Ces Reflection (Borbajo)

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USC-CES Reflection / Insight Sheet (Student Volunteer)

ACA-CES-13F (Rev 0| Effective on January 2017)

1) Name of CES Program: Feeding Program

2) Name of CES Activity: Feeding Program with the SVD’s
3) Date of the activity: May 10, 2019
4) Duration (hrs) of the activity: 1 hour
5) Venue of the activity: Pier 3
6) Beneficiaries: Less fortunate families in Pier 3 also victims of fire not too long ago
7) Overall rating of the activity (1 as the lowest and 10 as the highest): 9
8) State the objectives of the activity and describe the degree by which the objectives have been attained.

The goal of the activity is to be able to help others and give back to the community most
especially to the less fortunate ones. We were able to achieve that by giving out goods that we
personally bought, packed and distributed it to the less fortunate and also who are victims of the
fire that happened not long ago. Also, for the students to practice and remember the feeling while
doing the activity and be inspired and motivated to continue giving back to the community as
much as possible even after they leave the university.

9) Describe what transpired during the conduct of the activity. Attach pictures.

We went to an area where less fortunate resides and they were also victims of fire that occurred
not long ago. When we got to the place, kids started running and forming a line when they saw the
white van where some of our schoolmates were in. I was actually surprised but then I realised that
they recognized the van because they did the activity in the same are before. As we were putting
all the students brought, father started distributing the foods, drinks and snacks that we brought for
them. I didn’t get to personally hand out to the kids the food that we brought, which I would’ve
love and willing to do, because father and the boys mostly did. After giving out all the food, we
were instructed to go back to school to have a briefing about the activity.
10) State the learning/insights that you have gained from the activity. (Connect to outcomes)

I learned that giving back is one of the best feelings and that helping others especially the less
fortunate is really important and easy if we really want to. It made me appreciate more what I have
and not complain with it, and always be thankful. Just seeing the smiles not just on the kid’s lips
but also in their eyes really gives me the feels. By doing this activity, I want them to think and feel
that there’s always hope and that there’s still people out there who are willing to help them and
lend them a hand. The activity opened my eyes more about one of the biggest problem in our
country which is poverty. Being a part of this event was really great; it has and will always inspire
and motivate me to give back to the community whenever I get an opportunity to do so.

11) State some recommendations that may improve in conducting similar activities in the future.

As what I observed in the activity, it started pretty good, everything was under control but
moments after, it got really unorganized. The authorized personnel must assign somebody to bring
a table to put the goods because the goods that we brought were laid out on the floor which was
unsanitary at all. Also, in distributing, it must not be in a rush because just like what happened in
the activity, they rushed in giving out the goods so the kids with their parent also rushed and
everything got a little messy.

Prepared by:

Name and Signature of Student

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