Eureka - in Andhra Pradesh 7.3 STD - V Content List

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Standard V – Content List

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Page 1

Science 76 04.23.56

Mathematics 65 01.33.38

TOTAL 141 05.57.34

Page 2
Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 01: Animals - Base of Our Life

1. Becoming a Bee-Keeper 00.01.18

2. How is Honey Made? 00.00.52

3. Rubbish and Litter 00.04.48

 Chapter 02: Cultivation - Crops

1. Farming 00.07.01

 Chapter 03: Let's Plant Trees

1. Importance of Forests 00.04.45

2. Erosion 00.03.00

3. Chemical Weathering 00.03.14

4. Biological Weathering 00.03.11

5. Physical Weathering 00.03.14

6. Plants-Germination and uses 00.07.42

 Chapter 04: Nutritious Food

1. Food for Health 00.03.13

2. Good Food Habits 00.04.49

3. Components of food 00.01.44

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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 05: Our Body Parts - Sense Organs

1. Parts of the Body 00.00.36

2. Functions of our Body Parts 00.02.24

3. Sense Organs 00.02.13

4. Taking Care of your Teeth 00.05.41

 Chapter 06: Our Body - Its Internal Organ System

1. Respiration (Breathing) 00.03.37

2. Respiratory and circulatory systems 00.03.16

3. Heart - an amazing pump 00.02.43

4. Incredible Human Machine (II) 00.03.16

5. The Skeletal System and its Functions 00.03.24

6. The skeletal system 00.02.25

7. The Human Digestive System 00.03.30

8. Digestive System 00.02.56

9. Digestive and excretory system 00.03.02

10. Kidney - The Body Filters 00.02.29

11. Neurons 00.01.52

12. Brain - The Human Computer 00.02.11

13. Incredible Human Machine (I) 00.02.57

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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 08: Rivers - Livelihood

1. Transport 00.02.56

2. Means of transport 00.03.37

3. Saving Energy and the Environment 00.05.57

4. Greenhouse Effect 00.00.00

 Chapter 09: Atmosphere - Wind

1. Air and us 00.03.10

2. The Air around us 00.03.29

3. Wind Energy 00.03.41

4. Air 00.02.02

5. Temperature of Air 00.00.00

6. Layers of the Earth's Atmosphere 00.06.00

7. Seasons 00.04.15

8. Layers of the Earth's Atmosphere 00.00.00

9. Wind 00.03.51

10. Composition and Importance of Air 00.04.26

 Chapter 10: Sun and Planets

1. Solar System 00.06.12

2. Evolution of Solar System 00.01.57

3. The Sun in the Sky 00.03.19

4. Comet 00.00.00

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Topic Name Duration

5. Solar System (The Inner Planets) 00.06.22

6. Solar System (The Outer Planets) 00.04.42

7. Planets in Our Solar System 00.05.59

8. Day and Night Cycle 00.03.08

9. Day and Night 00.02.30

10. The Moon 00.03.19

11. Our Universe 00.05.40

12. The Surface of the Earth 00.03.01

13. Lunar Phases 00.05.17

14. Phases of the Moon 00.03.35

 Chapter 11: Safety Measures

1. Safety Habits 00.02.18

2. Rules for Safety and Behaviour 00.02.51

3. Better Safe than Sorry 00.04.49

4. Put out that Fire 00.04.27

5. Earthquake 00.04.13

6. What must you do during an Earthquake? 00.01.53

 Chapter 13: Energy

1. Electricity Around us 00.00.00

2. Renewable Resources of Energy 00.04.35

3. Renewable Sources of Energy 00.02.06

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Topic Name Duration

4. Solar Energy 00.05.38

5. Solar Energy (Active Solar Systems) 00.04.48

6. Wind 00.03.51

7. Wind Energy 00.03.41

8. Petroleum (A Non-renewable Source of Energy) 00.04.02

9. Vertical Axis Windmill 00.06.55

10. Water Energy 00.01.53

11. Hydroelectric Power 00.04.11

12. Saving Energy and the Environment 00.05.57


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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 01: Bigger numbers

1. Which is bigger number? 00.00.00

2. Identify Bigger Number 00.02.00

3. Identify Biggest Number 00.02.00

4. Addition of Numbers upto Four Digits 00.00.49

5. Subtraction of number upto four digits 00.02.21

6. Subtraction of numbers upto four digits (with borrowing) 00.03.34

 Chapter 02: Multiply and divide

1. Multiplication-1 00.02.00

2. Multiplication-2 00.02.00

3. Multiplication and Division (Game) 00.02.00

4. Division (Method) 00.02.00

5. Division (Using Times Tables) 00.00.00

6. Division (Practice) 00.02.00

 Chapter 03: Smart tables

1. Tally Marks 00.04.04

2. Tally marks 00.01.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 04: Smaller lengths-bigger lengths

1. Length 00.01.00

2. Length 00.01.20

3. Length and its units 00.02.00

4. Measurement 00.00.00

5. Long and Short 00.02.00

6. Longer - Shorter 00.01.00

 Chapter 05: Spaces and boundaries-1

1. Perimeter of various shapes 00.01.00

2. Perimeter and area 00.02.00

3. Length of the Boundary 00.02.00

 Chapter 06: Angles in our surroundings

1. To Measure an Angle 00.02.57

2. Types of Angles 00.02.57

3. Identifying Angles 00.00.00

4. Shapes and Angles 00.02.00

5. Angles in name 00.01.00

6. Angles in time 00.01.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 07: Playing with shapes

1. Shapes 00.01.00

2. Shapes around us 00.01.00

3. Colour the Circle 00.02.00

 Chapter 08: Spaces and boundaries-2

1. Area of triangles 00.01.00

2. Area of triangle - 1 00.01.00

 Chapter 09: Maps and Routes

1. Floor map 00.01.00

 Chapter 10: How much does it weigh?

1. Weight 00.01.00

2. Balancing Weight 00.01.00

3. Weight of objects 00.02.00

4. Heavy and Light 00.02.00

 Chapter 11: Many more liters

1. Capacity (Conversion of litres into millilitres and vice 00.01.54
2. Comparing container capacity 00.02.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 12: Time

1. Time 00.01.26

2. Time 00.01.00

 Chapter 13: Fractions

1. Fraction 00.01.00

2. Balance the Weight (Fraction) 00.02.00

3. Sharing Chocolate 00.00.00

4. Colour the Squares (Parts and Wholes) 00.02.00

5. Colour the Circle 00.02.00

6. Coloured Parts 00.02.00

 Chapter 14: Factors and multiples

1. Multiple 00.02.58

2. Method of Obtaining Multiples 00.00.26

3. Walk on Multiples 00.00.00

4. Common multiples of 2 numbers 00.01.00

5. Common multiples of 3 numbers 00.01.00

6. Factors of a Number 00.03.22

7. Walk on Factors 00.00.00

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Topic Name Duration

 Chapter 15: Symmetry

1. Some idea about symmetry 00.01.30

2. Mirror halves 00.01.00

3. Half turn 00.01.00

4. Patterns 1 00.01.00

5. Patterns 2 00.01.00

 Chapter 16: Patterns

1. Geometric patterns 00.01.00

2. Patterns 3 00.01.00

3. Numeric Pattern 00.00.00

4. Magic squares 00.01.00



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