TOR of The Feasibility Study of Crop Recommendation

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TOR of the Feasibility Study of Crop Recommendation

Kailash Rural Municipality


1. Background:
Kailash is a Rural municipality in Makawanpur District in the Pradesh No.
3 of central Nepal. Kailash Rural Municipality is 36 km from the Hetauda. It
bifurcated from the Tribhuvan Raj path at Chuniya. The Kailash is famous for the
religious place. The main race inhabited is “Tamang” and the profession is the
agriculture. Kailash Rural Municipality is backward place due to the inaccessible
network of the road. Due to the remoteness of the people in this area the people were
engaged in illegal production of the ophim and Gaza production. After the reformation
of the federal system of the Government, the elected body began active and the
development started in the rural areas. The road network developed in the rural areas.
The people in these areas started involved in the agricultural activities and people felt
the opportunity for the several businesses. The main focus has been given by the office
of the rural municipality in agricultural sector. The people in these areas doesn’t have
knowledge on the agriculture and doing traditional farming which the rural
municipality found unproductive.
The Municipality has planned to develop agricultural sector focusing on the
right land right technology and right crop. Therefore, the Kailash Rural Municipality
has planned to recommend the farmers for the appropriate crop production on their
land. The Rural Municipality has planned feasibility study of crop recommendation to
the farmers.
Hence, in the current fiscal year, Municipality has allocated budget for development
of agricultural sector. This budget is to be used for the feasibility study of the
development and maximizing of agricultural production.

2. Objective:
The overall objective of the assignment is to conduct a study in all wards of the Rural
Municipality focusing on Crop recommendation, appropriate to altitude, temperature,
climate condition, soil condition etcs for more production and ultimately goal to
upgrade their livelihood.

3. Methodology:
Specifically, this assignment intends to:
i) Literature Review:
The information on the crop production on the given climatic condition, water
availability, soil condition will be studied. The attention was given to the non-
tradition agricultural technology. The agricultural land policy will be thoroughly
studied to delineate the land suitability for the especially cash crops. Also study
the to know how to improve the efficiency of the land use in the Kailash Rural

ii) Data Collection:

 All Wards in Kailash Municipality will be selected for the study of crop
 Recconnainace Survey: Two wards will be selected for the preliminary survey. A
pilot study will be done to formulate the questionnaires.
 Questionnaire development: With the consultation of the farmers in the two wards
and expert appropriate questionnaires will be developed. The questionnaires will
be focused on the demographic survey location (labour, security, availability
agricultural institutions and support services, supply chain essentials and others
deemed necessary), economic survey current market and farm-gate prices for the
crop produced by each farm, Social survey Identify and provide optional
development cost for value-added components (i.e processing Facilities) for each
of the crops identified, including procurement, Buildings for housing same, etc
Crop Conversion Ratio to Value-Added Product for each of the Crops Identified
(Input-Output); and agricultural practices done in the area.
 Focus Group Discussion:
The ward level farmers inclusive of all aged people will be invited in the focus group
discussion on the subject of crop production.
 Observation: the expert and agricultural technical manpower will be hired to
facilitate the study as well as group discussion in this area.
 Collection of
a) Technical Data:
(on soil (type, PH, content, moisture retention properties, vegetation pattern, crop
suitability, seasonality,
b) Meteorological data:
(temperature, rainfall, humidity, sunlight hours per day for location, chill hours
per day, etc. to consider the locations’ climate scenario and therefore structure
development plans to prevent lack of sustainability and project failures);
c) Availability of inputs (technical ability of available workforce, data on labor rates
for the sector, etc.) for each location.
d) Environmental factors and considerations
Provide guidance on environmental requirements and considerations for the
identified lands.
4. Soil and water analysis
Execute a soils analysis and profiling for determining crops, aquaculture, suitable
for the location, providing a geo-referenced position for each of the soil’s samples
taken make recommendations for the different crops to be grown in the area.
Estimate the total production potential per annum for each of the crops and their
value-added components as identified above.
Execute water analysis for available water sources.
 Conceptualize designs for crop development projects for lands.
 The collected data will be analyzed using statistical tools.
 The draft report will be presented to the body of Rural Gaupalika, the feedback
will be incorporated in the report.
The final report will be submitted to the Office of the Kailash Rural Municipality
Deliverables & Timelines
Inception report with final scope, methodology and approach. This should also
include findings from the meta-analysis and therefore the areas which will be further
explored during field visits.
b. Mid-term report with initial findings of the study.
c. Draft Final report for stakeholder consultations.
d. Final Report after incorporation of inputs from all the concerned stakeholders.

All the reports are required to be to submitted in hard copy in triplicate and in soft
Summary of required contents of the Expressions of Interest
As an indicator, EOIs submitted must contain:
 A Conceptual Design Proposal for the Agricultural crop recommendation
 Background information demonstrating that they are qualified to perform the
required services, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills
among staff, etc.
 Background information of the interested company or participants of the
consortium, including identifying the structure of relationships and provision of
proof of business registration, incorporation, etc.

All interested parties should review the TOR document to ensure that ALL
requirements are complied with.
Budget Required of the feasibility Study of Crop Recommendation

Rate Amount
S.N. Particulars No Days Remarks
(NRs.) (NRs.)
1 Desk Study
1.1 Team Leader 2541 1 10
1.3 Soil Scientist 2541 1 10
1.3 Agricultural Specialist 2541 1 10
Sub-Total (A)

Rate Amount
S.N. Particulars No Days Remarks
(NRs.) (NRs.)
Field Works (Survey
2.1 Team Leader 2541 1 20
2.3 Soil Scientist 2541 1 20
2.4 Agricultural Technician 2541 3 20
2.5 Metrological Expert 2541 1 20
2.6 Helper 1958 1 20
Sub Total (B)

Rate Amount
S.N. Particulars No Days Remarks
(NRs.) (NRs.)
Office Work (Design,
Report Preparation)
3.1 Team Leader 2541 1 24
3.2 Soil Scientist 2541 1 20
3.3 Agricultural Expert 2541 1 24

Sub-Total ©

S.N Particulars Unit Quantity Rate Remarks
Stationary required for field
1 LS 1
work and desk study 50,000.00 50,000.00
Survey equipments, tents,
camping, soil test, water
2 LS 1
test,gears, other utensils and 150,000.00 150,000.00
utensils for field work
Transportation of
equipments, tents, camping
3 LS 1
gears, utensils and 50,000.00 50,000.00
Preparation of reports (3
copies drafts and 3 copies
4 LS 1
final reports), photo prints 41,858.00 41,858.00
album, maps and drawing

Sub Total (D)

Total A+B+C)
VAT @13%
Total Budget Required

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