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…..As Sir William Henry Bragg is quoted…

“Never confuse hard work with hard thinking.”
Nobel Prize in Physics 1915 "for their services in the
analysis of crystal structure by means of x-rays"

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Four things to know about FEA

• Idealization of Geometry into a numerical Model.

• Engineering assessment of Loads.
• Visualization of structural constraints into modeling Constraints.
• Discretization of continua into a finite element analysis Mesh (meshing).

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Linear, Elastic, Static Analysis (99% of the world)

• Stresses can be scaled as a linear

function of the loads.

• Young’s modulus Rules.
• Scale displacements as a ratio of
elastic moduli.

Force Stress is independent of your

Area material choice.
Static means no acceleration - no
∑F = 0 spinning off into space.

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All we really need to know is that

∑F = 0
FEA is based on the displacement method, which boils down to:

{F} = [K ]{u}

• With a little work, structures and materials can be described as springs.

• We typically know something about forces and / or displacements.
• The equations are solved for displacements........................

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Example: The displacement method at its simplest

Step 1: Satisfy static equilibrium

∑ Fx = F1 + F2 = 0

F1 = − F2

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Example: The displacement method at its simplest

Step 2: Relate strain to displacements

∆ L u 2 − u1
εx = =

Step 3: Relate stress to strain

σ x = Eε x

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Example: The displacement method at its simplest

Step 4: Relate force to stress

F1 F2
σ x1 = − and σ x2 =

The minus sign is required since a positive tensile stress

at End 1 is in the negative x direction.

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Example: The displacement method at its simplest

Step 5: Relate force to displacement

Using the prior equations and performing a little substitution yields:

− F1 = σ x A = Eε x A = ( u 2 − u1 )

− F1 = u2 − u1

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Example: The displacement method at its simplest

Step 6: Assemble matrix

F1  EA  1 − 1 u1 
 =    
F2  L − 1 1  u 2 

which give us: {F} = [K ]{u}

* If u1 and u2 are non-zero then an infinite number of

solutions are possible or in mathematical terms, the
determinant of the stiffness matrix “K” is singular.

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Our First Model: The classical two spring problem

• Create material (Ea = Eb = 1)

• Create rod properties (A=2 and A-1)
• Create nodes and elements
• Display

Ea A a 1 • 2 Eb A b 1 • 1
ka = = =2 kb = = =1
La 1 Lb 1

F1   2 −2 0  u1  *Where nodes share

    u 
F =
 2  − 2 2 + 1 − 1 elements, they share
 2  stiffness terms. Off
F   0 − 1 1  u 3  diagonal terms are zero.
 3 
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Our First Model: The classical two spring problem

F1   2 −2 0  u1  In this form, K is singular! One
      of the displacements must be zero
F2  = − 2 2 + 1 − 1 u 2  to obtain a unique solution. Let’s
F   0 − 1 1  u  make u1 = 0 and then try to find a
 3   3  solution.

F1   2 −2 0  0  F1 is solved as a “reaction force” at

the end of the solution based on the
     
F2  = − 2 2 + 1 − 1 u 2  known displacements u2 and u3. This
allows us to rewrite the matrix as:
F   0 − 1 1  u 
 3   3 
The determinant of the stiffness matrix
F2   3 − 1 u 2  is no longer zero (i.e., 2) and a solution
 =    can be found using any number of matrix
F3   − 1 1  u 3  technologies.

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Our First Model: The classical two spring problem

F2   3 − 1 u 2 
 =    • Let F2 = 0 and F3 = 1, find u2 and u3:
F3   − 1 1  u 3 
u 2  0  − 1 1 1
  =[K ]  
and [K ] = 2 1 3
u 3  1   

u2 = F1 = −2 • u 2

u3 =
2 How are enforced displacement loads handled in
the FEA process?
How would we calculate the stress in the springs?

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More “exact” elements: The beam element 15

2D Beam model: The big difference is rotation. In

3D - each node has six degrees of
freedom (DOF).

The equations for this 2D beam can be developed

from straight mechanics (e.g., see Timoshenko):

Fy1  6 3L −6 3L  v1 
   3L 2L 2 − 3L L2  θ 
 z1  2EI   1
 = 3    * If we had more than
 y2  L 
F − 6 − 3L 6 − 3L  v 2  one beam element how would
M   3L L2 − 3L 2L2  θ  the matrix look?
 z1    2  * How many DOF does this
beam element have?
* What DOF would have to
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Modeling the Cantilevered Beam: Beam element 16

F2 L 3 F2 L2
v2 = and θ2 =
From Timoshenko and Gere: 3EI 2EI
F2 L 1 3 F2 L2 1
If F2=1, L=1, E=1, and I=1; then: v2 = = and θ2 = =
3EI 3 2EI 2
What the FEA process does to the original matrix:

Fy 2  2EI  6 − 3L   v 2 
 = 3  2  
M z2  L  − 3L 2L  θ 2 

 1 1 
 v 2  L3  3 2L  Fy 2  Fy 2 L3
 = v2 = =
1  M 
 1 or
 2 EI  z2  EI 3
 2
 2L L 
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Bar Elements: A Simple Sub-Set of Beam Elements - Truss Rod Element.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Build simple truss model
•Engineering concepts: simple
compression/tension member -
which is perfect for a truss with pin
joints. Application of loads at nodes
and the application of the
appropriate constraints.
•Analysis work flow.
•Merging of nodes

Post-Processing Goals:
•Applied loads = Reaction Loads
•Checkout of analysis results
•Presentation of modeling results

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Beam Elements: Technology and Implementation 18

Beam orientation is often

difficult to first grasp but
then seems obvious...

Beams can be offset from

their neutral axis and/or
from their shear center.

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Beam Elements: Technology and Implementation 19

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Bar Elements: A Simple Sub-Set of Beam Elements - Beam-Thruster Structure.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing geometry build beam
model that idealizes a space-frame
tube structure.
•Engineering concepts: Beams are
extremely flexible and powerful.
•Beam orientation.
•Multiple element properties within
one model.
•Merging of nodes.

Post-Processing Goals:
•Applied loads = Reaction Loads
•Checkout of analysis results
•Presentation of modeling results
•Turning on/off beam diagrams.

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

Isoparametric elements can

model anything - since they
approximate the behavior of
the structure through the use
of many, simple polynomial
functions. However, since
they are approximate, the
user must apply good
engineering judgement
throughout the modeling

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

In order to develop stiffness equations, we must be able to map
displacements within the solid element from its nodal locations.
u xp = ∑ N i ( ξ , η ) u xi
i =1

x xp = ∑ N i ( ξ , η ) x xi
i =1

Ni is known as the shape function,

which does double duty as the
interpolation function for both the
displacements and coordinates.

η = eta An example of the 1

shape function:
N1 = (1 − ξ )(1 − η )
ξ = xi 4
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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

The development of an element stiffness matrix
is somewhat analogous to that for a simple rod.

Step 1: Satisfy static equilibrium ∑F = 0

Step 2: Relate strain to displacements - simple 2D example

∂ 
ε x   ∂x 0 
   ∂  u 
ε y  =  0 ∂y   v  or ε = ∂u
  
γ xy   ∂ ∂y ∂ 
 ∂x 

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

Step 2: Relate strain to displacements - simple 2D example
Displacements within the quadrilateral are interpolated from
nodal displacements ui and vi using the shape functions Ni

 u1 
v 
u  N1 0 N 2 0 ...  1 
 =  u 2  or u = Nd
v   0 N1 0 N2 ...  
 
 . 

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

Step 2: Relate strain to displacements - simple 2D example

ε = ∂Nd or ε = Bd where B = ∂N
Matrix “B” is called the
strain-displacement matrix.
Step 3: Relate stress to strain

σ = Eε or σ = EBd

Step 4 and 5: Relate force to stress and then force to displacement

F = EεA or F = EBdA

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

F = EBAd

Although this may look pretty simple, we need a more robust expression that
will provide an element stiffness at each nodal location. Without going into
the math in great detail, the element stiffness matrix looks like this:

{k} = ∫ ∫ [B ] [E][B ]dxdy T

To determine “k”, one must
numerically integrate over the
whole area or volume of the
element. Moreover, since we are
{k} = ∫−11 ∫−11[B ]T [E][B ][ J ]dξdη using the general coordinate system, we
need to make one last change (Jacobian
transformation matrix).

{F} = {k}{d}
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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

Guassian integration points - if we didn’t use them - we would
be hurting in a big way. This technique is also known as Gauss Quadrature.

{ } ∫−1 ∫−1[B ] [E][B ][ J ]dξdη

k = 1 1 T Numerical integration will use
thousands of CPU cycles solving for “k”

Guassian Integration:
n m
I = ∑ ∑ Wi Wjφ ( ξ i , η j )
i =1j=1

*We have skipped a bunch of math,

but the theme is that a lot of the
action happens at the Guass points.

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

Stresses are computed at

the Guassian integration
points. Nodal stress
values used in stress
contouring are then
extrapolated (using the
shape functions) out to the
nodal points.

If the element is badly

distorted, these Guassian
integration points will do a
poor job in capturing the
correct area or volume and
an even poorer job in
delivering accurate stress

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Isoparametric Elements: Plate Elements

Many types of structures are modeled best using plates
• Thin walled structures, e.g., sheet metal, tanks, tubes, and composites
• Detailed analysis of structural steel shapes
• Slabs where a shear loading is not dominant, e.g., a Length/Thickness > 4

Classically, plates carry only

transverse loads and are flat. Whereas,
shells can be curved and carry
membrane loads. In practice, we just
use FEA “plates” that combine both
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Isoparametric Elements: Plate Elements

Plate theory: Brace yourselves

Plate loading is dominantly defined by transverse loads. This type of loading

causes the plate to have lateral displacement w=w(x,y) in the z direction. The
strain-displacement functions are then formulated as:

∂2w ∂2w ∂2w

ε x = −z 2 ε y = −z 2 γ xy = −2 z
∂x ∂y ∂ x∂ y

From this point forward, approximately the same approach is used for isoparametric
elements is followed, i.e., shape functions are used to interpolate the coordinates
and displacements. Consequently, your mileage may vary depending your geometry.

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General All Purpose Elements: Isoparametric Elements

Why do we care about this stuff?
• Shape functions are simple polynomials.
• The area or volume of the element is approximated.
• Stresses are computed at Guass points not at nodal points.
• Highly distorted elements - lead to poor Guassian integration.
• The whole process uses quite a few “approximations”.
• Displacement results will always be more accurate than stresses.
• That is, stresses, reaction forces, etc. are derived.

A knowledgeable user makes better assumptions.

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Isoparametric Elements: Convergence 32



v2 =
bh 3
I= = 1 • 12 2 = 144
FL3 1 • 483
v2 = = = 2 .56
3EI 3 • 100 • 144
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Isoparametric Elements: Convergence 33

2.5 Quad Exact

4 elements
2 2 elements
Tip Displacement

1 element


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Beam Length, x

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Isoparametric Elements: Convergence 34

Quadrilaterals don’t like to be skewed. 1.

2 4 6 8 10
General rules:
Aspect < 10 to 1

Skew < 30o

1 2 3 4

3 5 7 9

Taper < 30o




Tip Displacement
Skewed elements are “stiff” and 1.5

give dangerous results. That is, 1

you can under predict the stresses
by large margins. This is the 0.5

downside to Isoparametric elements. 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Beam Length, x

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Isoparametric Elements: Convergence 35

The P-element or polynomial escalation

*The whole trick is

that the shape function is
now parabolic - it can
handle a parabolic
distribution of displacement
from one node to the next.

1 1 1
N 2 = (1 + ξ )(1 − η ) − (1 − ξ 2 )(1 − η ) − (1 + ξ )(1 − η2 )
4 4 4
N 6 = (1 + ξ )(1 − η2 )
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Isoparametric Elements: Convergence 36

The P-element or polynomial escalation





Tip Displacement


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Beam Length, x

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Isoparametric Elements: Convergence 37

Why we don’t like triangular elements....



2.5 Tri

Tip Displacement

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Beam Length, x

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Plate Elements: Plate-Hole-Start.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing geometry build plate
model (0.25 inch thick steel plate).
• Idealization of a 3-D structure into a
2-D structure.
•Mesh / Mesh Size on Surface / 0.5
•Apply load and constraint
employing the underlying geometry.

Post-Processing Goals:
• Verify OLOAD and SPCForce Resultants
within the *.F06 File.
• Checkout of analysis results (View Select)
•Presentation of modeling results
•Pretty pictures using View Options.

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Plate Elements: Plate-Hole-Remesh.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing model Plate-Hole-
Start, delete mesh, resize curves, and
•Engineering concept: Mesh
refinement will typically only slow you

Post-Processing Goals:
•Show peak nodal stress.
•Compare centroidal stress with
nodal stress.

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Solid Elements: Solid-Hole-Start.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing model Plate-Hole-
Start, delete mesh, resize curves, and
•Engineering concept: Mesh
refinement will typically only slow you

Post-Processing Goals:
•Show peak nodal stress.
•Compare centroidal stress with
nodal stress.

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Solid Elements: Solid-Hole-Start.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing model Plate-Hole-
Start, delete mesh, resize curves, and
•Engineering concept: Mesh
refinement will typically only slow you

Post-Processing Goals:
•Show peak nodal stress.
•Compare centroidal stress with
nodal stress.

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Solid Elements: Solid-Hole-Start.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing model Plate-Hole-
Start, delete mesh, resize curves, and
•Engineering concept: Mesh
refinement will typically only slow you

Post-Processing Goals:
•Show peak nodal stress.
•Compare centroidal stress with
nodal stress.

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Mesh Convergence - Only one part of obtaining an accurate FE solution

• h-refinement versus p-refinement.
• Simple tests can verify mesh convergence
(comparing the stress at the centroid versus the “Mistakes in loads, support
conditions, and so on will
nodal locations). propagate through adaptive
cycles and produce an
• Mesh convergence is just minimizing the improved solution to the
JUMPS from element-to-element; nothing wrong problem. Also, poor
choices of element types or
more - nothing less. an initial mesh that is too
coarse may not disclose
enough detail to permit the
revised mesh to be an
improvement. Automatic
adaptivity seems to
guarantee that final results
will be adequate, but of
course there can be no such
From R.D. Cook - FEM for
Stress Analysts, p.143
Knowing when to say when?
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Solid Elements: Solid-Anvil-Start.mod

Pre-Processing Goals:
•Using existing geometry, create
material, property and mesh it with a
0.05 inch sized mesh.
•Verify node and element count -
•Apply 40 lbf X-direction load and fix
far end of surgical anvil.

Post-Processing Goals:
•Applied loads = Reaction Loads
(OLOAD versus SPCForce Resultant)
•Checkout of analysis results for peak
deflection and elemental centroidal
stress value.
•Presentation of modeling results
•Managing the View Window and
animation of stress results.

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Beams are line elements that represent geometry (mechanical

structure) that has a uniform cross-section and is long (e.g., its
Hardest are Beams length is 10 times longer than its height or width).
Beams are exact - no approximations are used.
Lateral contraction or expansion (Poisson’s effect) is not
accounted for - but for linear, elastic, static analysis work it is an
extremely minor effect in beam structures.
Beams offer you the maximum design optimization opportunity!

If an engineering structure looks like a collection of surfaces

Somewhat easier from a distance - say a car frame - then it is a good candidate to
are Plates be modeled with plate elements.
Plate thickness is an easily changed variable. Sizing
optimization can be performed extremely quickly.
Good results for plate like structures but assumptions are still
Poisson’s effect is accounted for.
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Solids make the fewest geometric approximations but make the

most numerical approximations. It takes a lot of solid elements to
Easiest are Solids give good results. This means that “solids” analysis work can be
time consuming and slow. This leaves you with fewer chances to
pursue design optimization strategies.

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We start with surfaces….

Surfaces are meshed...

Beam elements can be meshed to

the curves on the surfaces...

Problems can occur when using

beam offsets on automeshed beam

An effective solution is to adjust the

plate elements (see Modify / Update
Elements / Adjust Plate).
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Comments: There is a ton of surface tools for intersecting / slicing /

imprinting / and creating new surfaces from existing surfaces.
•Manipulation of surfaces prior to A good way to explore all of these options is to play around...
meshing is a very handy tool. All of
these operations can also be
applied to Solids. Think of
geometric solids as collections of
• Geometry / Curve From Surface
is your key command for imprinting
(slicing) surfaces or surfaces on
• Intersecting surfaces/solids is also
quite useful.

• Intersect solids / delete unneeded geometry.
• Imprint Curve onto solid / delete unneeded geometry
• Extrude Curves as new geometry
• Create boundary surfaces at exits of vessel.
•Apply internal pressure load / verify results.

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•Optimization means different
things to different engineers. Sizing
optimization is easy and allows
immediate gratification.

Sequence of Operations:
•Create new properties for the top and
bottom heads (1.0 in) and main side hatch (0.5
•Modify / Update Elements / Property ID
•Use Method / On Surface
•Right-Click, Previous Command
•Run it and compare results.

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The Essence of Being Consistent: Units in FEA

g a linea t our
in an
perform sis and w t do For
ar e aly ha a
If we stress an in MPa, w within wou dynam
ic e fy
elast nits to b ck or veri r psi? ld w
s u e o e ch ic anal
stres ed to ch versely f eck y si
we n odel? Co
n the s, how
the m ctur

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The Essence of Being Consistent: Units in FEA

Conversions for exotic units based on generic steel

lb f/in lb f/mm N/mm N/in
Geometry in mm mm in
Elastic M odulus 30 •10 6 lb f/in 2 4.65 • 10 4 lb f/mm 2 206.8 • 10 3 N/mm 2 1.334 • 10 8 N/in 2
gravity 386 in/sec 2 9810 mm/sec 2 9810 mm/sec 2 386 in/sec 2
Mass Density 7.324 • 10 -4 1.76 • 10 -9 7.827 • 10 -9 3.258 • 10 -3
lb • sec 2 /in 4 lb f• sec 2 /mm 4 N • sec 2/mm 4 N • sec 2 /in 4
Displacements in mm mm in
Stresses lb f/in 2 lb f/mm 2 N/mm 2 (M pa) N/in 2

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Making Models Work: Symmetry

Symmetry - you gotta love it to be a good modeler.
• Geometric Symmetry - mirror planes in model.
• Loading Symmetry - loading is identical across or between mirror planes.

ux= 0 tr er etry
u a m
q m

uy= 0

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Making Models Work: Constraints and Elements

Beams’ and Plates’ nodes have six degrees-of-
freedom. Consequently, six constraint DOF
can be applied (e.g., TX, TY, TZ, RX, RY, and

Solid elements’ nodes have three degrees-of-

L1 freedom. Consequently, three constraint DOF
C1 can be applied (e.g., TX, TY, and TZ).


• What do you think happens when you
Output Set: MSC/NASTRAN Case 1
123 apply a RX or RY or RZ constraint to a solid
Contour: Solid Von Mises Stress element node?

Predictive Engineering, Inc. • What do all FEA models have in common

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Making Models Work: Symmetry makes Sir Robert Bragg proud….

Simple rules of symmetry

• Visualize motion
• Sketch it out on paper


Cyclic symmetry will occur

in many rotating structures.
This type of symmetry is
also known as sectorial
symmetry or rotational

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Comments: SunCache Modeling Challenge.mod

•Solar panel model that requires a

combination of plate and beam
elements such that an analysis can
be completed in our lifetime.
•Tips on how to prepare solid
geometry for plate and beam
•Application of symmetry B.C.’s.

•Modeling plate and beam structures.
•Creating beam properties using geometric
surfaces as the general section definition.
•Polycarbonate top - E=350e3 / 0.9 inch thick.
•Multiple meshing techniques / merging nodes
•Application of surface loads (50 lbf per surface).
•Constraints (X-symmetry).
•RBE2 elements (TX, TY, TZ, &RX) DOF active.

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•Symmetry makes you fast.
•Pin loads can be applied fairly
•Tricky constraints - symmetry and

•Slice solid into appropriate symmetric
chunk (Geometry / Solid / Slice).
•Update some Curves (split some surfaces
for the pin load).
•Mesh / Apply Load (5,000 lbf per surface) /
Apply Constraints (don’t forget Z-direction).
•Run model and interrogate results.

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C i S d

Sway bar modeled with 10-

node tetrahedrals.

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All Results Confidential and Proprietary This model required the attachment of a solid tetrahedral model (the sway bar) with or 1.800.345.4671 bolts to a suspension frame made out of plate elements.

Application Example Models

A spider’s web of RBE3’s

SDOF elements

The bolts (beam elements) were attached to the frame (plate elements) with MPC
Predictive Engineering, Inc. elements (RBE3’s). The same strategy was used to attach the solid elements onto the
All Results Confidential and Proprietary bolts. Single degree-of-freedom springs (CELAS elements) were used to simulate a or 1.800.345.4671 flexible rubber bushing between the suspension components.

Application Example Models

SDOF springs (CELAS Elements)

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Predictive Engineering, Inc. This pressure vessel model was developed using plate elements for the shell components
All Results Confidential and Proprietary and beam elements for the interior heat exchanger tubes and bolts. It was all fastened or 1.800.345.4671 together using MPC elements (RBE3’s)

Predictive Engineering, Inc. Close-up view of the flange connecting bolts and RBE3’s (upper left-hand corner)
All Results Confidential and Proprietary or 1.800.345.4671 and the heat exchanger tubes and their connectors (lower right-hand corner).

•Tying structures together can be quite
easy with a little idealization.
•This exercise covers the use of RBE2
(super-stiff links that transmit rigidity and
spatial relationships), RBE3 (super-stiff links
that transmit force (no rigidity) and
spatial relationships), and Constraint
Equations (enforcement of constraint
(i.e., DOF movement) regardless of
spatial relationship).

•Use template model to apply the various
connection technologies and evaluate the

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•This is a pretty complete
examination of RBE2, applying
symmetry constraints, and a little
tricky example of model DOF.

•Prepare geometry to match opposing surfaces. Use
Geometry / Curve from Surface / Parametric. Ensure that
Update Surfaces is checked.
•Mesh with default sizing / hand set the mesh size on all the
curves on the two surfaces (Mesh / Size on Curves / Method
(On Surface)) to a set size of 8. Mesh the two cubes.
•Create user defined cylindrical coordinate system at the
center of the top cube.
•Modify / Update Other / Output Cys / Select all the nodes
and update’em into your new coordinate system.
•Create RBE2’s in the X-direction between the two surfaces
(see Mesh / Connection / Closest Link / Method - On Surface
•Apply Constraints (RBE2’s have six DOF’s -- makes
constraints especially complex. Apply temperatures and
Predictive Engineering, Inc.
All Results Confidential and Proprietary or 1.800.345.4671 Shrink-Fit-Start.mod

•Our goal is be able to get any type of
solid to mesh! It is possible! This interface
has the tools to allow you to mesh
anything. The trick is to recognize the
steps and to figure out where the
meshing process is failing.
•In this exercise - we hand fix a mesh
and then mesh the resulting surface
mesh. Solid meshing is all surfaces, surfaces, surfaces.
Solid Mesher Steps:
Tasks: 1. Meshes surfaces
•With the above solid, mesh it using the 2. Seals surfaces into continuous shell.
default sizing, uncheck Suppress Short
3. Grows surface mesh into a solid tet mesh.
•Read Meshing Messages and then find
the hole in the surface via View Select / Fixing:
Free Edge.
1. Bad surfaces - won’t mesh.
•Find problem, fix-it, and then create a 2. Create sealed surface.
solid mesh from the sealed skin.
3. Play and learn. No easy way.
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All Results Confidential and Proprietary or 1.800.345.4671 Esco Digger Tooth-Short Edge Option On-Off.mod

•There are lots and lots of ways to fix a
solid. In this example, we identify a bad
region on the solid, delete the offending
surface and stitch it back together. We
also identify another meshing failure.

•Mesh the solid using the default options
and fine the gap in the surface using View
Select / Free Edge.
•Explode the solid, delete the sliver surface
and stitch the solid back together. A gap
tolerance of 0.001 inch may be necessary.
•Mesh it again and read the meshing
failure messages.
•Fix mesh by increasing the mesh density in
the problem region.

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•Combining surfaces on a solid (a.k.a.,
Topological Simplification) is a great tool
for taking a messy CAD model and
turning it into a fast, effective FEA model.

•Use template model to apply the various
connection technologies and evaluate the

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•Okay - feeling sure of yourself? Try to
mesh this baby…..
•Remember that you need to form a
perfect skin of elements for it to
create/grow a solid tet mesh into the
interior. How you get to that skin might
require you to remove some sliver
surfaces or to combine a bunch of
surfaces such that the mesher will pave

•Mesh using a size 0.15 (it is a big part!)
•Find “holes” - View Select / Free Edge,
fix’em sequentially via what has been
•Test each fix!

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1.) If you had one steel and one aluminum cylinder of equal cross-sectional areas (1 sq-in) and both
cylinders are loaded with a force of 100 lbf, which cylinder will have the higher stress? By how much
would you expect the stress values to differ?

Answer: The stress will be the same regardless of material used - since stress is F/A.

2.) You have just meshed a solid CAD piece of geometry using 10-node Tetrahedral elements and have
applied a fully fixed constraint (all translations (TX, TY, and TZ) and all rotations (RX, RY, and RZ) are
fixed) to one node of the structure. What action is enforced by the RX, RY, and RZ constraints? Would you
expect the structure to be sufficiently constrained for a static stress analysis? If not, how many nodes
would have to be constrained to "fix" the model for a stress analysis?

Answer: No action. 10-node Tetrahedral elements do not have RX, RY, and RZ degree-of-freedoms. The
structure would not be sufficiently constrained. A minimum of three nodes.

3.) What value of a Poisson's ratio is necessary for an standard beam element analysis?

Answer: Not needed since it is not used.

4.) You have applied a uniform internal pressure to a cylinder and would like to check your work. You
then use your FEA pre-processor to perform a sum-of-forces calculation. What value would you expect to
be returned by the sum-of-forces

Answer: 0.0

5.) You have just finished a rather complicated linear, elastic, static stress analysis using a low cost 1018
steel with a yield stress of 36,000 psi. The peak stress in the structure is 52,000 psi. The engineering group
has decided to use a more expensive AISI
4340 steel with a yield stress of around 80,000 psi. Upon implementing this new material into your FEA
database, how would you expect the analysis results to change?

Answer: No change since you are performing a linear stress analysis.

6.) What is the mathematical description of symmetry as used in the FEA world? How many planes-of-
symmetry could be used for a uniformly loaded plate with a hole at its center?

Answer: Really basic but tricky to really understand and implement. A plane-of-symmetry will have
translation normal to its plane fixed and in-plane rotations fixed. For example, if our plane-of-symmetry
rests within the XY plane with the Z-axis normal to this plane, a plane-of-symmetry could be enforced by
fixing the Z degree-of-freedoms and the RX and RY rotational degree-of-freedoms. If you got the above
answer, then this
second part is a slam-dunk: two planes for 2-D and three planes for 3-D.

7.) How would you apply symmetry in a thermal analysis? In other words, what boundary conditions
would you apply?

Answer: Thermal symmetry is really an adiabatic condition, with no heat flowing across the symmetry
surfaces. The answer is that you would do nothing; leave the surface as a free surface. Free surfaces are by
definition adiabatic.

Note: A person who knows the correct answers is not necessarily a competent FE analyst.
Getting Good Results: Using free-body diagrams - Advanced 68

• Default analysis options gives you

applied loads and reaction loads
(forces/moments at constraints) within the
• Internal forces require Analysis /
Advanced options (see next slide).
• Free-body diagrams help you check your
work at a glance.

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Getting Good Results: Using free-body diagrams - Advanced 69

With this lash-up - you see all the

internal forces acting at each node
- this is most useful when you are
trying to debug interfaces or
strange connections.

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Getting Good Results: Using free-body diagrams - Advanced 70

•Another useful thing

about the FBD option is
the ability to check your
RBE2, RBE3 connections
(Multi-Point Reaction

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Getting Good Results: Is it real? 71

Two types of stress results are commonly used to provide

insight into the behavior of the structure:
• von Mises stress
• maximum principal stress

von Mises criterion - states that yielding The maximum principal stress criterion
of an isotropic material will begin when states that fracture will occur when the
the von Mises stress reaches a limiting maximum principal stress reaches a
value regardless of whether it is limiting value in tension.
compressive or tensile (e.g., yield
stress or ultimate stress of the material).

(σ − σ ) + (σ − σ ) + (σ − σ )2 
2 2 2
1  x y y z z x

σ vonMises =
 xy yz(
2 + 6 τ 2 + τ 2 + τ 2
zx ) 

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Getting Good Results: Is it real? 72

Under pure uniaxial tension;

[ ]
σ vonMises = (σ x ) + ( − σ x )
2 2 2

σ vonMises = σ x

*The biggest thing to note about the von

Mises stress is that it is neither positive or

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Getting Good Results: Is it real? 73

Principal stresses: why is the maximum principal stress mostly positive?

σx − σy  σx − σy  2
σ max,min = ±   + τ xy
σx 2  2 

τ xy 1 2τxy
σ max σ min θprincipal= Tan−1
σy 2 σx − σy

σ x − σ τ xy τ zx  In 3D the math gets a little bit

  hairier and requires the use of
DET  τ xy σy − σ τ yz  = 0
determinants. The roots of the final
 τ zx τ yz σ z − σ  equation are the three principal

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Getting Good Results: Interpreting the numbers - fatigue 74

Predicting failure
is highly

σa σm 1
+ =
S Endurance S Ultimate Factor − of − Safety

σa σm 1
+ =
S Endurance S Yield Factor − of − Safety

Predictive Engineering, Inc. Your load cycle was a half-sine wave?

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Getting Good Results: Dynamics 75

General, full-on dynamics is extremely ∂ 2u ∂u

m +c + ku = r ( t )
time consuming and tricky..... ∂t 2 ∂t

∂ 2u ∂u
m +c + ku = r ( t )
∂t 2 ∂t
∂ 2u
m + ku = r ( t )
∂t 2 ∂ 2u ∂u ∂ 2ug
m 2 + c + ku = − m 2
∂t ∂t ∂t

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Getting Good Results: Dynamics 76

Eigenvalue problem: undamped free vibration

∂ 2u
m 2 + ku = 0
Assuming a solution of the form: u = u o sin ω t

[k − ω m ]{u 2
o }=0

For non-trivial solutions (i.e., solutions that are more than just zeros):

[k − ω m ] = 0 2
giving us the well know frequency relationship: ω=

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Getting Good Results: Dynamics 77

Normal Modes / Eigenvalue problem: undamped free vibration

k Kvertical=1000/0.0435

k 23,000
ω= = = 15.16rad
m 100 sec

MSC.Nastran reports frequencies in cycles

per second. Hence, 15.16 radians/sec is
equal to 2.41 cycles/sec.

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•Analysis Manager
•Vibration - Normal Modes

•Model has already been constructed -
create new analysis set (Model / Analysis /
New). Set model up for Normal Modes run
and only analyze the first three modes. For
output you’ll only need displacements.
•Analyze and animate the mode shape.
Play with the animation settings (View
Options / Category - Post-Processing).
Spurious modes are present and you can
just ignore’em. Reset the Analysis Manager
to capture only Modes greater than 1 Hz.
•Optimize structure by increasing the Cross
Rod diameter from 2 to 25.4 mm.
•Analyze again...

Predictive Engineering, Inc.

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Getting Good Results: Dynamics

True dynamics requires a very careful look at the system:

• In most cases, drop loads can be approximated as forces
• Since it is a time or frequency varying solution, it can take a long time
to run an analysis. The use of simple models is critical.
• If you need a dynamic solution - try to make it a modal analysis one.
Typically modal analyses will run anywhere from 10 to a 1000 times
• Try each new dynamic modeling approach out on a “prototype” model.

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Dynamics - Approximating an impact load as a static load

• Energy is always conserved in this universe mgh = Fd
For example: If we were to drop a 10 mg h = 10∗100= 1000 lbf • in
lbf rock from 100 inches - this energy
would be completely absorbed within the
impacted structure. We could also use
kinetic energy; i.e., a rock moving at 10
in/sec when it hits are structure.
FApplied at impact location
If we know the force versus displacement K stiffness of structure =
behavior at a point on our model…..we d Measured at impact location
can then calculate the corresponding
STATIC FORCE that would be
equivalent to a 10 lbf rock dropping from
100 inches onto our structure.

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Dynamics - Approximating an impact load as a static load

FIm pact equivalent = 2 ∗ Im pact Energy ∗ K Stiffness of structure

VIm pact = 2 ∗ g ∗ h = 277 .8
FIm pact = 107 lb f
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• How accurate are the loads? Model to the accuracy of the loads.
• Verify the FEA applied load against the calculated load.
• Is the pull of gravity important?
• Check a few key dimensions of your structure. Do they make sense?
• Plate models have top and bottom surfaces. When you apply pressure
loads on plate elements verify that the load direction is in the “right”
• Convergence checking is as simple as comparing the centroidal stress
against the adjacent nodal stress. If they are within 30% you can be assured
of good convergence. An even simpler check is to look at the element
shapes and the contour gradations, if they look good then the stress results
will most likely be good. These convergence checks are superior to a
software based solution.
• Can’t get the model to run without negative pivot ratio’s? Run the model
as a Normal modes / Eigenvalue job and animate the near zero frequencies.
The near zero frequencies are rigid body motions!

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• Remember - loads, forces, gravity, etc, are not used in an

Eigenvalue analysis.
• The first three modes or Eigenvalues represent the dominant
vibrational response of your structure. Their corresponding mode
shapes indicate how the structure will vibrate but give you no idea of
the magnitude of the vibration.
• The mass of the FEA model should be close (say within 5%) of the
structure that you are modeling. If you are working in U.S. units
remember to multiple the mass of the FEA model by 386 to obtain its
corresponding weight.
• Eigenvalue analysis can be quite handy in debugging linear, elastic,
static models that are not fully constrained.

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• Follow all the steps for an Eigenvalue analysis FIRST. I know this
sounds a little redundant but it will save tons of time in the long run.
• You will need two functions for a Modal Frequency Analysis
(MFA): 1) A function for the driving force (scaler versus Hz) and a
function that defines the solutions that you are interested in obtaining
information about.
• See examples in tutorial book and run then before proceeding with
your first MFA.
• In a MFA, you are obtaining X0 where X = X0*sin(ωt-φ). To see
the full field solution you need to expand your solution using the
absolute magnitude (X0) at a particular frequency (ω) and phase
angle (φ). This holds true for all displacement, stresses, etc.
• Extremely accurate form of dynamic analysis since it is basically a
form of a linear, elastic, static solution.
• Damping dominantly affects only the magnitude of the response
and not its frequency.
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Working in the Fast Lane

Never get into such a rush that you can’t do a

sketch of the expected deformed behavior or
even better work out a trial solution....

Be aggressive with ways to simplify your model.

Anyone can build big, slow models that take days
to run and give only marginally better answers.
The ower of a good modeler is in their

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FEA References
• Building Better Products with Finite Element Analysis, Vince
Adams and Abraham Askenazi, Onward Press (1999).

• Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis

R. D. Cook, Wiley (1995)

• Finite Elements: Their Design and Performance

R. H. MacNeal, Marcel Dekker (1994)

• Look at your MSC Documentation! When the program

installs, it will also a bunch of Adobe Acrobat files (search under
*.PDF). These files are in their own directory (PDF). They are
wonderful and will help you greatly if you take the time to
explore and learn.

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Where I find my MSC documentation………...

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Use MS file find to locate the Nast70.rcf file.

The Nast70.rcf file controls initial startup options for the MSC.Nastran
solver. I recommend adding two lines to this file – the buff=estimate
allows the solver unlimited access to your harddisk (so to speak…) and
will facilitate running very, very large modeling jobs – say in excess of
150,000 nodes. The second line is a Nastran over-ride command. It will
force the solver to accept tetrahedrals with aspect ratios greater than
10,000 to 1.0. Not exactly good FEA practice, to say the least, but it
keeps the engineering process moving forward.
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Use MS file find to locate the Mscn4w46.ini file.

When you first open MSCN4Windows, you’ll see a “splash”

screen. This screen can be removed by editing the above
file and introducing the word –nospl as shown above.
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If you plan to play around with custom

views, you will want to force the
program to look in one specific
directory. I have chosen the existing
modeler directory as home for my
custom views.

I turn off the Workplane

Visible in New View

Predictive Engineering, Inc.

All Results Confidential and Proprietary I use several custom settings under the Preference menu. or 1.800.345.4671

Lots and lots of settings.

• Use Fast TriMesher – why? It is faster. Not
a perfect world – it will sometimes croak
where the old mesher would mesh – but
hey – speed does cost something.
• Undo Levels – 25: Need I say more?
• I like to keep all the diddly files in one
location. Otherwise the modeler will
dump’em in your C: drive temp file.
Makes housecleaning a little easier.

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View window name can

be set via the View drop
down menu and then
hitting Window or by
highlighting the top
border and then right-
clicking (a windows sort
of thing….).

Everything under View Options and View Select is stored within the View
Window. It is a massive number of settings. If you like what you got – you
Predictive Engineering, Inc. can save your View Window and use it again (see next slide). You should
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first give your view window a name – I used PowerPoint as my name.

Under Quick Options, you’ll find a place to Save your view. This view will
Predictive Engineering, Inc. be dumped into your view.esp file. That is why it is important to force the
All Results Confidential and Proprietary modeler to save your view.esp file into a specific location. or 1.800.345.4671

With the View saved, you could then Load View. Your
saved view should appear. The view name is set within the
Window view dialog box in a prior command.
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Predictive Engineering, Inc. To use the PowerPoint view, you would type in the number of 4 since
All Results Confidential and Proprietary it was the fourth view down on the list. Please note that I’m pointing or 1.800.345.4671 to a specific view.esp file in the adjacent box.

Render No Render
The MSC.Nastran for Windows (now denoted as
visualNastran Professional) has two distinct overall No label Label
graphics viewing modes: Render and Nope-we numbers shown numbers
don’t do that here or No Render. when render shown.
Why two? Well -- it is history. But first the definitions:
Render is full Open-GL driven graphics while No
Render is boring, ol’throw it up on the screen and
put some stinking color on it. Okay - back to the Full shaded, Wireframe
history lesson…..Back in the cro-magnon days dynamic dynamic
before 1.7 GHz PCs and fast, Open-GL graphics model rotation model
cards, graphics were pretty doggy. As such, from a “mouse rotation
MSCN4W didn’t have much choice, it was No click”. through
Render or nothing. As computer speeds picked up,
MSCN4W started implementing Open GL standards
and the Render option was born. This was several Toolbar.
years ago and the Render feature has gotten
better and better over the years. Stress
Stress contours
look great contours
However, with render turned on you lose a few
are not
things. For example, under render mode, you can’t
under render.
see labels and sometimes highlighting will stop
working. This is no big deal if you know a little
trick………... Highlighting No
can stop Render is
working….. so simple -
it almost
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My favorite little
trick is to toggle
between Render
and No Render
from the View
Toolbar / View Style
button. When you
turn Render off
(unchecking the
Render item) you
can then see labels
and other items.
Additionally, and
more importantly,
by toggling Render
off and then turning
it back on, you
reset the Render
engine and 99% of
the time the
highlighting feature
within MSCN4W will
start working again.
Very handy….

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To make stress legends appear “cleaner”, I often set the bottom Level color
to a shade of gray. In the above example, I have Modified the color of the
geometry surfaces to the same gray color.

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The Set Levels

color scheme
works by
between six
colors. For
example, the
stress legend is set
to display 20
levels. The six
colors are broken
into 20 discrete
color bands. For
the current
display, I have set
only the bottom
color band to

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Thoughts on Developing Mechanical Engineering Analysis Expertise: Internally and/or Externally

By George Laird, Predictive Engineering, Corvallis OR (Desktop Engineering Article)

Developing mechanical engineering expertise is all about return-on-investment (ROI). In companies

approaching this dilemma about developing analysis expertise I often ask how often they expect to be
performing analysis tasks. The bottom line is that it takes time to become proficient at analysis regardless of
how simple the analysis needs are perceived to be by the uninitiated. Typically, for analysis to become an
effective engineering tool within a company, the designer/engineer/whatever should be using the tool at
least once a month to garner a real ROI. Why once a month? It is considered the minimum, while for many
types of analysis work, once a week would be a more reasonable expectation.

With new users, the company should expect some ramp-up period of gaining knowledge and confidence.
As analysis needs differ so does the ramp-up time. This is where companies have the greatest difficulty in
determining whether to buy software or hire a consultant. Software vendors want to sell software and
consultants want to sell services. There is little chance for the prospective company to get a straight answer
to their analysis needs, yet there is no magic formula since analysis needs vary so dramatically.

For companies that have moderate idealization challenges (i.e., they must build models that contain beams
and plate elements) or have analysis needs beyond the static requirement, I suggest they need to be
building models at least once a month. Additionally, their proposed analyst should spend at least 25% of
his/her time dedicated to learning modeling. Conversely, some companies have very basic needs (solid
CAD into solid analysis models) and can squeak by with perhaps 10% of a person power requirement. The
difficulty with this minimalist approach is that new users rarely have time to gain full confidence in their
modeling approach.

Companies should also consider developing external analysis expertise. The development of a good
relationship with a local mechanical-engineering consultant can easily be the most cost-effective solution.
Of course, one should perform due diligence in checking references and having the perspective consultant
in for an interview. Think of this task as developing a new employee.

Predictive Engineering, Inc.

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Pop Quiz on FEA

1.) If you had one steel and one aluminum cylinder of equal cross-
sectional areas (1 sq-in) and both cylinders are loaded with a force of 100
lbf; Which cylinder will have the higher stress? By how much would you
expect the stress values to differ?

2.) You have just meshed a solid CAD piece of geometry using 10-node
Tetrahedral elements and have applied a fully fixed constraint (all
translations (TX, TY, and TZ) and all rotations (RX, RY, and RZ) are fixed) to
one node of the structure. What action is enforced by the RX, RY, and RZ
constraints? Would you expect the structure to be sufficiently constrained
for a static stress analysis? If not, how many nodes would have to be
constrained to "fix" the model for a stress analysis?

3.) What value of a Poisson's ratio is necessary for a standard beam

element analysis?

4.) You have applied a uniform internal pressure to a cylinder and would
like to check your work. You then use your FEA pre-processor to perform a
sum-of-forces calculation. What value would you expect to be returned
by the sum-of-forces

5.) You have just finished a rather complicated linear, elastic, static stress
analysis using a low cost 1018 steel with a yield stress of 36,000 psi. The
peak stress in the structure is 52,000 psi. The engineering group has
decided to use a more expensive AISI 4340 steel with a yield stress of
around 80,000 psi. Upon implementing this new material into your FEA
database, how would you expect the analysis results to change?

6.) What is the mathematical description of symmetry as used in the FEA

world? How many planes-of-symmetry could be used for a uniformly
loaded plate with a hole at its center?

7.) How would you apply symmetry in a thermal analysis? In other words,
what boundary conditions would you apply?

Note: A person who knows the correct answers is not necessarily a

competent FE analyst. Knowing these answers is a necessary, but not
sufficient, condition.

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