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Healthy Baby

Practical advice for treating newborns and toddlers.

‘Stumped’ by the Newborn

Umbilical Cord
Stan L. Block, MD, FAAP

he postnatal management for range from daily applications of al-
the newborn umbilical cord is cohol, to soap and water washings, to
surprisingly controversial. Nu- nontreatment.
merous investigators have explored the
optimal approach to cord care, whether TREATMENT RATIONALES
it is performed during the first 24 hours In the past, most pediatricians were
of life, or in the first weeks of life until concerned about bacterial colonization
the cord spontaneously separates from of the cord and subsequent increased
the body. risk for secondary invasive bacterial
The average length of cord retention infection. With its slowly necrotizing
varies from 3 to 45 days, with a mean tissue, the umbilical stump is a prime
separation time of 13.9 days.1 During source for colonization by gram-nega-
past comparative evaluations of several tive bacteria such as Escherichia coli,
treatment options of the cord, a few op- Klebsiella, and pseudomonas, along
tions have been shown to prolong the with gram-positive bacteria such as A
separation of the cord. However, when Staphylococcus aureus and streptococ-
compared with dry cord care, most cal species.
treatments have been associated with a Secondary infections of the cord/
decreased risk for secondary infections. stump include a commonly encountered
Initial options also vary widely from mild purulent discharge some have
hospital to hospital; some initially ap- termed “mild funisitis”2 (see Figure 1),
ply triple dye, chlorhexidine, or po- occasional impetigo or cellulitis, and
vidone iodine, whereas others use no very rare infections such as severe fu-
treatment. nisitis, frank omphalitis, and necrotiz-
Recommendations for the post- ing fasciitis.
hospital management of the cord also Funisitis is an infection of the con-
nective tissue of the cord itself, usu-
Stan L. Block, MD, FAAP, is Professor of Clinical ally associated with mild malodorous
Pediatrics, University of Louisville, and University of discharge from streptococcal species,
Kentucky, Lexington, KY; President, Kentucky Pedi- but also may be associated with a more
Figure 1. The bottom (A) and top (B) of the um-
atric and Adult Research Inc.; and general pediatri- severe infection of chorioamnionitis, bilical cord base in a 10-day old female whose
cian, Bardstown, KY. which is usually seen in stillborns and cord had been left untreated since birth. Lifting
the cord away from the base of the stump re-
Address correspondence to Stan L. Block, MD, preterm infants.2,3 vealed the origin of a foul smell — the green and
FAAP, via email: Omphalitis is a severe infection of the sanguinous discharge had accumulated since
birth. The child was managed with three times
Disclosure: Dr. Block has disclosed no relevant entire umbilical stump and surround- daily cotton-tip applications with rubbing alco-
financial relationships. ing skin, most often associated with S. hol on both sides of the umbilical base. The cord
doi: 10.3928/00904481-20120924-05 aureus.3 discharge resolved rapidly.


Healthy Baby

BACTERIAL COLONIZATION OF For example, when a community hos- cords were prospectively evaluated, de-
THE UMBILICAL CORD pital in Tampa, FL with 3,000 annual layed cord separation was not associ-
Three studies of neonates conducted births instituted a dry cord care policy, ated with an increased risk of infection
in the UK during the 1990s evaluated three cases of S. aureus bullous impetigo when compared with dry cord care.1,10
the correlation between S. aureus colo- of the umbilicus were reported within 3 Furthermore, topical applications of
nization and infection when the umbili- months of the new policy compared with an antiseptic which may prolong cord
cal cord was left untreated. Untreated no cases in the previous years.8 separation cannot create an exceedingly
cords in 102 neonates were 1.75 times rare genetic defect.
more likely to be colonized with S. au- THE DRY CORD ARGUMENT
reus than treated cords.4 Many pediatricians become quite UMBILICAL CORD CARE OPTIONS
An untreated cord was associated concerned when spontaneous separation The current treatment options for
with a heavy colonization by S. aureus of the cord is delayed beyond the age umbilical cord care usually include:7
in 49% (171 neonates) of patients. More of 3 to 4 weeks. We have been taught • Triple dye (brilliant green, profla-
importantly, 12% (44 neonates) of the about the association between delayed vine hemisulfate, and crystal violet).
entire sample size developed a staphy- This is considered one of the most effec-
lococcal infection.5 When dry cord care tive agents for bacteriocidal prophylax-
was compared with hexachlorophane The issue of delayed cord is, particularly for S. aureus, but argu-
(which should probably not be used due separation has evolved into ably it also may promote gram-negative
to reports of neurotoxicity when used bacteria colonization. Parents complain
inappropriately) or chlorhexidine, the a major justification for dry about the purple cord, the inadvertent
rate of S. aureus colonization was unac- purple staining of the surrounding ab-
ceptably high.
cord care. dominal skin, and the brittle nature of
Dry cord care has also been asso- the cord at home. One or two applica-
ciated with intermittent outbreaks of cord separation and genetic defect of tions have not been shown to be toxic.
neonatal bullous impetigo.6 Another diminished neutrophil mobility/severe • Isopropyl alcohol. By itself, this
randomized trial of 766 newborns in recurrent bacterial infections.9 may have the least antibacterial activity
British Columbia compared dry cord This phenomenon is usually caused of all agents. It also dries out and may
care with a treatment regimen of two by a severe autoimmune, autosomal irritate the periumbilical skin. Many
applications of triple dye on the day recessive disorder known as type 1 leu- parents are unaware of how to properly
of birth along with twice daily alcohol kocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD-1), apply alcohol onto the base of the cord.
swabbing until cord separation.7 Com- which has a mutation in the beta2 inte- Although it has been proven to prolong
pared with the treatment group, the ma- grin subunit, CD18, localized to chro- cord separation, it does dry up the dis-
jor findings in the dry cord care group mosome 21. Yet, since the disorder was charge and foul odor associated with
were the following: a 10-fold higher identified more than 30 years ago, ac- nontreatment of the stump. With heavy
rate of S. aureus colonization (31.3% cording to the latest edition (6th) of Text- exposure or an occlusive dressing, it
vs. 2.8%); higher rates of cord exudates book of Pediatric Infectious Diseases,2 could cause alcohol intoxication and
(7.4% vs. 0.3%) and foul odor (2.9% it has been identified in only about 150 subsequent acidosis and hypoglycemia.
vs. 0.7%); and a single case of ompha- individuals worldwide. It also has a • Povidone iodine. This has been
litis. broad ethnic diversity. demonstrated to be less effective than
The authors in each of these studies The issue of delayed cord separation triple dye for both prevention of coloni-
concluded that prevention of early S. has evolved into a major justification for zation and infection. Iodine toxicity and
aureus colonization was the most criti- dry cord care. Some argue that the lon- transient hypothyroidism is possible,
cal factor in routine cord care. The study ger the cord stays on, the higher the risk particularly for low birth weight infants,
by Verber and colleagues6 surmised that of becoming infected. The commonly as plasma iodide levels may increase up
perhaps, hospital physicians do not be- used treatments (triple dye, alcohol, and to 400% for nearly 3 days.11
come aware of some of the cord prob- chlorhexidine) delay cord separation • Topical antibiotics (eg, neomycin,
lems and the rare actual infections that for merely 1 to 5 days. However, even bacitracin). These may promote bacteri-
may occur until the cord separates. when over 15,000 neonates with treated al antibiotic resistance and later hyper-


Healthy Baby

Figure 5. Application of a silver nitrate stick to the umbilical base of the child in Figure 4. Any areas
touched by the stick will turn black or a grayish color for a week or so. Although the cord may ooze some
serous discharge in the initial few hours, it will quickly dry up. Clinicians should attempt to only touch
the cord area, and avoid the skin, when applying the silver nitrate stick. The application appears to be
Figure 2. The umbilical cord of a 14-day-old male mildly uncomfortable for the infant, and his legs should be briefly restrained by the parent. Only a single
infant whose cord was treated with an initial application is usually needed.
single application of triple dye. No further treat-
ment was used. Once the cord remnant was lifted
from the base of the umbilicus, a purulent wet
discharge was noted. The cord was treated with sensitivity to antibiotics. Triple dye has ommend the application of alcohol
three times daily applications of rubbing alcohol,
and the discharge dried up within a few days.
been shown to be superior for preven- to the base of the cord with a cotton-
tion of both colonization and infection. tipped applicator 2 to 3 times daily until
• Chlorhexidine. Although an ef- the cord is separated. Even though it is
fective broad spectrum antimicrobial, a poor antibacterial and still of unprov-
particularly for cord colonization with en efficacy,14 alcohol applications usu-
S. aureus, some recent studies suggest it ally seem to prevent the putrid, green
may promote bacterial resistance when discharge and the foul odor associated
used frequently.12 with either dry cord care or with soap
In underdeveloped countries, and water care of the cord.
chlorhexidine has been shown to signif- During the first office visit at day 4
icantly reduce mortality from omphali- or 5 of life, when the infant’s upper cord
tis.13 Occlusion must be avoided; local has mostly dried up, I demonstrate to
skin reactions may occur. A single daily the parents the technique of separating
application is necessary for at least the the cord inferiorly and superiorly from
first week of life. the umbilical skin (See Figure 1, page
400). At this visit, many babies will
Figure 3. The base of an umbilical cord in a ADVICE FOR CORD CARE already have developed a wet, green
2-week-old male infant . The purulent discharge Several days of delayed separation purulent discharge at the unseparated
was still exuding from the stump, and treatment
by cauterization with silver nitrate was selected
of the cord, regardless of which treat- junction of skin and cord (See Figure 2
(see Figure 5). ment, is probably not an important con- and Figure 3).
sideration relative to possible increased I also recommend that parents only
risk for colonization and infection of sponge bathe the baby until the cord
the cord. I think at least a single appli- separates, and not to get the cord wet at
cation of triple dye in the nursery may all. In my experience, the worst smell-
be optimal because this method appears ing and the worst umbilical discharge
to have the lowest rates of colonization is associated with water-wetted cords,
and infection. We have been success- probably due to pseudomonas over-
Figure 4. A tube of 100 applicators of silver ni- fully using this technique in our nursery growth.
trate. A single applicator is often used to cauterize
the base of weeping purulent stumps — with or for over 30 years. When the cord finally separates,
without the cord attached. After hospital discharge, I also rec- some mild bleeding at the base is nor-


Healthy Baby

mal. If bleeding, malodor, or green any significant congenital renal abnor- cock D, Thiessen PN. To dye or not to dye:
a randomized, clinical trial of a triple dye/
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alcohol regime versus dry cord care. Pediat-
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But what are the real odds of finding 7. Janssen PA, Selwood BL, Dobson SR, Pea-



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