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: :Ξ ・ ●

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ε D翕弓

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中 ,η 느' 二一 : ' L.、

'♂ 〈냔 N多φ Λ4. 7 ㎗ ~ 쁘 쓰 쏘즈 쪼⊥꾜侈
. 1.:‘ '. ',j—
'・ :.˙ :̌,˙
" ‘’


⊂grolyn Grohom
一 一
一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一 一
=— —
’ —

■ 『

The H二 S● ng ・
: : ・
::: ::: :::::


Hi, Scott. :H:ow are you? I’ IIl fine. Thank you. Hi,
D 7 G

Jen —ny. How are you? I’ IIl nne. Thank you. Hi

John. :How are˙ you? I’ In nne. Thank you. Hi,

D 7 G


Li —sa. :How˙ are you? I’ IIlflne.


' —I
6 6
仍˘ 6

'√ ●
α c ㎡ '{
-'˘ '˛ '
'"' '

'뽑 '濯
卜 '


,Ξ ・ —
ξ ,'˘ '':/' √~ Nγ

'・ \

/ ''
Le'Π s S二 ng
● . :: .:

S● ng

: ・
●●●d■ bve
:::: . .: ::
・ : :
:: : ::::: :
’ ::::: :・

G --ㄹ --● --r-

---=F---:ㄸ ----I一一二
一̇ 二1一 二

--'--ㄱㄷ˙ 7■ 「
ˇ 그

See you la —ter, a1 —li— ga —tor!

Goodbye, Scott.—
D 7

F二 J느一十

⌒ 7■ ・
' " ,
、 --'・

See you la —ter, a1 —li— ga —tor!

Good- bye, Kate.-

」 ・ ㅛ


— dy.See you la — ter, a1 —li— ga —tor!

Goodbye, An
D 7 G

] ● ・
ㄷ 코LΔ ■

See you la —ter. See you la —ter. Goodbye, Scott!-


κ↑ '・

-,'⌒ , '
⊂ :


6 6
6 6
6 '

˙ ●'' ' '.:1

' :; — ,: ''
~ — '' ,‘
¬ ,

'\ '''、

˘i/ 'ˇ

" ˛',
卜 ˙',,˜ '-, ' '˙

.' ' '・


I ' '˙

Wh● ●Π
s Th二 s? Wh● ●s Th●

셥 : :: :˙ : :
:・ ’
:::.:::: :: : : ˙

Whol’ s this? * *

Whol’ s lh어 ? * *
This is o spider. 、Γ
Thol’ s o coI.

Whol’ s this? * *

Whgl’ s ihol? * *

.This is o boseboll. '' '


Thol’ s o bol.


This is o spider.

Thol’ s o c어 . Γ
'쭁 侈
ㅃ |"",
This is o boseboll.

、 ●
Thol’ s o bol.
''l l''

(ψ 馳‰
M係 彭



Use plctures of these objects σs references for the chα nt

L● ●k ●t Th베 Wh● ●Π
● . ::.:: : . ::

s Th●
:: :: : .: :: : .
:: : :: : ’

Look ol lhol! * *

Whol’ s ihol? * *

Whol’ s lhol on your hol?

Whol’ s lhol? * *

II’ s o col. * *

II’ s o col. * *

Whol’ s lhol on your hol?

II’ s o col. * *

Look gl lholl * *

Whol’ s lhol? * *
˛ .

Whol’ s lhd'l dn your desk?

s o cot. * *
Lo㎋σl lhol! * *
Whol’ s lhoIR
'' 'J
* *
Whol’ s lhol in your bog?

II’ s o col. * *

Look ol lhol! Whol’ s lhol?

Look 어 lhol! Whol’ s lhol?

II’ s o col. * *

II’ s o col. * *

Use pictures σs references for the chα nt. ror α vα riσ tion, hα ve students
mα ke cα ts, hα ts, αnd bα gs out of pαper or other Inα teriα l. Students
ccln use the objects αs references for the chα nt.
ㅇ 口,궷υl짓 틴 져꼇(¾
ΠTheseΠ Th● se
ΠTh● ●
:: :: : :● : : ::

This, * Ihol, *

已fhose, *

whof下 吊
e ihese? *
Whol ore lhose? *
Thesσ耕 e spiders.
/,Those ore frogs.
These gre robbils.
Those ore dogs.

This, * lh어 , *

Those, * lhese *
Whol ore lhose? *
Whol ore lhese? *
Those ore jUrnp ropes.
These ore bofs:'
T:hose ore lions.

These ore cols.

se pictures αs re rences

:: :::: ・: ・ : :
. ::: :: :
V● sΠ =● =sΠ N● Π=● =snΠ ● :: : :: ・: . : :
:: ::●

: :::・ :: : :::: .:’

Is lhol o frog?
Γ :::'=,
No, il isn’ ㅑ

Yes, il is. .
No, il isn’ l.

Yes, il is.

Yes, il is:

No, noI No, il isn’ l.

Is ihis o pencil cose?

No, il isn’ l.

Yes, il is.˙
No, il isn’ l.

Yes, il is.

Yes: il is.
No, no! No, il isn’ i.

Are lhese ' cosse卄 es?

No, Ihey oren’ l.

Are lhose cosselles?

No, t.hey oren’ l.

Yes, lhey ore.

Yes, lhey ore.
No, no! No, lhey oren’ l.

Mclke ne'자Y verses using other objects

Wh● ●:s ●he H배 er?


I What’ s the mat —ter? What’ s the Inat —ter?

-" G7
c C
ㄴㅈ {

What’ s the mat— ter? I an.1 slck. - s the Inat —ter?

F CG 7

Are you 0 K? I
to — day. Oh, no!
c F c

What’ s the Inat— ter?I am ver — y, ver —y sick to -

G 7 c F

day Oh, no! aln ver —y, ver —y˙ , ver —y,
c G 7 C

veI˙ y sick to — day. 'That’ s

— too bad!

Mα ke new verses using sσ d, fIIed, I]of, αnd cold.

Lefs ㄲ●1k

:: :
ⅲ C● 그

˛⊃ ㅇ




Whot’ s ihe moller?



nl cold. * *



〈 ¿,


Whol’ s lhe m메 er?


c⊃ ㅇ ,、

He’ s cold. * * ’
Whol’ s lhe m메 er? 'ㄱ

He’ s cold. * *

He’ s very, very cold. * *

Whol’ s lhe m0卄 er?

I’ m iired. * *

Whol’ s' Ihe m0卄 er?

She’ s lired. * *

Whol’ s lhe moller?

She’ s lired. * *

She’ s very, very lired. * *

Whol’ s lhe moller?

I’ m sod. * *
Whol’ s ihe m메 er?
He’ s sod. * *

˙ , r Whol’ s lhe moller?
' f: ,'

He’ s sod. * *
Thol’ s loo bod. Thol’ s loo bod.

Students cσ n perform this chα nt ln α chα in. ].珏 αve them sit in α circle or semi— cllcle
Eα ch student sα ys one line of the chα nt. Note thα t the p1'onouns
in eα ch verse will vα I'y depend초 ng on who sα ys the second line.


●ek● H●
H크 ΠΞ w 표re V● u?

Hi, Jack. How are you? I’ IIl nne. IIow’ s Sue? She’s
D 7 G Γ

nne. How’ s Joe? He’ ssick. Oh, no! Hi,

How are you? I’ nl fine. How’ s Lou? He’ s

D 7 G

fine. How’ s J土 11? She’ s fine. How’ s Bi11? He’ s


fine. How’ s Fred? He’ s nne. How’ s τbd? He’ s
I \

D 7 G
■ ■■

nne. How’ s Joe? He’ ssiok. Oh no!

■ ■■■■

,\ \

'、 ,

Lefs Le● rn

Wh● Π
s She? :: ::::::: : : :

Who’ s she? * * 蹠
● ⅱ
:雜 鹹 :抵抵姑었 :ⅳ
효;따 [#'e jㅢ °"'

Who’ s she? * * ˙ ・낙‘
iI'부 x '. * i
l'' .

She’ s Mrs. Brown.
She’ s Mrs. Brown.
Who’ s Mrs. Brown? '. 欽 :闊

* t'
Who’ s Mrs. Brown?
¼●:● ,

She’ s nㄱ y English leocher. * :・

' :

Who’ s he? * *
Who’ s he? * *
He’ s Mr. Brown.
He’ s Mr. Brown.

:: :::
Who’ s Mr. Brown?
Who’ s Mr. Brown?


.===三 奎표
별. He’ s my nㄱ usic ieocher. *

', !

Hα ve students sσ y the chα nt g to their own teα chers. .ts cα n drα w

α picture o1' bring in α photo of their teα cher for reference.

1 0
● Te● cher?
:: :: :: : ::
:::: :: :::::::: :: :::::: :::

=s lH[e

Is he o leocher?
3 +
Yes, he is.
Is she o sludenl?
Yes, she is.
Are lhey nurse’ s? ,

No, lhey oren’ I.

They’ re doclors. * * *

Is he o fornler?
No, he isn’ l.

Is she o cook? 一
一一 :

No, she isn’ l '


Are lhey teochers? /

No, lhey oren’ l.

They’ re sludenls. * * *

Ξ= 二
: : r∶ 二̇e '.vith othe1' occupα tions. Hold up occupα tion picture cα rds or pictures f∶ cm
=. = ΞΞzines ⊂ Ind αllow students to give yes or no αnswers to your prompts,
= 3 foIl l cl',v the sα

r˙ ,˙ Ine pσ tte1'n thα t is set in the chα nt (i.e., two ''yes∫ '

二드S ˙ε∶
s and one ''no'' αnswer, followed by three ''no'' αnswers .

1 1
Lefs S二 ng

Hu=nber S● ng
The Tb그 eph● ne 】

D A 7


What’ s your te1 —e —phone

nuln ber?

、 ,''

What’ s your te1 — e —phone nuln ber?

G D G 6

What’ s your te1 —e —phone nuln ber?1 2 3 —4


4 5 6That’ s 工ny te1 —e —phone nUII1 ber.

ⓩ What’ s his telephone nulnber? 闊催・What’ s her telephone nuIIlber?

What’ s his telephone nuⅡ 1ber? What’ s her telephone nuυ nbel?
What’ s his telephone nulnber? What’ s her telephone nulnber?
655 -4321 242-4668
That’ s his telephone nulnber. That’ s her telephone nuIIlber.
● ■ ■■ ■ ˇ

' '


, '
〉r ' "ρ
WhereΠ s the Bed? ’ ’
::: . : :’


Where’ s lhe bed? * *
If’ s in the bedroom. *
Is lhiS lhe bedroonㄱ ? * '. l -

Yes, it is. * *

Where’ s lhe bolhlub? * ,'-I

II’ ξin lhe bolhroom. * 'ㅗ

Is ihis lhe bolhroom? *

¨ /
Yes, il is. * *
ㅒ ㅒ염



Where’ s ihe slove? * *

e e・ eee
II’ s in the kiichen. *
Is ihis ihe kilchen? *
Yes, il is. * *

˘'中 角
Where’ s the sofo? * , ' :

s in lhe living roon1. — 田 '

Is this fhe living room? * B

Yes, il is. * *

Mα ke ne* verses using other household itelns (e・ g・ , TV, 1α mp).

1 3

畺를뇰능⅛--늚 토
畺들 苗높 톤患i튼i른i芭¡
■]■ ]■ ]■ ¡ 甬i匿 靂畺畺畺童菫늘톺블三≡≡三三≡三:三::-=:-:= :-




ThereΠ s ● L● lⅲlp ●nl ●he B二 g B그 ue T● b그 e ::

There’ s o lσ nlp Q요 lhe big blue loble

Nexl lo lhe big blue choir. * *

There’ s o col on lhe big blue sofo.

' \

Nexi to lhe big blue choir. * *

ehind— lhe sofo.

There’ s o bird」 ㅛ

Nexl lo lhe big blue choir. * *

There’ s o dog in fronl of1,lhe sofo

Nexl lo lhe big blue choir. * *







Hα ve students color these objects αccording to the description in

the chα nt. HcI'vre students rI1σ ke up new verses using clα ssroom furniture.

1 4
n the B베 巾 lb? ::::: :: ::
표re There B● ●ks 크
' ι υ
' 〈

Are lhere books in ihe bolhlub? * *

No, lhere oren’ l. ι 10
Are lhere books in the sink?
No, lhere oren’ l. * * ㄷ ⊃

* *
Are lhere books in ihe rolor
No, lhere oren’ l.
No, lhere oren’ l. No, lhere oren’ l. * * * *

Is ihere o bird on lhe bed? * *

Yes, 'lhere is. * *

Is ihere o spider on the sofo? * *

. Yes, ihere is. * * "'‘

Is Ihere o boby in lhe bolhlub? * *
Yes, lhere is. * * υ

Yes, lhere is. Yes, lhere is. * * * *

c o



는 { students to write three questions with "Are there ?'' αnd three questions
Then, hσ
: :˙ ●
.?〃 ve theln drα w σ picture to illustrσ te the αnswers
˙Ξ= neir questions. Next, hα ve the students work in pα irs to σnswer
'. "Is there.

e ∃ch other's que stions following the pα ttern 1n the chα nt 1 5
::: :.: : : : :

Whlere D● V● Ⅱ L크 ve?

Where do you live? * *

I Iive in o ho'」 se on Green Sireel.
Where do you live? * *
I Iive in o house on Green Slreel.
Where is your house?
II’ s nexl lo lhe school
Where is lhe school?
In fronl of lhe lrees.

Where ore lhe lrees?

Behind lhe school.
Behind lhe school on Green Sireel.
∃ ::

Hσ ve s、 tudents work in pσ 포rs to c1'eα te thei1' own version of this chα nt,
substituting GIeen Sfreel, scI10oI, αnd flees with other words.
Pcli1's ccln perfo1'Iyl their chα nts fo工 ' the clα ss.

1 6
Whα 【Π
s Wr● ng?::
:: :::: : :::: :::●

飭 F


wrong, An — dy?

「i l , I , l /
What’ s 工can’ t nnd Iny book.

B 1,7 E,

, .
What’ s wrong, An —dy? I can’t find Iny book.

I can’ t hear the teach —er. I can’ t roach the book¨ shelf:


F 7 BL stotυ B '’

I caI1’ t nnd 끄y penci1. 工can’ t see the board. Oh, An— dy!

A E ▷

He can’ t hear the teach —er. He can’ t reach the book —shelf’

F 7

He can’ t nn,● IIitis pen —ci1. He can’ t see the board

1 7
■ ■■■■

Lefs Le● in
・:::: :: : : :: ・::
: : :

L● ●k ●
: :’ : ::: : :・

: :: :: :: : : :: : . :
: : ::

' He:

Look ol me. * *
I con climb o lree.


Look gl me. * * '


Look ol me. * *
'..˛ -',●
=-,● :・
:.=: ,˛
押 : ,Γ ˜ ::' —
; '

Look ol him. * He con swim. * *

Look ol him. * He con swirr1. * * /
' ,・
鷺 II’ !

:食 # ::I ˙
Look ol nle. * * Ψ櫻

I con climb o lree



:‖ *儡
l-ook ol me. * * ¼
㏐ '寺

Look ol me. * *

' .
Look ot her. * She con run. * *
Look ol her. * She con run. * *

l-ook gl me. * * 'r鐸첨 ξ


. Γ驍罷 ⅛

I con climb o lree.


Look ol me. * *
Look gi me. * * 櫻
㎌紙' '

箏 =

●—-~:;:〉 ~ ---
蚩ⅲ ●
(˙ -'・ '●-'
¨● '

Hα ve three students αct out the chα nt (1.e., pα ntomirne climbing αtree,
swilylIIling, αnd running) while the rest of the clα ss recites
the chα nt. ror vα riety, substitute other verbs.
1 8
・ : :: :

o그 d =s She?
::. :: :: :::’

Hi● w
:: ::: :: : : :
:: : :—
.: ::::::: : : : .’
::: :.: ::: : : :
::::: ::: :: ::: :: :::::::: : ::::: :

:: : : ::: ::::::

': she?
How old is
She’ s three yegrs old.

How old is she? /

She’ s lhree.

Con she run? Con she jurnp?

Yes, she con.
She con run.
She con climb o free.

¸How old is he?

He’ s lwo yeors old.

˘Con he climb o lree?

Con he lolk?
He con clinㄱ b o iree.

He con counl lo lhree

He con iolk, lolk, iolk, lolk, lol

Hαve students br도 ng 二n pictures of their younger siblings, re1α tives, or friends.
Students c에 1 work in pα irs or smα 11 groups, αsking questions αbout eα ch
other's pictures (How old is she? C어 1 he tα 1k? C에 1 she reα d α book?, etc.).
1 9
: :: :::: !

k: :::::
:: :::::●

Hˇ D● -g C● n W'● 二

My dog con wolk, bul he con’ l lolk.

He.con wolk. * *

Bul he con’ l lolk.


My bird con 미y, bul he con’ l swim.

He con fly. * *
Bul he con’ l swin1.

My fish con swin1, bul he con’ i fly.

He con swim. * *
Bul he con’ l fly.

My bird con sing. My bird con fly.

Bul he con’ i soy, “

And he con’ i soy, “




'\ ,
M σke new verses using other αniΠ 1α ls αnd verbs.

2 0
'' I I
l'\ i'

∫ π I˙ ,

C●n *● ur P● nv S크 ng?
: :I⌒
-' ⊃
I ''1

'' 1 ・
← ¬¨


' C ,

卜ρ Y
Con your pony sing?
No, he con’ l.

Con your dog donce?

υ '
羽 ㎶
No, he con \

/ '''

↓ ''

Con your (’ ㅠ co unl lo four? '

Con he open lhe door?

No, he con’ l.

No, he con’ !.

No, he con’ i. *

卜 一 一 一 一

Con your fish swim?

Yes, he con.
Con your frog junlp?
Yes, he con.
C이ㄱyot」 r brolher cli" bol
Con he c0니 nl lo ・
+hr¸ e?
- Yes, he con. .

Yes, he con.
YeS, he con. * *




ve students recite the chα nt w˙1th opposite αnswers (e.g・ , Cα n your

pony sing? Ybs, he cα n.〃 ). Students cα 11 drα w pictures of tlle new

verses 어1d μ se their pictures αs references for the revi면 르 쁘으쁘
Le● s S二 屯 I

: : ::::::::: :˙

' :::: ::::: :-

The Sp● ghe‖ 크S● ng :::: : ::

Do yo11 like spa— ghet— ti?— Ybs, I do.-


---뇨 ■

I do, too I do, tOO. 二一一一

Ⅱ 1

Do you like spa —ghet — ti?— Ybs, 工 do.

D 7 G

I likespa —ghet — ti,— too.

Do you want spaghetti? Y˙ es, I do.

I do, too. I do, too.
Do you want spaghetti? Ybs, I do.
I want spaghetti,too.



Le'Π s Le● In

1D● *● u 'H]m● ● H● ●:ID● g?

Do you wonl o hol dog?

* No, lhonk you.
* No, lhonk you.

m nol hungry. Γ


I '

Do you wonl o solod? '

* No, thonk you.

* No, lhonk you. 'i

I’ nㄱ nol hungry.

Do you wonl o sondwich?

* No, Ihonk you.

nl nol hungry.


I’ nl nol hungry.

Do you woni o cookie?

* Oh, ihonk you.
* Oh, lhonk you.
* Yes, pleose.

Mα ke new verses using other food vocα bu1α ry˙ .

L어 's Le● rn

●nh S● 그●d
: : ::::: :: :

= W’

I woni o solod.
Whol oboul you?

˘ ˜:˘
I wonl o solod, loo. * *

Ted wonls o hol dog.

Whol σboul you?

I wonl o hol dog, loo. * *

¾ ⅜
Meg wonls o cookie.

Whol oboul Sue?
ㅗ '
Sue wonls o cookie, too. * * ㅑ
::: *
::'燼 一
Bil l wonls o sondwich.
Whol oboul you?
I wonl o sondwich, loo. * *

Whol oboul her?



She wonls on oro・ nge.


Whgl oboul him?


He wonis on opple.


Whoi oboul you?

Wh어 qboul you?
I woni on opple, loo. * *

Hα ve students clct out the chα nt using p포 ctures or props Substitute

the nα mes in the chα nt with the students' αctuα 1 nα Ines.
For vαriety, use other food vocα bu1α ry.
2 4
Hungrv B● ˇ Ch● n●

Whol does he wdni?:

Whol does he woni? .
Listen corefully.

, He wonls
One egg, '
ㅜwo bononos,
Three hol dogs,
Four homburgers,
Five cookies,
Six sondwiches.
卞He’ s o hungry boy. * *
He’ s o very hungry boy. * *
He’ s o hungry boy. * *
He’ s o very hungry boy. * *

Mα ke new verses using other food vocα bu1α ry.

■ ■■■■

D● es He L크 ke C● ●k크 es?
'' i

Doe트 '#'

t身 )like cookies?


Yes, he does. :::::::: :::::::: ::

:● ‥
::: ::::˙ :::::

Does he like coke? ●

:● ● :

:::● :::::

Yes, he does. ●:

Does he like ice creom? "多˛˛←


Yes, he does.
●●●:● -・ ● :-
Does he like s이 od? :::●

No, he doesn’ l. ;) :̇

Yes !

Yes !

Ice creo n1?

| |

Solod? ‘
l l

理麟 ∠少
Does he like cookies?
' 6호 D 興≡〉
二 瓦
宋f4 혔
Yes, he does.
Does he like solod?

Hα ve students work in pα irs to Inσ ke α list of three foods thα t their pα rtners
1포 ke, α工1d one food thα t their pα rtners don't like. Then hα ve selected
' students sα y t11.e chα nt using their pα rtners' infor“ 1α tion.

Wh● se ch =s Th●

Whose watch is that? It’ s Jen —nYs watoh. Whose

G D 7 G

hat is that? It’ s Jen— nYs hat. Whose books are those? They’ re
c D 7


Jen —ny’ s books. Whose cat 1 s that?˙ s Jen —ny’ s cat.

G c
I '

It’ s An —dy’ s watch. It’ s Jen —ny’ s watch. It’ s

GD 7 G

An —dy’ s hat. It’ s Jen —ny’ s hat. They’ re An —dy’ s books. 'They’ re

c D 7


Jen —ny’ s books. I七 ’ An —dy’ s cat. It’s Jen— ny’ s cat


LefΠ s T● 그

,r κ ennvΠs D● g L二 kes C● ndv

,, :ㅏ

. ' 어

KOnn s
’ likaS condy.
Kenny’ s dog likes hols.

Kenny’ s dog likes croyonis.-

Kenny’ s dog likes cols.

Kenny’ s col likes chocolole coke

Kenny’ s col likes eggs.

Kenny’ s col hos lwo blue eˇ es

ond four shorl ugly legs.

- 」

r 「---
O '、


≡¢ 、
〈꾜 ㄲ

'κ '

Hα ve the students drα w α picture of :Kenny's cα t α11d whα t it likes, bα sed on the detα 11s
from the chα nt. Students cα n use their drα wings αs references for the chα nt.

2 8
Wh● ●]D● V:● u H● ve 크n Vlbur B● g?

Whol do you hove in your bog?

Look ond see.
Books! Books! One, lwo, Ihree.
One for you, ond lwo for nle.
Books! Books! One, lwo, lhree.

Whol do you hove in your hond?

I-ook ond see.
Condy bors! Condy bors! One, lwo, lhree.
One for you, ond lwo for nㄱ e.
Condy bors! Condy bors! One, lwo, lhree.

Whol do you hove on your desk?

Look ond see.
Pencils! Pencils! One, lwo, Ihree.
One for you, ond iwo for rne.
Pencils! Penciis! One, lwo, ihree.

:'::;● :● ι

Use books, cα ndy bα rs, αnd pencils αs references for the chα nt.
Use pictures insteα d of reα l objects, if desired.

2 9

二 二二 二 三 三≡≡≡≡≡ 一
■ ■■■■■

Le' s Le● rn S● =ne :˙ :::: i :

: : :: :: ’ :

D● Vl● u H● ve ● Penc끄 C● se? -:: : :::::: : ::: :::. :: :


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■】
c G 7 c

攫騫 you have a pen— cil case? Ybs, I do. I do, too.
G 7 c

- — -ㅘ-=e'¸

e have a
p찧느 pen— cil case? No, she does —n’ t.

므:으 우
暈聿 Do you have a br11sh and coI11b? 瓣 Do yo˙ u 1lave a conlic book?

'es, I do. Vbs, I do.

工do, too. I do, too.
Does he have a brush and coIIib? ]D)oes she have a comic book?
No,he doesn’ 七 . No, she doesn’七 .





/ ˙
/'¨ ˙

3 0
Wh● ●D● es She H● ve 二n Her B● ●k B● g?:

Whol does she hove in her book bog?

* She hos o spider.

Whol does she hove in her book bog?

* She hos o snoke.

* She hos o spider

* She hos o snokei
' °

Whol does she hove in her book bog?

* She hos o snoke.

Whol does he hove in his book bog?

* He hos o condy bor.

Whol does he hove in his book bog?

* He hos o coke.

* He hos o condy bor.

* He hos o coke.

Whol does he hove in his book bog?

* He hos o coke.

* She hos o spider

* She hos o snokel
* He hos o condy bor.
* He hos o coke.

Mα ke new verses using other objects.


●●●己●已己●■已 己己
Le●쑵 S二 ng

Wh● ●T크 =lme =s


G c

What tilne is i七 ? It’ s eight o’ —clock. It’ s


tilne fior schoo1. 工

」et’ s go! CoIIle on, let’ s go! ㅛ뇨
C G D7G˙

tilne fbr schoo1. It’ s eig11t o’ —clock. Let’ s go!

출:: What tilne is it?

:::::들 What time is it?
I七 s twelve o’ clock It’ s nine o’ clock

I七 s tilne f¸ or lunch. IIet’ s go! It’ s ti工 Ile f˙ or bed. Let’ s go!

Collle on, let’ s go! Colne on, let’ s go!
It’ s tilne fior lunch. It’ s tinle fior bed.
It’ s twelve o’ clock. Let’ s go! It’ s nine o’ clock. Let’ s go!


● 米

3 2
Lefs k
ㄲ●끄 PL'、 :

) 魂{y

Wh● ●T크 ⅲ e s =● ? ㅍ
ㅍ tΠs Ⅱ ° e그 ●ek

Whol linne is il? 卒

9 ↓

' 5
II’ s eleven o’ clock. 8 나

, 5
Is il lime for lunch?

No, il isn’ l.
珏 υ

Whol linle is il?

II’ s eighi o’ clock.

Is il linle for school?

Yes, il is.

Whol lime is il?

II’ s five o’ clock.

Is il lime for dinner?

No, il isn’ l.

Whol lime is il?

! 〔
B ; 0α '

''、 - ---」 II’ s len o’ clock.






Is il lime for bed?



Yes, il is.

Mα ke new verses using other tiΠ les of the dα Indicαte the different tinles using either cI

Inodel clock with II10vα ble hα nds or αdrα w도 rlNα of α clock on the boα Id. For the σnswe1's
follow the pα ttern of the chα nt (i.e., firgt α''no'' αnswer, then α yes'' σnswe1' l. '∫

3 3
Lefs Le● rn

n the Ⅲ●rn二 ng?::::

::::::::::— ::::::— :::. :: ::::: ::: :: .
: :
:: :: ::: : :: : :::::: :: :: ::::::: : ::::’

Wh● ●D● Vbu D● 二

Whoi do you do in lhe morning?

Whol do you do in ihe morning?
一 一

Whol do you do? 一一 一 一

˘ '
Whol do you do?
Whol do you do in lhe n10rning? |

I gel up ond brush my leelh,


Wosh my foce, ond comb my hoir.

I gel up ond brush my leelh,
Wosh my foce, ond comb my hoir. * *

Whol do you do?
I brush nㄱ y leelh. *
Whol do you do? * * *
I wosh nly foce. *

* 米

' '
Whol do you do? -

I conㄱ b nㄱ y hoir.

I comb nly hoir in lhe morning.

Repeα t the chα nt using the th ird 下τ

⅞on singu1α r tense (i.e" does
she do in the morning? She gets up αnd brushes her teeth.

Le● ㄸ●re
S● ⅲ e ■
Wh● 【D● es He D● ●●S크 = ˚Π
e그 ●
ek? ::: : ::

Whol does he do 어 six o’ clock?

Six o’ clock in ihe evening?

He egis dinner ol six o’ clock.

Six o’ clock in the evening.

Whol does he do ol seven o’ clock?

Seven o’ clock in lhe evening? /1:, ,? )〉
::∮ Q
⅞ I ,

3 1

臻 注¼ ⅜/

He sludies English ol seven o’ clock
Seven o’ clock in fhe evening.

Whol does he do 어 eighl o’ clock?

Eighl o’ clock in ihe evening?
He wolches TV or reods o book
AI eighl o’ clock in ihe evening.

Whol does he do ol nine o’ clock?

Nine o’ clock ol nighl?

He iokes o bolh ond goes io sleep

Ai nine o’ clock oi nighi.

Repeα t the chα nt using the first person singu1α r tense (e.g., "Whα t do you do
αt six o'clock? ") For vα riety, α mα ke new verses us二 ng other αctivities.

35 ,

s Le● rn S● Ⅲ Ⅲ ●re
: ::::∵

: :: :: :::::—

D● es He ™●ke Up ●【S二 * 크 he Ⅲ●rn크 ng? :::::: ::::

n ●

Does he wake up at six in the Inorn —ing,

A 7 D

Wiake up at six in the Inorl1 —ing, Wake up at six in the


morn —ing? He does. ' Ybs, he does. He does. V˙ es, he



does. He does. Ybs, he does Does he


wake up at six in the II10rn —ing? He does. Ybs, he does.

He wakes up at six.
He wakes up at six.
He wakes up at six in the Inorning.

-● -●
…-,ξ :1=¸
3 6 -・

⅞응宰 薛 怖紇 ¸




徽壎 :Does he study Inath 徽罷 Does he take a bath

in th,e Inorning, in the Inorning,
Study math in the morning, T뇨 ke a bath in the n10rning,
Study Inath in the Inorning? T뇨 kea bath in the morning?
He does. Y˙ es, he does. He does. Ybs, he does.
He does. V˙ es, he does. He does. Ybs, he does.
He does. Vbs, he does. He does. Vbs, he does.
Does he study Inath Does he take a bath
in the morning? in the Inorning?
He does. Ybs, he does. He does. Ybs, he does.
(Spoken) (Spoken)
He wakes up at six and studies Inath, H:e wakes up at six and studies math,
Studies Inath in the Inorning. Studies Inath and t¸ kes a bath,
Studies Inath and takes a bath
At six o’ clock in the Inorning.


) I'

,鎬 囍


:蛭 鞋廓 櫶 ::雙 潾 患
薦 :〉 疋
Lefs S크 ng

ng? :::: :
Wh● ●표re Vbu D● 크

W'hat are you do —ing? I’ m play— ing a game


F 7 P

Watch what I do, And then do the same.

What are you do —ing? IIl play —ing a galne.

. E,B,

F 7 타,

Watch what I do.And then do the salne.

Nod your head. 豁 Cover your ears.
Bend your knees. Count to fo11r.
Stalnp your feet. Cross your legs.
Now say please” Ibuch the floor.

Clap your hands. Tb11ch your nose.
Count to three. Blillk your eyes.
Wiggle your toes. Open your n10uth.
Slnile at Ine. Shout surprise!”

Snap your nngers. stretoh your neck.
CliIIlb a tree. Brush yo11r hair. ˙
Raise yo11r arlns. Strai답 hten your shoUlders.
、Vave at Ine. Sit on your chair.
(/Repeα ιOIzorts’ ˙


. 노 :

3 8

Lefs Le● ¨n

L● ngΠ B ek H● 二r ::::: :: :::::: : :

Whol ore you doing?

rㄲ '
I’ bin g my hoir, // /'

co nㄱ bing, combin g my hoir.

hoir b lock hoir /●

ㅗ으므,잃 ~
브!으 으쏘—


뾰h요L,坦 .旦hi잊 보
She’ s combing her hoir,

Combin her lo b lock

combing her hoir.

nlbin g her long, ck oir

he doi
He’ s combing his hoir,
nㄱ bin h o rl , block hoir.
Combing, combi combin h i

Combi ng

his shorl, block hoir






Ξ二一Ξe other vocα bulα ry ι 1sed to descr二 be hα ir, such αs blond, red, brown, grcIy,
: —' :: ε lr strα ight. :Hα ve sttldents cut out n1α g˛Izine pictures or drclw their own

-.: .
es depicting people with different hα ir styles. Then they cα n mσ ke
: : ˙ ˙erses using their plctu1'es or drα wings σs references for the chα nt

3 9

■ ●●
■■巳 ●
●:巳 :==:● :E:巳 :占
● ::=========----:二 :::::--:=:==:=====================================:=L:-:====:===:======================-::====●
● ■
=:己 ===占 =:=:========른 ======:::˛
Wh● ●=s He D● 二ng?
: : : : : :
: :::::: :
: : ’ ・

Whol is he ol n

s ploying o nl e

Whol is sh
She’ s wrilin g her nome,
Wril i ng her nome,
Wril i h e

Whol is she doin

s wrilin

Whol is he doin ●
: ::.:

s ploying o gome,
He ’ ¨.:●˙

Hoying ˚

PIoying o gome. ・i. :.




Whol is he doing?

e n o
is she doi ?

s wriling her nome.

She ’

畸 堊羲

Mσ ke new verses using other verb phrα ses (e.g., counting to three,
climbing cI t1'ee). Hα ve volunteers come to the front of the roorn to
' pα
ntornirne the αctions αs the new verses αre chα nted.
Lefs Le● rn

● B● bv WU그 k크 ng?

Is lhe bo ?

No, sh n ’

s ,'

The bo s

Look! * The s wolki n

Loo *
The s wolking!
-ㅡ '

Is lhe bo by lolkin ?
he isn’ l.

Yes, she is!

The bo by’ s lolking!

l-islen! * The boby’ s iolkin g

Lislen! * The bo s lo
’ n

Lislen! * The bo by’ s iolking!
l-islen! * The s iolking!

Folloⅵ ring the pα ttern in verse one, ㅍ1α ke new verses

. using otller verbs (e・ g・ , sleep도 ng, plα ying).

4 1
Lefξ Le● rn

WhereΠs Pen때 ?
:: : :: :: :

Where’ s Penny?
ㅡ ------

She’ s ot home.



뾰hg-1:s sh으 -doing?:

ToIki n on lhe h e 申
n on l e 凸 싻 :魏

櫻 却『
l ki 이1 lhe phorㄱ e 胛
中 蟄

ToIk, tolk, lolk, lo
中 *
ToIking on the phone

Where’ s Rondy?

-----¨ ''●
s ol home


he doi
ToIking on lhe phone.

Where ore Sieve 이1d Li ?

re ol honㄱ e.

Whol ore lh ?

ToIki n on ihe h e.

ToIking on ihe phorle.

ToIking on lhe phone.
ToIk, lolk, lolk, lolk.

ToIking on lhe phone.


Repeα t the chα nt us˙1ng nα Ines of studen ts in your own c1α ss.

4 2


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