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Learning outcomes:
Students will be able to

Memo is a message that is written shortly, clearly, and easy to be understood. Memo can be
said formal when it is used as a formal statement letter, such as a message from a leader to
employee. But it can be said informal when it is used as an informal statement letter, such as
a message that is sent among friends, relatives, or other person. Usually in the form of
questions, orders, information, warnings, requests, or expectations.

There are two types of memo:

Informal Memo Formal memo

An informal memo is just a memo commonly This memo is usually used by an agency or
used in everyday life. Whether addresses to company to a subordinate or vice versa. There
friends, relatives or family, this memo does not are two parts of the form of the official memo:
involve any institution or organization.

a. Head of memo a. Head of memo

Receiver/acceptor Receiver/acceptor
Sender Sender
Matter and date
b. Content
b. Content
Language feature of formal Memo
 To :The recipient of the MEMO
 From : the person writing the MEMO (sender)
 Date : the date when memo was written, for example: February 22nd, 2009
 Subject : a short specific topic discussed on the MEMO
 Content : The message or things that written on the MEMO

Example of Formal memo

To : All Employees
From : Ahmad Fajar, Head Manager
Date : February 15th, 2019
Subject : Our Company’s Anniversary
Next Sunday, we are going to celebrate our company’s anniversary. It will be
held at 10:00 a.m on February 20th, 2019. There will be bazaar and door prizes
for the employees. I hope you can attend this celebration on time.

Language feature of informal Memo

 To : the recipient (private) *Friends, Family, Organization, etc.
 From : the sender *Friends, Family, Organizatio, etc.
 Content : Message delivered by the sender (private).
 Name : name of the sender

Example of Informal

To: Mom
Mom, I borrowed your clutch bag.
The one with black suede colour and two side pockets. I need it for Bima’s
Birthday party tonight.
Thank you so much!
Activity 1
With following the example that given above, now read the memo carefully then answer the
question that given below!
Memo 1.
Who wrote the memo?
To : Department Managers 2.
Who are the recipients?
From : Mr. Charles Chavez 3.
When was the memo sent?
Date : February 8 , 2019 4.
Why did Mr. Chavez write
Subject : Monthly managerial Meeting the memo?
Our monthly managerial meeting is scheduled for February 5. What action should be
th taken by department
27 , 2019, in the management meeting room at 09:00 a.m.
Please bring your monthly report with you and submit it to my managers?
secretary 30 minutes prior to the meeting.

Activity 2
Interoffice Memorandum
To : All Department Supervisors
From : J. Reinhardt
Personnel officer
Sub : Summary of 3/24 training session on improving job performance.
Date : May 4, 2006

Employees work best if they are happy. As a supervisor, there are things you can do to increase
employee’s job satisfaction. Make sure your employees understand what they have to do. Give
them proper and thorough training so they can do it well, and give the opportunities to bring that
training up to date. Make sure that employees have freedom to exercise their own judgment, to
offer their suggestion, and to point out problems. Most of all, make sure that you tell them they
are doing a good job, not only during special assignments but when they maintain a high
standard of routine work.
1. Who wrote this Memo?
A. Supervisor Department officer.
B. Head of Fischer Communication Company
C. Personnel officer
D. Accounting department officer
2. When do employees do their best work?
A. When they are challenged
B. When they are happy
C. When they are busy
D. When they are pressured
3. Once you have trained an employee, what should you do?
A. Provide ways to update training
B. Make the employee train others
C. Move the employee to a different job
D. Control his or her chance to practice
4. What is NOT mentioned as a freedom employees should have?
A. Exercise their own judgment
B. Offer suggestions
C. Make changes
D. Point out problems
5. What should a boss praise employees for?
A. Exercising their freedom
B. Staying happy
C. Accepting special assignments
D. Doing consistently good work
Choose the correct answer...!
To : All Employees
From : Kartono
Subject : Ordering Supplies
Date : April 4th, 2006

All requests for supplies must be typed and signed. Only typed requests will be accepted. All
requests must be on my desk by fifteenth every month. Approved requested will be sent on the
Accounting Department.
Please plan ahead. It takes two to six weeks to order supplies.
6. The memo is addressed to…
A. New employees
B. Mr. Kartono
C. Head of personnel
D. All employees
7. What should they do with the request?
A. Write down on a paper
B. Typed and signed
C. Write and sign
D. signed
8. When must employees submit their request?
A. In first two weeks each month
B. Within six weeks
C. By the end of the month
D. Immediately
9. What does the memo concern?
A. Overdue accounts
B. Office furniture
C. Supply request
D. Typewriters
10. What will happen to handwritten request?
A. They will not be accepted
B. They will be approved quickly
C. They will be read carefully
D. They will be sent to accounting
Activity 3
Make an informal memo!


A schedule or a timetable, as a basic time-management tool, consists of a list of

times at which possible tasks, events, or actions are intended to take place, or of a
sequence of events in the chronological order in which such things are intended to
take place. The purpose of schedule is to keep yourself in time, to manage your
plane well, to make it easier for us to do something properly.

There are many kinds of schedules but here, we will focus on train schedules, flight schedules,
class schedules, etc.
1. Class schedule
In a school or college, a class schedule is a list that shows the time in the week at which
particular subjects are taught’
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
07:15 – Religion English Indonesian Indonesian Sport Art
09:45 – Biology Math Music English Math Chemistry
11.00 – History Physic Sociology Computer English
2. Flight Schedule
A flight schedule is type of schedule that applies only in the airport that provides
information on the sequence of the departure or the arrival of an aircraft. There are the
information of the destination, the type of aircraft, and time.

3. A train schedule
A train schedule is type of schedule that applies only in a train station which provides
information on the sequence of the departure or the arrival of a train. There are the
information of the destination, the type of train, and time.
Train Class Depart from At Arrive at At
KA Argomuria I Executive Tawang Station 05:30 Gambir Station 11:00
KA Argomuria II Executive Tawang Station 16:00 Gambir Station 21:30
KA Kamandanu Executive Tawang Station 21:00 Gambir Station 03:02
KA Senja Utama Business Tawang Station 20:00 Senen Station 02:07
KA Fajar Bisnis Business Tawang Station 08:00 Senen Station 14:18
*KA Argo B. Anggrek I Executive Tawang Station 12:05 Gambar Station 17:34
*KA Argo B. Anggrek II Executive Tawang Station 00:05 Gambar Station 05:33
*KA Sembrani Executive Tawang Station 22:58 Jkt Kota Station^ 05:12
*KA Gumawang Exec/Bus Tawang Station 21:35 Jkt Kota Station^ 04:30
*KA Bangunkarta Exec/Bus Tawang Station 20:40 Ps Senen Station 03:58

Origin : Surabaya/Jombang ^ : Last destination : Jakarta Kota Station

Activity 4
Answer this questions below based on the f train schedule above!
1. Someone takes a one-way of second class ticket to Greenville. How much does the ticket
2. A young man wants to go to Westview. The train leaves at 8:55. What time will the man
arrive at the destination?
3. On what platform should the young man be ready to get on the train?
4. How long does the train leaving at 7.50 take time to get to Foxley?
5. What does the latest train leave the station?

Activity 5
Practice in pairs. Play roles as a ticket seller and somebody who wants to go by train.
Have each conversation not less than 3 pairs of sentences. You may involve information of:
a. The destination,
b. What time it departs and arrives,
c. What platform it departs from
d. What class and one way or round trip he takes,
e. How much is the fare,
To ask and respond between them
Activity 6
Read the following text to answer
questions number 1 to 4
1. What is text about?
A. An advertisement
B. An announcement
C. A schedule
D. A label
2. Based on the schedule, what time
should have lunch?
A. 11:00
B. 12:00
C. 12:30
D. 02:00
3. What is the purpose of Schedule
A. To arrange our daily activities
B. To fail our daily activities
C. To retell our daily activities
D. To report our daily activities
4. According to the schedule, story
time was earlier than..?
A. Lunch
B. Circle time
C. Last pick up
D. Outdoor group activity

Read the following text to answer questions number 5 and 6

Train Departure Arrival

(Semarang) (Surabaya)

Eastern Sun 6:30 am 3:00 pm

Arya Triwangsa 9:30 am 5:00 pm

Fajar Express 5:30 am 1:00 pm

Midnight Express 10:30 pm 6:00 am

5. If you want to go to Surabaya at 5.30 am, you can take train ...
A. Eastern Sun
B. Arya Triwangsa
C. Fajar Express
D. Midnight Express
6. How long the journey to Surabaya if you take Eastern sun?
A. 7 hours 30 minutes
B. 8 hours 30 minutes
C. 6 hours 35 minutes
D. 5 hours 45 minutes

Read the following text to answer

questions number 7 and 10
7. What is text about?
a. flight schedule
b. an advertisement
c. an estimated time of arrival
d. an estimated time of departure
8. If you want to fly to Medan at 11.00,
you can take flight..?
a. SG 813
b. SG 622
c. SG 504
d. SG 211
9. The earliest flight departure to
Manado is...?
a. SG 813
b. SG 622
c. SG 504
d. SG 211
10. How long the flight to Medan if
you take FL. No SG 506..?
a. 2 hours 15 minutes
b. 2 hours 25 minutes
c. 2 hours 35 minutes
d. 2 hours 45 minutes
Menu is a list of the dishes that may be ordered
(as in a restaurant) or that are to be served (as at a

Dialogue: Ordering Food in a Restaurant

Waiter : Hello! How are you doing?

Lulu : Fine, thank you. Can I see a menu, please?
Waiter : Certainly, here you are.
Lulu : Thanks. What’s special today?
Waiter : Spicy grilled chicken with some cheese.
Lulu : That sounds good. I’ll have that.
Waiter : Would you like something to drink?
Lulu : Yes, I’d like an orange juice.
Waiter : Here you are. Enjoy your meal!
Lulu : Thank you.
Waiter : Can I bring you anything else?
Lulu : No, thanks. I’d like the bill, please.
Waiter : That’ll be Rp 97,000.00.
Lulu : Here you are. Keep the change!
Waiter : Thank you. Have a nice day!
Lulu : Thanks, you too. Bye!

Here are some expressions used to discuss food in a restaurant when ordering and deciding on
what to eat:

What the customer says: What the restaurant staff say:
“I booked a table for two for … “Of course. Please come this way.”
(8pm). “Your table isn’t quite ready yet.”
“It’s under the name of …” “Would you like to wait in the bar?”
“A table for two please.” “We’re fully booked at the moment. Could you come back
a bit later?”

What the waiter says: What the customer says:
“Are you ready to order?” “I’ll have…”
“Can I take your order?” “I’d like…”
“Anything to drink?” “Can I have …”
“Would you like … (chips) with that?” “We’d like to order …”
Dealing with problems
What the customer says: What the waiter says:
Excuse me, but I didn’t order this.” “I’m so sorry about that…”
“I’m sorry, but this is cold.” “Let me take it back for you.” (take it back = return it to
“Can I change my order please?” the kitchen)
“Let me change it for you.”
Getting the bill
What the customer says: What the waiter says:
“Can we have the bill please?” Of course, this is the bill
“Could we get the bill?” Certainly
“Could we pay please?” That will be …. (Rp120.000)
That’s ….. ($50)

Activity 7
Listening Section
Listen to the tape given by the teacher!
1. How many cheeseburgers does the man order?
a. 18
b. 48
c. 80
2. The man is ordering food for a ________ team.
a. Basketball
b. Soccer
c. Tennis
3. The man asks for ________ orders of fries.
a. 40
b. 50
c. 60
4. He also orders 40 ________ shakes.
a. Chocolate
b. Strawberry
c. Vanilla
5. The total comes to ________.
a. $290.13
b. $219.13
c. $290.30
Look at the menu and do the exercises to practice your reading skills.

Write the name of the food in the boxes below the picture!
Pasta Cheese burger Ice cream Grilled fish
Fruit salad Sausages Omelette Vegetables
Cheese and biscuits Chips Roast chicken Tomato soup
Activity 8
Check your understanding: true or false
Circle True or False for these sentences.
1. Lunch is served for two hours only
2. Dinner starts at 2:30 p.m.
3. Bread and butter come free with the starters
4. The snacks are available for lunch and dinner
5. If you order a snack, the salad and chips cost extra
6. There are three flavours of ice cream
Activity 9
Check your understanding: recommendations
Recommend and write a dish or drink for these customers on the line below.
Grilled fish and potatoes Tomato salad Vegetable pasta
Mineral water Cheese and biscuits Chicken sandwich

I’m a vegetarian and I want a starter but I don’t

like soup. What starter should I choose?
I want a main course but I only have £5 and I
don’t like cheese. What do you suggest?
I really love seafood. Which main course do you
I want a dessert but I don’t like sweet things.
What can I choose?
I don’t like eggs or cheese and I only have £4.
What snack can I choose?
It’s a really hot day and I need a cold drink. I only
have £1, though. What can I have?

Activity 10
Practice in pairs. Play roles as a waiter and customer who wants to order the food in the
restaurant. Have each conversation not less than 3 pairs of sentences!

A: _______________________________

B: _______________________________

C: _______________________________

In general, sign is symbols containing warning signs, mandatory signs, prohibition signs and
direction or information of a place intended as information to the crowd or an object whose
presence or occurrence indicates the probable presence or occurrence of something else.
Traffic signs
Traffic signs are part of the road equipment containing emblems, letters, numbers, sentences
and/or combinations in between, which are used for traffic control in the form of warning,
prohibition, mandatory, and instruction/information.
The purpose of traffic signs:
1. Reduce traffic accidents
2. Create safety for the isers of the road
3. To discipline the road users
4. To avoid accidents or casualties
5. Provide directions for riders
6. Providing warning about the danger of the place, etc.

Traffic sign
Activity 11
Your teacher will dictate the meanings of some signs and symbols. Write them down below each
Activity 12
Study the signs on activity 1 and make a short dialogue based on the model of an example below.
Then, practice it with your partner.
Use the cues below.
1. smoke here 6. drive so fast
2. park here 7. go straight ahead
3. turn around 8. take photograph
4. enter the road 9. touch anything
5. blow the horn. 10. go to left

The model of the dialogue

A : Don’t smoke here.

B : Why?
A : Look at that sign! It says “No Smoking”.
B : Oh, I see.
Activity 13
Make another short dialogue about the previous signs and symbols with the following model.
A : What does that sign mean?
B : It means that you are not allowed to smoke here.
A : Oh, I see.

You can modify the clause are not allowed to … (boldfaced)
With these clauses: -you are not permitted to, - it is prohibited to, - it is forbidden to

Activity 14
Match the symbols with the meanings. Write them down on the provided spaces below.
a fire extinguisher electrical hazard inflammable handicapped
smoking section public telephone information center
first aid poison restaurant
lady stairs

(1) = ___________________________________.
(2) = ___________________________________.
(3) = ___________________________________.
(4) = ___________________________________.
(5) = ___________________________________.
(6) = ___________________________________.
(7) = ___________________________________.
(8) = ___________________________________.
(9) = ___________________________________.
(10)= ___________________________________.

Activity 15
Read this passage. Rewrite the bold printed phrases next to the pictures of traffic signs.
Amel also has an experience of the trip to Malang. Here is the story.
When I was a student of elementary school, I went to Malang for the first time. I went
there with my family driving my father’s car. I wondered to see many traffic signs along
the trip. The first sign which I saw was that drivers must wear their seat belt. My
father showed it to me while he was explaining the meaning of it. When passing a school
zone, I found the second sign which meant a school crosswalk ahead. Then, the car was
running slowly when I saw a sign of road work ahead. Some minutes later, I heard a
bell, saw flashing lights ahead and a sign of railway crossing beside the road. Later, I
saw a train pass. When we passed a countryside, the road was hilly. There, I saw a sign
of steep hill ahead. There was also a sign of narrow bridge ahead so my father drove
the car slowly. I was very excited that I could enjoy watching a panorama on the bridge.
Unfortunately, the rain fell and my father had to slow down his car. There was a sign of
road surface slippery when wet. At the time we passed an arterial road, there was a sign
of the heavy trucks should use this roadway. As we would get into a tunnel, there was
a sign of underpass ahead. The overhead clearance was 3.1 meters. Our car swayed to
left side when we passed a sharp curve to the right. There, I saw a group of arrowhead
signs along of the road. As I remembered, the signs were often found in a game of car

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