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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................ 5
About Me .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Instagram Traffic and Why You Should Be Using It for Your Business...................................................... 6
WHAT IS INSTA ENGAGE? ............................................................................................................................ 8
NOT another traffic course, but Insta Engage will help you get more relevant traffic............................. 8
Quality over quantity ................................................................................................................................ 9
WHY USE INSTA ENGAGE? ........................................................................................................................... 9
White-hot proven FREE methods.............................................................................................................. 9
No paid shoutouts, no ad spend, no need to spend money .................................................................. 10
GETTING STARTED ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Overview of Insta Engage, laying out steps for you ................................................................................ 10
How to use THESE tools to create AMAZING content ............................................................................ 14
HASHTAG RESEARCH .................................................................................................................................. 23
My Exact Hashtag Formula That’s Getting Me GREAT Traffic Back to My Page ..................................... 26
My Proven Methods of Growing My Targeted Following Daily .............................................................. 42
My 3 Step Psychological Tactic To FORCE People To Come Back To My Page…………………………………….

MY PERFECT TIMES TO POST ..................................................................................................................... 60

How to Know When to Post Your Content for Max Results ................................................................... 62

Legal Disclaimer… The information contained within this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. If
you wish to apply ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

The information contained within this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. If you wish to apply
ideas contained in this eBook, you are taking full responsibility for your actions.

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information within this book was correct
at time of publication. The author does not assume and hereby disclaims any liability to any party for
any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions result
from accident, negligence, or any other cause.

About Me

Hi, I’m Rob Saenz. Creator of Insta Engage 😊

I am a first generation immigrant from Mexico. I have now lived in the US for
many, many years, and I’ve been working online for a couple of years now. A few
years back, I was in university working on my bachelor’s in mechanical
engineering, while working two jobs.

One was at Red Lobster, and the other was at a mechanic shop. As I’m sure
many of you will be able to identify with, restaurant work is tough, back breaking work, and being a
mechanic even more tough.

At Red Lobster, I worked in the kitchen. In the beginning, I didn’t mind it, sure it was tough, but it got the
bills paid. As time went on, balancing the restaurant, the mechanic shop, and school & homework
became so much I was miserable. I hated working at the restaurant, and I wasn’t doing well at all in

Being only 18 months away from graduating, I decided to quit doing something I really disliked and I quit
the restaurant, and only did the mechanic gig. Well, the mechanic business soon closed up and moved
to another state. With pending tuition needing to be paid, I had to get another job ASAP.

I got a job with the largest car parts company in the US. It got bills paid, but I hated the environment and
the negativity. I delivered parts to other stores and kept them stocked with anything and everything.
One day while driving out on my shift, my life would totally change. While driving to deliver a van full of
parts to a store, a distracted driver ran a red light and t-boned me. Little did I know, I was starting my
journey online.

Because of this, I couldn’t work, I was badly injured, and my income dried up. With bills and late tuition
piling up, I had to find a way to make money that wasn’t tough physical labor like I had always known,
since I was injured. Finally, I had to put school on pause since I couldn’t afford the tuition.

Ok ok enough about me! I don’t say this to make excuses, I say it because I’m incredibly grateful It all
happened, because now I’m living life on MY terms. Thanks to all of that, my online journey got started…

Let’s dive in!

Instagram Traffic & Why You Should Be Using It For Your Biz…

One of the things a lot of people always struggle with is getting laser targeted traffic. You know that in
order to make any sort of money online, you HAVE to know where to find targeted traffic, to be able to
put relevant offers in front of them. Many traffic sources that worked incredibly well several years back
may not be as effective today in 2017.

Why? Engagement has become an incredibly important factor that determines how ‘laser targeted’ your
traffic will be. Blue & green lettering on adwords or bing is not always anywhere near as engaging as
social media is nowadays.

Why is engagement important?

This means, how strong of a connection does your audience have with you? Simply put you need to
build a relationship with your audience. How much do they trust you? How well do they know you? If
someone does not trust you, if they are not engaged with you and your message, your conversions will
never be as high as they can be, doesn’t matter what you’re selling.

You just don’t have their complete & undivided attention, and you absolutely need it to blow up online.


Of all the major social media platforms in the world right now, Instagram
has the most engaged monthly active user base (MAU) than any other

I hate to bore you with stats, bear with me, but it is important you
understand this…

Instagram has over 500 million monthly active users (MAU) WORLDWIDE. Keyword there is active! As
crazy as this might sound, a problem some platforms have is users not being engaged and active
enough. They keep scrolling and scrolling and not really engaging with content, many tend to just gloss
over the content but not really consume it at all,

This presents a big problem for advertisers. When this happens, it devalues advertising money because
your ad is now not as effective, because the users are not as ACTIVE, or engaged. They will not engage
with your ad, and maybe not even see it! Meaning less conversions, less business goals achieved.

More important stats you need to understand…

Instagram users post on average 95 million + photos and videos a DAY. Even more important than this,

IG users like about 4 Billion posts per day.

THIS is the stat that matters most to us right now.

This is in part showing what engagement really is. Comments are another part of
engagement formula.

For the most part engagement is likes and comments. This shows how involved and
laser targeted our traffic will be. It also shows how responsive they’ll be to your content and offers!

Always remember, in order to sell something, whatever it is, first you have to have their ATTENTION.
Meaning, the more engaged your audience is to yourself and your content, the better results you’ll have
when it comes time to sell something.

The better engagement you have, the more chances you have to sell and make money!

Engagement rates are important to know on Instagram, it’s one of the most important
things people need to look at when considering things like paid shoutouts, and
asking another account similar to yours to promote a product for you. Imagine paying a
couple hundred dollars for a 1 million follower account to promote a product for you,
and it turns out they were buying fake followers and fake likes! Would you want to pay
for that? I wouldn’t!

So, put simply, your engagement rate is your likes + your comments divided by your overall follower
count. Ideally, an engagement rate that’s considered average, is between 3%-6%. This is a pretty good

engagement rate. What you’re about to learn in Insta Engage, shows you how I’m getting engagement
rates of 25%, sometimes more!

Does that sound like that would be great for business? You bet it is. Does it sound like a great way to get
relevant, laser targeted traffic to your pages? ABSOLUTELY! Remember a great engagement rate means
you’ve got their attention…

You’re going to learn how simple the process is and how you can grow a massively laser targeted and
relevant audience, if you’re willing to put in the work.

Considering you just need your phone, a few FREE tools that I use myself, and your couch, it’s hard to
even consider this hard work compared to working on cars in the cold until 1 AM in the morning…

Now, what is Insta Engage? Great question…

What is Insta Engage?

Let’s start off by saying what Insta Engage is NOT. Insta Engage is not another traffic methods course,
although applying what you learn here will end up bringing you more traffic to your page. Insta Engage is
NOT a get rich quick scheme. It is not a method of getting followers using black hat style methods that
will get you in trouble with Instagram.

Buying followers and likes is a quick way to get yourself in deep shizzle with Instagram, and not only
that, people who know where to look will be able to spot you when you use fake
methods like this to grow your IG. You’ll stand out to bigger accounts and nobody
will want to work with you in the future.

If someone is interested in paying you for a shoutout on your account, and they
spot tell-tale signs of you buying fake followers and likes, you’ll lose that ad
money FAST. And selling shoutouts with your Instagram account is an income stream you don’t want to
miss out on. Remember, having a massive engagement rate will make you really attractive to
advertising money down the road….

Insta Engage is tried and true methods that I am currently using to build a laser targeted following, it
is focused on quality over quantity. Insta Engage is

• My current methods and strategies to get insane engagement rates, meaning my traffic is laser
• How I’m standing out to much bigger accounts. How to stand out and be noticed, to build your
• How to target your exact audience on Instagram. How to choose the exact right hashtags for
your niche for maximum traffic back to your page for max engagement.
• How I ranked SEVERAL of my posts on the top 9 posts for SEVERAL hashtags, and how I continue
to rank in top 9 for several hashtags. This gets comments, likes, and more importantly followers
for HOURS while my post was on that top 9, and how you can do this too.
• The exact way I engage with other accounts and followers to get them to come back to my page
without ever asking for it. What to do and say to engage the RIGHT way.
• What methods, strategies, techniques, and FREE TOOLS I am using to make eye catching and
attention grabbing content that sucks in people’s attention and makes them loyal followers.
How to make your followers be excited and look forward to your content EVERY DAY.

Remember, you can have a massive following, but is it going to be targeted? Is it going to be
monetizable if the traffic is unrelated, fake, and bought?

Of course not, Insta Engage is not about how to get a million followers this week. It’s focused on
building a QUALITY following. At the same time, these methods are exactly how some accounts built
followings of MILLIONS of followers in just a couple of years. Needless to say, these accounts are making
millions of dollars now through paid shoutouts, affiliate marketing, and so many other methods.

So, within the coming pages, I’m pulling back the curtains on EXACTLY
what I’m doing to get incredible engagement rates and what I’m doing
to grow my loyal targeted following FAST, SAFE, & FREE.

Why use Insta Engage?

Insta Engage is perfect for you because you don’t need to spend
money on ads, all you need to implement my strategies is your time
and work, it’s all FREE proven strategies. You’re getting it ALL for just
the small amount you invested in this course. Smart move!

Inside Insta Engage are my current methods and strategies that just plain work, without being spammy
and annoying. If you apply what you learn here religiously, you will get results, and you WILL grow your
laser targeted following that you will be able to monetize any way you want!

These are tried and true white hot methods that work in 2017, right now. Getting attention on
Instagram is becoming more and more competitive, because so many people are trying, and it becomes
harder to get attention doing what everyone else is doing. This is why you need to use Insta Engage, so
you stand out ALWAYS and consistently grow your targeted following.

I’ll show you the exact FREE TOOLS I’m using and how to use them, I’m going to tell you how exactly to
talk to followers and bigger accounts to get noticed, when to post to get max engagement, the best type
of hashtags to use for max traffic and exposure, how to use them, and more.

Now that we’ve established what Insta Engage is and isn’t,

Let’s Get Started…

The whole Insta Engage strategy can be broken down in 6 simple steps. Insta Engage is designed to take
you from complete newbie to having content up TODAY and getting traffic and building your targeted
following TODAY. Check out the steps…

Step 1: Go download the EXACT apps that I am using to create amazing

content for FREE! There are many apps out there, some are REALLY
complicated or confusing to use, so I want you to use the exact ones that
I am using because they are incredibly simple to
use, they’re FREE, they’re newbie friendly, and most importantly they help you
make content that makes you look like a content marketing beast. I will also
show you how I use these tools to make great content.

Step 2: Hashtag Research! This step is incredibly important to you getting

targeted followers. Miss this step, or skim through it, and you will not get the

results you’re looking for. There is a right way and a very wrong way to use hashtags. Insta Engage will
show you the hashtag formula I’m using to get results and grow my targeted following.

Step 3: My formula for how my posts

are getting ranked in the top 9 posts for
several hashtags I use. This increases
traffic, likes, comments, overall
engagement, & targeted FOLLOWERS.
This means I’m getting NOTICED. This is
what we want, if you can’t get noticed,
it doesn’t matter what you’re selling, it
will not sell. Remember, we have to
focus on getting highly targeted

The second part to Step 3 is: My Proven Methods For Growing My Laser Targeted Following
Daily: In this step, you’re going to see how I make myself stand out amongst a sea of posts. How I get
people’s attention, how I get them to notice me, and how I get them to come back to my page, like,
comment, and engage with all of my content, and FOLLOW ME without ever asking for it or being pushy.
This is proving they’re targeted and loyal.

Step 4: My perfect times to post, so that you’re fishing at

the right time of day. Yes, you will get likes and comments
any time, but if you’re gonna play this game, why not play
to win? Everything in these steps is showing you how to
get insane engagement rates of up to 25% OR MORE.
That’s a solid foundation to build any income stream you

Step 5: What are you waiting for, go get 100 targeted followers NOW using these
simple steps! This is where you implement everything you’ve learned and start seeing RESULTS. I
want you to be massively successful doing this, so I want you to go do it NOW at this step. I want to hear
about your success getting targeted followers!

LETS DIVE IN! Have your phone handy and follow along…

Step 1: You NEED high quality content, so go download the EXACT tools I use for FREE….

Like I said, there are many tools out there, but the most user-friendly ones I have found are these

App 1: Phonto – this is my favorite editing/text overlay tool I use. It has so many useful features to
edit your photos. This is where I add filters to my photos, put text on the photo, and so much more

App 2: UNUM – This app is going to be extremely useful for planning how you want your page to
look, and other tools like hashtag analytics. This is going to help you big time when we get to the
hashtag research portion. There is a paid version, but you don’t need that now. You just need basic
tools to get going NOW.

Download the free UNUM app, it has extremely helpful tools in it like what your top post was so you
can know what content your followers like best, it tracks what times are YOUR best times to post, and
the best hashtags you’ve been using, so you can eliminate which hashtags are not performing well for
you. These tools are what has helped me grow with no software, all organic and real followers, likes and
comments. USE THIS.

App 3: Image Size by

I’m sure you know by now that many social media platforms have ALGORITHMS. Well, it’s no surprise
that Instagram also has theirs. One of the things Instagram loves is consistency. You need this app to
make sure every photo you upload is the same size. This is important for making your Instagram profile

look great. Stay consistent, believe me you will be rewarded for it. The image size that works
best for Instagram is 1080 x 1080. When you open up this app, it will default immediately to
this size, which is great, leave it like this.

These are the 3 tools I use the most for photo editing.

I also am currently experimenting with Canva, Typorama, but I don’t use them enough to talk to you
about them with any great experience. Canva is absolutely great, very professional tool. But it’s
sometimes confusing and takes a bit of time to master. Typorama is awesome, but again, not enough
experience with it to teach you about it.

I DO NOT recommend using automation software that auto posts for you. I have been hearing from
fellow Instagrammers telling me that Instagram is really cracking down on this, and has even gone as far
as sending cease and desist orders to some companies who offer auto posting Instagram connected
apps. If I remember correctly, this is even expressly written in Instagram’s Terms of Service.

If you want to check them out, you’re more than welcome to, but for this course, it’s critical you use the
3 tools above that I mentioned because I want this to be as simple and straightforward as possible.

Great! Now you have those tools downloaded on your phone. Now where do you get great
content/pictures to work with for FREE? You’ll never run out of photos, here are 3 more free tools that I
use that you need…

App 1: – another thing Instagram loves is GREAT high quality pictures. Don’t get hung up
on finding royalty free, attribution free content, will be one of your best resources to go
to for high definition, high quality photos that will GRAB attention. Royalty free, attribution free, totally
FREE. Download this app now.

App 2: – another great royalty & attribution free source of high quality images you are
going to use. They do have an app, go download this now

App 3: – This one currently does not have an app, so simply bookmark this to the homepage
of your phone because you don’t want to miss out on the great FREE pictures you can find here.
Personally, this is my favorite one to use!

GREAT! You’ve downloaded all the apps. Now,

here is my EXACT process of how I
create my attention grabbing content…

How to use these tools to create AMAZING content…

First, you’re going to want to choose a photo from either pixabay, unsplash, or pexels.

Let’s go with pexels for this example…

My specific niche is motivation, my Instagram account Is in

the niche of motivation and mindset. I am really passionate
about mindset, make sure you choose something YOU are
really passionate about! Insta Engage will work with ANY
niche, you just have to make sure you’re working in a niche
YOU are passionate about, don’t do what everyone else is
doing just because it’s popular.

I’m going to search for “storm” here in Pexels. I found this

image that really stood out to me, it’s the one in the
middle. Notice how it’s an image that GRABS your
attention because it’s crisp, clear, & HI-RES…

Now that we’ve found an eye catching photo we

can use for FREE, this is what I do next in my editing

Download that image, make sure it’s in your phone. I recommend
downloading the image in the default size pexels gives you, it works
great for me.

Now, remember how I said to be consistent with your image size?

Next step in my editing process to make my content look GREAT
and eye catching is maintaining a consistent image size.

Remember, you need to stay consistent for two major reasons,

people love consistency, it’ll build your brand and give your
Instagram feed a feeling of high quality work. This will give your
Instagram business a super solid foundation.

Second reason is, Instagram LOVES consistency. This is most

important, so let’s move on to the next step of my editing process…

Open up your Image Size app, and this is how you’re going
to use it.

Go ahead and open it up, and once you’re inside, you’ll see
this on the next page…

Notice how when you open Image Size up, it automatically
defaults to the perfect size you need for Instagram.
1080x1080, this is great, leave it like this.

Next, to upload the picture we

selected from Pexels, just tap the
white space HERE.

Now, you’ll see this. As soon as you see this, that’s it! It’s resized
to 1080x1080, you now have the image size you need.

Now you just need to hit the save button and download your
newly resized image to your phone.

Click to save it to your phone HERE.

Next step in my editing process, is this.

Now, open up Phonto.

Once inside, you’ll see this. Just a white screen with grid lines. To
upload the photo we just resized above, hit the button highlighted
in red.

Once you upload the photo, it’ll take you here to
choose a filter for your photo. Phonto has some
absolutely AWESOME filters and it’s amazing that you
get this for free. Choose a filter you like, then hit
“done” up in the top right corner.

INSTAGRAM TIP: Remember how I said

Instagram loves consistency? Well, try to apply
consistency to your filters also.

Pick a filter you like and try to always use the same one
so that all the photos on your Instagram feed have the
same theme.

This will build your brand, and make you & your brand more recognizable by your followers and
prospects on Instagram. So, choose your favorite filter, & try as best you can to make the majority of
your photos have the same filter.

After you choose your filter and hit done in the upper right
corner of the photo above, now the photo will come up like
this to the left. Then, tap anywhere on the photo to bring
up that “Add Text” box.

Once that box comes up, tap on the Add Text box.

Next, you’ll see this come up. Type in whatever message you
want in the white space. In my experience, meme-style
posts tend to attract so much more attention than those
without. This message is going over your photo just like a

Phonto truly is my favorite tool to use for what I am doing on

Instagram right now. As you can see, you can choose your
own font from a huge list of fonts, you can choose presets,
and symbols.

For now, just choose a font you really like, that’s all you
need for now. And just like the filters, be consistent and
stick with one font.

Your text will now be overlaid on your photo, but you’re

not done yet. Let me show you the little tweaks I do to my
content to make absolutely sure it looks its BEST so that it
pops and stands out on Instagram.

The first is obvious, as you can see to the left, the text size
is at 1.67. Resize it down to about 1, this is the size that
looks best for my content, but don’t be afraid to resize it
smaller than 1 and experiment for what looks best for you.

Instagram Tip 2: Instagram doesn’t like when text

is too big over a photo, so downsize it to about 1 or less
so it’s not taking up the entire screen. Taking up the entire
screen with text is a no-no with Instagram.

Next, after you’ve adjusted the size down to about 1, and

you’ve dragged the text to where you want it on the photo,

Go to style and we’re going to do some tweaks to make

this look GREAT.

Highlighted in red, is the color of the text you want.
Choose white for the color of the text.

Sometimes you’ll have a picture where the white text

gets drowned out or it disappears, and you can’t see
what the text says, maybe because the photo has a bit
of white that drowns out the text.

To prevent this, go to stroke. This is the outline for the text,

and what I do to make it pop and look great no matter what
the picture in the background is, make the text outline or
“stroke”, black.

Next, go to style up at the top, select that.

Go to spacing, and set the spaces between the lines of text to

about -15. This is exactly what I do, but you can experiment and
choose what works best for you, but understand why I do this.

I adjust the spacing between the lines of text like this so that
you can see more of the photo. Instagram is mostly about
photos. Yes, you want people’s eyes to be drawn to the text, but
don’t take up too much space doing this. Reduce the space
between the lines, and your post will look GREAT I promise.

Hit the done button up top, and voila, we’re done! Look at how great our content looks, now we have a
piece of content that pops on Instagram, and I
have the engagement rates to prove it to you
below. Save whatever photo you’ve created,
this will be your actual version you upload to

I realize liking this photo can be subjective for

you and me, you may think it’s unattractive.
But remember, it doesn’t matter whether I
like it or not, or whether you like the font, or
even the entire photo itself, the market on
Instagram decides everything, they’ll tell you
what they like.

Apparently, this type of content really pops

out and stands out to the Instagram audience, and the engagement rates will tell you that. It’s all
about grabbing their attention so they come back to your page and follow you, and this type of meme-
style content is your hook, just like if you were fishing.

When you’re fishing, it doesn’t matter if YOU like the worm, the fish LOVE worms! It’s all about the fish.

Great! Now we know how to create eye catching, attention grabbing content. Just use whatever photo
that is High Resolution, and edit whatever font you choose to make sure it stands out. Here’s a summary
of what you need:

1) HIGH RESOLUTION PHOTOS ONLY – don’t use the photo that I used exactly, the point
is it is HD and crisp. Nothing will turn Instagram users away faster than blurry photos that don’t
stand out. So, step 1 is, choose a high quality high resolution photo.
2) Run it through the Image Size App. - size your image to 1080x1080 px (pixels). Be
3) Choose a font you like and stick with it, consistency! – Edit and apply the things I
showed you above with your font, make it stand out, give it a “black stroke” as described above,
then adjust the spacing so you don’t take up the entire photo, which Instagram will love.

Now, on to the next section of Insta Engage, a SUPER important part…

Why Hashtags? Why Hashtag Research?

- This section is going to pull back the curtains on EXACTLY how I’m doing my hashtag research to
massively improve laser targeted traffic, and how it’s helping me get exactly the kind of
followers I want. I’m holding nothing back, you’ll see exactly how to choose your relevant
hashtags to target the followers you want, how to use them on your page so it looks neat and
clean, & exactly how to keep track of your top performing hashtags.

Let’s dive in!

YOU NEED TO BE USING HASHTAGS. Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags, and you need to use as many
as you can, I use all 30. The difference between using hashtags and not using them is DRAMATIC. It’s the

difference between literally not getting any exposure at all and getting hundreds of likes and comments.
Hashtags are how people find you, But you also need to be using the RIGHT hashtags…

Hashtag research is one of the most important components of your success on Instagram. Do this
wrong, and you will not get results, so make sure you read EVERYTHING, don’t skim. Learn this,
implement it exactly, and you WILL get results.

There is a very wrong way and a right way to use hashtags on Instagram, more so when you’re a
growing account. If you’re The Rock on Instagram with 82 MILLION followers, well then we’re talking
about a completely different world and completely different dynamics.

For the rest of us, we need to know the right and the wrong way to research and use hashtags in order
to grow our accounts organically, and grow them with the RIGHT followers.

So let’s start off first with the wrong way to use hashtags when you’re a small account, and you’ll see
why knowing the difference between us and the difference between
an account with MILLIONS of followers is very important to know so
you can grow your account very effectively…

If you’re an account with millions of followers, you technically don’t

even need to use hashtags anymore. Your existing base of followers
is already so massive that as soon as you post, you’re already getting
lots of exposure, plus your content is most likely already being shared
by your followers all over Instagram.

You want to avoid using huge hashtags. What’s a huge hashtag?

Take a look at this photo to the right..

As you can see, the hashtag #love has OVER 1 BILLION posts under
this hashtag. It’s an insane amount of posts, meaning people are
posting using this hashtag literally hundreds of thousands of times per

What does this mean for us?

A hashtag with many many millions of posts, is usually WAY too popular to use for small accounts like
you and me, meaning you WILL NOT get good results. Of course, the exception to that is, if your content
is so INCREDIBLY good that it goes viral, or if you have a massive number of followers that you’ll get
tons of likes and comments anyway with or without hashtags.

With that many posts, you will sink to the bottom FAST and you’ll get little to no exposure. You’re
welcome to experiment, but what I’m saying is I’m getting better results staying away from hashtags
that big.

I used #love as an example because I’ve seen so many people use that in their posts,
probably just because it’s a huge hashtag. Problem with doing that is,

1) It’s way too big of a hashtag

2) It’s completely untargeted for many niches, because so many people use it in a
spammy way. Many hashtags that big are used purely in a spammy way. Don’t
do this.

3) With so many people posting per second using a hashtag this big, you’ll disappear from the top
so fast people won’t ever see your post. Go see what I mean with this.

Look up this hashtag exactly, look at the first post you see, and see how recently it was posted. I’ll
bet it’ll say something like 30 seconds ago. Then go back out to the previous page, then go back
into this hashtag.

The post you first saw will no longer be at the top, I guarantee you it’ll be so many rows down
you probably won’t be able to find it again. This is how fast your post will start getting buried
under new posts every second. It’s a perfect example of exactly the wrong kind of
hashtag to use, yet so many make this mistake. If you do this, you’re literally
reduced to hoping you time your posts at the exact perfect time.

Using hashtags with big traffic DOES NOT mean you will get followers and traffic back to your page.
Later on in the coming pages, I’ll explain to you why not having millions of followers makes using

huge hashtags like the example above, a really ineffective use of hashtags most of the time. For
now, let’s move on.

Now that we know the wrong way to use hashtags, let me show you my exact hashtag
research formula that’s getting me results!

Step 2: Hashtag Research

One of the fastest & best ways to succeed is, model what someone successful is already doing!

So, in order to find hashtags that are proven winners and they’re working for someone similar to
your account, where do we go? Here’s another incredibly useful tool you need to use, also FREE. gives us incredibly useful stats and information of almost any social media
account there is. They will show some great stats of Instagram accounts, but they also do several
other social media platforms, so go to and follow along, this is what I do FIRST
before searching for hashtags on Instagram.

I’m going to use @millionaire_coachh on Instagram as an example, since it is an

account similar to mine. So why are we going to use first?

Because it’s a great tool to verify he’s ACTUALLY doing well on
Instagram. Remember how I told you earlier that if you buy fake
followers and fake likes, that people who know where to look will
spot you FAST and never want to work with you or follow you? is just ONE tool… and you want to model REAL
success, not someone who is faking it.

Well, this is EXACTLY what is good for. We want to

double check that @millionaire_coachh is a good account with real
organic growth, and real followers with no signs of fake followers and
likes, to see if his/her hashtag growth strategies are working and they’re proven hashtags that WORK.

I’ll show you what to look for, so let’s dive in to this next step and follow along with me on

Here we are, on, on desktop, not mobile. Select Instagram here

As you can see below, now you can search from their Instagram database. I now have
millionaire_coachh in the search bar, lets search!

Now we can see several stats, like total follower count, total content uploaded, the “rank”, and many
others. Under those stats, you’ll see user summary, detailed stats, and future projections.

I want to show you where to look, and how to read the graphs to verify it’s a
good account and you can model their success, so click on “detailed stats” up

Now, if you scroll to the bottom of the page, you should see this. gives some really useful stats like daily, monthly, and yearly growth stats, but the
graphs are what we are interested in right now. In the top graph, we can see the account’s total
follower count, and it’s current, real time info.

It’s hard to fool this system, I know of one big Instagram motivation account that uses socialblade also,
because it’s so telling, it shows the truth.

What the total follower graph does (first graph at the top) is it gives us a decent idea of whether his/her
growth is organic and with real followers. The reason we can guesstimate this is the graph looks pretty
smooth, with steady growth.

That usually means that the growth is real, and the followers are real. If this account had been buying
followers, you could tell because the graph wouldn’t be smooth like it is, it would be VERY jagged, with
drastic ups and downs, plateaus, jumps and spikes, very inconsistent. Some of this is normal, but when
you see hundreds of followers one day, then a plateau and nothing the next day, that doesn’t look good.

Whenever there are drastic spikes and flat levels in that graph, it doesn’t look good, it shows
inconsistency. One day there’s a sudden injection of hundreds of followers, then nothing the next day.
Then another huge spike, then levels out again the next day. This is usually telling of
fake followers!

Go to socialblade and play around with it, experiment with what you’ve learned here. You are bound to
find several really great authentic accounts with real growth, and you’ll probably find accounts with
graphs with tell-tale signs of fake growth. Later on I will teach you another way to verify an account.

Side note 1: This strategy I have just taught you is GREAT when you are considering paying money to a
big Instagram account for a shoutout. Shoutouts are a great organic growth strategy, but ALWAYS
ALWAYS go to social blade to check their growth graph before you pay any money for a shoutout.

You can guesstimate if their followers are real and the growth is real so that you get whatever business
result you’re looking for. If the graph shows bad signs, then I wouldn’t pay any money if I were you, just
move on and find an authentic account with real growth. Of course, the graph doesn’t tell the whole
story, it just gives you a decent idea of what’s going on.

But as you play with social blade you will see that some are not so obvious, while others are very very
obvious that they’ve bought followers. Go check it out and play around with it, it’s an incredibly useful
FREE tool.

Side note 2: If you look at the middle graph above, you have just hacked one of @millionaire_coachh
major growth strategies that work for him/her. As you can see, it tells you how many people he

follows, and towards the right side of the graph, you can VERY obviously see a huge dip, it falls big time.

His/her strategy there was very obviously to follow THOUSANDS of people, follow them for a while so
they follow you back, then in March he/she unfollowed a MASSIVE amount of people. Personally, I
don’t like using that strategy because I prefer using a more human approach, as people really don’t like
being followed, then unfollowed. But you are welcome to use that strategy if you like, as you can see it
very obviously works, that Instagram account has nearly 100 thousand followers. Insta Engage does not
use this strategy, because I suspect it’s a harmful long term strategy for your brand image.

Ok great! Now that we have verified that @millionaire_coachh looks like a good account with real
growth and has no signs of fake following tactics, (at least that we can see) let’s go and see which
hashtags they are using!

Remember, I am using motivation Instagram accounts as an example, but just plug in whatever niche
your Instagram account is, and Insta Engage works the exact same way. My Insta Engage growth
strategies work the same way in any niche.

Note: not all accounts are using as many hashtags as this account we’re about to look at, some may not
be using them at all. Keep searching through Instagram until you find one that is using hashtags related
to your niche!

Next, let’s go into Instagram and look at this account, and look at what hashtags they are using.

Here we are on this account’s page, as you can
see, it has 96.8k followers as of this writing.

Let’s go into this first photo on the top left, and see which
hashtags they’re using

Now that we’re here, scroll down to see the

comments on this post by the

Now that we’re here, go into the comments by hitting “view all
25 comments”, and search for the very first comment that was

Here is what we need! Since we have verified

this looks like a genuine account on, we can try out some of
these hashtags, and see what kind of results
we get from them. These hashtags are super
valuable, they are a huge part of the growth
strategies this account is using to get the
number of followers they have.

So, now that we have found a little pile of gold with these hashtags, what next? Well, we’re not done
yet! Don’t worry, I promise all of this is going to get you great results, Insta Engage just requires that we
keep zeroing in on our hashtags further.

What we’re going to do next, is go into each one of those hashtags we found. Remember in the
previous pages how we talked about using hashtags that have WAY too many posts? Like millions of
posts? Well, that’s why we’re going to want to pick the ones that best suit us for our current growth

Go into each one, and check them out. We need to do this because the dynamics that work for an
account like this with almost 100k followers is very different than one with only a couple thousand.
Since we’re smaller, we need to hashtags better suited
for us.

For this example, I chose #grind as you can see here to

the right. I tend to not use hashtags this big, because
again, it’s too big for an account like mine, we’re just
not popular enough yet. It has almost 11 MILLION
posts! This means there’s A LOT of new posts every
second. This hashtag won’t maximize our exposure.

Since I don’t have millions of followers yet, I don’t have

an existing base of followers that will like and comment
on my posts whether or not I use
hashtags yet.

So we NEED to use the right hashtags

to get exposure, followers, likes, and
comments on our posts. We want ENGAGEMENT.
You’re welcome to try, but my strategy is to not use
hashtags this big, so let’s keep looking for one that fits
our criteria.

What is our criteria?

I use hashtags with a post range preferably from 100,000

posts all the way up to about 1 million posts AT MOST. 50k to
250k may be an even sweeter spot for you.

This is key. Doing this strategy is what has been helping my

account grow every day, with targeted followers.

I have gotten decent results from using hashtags with posts under 100,000, so you are welcome to
experiment there. For now, aim to use hashtags with 100,000 to 1,000,000 posts.

Let’s go into the next hashtag,


Once you’re there, look at the post number on this hashtag.

It has 410,842 posts, so it fits into our criteria of 100k to

1M, so it’s a winner! We now write this one down, put it in
your notes in your phone, anything. These are the kind of
hashtags you’re going to use.

Side note: to further laser target our hashtags and make

sure we’ll be attracting the right audience, look at this!

Notice how this is meme-style…

Notice also how all these posts I have arrows pointing

to are all motivational content, just like mine! This
shows this hashtag is EXACTLY targeted for what I
need, it shows the traffic/audience is exactly what I
need because people are searching and liking it.

Make sure that the posts you see are similar to what yours will be! This is important, this will show
you how relevant your hashtags are! Whatever niche you’re in, this process works EXACTLY the same
for any niche! Just insert your niche, and repeat these steps you learned EXACTLY the same, and you will
be finding laser targeted hashtags for your niche in NO time!

So, here’s a summary of the hashtag research formula that I’m using right now that’s getting me great

1) Choose an account that’s similar to yours, that’s in your niche. If it’s dogs, look for dog related
accounts. If it’s cooking, search for cooking related accounts. If it’s internet marketing, affiliate
marketing, making money online, search for those types of accounts on Instagram, you get the
2) Once you’ve found an account you like, go to and verify that their growth looks
authentic and organic. This will tell us if they’re having success, so we can model what they’re
3) When you find a good Instagram account on, we can now go to that Instagram
page and look at the hashtags they’re using! Not all accounts use hashtags regularly, so keep
searching until you find one like in my example above.
4) When you find that account’s hashtags they use, go into the hashtag and see how many posts
are under that hashtag. The sweet spot we’re looking for is a hashtag with a post number of
100k to 1M. You can use hashtags with less than 100k if you want to experiment.

And that’s the process! Repeat until you get as many relevant hashtags as possible! Remember,
Instagram allows you to use up to 30 hashtags per post, so the more you use, the more exposure your
posts will get! You NEED to be using 30 hashtags! Also, NEVER use more than 30! Big no-no with IG.

Check on the hashtags you use regularly. Remember, that winning hashtag I used in the example above
will not stay at 410,842 posts forever. It will grow DAILY. So that means when a winning hashtag grows
outside our range of 100k to 1M posts, it MAY be time for you to refresh your hashtags with new ones,
using this exact process you’ve learned here.

Next, after you find great hashtags, then what?

Let’s move on to the next step of my Insta Engage formula!

Step 3: How I’m getting my posts ranked in the top nine posts for max
traffic and exposure!

My formula for getting ranked in the top nine posts is simple, I purposefully look for things others are
not doing, and then I take advantage of that, and I do it. I look for posts where there’s little
competition of likes and comments, so I stand out. You’re going to love this, it just plain works! So, let’s
jump in and show you how I do it!

Remember how I said in the earlier pages that huge Instagrammers with millions of followers don’t
necessarily have to use hashtags anymore? Well, the reason what I said above is important to
understand is, one of the things you need to be able to get into the top 9 posts for a hashtag is, you
have to spike the number of your comments & likes FAST.

They will get thousands of likes and hundreds of comments almost immediately after posting, and
this puts them on the most prime real estate of Instagram, the main
popular page. The popular page is even better than the top nine posts page for a hashtag. This is
where a much larger audience can see you whether or not you used hashtags, and you’re getting
exposure to people interested in your topic.

Don’t get it twisted, some people that end up on the main popular page of Instagram DO use hashtags,
but some don’t. And those who don’t HAVE to use hashtags to end up on the popular page most of the
time are people with HUGE accounts with millions of followers. Now, back to what I was saying…

The people who repost the large Instagram account’s content are the ones who add hashtags most of
the time, and end up getting it in the top nine posts for a hashtag. People share and repost it so much

that it becomes popular fast. They are just using popular viral content to repost on their
accounts to bring traffic back to their own page. You can do this too.

THIS is why large accounts with millions of followers don’t have to use relevant hashtags if they don’t
want to, because they have so many followers that they don’t ever have this issue. They get lots of likes
and comments FAST. Then, their content gets reposted by hundreds or thousands of people, and this
then gets them into the top 9 posts for a hashtag which then gets
the large Instagrammer even more traffic.

Big key is they’re spiking their number of likes

and comments FAST. This means you want to increase
your engagement rate FAST. Instagram rewards this!!!

So, you’re probably asking, “well Rob, how do I spike my number

of comments and likes FAST if I don’t have millions of followers??”

Great question, here’s how I do it to get ranked in the top 9 posts of a hashtag with as many of my posts
as I can. And I don’t even have millions of followers! So pay attention…

I look for posts where nobody is commenting with full

sentences. that’s where our best opportunities to get likes, comments, and followers are,
ESPECIALLY large accounts that don’t reply & engage with their followers’ comments. If you find posts
with just emojis in the comments, this is a great place for you to stand out with a personal comment.

Important: When you are getting ready to post, make sure you have AT LEAST 30-60 minutes
available after you post so that you can do my methods that are going to spike your number of likes
and comments.

In the previous pages, I mentioned that engagement rate is comments + likes divided by your overall
follower count, this is our goal, to get as many comments and likes as fast as possible.

Let’s dive in… my process is SUPER simple, and I break it down for you in 3 simple steps…

When I post, I always stick around on Instagram for at least 60 minutes after I post to
to comments on my post, and comment on & like their posts. I
comment and engage with people who don’t
follow me (yet).

STEP 1: Like & Respond to Every.

Single. Comment. Every single comment you get on your
posts, you must respond to and like their comments.

MANY people use softwares to comment on and like posts, and

that’ll become obvious in your comments. Don’t get discouraged by
this, it doesn’t matter, you’ll still get great engagement rates if you
do this:

Reply to those comments too, because the whole point is to just

get high engagement rates as FAST as you can so that you rank on a top 9 spot for hashtags you use.
There will always be people using softwares, but don’t pay attention to that.

Insta Engage is teaching you a SOLID long term strategy for your business, and some comments
generated by softwares that are being used are just plain SPAMMY.

You don’t want to do this. I promise you, there’s no way to ruin your brand image faster than by leaving
automated, generic, one word spammy comments or just simple emojis that a software does for you.
This brings no value to anybody, and I suspect this massively hurts your brand image in the long run.

People don’t like feeling like they’re just being used or just being monetized for nothing in return.
Provide value, give compliments, ask them questions, have conversations just as if you were talking in

Now, don’t get this twisted. There are very right ways and very wrong ways to use Instagram softwares.
I am not against using softwares, but I am against using them in an incredibly careless and spammy way.

For example, I recently saw an Instagram post about several missing persons, several women had gone
missing in the DC area and the post was to alert people about it. I scrolled through the comments, and
saw things like “awesome 😊” or “super cool 😊” or “great post 😊”.

Clearly automated comments from a software. Would you ever do business with a
brand that was that careless about their audience? I would never, it’s an indicator of
how they might do business… Carelessly.

Now, I can hear “Rob how can something so simple really work? Are you messing with me?” Well,
need proof that something so simple as responding to every single comment, and liking and
commenting on their posts just plain works? GREAT. Time for the proof. I have ranked several of my
posts in the top 9 posts, and this simple formula continues to get me great results every day! When you
get 20 comments, why wouldn’t you want to double that number and reply 20 times to get a total of
40 comments? Remember, the entire goal is to get the number of comments and likes up as fast as
possible, so, here’s my proof.

My Instagram username is called @successmanifest . I chose the niche of motivation and mindset
because I’m passionate about it, I can pump out unique content easily because it comes natural to me, I
love it, and I love discussing this topic with my followers.

Pick something you are passionate about, and share your knowledge! Don’t pick
success/motivation/mindset just because it’s what’s popular, you have to be passionate about it, or
you will struggle to create content.

I don’t claim to have the biggest account on Instagram, but I do claim to be growing my targeted
following daily and steadily, achieving way above average engagement rates, and ranking in the top 9.

HERE’S JUST SOME OF MY PROOF of these exact methods ranking my posts in the top 9…


Here I am, ranking for a pretty competitive hashtag with almost

470,000 posts! I ranked this post for 10 different hashtags as you
Yes, you read that right, 10
see here to the left.

different hashtags, and all 10 are

competitive, huge hashtags!










Not only are my Insta Engage methods ranking for just one hashtag
at a time, as you can see I’m doing it for SEVERAL hashtags, and this
stays up in the top 9 posts for several hours, sometimes all day,
sometimes several days. It all depends on how much engagement
you get and how popular your posts become. Notice how these are
pretty competitive hashtags too, they all have hundreds of
thousands of posts.

Flukes? NOPE. Just to eliminate any skepticism, here’s more proof

for many more of my posts ranking in top 9 spots.

And there you have it. I can post more but I think that this proves
my Insta Engage strategies just plain WORK. As simple as they may
seem, not very many people do them, and this is your advantage.
These strategies WILL get you these results, these WILL get you
more followers.

Please feel free to go look me up on Instagram @successmanifest

and scroll through my feed and verify that what I’ve shown you
here are indeed my posts, my content. They are my unique works
that I created using the exact same steps I’ve shown you so far with
the exact same tools I’ve shown you.

If you enjoy my Instagram content, feel free to give me a follow

also! 😊

Phew! Ok, now that we’ve seen the proof that Insta Engage strategies work, let’s go on to the second
part of my strategy to spike the number of my likes and comments as FAST as possible so that we can
achieve the same kind of results I have just shown you above, to give us max traffic and FOLLOWERS.

How do we do this? How can YOU do the same? I have a simple, 3 step psychological script for you to
follow below that will FORCE people to come back to your page! The beautiful thing about this is that
it’s so easy and it WORKS! But not many do it, you don’t have reply back with a huge essay reply, you
simply have to add something personal to your comment.

Check out this script

When I get a comment on my post from say @johnsmith, and his comment says something like, “great

This is EXACTLY what I’ll do. I’ll quickly go into @johnsmith

profile, look at a few of his posts. (This takes me no longer than
30 seconds, sometimes much less than that.)

And then I will come back to my post where @johnsmith

commented on my post, and I reply with something SIMPLE. I’ll
say “thanks John! Love your shoes in your last post, where did
you get them? @johnsmith”

See what I did there? I did 3 SIMPLE things that took me all of about 30 seconds…

1) I mentioned him by NAME. I said, “thanks John”

2) I replied with something PERSONAL. This shows I actually care, and that I actually went to
his page and noticed something that may be important to him, his style/fashion.
3) I ended my comment with an OPEN-ENDED question. This hooks his attention FAST. Almost
always @johnsmith WILL reply and tell me about his shoes, and will get me sometimes even
several replies from him, it starts a conversation!
- It’s SIMPLE. It’s all about being human, just like having a normal conversation. I’ve even had
conversations in the comments with followers at 2AM about Chernobyl! It DOES NOT matter,
what matters is that they engage with me and we have a conversation to increase my
engagement on my posts! This is what it’s all about.

- This is great because the open-ended question sucks in people’s attention and more comments
means MORE ENGAGEMENT for you, which boosts your chances of getting on the top 9 posts.
Instagram LOVES this…

These 3 things are purely psychological tactics here. I am appealing to John’s ego, I am taking an interest
in him, I mentioned him by name, complimented him, then ended my comment with an open-ended
question. This almost always gets you a reply back, and sometimes even a follower. You don’t even have
to use this script every time on every reply, as long as you comment with something! But on a post like
the example above, it’s obvious you can use my 3-step psychological tactic.

Notice how I also tagged him by putting @johnsmith at the end of my comment. I tagged him in case he
used a software to leave that comment, which is likely, or he left a comment that he doesn’t remember.
This way he WILL see that I tagged him and he will see my simple 3 step psychological tactic of pulling
his attention in and replying to me, and giving me more engagement, and possibly making him follow

Ultimately, it’s all about followers! These tactics WORK, I use

them on a daily basis and I grow my following DAILY.

The next step we are going to do to get as many likes and

comments as we can to rank in the top 9 is:

STEP 2: Find an Instagram account much bigger than

yours, that’s in your exact niche, and we’re going
after their followers next.
Since my niche is motivation and mindset, I’m going to use a
very popular account as an example.

@millionaire_mentor on Instagram currently has 2.4 million

followers, as you can see here to the right.

That is 2.4 million TARGETED followers who are following him because he provides exactly the same
type of motivational content I produce, so those are the followers I need!

***Again, this works the same in any niche. If your Instagram niche is on the topic of dogs, then go look
at the biggest dog account you can find on Instagram, someone like Cesar Millan, the dog whisperer for
example. ***

Remember it doesn’t hurt to verify they’re real followers, and that the account has real growth on

So, go ahead & tap on the 2.4M followers tab you see in the picture above.

I’m sure you can see where this is going, this WORKS as I’ve
shown you above.

Once you’re there, you will now see this massive list of
followers he has.

These people are your laser targeted audience. They already

follow this account because they love the exact kind of
content you also produce. This is as laser targeted as it gets!

Go into as many of these followers’ profiles as you can and

like and comment on their pictures. DON’T be spammy!

Go into their profiles & like1, 2, maybe 3 of their photos,

along with 1 simple comment is enough. Make sure to use
my 3-part tactic for commenting that you learned above on
every post that you can. It doesn’t have to be on every single
comment you post, as long as you engage with these people
by simply liking and commenting on their posts!

Remember, it goes like this. 1) address them by NAME. 2) compliment them on something, like shoes,
clothes, or just on their post. 3) Ask an open-ended question that forces them reply to you.

These two things alone will get you great engagement rates and followers. Practice them DAILY and I
guarantee you will see results FAST.

As simple as what you’ve read here sounds, not very many people do it at all, and this is your huge
advantage if you implement what you’re learning here on your Instagram page. You will see Instagram
accounts who get comments that they never reply to, they never engage with their followers.

People just want to feel heard, they want to feel acknowledged.

STEP 3: You MUST be tagging relevant people in your post.

Let’s jump in.

When you post your picture, like this one,

You need to tag people in the photo so that you get

more exposure. You may have heard of doing this,
but just like hashtags, there’s a right and a wrong
way of doing this if you want more exposure.

The key with doing this is, TAG YOUR PEERS.

What do I mean by that? Don’t go crazy tagging only

accounts with millions of followers in your niche.

That just won’t work, accounts that big already get

tagged thousands of times a day, and you won’t
stand out.

You’ll just be another tag amongst thousands to


I’ve found my sweet spot is tagging people with a couple thousand followers, remember you have to
look where there’s little competition. Accounts that have a couple thousand followers obviously aren’t
as juicy to go after as accounts with millions of followers, but you’ll be able to get their attention easier.

You want to be seen so that you start to be recognized, so that people get to know you. Sometimes, that
account may like your content so much they’ll repost your content on theirs.

So, here’s how to do it in case you don’t know.

1) Go to the post button you see below to add

your new post.

2) Next you’ll see this. Don’t add any filters, you’ve
already done this in Phonto. So, hit the “next” button.

Next, you’ll see this screen. Here

Is where you’ll write whatever words (caption) you

want to describe your post.

3) For this example, here

Is where you want to tag people, NOT in the

comments. So, go ahead and hit the “Tag People” button

4) Do as it says below the photo, Tap the photo to tag

5) Now, you should see this screen, and for this

example, I’m going to type my name into the search
bar, and select my name to tag myself in the photo.

6) Now you’ll see this. When you can see the name
you selected on this screen, you’ve tagged someone!
Now the person I tagged will see my post!

You can repeat this process and do this up to 20

times, you can tag up to 20 people.

Remember, it’s ok to tag larger accounts, but try to

mostly tag smaller accounts with hundreds of
followers or a couple thousand followers. This is key.

Also, DO NOT tag the same 20 people over and over,

every single day. Tag different people every day, as
you WILL end up annoying people if you tag the same.

You might be saying, “well how does that help us get more followers, more exposure?”

The sole purpose to tag people is so that they like your post. THIS is the reason why you need to be
tagging people..

Here we are on my home page of Instagram.

Go ahead and click on the heart icon down at the


Here are the notifications of everyone that has either liked

or commented on my posts, and everyone that has started
following me.

If you notice up at the top, you can choose between

“Following” or “You”

Go ahead and tap on the “following” tab.

>>This will show me what posts the people I follow have

been liking.

THIS is what we’re looking for. This is why we want to tag
accounts like ours and get their attention. Here, people
come to see what posts the people they follow have been

If I tag a person with 5 thousand followers, and that

person likes my post, those 5k followers can come here
to see that the person they follow, has liked MY post.

This is prime real estate because this gets you more

exposure to the followers of their accounts. You’ll get
more likes, and followers.

Time for the next section,

How to know the best times to post your content for max

Now that we’ve covered

1) How to create awesome, attention grabbing content,

2) How to research hashtags and why you should be using them,
3) How to increase your comments and likes FAST to increase engagement so you rank in the top 9
posts for a hashtag,

Let’s go into what times you should be posting for max results and max engagement.

The entire reason this course is called Insta Engage, is because engagement is CRITICAL on
Instagram, so critical in fact that they recently changed their algorithm for engagment. When you
post, the old algorithm would organize content in your feed based on time, based on how recently
the content was posted. Now, the Instagram algorithm prefers ENGAGEMENT, not how recently
the content was posted. So, the more comments and likes you get, the more exposure you’ll get,
and the more Instagram favors you.

Remember how BEFORE , you used to see posts in your feed that would say, posted 3 minutes
ago, then the next post would say posted 6 minutes ago, and on and on.. NOW though, you’ll see
posts that have really random post times. The first post on your feed will say posted 5 hours ago,
then the next might say it was posted 30 minutes ago, then the next will say posted 21 hours ago,
and on and on… It’s all about ENGAGEMENT now, it’s a perfect example of Instagram’s
engagement based algorithm at work.

Ironically, posting at the right time STILL matters. So, there are 2 different ways you can approach
this. One is this:

7-10 AM EST works great for me in the mornings, lunch time 12-1 PM EST and 5-6 pm EST, and 7-
10pm EST are other great time windows to post. Weekends are recommended to post as much as
you can. This is fairly obvious to most, but I wanted to mention it anyway. Early Saturday morning is
AMAZING, around 2AM EST, because there are many people still out and about and awake at this

The way I’ve found to get consistent results is this. Remember above in the very first section, where
I taught you how to create content the way I do it? I mentioned an app called UNUM.

There’s an awesome feature inside UNUM that allows you to track the times that you’ve posted that
have gotten the best results for you. I recommend posting consistently, DAILY before you use this
feature, so that you’ve got enough data to work with. After a week of consistent posting, you
should have some great data on your best times to post.

Check it out.

Here we are on my homepage of UNUM. When you

connect UNUM to your Instagram account, it’ll look just
like this, only with your content.

UNUM is a great app to plan your posts with and a great

way to plan the theme you want your page to be, you
can reorganize any of these tiles to the right you see
here and make your page look any way you want to plan
how you want your page to look.

For this example, we’re going to look at the analytics

portion of UNUM, so go down to the right hand bottom
corner of UNUM, and hit that icon I have highlighted in

Once you’re on the analytics page, you will see this page, full
of really helpful stats.

As you can see, it gives you a quick at-a-glance look at your

best times to post based on your recent history! It gives your
best times based on how much engagement you received at
that time.

Go ahead and click into this “best times” tab, and we’re
going to take a deeper look.

Once you click onto that tab, you’ll see this page.

Here is all my data about what times my

posts got the most engagement, and therefore, here is
where UNUM tells me my best times to post!

You will be able to see this sort of data after about a week
of consistent daily posting. Post no less than 1, maybe 2
times a day!

The best advice I can give you is DON’T overthink this! The
point is to just go for it so you can get good data on your
best times to post, so don’t be afraid, just go for it!

Don’t overthink your content, don’t overthink the best

time to post, just go for it! It’s MUCH better to post
SOMETHING rather than nothing at all. Just go for it!

Be unemotional about it, just go for it and let UNUM tell you the hard numbers, so that you can make a
simple decision based off of your data.

Check out one of my favorite features about UNUM:

UNUM also tells you your all-time top 10 posts so
that you can learn what type of content your
audience likes most!

Is it written words? Is it photos? Is it just the

message itself on a white background? Come to this
page in the analytics section in your UNUM account
and learn what your audience likes so that you can
replicate it, and grow faster!

Just rinse and repeat and keep growing!

Final Instagram Tip :

When you are ready to post your content to Instagram, I recommend doing this to keep your Instagram
posts looking clean and neat.

When you post your picture, then you post your comment in the description underneath your photo,
post your hashtags in a separate comment like this, in this format.

Your photo here

Your caption underneath the photo here

Then, in a separate comment, post your hashtags like this:

#blablabla #chaseyourdreams #imhungry #ivebeensittingatmydeskwaytoolong

This will make your Insta page look neat and clean! When you do this, it hides your hashtags in two

1) When you get comments on your post, your comment with the hashtags in it will be buried and
nobody will see them. This keeps your posts looking clean.
2) When someone comes across your post, it will display your message in the description that you
put under your photo, and then you’ll see this under the description

This makes your post look great! Look at these examples.. The hashtags are hidden in the
comments, where you see the three periods […]

Then, if you click on those 3 dots to go into the comments,
look how I hide my hashtags to look neat and clean…

Conclusion: What are you waiting for?? Go get your targeted followers NOW! I want to see you
get laser targeted followers TODAY!!!

I want you to succeed and go get your laser targeted audience TODAY. Remember, knowledge is NOT
power, execution of that knowledge IS power.

Nothing happens if you don’t go and put into action what you’ve learned here today! Not this course,
not the next course you buy, nothing works if you don’t put this valuable info into action!

Knowledge is the tinder and flammable material, action is the gas that makes it all blow up for you, you
always hold the gas can, you can put this valuable info into action as start seeing your results TODAY.

I have personally seen larger Instagram accounts charging WAY more for an Instagram
Masterclass/course that show you these tactics and tools for WAY more than the small amount you
invested in this course. I wanted this to help as many people as possible. I know of one major
Instagrammer that uses social blade himself to do his research.

Just like the larger accounts selling Instagram Masterclasses, Insta Engage showed you my tactics and
tools along with tutorials to walk you through and show you exactly how I use the tools and exactly how
to put the tactics and methods into action exactly how I do it, but it’s not going to work if you don’t
work and put this into action!

So go ahead, I cannot wait to hear about your success with these growth strategies, I can’t wait to see
you grow your Instagram following, and more importantly, build a LOYAL ENGAGED FOLLOWING!

To your success,


Roberto Saenz


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