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Name: Althaf Navab Register No.

: 1827803 Section: 2MBA K

Title: KIA Motors Enter Indian Automotive Sector, Business Today, 22nd August, 2018

Article: KIA Motors Enter Indian Automotive Sector

What article is Korean Automaker KIA Motors is planning to enter the Indian Automotive sector by start of
about? 2019. Their first product will be an SUV followed by hatchback and mid-size sedan models.
The company’s products will challenge the dominance established by Maruti Suzuki &
Hyundai in India.
In my words: How the article relates to the Operations Management syllabus?
UNIT 1 Further research shows that the company has started setting up its manufacturing facility in
Introduction & Operations
Anantpur district of Andhra Pradesh. Several new operation strategies and plans will be
adopted along with transformational processes.
UNIT 2 Since the Manufacturing facility will have various departments to handle processes related
Business Process Design
to car assembly and manufacturing, the facility layout of the site is of interest to me.
UNIT 3 The project requires a lot of raw materials with respect to plant construction and then
Inventory Management
Automobile related parts as well. Inventory Management of the same will be intriguing to
UNIT 4 Supply chain management is necessary for material, machinery and personnel (Both plant
Supply Chain
construction workers and Kia Executives) in order to execute the project.
UNIT 5 The Process of assembly and manufacturing as well as product (Cars) have to follow
Quality Management
specified quality standards to manage overall quality.
UNIT 6 A project of such a scale has to be well monitored and various individual factors focussed
Project Management
with teams of expert personnel to manage costs and timely completion.
UNIT 7 State of the art Mechanisation and machinery, minimising environmental impacts, taking
Current Trends in
Operations Management
necessary safety precautions and capturing customer market interests me.
My personal KIA has always been a major player in the automotive industry in many countries like our
viewpoint neighbouring region, the middle east. They offer many luxury features for a smaller margin
about the and capture the in between segment of car customers. The entry of the company in the
article topic. Indian scenario will ensure that the very latest in technology is delivered to customers, and
increased competition will fruit better results in the area.

MBA236 Operations Management / 2MBA_J_K_L / CIA3 Individual Component / R.Rao 2018.10.25 1

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