Discussion Group

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Universirt djillali liabes

Department of English

Master : literature and civilization

Appendix F: Discussion group reflective sheet


 The reading discussion with my group members was interesting, intense, deep and enriching
because I had a chance to meet different members with different point of view about the short
story analysis, and different perspectives, which allowed me to discover other sides of the
story’s interpretation, thus the results were motivating since it was enjoyable and enriching, by
adding this new valuable interpretations and passion to read even more and wiliness to do this
experience again.

 Indeed the discussion drove me back several times to read the text again searching for
evidences to justify my point of view, but also to check on new visions and understanding of
some acts and objects end even character’s feelings, finding myself implicated once more in a
deeper analysis of what I read before, and a close reading to things I didn’t noticed before the

 There were so many differences in reading, each member had a certain understanding and
interpretation according to his personality and character in addition to his cultural background,
but there were also similarities and a common understanding of the main characters and the
themes the story dealt with.

 The discussion revealed some moments of ideas collision since there were differences in
opinions and beliefs that were newly different and unusual at the beginning, but some of this
opinions were soon made clearer when explaining different side of the story and its events, in
addition to decisions made by the protagonists that were not all fully understand or agreed by
the members of the discussion group, it also made me more open minded and tolerant about
other’s ideas.

 I don’t view the text completely differently but I understand more about the writer aim to
choose some of the character’s traits, their decisions and the end of the story (the writer
probably wanted the reader to argue and be upset about certain behavior in order to provoke
some reaction).

 My understanding of the protagonist feelings like : jealousy, hate and hypocrisy and her rude
and passive attitude had changed a lot, I understand more that it is done by the writer on
purpose to understand how much devastating and hurting people can become, but still there
are time where we just have to be more carless, by just being ourselves and let the others be
 Flower garden is an example of good literature for several reasons like: it’s simple style and
rich descriptions, it’s contradictory feelings, and it’s connection with a lot of society where
the reader feel involved and implicated (it’s like a Dejavue)

 I enjoyed reading the story because it transported me in a place and time I like , the hills the
village, the garden, and the simple life far from the noised city.

 I already talked with some of my family members (my younger cousins) about the story
because I think it will develop their reading skills and appreciation for literature, they maybe
more motivated to read more.

 I am not a fascinated reader of Shirley Jackson’s literature although I appreciate it and I read
some pages of her other works like, the lottery .

 I started to read more short stories, in different genres and kinds, and I think that this is the
perfect way (for me) not only to learn English as a language but also to appreciate the beauty
of written art .

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