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Voughn T.


ML (Martial Law) is a 2018 Philippine independent film written and directed by Benedict Mique Jr.,
starring Eddie Garcia as a retired METROCOM (Metropolitan Command) Colonel is what everyone called him in
the neighborhood, he was suffering from Alzheimer’s disease, leading him to believe that he is still living in the
days of the Marcos dictatorship. Eddie Garcia the main antagonist of the movie was the best actor of Cinemalaya
2018 Film Fest he was so good and just the right person for the job. Short background Garcia served with the
Philippine Scouts right after World War II and was stationed as a military policeman in Okinawa, Japan. After
returning, he was asked by his commanding officer to come back and enlist for another duty overseas but he met a
friend who persuaded him to join show business and that is how it started for him gaining all his fame and
achievements and a whopping 7 decades in the industry. Also the editors were doing their part well, because
Philippines is lacking in that aspect of film making and creating cliché and overly used movie scenes that makes us
disappoint. The effects the editing is poorly made or the editors are very lazy. I was sad not being able to watch this
movie on the time of its release because I underestimated our film directors but I guess not everyone is the same.
Tony Labrusca acted as Carlo, Lianne Valentin as Pat she was Carlo’s girlfriend and Henz Villaraiz as Jace the best
friend of the main protagonist these three actors were good as well I personally think they have talent. The purpose
of this movie review is to retain important message and lessons in the movie and to also discuss the things we did
not know because we weren’t born the time of martial law. This is just another perspective I will try my best to give
you my side.

The movie was made for this generation that did not know the terror and hardships during the martial law.
In the beginning you can see how privileged the people who is rich, everyone will try to get into your good side and
give you special treatment, bias treatment is harsh but that is the only way you could survive it’s the strongest that
those prevail who can protect themselves. While on the other hand the dog was represented as the powerless people
who can only eat the leftovers and their rights is brushed off of them that represented how powerful and dominant
soldiers back then they could do everything and run away with it. Fun fact did you know that knights was always
never the superhero in medieval period they were the paid killers and often take money from slaves because of their
power and superiority they abused everyone they take what they want. Carlo was finding a different perspective
asking his friends from he basketball team and hey suggested Colonel, Carlo came inside the house and that is when
the time he was locked up in a basement and being tortured and the next morning came his friend was worried about
him and he came to the house of Colonel finding himself being tortured as well, it is well portrayed how the soldiers
during the martial law torture their victims and killing them and leaving without a trace, Pat was trying to reach on
his boyfriend that made her came to the house as well finding herself in the same situation as them, females were
molested ang stripped naked to shame and just like how the movie showed I can be a lot more awful and much
worse those scenes and torture I personally think it doesn’t even come close to the most painful and the real deal of
torment. Colonel’s family came to keep him company because he lives alone and gave him a visit. This time they
were almost discovered but they failed and Carlo’s friend died. As Colonel left they found an opportunity to escape
and so they did but the damage was already done and they were having nightmares of that time they weren’t even
trusted, the people did believe in them and that Coronel was responsible.

Significant individuals such as the main actors and the protagonist was very on point and they deserve a
praise of the role, there is no one that is more fitting than them.
The roles of the men or women was on point as well they have that Noteworthy charisma and that helped a
lot in making the movie.

The weapons used was only a pistol, golf club, and several torture apparatuses it was not advanced and
very sci-fi but suit the film and the context of it, heightening the pressure and thrill of the film.

The movie is good but I think there is more to it you can add more to the movie, there is that time as well
the teachers and the students tackle a very important message, everything is bad and the Philippines did not change
at all even after martial law ended we were blinded by the false freedom. The plot is slowly progressing and its
boring sometimes and the gore is ok. The climax was met and it was shown that regret in Carlos eyes is visible. The
films key points were the actors and the relevance of the martial law. I would highly recommend it to everyone even
to those who are alive during the Martial Law.

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