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Inclusive growth of Indian society was always the main vision behind the foundation of
aspirational democracy. The Preamble in the form of social, economic and political justice;
equality of status and of opportunity ensures to “We The People of India” to have inclusive growth,
that embrace diversity among the people but at the same time on the other hand is empowering
and promoting the social, economic, and political inclusion of all, irrespective of age, sex,
disability, race, ethnicity, origin, religion, economic, or other status. The recently recognition of
the rights of the LGBTQ in India is one of the step towards building an inclusive society by
eliminating gender inequality but, still India is far away to the ‘nation of its aspiration’. There are
numerous number of provisions in the Constitution of India assuring equality for everyone but the
reality is pretty offending because we still lack to reduce these inequalities even after having such
great laws, the reason for this is the unrecognized rights of the people and the ground level
functioning for the elimination of these issues. The disabilities of the persons are now making them
unequal leading to an increase in inequalities, example, inability of the peoples of remote areas to
use technology making them dependent for getting their work done by others, lack of quality
education is making people lack of skills leading to income inequality, the misbalanced
development of urban and rural area created a break in the nexus of their level of development
making the left out people being unequal, etc. Association for PARIVARTAN of Nation is
volunteering to reduce inequalities in the form of social, economic, political, educational and other
exclusion and also had started campaigning on promoting e-participation for reducing digital
exclusion in the lights of Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations and making an
aspirational India of Inclusive growth.

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