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Standard XI Zoology – Content List

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Zoology 135 06.32.43

TOTAL 135 06.32.43

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Topic Name Duration

 Unit I: Diversity of Living World

1. Levels of organization 00.02.48
2. Classification of animals 00.06.29
3. Binomial nomenclature 00.02.25
4. Biological Classification 00.02.35
5. Taxonomy as a science 00.01.19
6. Taxonomic categories of classification 00.03.57
7. Body organization (Germ layers and symmetry) 00.03.49
8. Body organization (Coelom) 00.02.01
9. Characteristics of living organisms 00.03.12
10. Cells to organism 00.02.52

 Unit II: Structural Organization in Animals

1. Types of human muscles 00.02.04
2. Types of muscle fibers 00.04.37
3. Blood corpuscles (Human blood) 00.03.24
4. Lymphatic system 00.03.08
5. Structure of neuron 00.03.45
6. Types of neurons 00.05.28
7. Neuroglial cells 00.02.41
8. Connective tissues 00.02.08
9. Adipose tissue 00.02.57

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Topic Name Duration

10. Structure of the bone 00.03.26

11. Body organization (Levels) 00.03.27
12. Body organization (Germ layers and symmetry) 00.03.49
13. Body organization (Coelom) 00.02.01
14. Epithelial tissue 00.04.31
15. Anatomy of the bone 00.03.00
16. Areolar connective tissues 00.03.27
17. Functions of leucocytes 00.02.28
18. Bones 00.03.45
19. Blood Composition 00.06.13
20. Study of WBCs 00.03.22
21. Blood - The RBC Story 00.03.42
22. Muscles (Voluntary and Involuntary) 00.03.46
23. Nerve 00.00.00

 Unit III: Animal Diversity - I (Invertebrate Phyla)

1. General characteristics of insects 00.05.05
2. Hydra and sponges 00.02.34
3. Worms 00.02.49
4. Hemichordata and chordates 00.02.11
5. Digestive system (Earthworm) 00.02.02
6. Earthworm 00.04.06
7. Excretory system (Earthworm) 00.02.26

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Topic Name Duration

8. Nervous system (Earthworm) 00.00.55

9. Reproductive system (Earthworm) 00.02.27
10. Circulatory system (Earthworm) 00.01.40
11. Filter feeding 00.02.27
12. Locomotion in an earthworm 00.01.40
13. Metazoa (porifera) 00.03.37
14. Eumetazoa (coelenterata) 00.03.11
15. Phylum (Platyhelminthes) 00.02.10
16. Phylum Annelida 00.03.30
17. Arthropoda 00.02.00
18. Mollusca 00.02.50
19. Phylum Echinodermata 00.01.25
20. Waste disposal (Vermicomposting) 00.02.53
21. Phylum Ctenophora 00.04.55
22. Fasciola hepatica (Common liver fluke) 00.00.00
23. Hirudinaria granulosa (Leech) 00.00.00
24. Identification of Palaemon (Prawn) 00.00.00
25. Apis indica (Honey bee) 00.00.00
26. Pheretima posthuma (Earthworm) 00.00.00

 Unit IV: Animal Diversity - II (Chordata Phylum)

1. Excretory organs of frog 00.03.55
2. Osteichthyes and chondrichthyes 00.05.23

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Topic Name Duration

3. Chordates and mammals 00.03.52

4. Reptiles and birds 00.02.26
5. Fish and amphibia 00.03.31
6. Circulatory system in amphibians 00.01.38
7. Bird flight 00.04.23
8. Chordata (protochordata) 00.03.16
9. Subphylum Vertebrata 00.03.37
10. Agnatha 00.01.30
11. Superclass Pisces 00.05.18
12. Super class - Tetrapoda 00.04.54
13. Class-Reptilia 00.02.52
14. Class Aves 00.05.11
15. Class-Mammalia 00.04.46
16. External anatomy of frog (Head) 00.02.12
17. External anatomy of frog (Trunk) 00.02.29
18. Respiratory organs of frog 00.04.00
19. Blood vascular system - Frog 00.03.37
20. Fish 00.04.11
21. Bony Fish 00.00.00
22. Frog (Skin) 00.03.34
23. Brain of frog (Structure and functions) 00.04.01
24. Reproductive system (Frog) 00.04.25

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Topic Name Duration

25. Scoliodon (Shark) 00.00.00

26. Bird (Vertebrata) 00.00.00

 Unit V: Locomotion and Reproduction

1. Structure of Cilia in Paramecium 00.01.15
2. Amoeba 00.01.16
3. Types of reproduction (Asexual reproduction) 00.03.40
4. Flagella (Bacterium) 00.02.12

 Unit VI: Biology in Human Welfare

1. Nutrition 00.02.39
2. Effect of drug and alcohol on the nervous system 00.06.21
3. Malaria 00.04.22
4. Filariasis 00.02.45
5. Worms 00.02.49
6. Diseases 00.05.12
7. Health 00.01.46
8. Relationships due to interdependence 00.03.37
9. Adolescence 00.06.05
10. Bacterial diseases (Typhoid and Cholera) 00.02.09
11. Drug abuse and its adverse effects 00.00.00
12. Study of common disease-causing organisms - 00.00.00
Entamoeba histolytica

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 Unit VII: Periplaneta americana (Cockroach)

1. Cockroach 00.03.01
2. Digestive system of cockroach 00.02.39
3. Excretory system (Cockroach) 00.02.38
4. Nervous system of cockroach 00.01.47
5. Circulatory system in cockroach 00.04.17
6. Respiratory system of grasshopper 00.03.23
7. Reproductive system (Cockroach) 00.02.39
8. Compound eye - Cockroach 00.01.53
9. Gait in animals 00.02.23

 Unit VIII: Ecology and Environment

1. Carbon cycle 00.02.03
2. Food chain 00.02.52
3. Forest ecosystem 00.02.12
4. Biomes 00.02.42
5. Land pollution 00.02.16
6. Ozone layer 00.03.37
7. Soil erosion 00.03.11
8. Biomagnification 00.03.47
9. Environmental pollution 00.02.06
10. Food chain and Food web 00.01.12
11. Sources of Air Pollution 00.01.36

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Topic Name Duration

12. Causes of population growth 00.02.11

13. Relationships due to interdependence 00.03.37
14. Living organisms and their environment 00.02.12
15. Nitrogen cycle 00.04.08
16. Phosphorus cycle 00.03.57
17. Water, soil and sound pollution 00.03.01
18. Energy flow in an ecosystem 00.03.48
19. Air pollution 00.02.59
20. Ecological pyramids 00.05.07
21. Pond - The Underwater Ecosystem 00.04.13
22. Water pollution and its effect (Eutrophication) 00.03.14
23. Global warming 00.02.25
24. Food Web 00.00.00
25. Soil decomposers 00.02.59


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