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Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Subsidiary in Physics (XPH11)
Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level in Physics (YPH11)
First teaching September 2018
First examination from January 2019
First certification from August 2019 (International Advanced Subsidiary)
and August 2020 (International Advanced Level)
Level Topic Spec New Content Included Content Not Included in the
Points New Spec
AS Mechanics 4 Recognise vector notation

AS Mechanics 14 Conservation of momentum in one dimension

(moved from A2)
AS Mechanics 15, 16 Principle of moments

AS Mechanics 30 Efficiency equation

AS Materials Fluid flow diagrams,

streamline flow

Definitions of mechanical
properties such as brittle,
ductile, hard, malleable, tough
AS Waves and Particle 42 Use the equation for the speed of a transverse
Nature of Light wave on a string - v = √(T/μ)

AS Waves and Particle 44 Identify and describe

Nature of Light Radiation flux is replaced by intensity. applications of regions of the
electromagnetic spectrum

Explain how different media affect

the transmission/reflection of

Qualitative explanation of how

the relative movement between
source and observer gives rise
to a shift in frequency
(moved to A2)
Explore how science is used by
society to make decisions.
AS Waves and Particle 50, Use of Huygens construction Diffraction n d
Nature of Light 51 sin 
AS Waves and Particle 54 Use the de Broglie equation
Nature of Light λ = h/p (moved from A2)
AS Electric circuits 68 Derivation of equations for resistors in series
and parallel
AS Electric circuits 80 Conduction models and the LDR

A Level Further 89 Be able to use vector diagrams to derive Use the de Broglie equation
Mechanics the equations for centripetal acceleration λ = h/p moved to AS.
Use of p =mv and conservation of
momentum in one dimension
moved to AS.
A Level Electric and 98, Electric potential and equipotential lines
Magnetic Fields 99
A level Nuclear and Particle 120 Understand situations in which the
Physics relativistic increase in particle lifetime is
significant (use of relativistic equations
not required)
A Level Nuclear and Particle 123 Baryon number and lepton number used to
Physics determine whether a particle interaction is
A Level Thermodynamics 125 Specific latent heat

A Level Thermodynamics 132 Derive and use ½ m<c>2 =3/2 kT

A Level Nuclear 135 Link the processes of fission and fusion to the
Radiation binding energy per nucleon curve

A Level Oscillations 145 Use of the equations for a simple harmonic

oscillator T = 2π√(m/k) and
T = 2π√(l/g)
A Level Gravitational 158 Use of the equation Vgrav = −GM/r
Fields for a radial gravitational field.

A Level Space 164 Use the equation for the intensity of radiation
I =P/A

A Level Space 169 Understand how the relative movement

between source and observer gives rise to a
shift in frequency (Doppler effect) (moved
from AS)

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