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A hero is someone who helps people, saves people lives, and risks their lives for
someone else’s life. A hero can also be someone brave, cares for someone, loves
someone. Example: Like Superman, Spiderman, the Incredible, etc.

My hero is my parents, because they would do anything to help me, or risk their
lives for me or one of my other siblings. So my hero is my parents.

My hero has helped me with problems, with homework, and other things. My hero
helped me growing up, telling me from right to wrong, teaching me things that I don’t
know, helping me when I got hurt, and teaching me how to live life. Example: helping me
with math homework, helping me when I fell down the stairs a few times, and helping me
when I went to the hospital, so this is why I picked my parents to be my heroes.

The two person that I could never live without, the reason I am standing till this day,
my parents. My parents is who I thank and admire most of all. Without their dedication and
hard work, I would be in the squatters of the Philippines, stuck in a place where it is a very
difficult place to make a good enough living or even make enough money to keep the bread
on the table for your family. Now I’m 19 turning 20 next year and at this tender age my
parents has taught me a lot of things that people at the age of 20 fails to understand. They
had taught me what life is all about. Showed me the way to achieve success, the
opportunities that exist in front of me. But at the same time theyleft the decision up to me
in terms of which path to choose. They are confident that their efforts to make me a good
human being will never go in vein. Seeing their confidence in me some day I want to make
them proud. I thank God everyday for giving me such a loving and caring parents. I also
wish to see them in good health for the rest of my life.So these are my hero, and they will
always be with me.

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