VISUAL BASIC 6.0 PROJECT ON Fast Food Management System

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1.1 Background Study:

A fast food management is a specific type of restaurant
characterized both by its fast food cuisine and by minimal table service.
Food served in fast food restaurants typically caters to a "meat-sweet diet"
and is offered from a limited menu; is cooked in bulk in advance and kept
hot; is finished and packaged to order; and is usually available ready to take
away, though seating may be provided.

Fast food management are usually part of a restaurant chain or

franchise operation, which provisions standardized ingredients and/or
partially prepared foods and supplies to each restaurant through controlled
supply channels. The term "fast food" was recognized in a dictionary by
Merriam–Webster in 1951Human Resource management Refers to the
Policies, practices and systems that influence employees behavior, attitude
and performance, it plays an active role in attracting, Motivating,
Rewarding and retaining Employees. Training plays a Very strategic role in
supporting a business.

1.1.1 The organization profile:

The main work of this organization is maintaining the records of
customer and the work of maintaining records is done on the register.

1.1.2 Study of the existing system:

The existing system was a manual one. Whatever be the process
involved in the system were done through register (files). There were lots
of complexities involved in the system. When any customer takes new
connections then separate files were maintained. Updating of data was
very tedious job. It was not easy to do several administrative works like

managing rates of properties , addition or modification of property details
& customer entries.

1.2 Project overview:

The project is highly flexible and is well efficient for
managing all information about the Seller of property. The key focus is:
well management of data and easy retrieval of information. The speed
and accuracy should be maintained in a proper way. Changes can be done
very easily using the facility and flexibility in v.b. 6.0 and access 2007. The
software can be developed in a neat and simple manner hence it reduces
operator’s work.

1.3 Objective of the project:

The main goal of this project is to make the record
of customer’s easier & quicker.

 It is situated for all level of peoples.

 It provides proper details about all the customer & their records.
 User friendly environment makes the data handling more easily.
 It easily provides an environment where the user can get information
about all the customers & there records.

2.1 Study of the proposed system:
There are lots of advantages of having quality Fast Food
Management Software. What it does is basically decreases the amount of
work you have to do usually. Most of the restaurants these days deal larger
amounts of cash along with credit cards being swiped, not to forget online
orders which make it quite difficult to keep up with everything. This is when
restaurant management software becomes important.

This software helps you to track all the profits, loss, profitable clients
and products of fast food managent moreover it’s a fast food management
software. Flexible and adaptive software suited to fast food management
or food stores of any size.
This System will store the information of food & customers in the
system. It will also store the information about customer details. This
system provides security by granting access rights for changing the sensitive
data to administrator only. Customized search options are also available in
this system. This system can generate all kinds of reports as per the user’s

Important features of this proposed system are:

 Consistent user interface with high economic features built into it.
 System design in modular and structured way so as to make the
integration with other subsystems easier.
 User has complete control as it provides and accept only appropriate
and valid data.
 User-friendly error messages are provided wherever necessary.

 Addition, deletion, modification of records as when needed.
 Providing connections to new customers.
 Bill generation for customers.


 To reduce workload of staff.

 To reduce the delay in processing time.
 To reduce the delay in bill generation.
 To provide the user-friendliness in all possible ways.
 To provide greater flexibility.
 Make maintenance changes easy.
 To store data in a centralized location to reduce redundancy and
increase consistency.

2.1.1 Problem definition:

In the old system the main task of editing is not done
easily & it will also take time. Such as:
 Data can easily be misuse, if the safety is not taken.
 It is very time consuming process.
 User cannot keep the records or information of full data
 It is not reliable to keep the records in the registers.
But in the proposed system the main assumptions are, the
system should already contains all the hardware’s & software’s as well as
the person who use this product should familiar with win 98 or win xp or
any operating system.

2.1.2 Solution strategies:
The main solution of the problem is to provide suitable &
user friendly environment to a user so that the user can maintain the
detail of customer in a very easy manner.


Hardware Requirement

The configuration given below is the Hardware handled for the system
Processor : PENTIUM III or Above
Primary Memory (RAM) : 64 MB or Above
Secondary Memory (Hard disk) : 20 GB or Above
Monitor : COLOR, 10 inch or above
Display card : SVGA
Mouse : Any Company
Cabinet : Any Company

Software Requirement
Operating System : Windows 98 or above
Front End tool : Visual Basic 6.0
Back End tool : MS-Access


Operating System

As the Shop is presently has its situated in One place, STAND ALONE system is
proposed with WINDOWS 98 operating system.

Front End tool
Visual Basic 6.0

Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 is the powerful programming language to develop

application for windows. Windows is the operating system, which runs based on
messages and with rich user interface. Here are little details about how windows
works and programming model using Visual Basic.


Visual Basic 6.0 is an enjoyable language due to its visual environment.

Building a windows program in Visual Basic requires dragging and dropping
graphic objects on to the screen from a toolbox. Thus Visual Basic is the efficient
GUI tools to develop some exciting windows-based application.
Visual Basic 6.0 is much more than just a programming language. The
programming language forms the background of all that takes place in a running
Visual Basic program. The language is a secondary consideration to the user
interface. A windows program offers a high degree of user interaction using the
graphical elements that forms the objects on the window the user sees .If the
user interface is not correct, user will not like the program.
Visual Basic lets one add menus, text boxes, command buttons, option buttons
(for making exclusive choice), check boxes, list boxes, scroll bars and file and
directory boxes to black windows. One can use Visual Basic to communicate with
other applications, running under windows. Visual Basic offers: More Internet
features, better support for data base development, more language feature to
make programming job easier.

 Data access features allow creating databases, front-end applications and
scalable server side components for most popular databases formats
including Microsoft SQL server and other enterprise level databases.
 Active X technology allows using functionality provided by other
applications such as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and other applications
and objects could be created using the Professional Enterprise editions of
Visual Basic.
 Internet capabilities make it easy to provide access to documents and
applications across the Internet or Intranet server applications.
The finished applications are a true .exe files that uses a Visual Basic virtual
machine that can be freely distributed.


Toolbox: The Tool Box window differs from the tool bar. The Tool Box is a
collection of tool that acts as a repository of controls we can place on forms.
Some tools are Selection Pointer, Picture Box, Label, Text Box, Frame Button,
Command Botany, Check Box, Option Button etc.
Form: Visual Basic uses a window; controls are the widgets one place of a form.
In a form we will customize by adding controls such as command buttons, list
boxes to it. At the top of the black form is the little bar with its caption.
Common Form properties:
There are several common properties to customize a form, these are: -
Caption: Caption is used as a title that the Microsoft Window for the application
icon when the user minimizes the application.
Name: This property is used to give the name that one want to use to refer to the

Enabled: If user sets Enabled to false, the form cannot respond to any events
such as the user checking on the form.
Icon: The icon property determines the icon users application will display when it
is minimized on tool bar or turned into a stand-alone application on windows
Visible: If the value of the property is set to false, it will no longer be visible.

Text Boxes:
It is used to display text or to accept user input. Most of the code is written to
process the information users enter into them. Several properties of text boxes
are as follows: -
Text: The text property in text box is the analog of the caption property for a
command button or a form; it controls text the users see. It determines whether
text on the control such as label or command button, is left justified, centered, or
right justified on the control. The Alignment property take one of the three
values: 0-Left justify, 1-Right justify, 2-Center.
Multiline: This property determines whether a text box can accept more than one
line of text when the user runs the application, and it is usually combine with
resulting the value of the scrollbar property. If true the property specifies the text
box can hold more than a line of text.
Max Length: This property specifies the maximum number of characters that the
text box will accept. A value of 0 indicates that the user can enter a value of any

Locked: This property determines whether the user can enter a value or change
the default value of the text box. If true, the user cannot change the text box
value until the program, at run time assigns a false to this property.
Password char: The Password property lets us limit what the text box displays.

Labels: Use Labels to display information programmer does not want the user to
be able to change. Most common use for Labels is to identify a text box or other
control by describing its contents. Another common use is to display help

Message Boxes:
Message boxes display information in the dialog box superimposed on the
form. They want for the user to choose a button before return to the
application. User cannot switch to another form in programmers applications
as long as Visual Basic is displaying a message box.

Value Named constant Description

0 vbOKOnly OK button
1 vbOKCancel OK and Cancel buttons
2 vbAboRetryIgnore Abort,Retry and Cancel buttons
3 vbYesNoCancel Yes and No and Cancel buttons
4 vbYesNo Yes and No buttons
MsgBox “ The message goes in codes”, 4
Programmer usually frames passively to group images or controls.

Option Buttons:
They all work together. When the user chooses one button, all other buttons in
the group are turned off. The value property of the option button tells us whether
a button was selected by the user. If the value property is true, the user selected
that button; otherwise, its value property is false.

Check Boxes:
Check Boxes differ from option button in that, regardless of how many Check
Boxes one places on a form, they can all be turned on and off independently. If
the user has selected Check Boxes, the value property switches to true. It stays
true until the user deselects that box.
List and Combo boxes:
Use list boxes when we have a fixed list of choices. Visual Basic automatically adds
vertical scroll bars when the list box is small for all items it contains.
To allow users to input data as well as choices from a list, we use a Combo Box.


 Data List
 Data Combo
 Data Grid
 Microsoft Flex Grid
 Microsoft Hierarchical Flex Grid
 Rich Textbox
 Microsoft Chart
 Date Time Picker
 Image Combo

How Windows Works
Windows involves three key concepts: windows, events and messages.
Think of a window as a rectangular region with its own boundaries. For example,
Explorer window in Windows, a Document window within word processing
program, or a dialog box that pops up to remind you of an appointment. A
command button is also a window. Icons, text boxes, option buttons and menu
are all windows.
The Microsoft Windows operating system manages all of these many windows by
assigning each one a unique id number (window handle or hewn). The system
continually monitors each of these windows for signs of activity or events. Events
can occur through user actions such as a mouse click or a key press, through
programmatic control, or even as a result of another window’s actions.
Each time an event occurs, it causes a message to be sent to the operating
system. The system processes the message and broadcasts it to the other
windows. Each window can then take the appropriate action based on its own
instructions for dealing with that particular message (for example, repainting
itself when it has been uncovered by another window).
Dealing with all of the possible combinations of windows, events and messages
could be very difficult. Many of the messages are handled automatically by Visual
Basic; others are exposed as event procedures for our convenience. This allows us
to quickly create powerful applications without having to deal with unnecessary


In traditional or “procedural” applications, the application itself controls which
portions of code execute and in what sequence. Execution starts with the first
line of code and follows a predefined path through the application, calling
procedures as needed.
In an event-driven application, the code doesn’t follow a predetermined path – it
executes different code sections in response to events. The sequence of these

events determines the sequence in which the code executes, thus the path
through the application’s code differs each time the program runs.
Because we can’t predict the sequence of events, our code must make certain
assumptions about the “state of the world” when it executes. When we make
assumptions (for example, that an entry field must contain a value before running
a procedure to process that value), we should structure our application in such a
way as to make sure that the assumption will always be valid (for example,
disabling the command button that starts the procedure until the entry field
contains a value).
Our code can also trigger events during execution. For example,
programmatically changing the text in a text box cause the text box’s Change
event to execute. If you assumed that this event would only be triggered by user
information, you might see unexpected results. That’s why it is very important to
understand the event-driven model and keep it in mind when we design the

The traditional application development process can be broken into three distinct
steps: code writing, compiling the code, and testing code. Unlike traditional
languages, Visual Basic uses an interactive approach to development, blurring the
distinction between the three steps.

With most languages, if we make a mistake in writing the code, the compiler
catches the error when we start to compile the application. We must then find
and fix the error and begin the compile cycle again, repeating the process for each
error found. Visual Basic interprets the code as we enter it, catching and
highlighting most syntax or spelling errors on the fly. It’s almost like having an
expert watching over our shoulder as we write the code.
In addition to catching errors on the fl, Visual Basic also partially compiles the
code as it is entered. When the code is ready to run and test the application,
there is only a brief delay to finish compiling. If the compiler finds an error, it is
highlighted in the code. We can fix the error and continue compiling without
having to start over.

Because of the interactive nature of Visual Basic, we can’t test the effects of the
code as we work rather than waiting to compile later.


Visual Basic provides us a lot of User Interface elements, which are easier to
create and use. For example Forms, Menus, dialog boxes and supporting controls
such as Check Box, List Box, Edit Box, Etc.


Visual Basic supports a lot for data base connectivity; we can use ODBC to
connect with different databases like Oracle, Sybase, Etc.

Back End Tool [MS-Access]

On a program of software that can help us to access data and perform operations
it is called a “Data Base Management System”. The DBMS whose design is based
on the Relational Theory is called “The Relational Database Management System”

MS-Access is a RDBMS, offers capabilities of both Relational and Object Oriented

database systems. It supports very large databases that could contain hundreds of
terabytes of information. The records are represented in a flat two dimensional
table with rows and columns. Each column has an unique name. All elements in
each column are of same kind.

MS-Access provides access to many concurrent users to the order of thousands
managing large amount of data could present administrative and performance

MS-Access is the default backend for Visual Basic. Creating tables and making
data entries in MS-Access are made easier. It has the advantage of querying. It is
more faster in retrieving data. The data can also be external to the database. It
has enriched data types.


Database: -A database is a set of data, organized for easy access. The database is
the actual data. It is the database that you will be accessing when you need to
retrieve data.

Data Dictionary: -The data dictionary is a set of tables Access uses to maintain
information about the database. The data dictionary contains information about
tables, indexes, clusters, and so on.

DBA (Database Administrator): -The DBA is the person responsible for the
operation, configuration, and performance of the database. The DBA is charged
with keeping the database operating smoothly, ensuring that backups are done
on a regular basis (and that the backups work), and installing new software. Other
responsibilities might include planning for future expansion and disk space needs,
creating databases and tablespaces, adding users and maintaining security, and
monitoring the database and retuning it as necessary. Large installations might
have teams of DBAs to keep the system running smoothly; alternatively, the tasks
might be segmented among the DBAs.

DBMS or RDBMS: -The Database Management System is the software and

collection of tools that manages the database. Access software is the DBMS. A
Relational Database Management System is a DBMS that is relational in nature.

This means that the internal workings access data in a relational manner. Access is

Query: -A query is a read-only transaction against a database. A query is

generated using the SELECT statement. Users generally distinguish between
queries and other transaction types because a query does not change the data in
the database.

Schema: -A schema is a collection of objects associated with the database.

Microsoft Access is a very effective DBMS tool which is generally used by all the
users. It is compatible with all types of systems & can be installed and used as and
when required.


Project estimation and scheduling were carried out together by the project leader
as Per the norms of the company. Some cost estimation was done at the early
stage before the schedules were drawn up. Once the project was underway,
estimates were updated. The factors involved in computing the total cost of a
software project were

* Hardware & software cost,

* Maintenance cost,
* Travel and training cost and
* Effort cost.

Scheduling as well as estimating the effort required to develop the software

system were done by the project leader in discussion with the Company officials.


3.1 Design Notations:

3.1.1 Data Flow Diagram:

Zero level Data Flow Diagram:

Fast Food Order


First level Data Flow Diagram:


Customer Order



Customer Menu



Food method

Print Bill
Bill record

3.1.2 E-R Diagram:

Date of Time Food

booking Order Customer Book
Quantit Name ID
Cont y Order
act accept

Name Rs

Book unt
ID Booki
Customer ng View of

BookingD Non-
etails Booking

Table Order
number Record

Accept Table
Rs Amount

Order Total
No. Amount

Order Quantity

Order Food -ent BILL

3.2 Design Process:

3.2.1 Database design:

Login Table:

Booking Table:

Non-Booking Table:

Errors committed by data entry operator can be controlled by the input
design. The following approaches have been incorporated into the input
design of the proposed system.

A menu is a selection list that simplifies the data entry the user can
choose from a list of option, by typing the option letter associated with
option in position where the cursor is located.
This project has both Graphical Menu and also Pull down Menu
Graphical Menu is designed in such a way that, if the user moves the
mouse cursor above the main option – sub options displayed

Data entry screens have been designed which are similar in formatting
source documents. Help screens have been designed the user to enter
data without confusion.

The input data are validated to minimize errors validation is done. In
certain cases validation is made to check whether the given data is
numeric or not.

Appropriate messages are provided to the user to inform of what is
happening. Errors are used to indicate the error code and specific error

A fixed format is adopted for displaying the title and the messages. Each
screen has a status line, which displays the operation that can be
performed after data entry.

The system participates in interactive dialogue and is able to cope with
missing or omitted information. It covers the dialogue by retaining
adequate information between each dialogue.


It is necessary that the output reports be compatible format with the
manual reports. The output has been designed in mind. Output design is
the basis by which many users evaluate the usefulness of the system. The
output forms used in this software are required for query response and
reports. The emphasis is required for producing the hard copy of the
information requested or displaying the output on a CRT screen.

Software testing is a crucial element of software quality assurance and
represents the ultimate review of specification, design and coding. The increasing
visibility of software as a system element and the attendant "cost" associated
with a software failure are motivating forces for well-planned, thorough testing.
Testing is a set of activities that can be planned in advance and conducted
systematically. Testing begins at the module level and work towards the
integration of entire computers based system. Nothing is complete without
testing, as it is vital success of the system.

Unit Testing
Unit testing focuses on the verification of smallest unit of software design
of the module. To check whether each module in the software works properly so
that it gives desired outputs to the given inputs. All validations and conditions are
tested in the module level in unit test. Control paths are tested to ensure the
information properly flows into and out of the program unit under test. Boundary
condition are tested to ensure that the modules operates at boundary establishes
to restrict processing. All independent paths through control structure are
exercised to ensure that all statements in a module have been executed at least
once. And finally all errors handling paths are tested.
In our system, Unit testing has been successfully handled. The test data was
given to each module in all respects and have got desired output. Each module
has been found working properly.

Black Box Testing

Black Box Testing methods focus on the functional requirements of the
software. This testing enables the software engineer to derive sets of input
conditions that will fully exercise all functional requirements for a program. This
testing attempts to find errors in the following categories: incorrect or missing
functions, interface errors, errors in data structure or external database access,
performance errors and initialization errors and termination errors. In our system,
Black Box testing has been successfully handled. The test input data was given has
got desired output.

User Acceptance Testing

The performance of user interactive testing is actually the user show. The
user gives live data and checks whether software is giving specified outputs .


4.2.1 Implementation Procedures :

Implementation is the phase where the system goes for actual functioning.
Hence in this phase one has to be cautious because all the efforts undertaken
during the project will be fruitful only if the software is properly implemented
according to the plans made.
The implementation phase is less creative than system design. It is primarily
concerned with user training, site preparation and file conversion. Depending
on the nature of the system, extensive user training may be required. The
initial parameters of the MIS should be modified as the result of programming
efforts; programming provides a reality test for the assumptions made by the

4.2.2 Operational Documentation:

The system testing checks the readiness and accuracy of the system to access,
update and retrieve data from new files. Once the programs become available,
the test data are read into the computer and process.


We may define Software Maintenance by describing four activities that are

undertaken after a program is released for use.

Corrective Maintenance
The first maintenance activity occurs since it is unreasonable to assume
that software testing will uncover all errors in a large software system. The
process of including the diagnosis and correction of one or more errors is called
corrective maintenance.

Adaptive Maintenance
This activity that contributes to the definition of maintenance occurs since
rapid change is encountered in every aspect of computing. Therefore, adaptive
maintenance modifies software to properly interface with the changing

Perfective Maintenance
This activity involves recommendations for new capabilities, modifications
to the existing functions and general enhancements when the software is used.
To satisfy these requests, perfective maintenance is performed.

Preventive Maintenance
This activity occurs when software is changed to improve further
maintainability or reliability. If the only available element of a Software
Configuration is the source code, maintenance activity begins with the evaluation
of the code, often complicated by poor internal documentation. The subtle
characteristics such as program structure, global data structure, system interfaces
and performance & design constraints are difficult to handle and are often
misinterpreted. The amounts of changes that are made to the code are difficult to



Login Form Coding:

Private Sub CANCEL_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub LOGIN_Click()

Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from login where Username='" + Text1.Text +
"'and Password='" + Text2.Text + "'"
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Login failed,Try again...!!!", vbCritical, "Please Enter correct Username
and Password"
MsgBox "Login successful", vbInformation, "Successful Attempt"
End If
End Sub

Progress Bar Form Coding:

Dim ctr, ctr2, r As Double

Dim ctr3 As String
Private Sub Form_Load()
Timer1.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Label1.Caption = "Loading....."
ctr = 0
If ctr2 <= 100 Then
r = Int((200 - 100 + 1) * Rnd + 100)
ctr = r / 122
ctr = Round(ctr, 0)
ctr = ctr2 + ctr
ctr3 = Str(ctr)
If ctr >= 100 Then
Label2.Caption = "100%"
Shape2.Width = 13455
Unload Me
Shape2.Width = Shape2.Width + r
Label2.Caption = (ctr3) + "%"
ctr2 = Int(ctr3)
End If
End If
End Sub

MDI Form Coding:

Private Sub bill_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub booking_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub customer_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub directorder_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub logout_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub MDIForm_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub nonbooking_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub order_Click()

End Sub

Private Sub view_Click()

End Sub

Customer Form Coding:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
MsgBox "Successfully saved"

Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in saving"
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text11.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text11.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text11.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text11.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text11.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text11.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text11.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text11.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text11.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text11.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text11.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text11.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text11.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text11.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text11.Text = ("Pasta")

ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text11.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text11.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text11.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text11.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text11.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text11.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text11.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text12.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text12.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text12.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text12.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text12.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text12.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text12.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text12.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")

ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text12.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text12.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text12.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text12.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text12.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text12.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text12.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text12.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text12.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text12.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text12.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text12.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text12.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text12.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text13.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")

ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text13.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text13.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text13.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text13.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text13.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text13.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text13.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text13.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text13.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text13.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text13.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text13.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text13.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text13.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text13.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text13.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text13.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text13.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then

Text13.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text13.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text13.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text14.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text14.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text14.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text14.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text14.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text14.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text14.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text14.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text14.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text14.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text14.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text14.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then

Text14.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text14.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text14.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text14.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text14.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text14.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text14.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text14.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text14.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text14.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text15.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text15.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text15.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text15.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text15.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then

Text15.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text15.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text15.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text15.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text15.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text15.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text15.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text15.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text15.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text15.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text15.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text15.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text15.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text15.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text15.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text15.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text15.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command15_Click()
On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text16.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text16.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text16.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text16.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text16.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text16.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text16.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text16.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text16.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text16.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text16.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text16.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text16.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text16.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text16.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text16.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text16.Text = ("Tava Pulav")

ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text16.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text16.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text16.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text16.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text16.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command16_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text17.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text17.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text17.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text17.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text17.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text17.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text17.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text17.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text17.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text17.Text = ("Chicken Momos")

ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text17.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text17.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text17.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text17.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text17.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text17.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text17.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text17.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text17.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text17.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text17.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text17.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command17_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text18.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text18.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text18.Text = ("Bread Pizza")

ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text18.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text18.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text18.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text18.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text18.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text18.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text18.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text18.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text18.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text18.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text18.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text18.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text18.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text18.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text18.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text18.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text18.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text18.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then

Text18.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command18_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text19.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text19.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text19.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text19.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text19.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text19.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text19.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text19.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text19.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text19.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text19.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text19.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text19.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text19.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then

Text19.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text19.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text19.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text19.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text19.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text19.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text19.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text19.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command19_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text20.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text20.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text20.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text20.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text20.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text20.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text20.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then

Text20.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text20.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text20.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text20.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text20.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text20.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text20.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text20.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text20.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text20.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text20.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text20.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text20.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text20.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text20.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""

Text3.Text = ""
DTPicker1.Value = ""
Text5.Text = ""
Text6.Text = ""
Text7.Text = ""
Text8.Text = ""
Text9.Text = ""
Text10.Text = ""
Text11.Text = ""
Text12.Text = ""
Text13.Text = ""
Text14.Text = ""
Text15.Text = ""
Text16.Text = ""
Text17.Text = ""
Text18.Text = ""
Text19.Text = ""
Text20.Text = ""
Text52.Text = ""
Text53.Text = ""
Text54.Text = ""
Text55.Text = ""
Text56.Text = ""
Text57.Text = ""
Text58.Text = ""
Text59.Text = ""
Text60.Text = ""
Text61.Text = ""
Text62.Text = ""
Text63.Text = ""
Text64.Text = ""
Text65.Text = ""
Text66.Text = ""
Text21.Text = ""
Text22.Text = ""
Text23.Text = ""
Text24.Text = ""

Text25.Text = ""
Text26.Text = ""
Text27.Text = ""
Text28.Text = ""
Text29.Text = ""
Text30.Text = ""
Text31.Text = ""
Text32.Text = ""
Text33.Text = ""
Text34.Text = ""
Text35.Text = ""
Text36.Text = ""
Text37.Text = ""
Text38.Text = ""
Text39.Text = ""
Text40.Text = ""
Text41.Text = ""
Text42.Text = ""
Text43.Text = ""
Text44.Text = ""
Text45.Text = ""
Text46.Text = ""
Text47.Text = ""
Text48.Text = ""
Text49.Text = ""
Text50.Text = ""
Text51.Text = ""
End Sub

Private Sub Command20_Click()

Text51.Text = Val(Text36.Text) + Val(Text37.Text) + Val(Text38.Text) +
Val(Text39.Text) + Val(Text40.Text) + Val(Text41.Text) + Val(Text42.Text) +
Val(Text43.Text) + Val(Text44.Text) + Val(Text45.Text) + Val(Text46.Text) +
Val(Text47.Text) + Val(Text48.Text) + Val(Text49.Text) + Val(Text50.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command21_Click()

Text36.Text = Val(Text66.Text) * Val(Text21.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command22_Click()

Text37.Text = Val(Text65.Text) * Val(Text22.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command23_Click()

Text38.Text = Val(Text64.Text) * Val(Text23.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command24_Click()

Text39.Text = Val(Text63.Text) * Val(Text24.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command25_Click()

Text40.Text = Val(Text62.Text) * Val(Text25.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command26_Click()

Text41.Text = Val(Text61.Text) * Val(Text26.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command27_Click()

Text42.Text = Val(Text60.Text) * Val(Text27.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command28_Click()

Text43.Text = Val(Text59.Text) * Val(Text28.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command29_Click()

Text44.Text = Val(Text58.Text) * Val(Text29.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()


Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command30_Click()

Text45.Text = Val(Text57.Text) * Val(Text30.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command31_Click()

Text46.Text = Val(Text56.Text) * Val(Text31.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command32_Click()

Text47.Text = Val(Text55.Text) * Val(Text32.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command33_Click()

Text48.Text = Val(Text54.Text) * Val(Text33.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command34_Click()

Text49.Text = Val(Text53.Text) * Val(Text34.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command35_Click()

Text50.Text = Val(Text52.Text) * Val(Text35.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command36_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Booking where BookID = '" + Text4.Text +
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record not found", vbCritical, "Message"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End If

Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in adding"
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text6.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text6.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text6.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text6.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text6.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text6.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text6.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text6.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text6.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text6.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text6.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then

Text6.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text6.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text6.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text6.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text6.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text6.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text6.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text6.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text6.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text6.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text6.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text7.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text7.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text7.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text7.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then

Text7.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text7.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text7.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text7.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text7.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text7.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text7.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text7.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text7.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text7.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text7.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text7.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text7.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text7.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text7.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text7.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text7.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text7.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text8.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text8.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text8.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text8.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text8.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text8.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text8.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text8.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text8.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text8.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text8.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text8.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text8.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text8.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text8.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text8.Text = ("French Fries")

ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text8.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text8.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text8.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text8.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text8.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text8.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text9.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text9.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text9.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text9.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text9.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text9.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text9.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text9.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text9.Text = ("Veg Momos")

ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text9.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text9.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text9.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text9.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text9.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text9.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text9.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text9.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text9.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text9.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text9.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text9.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text9.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text10.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text10.Text = ("Maggie")

ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text10.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text10.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text10.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text10.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text10.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text10.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text10.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text10.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text10.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text10.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text10.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text10.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text10.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text10.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text10.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text10.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text10.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text10.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then

Text10.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(23) Then
Text10.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

View Customer Form Coding:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Booking where BookID = '" + Text1.Text +
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record not found", vbCritical, "Message"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
confirmation = MsgBox("Do you want to delete this record", vbYesNo + vbCritical,
"Delete Record Confirmation")
If confirmation = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record has been deleted successfully", vbInformation, "Message"
MsgBox "record not Deleted !!!", vbInformation, "Message"

End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Cannot delete this row or select row to delete"
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Booking"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
MsgBox "Successfully saved"
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in saving"
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()

DataEnvironment2.Bookbill Text1
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
End Sub

Order Form Coding:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Nonbooking where OrderNo = '" +
Text3.Text + "'"
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record not found", vbCritical, "Message"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in adding"
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in Saving"
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo errmsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is no more Next"
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox "There is no more Previous"
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
confirmation = MsgBox("Do you want to delete this record", vbYesNo + vbCritical,
"Delete Record Confirmation")
If confirmation = vbYes Then
MsgBox "Record has been deleted successfully", vbInformation, "Message"
MsgBox "record not Deleted !!!", vbInformation, "Message"
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Cannot delete this row or select row to delete"
End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Nonbooking"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error in Saving"
End Sub

Private Sub Command10_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text11.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text11.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text11.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text11.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text11.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text11.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text11.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text11.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then

Text11.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text11.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text11.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text11.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text11.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text11.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text11.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text11.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text11.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text11.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text11.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text11.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text11.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text11.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command11_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text12.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then

Text12.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text12.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text12.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text12.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text12.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text12.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text12.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text12.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text12.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text12.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text12.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text12.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text12.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text12.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text12.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text12.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text12.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text12.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text12.Text = ("Egg Maggie")

ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text12.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text12.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command12_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text13.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text13.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text13.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text13.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text13.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text13.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text13.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text13.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text13.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text13.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text13.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text13.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text13.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")

ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text13.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text13.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text13.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text13.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text13.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text13.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text13.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text13.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text13.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command13_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text14.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text14.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text14.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text14.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text14.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text14.Text = ("Crispy Corn")

ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text14.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text14.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text14.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text14.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text14.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text14.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text14.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text14.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text14.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text14.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text14.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text14.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text14.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text14.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text14.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text14.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command14_Click()
On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text15.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text15.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text15.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text15.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text15.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text15.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text15.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text15.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text15.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text15.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text15.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text15.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text15.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text15.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text15.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text15.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text15.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then

Text15.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text15.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text15.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text15.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text15.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Command20_Click()

Text51.Text = Val(Text36.Text) + Val(Text37.Text) + Val(Text38.Text) +
Val(Text39.Text) + Val(Text40.Text) + Val(Text41.Text) + Val(Text42.Text) +
Val(Text43.Text) + Val(Text44.Text) + Val(Text45.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command21_Click()

Text36.Text = Val(Text66.Text) * Val(Text21.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command22_Click()

Text37.Text = Val(Text65.Text) * Val(Text22.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command23_Click()

Text38.Text = Val(Text64.Text) * Val(Text23.Text)
End Sub

Private Sub Command24_Click()
Text39.Text = Val(Text63.Text) * Val(Text24.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command25_Click()
Text40.Text = Val(Text62.Text) * Val(Text25.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command26_Click()
Text41.Text = Val(Text61.Text) * Val(Text26.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command27_Click()
Text42.Text = Val(Text60.Text) * Val(Text27.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command28_Click()
Text43.Text = Val(Text59.Text) * Val(Text28.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command29_Click()
Text44.Text = Val(Text58.Text) * Val(Text29.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command3_Click()
On Error GoTo errmsg
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Nonbooking where OrderNo = '" +
Text2.Text + "'"
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record not found", vbCritical, "Message"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Command30_Click()
Text45.Text = Val(Text57.Text) * Val(Text30.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then

Text6.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text6.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text6.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text6.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text6.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text6.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text6.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text6.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text6.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text6.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text6.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text6.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text6.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text6.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text6.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text6.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text6.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text6.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text6.Text = ("Burger")

ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text6.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text6.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text6.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command6_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text7.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text7.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text7.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text7.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text7.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text7.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text7.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text7.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text7.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text7.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text7.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text7.Text = ("Veg Biryani")

ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text7.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text7.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text7.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text7.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text7.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text7.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text7.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text7.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text7.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text7.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command7_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text8.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text8.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text8.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text8.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text8.Text = ("Cutlet")

ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text8.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text8.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text8.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text8.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text8.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text8.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text8.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text8.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text8.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text8.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text8.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text8.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text8.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text8.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text8.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text8.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text8.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub

End Sub

Private Sub Command8_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text9.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text9.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text9.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text9.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text9.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text9.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text9.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text9.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text9.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then
Text9.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text9.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text9.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text9.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text9.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text9.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text9.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then

Text9.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text9.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text9.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text9.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text9.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text9.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command9_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
If List1.Selected(1) Then
Text10.Text = ("Cheese Bread Roll")
ElseIf List1.Selected(2) Then
Text10.Text = ("Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(3) Then
Text10.Text = ("Bread Pizza")
ElseIf List1.Selected(4) Then
Text10.Text = ("Kachori Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(5) Then
Text10.Text = ("Cutlet")
ElseIf List1.Selected(6) Then
Text10.Text = ("Crispy Corn")
ElseIf List1.Selected(7) Then
Text10.Text = ("Masala Dosa")
ElseIf List1.Selected(8) Then
Text10.Text = ("Aloo Puri Chaat")
ElseIf List1.Selected(9) Then
Text10.Text = ("Veg Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(10) Then

Text10.Text = ("Chicken Momos")
ElseIf List1.Selected(11) Then
Text10.Text = ("Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(12) Then
Text10.Text = ("Veg Biryani")
ElseIf List1.Selected(13) Then
Text10.Text = ("Paneer Chilli")
ElseIf List1.Selected(14) Then
Text10.Text = ("Sandwich")
ElseIf List1.Selected(15) Then
Text10.Text = ("Pasta")
ElseIf List1.Selected(16) Then
Text10.Text = ("French Fries")
ElseIf List1.Selected(17) Then
Text10.Text = ("Tava Pulav")
ElseIf List1.Selected(18) Then
Text10.Text = ("Choumin")
ElseIf List1.Selected(19) Then
Text10.Text = ("Burger")
ElseIf List1.Selected(20) Then
Text10.Text = ("Egg Maggie")
ElseIf List1.Selected(21) Then
Text10.Text = ("Chole Bhature")
ElseIf List1.Selected(22) Then
Text10.Text = ("Egg Curry")
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Bill Form Coding:

Private Sub Command1_Click()

On Error GoTo errmsg
Adodc1.RecordSource = "select *from Nonbooking where OrderNo = '" +
Text2.Text + "'"
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
MsgBox "Record not found", vbCritical, "Message"
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()

DataEnvironment1.Nonbill Text2
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

Text1.Text = ""
Text2.Text = ""
Text3.Text = ""
Text4.Text = ""
End Sub

Our project is only a humble venture to satisfy the needs to manage their
project work. Several user friendly coding have also adopted. This package shall
prove to be a powerful package in satisfying all the requirements of the school.
The objective of software planning is to provide a frame work that enables the
manger to make reasonable estimates made within a limited time frame at the
beginning of the software project and should be updated regularly as the project

At the end it is concluded that we have made effort on following

 A description of the background and context of the project and its relation
to work already done in the area.
 Made statement of the aims and objectives of the project.
 The description of Purpose, Scope, and applicability.
 We define the problem on which we are working in the project.
 We describe the requirement Specifications of the system and the actions
that can be done on these things.
 We understand the problem domain and produce a model of the system,
which describes operations that can be performed on the system.
 We included features and operations in detail, including screen layouts.
 We designed user interface and security issues related to system.
 Finally the system is implemented and tested according to test cases.

It is the complete fast food management software is so designed as to ease the

work load of fast food professionals. The main feature includes invoicing,
accounting, client and vendor management.


In a nutshell, it can be summarized that the future scope of the project circles
around maintaining information regarding:

 We can add printer in future.

 We can give more advance software for Fast Food Management including
more facilities.
 We will host the platform on online servers to make it accessible worldwide
Integrate multiple load balancers to distribute the loads of the system.
 Create the master and slave database structure to reduce the overload of
the database queries.
 Implement the backup mechanism for taking backup of codebase and
database on regular basis on different servers.

The above mentioned points are the enhancements which can be done to
increase the applicability and usage of this project. Here we can maintain the
records of Fast Food. Also, as it can be seen that now-a-days the players are
versatile, i.e. so there is a scope for introducing a method to maintain the Fast
Food Management System. Enhancements can be done to maintain all the food

We have left all the options open so that if there is any other future requirement
in the system by the user for the enhancement of the system then it is possible to
implement them.In the last we would like to thanks all the persons involved in the
development of the system directly or indirectly. We hope that the project will
serve its purpose for which it is develop there by underlining success of process.


The following books were referred during the analysis and execution phase of the


-By Steven Holzner.

MSDN 2002
-By Microsoft.


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