Estimation of Electrical Power Consumption in Subway Station Design

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Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design

by intelligent approach
Philip C.M. Leung a,b, Eric W.M. Lee a,⇑
Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China
MTR Corporation, MTR Headquarters Building, Telford Plaza, 33 Wai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Hong Kong, China

h i g h l i g h t s

" We estimate the power consumption of subway stations by multilayer perceptron.

" Data collected from Observatory and 19 subway stations are used for model training.
" Number of hidden neurons of the model is investigated by sensitivity test.
" Correlation coefficient is used to describe the prediction performance.
" The coefficient of correlation, with 95% confidence level, can reach 0.96 or higher.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: According to the records of Hong Kong rail operator, MTR Corporation, the weekly electrical consumption
Received 23 April 2012 of each railway station ranges from 18 MWh to 230 MWh. Since the electrical consumption of stations is
Received in revised form 27 June 2012 a major factor in the planning of infrastructure, a good prediction of the electrical consumption will
Accepted 2 July 2012
greatly assist in the design of the station infrastructure. This study develops an intelligent approach to
Available online xxxx
predict the energy consumption of railway stations. Multi-layered Perceptron (MLP) is adopted to mimic
the non-linear correlation between energy consumption, the spatial design of the station, meteorological
factors and also the usage of the 19 stations selected. Coefficient of correlation is obtained between the
Artificial neural network
Energy consumption
MLP predicted results and the actual collected data to evaluate the performance of the prediction. We
Subway station apply statistical approach to assess the performance of the developed MLP model. It shows that minimum
coefficient of correlation is 0.96 with a 95% confidence level which is considered sufficient for engineering
application. This approach is also adopted to predict the profile of the weekly electrical consumption of a
selected station. The predicted profile reasonably agrees with that of the actual consumption. This study
develops a useful tool to estimate the electrical power consumption of new MTR stations.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction tors. Energy audit was conducted by Fu and Deng [3] on the
Guangzhou railway station. Based on the results, they successfully
Subway system provides an economic and convenient transpor- identified the potential energy conservation measures on the air-
tation to the public for travelling within their cities. Especially for conditioning system, power equipment system and lighting system
metropolitan cities, majority peoples are relying on the subway of the station. These pioneer works show that the prediction of en-
system in their daily lives. The extensive use of subway system ini- ergy consumption of a subway station is non-linear in nature. They
tiates the engineers and scientists’ research on the energy con- applied different mathematical models to simulate the energy con-
sumptions of the subway stations. Ampofo et al. [1] studied the sumption. This paper presents the information of the energy con-
braking system of the trains and provided evidence that the ambi- sumptions of the subway stations in Hong Kong. It also proposes
ent condition of the subway station is significantly adverse by the to adopt the artificial neural network model to mimic the non-lin-
heat created from the braking mechanisms of the trains. For the ear behavior of the energy system of the subway stations in Hong
facilities of a subway station, a prediction model was developed Kong by using the historical data of the stations.
by Ma et al. [2] to estimate the energy consumption of the escala- Carrying more than 4.4 million passengers every weekday, the
MTR is regarded as one of the world’s leading railways for safety,
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +852 2194 2307; fax: +852 2788 7612. reliability, customer service and cost efficiency. The MTR Corporation
E-mail address: (E.W.M. Lee). was established in 1975 as the Mass Transit Railway Corporation

0306-2619/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
2 P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

with a mission to construct and operate, under prudent commer- the future. Based on the pioneer research works on energy con-
cial principles, an urban metro system to help meet Hong Kong’s sumption forecast [8], the majority of the building energy predic-
public transport requirements. tions are done for town planning as well as renewable energy
Apart from railway operations in Hong Kong, the MTR Corpora- development purposes, such that appropriate measures can be
tion is also involved in a wide range of businesses, including prop- implemented to utilize energy use, and to ensure the ability to
erty development and management, international rail operations backup with an adequate energy supply reservoir.
joint ventures and consultancy services, advertising, and telecom- Development of forecasting model for energy consumption has
munication services. The new urban hub with comprehensive res- a long history. In 1978, Uri [9] forecasted energy consumption by
idential and commercial developments above Kowloon Station is combining the econometric model and time-series forecasting
developed by the MTR Corporation. Some of the MTR’s property model to predict the peak load of a specific utility based on eco-
developments have become landmarks of Hong Kong, such as the nomic and weather-related parameters. In 1986, Deeble and Prob-
shopping mall, Elements, and the commercial complexes, Interna- ert [10] had developed a linear correlation to forecast annual
tional Commerce Center and the International Financial Center, energy consumption. In the following year, Bodger and Tay [11]
Hong Kong’s two tallest buildings. With MTR’s proficiency in rail- had used growth factor based on past energy consumption to pre-
way operation, the Corporation now operates outside Hong Kong dict New Zealand’s electricity consumption. In recent years, differ-
including Beijing Metro Line 4, Shenzhen Metro Line 4, and Stock- ent types of model had been adopted to predict energy
holm Metro in Sweden. MTR Corporation has also formed joint consumption, namely autoregressive integrated moving average
venture companies in the United Kingdom and Australia to operate (ARIMA) model [12], econometric model [13], artificial neural net-
the London Overground and the Melbourne Metro rail networks work (ANN) model [14] etc. Computer modeling and simulation
respectively. software like TRNSYS [15] was also used to assist in the energy
MTR currently operates 10 heavy rail commuter lines and 11 consumption analysis in Cyprus. Tang et al. [16] developed an
routes on a light rail network. The MTR network spreads over the ensemble empirical model decomposition based least square sup-
urban areas, and links the heart of Hong Kong with Hong Kong port vector machine learning paradigm for nuclear energy con-
International Airport, Hong Kong Disneyland Theme Park, and sumption forecasting. Gutierrez et al. [17] developed a stochastic
the boundary with the Mainland of China. diffusion process to model the electricity consumption in Morocco.
Furthermore, MTR Corporation is extending its network with The factors of gross domestic product, final domestic consumption
five new railway lines in Hong Kong. These include the Guangz- and gross fixed capital formation were taken as inputs of the
hou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail Link, the West Island Line, model.
South Island Line (East), Shatin to Central Link and Kwun Tong Line
Existing MTR stations have on-going extension and improve- 3. Intelligent approach
ment plans. New pedestrian subways and entrances are introduced
to connect nearby developments, and to provide more convenient According to Zhang et al. [18], ANN can be used to predict rela-
access for customers. Station assets are refurbished as needed and tionships that are unknown or complex, as it is capable of captur-
sustainable technologies are applied to improve customer services ing fine details of the function relationship via a ‘learning’ process,
in a socially responsible manner. also known as ‘training’ of the network function in ANN, from his-
Up to August 2010, MTR has 152 heavy rail stations and light torical data. More importantly, ANN is a popular approach to pre-
rail stops. And thus, a tool to estimate energy consumption is vital dict non-linear functions in the past decade. Among different
to the development of a sustainable management system, as it can models of ANN, Multi-layered Perceptron (MLP) [19] is one of the
be used to minimize energy waste, and that will have significant most widely used ANN model for forecasting due to its simple
impact on the performance of station buildings. and flexible nature [8,20]. It is a supervised learning model with
feed forward connectivity. Also, MLP has been mathematically pro-
ven to be a universal function approximator [21,22]. The MLP is
2. Pioneer works on energy consumption analysis and proposed to be adopted to predict the energy consumption of sub-
prediction way stations in this study.
The MLP has been successfully applied to different areas includ-
Following the oil embargo of 1973, both the political and scien- ing weather, market trends, electrical and thermal load predictions
tific communities began to pay more attention to opportunities to in (something missing here?) [23]. It was also applied to predict
improve energy efficiency. Recently, Basbous et al. [4] developed a bankruptcy, stock prices, international airline passenger traffic,
novel combustion engine to improve fuel consumption for electric- rainfall, transportation, water demand and wind pressure profile
ity production. Kaldellis et al. [5] developed a numerical algorithm [18]. A lot of studies have been conducted to compare the forecast-
to calculate the maximum wind power contributing to an electrical ing performance of traditional statistical model against MLP under
generation system. For understanding the contributions of domes- different conditions, and many of them have proven that MLP out-
tic components to the increase in domestic energy consumption in performed traditional statistical models, especially forecasts for
UK, Kilpatrick et al. [6] developed a methodology to filter the monthly [24], quarterly [25] or even daily [18] time series data.
domestic energy consumption profile into standby profile, cold Countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore have already used MLP
profile, heating element profile and residual profile. Possible en- to predict their energy consumption as well [8].
ergy saving opportunities can then be identified from the profiles. Yalcintas and Akkurt [26] employed MLP to mimic the total
Work on energy consumption forecast has become more and more chiller plant power of a 42-storey commercial building in down-
popular, as energy demand has grown dramatically when com- town Honolulu, Hawaii. Their independent input variables mainly
pared with past decades. According to Kadoshin et al. [7], this consisted of climate data, and the model output was chiller plant
effect is related to two main factors, namely increase in population power consumption. The input parameters used in the MLP model
and economic development. Besides, more stakeholders have included dry bulb temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point
aligned their objectives with green values, and become more temperature, relative humidity percentage, wind speed, and wind
conscious on sustainable energy use. Forecasting energy consump- direction. The hour of the day was recorded to account for
tion would allow a better understanding of the actual demand in variations in occupancy throughout the day. However, data on

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 3

hourly power consumption in the chiller plant were not available In fact, it is extremely difficult to collect the dynamic change of the
for every hour of the day. The total number of matching data items population inside a building since most building managers of com-
was only 121 out of 312 for 13 of the days in the study period. mercial buildings do not intend to publicize the actual occupancy
Kreider and Rabl [27] used an ANN model to predict the pre-ret- of their buildings since it is a key indicator of their business. How-
rofit energy consumption of a building and compare it with the ever, MTR is a public utility. The total number of people using the
measured energy consumption of the retrofitted building. The in- MTR is not as sensitive a data. MTR also has a well established
put layer consisted of eight different types of input data including computer system to record the number of operations of the turn-
weather factors, ambient dry-bulb temperature, humidity ratio, stiles of the stations. It can provide the dynamic pattern of the pop-
horizontal insulation, and wind speed; and occupancy-related fac- ulation of a station for this study.
tors, including hour number (00:00–23:00), a weekday/weekend
binary flag (i.e. 0 and 1), chilled water consumption in the past
hour, and chilled water consumption in the previous hour. 4. Data collection
Yezioro et al. [28] introduced an ANN model that used the
Levenberg–Marquardt training algorithm to predict heating/cool- The current MTR system consists of 10 lines within the bound-
ing load consumption. The input parameters for the ANN model in- aries of Hong Kong. Among the 10 lines, Kwun Tong Line, Tsuen
cluded hourly weather data such as the outdoor temperature, Wan Line and Island Line are the 3 oldest lines of the system which
relative humidity, and set-point temperatures. The occupancy were opened in 1979, 1982 and 1986 respectively. The data re-
schedule, a key parameter contributing to energy consumption, cords of the stations in the 3 lines are extensive. Therefore, we pro-
was used as one of the model’s input parameters. pose to use the stations in these 3 lines for this study. Fig. 1 shows
In another study, Yalcintas [29] developed an ANN model to the present MTR system.
predict the energy savings delivered by building equipment retro- Two kinds of stations of the 3 lines are excluded from this study.
fits. The Levenberg–Marquardt back-propagation algorithm was The first kind of stations is the interchange stations which serves
used and the input layer included the weather variables and the two lines. Since passengers transferring line are not required to
hour of the day. The output was the hourly electricity measure- pass through any turnstile, the total number of passengers using
ments from the retrofitted equipment. the platform cannot be reflected by the turnstiles of the station.
Kankal et al. [30] applied ANN to predict the energy consump- The actual cooling load contribution from them cannot be
tion of Turkey. The input parameters of the ANN model include estimated by the record of the turnstiles. The second kind of the
basic energy and demographic and socio-economic indicators stations to be excluded is those with platforms situated above-
(e.g. population, GDP, import amount, export amount and ground and open to atmosphere. Air-conditioning is not provided
employment). to these stations and the energy consumption is comparatively
The above recent researches on application of ANN to the pre- much lower than the other stations. The summary of the 19
diction of cooling load have a common deficiency that they did stations to be studied are shown in Table 1. Data is collected from
not account for the actual number of occupants inside the building. these stations for our ANN model training and performance

Fig. 1. Map of MTR system. The blue line in Hong Kong Island is the Island Line. The red and green lines in Kowloon are respectively the Tsuen Wan Line and the Kwun Tong
Line. This figure is extracted from (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
4 P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Table 1 ent subway stations ranges from 2663 m2 to 12,632 m2. They are
Data is collected from the 19 subway stations from the 3 oldest lines of the MTR measured from the architectural drawings of the stations. Since
system. They are the stations not designed for line-transfer and equipped with air-
the air-conditioning and lighting are provided for all concourse
areas of this study, it is a contributive factor to the energy con-
Line Subway stations sumption of the subway station.
Island (8 Sheung Wan, Wan Chai, Causeway Bay, Tin Hau, Fortress
stations) Hill, Tai Koo, Sai Wan Ho, Shau Kei Wan 5.1.3. Platform area
Tsuen Wan (5 Tsim Sha Tsui, Sham Shui Po, Chueng Sha Wan, Lai Chi
stations) Kok, Tai Wo Hau
The platform is the area in which commuters are waiting, get-
Kwun Tong (6 Sek Kip Mei, Lok Fu, Wong Tai Sing, Diamond Hill, Choi ting into and out of the train. This platform area refers the total
stations) Hung, Lam Tin platform areas of the subway station. The total platform area of dif-
ferent subway stations ranges from 1175 m2 to 2257 m2. They are
measured from the architectural drawings of the stations. The
main energy consumption of the platform area is the artificial
evaluation. Exact parameters of the stations to be adopted for this
lighting and the air conditioning since they are provided for the en-
study refers to the input and output parameters of the MLP model
tire platform areas during the operation of the station. The rail
described in Section 5.
tracks are separated from the platform area by a row of continuous
full height platform screen doors. Therefore, the heat transfer be-
5. Development of the MLP model tween the rail tracks and the platform area is restricted and ig-
nored in this study.
The MLP architectural model consists of a few layers in general
which are named input layer, hidden layer(s), and output layer. 5.1.4. Kiosks area
The neurons of the layers are interconnected with the neurons at To serve passengers’ daily needs, the MTR offers the conve-
its adjacent layers. There may be more than one hidden layer in nience of a wide variety of retail outlets in all stations. The many
a model. However, it has been proven that a MLP with single hid- choices available include food and beverage as well as health and
den layer is a universal function approximator [21] subject to the beauty shops including bakeries, convenience stores and shops
provision of sufficient number of hidden neurons. So, a 3-layered selling fashions, cosmetics, accessories, gifts, herbal products and
(i.e. input layer, hidden layer and output layer) MLP model was health drinks, confectionery and lifestyle goods. Some concourses
adopted in this study. are also home to dry cleaners, shoe repairers, bookshops, clinics,
travel agents, banks and financial service providers. The air-condi-
5.1. Input layer tioning systems for shops in the concourse area are separated from
the centralized air-conditioning system of the station and the de-
The number of neurons in the input layer corresponds to the sign of air conditioning for the shops is also different from that
number of input parameters of the model. In this study, the follow- for the concourse. Different equipment are usually installed in
ing input parameters are selected to predict the energy consump- the shops (e.g. refrigerators, hot water urns, spot lights, cashier
tion of the subway station. machines, etc.) which are not provided in the concourse. Therefore,
the shop area represents a different electrical loading to the sta-
5.1.1. Meteorological parameters tion. According to MTR record, the total kiosk area of a station is
Similar to other buildings, weather is one of the major contrib- proportional to the total floor area of the station. That is, large
utive factors to the cooling load of the HVAC system of the subway kiosk areas generally consume more electrical power. Therefore,
stations. The widely adopted meteorological factors in intelligent the total kiosk area of a station also serves as an input parameter
approaches [14,26,31] are (i) outdoor dry bulb temperature and for predicting the overall power consumption. The areas are mea-
(ii) relative humidity. The fresh air taken from the exterior of the sured from the architectural drawings of the stations.
station by the air-conditioning system and infiltrated to the station
by the ingress of commuters are the factors directly increasing the 5.1.5. Plant room area
cooling load of the subway station since the air-conditioning sys- Plant rooms house mechanical and electrical systems which are
tem is required to remove the excessive moisture and reduce the required to support the operation of the station. Large plant rooms
air temperature to the design condition. Therefore, the tempera- generally contain more equipment than small plant rooms. The
ture and the relative humidity of the outdoor air have significant electrical power consumption of the large plant room is more than
impact to the overall energy consumption of the subway station. that of the small plant room. Also, mechanical ventilation is pro-
The daily dry bulb temperatures and daily relative humidity from vided to all plant rooms of a station to remove the heat generated
1-January-2008 to 31-December-2008 were obtained from records by the equipment and to provide fresh air to the technicians work-
of The Hong Kong Observatory. The weekly dry bulb temperature is ing inside the plant room. Since the ventilation rate is designed to
taken to be the average of the mean daily dry bulb temperature be proportional to the volume of the plant room, large plant rooms
over a week. Similarly, the mean weekly relative humidity is taken require more electrical energy for its mechanical ventilation. The
to be the average of the mean daily relative humidity over a week. total plant room areas of the stations range from 967 m2 to
11,338 m2, which are also selected as an input parameters of the
5.1.2. Concourse area MLP model. The areas measured from the architectural drawings
Passengers enter and exit MTR stations through the concourse of the stations.
area. The concourse levels of the stations are usually separated
from the platform levels, and from the concourse, passengers can 5.1.6. Staff accommodation area
travel to different platform levels by escalators. Customer service The staff accommodation area including office, pantry, control
centers, ticketing machines and ticketing gates are also located at room, washroom, etc. is the area earmarked for the activities of
the concourse. It is designed according to the population of the dis- staff working in the station. The requirements on lighting lumi-
trict it is situated in. Therefore, the concourse area represents the nousness and air conditioning are different from other areas. The
capacity of the subway stations and also the cooling load to the staff accommodation area of a station is proportional to the num-
centralized air-conditioning system. The concourse area of differ- ber of staff working in the station. It represents the cooling load

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 5

from the staff and also the electrical energy consumption of their Table 2
ancillary activities. Therefore, this factor is also taken to be the in- Summary of input and output parameters of the MLP model.

put parameters of the MLP model. The areas are measured from the Parameter Parameter Unit
architectural drawings of the stations. Input Weekly average of outdoor temperature (dry-bulb) °C
Weekly average of relative humidity %
Area of concourse m2
5.1.7. Weekly number of passengers using the station
Area of platform m2
The number of passengers using the stations is a major factor to Shops area m2
energy consumption since they contribute to the station the inter- Plant room area m2
nal heat gain (i.e. sensible load and latent load) and other ancillary Staff accommodation area m2
facilities (e.g. elevators, escalators, ticketing machine, etc.). Record- Weekly number of passengers –
Output Weekly total electrical consumption MWh
ing the movements of passengers entering and leaving on video
can accurately record the number of passengers using the station
but it may violate the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in Hong
Kong. Alternatively, the operation of the turnstiles inside the sta- The data of Cheung Sha Wan station is reserved for evaluating
tion is adopted. Each turnstile can accurately record the number the model performance in Section 9.
of passengers passing through it. It is assumed each passenger
passes through the turnstile each time he/she enters or leaves a 6. Model training
station. The weekly total number passengers using the stations
from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2010 ranged from 178,250 Back propagation [33] (BP) is a traditional training algorithm
to 1,950,450, with the numbers obtained through summing up used for the MLP model. It feeds back the prediction errors from
the number of turnstile operations over the week. The data is col- the output layer to the input layer and the weights of the links be-
lected from the recorded turnstile motions stored in the central- tween the neurons are adjusted according to the BP algorithm.
ized data collection system. Upon completion of the weight adjustments, a new prediction is
carried out to evaluate a new prediction error for the next epoch
5.2. Hidden layer of weight adjustments. These procedures are repeated numerous
times until a satisfactory prediction result is achieved. In this
The number of neurons of the input and output layers respec- study, the early-stop validation approach is adopted to monitor
tively equal to the number of input parameters and output param- and stop the BP training. Fig. 3 illustrates the concept of the
eters of the samples. It is defined by the system itself. The required early-stop training approach.
number of hidden neurons is crucial to the performance of the In order to prevent ‘‘overfitted training’’, the intermediate-state
model. Currently, there is no analytical approach to determine of the trained model in every training epoch is applied to the val-
the number of hidden neurons but different rules-of-thumb are idation data set to evaluate the prediction error (i.e. the validation
available to provide heuristic hints to the user. The rule-of-thumb error). The network training process is stopped when the valida-
adopted in this study is the rule developed by Ward [32] as de- tion error reaches the minimum value. Since we have no prior
scribed in Eq. (1) where Nh, Nin and Nout are respectively the num- knowledge in the trend of the validation error, ‘‘early-stop’’ train-
ber of neurons of hidden layer, input layer and output layer. The ing is adopted. It records the status of the model continuously in
value of Ns is the number of training samples. the course of training. When there is no reduction in the validation
error over a pre-defined number of epochs (in the paper, the No. of
Nin þ Nout pffiffiffiffiffiffi epochs has been selected to be 2000), the model state with the
Nh ¼ þ Ns ð1Þ
2 minimum validation error is taken to be the trained model. Fig. 3
Prior to the adoption of the rule-of-thumb, the sensitivity of the illustrates the process of this early-stop training.
number of hidden neurons to the performance of the model was
studied. That is, the change in the number of hidden neurons does 7. Performance evaluation of trained MLP
not significantly affect the model performance which is chosen to
be the coefficient of correlation between the actual outputs and Upon completion of the network training, the trained MLP is ap-
the outputs predicted by the model obtained from the model train- plied to the testing set to evaluate the performance indices by
ing described in the next section. The number of hidden neurons to comparing the target values of the testing set and the values pre-
be examined is chosen to be Nh ± 5. For each hidden neuron, 100 dicted by the trained model. The performance indices used in this
trials are performed to determine the model performance and study is the coefficient-of-correlation (r), as defined respectively in
the 95% confidence limits are obtained. If the 95% confidence inter- Eq. (2) where N is the total number of samples, and ft i ; pi gNi¼1 are,
vals of the models with different numbers of hidden neurons over- respectively, the target values and the predicted values. p  and t
lap with each other, from statistical point of view, it concludes that are the mean value of the predicted values and the mean value
the performances of the models with different numbers of hidden of the target values, respectively.
neurons are comparable to each other. That is, the number of hid-
den neurons is insensitive to the model performance and the rule-  
i¼1 ðt i  tÞðpi  pÞ
of-thumb can be adopted.
r ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
i¼1 ðt i  tÞ

i¼1 ðpi  pÞ

5.3. Output layer It should be noted that a random process is normally involved
in the network training of an MLP model, especially when the
The output of the MLP model is the weekly total electrical con- available samples are divided into training and validation sets. It
sumption of the stations. The data is collected from the central sta- is thus not impossible for the random process used to result in ‘for-
tion management system of the subway stations. The summary of tuitous’ samples that show the evaluated performance indices are
the input and output of the MLP model is list in Table 2. The archi- good. Instead of reporting only the best simulation result, a less-
tecture of the MLP model is illustrated in Fig. 2. There are a total of prejudice statistical approach is adopted to minimize the effect
1007 samples collected from the 18 stations for model training. of randomization. We carried out the network training and perfor-

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
6 P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

Weekly Average of
Outdoor Temperature
Weekly Average of
Relative Humidity
Area of Concourse

Area of Platform
Weekly Total
Shops Area Electrical
Plant Room Area

Staff Accommodation
Weekly No. of

Input Layer Hidden Layer Output Layer

Fig. 2. Architecture of the MLP model to be adopted in this study.


Network training stops

Training here, since there is no
error further improvement in
the validation error



Model state with minimum Training

Pre-defined number of Epoch
validation error is selected as the
trained model
Fig. 3. The early-stop validation approach stops the back propagation training when there is no further improvement in the validation error over a pre-defined number of
epochs after it has reached its minimum level. The intermediate state of the model with the minimum validation error is selected as the trained model.

mance evaluation process 1000 times. The 1000 results are statis- The model is trained and tested by the samples and the coefficient
tically analyzed by evaluating the mean of the results and the lim- of correlation of that trial is obtained. After the 1000 trials, a set of
its of the 95% confidence intervals. This approach statistically 1000 coefficients of correlation are obtained. Given that the coeffi-
reveals the performance of the ANN model when this less-preju- cients of correlation are well bounded between 0 and 1, a beta dis-
diced approach is taken, as illustrated in Fig. 4. tribution is used to represent the probability distribution of the
In the model training approach described above, the training, 100 coefficients of correlation.
validation and testing sample sets are obtained by random sam- The limit of the one-sided 95% confidence level counting from
pling. The performance of the trained model might not be promis- the right-most (i.e. x95) represents the minimum coefficient of cor-
ing at all times, as it very much depends on the quality of the relation with 95% confidence level. This statistical approach allevi-
training samples. It is possible that the sample batch favours the ates the effect of the randomness in the presentation of the model
network training, and thus produces a better model. In order to performance.
verify the performance of the trained model, it is necessary to con-
duct an evaluation on the performance of the trained model by sta- 8. Results and discussion
tistical approach.
Since the sample extraction process is a random process, we The environmental control system in the public areas of MTR
carried out 1000 trials of model training and testing. In each trial, stations covers 3 main areas, namely concourses, platforms and
the training, validation and testing samples are randomly grouped. kiosks to which artificial lighting and air-conditioning are pro-

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 7

Network design

Random data N Y
Repeated 1000 times?

Network training
Apply trained Evaluate the mean
model to the and 95%
Save trained testing samples to confidence
network evaluate the r interval based on
the 10000 values
of r

N No reduction on Y
validation error over
2,000 epochs?

Fig. 4. This statistical training scheme alleviates the effect due to the random data extraction process.

vided. Artificial lighting is provided during the operating hours of adult is 36.8 °C ± 0.4 °C [34] which is higher than the conditioned
the station regardless of the number of commuters. Therefore en- air inside the station (i.e. 27 °C  29 °C), people contribute signifi-
ergy consumption on the artificial lighting system is comparatively cant sensible heat gain to station spaces. The commuters also con-
constant over the year. Also the size of the artificial lighting system tribute latent heat gain to the spaces by the moist air released from
is proportional to the floor areas of the concourse, platform, kiosks their breathing which increases the moisture of station spaces.
and plant rooms of the stations. The sizes of the other ancillary sys- Since the air conditioning in station spaces have humidity control
tems (e.g. ticketing machines, escalators, elevators, etc.) of a sta- at around 70% relative-humidity (RH), the extra moisture coming
tion are also proportional to the areas of the stations. Therefore, from the breathing of passengers is required to be removed by
their electrical consumptions of the ancillary systems are also pro- applying extra air cooling for the condensation of the moisture
portional to the size of the station (i.e. the floor area of the station). and extra reheating to raise the temperature of the cooled air back
The air-conditioning system is also a major consumer of elec- to the design temperature.
tricity which adaptively varies according to the outdoor condition The energy consumption profile of a typical station over a year
(i.e. weather). In general, the electrical consumption of the air-con- is shown in Fig. 5. It shows a large fluctuation in the energy
ditioning system is high in summer and low in winter. The temper- consumption of the station throughout the year. The energy con-
ature control in typical underground MTR stations are regulated by sumption is summer time (i.e. July/August) is more than 3 times
thermostats located at the occupancy zone. For typical station higher than that in winter (i.e. December/January). We expect that
arrangement, a centralized air-conditioning system is provided. the meteorological factors significantly contribute to the electrical
Air-handling-units (AHU) are situated at the specific ends of the energy consumption of the station.
station. The thermostats would sense the average temperature of
the air returning to the corresponding AHU at the designated area.
MTR targets to maintain the concourse temperature below 29 °C. 120
Total Energy Consumption (

Hence, the thermostats are preset accordingly. If the average re-

turn air temperature is detected to be 29 °C or below in a specific 100

area, the local control valve of the corresponding AHU for chilled
water supply is automatically reduced. The cooling-load of the 80

chiller operation is also decreased accordingly. As the temperature

in the designated zone gradually rises back to 29 °C by the heat 60

gains to the station, the chilled water control valve opens accord-
ingly and in turn cools down the zone. The temperature control 40

system of the platform area operates in a similar fashion to the

concourse but the target temperature of the platform is set to be 20

27 °C. Either station or designated kiosk chiller are used for supply-
ing chilled water to most of the kiosks in underground stations. 0
02/Feb 15/Mar 26/Apr 07/Jun 19/Jul 30/Aug 11/Oct 22/Nov
Individual fan coil units with their own standalone temperature
Date in Year 2008
controllers are normally used.
The number of commuters in stations is one of the major factors Fig. 5. Typical electrical energy consumption profile of an underground MTR
to the heat load burden. Since the average oral temperature of an station in 2008.

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
8 P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

The weekly average temperature (dry-bulb) and humidity of the 250

outdoor area in 2008 were collected from Hong Kong Observatory.


The other parameters as listed in Table 2 were obtained from the
weekly MTR records for 2008 retrieved from the central station 200
management system. A total of 1007 samples were obtained from
the records of the 19 stations as listed in Table 1. For MLP model
training, the samples were divided up with 70% being training
samples, 20% being validation samples and 10% being testing 150
The number of hidden neurons is determined by the rule-of-
thumb in Eq. (1) in which the number of training samples (Ns), is 100
taken to be 70% of the available samples (i.e. 0.7  1007 = 705).
Referring to Table 2, the number of input (Nin) and output param-
eters (Nout), are 6 and 1 respectively. By applying Eq. (1), the num-
ber of hidden neurons is proposed to be 31.
A sensitivity study on the number of hidden neurons to the per-
formance of the model was carried out. The number of hidden neu-
rons to be investigated ranged from 26 to 36 (i.e. 31 ± 5). For each 0
0 50 100 150 200 250
hidden neuron, 100 trials of model training as described in Sec-
tion 6 and performance evaluation as described in Section 7 were ACTUAL WEEKLY CONSUMPTION (MWH)
carried out to obtain the 95% confidence intervals of 100 trials
Fig. 7. Typical performance of the MLP models.
for each hidden neuron. The results are shown in Fig. 6.
It shows that the 95% confidence intervals overlap with each
other. It indicates that the performances of the models with differ-
ent numbers of hidden neurons are comparable to each other. That
is, the number of hidden neuron within the range is insensitive to 60
the model performance. Therefore, the number of hidden neurons 150
determined by the rule-of-thumb (i.e. 31) is justified to be adopted. 50

Probability Density
The 1007 available samples are randomly grouped into training

dataset (705 samples), validation dataset (201 samples) and test-

ing dataset (101 samples) with sample size ratio to be 70%, 20%
and 10% respectively. Back propagation is applied to train the
MLP model by the training samples. Early-stop validation approach 20
is adopted to monitor and stop the model training. Upon the com-
pletion of model training, the model is applied to the testing data- 10
set to predict the weekly electrical consumption of the 101 testing
samples. The 101 predicted consumption and the actual consump- 0 0
tion are presented in Fig. 7 of which the coefficient of correlation is 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.98 1
Coefficient of Correlation
As explained in Section 7, the same process is repeated for 1000
times. A total 1000 numbers of coefficients of correlation are ob- Fig. 8. The discrete distribution of the 1000 numbers of coefficients of correlation is
tained. They are presented in the histogram as shown in Fig. 8. approximated by beta distribution from which it is determine that the coefficient of
Since the coefficient of correlation is well bounded between 0 correlation is at least 0.9617 with 95% confidence level.

and 1, a beta distribution as shown in Eq. (3) is proposed to be used

to describe the distribution of the 1,000 coefficients of correlation.
By applying beta distribution to describe the distribution of the
xa1 ð1  xÞb1 1,000 samples, the parameters of the distribution are estimated to
f ðxja; bÞ ¼ R 1 ð3Þ
ua1 ð1  uÞb1 du be a = 569.5472 and b = 15.5152 and the distribution is also plot-
ted in Fig. 8. It shows that the profile of the beta distribution rea-
sonably matches with the profile of the histogram. It is obtained
from the figure that the one-sided 95% confidence limit of the beta

Table 3
Summary of input and output parameters of the MLP model.
Input parameter excluded Minimum coefficient of
from the MLP model training correlation with 95%
confidence level
Area of concourse 0.9570
Area of platform 0.9562
0.92 Shops area 0.9518
Staff accommodation area 0.9567
Plant room area 0.9574
0.90 Weekly number of passengers 0.9571
26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
Weekly average of outdoor temperature 0.6032
Weekly average of relative humidity 0.9607
Fig. 6. Performances of the models under different numbers of hidden neurons.

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx 9

Weekly Electrical Consumption (MWH)


Actual Weekly Electrical Consumption
Predicted Weekly Electrical Consumption






02/Feb 29/Mar 24/May 19/Jul 13/Sep 08/Nov

Date in Year 2008

Fig. 9. The plot shows the predicted and actual weekly electrical consumption of the selected station (i.e. Cheung Sha Wan Station) in year 2008. The RMSE is 7.67 MWh.

distribution is 0.9617 which is the minimum coefficient of correla- Since dividing the samples into training and validation samples
tion obtained by the trained MLP model with 95% confidence level. in the model training is a random process, in order to minimize the
Based on this result, we may conclude that the performance of the randomization effect, it is proposed to carry out the model training
MLP model is reasonably good. for 1000 times. Therefore, a total of 1000 trained MLP models are
We further investigate the significance of the eight input produced after the 1000 model training. They are applied to the
parameters of the model to assess their influences to the prediction samples of the selected station. The 1000 trained MLP model cre-
on the weekly electrical consumption. For assessing the signifi- ated 1000 prediction results. Bagging approach [35] is proposed
cance of one input parameter, the original dataset is modified by to ensemble the 1000 prediction results by simply taking their
removing that input parameter under investigation. The MLP mod- average as the final prediction result. The room-mean-square-error
el is then trained and tested by the modified dataset. The model (RMSE) as shown below is used to measure the fitness of the pre-
training and testing procedures are the same as Section 6. The ob- diction to the actual data where pi and ti are respectively the pre-
tained minimum coefficient of correlation with 95% confidence le- dicted and target values of the weekly electrical consumption of
vel represents is be used as the performance index for assessment the station.
the reduction in performance with the absence of the input param- sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
eter under investigation. P53 2
i¼1 ðpi  t i Þ
Table 3 summarizes the results and it shows that the minimum RMSE ¼
coefficient of correlation is dramatically dropped from 0.9617 to
0.6032 with the absence of the weekly average outdoor tempera- Fig. 9 shows that the predicted profiles of the electrical energy
ture (dry-bulb). It reveals the highest significance of the outdoor consumptions of the station with RMSE = 7.67 MWh which is con-
temperature among the other input parameters. Therefore, the sidered acceptable from the engineering point of view.
output of the model (i.e. the weekly electrical consumption of This approach can be used to predict the electrical consumption
the station) is sensitive to the weekly average of outdoor profile of an air-conditioned new non-interchange MTR subway
temperature. station.
Regarding the applicability of the intelligent model, by given a
weather profile, it is able to forecast the annual electrical energy
consumption profile on weekly basis. This information is useful 10. Conclusions
to the designers as a reference to adjust the design parameters of
a station to optimize the spatial design to achieve minimum elec- The study has developed an intelligent approach to estimate the
trical consumption. Also, the intelligent model can be used as a weekly electrical consumption of a subway station based on the
system fault detection system by which fault signal is triggered if spatial design and traffic loading of the subway station. Tradition-
the actual electrical consumption of the station is significantly ally, the energy analysis is carried out by computer-based simula-
deviated from the consumption predicted by the model. tion tools such as DOE-2, EnergyPlus and BLAST. However, the
process of establishing the simulation model is very time-consum-
ing and resource-intensive. Alternatively, this approach provides a
9. Prediction on electrical consumption profiles of a station rapid approach for MTR engineers to estimate the electrical con-
sumption of a new station so that they can optimize the designs
Section 8 demonstrates the superior performance of the MLP of the mechanical and electrical systems for achieving maximum
model in the prediction of the weekly electrical consumption of efficiency.
the stations. It was further investigated to predict the electrical In future, we will further explore the other factors which may
consumption of a station by using the samples of the other sta- contribute to the energy consumption of a station to further im-
tions. In this demonstration, Cheung Sha Wan station was selected prove the performance of the prediction. For example, elevator
as the target station to be predicted. The samples of the other 18 and escalator systems are believed to consume significant energy
stations are used to train the MLP model. They are randomly in the stations. However, the original designs of the systems do
divided into 2 groups namely training samples and validation not equip with data collection and the management does not allow
samples in the proportion of 70–30% respectively. The training pro- us to alter the systems for insertion of the measuring devices. This
cess is identical to the approach as described in Section 6. Upon the is the reason why this information is excluded in this study. In fact,
completion of training, the trained MLP model is applied to the this information is closely correlated to the overall electrical
samples of the selected station hidden from the training phase. energy consumption of the station since the electrical consump-
The predicted weekly electrical consumptions of the selected tions of the elevator and escalator systems also mimic the number
station in year 2008 are obtained. of passengers inside the station which directly contributes to the

Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),
10 P.C.M. Leung, E.W.M. Lee / Applied Energy xxx (2012) xxx–xxx

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Please cite this article in press as: Leung PCM, Lee EWM. Estimation of electrical power consumption in subway station design by intelligent approach.
Appl Energy (2012),

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