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ChangePond Placement Paper 1

ChangePond Placement Paper 1

There were two sections Aptitude Technical


1. If m-4 is 7 more than n then m+9 is how much more than n+2

2. If 10x coins are added to the no. of original coins he has (5y + 1)
times more coins. Find out how many coins he
had originally in terms of x and y

3. Find out the Simple Interest paid for a sum of $4000 at the rate of
8% per annum for 3 months.

4. If it takes 10 technicians working 6 hours to build a server. They

start woring at 11 AM and 1 technician is
added per hour starting at 5 PM. At what time they will finish the

5. A chart was there giving the speed of train after some minutes like
0 30 60 90 120 150 180
40 45 50 55 60 65 70

6. Find the % increase in the speed of train?

7. If it is extrapolated further what will be the speed after 5 hrs.

8. If the data is for 10 bogies and for every 2 bogies added speed
decreases by 5% what will be the speed after 5

9. The type of questions where Both stmt are necessary First one is
sufficient in itself.. What is the perimeter of the quadrilateral?

10. The quadrilateral is rectangle

11. The area of the quadrilateral is 36 What is a*b

12. 6a+4b=43

13. 3a+12b=63

14. The house is big and lovely but since nobody uses it it is pretty
much a white Elephant What does White Elephant mean?

15. Sometime they irritate me because they are up with the lark whereas
I like to lie in What does Up with Lark


1. What exception can an overridden method throw in comparison with the

method it is overriding?
2. What does parseQueryString return?

3. Anonymous classes Can they have constructors?

4. what is wrong with this

abstract class MyClass
transient a,
synchronized b.

5. How can an inner class access the members of outer class?

6. Find the output:

String a=abc;
String b=abc;
If a.equals(b)

7. Find the output Code showing Call by reference and call by value was
given Array was used.

8. Some For stmts was given Mark all valid once

9. byte b=1
While(++b > 0);

ChangePond - Placement Collection - Questions And Answers :

C1.A man's annual income is Rs.16,000. The income tax at the rate of
15% after allowing a deduction of Rs.7,500 as non taxable income is
(1) Rs.1500 (2) Rs.1200 (3) Rs.1275 (4) Rs.1450

2.A cube of white chalk is painted red and then cut parallel to the
sides to form two rectangular solids of equal volume. What percent of
the surface area of each of the new solids is not painted red?
(1) 20% (2) 16.67% (3) 15% (4) 25%

3.The measure of an angle which is five times its supplement is

(1) 36 degrees (2) 30 degrees
(3) 150 degrees (4) 180 degrees

4.If the diagonals of a quadrilateral bisect one another at right

angles, then the quadrilateral is
(1) Parallelogram
(2) Rectangle
(3) Rhombus
(4) Trapezium

5.A man had Rs.2000. He lent a part of it at 5% interest and the rest
at 4% interest. The total interest he received in one year was Rs.
92.The money he lent at 5% interest was
(1) Rs. 1200 (2) Rs.1250
(3) Rs. 1300 (4) Rs.1350

6.Out of 100 students, 50 fail in English and 30 in Maths. If 12

students fail in both English and Maths, then the number of students
passed in both the subjects is
(1) 26 (2) 28
(3) 30 (4) 32

7. When a number is first increased by 10% and then is reduced by 10%,

then the number
(1) Doesn't change
(2) Decreases by 1%
(3) Increases by 1%
(4) None of these

8.A man engaged a servant on the condition that he would pay him Rs.100
and a turban after one year. He served him only for nine months and
received the turban and Rs.60. The price of the turban is

(1) Rs.75 (2) Rs.50 (3) Rs.40 (4) Rs.60



Company Profile - Changepond Technologies

We, Changepond, are a technology consulting and software services
organisation with a strength of 500 engineers. Started in 2000,
headquartered in Chennai, India, Changepond Technologies has operations
in the US, Europe, Africa and Asia Pacific regions. The company has a
customer base spanning across geographies including a state-of-the-art
offshore software development centre in India. We offer end-to-end
solutions across diverse technology platforms and industry domains
through a global delivery model, which delivers 24/7 services.
The vast repository of knowledge in Changepond, built over the years,
provides an agile and dynamic value proposition. Rapid response,
flawless execution, and close customer relationships are all
capabilities that make the journey from knowledge to value possible.
Based on this value proposition the company has developed processes,
tools and methodologies that enable it to offer its client high-quality
customized IT solutions.

We have adopted a mature framework for sustaining and accelerating

growth by managing business opportunities across horizons. The
organisation’s core competency are in Application Development,
Integration, Maintenance, Testing and Quality Assurance that are based
on well established, mature processes and models.

Our commitment to provide solutions translate into tangible business

outcomes for our customers. Our approach generates high business value
for customers and rich dividends to Changepond in the form of a
continual stream of repeat business. Changepond’s domain capability
expertise and reduced learning curves enables significant compression
in time-to-value deliverables. Our customer-centric philosophy is
further strengthened by a robust key account management process to find
more ways to delight our customers.

Hai Friends

With d help of Almighty God I got placed in this company. Am happy

because my ambition is to get into a software company n i finally
achieved it. All praise go to Allah.

There r 3 rounds,
1. Apps 2. Tech HR 3. HR

There was 2 set of papers and i got one in that. Totally 20 questions
only very easy.

Quest(1-5): Verbal {quite easy}

Quest(6-10): Mathematical sums

-> 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+1/5

-> there r totally 15 garments, out of which 40% manufacturing

Shirts.How many garments not manufactured Shirts?(in numb and not in
a.3 b.6 c.9 d.12
Ans. 9(Check it)
-> Quadrilateral diagram n there dimensions were given.questions asked
from that to find total area.(Perimeter is given)

Quest(11-15): Data Interpretation(bar and pie charts wer given n

questions asked from that

Quest(16-20): Analytical Ability

Michael went to schools regularly from 9 a.m to 3 p.m and except on
thursday he will go to other special classes.On Monday he is going to
one classes(sorry class not remembered by me) from 3.30 to 4.30 p.m .
And on Tuesday going to music class from 4 to 6 p.m . And on Wednesday
going to karate class from 4 to 6 p.m.On Friday he is going to 90
minutes Club Program.

5 questions were asked from these paragraph.

For Data Interpretation go through R.S aggarwal quantitative apps and

for remaining refer Verbal n Non verbal that alone is enough guys.

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