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The Oxford School

LESSON PLAN 2017- ‘18

WEEK : Period:1

Subject: MATHEMATICS Teacher: Day / Date : Total No. of Students: YEAR & Section: 2G
1 Periods 27
TOPIC: Learning Styles Based on CAT4 Data: No of SEND students:
Mild spatial Bias :
Moderate spatial bias:
Sub-topic: Liquid measures
Extreme spatial bias:
Resources (including ICT ): Differentiation : (Highlight) Differentiation strategies for
 Task/ grouping / resources /pace / outcome / dialogue SEND:
 PPT Presentations and support / assessment / tiered assignment /
 Workbooks & Textbooks (extension work and homework) questioning / choice activities
 Worksheets
 Visual Aids / Manipulatives

LEARNING OBJECTIVES :- Students will be able to Success Criteria – Learning outcomes

I can choose suitable standard unit (ml/l) to measure the given capacity.
Use standard units to estimate and measure capacity in millilitres(ml) and I can measure capacity using standard unit (ml/l).
I can compare capacities of two objects using standard unit (ml/l)
Use standard units to compare liquid measures in ml and l.


To determine:
How does a nurse measure the amount of medicine that needs to be given to a patient?

CROSS CURRICULAR LINKS:English – Vocabulary (measure, measuring jar, millilitres, litres, capacity);
Science – Whenever we are using fair test, the objects used should be of same length, capacity or weight.
Enquiry, Research & critical Thinking skills:-check evaluation/AFL questions in the evaluate section
Timing Teacher activities Learner Activities Learning Evaluation

Engage: 5 to 7 Recap of measurement of length and weight (m, cm, g, kg) – Carpet Time  Observation
 Questioning
 Peer Assessment
 Self-Evaluation
Introduce the real life scenario of how a patient is administered a via Assessment
 Measuring jars
Illicit answers from the students. Whole class discussion:  Plickers

Project in the slide different measuring cups

Share WALT and WILF with the students. To observe the slides and answer the
respective questions .
Introduce the word capacity.

Ask: Which unit do we use to measure Capacity?

Write/Show "millilitres (l)" and "Litres (l)" on the board. Explain that
these will be the units of measurement involved in the upcoming activity.

Ask: If they know how to convert ml to l? Assign them the advanced level

Pair activity
Students estimate the amount of liquid
Estimation Activity in the pet jar 1. And write in their
investigation sheet.
Student in pairs estimate the amount of liquid in one of the pet jars.
Show them the slide of how to measure the liquid correctly.
Explore: 5 to 7 Students measure the amount in the
mins Distribute the second pet jar which is graduated. second jar and write it down.
Ask them to write it in the investigation sheet.
Teacher will assess them group wise.
Share WALT and WILF again.
Highlight that two outcomes we have covered so far. Now, it is time to go
for comparison.

Tell them each group has been given a different set of bottles , jugs.
Tell them to sort the ones that is used to measure liquid in ml in one basket
and the ones which is used to measure litres in another.
Individual Task:
Differentiated worksheets
LA1: Comparing the liquids and
identifying the ones that can hold
more amount using greater than
lesser than symbols
LA2: Comparing the liquids and
Independent Working Time arranging them in order

Give students the differentiated worksheets. Tell them they are going to MA: Comparing the liquids and
Explain & compare the amount of liquids in different containers as per their finding the difference between them
Elaborate: 10- worksheet. HA: Solving word problems
12 mins
T and G: Solve multistep word
Monitor them and if they need help provide them with manipulatives and problems involving conversions
help of ipad.

Extension work: page number 136

and 137
*Add food colouring to the water so that students can see the levels more

Evaluate: Which unit do you use to measure liquids?

How many bottles of 250 ml do you need to fill up 1 litre of liquid?

HOMEWORK: workbook page number: 136 and 137

Lesson Evaluation:

Next session notes-

Capacity continued

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