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Philips India - Labour Problems at Salt Lake

“They (unions) should realize that they are just one of the stakeholders in the
company and have to
accept the tyranny of the market place.”
– Manohar David, Director, PIL in 1996.


The 16th day of March 1999 brought with it a shock for the management of
Philips India Limited (PIL). A judgement of the Kolkata High Court restrained
the company from giving effect to the resolution it had passed in the
extraordinary general meeting (EGM) held in December 1998.

The resolution was to seek the shareholders’ permission to sell the color
television (CTV) factory to Kitchen Appliances Limited, a subsidiary of
Videocon. The judgement came after a long drawn, bitter battle between the
company and its two unions Philips Employees Union (PEU) and the Pieco
Workers’ Union (PWU) over the factory’s sale.

PEU president Kiron Mehta said, “The company’s top management should now
see reason. Ours is a good factory and the sale price agreed upon should be
reasonable. Further how come some other company is willing to take over and
hopes to run the company profitably when our own management has thrown its
hands up after investing Rs.70 crores on the plant.”

Philips sources on the other hand refused to accept defeat. The company
immediately revealed its plans to take further legal action and complete the sale
at any cost.


PIL’s operations dates back to 1930, when Philips Electricals Co. (India) Ltd., a
subsidiary of Holland based Philips NV was established. The company’s name
was changed to Philips India Pvt. Ltd. In September 1956 and it was converted
into a public limited company in October 1957. After being initially involved
only in trading, PIL set up manufacturing facilities in several product lines. PIL
commenced lamp manufacturing in 1938 in Kolkata and followed it up by
establishing a radio manufacturing factory in 1948. An electronics components
unit was set up in Loni, near Pune, in 1959. In 1963, the Kalwa factory in
Maharashtra began to produce electronics measuring equipment. The company
subsequently started manufacturing telecommunication equipment In Kolkata.
In the wake of the booming consumer goods market in 1992, PIL decided to
modernize its Salt Lake factory located in Kolkata. Following this, the plant’s
output was to increase from a mere 40000 to2.78 lakh CTVs in three years. The
company even expected to win the Philips Worldwide Award for
quality and become the source of Philips Exports in Asia. PIL wanted to
concentrate its audio and video manufacturing bases of products to different
geographic regions. In line with this decision, the company relocated its audio
product line to Pune. In spite of the move that resulted in the displacement of
600 workers, there were no signs of discord largely due to the unions’
involvement in the overall process.

By 1996, PIL’s capacity expansion plans had fallen way behind the targeted
level. The unions realized that the management might not be able to complete
the task and that their jobs might be in danger. PIL on the other hand claimed
that it had been forced to go slow because of the slowdown in the CTV market.
However, the unconvinced workers raised voices against the management and
asked for a hike in wage as well. PIL claimed that the workers were already
overpaid and under productive. The employees retaliated by saying that said
that they continued to work in spite of the irregular hike in wages. These
differences resulted in a 20-month long battle over the wage hike issue; the go-
slow tactics of the workers and the declining production resulted in
huge losses for the company.

In May 1998, PIL announced its decision to stop operations at Salt Lake and
production was halted in June 1998. At that point, PWU members agreed to the
Rs 1178 wage hike offered by the management. This was a climb down from its
earlier stance when the union, along with the PEU demanded a hike of Rs 2000
per worker and other fringe benefits. PEU, however, refused to budge
from its position and rejected the offer. After a series of negotiations, the unions
and the management came to a reasonable agreement on the issue of the wage


In the mid-1990s, Philips decided to follow Philips NV’s worldwide strategy of

having a common manufacturing and integrated technology to reduce costs. The
company planned to set up an integrated consumer electronics facility having
common manufacturing technology as well assuppliers base.

Director Ramachandran stated that the company had plans to depend on

outsourcing rather than having its own manufacturing base in the future. The
company selected Pune as its manufacturing base and decided to get the Salt
Lake factory off its hands.
In tune with this decision, the employees were appraised and severance
packages were declared. Out of 750 workers in the Salt Lake division, 391
workers opted for VRS. PIL then appointed Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking
Corporation (HSBC) to scout for buyers for the factory. Videocon was one of
the companies approached.

Though initially Videocon seemed to be interested, it expressed reservations

about buying an over staffed and under utilised plant .To make it an attractive
buy, PIL reduced the workforce and modernised the unit, spending Rs 7.1 crore
in the process. In September 1998, Videocon agreed to buy the factory through
its nominee, Kitchen Appliances India Ltd.

The total value of the plant was ascertained to be Rs 28 crore and Videocon
agreed to pay Rs 9 crore in addition to taking up the liability of Rs 21 crore.
Videocon agreed to take over the plant along with the employees as a going
concern along with the liabilities of VRS, provident fund etc.
The factory was to continue as a manufacturing center securing a fair value to
its shareholders and employees.

In December 1998, a resolution was passed at PIL’s annual general meeting

(AGM) with a 51% vote in favour of the sale. Most of the favourable votes
came from Philips NV who held a major stake in the company. The group of FI
shareholders comprising LIC, GIC and UTI initially opposed the offer of sale
stating that the terms of the deal were not clearly stated to them.

They asked for certain amendments to the resolutions, which were rejected by
PIL. Commenting on the FIs opposing the resolution, company sources said, “it
is only that the institutions did not have enough time on their hands to study our
proposal in detail, and hence they have not been able to make an informed

Defending the company’s decision not to carry out the amendments as

demanded by the financial institutions,Ramachandran said that this was not
logical as the meeting was convened to take the approval of the shareholders,
and the financial institutions were among the shareholders of the company.
Following this, the FIs demanded a vote on the sale resolution at an EGM. After
negotiations and clarifications, they eventually voted in favour of the resolution.

The workers were surprised and angry at the decision. Kiron Mehta said, “The
management’s decision to sell the factory is a major volte face considering its
efforts at promoting it and then adding capacity every year.” S.N.Roychoudhary
of the Independent Employees Federation inCalcutta said, “The sale will not
profit the company in any way. As a manufacturing unit, the CTV factory is
absolutely state-of-the-art with enough capacity.
It is close to Kolkata port, making shipping of components from Far Eastern
countries easier. It consistently gets ISO 9000 certification and has skilled
labour. Also, PIL’s major market is in the eastern region.”

The unions challenged PIL’s plan of selling the CTV unit at ‘such a low price of
Rs9 crore’ as against a valuation of Rs 30 crore made by Dalal Consultants
independent valuers. PIL officials said that the sale price was arrived at after
considering the liabilities that Videocon would have along with the 360 workers
of the plant.

This included the gratuity and leave encashment liabilities of workers who
would be absorbed under the same service agreements. The management
contended that a VRS offer at the CTV unit would have cost the company Rs 21
crore.Refuting this, senior members of the union said, “There is no way that a
VRS at the CTV unit can set Philips by more than Rs 9.2 crore.”

They explained that PIL officials, by their own admission, have said that around
200 of the 360 workers at the CTV unit are less than 40 years of age and a
similar number have less than 10 years work experience. The unions also
claimed that they wrote to the FIs' about their objection.

The workers then approached the Dhoots of Videocon requesting them to

withdraw from the deal as they were unwilling to have Videocon as their
employer. Videocon refused to change its decision.The workers then filed a
petition in the Kolkata High Court challenging PIL’s decision to sell the
factory to Videocon.

The unions approached the company with an offer of Rs 10 crore in an attempt

to outbid Videocon. They claimed that they could pay the amount from their
provident funds, cooperative savings and personal savings. But PIL rejected this
offer claiming that it was legally bound to sell to Videocon and if the offer fell
through, then the union’s offer would be considered along with other interested

PIL said that it would not let the workers use the Philips brand and that the
workers could not sell the CTVs without it. Moreover the workers were taking a
great risk by using their savings to buy out the plant. Countering this, the
workers said that they did not trust Videocon to be a good employer
and that it might not be able to pay their wages.

They followed it up with proofs of Videocon's failure to make payments in time

during the course of its transactions with Philips. In view of the rejection of its
offer by the management, the union stated in its letter that one of its objection to
the sale was that the objects clause in the memorandum of association of
Kitchen Appliances did not contain any reference to production of

This makes it incompetent to enter into the deal. The union also pointed out that
the deal which was signed by Ramachandran should have been signed by at
least two responsible officials of the company. As regards their financial
capability to buy out the firm, the union firmly maintained that it had contacts
with reputed and capable businessmen who were willing to help them.

In the last week of December 1998, employees of PIL spoke to several domestic
and multinational CTV makers for a joint venture to run the Salt Lake unit. Kiron
Mehta said, “We can always enter into an agreement with a third party. It can be
a partnership firm or a joint venture. All options are open. We have already
started dialogues with a number of domestic and multinational TV producers.”

It was added that the union had also talked to several former PIL directors and
employees who they felt could run the plant and were willing to lend a helping
hand. Clarifying the point that the employees did not intend to takeover the
plant, Mehta said, “If Philips India wants to run the unit again, then we will
certainly withdraw the proposal. Do not think that we are intending to take over
the plant.”

In March 1999, the Kolkata High Court passed an order restraining any further
deals on the sale of the factory. Justice S.K.Sinha held that the transfer price
was too low and PIL had to view it from a more practical perspective. The
unrelenting PIL filed a petition in the Division bench challenging the trial
court’s decision.

The company further said that the matter was beyond the trial court’s
jurisdiction and its interference was unwarranted, as the price had been a
negotiated one. The Division bench however did not pass any interim order and
PIL moved to the Supreme Court. PIL and Videocon decided to extend their
agreement by six months to accommodate the court orders and the worker’s

In December 2000, the Supreme Court finally passed judgement on the
controversial Philips case. It was in favour of the PIL. The judgement dismissed
the review petition filed by the workers as a last ditch effort.
The judge said that though the workers can demand for their rights, they had no
say in any of the policy decisions of the company, if their interests were not
adversely affected. Following the transfer of ownership, the employment of all
workmen of the factory was taken over by Kitchen Appliances with immediate
effect. Accordingly, the services of the workmen were to be treated as
continuous and not interrupted by the transfer of ownership. The terms and
conditions of employment too were not changed. Kitchen Appliances started
functioning from March 2001.

This factory had been designated by Videocon as a major centre to meet the
requirements of the eastern region market and export to East Asia countries.

The Supreme Court decision seemed to be a typical case of ‘all’s well that ends
well.’ Ashok Nambissan, General Counsel, PIL, said, “The decision taken by the
Supreme Court reiterates the position which Philips has maintained all along that
the transaction will be to the benefit of Philips’ shareholders.”

How far the Salt Lake workers agreed with this would perhaps remain


1. ‘Changes taking place in PIL made workers feel insecure about their jobs.’
Do you agree with this statement? Give reasons to support your answer.
2. Highlight the reasons behind PIL’s decision to sell the Salt Lake factory.
Critically comment on PIL’s arguments regarding not accepting the union’s
offer to buy the factory.
3. Comment on the reasons behind the Salt Lake workers resisting the factory’s
sale. Could the company have avoided this.

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