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Bowel Preparation before Elective Surgery

Anjali S. Kumar, MD, MPH1,2 Deirdre C. Kelleher, MD1,3 Gavin W. Sigle, MD, MBA1

1 Section of Colon and Rectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, MedStar Address for correspondence Anjali S. Kumar, MD, MPH, Section of
Washington Hospital Center, Washington, District of Columbia Colon and Rectal Surgery, Department of Surgery, MedStar
2 Department of Surgery, Georgetown University, Washington, District Washington Hospital Center, 106 Irving St NW, Suite 2100N,
of Columbia Washington, DC 20010 (e-mail: askumarmd@gmail.com).
3 Department of Surgery, Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York
Presbyterian Hospital, New York, New York

Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2013;26:146–152.

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Abstract Mechanical bowel preps were initially thought to decrease the bacterial load of the colon
and therefore decrease infection. Traditional bowel preps include osmotic, laxative, and
combination regimen. Data demonstrate that mechanical bowel preps are generally
Keywords equivalent; however, the addition of oral antibiotics may further reduce the risk of
► mechanical bowel infection. Recent data suggest that mechanical bowel preparations may not be
preparation necessary, and that dietary restrictions before surgery may also be obsolete. In this
► elective colorectal review, the authors address the types of mechanical bowel preparations (MBPs),
resection differences in outcomes between MBPs, the role of oral antibiosis and enemas, the
► oral antibiosis benefits of no MBP, and dietary preparations for elective colon and rectal surgery.

Objectives: On completion of this article, the reader should questioned and data supporting abandonment of this prac-
be able to describe the outcomes of the recent randomized tice is mounting.
clinical trials on mechanical bowel preparation versus no
preparation before elective colon and rectal surgical resec-
Types of Mechanical Bowel Preparations
tions as well as detail the history and the benefits of oral
antibiosis with bowel preparation in preventing surgical site MBPs are preparations that are taken by mouth to achieve
infections. clearance of the colonic contents. Although enemas and diet
restrictions are also a mechanically driven way of lower
intestinal cleansing, they are usually not classified as MBPs.
Rationale for Bowel Preps
There are three classes of cleansing methods: osmotic agents
There are several potential or perceived advantages of me- (absorbed and nonabsorbed), stimulant laxatives, and regi-
chanical bowel preparations (MBPs). Historically, the possi- mens that involve a combination of osmotics and
bility of having the high bacterial load content of feces laxatives. ►Table 1 provides side-by-side comparisons of
coming in contact with a newly performed anastomosis commercially-available and over-the-counter formulations
led to the construction of a defunctioning stoma when colon of MBPs.
was not prepared. A MBP was also thought to clear the bowel Osmotic agents act by pulling water into the colonic lumen
lumen of stool and leave only gas. Theoretically, this would and retaining the water that is ingested. Their mechanism is
decrease the intralumenal pressure of hard, potentially dependent on the osmolality of the agent relative to the tissue
impacted stool, and reduce ischemia at the new anastomosis. fluid. Metabolically inert molecules, such as magnesium
In laparoscopic surgery, an empty colon may be easier to citrate, are one type of osmotic agent, while nonabsorbed
manipulate than a colon full of stool. And certainly, when the sodium-based salt solutions are another.
surgeon knows he or she needs to rely on palpation to locate Sodium phosphate solutions are osmotic solutions that
the lesion, having an empty colon is an advantage. However, draw water into the colon lumen to achieve cleansing, but
in recent years, the necessity and benefits of a MBP have been significant fluid and electrolyte changes can occur. Patients

Issue Theme Perioperative Copyright © 2013 by Thieme Medical DOI http://dx.doi.org/

Management; Guest Editor, Sharon L. Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, 10.1055/s-0033-1351129.
Stein, MD, FACS New York, NY 10001, USA. ISSN 1531-0043.
Tel: +1(212) 584-4662.
Bowel Preparation before Elective Surgery Kumar et al. 147

Table 1 Mechanical bowel preparations used in colonoscopy and colon resections

Class of agent/ Preparation/ Product brand name Manufacturer’s details Recommended dosing
mechanism of action formulation
Osmotic cathartic
Sodium phosphate Visicol Salix Pharmaceuticals, 3 Tablets every 15 min
tablets Morrisville, NC to total 20 tablets, re-
peat with 12–20 tablets
10–12 h later (at least
3 h before procedure)
OsmoPrep Salix Pharmaceuticals, As above
Morrisville, NC
Aqueous sodium Fleet CB Fleet, Lynchburg, VA 30–45 mL of solution
phosphate taken with 32 oz of
liquid; repeat 10 h later

This document was downloaded for personal use only. Unauthorized distribution is strictly prohibited.
Magnesium citrate 10 oz of magnesium
citrate with 8 oz of wa-
ter each hour for total of
4 h; repeat regimen 4 h
Nonabsorbed osmotic agent
4-L PEG-ELS gastroin- GoLytely Braintree Laboratories, 240 mL every 10 min
testinal lavage Holbrook, MA the evening before
solution procedure
Colyte Schwarz Pharma, Inc., 4 L taken as a single
Milwaukee, WI dose
4-L SF-PEG solution NuLYTELY Braintree Laboratories, 3 L followed by 1 L
Holbrook, MA 10–12 hours later (at
least 3 h before
TriLyte Schwarz Pharma, Inc., As above
Milwaukee, WI
2-L PEG þ ascorbate MoviPrep Salix Pharmaceuticals, 240 mL every 15 min to
Morrisville, NC total 1 L, followed by 16
oz of fluid; repeat
regimen at least 3 h
before procedure
Stimulant laxative Bisacodyl Dulcolax Boehringer Ingelheim 2–4 (5 mg) tablets tak-
(contact irritant) Pharmaceuticals, Ridge- en in a single dose
field, CT
Combination osmotic/ Sodium picosulfate/ CitraFleet Aptalis, Birmingham, AL Powder form (sodium
laxative magnesium citrate picosulfate 0.01 g,
(sodium picosulfate magnesium oxide 3.5 g,
0.01 g, magnesium citric acid 12.0 g per
oxide 3.5 g, citric sachet), with the mag-
acid 12.0 g per nesium oxide and citric
sachet), with the acid components
magnesium oxide forming magnesium
and citric acid citrate when the
components forming powder is dissolved in
magnesium citrate water
when the powder is
Picolax Ferring Pharmaceuticals As above
Ltd, London, UK
Combination non- 2-L PEG-ELS gastroin- HalfLytely Braintree Laboratories, 10 mg bisacodyl 5 h
absorbed osmotic/ testinal lavage Holbrook, MA before 240 mL every
laxative solution þ bisacodyl 10 min to total 1 L,
repeat 240 mL every
10 min to total 1 L

Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery Vol. 26 No. 3/2013

148 Bowel Preparation before Elective Surgery Kumar et al.

Table 1 (Continued)

Class of agent/ Preparation/ Product brand name Manufacturer’s details Recommended dosing
mechanism of action formulation
starting 3–4 h before
2-L PEG þ bisacodyl MiraLAX Schering-Plough, Kenil- As above
worth, NJ

Abbreviations: h, hour; min, minute; PEG, polyethylene glycol; PEG-ELS, polyethylene glycol with electrolytes, SF-PEG, sulfate-free polyethylene glycol.
Source: Adapted from Beck DE. Mechanical bowel cleansing for surgery. Perspect Colon Rectal Surg 1994;7:97–114.

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with compromised renal function, hypercalcemia, and hyper- use of these agents, especially when initiated 1 to 2 days
tension requiring angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in- before the procedure, are effective in achieving adequate
hibitor use have reported renal failure from phosphate cleansing of feces from the bowel lumen.
nephropathic damage. Often, this damage is irreversible
and worse at higher doses and older ages.1
Differences in Outcomes between MBPs
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) is the nonabsorbable osmotic
agent most widely commercially available. There are two There seems to be little difference in the adequacy of bowel
types of PEG solutions: electrolyte solutions and sulfate-free preparation between the various types of solutions, especial-
solutions without electrolytes. When the product includes ly when it comes to scores evaluated during colonoscopy. An
electrolytes, it is composed of sodium 125 mmol/L, sulfate 40 example is a prospective, randomized trial by McKenna et al.5
mmol/L, chloride 35 mmol/L, bicarbonate 20 mmol/L, and The authors conducted a single-blinded noninferiority trial
potassium 10 mmol/L. The preparation is associated with a on 136 patients on the effect of different volumes of PEG
salty taste, but is relatively well tolerated. Moreover, it is not solution (238 g PEG þ 1.9 L Gatorade [PepsiCo, Purchase, NY]
associated with fluid or electrolyte problems. The sulfate- versus 236 g PEG in 4 L of electrolyte lavage solution) with an
free, electrolyte-free versions of PEG solution have an im- outcome measure of Boston Bowel Preparation Scale (BBPS)
proved taste that may be associated with better tolerance. during colonoscopy. There were no differences in preparation
When given in 4-L regimens, patient tolerance of PEG sol- BBPS scores or serum electrolytes between the two agents,
utions is poor due to palatability and volumes. Reduced but the lower volume Gatorade solution garnered a higher
volume options are available in a 2-L formulation patient satisfaction score.5
(►Table 1) and have been associated with an equivalent level When examining different types of bowel preparation in
of cleansing and better patient tolerance.2 the context of elective surgery with an outcome measure of
Because PEG is a balanced solution that is not absorbed, it surgical site infection (SSI), Itani et al6 conducted a post hoc
is safe for patients with electrolyte imbalances (i.e., renal analysis of the role of MBP in a prospective randomized
failure patients) or patients who may not be able to tolerate controlled antibiotic prophylaxis trial. They evaluated the
fluid shifts (i.e., congestive heart failure patients, patients effect of polyethylene glycol (PEG) and sodium phosphate (SP)
with ascites from liver disease). In addition, PEG solution is MBPs on the rates of postoperative SSIs. The numbers of
the method of choice for bowel cleansing of infants and patients per MBP subgroup were roughly equal in each
children. antibiotic group. The rates of bowel clearance were equal in
In adults, there are two strategies implemented with PEG both MBP subgroups (92%). However, when stratifying for
MBPs to improve cleansing: split dosing of preparations, and risk factors for SSI, the SP subgroup was favored over PEG
addition of stimulant agents (bisacodyl) or prokinetic agents (odds ratio [OR], 0.6; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.43–0.85)
(metoclopramide). In split dosing, part of the preparation is in univariate analysis. Multivariate analysis also favored SP,
given the night before and the remainder is given the morning but was not significant (OR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.46–1.02).6
of the procedure. These regimens have improved colon
cleansing and better patient tolerability;2 however, depend-
Role of Oral Antibiosis
ing on the nothing-per-os (NPO) policies of the hospital and
the anesthesia team, split dosing may cause scheduling There is little doubt among surgeons that administration of
challenges. Of note, PEG lavage consumed less than 5 hours preoperative parenteral antibiotics prevents SSI and is cov-
before the procedure resulted in better cleansing than when it ered elsewhere in this issue. What is less clear is the role of
was given more than 19 hours before the procedure.3 oral antibiotics and mechanical bowel prep in reduction of
Stimulant agents cause bowel wall contraction that aids in SSI. Colorectal resections have a higher SSI rate than other
evacuation. In trials that use cathartic agents alone, only 75% elective abdominal operations because of the high bacterial
of patients achieve adequate cleansing.4 When combined load present within the colon lumen, estimated to be 1012
with enemas, dietary restrictions, or osmotic agents, the colony-forming units per gram of stool.7 Cleansing the colon

Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery Vol. 26 No. 3/2013

Bowel Preparation before Elective Surgery Kumar et al. 149

of gross fecal material is a logical strategy to reduce microbial were more frequently rated as having poor bowel prepara-
contamination at the surgical site and potentially reduce tions, but there was no increase in intraabdominal fecal
infections. soiling or infectious complications.19 A 2011 Cochrane Re-
The role of oral antibiotics in addition to mechanical bowel view also reported no difference in anastomotic or wound
prep is controversial. A 2002 study by Lewis showed a complications when enemas alone were used for bowel
decrease in the occurrence of infections in the surgical preparation.21
incision (17% to 5%) when oral antibiotics were added to
MBP.8 This regimen consisted of standard MBP using sodium
No Preparation
phosphate, completed by 6 PM, then followed by amikacin (2 g)
and metronidazole (2 g) at 7 PM and 11 PM. Lewis then Although many continue to routinely use MBP for patients
incorporated data of 12 other studies in a meta-analysis undergoing elective colorectal surgeries, many reports now
randomizing patients to oral antibiotics; all patients received indicate that this practice may be safely abandoned for most
a standard preoperative parental antibiotic regimen. The procedures and patients. Both clinical trials and retrospective
meta-analysis showed reduction in SSI for the mechanical- reviews have found a trend toward increased infectious

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plus-oral bowel preparation in elective colon surgery. Simi- complications in patients who underwent MBP when com-
larly, a 2012 retrospective study conducted by Cannon et al pared with those who did not.16,17,22,23 There have also been
showed a 57% decrease in surgical site infection when oral reports of earlier return of bowel function and shorter
antibiotics plus mechanical bowel preparation were used in hospital stays among patients who did not have MBP before
elective colon resections (n ¼ 9,940).7 Bellows et al showed in surgery.5,22,24 The most recent large, multicenter trial, how-
their 2011 meta-analysis that the combination of oral non- ever, found that there was no difference between MBP and
absorbable and intravenous (IV) antibiotics reduced the no-MBP groups in rate of anastomotic leak or severity of
incidence of wound infections after colorectal surgery by infectious complications.25,26 ►Table 2 is adapted from Dun-
43% compared with IV antibiotics alone.9 can;27 it summarizes the randomized clinical trials26,28–39 on
Conversely, a 2004 study by Espin-Basany et al showed no the MBP versus no-MBP issue. A 2011 Cochrane Review22 on
decrease in postoperative septic complications when three MBP in elective colorectal procedures (18 randomized trials
doses of oral, nonabsorbable antibiotics were given in addi- on n ¼ 5,805 patients) did not detect any differences in rates
tion to MBP. They did, however, find an increase in the of anastomotic leak or wound infections following colorectal
amount of nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain associated procedures.21 Based on these conclusions, experts and na-
with the administration of the oral antibiotics.10 tional groups have called for the omission of MBP before
The oral antibiotic preparation that is the best tolerated elective colorectal procedures.18,40
and best studied is the original Nichols and Condon prep. The There may be some exceptions to this rule. In cases where a
regimen is as follows: colonoscopy will be performed immediately before the resec-
tion, a bowel preparation may still be warranted. This is
1 g oral neomycin given at 2 PM, 3 PM, and 10 PM particularly true in patients with small (< 2 cm) and non-
1 g erythromycin base given at 2 PM, 3 PM, and 10 PM palpable tumors that may need to be located intraoperatively
Metronidazole 500 mg given may be substituted for eryth- with a scope. These patients were frequently excluded from
romycin for better tolerability. Metronidazole has excel- trials and therefore conclusions cannot be drawn on the
lent anaerobic activity, enterohepatic circulation, and has safety of abandoning MBP in these circumstances.16,17
been shown to be clinically effective.11–14

Current Practices
Use of Enemas as Preoperative Preparation
Despite the numerous reports supporting the safety of colo-
Enemas for rectal cleansing have been commonly used as part rectal procedures without mechanical bowel prep (MBP),
of MBP for colorectal procedures. Options for enemas include physicians around the world have been slow to abandon
sodium phosphate, glycerin, or saline solutions. While in the the practice. In a 2002 survey of surgeons in the United
United States they may be self-administered at home, in States, 99% reported routinely prescribing a MBP before
Europe, they are more commonly administered in the hospi- colorectal surgery, with 47% using oral sodium phosphate
tal, 2 to 4 hours before surgery.14 The theoretical benefit of and 32% oral PEG solution.16 Three-quarters of surgeons also
rectal cleansing with enema solutions is that the reduction of routinely used preoperative oral antibiotics in conjunction
fecal matter in the rectal vault prevents extrusion of bowel with their MBP and IV antibiotic prophylaxis.16 A study of
contents and mechanical obstruction during insertion of the almost 300 hospitals in Europe and the United States also
stapling devices for anastomosis creation. This may be espe- found that 96% of patients admitted for a colorectal procedure
cially useful in rectal surgery, and it is commonly reported underwent preoperative MBP.15 Recent reports from
that physicians perform an on-table saline rectal washout Switzerland and New Zealand are more in line with the
before such procedures.16–18 recommendations to abandon MBP, with less than half of
In randomized trials, no clinical benefits were noted when physicians reporting MBP use in colon procedures. However,
comparing oral mechanical bowel preparation with enema even in these countries, MBP use is common during anorectal
use.19,20 Patients using large-volume glycerin enemas alone procedures (60–80%).41,42 Of note, more recent survey

Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery Vol. 26 No. 3/2013


Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery

Table 2 Comparison of randomized clinical trials on mechanical bowel prep versus no mechanical bowel prep on anastomotic leaks and wound infections 2000–2010

Vol. 26
Study No. of MBP agent Anastomotic leaks Anastomotic leaks P value Wound infections Wound infections P value
patients with MBP (%) without MBP (%) with MBP (%) without MBP (%)
Miettinen et al, 2000 267 PEG 3.8 2.5 0.72 3.6 2.3 0.72

No. 3/2013
Tabusso et al, 2002 47 Mannitol or PEG 20.8 0 0.04 8.3 0 0.49
Bowel Preparation before Elective Surgery

Bucher et al, 2005 153 PEG 6.4 1.3 0.21 12.8 4 0.07
Ram et al, 2005 329 NaP 0.6 1.3 1 9.8 6.1 0.22
Fa-Si-Oen et al, 2005 250 PEG 5.6 4.8 0.78 7.2 5.6 0.79
Zmora et al, 2006 249 PEG 4.2 2.3 0.48 6.7 10.1 0.36
Kumar et al.

Pena-Soria et al, 2007 97 PEG 8.3 4.1 0.05 12.5 12.2 1

Jung et al, 2007 1343 PEG, NaP, enema 1.9 2.6 0.46 7.9 6.4 0.34
Contant et al, 2007 1354 PEG þ bisacodyl or NaP 4.8 5.4 0.69 13.4 14 0.75
Leiro et al, 2008 (Argentina) 129 PEG or NaP 5.7 15.2 0.183 21.9 21.5 1
Moral et al, 2009 (Spain) 139 PEG or NaP or aqueous NaP 7.2 5.7 0.75 11.6 5.7 0.24
Van’t Sant et al, 2010 449 PEG þ bisacodyl or NaP 7.6 6.6 0.8 9 7 0.43
Scabini et al, 2010 244 PEG 5.8 4 0.52 9.2 4.8 0.18
Bretagnol et al, 2010 178 Oral senna solution and 11 19 0.09 1 3 NS
povidone-iodine enema

Abbreviations: MPB, mechanical bowel prep; NaP, sodium phosphate; NS, nonsignificant; PEG, polyethylene glycol.
Source: Adapted with permission from Duncan JE, Quietmeyer CM. Bowel preparation: current status. Clin Colon Rectal Surg 2009;22(1):14–20.

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Bowel Preparation before Elective Surgery Kumar et al. 151

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Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery Vol. 26 No. 3/2013

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