom journalists, but they rule over TERRORISTS
the copy rooms and news agencies and Terrorists are deranged Hellers trying
control what is said or printed in the to upgrade their latest acts of death and
media. Media lictors keep extensive files destruction. Their leaders may even be on
on portals to Metropolis, which they the long, dark path to awakening. Terrorist
sometimes sell to the highest bidder, or groups can make their escape to
give to their closest allies. The characters Metropolis following an attack. They are
might happen upon a diskette with infor- usually allied to an Angel of Death, on
mation about how to get to Metropolis. If whose behalf they carry out missions to
the GM prefers an active approach, they Metropolis. A terrorist group is a closely
could be tipped-off by a nervous journalist knit cult, tmited by a primitive code of
and then break in and steal it, or they honor. Breaking it is punished by eternal
could use their talents as hackers. torment in Inferno.
The Hellers do not have dark powers Youth gangs are teenagers who have
themselves, but they have made a pact worn away all their inhibitions by escalat-
with Astaroth or an Angel of Death, who ing the kicks to be had from drugs, crime
step by step can show them a way into and random acts of violence. The gangs
Metropolis. The way invariably involves rit- enter into a pact with an Angel of Death
uals tmbearable to mind and body, employ- and take instantly to the cruel rituals they
ing torture, self-mutilation, and human sac- are invited to attend. Metropolis, and the
rifice. These elements are mostly irrelevant way there, is the ultimate kick. Some
to the passage to Metropolis, but are done gangs are extremely violent and take fero-
to torment the Hellers and break their cious pleasure from murder and rape.
resistance to the Angel of Death's control. They are tlle obedient ambassadors of the
A few categories of deranged Hellers fol- Death Angels. Most members try to break
low, all of whom know a way into free when they grow older, but by then it
Metropolis. The list could have been made may be too late.
much longer, but we have to limit our-
selves to a few examples. UI~-t:o
Rock groups that take the rock'n'roll People close to awakening are com-
myth to the extreme are often afftliated monly regarded as madmen, or at least
with Metropolis. They may not be Hellers very eccentric. They make trips to C(
themselves, but are close to a dominant Metropolis to gather knowledge and new
personality who is. Rock stars like this are ideas. The ways to awakening are individ-
heavily tattooed and abuse drugs and ual. All who venture on this path develop
young women, accepted Heller behavior. a different sets of skills and abilities in the
,(;~' ~ 1;,,,,,,
Every now and then they perform gross
rituals and travel to Metropolis to rape
groupies or to fry their brains with
unknown drugs. They can't tell reality
process. They are withdrawn and cannot
communicate with more normal people.
The characters will get more help from
their notes and artifacts than from the peo-


tI .


apart from fantasy, seldom knOWing ple themselves. A few examples follow. ""l . ,.,• •
whether they have experienced some- • !"


"'" ,', ~"cp,.
. '

. . . .
" ,

:" :;.,'

ARTISTS curious machines or by Techrones, seek-

Artists are constantly in search of new ing them in Elysium to put an end to them
ideas and means of expression, and this for good.
confusing process can lead them to IIlle~a.,I
Metropolis. Without even noticing the
transition, they are wandering the never-
ending city. Artists will take the grotesque Some infernal creatures move
things they see and experiences to use for between Elysium and Metropolis. Their
their artistic visions, and proof of their purpose in seeking these worlds is to tor-
own genius. At first, this happens to them ture humans. The characters can find
at random. But soon the artists develop dif- these creatures holding positions in many
ferent ways to travel to Metropolis for new communities in Elysium. Their main goal
inspiration. Methods are individual, but in moving to Metropolis is to flee from
they usually involve the medium in which humans or lictors. They drag victims off to
• the artist works. A deranged film-maker Metropolis to torture and butcher them in
will make perverse cinematographic peace and quiet. Here are a few places to
poems, which tear through the Illusion find them. These places may be linked to
and transport the shocked audience to Inferno as well as Metropolis.
Metropolis. A painter creates images of PURGATIDES
twisted architecture, which with hours of Lunatic Asylums
watching will turn real. A psychotic poet Prisons
writes a poem with no punctuation or Concentration Camps
spaces between words. If read in a stretch Institutions for Medical Experimentation
from beginning to end, the reader's per- NEPHARITES & DESPARITES
ception is so twisted that he sees all Nepharites and Desparites occupy
entries to Metropolis or goes insane. If the positions of power wherever they appear.
characters hang out with an odd-ball artist, These are only a few places where they
they might discover a way to get into may be found. These organizations are
Metropolis. connected to both Metropolis and Inferno.
INVENTORS (MAD GENIUSES) The highest ranks of UN peacekeepers
Inventors are different from artists, as are often nepharites. It is hard to pull off a
they reject any idea of an alternate reality. blood-bath, since the UN is such an open
Although they make frequent trips to the organization. But every year hundreds of
Machine City, to steal their new inven- thousands of refugees are tortured to
tions, this is blocked from their memories. death by UN troops. Peacekeeping troops
The inventor has rational ideals which seal off large areas filled with refugees, and
won't allow for experiences that cannot claim to discover massacres. In fact, the
be verified and measured in their laborato- UN troops themselves perpetrate the mas-
ries. They develop methods to get to sacres in th'rir blockaded zones.
Metropolis, to the Machine City. Common Small sects
methods involve drugs or machines that Small businesses (See "Happiest Moments"
stimulate brain activity and affect percep- for example)
tion. Inventors are ruthless fanatics when Soldiers of fortune
they enter the Machine City. They become Brothels

. .
• 10,-~.,
r.: .. .
.. . ,
lost in a frantic trance and nothing can
stand between them and their discoveries.
They would not hesitate to blow up a
school bus full of children. Inventors
Make their way into Elysium to drag
away humans to torture. Sometimes the
torture takes place in Metropolis, some-

• •
l '"


entertain visions of grandeur, and have a•
high opinion of themselves. Their careers
often end when they are slain by their
times in Inferno. The characters can fol-
low Razides into Metropolis, if they dare.

- .
_. -- .
~e-t;ro:POli8 SERVILIANS
Urea,hIres: Servilians obey lictors' orders to the
These examples of creatures that can letter. They are devoid of initiative. If they
move between Metropolis and Elysium to must make their own decisions, it is a slow
a limited extent. process. They are reluctant to act without
Azghouls make their way to Elysium to
asking a lictor to command them and
then follow it to the death. They are found
maim innocent humans. When free from in conjunction with lictors and in the
human control, they slaughter without same organizations.
compunction. If an azghoul is controlled TECHRONES
by a human, it obeys every order unflinch- Techrones make their way into
ingly, and can reveal paths between Elysium to destroy obstacles that disturb
Elysium and Metropolis. The azghoul may their machines, or to retrieve stolen tech-
lead you to other azghouls. It should be nology. They make punitive expeditions
impossible for a player character to control against companies and inventors. There
azghouls. That function should be are no other reasons for Techrones to
reserved for NPCs. An azghoul gUide to move between the worlds.
Metropolis can be useful, but the GM
should restrict use of this.

b II

• ~~~L_ .......
Events in Metropolis occur under the MAKING A PREDICTION
influence of occult powers beyond the To get a suggestion for an incident to
scope of the characters' comprehension. befall the characters, you should divide
As GM you relay these incidents, and to do the deck into two piles: the Le~ser Arcana,
so you must adopt the role of lictors, containing five sequences of eleven cards,
Archons, Death Angels, even the and the Major Arcana, consisting of 23
Demiurge. It is you who pull the invisible cards representing the powers that govern
strings, create inexplicable phenomena Metropolis.
and frightening scenes that befall the char- When you pull a card from the Major
acters. This will test your ability as a racon- Arcana, it suggests the nature of the inci-
... teur, and your imagination. dent according to the specifications below.
Then draw a card from the Lesser Arcana,
Tl1e ~:rotiCo,
which modifies the incident and indicates
The adventure Taroticum, published in number, strength or degree.
1994, describes the 78 cards that make up If the set of cards described above is
the occult Tarotica, a deck of cards that not available to you, the following tables
mirrors the true nature of reality, and even may come in handy.
has the power to change it. This set of
cards can even influence events in Tl1e~:r
Metropolis. With its help, you can take the ..£..rCo,I1o,
fate of the characters in your hands. You The Lesser arcana consists of the Suit
can simply let the "predictions" of the of Skulls, symbolizing death; the Suit of
deck guide the basis of your storytelling. Roses, symbolizing passion; the Suit of
The cards of the Tarotica contain Hourglasses, symbolizing time and space;
many symbols and signs. To interpret them the Suit of Eyes, symbolizing madness; and
demands insight into the laws of the finally the Suit of Crescents, symbolizing
Universe and the five worlds of Man. Few the Dream.
people have fully understood the secret Each Suit consists of eleven cards,
meaning of the cards or been able to har- ranging in order from one to ace. This
ness their inherent powers. The cards are order determines the degree of every inci-
mirrors of the soul. The only way to read dent. The figures can indicate the number
them is to let them lead you to your inner of opponents if the characters attacked.
depths, to let them bring out the blocked They may also stand for strength and
insights and the wisdom that is kept hid- intensity. If the card from the Major Arcana
den from Man by the Demiurge. indicates that a character is going to be
The descriptions below are followed hurt, the' card from the Lesser Arcana indi-
by a short interpretation intended as a cates the extent of this injury. The value of
starting point for the GM's own imagina- the card can also be used as skill score.
tion. There is also a description of what Below are suggestions for interpreta-
they could mean for a group of characters, tions of combinations of cards from the
their future, or the conclusion of the Major and Lesser Arcana. Keep in mind
adventure. The GM can use the cards as that these suggestions cover only a few of
the equivalent of an event/encounter the possible interpretations of the cards.
table, as every card has incidents or specif- As GM you are free to interpret as you
• ic occurrences connected to it. Or they wish.
can just be used as a source of inspiration
for a GM who is running out of ideas. ..


.". .
. .
~e~a.,jo:r mation: 1 - 5 = +1; 6 - 8 = +2; 9 - 10
~ea.,. .a., =+3; Ace =+5. The change takes place
over a week and modifies their mental
balance by twenty.Plus for those with a
SUBJECT: A f~tus in an egg in front of a
mental balance above zero, minus for
silhouette of Metropolis. This card does
those whose value is below zero. The
not appear in the original set.
characters also get a new advantage of
SYMBOLISM: The seed of Creation. The
the GM's choice.
beginning of the end to imprisonment.
The egg stands for hope and resurrec- II -ASTAROTH
tion. SUBJECT: A horned creature with a snake
INTERPRETATION: The card predicts wrapped arOlmd his hips, a pentagram
insights to come. Freeing knowledge. It in his right hand, a flame in his left and a
may also mean a friend or helper. man chained at his feet. A black sun in
GAME SITIJATION: The characters find or the background.
are made aware of a path ~o or from SYMBOLISM: The Prince of Darkness. The
Metropolis. The Lesser Arcana decides snake is a symbol for the enemy of the
which area the path leads to or from: the Demiurge, eternity and rebirth. The pen-
Suit of Roses =The Ruins; the Suit of tagram indicates a nature opposed to
Eyes = The Labyrinth; the Suit of Skulls Mankind. The devouring fire.
=The Underworld; the Suit of Crescents INTERPRETATION: Treason and falsehood
=The Living City; the Suit of among friends should be expected.
Hourglasses =The Machine City. The Cleansing and eventual death and
value on the card indicates how many rebirth. A person of superior power.
days it will take before the characters GAME SITIJATION: The characters have a
obtain this knowledge or find this path. vision of horror that breaks them down
and dehumanizes them. The vision is
realistic and originates in their past, per-
SUBJECT: An eye in a triangle, surrounded
haps a dark Secret. The result is a modifi-
by light.
cation of their abilities. The Lesser
SYMBOLISM: The all-seeing eye, the eye of
Arcana decides which ability: the Suit of
the Demiurge. The threefold nature of
Roses = CRA; the Suit of Eyes = PER; the -I.;" .. .f
Mankind: dark or light, body or birth, ....w .....,.
Suit of Skulls = CON; the Suit of
life or death. ,HA.('
Crescents =EGO; the Suit of • -/. ft
INTERPRETATION: The card indicates the ... J,;,.
Hourglasses = AGL. The value on the
start of something important. A time of II;
",4- "I
card indicates the degree of this transfor-
action is coming. Hidden potential and ""':'J
mation: 1 = -5; 2 -3 = -3; 7 -Ace =-1.
power will make themselves felt. It may
The change takes place in about a week
also indicate a person, a teacher or
and modifies their mental balance by
twenty. Plus for those with mental bal-
GAME SITUATION: The characters have a c
ance below zero, minus for those whose
vision that brings part of their dormant
value is above zero. The characters also
powers to life. The vision is connected
get a new disadvantage of the GM's
to the future, perhaps to the purpose for
their visit to Metropolis. As a result their
abilities start to change. The Lesser III -KETHER
Arcana decides which ability: the Suit of SUBJECT: A ruler with a crown, a scourge
Roses = CHAR; the Suit of Eyes =PER; and a royal globe. He sits on a throne
the Suit of Skulls =CON; the Suit of decorated with rams. Two veiled lictors
Crescents = EGO; the Suit of kneel by the throne.
Hourglasses =AGL. The value on the SYMBOLISM: A king, a ruler. Elevated and ,.,•
adulated. The ram is a symbol of male •
card indicates the degree of tIlis transfor-
power, but also the leader of a flock.

b II

..... '..,.,. I


INTERPRETATION: The card points to GAME SITUATION: The characters meet

material success and stability, but can also someone who needs their help, but if
indicate an authority, or father-figure. they do not make the right decision they
GAME SITUATION: The characters (or one will fail, with dire consequences. The
of them) occupy a central position in a Lesser Arcana indicates which is the cor-
group, or are delegated a great responsi- rect response to the challenge: the Suit
bility. of Roses = emotionally and intensely;
IV-CHOKMAH the Suit of Eyes =intellectually and cold-
SUBJECT: A horned, crowned figure sur- ly; the Suit of Skulls =brusquely and
rounded by small naked women and powerfully; the Suit of Crescents =in a
children. The card is dinl, as if about to visionary and picturesque way; the Suit
disappear. of Hourglasses =carefully and in a well-
, SYMBOLISM: A patriarch, a messiah. He planned manner. The value on the card
subjugates the souls of humans, symbol- indicates how harsh the consequences
ized by the naked figures. Nevertheless, of an erroneous choice is, or how posi-
he appears to be a secure but stern tive the effect of a good one is. One rep-
father, as Binah is a mother. resents minor consequences or small
INTERPRETATION: A strong spiritual expe- effect. Ace represents vital conse-
rience is to come. Willpower and self- quences or great success and happiness.
preservation will be tested. It may also VI -CHESED
represent a person with great spiritual SUBJECT: A white man wearing a suit with
powers, good or evil. a purse on its belt gives water to a black
GAME SITUATION: The characters must man in chains, a blindfold over his eyes.
undergo a test. They must prove their A white sphinx flies through the air. The
dignity or be repulsed and despised. The card is dim as if it were about to disap-
Lesser Arcana decides the nature of the pear.
test: the Suit of Roses =show mercy or SYMBOLISM: The card indicates the dou-
largesse; the Suit of Eyes = solve a riddle ble nature of the Illusion. A helper,
or problem; the Suit of Skulls = slay Chesed, assists a fettered man by giving
someone, or defy death and show brav- him water but does not loosen his
ery; the Suit of Crescents =create some- chains.
thing of spiritual or artistic value; the INTERPRETATION: A difficult situation
Suit of Hourglasses = accomplish a great nears a solution. It may also indicate an
physical labor. Double the value of the individual who needs help. It is impor-
card indicates the effect necessary for an tant to note that help can also meet
ability roll. other needs.
V -DINAH GAME SITUATION: The characters are
SUBJECT: A Madonna with child sitting on offered help to extract them from a bad
a stool on a checkered floor. predicamen~. If they accept, they must
SYMBOLISM: The checkered floor symbol- make a great sacrifice. The nature of the
izes the environment as a place of sacrifice or its result is decided by the
opposing powers and forces. Light and Lesser Arcana: the Suit of Roses =loss of
darkness, man and woman, time and a friend or loved one; the Suit of Eyes =
space. The Madonna symbolizes securi- loss of memory or reason; the Suit of
ty, the safe arms of the mother. The child Skulls =loss of health, body part or life;
is Mankind, taken care of by the· the Suit of Crescents =plagued by night-
Goddess. mares; the Suit of Hourglasses = ages
INTERPRETATION: An important decision rapidly. The value of the card indicates
I • must be made. A time of chaos where how great the sacrifice will be. One is
• the choices are many but only one path minor and ace is vital.
is the right one.

VII -GEBURAH Lesser Arcana. The two cards
SUBJECT: A judge sits on a throne, clad in indicate the nature of the
a long garment. He holds a two-edged choice they must make. Ask
sword in his right hand and a pair of them to pick one card. The one
scales in the other. A drapery is held up they do not choose will influ-
by a triangle with an eye behind him. ence their lives: the Suit of
SYMBOLISM: The judgment that no one Roses =emotional value; the
escapes. The merciless sword, the two Suit of Eyes = mental health,
blades represent the complementary spiritual well-being; the Suit of
opposites of life and death, creation and Skulls =bodily fimction, physi-
destruction. cal health; the Suit of Crescents
INTERPRETATION: No crime will go = goals and wishes; the Suit of
unpunished. The card warns that great Hourglasses =age, length of
care is necessary in the near future. It life. The value of the card
may also stand for a strong-willed person defines the degree of the effect:
with high moral standards~ one is a minor effect of short
GAME SITIJATION: The characters are put duration, ace is a major perma-
on trial for past errors and must accOlmt nent effect.
for their actions. The Lesser Arcana IX-NETZACH
decides what kind of crime they are SUBJECT: A knight with a lion on his
accused of: the Suit of Roses = betraying shield and a sword on his chest holds his
someone who trusted them; the Suit of lance against a defeated enemy. Bombers
Eyes = a rash, unbalanced and unmoti- fly in the background.
vated action with great emotional conse- SYMBOLISM: The lion stands for power,
quences; the Suit of Skulls = a brutal strength, military superiority and war.
physical assault; the Suit of Crescents = a INTERPRETATION: Trouble and war are
lie with great moral consequences; the expected. War and armed conflict where
Suit of Hourglasses = an act that has the cowardly are punished.
caused material damage to many people. GAME SITIJATION: The characters are
Double the value of the card is the effect involved in a brutal battle. Their survival
that the characters must reach with a hangs by a thread. The Lesser Arcana
CRA-based skill to prove their inno- decides the nature oftheir opponents'
cence. The GM may modify the effect in origin and species: the Suite of Rose =
consideration of the players actions. wolven, fercocci or other predaceous
VIII - TIPHARETH creatures; the Suit of Eyes = borderlin-
SUBJECT: A spider with a symbol of eterni- ers, zeloths, children of the Underworld,
ty on its back, squatting in its web. or creatures connected to the domains
SYMBOLISM: She who weaves fate, who of Madness; the Suit of Skulls =
spins the threads of life through all peo- Purgatides, razides, nepharites, destruc-
ple and binds them together to herself. tates, legionnaries or other creatures
INTERPRETATION: A catastrophic inci- from Inferno; the Suit of Crescents =
dent will leave traces that cannot be azghouls or psyphagi, dream wanderers
eradicated, the world will never be the and other creatures connected to the
same again. Control from a higher level world of dreams; the Suit of Hourglasses
will govern with little room for personal '= psilosites, aspecti, techrones and other
initiative. creatures connected to The Machine
GAME SITIJATION: The characters are City and time and space. The value of
dragged into a situation against their the card indicates the number of oppo-
will, made to choose between the frying nents. One means the opponents are
pan or the fire. Their personalities are human, a new card from the lesser • "
changed. Draw a second card from the Arcana will indicate their number.

X-HOD take possession of it, someone in
SUBJECT: An executioner with a double- Elysium will be ruined. The Lesser
edged sword stands between a kneeling Arcana indicates the nature of the valu-
man with arms tied behind his back and able: the Suit of Roses = a discovery of
a black dog. Hanged bodies dangle from an artistic nature; the Suit of Eyes =the
gallows in the background. A black solution to a well-kept secret, a difficult
sphinx flies across the sky behind. The dilemma; the Suit of Skulls =the means
card is dim. to resurrect one or more dead people;
SYMBOLISM: Death, putrefaction and the Suit of Crescents = the means to
destruction. The black dog is the com- make a dream come true; the Suit of
panion of the damned. Hourglasses =one or several objects of
INTERfRETATION: The card stands for suf- great material worth. The value of the
fering and pain. A great loss, either mate- card indicates how great the value and
rial or bodily. the corresponding ruinous effect. One is
GAME SITUATION: The characters are sub- of little worth and a loss of no great con-
jected to gratuitous punishment with no sequence; ace is great value and dramat-
apparent or comprehensible motive. ic effect..
The nature of the ptmishment is decided XII -MALKUTH
by the Lesser Arcana: the Suit of Roses = SUBJECT: A woman in a loincloth with an
temptation, blunting of the emotions, ankh around her neck stands inside a
inhibitions and stiff consequences for semi-circular pattern on the ground. She
the characters' CRA-based abilities and holds a rod in her upraised right hand.
skills; the Suit of Eyes = mental stress, Her left hand, dangling, sends a bolt of
sudden visions and disturbances that lightning into the ground, splitting the
affect PER-related skills; the Suit of Skulls crescent on which she stands. To the
=physical torture, stress on CON and right, the Tree of Life as a hollyhock. To
physical qualities; the Suit of Crescents = the left, the Tree of Knowledge with the
the worst nightmares of the characters Serpent.
become real and attack EGO-based skills; SYMBOLISM: The ankh stands for life and
the Suit of Hourglasses =handicaps and immortality. The card also represents the
restraints that limit the characters' AGL- knowledge that frees and the breach of
based skills. The value of the card the Illusion, a continuous process.
defines the skill modifications: 1-2 = -3 ; INTERPRETATION: The card predicts an
3-6 = -2; 7-ace =-l. illumination or insight to come.
XI -YESOD Freedom from old fetters.
SUBJECT: A moneylender counts money in GAME SITUATION: The characters come
front of a trellis covered with rose bush- to the Mirror Halls, or meet an awak-
es. An emaciated beggar sits in front of ened one. They are offered knowledge
the table. that may modify their mental balance.
SYMBOLISM: The roses indicate well- The Lesser Arcana decides the nature of
being, passion, wine, sensuousness and this of knowledge: the Suit of Roses =
seduction. Material profit at the cost of Elysium and the nature of the Illusion;
others. the Suit of Eyes =knowledge of
... INTERPRETATION: Money will not be a Metropolis and the insane power strug-

gle behind the Illusion; the Suit of Skulls
10 -".f i ; ,~\.~'II
problem. Material happiness. Success is
= knowledge of Inferno and what hap-
connected to the immediate loss of
.. ' - " ,,---.
'" another. It may also mean a person who pens after death; the Suit of Crescents =
r.: .. knowledge of Limbo and the powers of
. 0 wishes to use a situation to his own
dreams; the Suit of Hourglasses =knowl-

l "\ ~
. "" advantage.
... • GAME SITUATION: The characters come edge of the Labyrinth and what sepa-
across something of great value. If they rates the worlds. Double the value of the
card is the modification to mental bal- someone near and dear.
ance. Plus for a character of balance GAME SITUATION: The characters unwit-
above zero, minus for a character of bal- tingly cause a disaster that victimizes
ance below zero. both themselves and others. The card of
XIII - THAUMIEL the Lesser Arcana decides the nature of
SUBJECT: A monstrous ruler with a this disaster: the Suit of Roses = a rela-
scourge, an iron crown and a death's tionship with relatives, descendants,
head, sitting on a throne adorned with neighbors or countrymen will be distort-
the skulls of rams. At his feet two ed into hate; the Suit of Eyes = an out-
Razides sit. Behind them are cogwheels break of madness and insane deeds; the
and slaves carrying burdens across a Suit of Skulls =outbreak of war or cur-
road. tailment of human rights; the Suit of
SYMBOLISM: The scourge warns of suffer- Crescents =radical affliction of the col-
ing and also represents power, sover- lective subconscious, or attitudes and val-
eignty and male force. The rams symbol- ues; the Suit of Hourglasses =natural dis-
ize thunder and rage. The enslaved toil asters or ominous phenomena. The value
in the background. of the card decides the extent and dura-
INTERPRETATION: The card indicates an tion of the catastrophe. One signifies
inexorable force, a power that serves its local, limited extent. Ace implies a world-
own purposes. It may also represent a wide disaster of durable consequences.
strong, independent male figure. XV - SATHARIEL
GAME SITUATION: The authority of the SUBJECTA mummiiied, distorted woman
characters is placed in doubt, one of devouring a child. A dried-up tree stands
them must fight a battle for his life and to her right. Sharp mountains and a
death to secure their position. The char- black moon are visible in the back-
acter with the highest score in the ground.
attribute indicated by the Lesser Arcana SYMBOLISM: Chaos and holocaust. The
is the chosen. The Suit of Roses =CRA; black moon signifies a perverted aspect
the Suit of Eyes = PER; the Suit of Skulls of feminine power, consuming rather
=CON; the Suit of Crescents =EGO; the than nourishing.
Suit of Hourglasses =AGL. The lesser INTERPRETATION: Preconceptions are
Arcana also designates the opponent. thrown out. Friends become enemies
See the choices in the description of and vice-versa. Good becomes evil. The
Netzach above. Double the value of the future is chaotic and full of adversity.
card is the skill level of the opponent GAME SITUATION: The characters will be
chosen by the GM. confronted with characters from their
XIV - CHAGIDIEL past, but all changed. Friends are now
SUBJECT: A monstrously emaciated male enemies. The Lesser Arcana clarifies the
figure with a pharaonic beard, an invert- previous relationship of the character to
ed ankh on his forehead. He holds a this figure: The Suit of Roses = a dear
child hanging by its foot in his right friend or relative; the Suit of Eyes = a
hand and a torch turned upside-down in respected opponent or colleague; the
his left. Suit of Skulls =a person who has suf-
SYMBOLISM: Evil and destructive forces. fered for the character's sake, perhaps a
The torch pointed down symbolizes relative; the Suit of Crescents = a person
Consuming Death, the opposite force to who has revered and even adored the
the spark of life. character; the Suit of Hourglasses = the
INTERPRETATION: The card warns of an character himself in a previous incarna-
act of violence that will result in perma- tion. The value of the card equals the
nent wounds, or an irrevocable, wrong- negative modification of mental balance
ful action that will be catastrophic for that it causes.

XVI - GAMICHICOTH each other. One of them must die, and
SUBJECT: Death dancing with a cup in his they themselves must decide who. They
right hand and a bunch of grapes in the should roll for Ability points against the
other while starving people reach out to Ability indicated by the Lesser Arcana.
him. Feel free to modify the throws according
SYMBOLISM: Illusory help, a broken to how persuasively the player argues
promise. The starving represent humani- for the life of his character. The first to
ty desperately seeking to reach the food fail dies. The Suit of Roses =CHA; the
even though it leads to ruin and death. Suit of Eyes =PER; the Suit of Skulls =
INTERPRETATION: A time of hardship. CON; the Suit of Crescents = EGO; the
The physical world and surroundings Stut of Hourglasses = AGL. The winners
will become the worst enemy. It may lose EGO points according to the value
also foretell a meeting with a deceiver or indicated on the card: 1- 2 =-3; 3 - 6 =-
with people who have lost all reason. 2; 7 - ace =-1
from an hallucination or vision that SUBJECT: A fully veiled figure stands with
promises rescue from a situation fraught a torch in each hand, turned towards
with hardship, that leads them straight two inverted pentagrams on the ground.
to perdition. The card of the Lesser In the background, living Dead emerge
Arcana indicates what the vision uses as from a cemetery.
bait, and (in brackets) what the real SYMBOLISM: The inverted pentagrams
effect is. The Suit of Roses = Love, sex, represent Death and Life in Death. The
total enjoyment (treason, jealousy, cur- inverted torches underline the negative
tailed emotional life); the Suit of Eyes = quality of the card. Death is only the
illumination, information, knowledge beginning.
(unendurable, anguished visions of the INTERPRETATION: Mental illness and fear
true nature of reality); the Suit of Skulls will soon come. May also foretell a meet-
=rest, food, drink (sickness, weakness); ing with a person long since dead.
the Suit of Crescents =wish fulfillment GAME SITIJATION: The characters are
(contempt, mockery, humiliation); the haunted by creatures or people they
Suit of Hourglasses =familiar places and have killed, or dead friends or charac-
environments (shock, alienation, panic). ters. The value of the card of the Lesser
Double the value of the card indicates Arcana equals the negative horror throw
the effect for PER or EGO needed to see modification.
through the false vision. XIX - HAREB-SERAP
XVII - GOLAB SUBJECT: An endless battlefield strewn
SUBJECT: A lacerated body lying bleeding with corpses is visible in the foreground.
on an altar. Behind it stands a creature At the horizon is a skeletal face leering
with bloody knives for hands, hooded from a mushroom cloud.

with an executioner's cowl. SYMBOLISM: Total annihilation.

SYMBOLISM: The altar symbolizes union Everything has its end. The mushroom
with god and punisher alike that occurs cloud symbolizes modern technology in
through bloody sacrifice and pain. The its most devastating shape.
anonymous executioner represents the INTERPRETATION: An old order comes to
inexorable quality of punishment unre- an end and a new takes over. The card
lated to crime. stands for change through the extermi-
INTERPRETATION: A deep pain that nation of the old.
engenders treason. It may also foretell GAME SITUATION: The characters find
meaningless death or moral decay. themselves in a situation in which they
GAME SITIJATION: The characters are are threatened by serious and terminal
imprisoned, tortured and set against diseases. The Lesser Arcana indicates
what kind of disease the character risks cate that a contact already established
contracting. The Suit of Roses =AIDS; will be perverted into something sick.
the Suit of Eyes =phobias, mania, schiz- GAME SITUATION: On returning to
ophrenia; the Suit of Skulls = the plague; Elysium, the characters discover that
the Suit of Crescents =Alzheimer's dis- someone close to them has changed rad-
ease, amnesia; the Suit of Hourglasses = ically and inexplicably. Or he accuses a
cancer, radioactive poisoning. The value character of having changed. The card
of the card of the Lesser Arcana repre- from the Lesser Arcana explains the
sents the CON or EGO effect the charac- change. The Suit of Roses = love distort-
ters must roll to avoid infection. ed to hate; the Suit of Eyes =common
:xx - SAMAEL experience and frame of reference is
SUBJECT: A man squatting, with eyes changed to insanity and complete lack
blindfolded and a dagger in each hand, of understanding; the Suit of Skulls =
atop a pile of bloody corpses. He is cov- change of physical characteristics; the
ered in blood up to his elbows. Behind Suit of Crescents =empathy and a com-
him, two black Chreos sphinxes fly. mon goal changed to lack of understand-
SYMBOLISM: The daggers symbolize jus- ing; the Suit of Hourglasses =memories
tice through death. The blindfold indi- and experiences are erased or changed.
cates that no reconciliation is possible. The value of the card symbolizes the
The sphinxes symbolize the peace and degree of the change; a 1 is a small
quiet to come, but also strength, and almost unnoticeable alteration, and an
through their black color thoughtless- ace is total, comprehensive change.
GAME SITUATION: One of the characters' SUBJECT: A fishlike creature squatting in a
Dark Secrets is reawakened and the char- desert landscape.
acter is forced to live through the event SYMBOLISM: Hopelessness and impo-
once more. The card from the Lesser tence. The fisWike creature cannot sur-
Arcana decides which character is to suf- vive in the desert landscape. It can do
fer the event. The Suit of Roses = only one thing: wait for death and libera-
Character with highest CRA score; the tion. The endless landscape symbolizes
Suit of Eyes =Character with highest our loneliness and inability to achieve
PER score; the Suit of Skulls = Character anything.
with highest CON score; the Suit of INTERPRETATION: A time of frustration,
Crescents =Character with highest EGO in which no choice seems to be correct.
score; the Suit of Hourglasses = Adversity is everywhere and no help can
Character with highest AGL score. The be found. It may also indicate a sudden
Lesser Arcana indicates the negative and unfamiliar experience or environ-
modification of mental balance. New dis- ment.
advantages may also result. GAME SITUATION: The characters arrive
XXI - GAMALIEL in new surroundings. They get lost and
SUBJECT: A loving couple hangs in tor- cannot leave. The Lesser Arcana decides
ment, chained between two black pil- which environment. The Suit of Roses =
lars. the Ruins; the Suit of Eyes = the
SYMBOLISM: Distorted love, pain rather Labyrinth; the Suit of Skulls = the
than tenderness. The chains also indi- Underworld; the Suit of Crescents = the
cate a coercive force. Living City; the Suit of Hourglasses =
INTERPRETATION: The card foretells a The Machine City. The value of the card
relationship filled with aggression and indicates the number of days it will take
anguish, perhaps a rape. It may also indi- for the characters to find a way out.

b II

.. "lit'
Metropolis is a city filled with visceral AGL
fear and danger. A sojourn in the dark city Clumsiness. Impaired coordination
leaves more than just memories.
Unfathomable forces and revelations alter
and shaky hands. Gradual weight increase. I
those who have walked its empty streets, Difficulties in concentration.
deserted ruins and dusty corridors. Mental Disoriented thought processes.
disturbance or physical mutation, no one CHA
leaves Metropolis unaltered. Eyes lose their shine. Skin pales and
The following are guidelines and can suffers rashes. Voice cracks with increas-
be used freely by the Gamemaster. The ing frequency.
character should not just be punished, he
should be punished a way that affects his
Muddy eyes resulting in reduced
vision. Ear infections and allergies dimin-
Uo~e. .ees ish hearing and smell and taste.
Ior't;he EGO
Uh8Jr~-te:rs Weakened memory. Rapid perspira-
To wander in Metropolis is like wan- tion under stress. Shifting gaze and ner-
dering within yourself, in the deepest hid- vous tics.
den recesses of your own consciousness. ADVANTAGES AND
You find not only a new image of reality, DISADVANTAGES
but your true being. Nobody passes A character's advantages and disadvan-
through Metropolis unscathed. tages may be affected by Metropolis. The
ALTERED ABILITIES GM may increase their degree or give new
A character's abilities may have been one to the character. A 'Liar', for example,
adversely influenced by his stay in may become a 'Mythomaniac' (rule book
Metropolis. This alteration depends on p.39).
which palace was the closest. ALTERED MENTAL BALANCE
The character or the GM should roll a The character's stay in Metropolis, no
d20 modified for the relevant Archon. The matter how short, permanently alters his
Ability randomly obtained is affected by 1 view of the world. He has come closer to
to 3 steps. The GM decides how much, insight, to awakening, through powerful
and it should reflect in the nature of the mental experiences. This results in the dis-
alteration. placement of the character's mental bal-
COM ance towards awakening, either on the
Tiredness takes its toll: rings under the dark or the 'light path. How much the char-
eyes and deterioration of the skin. Rashes acter is affected depends on his experi-
and irritation. Skin loosens and hair falls ences in Metropolis and the duration of his
out. stay.
CON N8JhI.:re oI
The character is prone to infection E~r.e. .ee
and chills. Running nose and swollen eyes.
,-, , ~\ ~II
"-.~'11_ Minor (Seeing mutated and injured people
10 Shortness of breath and perspiration.

.. .
- . STRPaler skin and weaker limbs. Fragile
encountering humanoid monsters) +/-2
Moderate (Being forced to kill or hurt
humans, witnessing executions or being
bone structure and increased risk of bro-

J:"\ .
"" ken bones and sprains.
injured) +/-5
• Severe (participating in ritual murder or

.. -

mass executions, killing friends or being as Metropolis is a shadow of Elysium.
subjected to experiments by servants of Events in Metropolis have a counterpart in
the Archons) +/-10 Elysium. A ritual performed among the
THE TIME ASPECT ruins around Chesed's palace can cause an
For every two hours (Elysian time) the earthquake in the Illusion. The characters
character has been in Metropolis, modify don't experience the corresponding phe-
+/-l. 'homena, since they are in Metropolis and
INJURIES not Elysium, but they may they see the
Injuries sustained in Metropolis are traces when they return. Here is a list of
not always what they seem once one has changes that may have occurred due to
left. Light wounds or scratches may have events in Metropolis.
left horrifying scars, while serious injuries ALTERATIONS IN
may lead to difficult, permanent disabili- CONSTRUCTIONS
ties. The GM should decide which wounds Houses may have moved from their
have harsher consequences in Elysium. usual location to a completely different
Injuries sustained under special circum- place. No one else notices anything
stances, like a cut in the cheek from a ritu- strange, only the characters. Whole neigh-
al knife used to dismember a derelict, are borhoods have been restructured, and
the sort that can have special results. Use roads lead to unexpected places.
the following chart, or improvise. ALTERATIONS IN NPCs
Familiar non-player characters may
Modification to Throw have changed, both in appearance and
Scratch +1 personality. The easy-going wife of the jan-
Light wound +2 itor has become a fierce monster, attacking
Serious wound +3 the characters with a poker. Neighbors
Character injured by special weapon +2 have totally unfamiliar faces, a stockbroker
Character suffered ritual injury +3 acquaintance is selling newspapers at the
train station. Only the character notices
1-5 No effect the change. The NPCs act as if nothing has
6-15 Scars changed. The newspaper hawker will be
16-19 Mutation scared and might even call the police if a
20 Disability and mutation visitor returning from Metropolis tries to
convince him he has an office on Wall
The consequences depend on the Street.
location of the wound. A scar from a head ALTERATIONS IN TIME
wound has a negative affect on the charac- Time may have been disrupted during
ter's COM (-1). A mutation also causes neg- the stay in Metropolis. The Clockworks are
ative COM points. A head disability can an imperfect machine, and time skips are
result in paralysis of half the face or con- frequent. Time is a creation of the cc
stant drooling (-4). Mutations take the Demiurge and functions erratically in
form of growths, alterations to the charac- Metropolis, with repercussions in Elysium.
ter's CON, scales, blisters, or excessive The characters could return a day before
hair growth. Disabilities mean the charac- their departure. They could be displaced
ter has difficulty using the affected limb. If forwards and encounter a World
the GM wishes, he may deduct points Government headed by the U.N. They can
from the character's AGL, STR or CON slip back in time to an exile in the backwa-
(see 'altered abilities') ters of history. The GM must be careful
with huge time displacements. Machine •
guns are out of place in medieval Europe. ,.,• •
:Ior :E.ys:i~
Time slips should be connected to specific •
Elysium is a reflection of Metropolis,

'" t~·
.. _ " " ~.cD,
........ -:~ :_, .

events in the characters' lives. They might America. It was a Finnish admiral seeking
find themselves in a charter bus they were new markets for his sovereign's merchant
in three years ago, which suddenly veers fleet. Any event can have been affected,
toward an oncoming truck. Such events from who won the gold medal for hockey
require the characters to have thorough in the last Olympics to the succession of
knowledge of the events described. Dark American presidents or the dates of the
Secrets may constitute a foundation for world wars. A displacement has no imme-
such episodes. diate effect on the characters, but leads to
ALTERATIONS IN HISTORY an uneasy feeling that something is not
History may have changed. It is no quite right.
longer Columbus who discovered

' ..
.. .. ..
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