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Yobido vs.

CA ○ Yobidos to pay tumboys P50k for Tito’s death P30k Moral Damages & P7k funeral & burial
G.R. No. 113003 | October 17, 1997 | Justice Romero expenses.
Petitioners: Alberta Yobido & Cresencio Yobido ● Yubidos filed an MR which CA denied
Respondents: Court of Appeals, Leny Tumboy, Ardee Tumboy & Jasmin Tumboy, ○ Yubidos filed to the SC asserting the cause of death of Tito was caso fortuito.
Recit Ready Summary: ISSUE: Cause of death of Tito is NOT caso fortuito
1988 The tumboy family rode a Yobido Liner bus bound for Davao at Surigao. The left front ● When passenger boards common carrier, he takes risks incidental to travel mode taken
tire of the bus exploded causing the bus to fall and hit a tree. The accident left Mr. Tumboy dead and other ○ carrier not an insurer of safety of its passengers & is not bound absolutely & at all events to carry
passengers injured. Widowed Mrs. Tumboy and her kids sued for breach of contract of carriage against the them safely & without injury.
Yobido family as busowner and bus driver, alleging their failure to exercise required diligence of the carrier ■ However, when passenger is injured or dies while travelling, the law presumes that common
in transporting passengers safely. The Yobidos allege that the accident was a fortuitous event hence they carrier is negligent:
aren’t liable. SC held that Accident caused either by defects in automobile or through the negligence of its ● Art. 1756. In case of death or injuries to passengers, common carriers are presumed to have been at
driver is not a caso fortuito that would exempt the carrier from liability for damages.Yubidos failed to fault or to have acted negligently, unless they prove that they observed extraordinary diligence as
discharge its duty to overthrow the presumption of negligence with clear & convincing evidence, Yubidos prescribed in articles 1733 & 1755.
are hereby held liable for damages. ● Article 1755: (a) common carrier is bound to carry the passengers safely as far as human care &
Facts: foresight can provide, using the utmost diligence of very cautious persons, with a due regard for all the
● 4/26/88 spouses Tito & Leny Tumboy & their minor children boarded at Mangagoy, Surigao circumstances.”
del Sur, a Yobido Liner bus bound for Davao City. ● In culpa contractual, once a passenger dies or is injured, the carrier is presumed to have been at
○ Along Picop Rd. in Km. 17 Sta. Maria, Agusan del Sur, the bus’ left front tire exploded fault or to have acted negligently.
● The bus fell into a ravine around 3 feet from the road & struck a tree. ○ This disputable presumption may only be overcome by evidence that the carrier had observed
○ Resulted in death of 28-year-old Tito Tumboy & physical injuries to passengers. extraordinary diligence or that the death or injury of the passenger was due to a fortuitous event
● 11/21/88, a complaint for breach of contract of carriage was filed by Leny & her children ■ Consequently, court need not make an express finding of fault or negligence on the part of
against bus owner Alberta Yobido, & bus driver Cresencio Yobido. the carrier to hold it responsible for damages sought by the passenger.
○ defendants filed their answer & raised the affirmative defense of caso fortuito, & filed a ○ Yubidos' contention they should be exempt from liability because tire blowout was no more than
third-party complaint against Philippine Phoenix Surety & Insurance, Inc. a fortuitous event that could not have been foreseen, must fail.
● A fortuitous event is possessed of the following characteristics:
■ This third-party defendant filed an answer with compulsory counterclaim.
(a) cause of the unforeseen & unexpected occurrence, or the failure of the debtor to comply with his
● RTC dismissed the third party complaint:
obligations, must be independent of human will;
○ Upon a finding that the third party defendant was not liable under the insurance
(b) must be impossible to foresee the event which constitutes the caso fortuito, or if it can be
■ No amicable settlement was arrived at by the parties, trial on the merits ensued.
foreseen, it must be impossible to avoid;
● Tumboy family: asserted that violation of the contract of carriage between them & the defendants was
(c) occurrence must be such as to render it impossible for the debtor to fulfill his obligation in a
brought about by the driver's failure to exercise the diligence required of the carrier in
normal manner; &
transporting passengers safely to their place of destination.
(d) obliger must be free from any participation in the aggravation of the injury resulting to the
○ bus left Mangagoy at 3PM, & the winding road it traversed was not cemented & was wet due to
the rain; it was rough with crushed rocks.
● As Article 1174 provides, no person shall be responsible for a fortuitous event which could not be
■ The bus which was full of passengers had cargoes on top.
foreseen, or which, though foreseen, was inevitable.
○ Leny cautioned the driver to slow down the fast bus but he merely stared at her
○ there must be an entire exclusion of human agency from the cause of injury or loss.
■ 3:30PM in Trento, she heard something explode & immediately, the bus fell.
● Explosion of the new tire may not be considered a fortuitous event.
● Yobido family: accident was due to a fortuitous event.
○ There are human factors involved in the situation.
○ Bus Conductor Abundio Salce, testified only 32 passengers filed the 42-seater bus
■ The fact that the tire was new did not imply that it was entirely free from manufacturing
■ bus was running at 60 to 50km/hr & was going slow because of the zigzag road.
defects or that it was properly mounted on the vehicle.
○ left front tire that exploded was a "brand new tire" that he mounted on the bus on 5 days before
○ Neither may the fact that the tire bought & used in the vehicle is of a brand name noted for
the incident.
quality, resulting in the conclusion that it could not explode within five days' use.
■ Yobido Liner secretary, Minerva Fernando, bought the Goodyear tire from Davao Toyo
● Accident caused either by defects in automobile or through the negligence of its driver is not
Parts on 4/20/88 & was present when it was mounted on the bus by Salce.
a caso fortuito that would exempt the carrier from liability for damages.
○ Minerva stated all driver applicants underwent actual driving tests before employed.
○ Common carrier may not be absolved from liability in case of force majeure or fortuitous event
■ Driver Cresencio underwent such test & submitted his professional driver's license &
clearances from the barangay, the fiscal & the police.
○ Common carrier must still prove that it was not negligent in causing the death or injury resulting
● 8/29/91 RTC Davao dismissed: Tire blowout was "caso fortuito” completely extraordinary
from an accident.
circumstance independent of Yubidos’ will" who should be relieved of "whatever liability the
● Yubidos proved through bus conductor, bus was running at 60-50km/hr or w/in lawful speed
Tumboys may have suffered by reason of the explosion pursuant to Article 11744 Civil Code
○ However, they failed to rebut the testimony of Leny that the bus was running so fast that
○ Yobidos appealed to the Court of Appeals.
she cautioned the driver to slow down.
● 8/23/93 CA Reversed RTC: Explosion of the tire is not in itself a fortuitous event
● Contradictory facts resolved in favor of liability in view of carrier’s presumption of negligence
○ Established condition of the road — rough, winding & wet due to the rain.
■ Incumbent upon defense to establish that it took precautionary measures considering
partially dangerous condition of the road.
● proof that the tire was new & of good quality is not sufficient proof that it was not negligent.
○ Yubidos should have shown that it undertook extraordinary diligence in the care of its carrier,
such as conducting daily routinary check-ups of the vehicle's parts.
● Justice J.B.L. Reyes: It may be impracticable, as appellee argues, to require of carriers to test the
strength of each & every part of its vehicles before each trip; but we are of the opinion that a due
regard for the carrier's obligations toward the traveling public demands adequate periodical tests to
determine the condition & strength of those vehicle portions the failure of which may endanger the
safety of the passengers.
● Having failed to discharge its duty to overthrow the presumption of negligence with clear &
convincing evidence, Yubidos are hereby held liable for damages.
○ Article 1764 in relation to Article 2206 Civil Code prescribes at least P3K as damages for the
death of a passenger.
■ Under prevailing jurisprudence, t award of damages under Article 2206 has been increased
to P500K
● Moral damages generally not recoverable in culpa contractual except if bad faith is proven.
○ damages recoverable when breach of contract of carriage results in passenger death
● Exemplary damages, awarded by way of example or correction for the public good when moral
damages are awarded, may likewise be recovered in contractual obligations if the defendant acted in
wanton, fraudulent, reckless, oppressive, or malevolent manner.
○ Because Yubidos failed to exercise extraordinary diligence required of common carrier, which
resulted in the death of Tito Tumboy, it is deemed to have acted recklessly.
■ As such, Tumboys shall be entitled to exemplary damages.
Disposition: CA Affirmed + Exemplary Damages of P20K
Gelisan vs. Alday ■ lease contract, executed between Bienvenido& Roberto not binding upon Benito for not
G.R. No. L-30212 | September 30, 1987 | Justice Padilla having been previously approved by Public Service Commission (PSC).
Petitioners: Bienvenido Gelisan ○ Bienvenido to pay, jointly & severally with Roberto, Benito P5,397.30, with legal interest
Respondents: Benito Alday ■ Roberto ordered to pay or refund Bienvenido whatever amount paid to Benito.
Recit Ready Summary: ● Hence, the present recourse by Bienvenido Bienvenido.
Roberto hired Bienvenido’s freight truck to haul fertilizers. Benito contracted with Atlas to haul ISSUE: Registered owner of public service vehicle is responsible for damages that may arise from
their fertilizers to the Atlas Mandaluyong Warehouse. Benito met Roberto, & Roberto offered his truck’s consequences incident to its operation or that may be caused to any of passengers therein.
use with the driver & helper at 9 centavos per bag. Roberto made 2 hauls of 200 Atlas fertilizer bags, but ● claim of the petitioner that he is not hable in view of the lease contract executed by & between him &
they weren’t delivered to the warehouse as Roberto became missing. The truck was eventually found by Roberto which exempts him from liability to third persons, can’t be sustained because it appears that
Benito who notified the Police, causing the truck to be impounded. Benito was compelled to pay Atlas for the lease contract, adverted to, had not been approved by PSC
the 400 fertilizers, hence he filed for damages against Bienvenido & Roberto. Bienvenido disowns ○ If property covered by a franchise is transferred or leased to another without obtaining the
responsibility as he is not privy to Roberto and Benito’s contract. SC states that as registered owner of a requisite approval, the transfer is not binding upon the public & third persons.
public service vehicle Bienvenido is responsible for damages that may arise from consequences incident to ● law really requires the approval of Public Service Commission in order that a franchise, or any
its operation or that may be caused to any of passengers therein. SC held Bienvenido may seek privilege pertaining thereto, may be sold or leased without infringing the certificate issued to the
reimbursement from Roberto for any amounts he paid as damages suffered to Benito. grantee.
Facts: ○ Since a franchise is personal in nature any transfer or lease thereof should be notified to the
● Bienvenido owns a freight truck bearing plate No. TH-2377. Public Service Commission so that the latter mav take proper safeguards to protect the interest of
● 1/31/62 Roberto Espiritu contracted to hire Bienvenido’s freight truck to haul rice, sugar, flour & the public.
fertilizer at P18/trip within Manila City with a load limit of 200 sacks. ● law requires that, before the approval is granted, there should be a public hearing, with notice to all
○ Roberto bears & pay losses & damages attending the carriage of goods hauled by him. interested parties, in order that PSC may determine if there are good & reasonable grounds justifying
● 2/1/62 Truck was taken by Roberto’s driver the transfer or lease of the property covered by the franchise, or if the sale or lease is detrimental to
○ 15 truck owner Benito knew truck operator Roberto since 1948 as a truck operator. public interest.
● Benito contracted to haul Atlas Fertilizers from Pier 4 to its Mandaluyong Warehouse ○ Such being the reason & philosophy behind this requirement, it follows that if property covered
○ Benito met Roberto at Pier 4 gate & Roberto offered his truck’s use with the driver & helper at by franchise is transferred, or leased to another without obtaining requisite approval, transfer is
9 centavos/fertilizer bag not binding against PSC & in contemplation of law the grantee continues to be responsible
■ Offer was accepted by Benito & he instructed his checker Celso Henson to let Roberto haul under the franchise in relation to PSC & to the Public.
the fertilizer. ● Bienvenido, the registered owner, is not however without recourse.
● Roberto made two hauls of 200 bags of fertilizer per trip. ○ He has a right to be indemnified by Roberto for amount he’s required to pay as damages for
○ Fertilizer was delivered to Roberto’s driver & helper with the necessary way bill receipts injury to Benito, since lease contract, although not effective against public for not having been
■ Roberto, however, didn’t deliver the fertilizers to Atlas’ bodega at Mandaluyong approved by PSC, is valid & binding between contracting parties.
● Signatures appearing in the way bill receipts of the Benito Transportation admittedly not the ● Registered owner/operator of a public service vehicle to be jointly & severally liable with the
signature of any Atlas Fertilizer Corporation representative or employee driver for damages incurred by passengers or third persons as a consequence of injuries
○ Roberto could not be found, & Benito reported the loss to the Manila Police Department. sustained in the operation of said vehicles.
Roberto was later arrested & booked for theft. ... Disposition: Denied.
● Benito saw the truck on Sto. Cristo St. & notified the Manila Police, & it was impounded
○ Bienvenido claimed it from the Police after he had been notified by his employees that the
truck had been impounded by the police
■ but as he could not produce the registration papers, police would not release it.
○ As a result of the impounding he paid premium of P300 to the surety company.
● Benito was compelled to pay value of 400 fertilizer bags at P5,397.33, to Atlas Fertilizer
○ 2/12/62 Benito filed for the recovery of damages against Roberto & Bienvenido.
■ Roberto failed to file an answer & was, accordingly, declared in default.
● Bienvenido disowned responsibility: had no contractual relations with Benito as regards the
hauling and/or delivery of the 400 bags of fertilizer in the complaint
○ Roberto’s misappropriation or nondelivery of Benito's fertilizer, was beyond his control &
knowledge, which he only knewn when his freight truck was impounded.
■ in his written contract of hire with Roberto, it was expressly provided that Roberto will bear
& pay all loss & damages attending carriage of goods to be hauled by him
● CFI Manila: Roberto alone was liable to Benito Benito P6K , since Bienvenido wasn’t privy to the
contract between Roberto & Benito.
○ On appeal, CA: citing Montoya vs. Ignacio, found Bienvenido is likewise liable for being the
registered owner of the truck;

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