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January 30, 2020

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
 Differentiate tone from mood
 Determine the purpose of the author
 Identify the tone, mood, purpose of the author in the given situation


TOPIC: Tone and Mood
MATERIALS: Visual Aids, power point presentation

A. Daily Routine
Checking of attendance
Word for the day
Chivalry \ˈshi-vəl-rē\
:an honorable and polite way of behaving especially for women
Synonyms: politeness, courteousness, respect
Antonyms: discourtesy, rudeness, arrogance
1. Sam helped the old woman cross the street, and he was admired
for his chivalry
2. Patrick displayed chivalry when he held the door open for the girls
in his group.
B. Motivation/Elicitation

The teacher will show some short video clips from the film “The Miracle
Worker,” afterwards the teacher will ask the students to identify what they
feel as they watch the short clip and what the character feel on why they
behave that way.

C. Presentation/Discussion of the lesson

 Discuss and give the meaning of tone and mood
 Give list of words about tone and mood and illustration
 Explain the importance of tone and mood to the author’s purpose

D. Evaluation
D.1 – Class Activity
The teacher will give examples of sentences and the students will
identify the tone and mood. After every sentences the teacher will give the
correct answer

1. I’d rather stay here and wait, than go into that dark room.
The sentence above imposes that the person is ____________
2. The sun is shining brightly in the meadow, let’s go out and play!
The sentence above imposes that the person is ____________
3. I called my friend at their house, her brother said she’s not home, but I
heard her voice come on the line.
The sentence imposes that the person is ___________
4. The night was dark and stormy.
The sentence gives you a _________ ‘mood’.
5. The man kicked and threw the poor cat out of his house.
The sentence gives you a feeling of __________ towards the cat.
6. There was plenty of food, and the music was playing. Everybody was
having a good time.
The sentence gives you a mood of _______________
D.2 Quiz
Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer
1. The author’s attitude or feelings towards the writing is the ____.
a. tone b. mood c. attitude d. personality
2. _______ is the feeling the reader gets as he/she reads the text.
a. tone b. mood c. attitude d. personality
3. Authors set a tone or mood in literature by conveying an emotion or emotions
through _______.
a. Space b. height c. words d. funny faces
4. “They plan to kill the President.” He leaned forward, his elbows on his
knees. “Tell me everything at once.” What is the tone of the dialogue?
a. Informal b. happy c. serious d. positive
5. What is the tone of the following text? “I will not!” she shouted. “I will not
ever forgive you if something happen to our child!”
a. pleased b. angry c. happy d. suspicious
6. She hesitated, listening for sounds of the creature. The forest seemed empty,
but she could sense something else out there. Something watching and
waiting. What is the mood of the passage?
a. romantic b. depressing c. joyful d. suspenseful
7. The sun was bright and the sky was clear. Joan jogged down the path with
Rex at her side and smiled about last night’s victory. The tone of the excerpt
can be best described as____.
a. cheerful b. mundane c. wistful d. gloomy
8. What tone is represented in the following passage? Ugh! Do I have to sit
through another boring lecture on data entry again?
a. Calm b. annoyed c. scary d. excited
9. Which word indicates a tone of happiness to the following sentence: Bouncing
into the room, she lit up the vicinity with a joyous glow on her face as she
told about her fiancée and their wedding plans.
a. Vicinity b. wedding c. joyful d. glow
10. Identify the mood of the following sentence: She huddled in the corner,
taking her tattered blanket and shaking convulsively, as she feverishly
searched the room for the unknown dangers that awaited her
a. Fanciful b. suspenseful c. melancholy d. danger
11. What is the tone of the following sentence? Bursting through the door, the
flustered mother screamed uncontrollably at the innocent teacher who gave
her child an F.
a. Angry b. witty c. suspicious d. screamed

What mood is represented by the image?
a. Frightening b. joyful c. dreamy d. mysterious


What is the tone of this image?

a. Elated b. appreciative c. accusing d. hurt

14. What mood is presented in the image?
a. Lonely b. joyful c. angry d. afraid

What is the mood of the image?
a. tense b. cheerful c. sad d. disappointed

E. Valuing/Generalization
The teacher will ask questions about the topic
1. What is the difference between tone and mood
2. Give some examples of tone
3. Give some examples of mood
4. Why tone and mood is important to the author’s purpose?

What is the tone and mood of the following passage?

He approached the task with sheer determination. He had studied his plans
carefully, spent hours preparing and was sure of his approach. The hours he
spent practicing were grueling and exhausting but he was ready. This was the
year he would win the pie eating contest.

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