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Study Guide A1+.

Gerunds and infinitives.

Remember we use after some verbs gerunds (verb with –ing) or infinitive (to+verb).

Present Continuous for future form.

This tense is used to talk about an actionm happening in the moment we are speaking, but also to
trefer to a future plan.

Look at the timetable and write sentences using Present Continuous.

Making suggestions
There are different modals to make suggestions, Let’s + verb; Shall we + verb; What about-How
about + verb-ing; we could.

Complete the sentences with the correct modal.

1. ____________ go to the movies!
2. _____________ eating pizza?
3. We ______________ watch a movie.
4. ________________ go to the park?
5. _________________ going to the beach?

Relative Clauses.
We use Relative Pronouns to join two sentences. Depending on the importance of the information
added can be Defining if we cannot omit it or Non defining which usually is between commas and can
be taken away without changing the meaning of the main idea.

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