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Individualized Program Plan Assignment


Group Assignment Confirmation Form:I confirm that I am aware of the entire contents of this group
assignment and that I have reviewed all group members’ contributions to the assignment. I also
acknowledge that each group member will be awarded the same mark for this group assignment.

Group Member Names Laboratory Instructor Name,

Section Number, and D2L
Group Number

Alex Santangelo Dr. Harter B07, Group 4

IPP Template

Individualized Program Plan

Student Information
Student Name: Bernice Thompson
Date of Birth: August 26, 2010
Current School: Wonderful Elementary School
Current Grade: 3
Name of Guardian 1: Mr. Jacob Thompson
Name of Guardian 2: Ms. Shale Maynard

Administrative Information

Alberta Special Education Code: 53 (Emotional/Behavioural Disability)

School Year Current IPP is Active For: September 2019 to June 2020
Primary/Homeroom Classroom Teacher for Current IPP: Mme. Belinda McPherson
Special Education Coordinator: Mr. Granger

School History

Wonderful Elementary School – Kindergarten to present

Medical Conditions that Impact Schooling

Bernice often worries about potential allergies, fearing that she may choke or be unable to
breathe. Presently, Bernice has no known allergies. Prior to and during school, Bernice
frequently experiences headaches and stomach aches. Bernice also has a history of daytime
bathroom accidents, occurring 3-4 times per year. Bernice’s vision is slightly far-sighted.

Assessment Data (Specialized Assessment Results)

Date Tests/Assessment Results

April 9, Psychoeducational - Diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

2019 Assessment with panic attacks and Separation Anxiety
Disorder with panic attacks.
- Assessment indicated High Average overall
Conners3, WIAT-
intellectual functioning, with noticeable
strength in verbal reasoning abilities. Bernice
demonstrated very high verbal comprehension,
Beery VMI-6)
high average fluid reasoning, and average
[Thomas McDaniel,
working memory, processing speed and visual
M.Sc. Registered
spatial ability.
- Assessment indicated Average to above
Average academic skill development. Bernice
demonstrated above Average reading
comprehension, oral reading fluency, word
reading, quickly printing letters letters of the
alphabet, fluency in writing simple sentences,
spelling, sentence composition and written
expression. Bernice demonstrated average
mathematical skills.
- Assessment indicated that Bernice did not meet
the criteria for Hyperactive/Impulsive Attention
Deficit Disorder (ADHD) or Inattentive
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

Medical - Slight far sightedness

June 2017
Assessment: Vison

Current Level of Performance and Achievement

Report Cards

Report Cards from Kindergarten to Grade 2 indicated Bernice achieved grade level
expectations. Since Grade 2 Bernice has demonstrated weakness in oral communication of
information and ideas, as well as writing to develop, organize and express ideas, in French
Language Arts.

Grade 3 report card indicated weakness in understanding Science and Social Studies concepts,
development of healthy relationships and making safe choices.

Curriculum-Based Measurement
Bernice was assessed using the AIMSweb curriculum-based measurement at the beginning of
the school year. She scored very high in reading and performed similarly to other grade 3
students in writing and mathematics.

Student Strengths

- Strong artistic and comprehension skills

- Is imaginative and likes to share her ideas
- Talented in sports and music
- Academic strength in reasoning and problem solving in novel situations
- Experiences emotional intensity (Full-on-ness); she gathers information quickly
- Inquisitive

Student Areas of Need

-Requires support organizing her thoughts and expressing her ideas for writing assignments
-Requires support when feeling intense feelings (Full-on-ness)
-Requires support for developing social confidence such as consistent reminders that she is
capable of overcoming insecurity (use of cards with encouraging messages)
-Requires genuine and calm praise to help assist in developing confidence and social resilience
- In the moment support when experiencing anxiety
-Requires consistent practice of coping strategies to avoid relapsing into old behaviours
-Foster independence and resilience
-Requires guidance for methods to form healthy relationships and making healthy life choices

Required Classroom Accommodations

- Should have access to relaxation practices in the classroom (a sheet with the “5 things
- Should be provided with access to a safe space where a teacher can see her and attend
to her when appropriate
- Provide stress relieving materials (worry-stone) for Bernice when engaging in
classroom actives
- Remind Bernice to take time to acknowledge her strengths and accomplishments to
foster a good habit
- Reward Bernice when she exhibits recognition of her emotional states and takes
independent action
- Look for activities and roles where Bernice is comfortable but can take initiative as a
- At least one person in school with whom she can confide her concerns
- Encouraging verbal support to remind Bernice that everything is going to be okay

Long-Term Goal #1: Bernice will utilize one or more organizational writing technique for
each writing assignment at an 80% frequency by June 26, 2020.

Short-Term Objectives Assessment Progress Review


Bernice will craft a mind map in Bernice is asked to Achieved February 12, 2020
partnership with the teacher and develop and submit a
will transition to crafting an draft of the mind map
individual mind map by February to the teacher by
12, 2020. February 6, 2020. The
teacher will then
provide feedback and
revise the final copy by
February 12, 2020
Bernice will create multiple Self monitoring with Achieved March 16, 2020
drafts of a written assignment checking the mind map
prior to submitting. With limited and taking time to make
reminders by the teacher to refer her own corrections
back to her mind map and will before submitting to the
make corrections 80% of the teacher for corrections.
time before submitting it to her Teacher monitors to
teacher by March 16, 2020 track success with goal.

Bernice will be able to write and Bernice will submit Achieved June 26, 2020
utilize whichever writing work to her teacher
technqiue she finds appropriate along with the writing/
before submitting her drafting technique she
assignments by June 26, 2020 chose on her own. The
teacher tracks edits and
techniques in order to
measure progress.

Strategies to Support Objectives:

Bernice will have her mind map in her desk at all times so she has a physical reminder of how
to stay on track and keep her thoughts organized as well as a list of other writing techniques
she can utilize while working on writing assignments. By doing so this will help reduce
Bernice’s anxiety, keep her on track and help organize her thoughts for writing assigments.
This classroom strategy will be used in conjunction with daily verbal teacher prompts until
March 16, 2020, moving forward teacher prompts will be limited and Bernice will take
responsibility for organizing her submitted work.

Long-Term Goal #2: *Entire section completed for Assignment Part B.

*List long-term goal #1 here.
Short-Term Objective Assessment Procedure Progress Review

*Complete short-term objective *Complete assessment Achieved

2A procedures for short-
term objective 2A

*Complete short-term objective *Complete assessment Achieved

2B procedures for short-
term objective 2B

*Complete short-term objective *Complete progress Achieved

2C review for short-term
objective 2C

Strategies to Support Objectives: *Entire section completed for Assignment Part 2.

*List strategies to support the objectives for long-term goal #2 here.

Long-Term Goal #3: *Entire section completed for Assignment Part B.

*List long-term goal #1 here.

Short-Term Objectives Assessment Progress Review


*Complete short-term objective *Complete assessment Achieved

3A procedures for short-
term objective 3A
*Complete short-term objective *Complete assessment Achieved
3B procedures for short-
term objective 3B

*Complete short-term objective *Complete progress Achieved

3C review for short-term
objective 3C

Strategies to Support Objectives: *Entire section completed for Assignment Part B.

*List strategies to support the objectives for long-term goal #1 here.

Planning for Transition

- Provide Bernice with information about transitions and if possible introduce her to new
teachers before entering into new classes each year.
- Discuss with Bernice how she may be feeling about transitions and go through her
anxiety tools with her and what she has accomplished to facilitate a sense of readiness.

*List any transitions that need to be in place for future settings (e.g., future grades, post high
school) and any relevant notes related to both small and large transitions within the regular
school day (e.g., between classes, teachers, etc.).

Year-End Summary

*Not required for the assignment.

*IPP template modified from Alberta Education (2006). Alberta Education (2006). Individualized
program planning (IPP) ECS to grade 12: Working through the IPP process.
Parent Summary *Entire section completed for Assignment Part B.
Now that you have completed Bernice’s IPP, you have to set-up a meeting with her parents, Mr. Jacob
Thompson and Ms. Shale Maynard, to discuss the IPP and the three goals going forward. Please describe,
in parent-friendly language, how in this meeting you would talk about how Bernice’s IPP will be used as
a working document to support her individualized learning. This should include an explanation of how
the information you gleaned from assessment reports, report cards, CBMs, and talking with her parents in
previous conversations, guided you in determining Bernice’s areas of need, strengths, and the three goals
you plan to focus on and monitor for progress. This section should be no longer than 500 words.

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